1967 Ford F700 Dump Truck, can we get it running again?

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thank you hey it's Mark here at Cedar Falls Farm I finally decided to take the starter off the Old Farm dump truck I've had problems with this thing for some time got where it didn't want to start this is this is it 67 Ford F700 with a very heavy duty dump bed on it our farm dog link is out here to help me I kind of like him being under there with me this is a kind of a stupid time of year to be honest with you to be working on this stuff here in the South we have copperheads that's our worst snake to have around we have also uh not in this area you can find Eastern Diamondback probably about 45 minutes south of here but uh occasionally you might find a Timber Rattler but they're not they're not too common but in this area copperheads that's what we have to worry about copperheads wasp bees yellow jackets and an itchy nose from the allergies but here I am I'm going to work on it anyway hot time of year and uh I want to get this thing knocked out get it back running and then once I get it where it will start as it should I need to do some carburetor work on and I hate doing carburetor work and the worst thing is I've deciphered most everything about this truck from the serial number but one thing can't nail down is the actual engine size and it has some casting stampings that kind of lead me to believe that it might be a 352 that was used this year it could also be a 360 or maybe a 390. don't really know but if I pull that carburetor off should be able to find some marking somewhere on it although I haven't yet and the old carbs used to have a tag with them that people could easily remove might make it a little more difficult but not going to worry about that today we're going to get started here I'm going to grab a couple of wrenches off of my golf cart this looks like a one-half here we'll get these off uh this old iron a lot of times there's four wrenches 7 16 one half nine sixteenths and a five eight you can do almost anything with them I'm gonna grab one half and nine sixteenths because I believe this is the one half here let's go ahead and try to get this knocked off real quick a little bit loose there there we go all right battery is disconnected now we're going to climb underneath the truck which is the fun part and by that I don't mean fun it is not a bit of fun so let's pull this magnet base off and get under the truck here and I'm gonna try to give you the same view that I have if I can ah yeah foreign here we go see if I can get this to stick somewhere I'll maybe give you a good view up here what I'm working on oh it's so terrible Maybe maybe I can do this without it being in the way I believe that's a 9 16 I hate laying in this ah yes ah come on come on wow oh maybe not oh there we go there we go that works better right size is always a good thing great it's not going to work on this one oh it feels like a brake line up there in the way of course nothing should ever be easy come on trash in the face lovely okay oh break loose ah yeah probably 40 Years of crud and dust and junk up there coming down to my face ah it's been so long since I've changed the starter I can't remember if I only have these two screws or there's probably another one on the top that I can't reach from the top have to get it from the bottom ah crap oh man foreign [Music] of course not [Music] I won't get this out of my way come on foreign will it fit come on of course not we don't want things to be easy if it was easy anybody could do it oh yeah okay ladies and gentlemen Safety First always wear safety glasses old mud and dirt in the face and oil this is not fun especially in your eyes okay that's it man we'll reach it and turn it looking good looking good got it yes I'm gonna stick that back on that's the positive lead go back to the ground over here trashing my ears on the ground yep sorry about that slowly but surely oh man another hand of the hand I have mice under here running around open the hood and one ran down the back side of the engine I hear it scurrying I'm not afraid of mice but damn I don't want one in my face okay in the pocket oh yeah loose okay in the pocket oh of course well let's try to feel around see where there might be another screw maybe up top yes all right I will have to get back up top see if by chance I can reach it ah let's look under here so this is the okay let's see if we can feel our way back in here foreign yeah I hate pushing you push on wrench it's a good way to bust your knuckles when it turns loose I didn't have much of a choice here all right let's see come on I hate when I can't see what I'm working on just best to close my eyes and feel and try to imagine there's no click click on this ratchet rich I just hope it's backing out feels like it is doesn't feel like it's tightening up that's what I'm looking for there we go well not exactly what I was looking for but it's loose and that's what I wanted to do I'm getting them back in is going to be fun but hey one step at a time I would really really really really like to not crawl back under that right now ah but I think I'm going to ah yeah oh Mouse house crap okay and all the golf cart out of the way ah so all in the start I don't like that you've probably got a bad seal somewhere I hate mice all right it's on the ground I'm gonna see if we can get underneath here right quick maybe take a look together ah there it is way over there I want to get in here and see if I can knock this Mouse dominium out oh hey it knocked the ding oil drain screw out