All your Questions about the Prophetic are answered here!!! || Prophet Passion Java

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[Music] so this morning we're going to learn from the man of God and and I tell you what I've seen in the last two days behind the scenes is is mind-blowing and I have for a man of that spiritual capacity can I tell them your age are you ready to hear this he's 30 years old [Applause] [Music] if you're ready to learn something can you give him a warm Emanuel welcome as a prophet of God the major senior prophet fashion Java [Music] profit profit profit to the profits so I just want to stuck with with just we don't know the your full background but you were born in Zimbabwe but right now you are in Washington DC how did that transition happen just I was born 1987 October 29 as the 50 born in the family of six I'm the last born boy and there's a girl behind me and I have a brother is a great apostle great man of God God uses him worldwide his name is a a posto be java and have another brother with a prophet that's why I'm not prophet Java prophet passion Java was this prophet job already it so happened that in 1999 I grew up singing Jews and I thought everyone can see angels but in 1999 I saw that Lord Jesus face-to-face and he anointed my head with oil I felt power that I've never felt again from that day and he said I've called you to be a prophet of prophets in Zimbabwe and all parts of the world it shall preach ABCD it was a long prophecy when I wanted to share it with my brother that's when I felt there is something different I could not say it I was shaking every time I wanna say it I'm shaking then in 2001 I start preaching I grew up in Assemblies of God our family Nasim's of God 2001 I stopped preaching in which H Arawa school a disco assembly as a prophesying chance events what will happen during so committees and stuff like that and then 2009 you said what would happen in in a soccer match before the match happened so 2003 we study the church me and my brother got Abednego of grace that's my brother's church and I moved around different cities also ministering in his church branches and I'm my own branch as well then 2009 got me to leave Zimbabwe for the first time and go to South Africa to start another branch of his church so by faith I went to South Africa without knowing anybody then I got in the road I got there God provided everything was okay I planted the church then Jesus told me to go back home and start my own church 2010 me and my brother we we are family because of my love for him it was impossible for me to do that so the only wisdom I could do was to maintain my brother and also to obey God so I started doing Saturday interdenominational services then Sunday I'm serving in his church but God toward the end of 2010 that this is not what I wanted to do I wanted to study change I had 5000 members I got 5,000 people within three months I was all over newspapers TV stations everyone Zimbabwe they were talking about me because of the gift of prophecy that I was displaying them and he released me 2011 I cried everybody cried in church when you called me to pray for me to release me I didn't go I remained sitting down I didn't want to be released releasing exactly God told him to release me I didn't wanna go but God told him is my time to leave so I left him destroyed my church I left October I could not study and because I didn't want to divide this church or to take any members from him the sign of a song so I waited for some months then later on I started my church when we wanted to advertise we did posters and everything driving to deliver the posters within car accident and this is the Mac which I came out with that cow was right off it was impossible for anybody to survive but it's only me who came out with a scratch everyone who came was like how many people died nobody died who was the way people like we align people never believed it but we started the church and God been faithful from day number one with two hundred one of his service this is in Zimbabwe okay and we grew in numbers and 2014 I came to America as a preaching in America all over the world different places I prayed in more than 50 countries right now and after that I set myself to obey the voice of God when God was telling me to move to America because he said there is a special revival that is about to take place in America and God is restoring the prophetic office around the world but the movie is going to start from America so I I went to America and that's where I am right now with my family my wife my son and the one coming soon that means they tell us something about your wife she's she's a full package yeah you know sometimes people they they praise their wives I just don't I only say that truth she is beautiful inside his beautiful outside now people who don't know she prophesizes just like the Prophet and and I saw one of the videos I was amazed and she couldn't come this time because she's pregnant and hopefully next time join me next time sugar remember this is now our church so next time she will be a say that she'll come and on oh but be here and we'll be blessing people when I met her she was prophesying that you know when you don't have a mentor you're prophetically was not way you are supposed to be so I prayed with that I unlocked it in the prophetic and right now she she can shock me I want to thank you for unlocking us as well amen [Applause] I want you to help us a little bit because like just like you said you grew up in a conservative Church and so there is this this understanding that you know profits must be humble by just riding on a donkey and you know and and then how do you if you don't mind me asking how how do you explain how God perceives it like the Gucci Christian you know like I posted a picture myself in a Lamborghini yes and my former pastor called my mother okay and says he have become a Satanist what people don't understand is that our God is not physical God is spiritual so anything tangible cannot move God we can have our own iconoclastic tendencies as men but when God is moving he looks on the inside not the outside whether you have a Gucci or you are naked God is not going to change is will always plans over you in fact when he visited the Adam Adam and Eve went naked naked which means you don't need a suit to meet God you can meet God in your pajamas but what we as men did was to introduce a doctrine based on who we are if the pasta is preaching without money the pastor will say blessed are the poor and I grew up in the church well if you drive a better car you don't have the Holy Spirit if you wear Rolex you don't have the Holy Spirit but when somebody comes and bless the pastor with the house you will change the same one the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob so there are things there are things as prophesied there are things that are physical and there are things that are spiritual but people they try to intertwine both i prophesy tremendous down youtube I was in LA California that promise had a men a million dollar breakthrough and within 48 hours I became a millionaire 48 hours some people have seen it already 48 hours I was live on my facebook life the ones that I do every day and I said there is a one man I'm singing my spirit you are supposed to say seed of $1000 there's a million dollar flow that is coming away this man the government should have given him those millions it's like six months he should have been given that money but nothing was taking place he gave a seat around 2 o clock at 4 o clock he received an email of the transfer that they did to his account when God is blessing us he blesses us according to the needs we need in the physical when we pray to him so it's not about your money is not about your car it's not