that's why all is leaking jeez oh man have I ever got a mess here jeez oh man I'm gonna have to dig all this up get it cleaned up good there's a starter it popped off when it fell it knocked it off I'm about to find that cheers okay I feel better about this but I don't feel good about all this down here on the ground on my farm okay I see you on the top side okay I want to share what happened that looks like a plug off of an old automatic transmission and it was actually on the oil pan it's just stuck in there it's not even screwed in it's pushed in a thousand wonders I drove this thing probably about four hours from Georgia back up here to the farm in southern Greenville County and uh I'm surprised that didn't pop off I hadn't taken time to change the oil haven't driven it that much but uh yeah that's not good at all so I'll have to uh probably re-thread that and put a proper oil plug in not good not good there's a lot of things need to be corrected but that that's really terrible right there we'll get that corrected I'll dig up the dirt here and haul it off and get everything cleaned up so I don't have a little environmental disaster here on the farm I hate that but I wanted to share what happened when it fell down it just bumped that and it popped right out because it wasn't screwed in okay well let's grab this and I'll see you on the top side PTO shaft if you will comes out of the floor and goes back in allows us to operate the dump I like it's been welded together there and it's held up by a piece of ski rope so I might have to do something a little better with that that's not good at least put some proper brackets the uh fuel lines on this that whole thing sucks it's not good but it'll it'll have to do for now I'd like to change over it's got a big metal tank there big steel tank I'd love to have an aluminum tank on it a lot lighter with a pickup down in the bottom it uses a click clack fuel pump which is not ideal it hasn't been chemical fuel pump that's been rebuilt and the mechanical Works somewhat good not great uh I brought gloves along so I wouldn't get my hands dirty so much for that but I have a couple of paper towels left with this out of my face out of my eyes okay I'm gonna work on this top one now I'm gonna stop for a minute see if I can get to it and then we'll pick the video right back up okay back up top side here on the back of the golf cart just taking a look that's the uh positive side it's rusted pretty bad and uh we may not have been getting good float electrical current through there so I'm going to clean this thing up first and I'll take my jump pack and see what it'll do with it if not take it apart and clean it up looking the gears look good on it so no issues there just hoping that it wasn't a good contact which would suck for as long as I've been letting this thing stay broken down but yeah we'll we'll get it we'll get this thing running again and I've got some things I want to do I want to move some dirt around on the farm I need to dig out some places put in drainage before we have our big farm and music Day next year so let's go in to my workbench and see what we can find out on this thing okay I've cleaned off the post the positive so we're going to instead of jumping along let's see if we get anything no spinning no engaging we got a bad starter okay now do I even try to do something with this or take it I'm leaning toward take it to a guy that specializes in these old starters I might just tear into it I can't help myself I'll make a decision we'll see okay well I've decided that I'm going to see what I can do about this thing maybe not a whole lot but worth a try no harm no foul I got a little PB Blaster on here it's probably never been taken apart and if it's original it's 50 some odd years old if that's the original engine in that truck which I don't know hit a straight blade screwdriver thank you ancient Hardware would that without the PB Blaster I probably wouldn't have been able to break this loose stuff works so let's talk on a personal level for a minute while I'm doing this today was a follow-up with my rheumatologist I've been with a rheumatologists for probably three years a little better and tried several different medications different things trying to get the a little bit of arthritis relief and I have just regular old osteoarthritis we started with Celebrex by itself it did okay but it didn't really resolve the issues then we went to Celebrex and Plaquenil which was one of the drugs this malaria drug anti-malarial and it really didn't help and you're on a risk of going blind with it so after six months we decided not good let's stop that and then he asked if I'd ever take an antidepressants and I looked at him funny and said no I said not for depression we can use that to treat lower back pain and arthritis pain so he got my attention he put me on it two weeks one a day and then we changed up to two a day I've been doing that for probably four or five months and it's working which is incredible I don't know how but it's working so we uh we've made progress on that but unfortunately about two months ago heart issues really started kicking in in 2008 I had a heart attack and had four bypasses just clogged arteries all it is and bad genetics for sure and good steak probably but we uh we I say we like I've got a mouse in my pocket I was getting ready for the event that we have out here we have a big farm day and uh have music a lot of live bands a lot of different Farmers come in vendors and just have a great day at the farm a free event every year and uh leading up that we were building a huge stage and I started having issues with afib again I haven't had that in a while and then tachycardia and a lot of other things that I get one problem solved and another one comes up but I am having an ablation a week from today that will be on July the 12th so I don't know when you'll see this video maybe by the time you see this video I would have had it and be recovered by then so we shall see oh a lot of nasty stuff coming out foreign so I've been kind of taking it easy on the farm I haven't been putting as much stuff out as I want to and issues with editing I'm going to try different editing software and we'll see how that goes so this thing is has a lot of trash in it I mean a whole lot of trash oh wake it off see some copper that's not good all right then the more I shake it the more falls out of it yeah it's not in too good a condition this is what's not happening it is not throwing that forward and spinning I sprayed a little PB in there earlier to try and loosen it up a bit there was a time when you could climb under and tap on it anybody that's messed with old Vehicles knows when a starter stick you go in there and tap with a hammer or something or a wrench and it'll turn loose but this one is uh I think it's seen its better days unfortunately there's some points here that don't look too bad a moment ago I had a piece of sandpaper here that would clean it up a little bit but I just tossed crap everywhere making room on my table I uh I had some people help me get all my tools and everything up from building the stage and I said just put it on the workbench and we'll straighten it out later and I hadn't felt like it and now I'm starting to feel like it I've spent a good bit of time putting stuff away and then pulling it back out and unfortunately I have scattered things to the four corners of the Earth so yeah I think I'll work on this a little bit more and uh probably do some more video on it later I'm going to take it apart and I will probably record so that I know how it goes back together but I'm likely not going to include all that unless I really just Zing through it so I will stop and then start back and you may see it you may see it at like double time foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you hey good afternoon it's Mark here again been doing a little work on the uh starter for the 67 Ford dump truck and I couldn't get it to actuate properly but have tinkered around with it and I'll show you what's going on now so as you can see I have the red wire hooked up let's see what we can do here [Music] that's what it should be doing I have uh really cleaned it up good it wouldn't do that the other day after I worked on it cleaned it and blew it out real good get all the trash out I'm gonna step over here in the shadow a second maybe you see me a little better but I have uh ordered a new one that I'll be putting on at least a remanufacturing should be here later today sometime I'll put it on and we'll pick up on it then I've also ordered oil a new plug for the oil drain I've got a temporary one a rubber one like what was in there that got knocked out and caused it to drain out I've ordered the cartridge type filter to go into the canister so everything should be coming along good on this old dump truck so let's see what happens when all this comes in it might be tomorrow don't know how Amazon's going to deliver the parts I've ordered but we'll see and that will show up next in just a few seconds for you foreign hey good afternoon here from Cedar Falls Farm it's Mark again we're about to get started on the 1967 Ford f-700 dump truck I have new parts that's come in and I have some great help with me today I have linked the farm dog back who is this my name is Oliver these are my two grandsons they're going to be helping me on the project today trying to get this done anything you want to tell the folks subscribe yeah all right please subscribe support our channel so I need to clean out the mouse dominium down there that's inside the bell housing where we put the starter and that will be the first order of business I need to put a new plug-in drain plug for the oil pan and here's the new starter the old starter that actually I was able to get working again we have a new oil filter in here and an oil filter housing it was faded black and Rusty I want to be able to see if we have a leak so it is a nice bright orange and in this part of the country I think people would refer to it as a Clemson orange but for me it just happened to be paint I had on hand so we're gonna put some castor oil GTX full synthetic oil in and put everything back together today and hopefully get this running so we'll get started here in a minute I need to do some pre-planning and climb under the truck they climb under here [Music] that's the most thing that's the most thing guys and it looks pretty bad under there and right now um oh wow 's owner is is under there under the dump truck wow fixing it clean out all that mouth stuff up wow oh there's so much in there I think I've gotten most of it though what's in there those mouses are gonna a mouse dominium the mouses will regret that they did their home their home their little home there it's a very large Mouse house ah lots of old leaks under here they will regret regret that they built there I'm sure they already do buddy all right okay [Music] all right we're we're going to try and get an oil plug in but it's going to be a temporary plug unfortunately I uh ordered one I thought I might be able to get in there and I can't so I'm gonna put a temporary one back in and the next Oil Change will be inside hey guys so we will get this temporary in it's hard to get it going proper I just want to make sure we don't have oil leaking out this should work I hate doing stuff like this but I prefer to not have oil leaking out at all go back in and tap it out and put a proper one in when I have time foreign there a little bit tighter ah yeah so what happened the other day is when the starter came off it dropped and hit that and knocked it off okay staring you out there buddy did he yeah yeah Ollie can you come around for me take the pliers thank you sir would you hand me some paper towels I'll wipe this thing off that way we'll be able to tell if we're having a leak thank you sir all right I'd really like to pull this old motor out give it once over might be a good fall or winter project all right we're good here okay all right we'll get together on the next part here in a minute okay we're gonna try to get this oil filter up in here now let's see what we can do here without getting trash in it ah yeah I lost my helpers they uh it's hard to keep them Focus out in the heat and trying to learn some new skills but they do help with things a little bit especially when I'm under here and they can hand me a tool or something all right that's tight enough I was able to get that hand tight with the with these latex gloves on that's a pretty good twist there this won't move it's sealed in so we've got a good tight fit on the new oil filter and this this all I got to tell you this all that was in here smelled horrible absolutely horrible so I'm hoping this is going to make a difference do not like this thinking oil plug at all already after wiping it off I have a little bit of oil dripping off there see it and I haven't even put oil in it yet so that's not good I'm going to tweak on that a little bit see if I can get it fixed and then I'm going to move on to getting the starter in I probably need to take the ground loose there's the ground up there I want to take it off clean it up good buff that down and make sure that I have a good contact point so that we can ground and uh make sure I've got a good circuit going through and get this thing to start off right off the bat but that steady drip there even when I haven't put oil in it concerns me I'm not going to put oil in it until I can make sure that I've got that stopped okay I will try to at least keep this rated PG uh going to be easy nor fun oh Lord yeah Maybe foreign I'm not going to get too excited because I have one screw started out of three come on okay and I'm not gonna get excited because we have two screws started out of three ah with lots of trash in my face still and there's still a little drip there I'm not happy about that okay hell that's the one can't do we'll get it finger tight then we'll have to use the open end of this wrench it's not a lot of clearance between the bolt head and the body oh yeah no this one needs to be good tight it's the ground lead Ford does not have a solenoid mounted are these old Fords don't have a solid one mounted on a starter every connection has to be good you've got to have a good circuit going through or you'll end up tearing up the starter burning it out that that one it's tight get this one a little tighter here all right click that's good the other one's torque that one's torqued I'm gonna suck our positive line up then I'll go top sliding to have one impossible bolt to put in that I would have loved to have one of my grandsons still out here one of those little hands little nibble hands reaching in man ah can't have everything okay there's just no good way to reach up in here with two hands I think I've got it started yeah I don't know if you can see that because there's an exhaust pipe in the way I don't know maybe Maybe let's pop this loose we can oh I can't do this one-handed my hand is hitting and crooked this will be nothing short of a miracle all right for trying to share this is not working well all right I'm putting it back over here you're going to have to imagine what I'm doing here I don't even take it yeah it's not in the right size of course everything but that one as a half inch so I'll have to act like MacGyver something like a Swiss Army knife it's a Gerber hand pincher I don't have the new style Gerber multi-tool I've been using these for years and these when they were designed the engineers had never used tools in their lives and it never pinched their hands and I think Gerber has made a lot of progress since because I love Gerber products but man this thing is terrible all right good got it right up there next to the exhaust manifold that's not gonna work that is not gonna work I mean it worked a few times before we cook it and I don't want to cook it yeah so we'd move it down and out of the way I hope you can see what I'm doing here I am trying to get this thing moved around there we go opposite okay we're getting getting some of it out yeah very tight okay and it's away from the exhaust manifold so we won't burn that off I'm not a fan of being under this big truck I'm a big guy and this is not a pleasant situation to be in even a leaky Tire could smell down all right good there we still have a little drip from the oil [Music] tools no tools left all right oh but we did leave a camera I'm sorry folks I didn't mean to leave you under the truck all right you can see what we did I rattled it away I hope you can see that and I will tie it up with cable ties to make sure that we don't leave a mess there's a a slow drip over here until I get a proper oil screw plug in there the drain plug that's going to have to do I'd really like to take that oil pan off clean it up there's a few leaks around it but there's so much to do on this old truck just means more content okay and there's link the farm dog extraordinaire link just stick it up say hello yep he's chilling okay I'm crawling out join me on the top side alrighty now we're on the top side I'm standing on a golf cart and trying to feel my way to find oh man lean across a battery jeez this is not a lot of fun there it is how do we even get in that oh oh no no no how the heck did I get this thing out of there oh I'm haired kind of close your eyes and hope for the best wow nope oh I don't want to climb under there again I might be able to reach it better [Music] okay yep just not what I was hoping for not at all okay let's see what I can do oh oh Maybe oh maybe ah yeah I hope you folks can see what I'm doing because sure as hell can't ah yeah okay okay come on oh come on come on [Music] nope oh nope where the heck can I get this thing out foreign I don't even know how I'm getting my hand in there now how'd that even do that okay nope I mean there's not even enough room to turn it okay I gotta climb back up here and think about this I don't know I am baffled how in the heck I got that out it has to be shaped different now let's see what we can do here foreign going behind the exhaust manifold look that's going to work I won't give it a try though oh oh geez all right thank you [Music] okay that looks about right yeah hello nope got to get the right length there all right and get in there hit my finger I'm on it awesome and impossible not even close wow I just don't know thank you yeah I knew that that first bolt went in way too freaking easy this one I can put my finger on the head of the bolt and that is it I mean there's no other way ah let's see think about how this hits the flywheel can I back it out and get more room I don't know just don't know I don't want to do this there's days like this I wish I had never learned squat about mechanical days like this apparently I didn't learn Squad about mechanicing oh geez uh if I take that all the way out they're just going to fall on my head and I don't want it on my head I'll get it started if I can get it started and going a little ways in there I can get close I might have some clearance I just can't get my hands through here ah where I could find some little hands oh grandsons yeah that love to come out and see what's going on I don't really want to learn wow foreign get a bite bite bite oh I think I'm getting a turn I think I'm getting it to turn ah yeah come on baby comma come on baby whoo you know I'm probably gonna there's a lot of this out if I can get my editor software to do halfway decent this is ridiculous but I'm getting it whoo okay Maybe here okay foreign I think I might be able to get a wrench in there to slide over it maybe Maybe if I can get just a little bite because honestly I couldn't see the thing when I was doing it before so I'm gonna try I'm gonna get that half inch and I'll slide back under here you know at least I don't have to worry about laying in the grass anymore worn it off okay sure slip that thing in there the wrong way oh that ruined that day okay all right oh I got a quarter turn all right all right let me get in here and see if we can get this thing to start now you guys now it's time to start it up you think you can start up okay contact [Laughter] work if it doesn't work if it doesn't work after all that work let's try it again the uh quick clack fuel pump is not working so we gotta hope maybe we can get it far off with a little bit of this and prime it don't file it there buddy all right there and you ready you're gonna try again contact [Music] [Music] [Music] well what do you say we take a ride everybody I'm going to take this loose and I'm going to put you on with me on front and let you ride on the front so we will get this thing going here let you look at the sky for a minute I'm gonna put you on top you'll never be able to hear foreign foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign keep rolling no we're not rolling oh okay ah well thanks for coming along for a little ride and uh hopefully some of you stuck around until we reached the end here and went on a test drive I took the choke off a little too early and we choked down at the End of the Street there but it's running it's running we're good my little helper's here you guys want to say anything thank you for watching yeah all right well tell come on Ollie tell them thank you for watching what else should they do subscribe yeah yeah all right and that was amazing yeah so I'm happy to get this done it's been deadline for way too long and I've had a lot of need for it and I've just been doing things the hard way around here and I'm getting too old to be doing things the hard way and I'm just thankful that it's running again appreciate people sticking around with us and seriously if you would support our Channel if you don't mind you know when you have time share like help with algorithms maybe help us grow a little bit and uh hopefully I can start putting out a little more content pretty soon hope everyone has an awesome day thanks for joining us here at Cedar Falls Farm
Channel: Cedar Falls Farm
Views: 14,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #farmlife, #f700, #oldiron, #dumptruck, #1967FordF700, #redbeast, #willitrun
Id: eIv4J-LXyFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 41sec (5201 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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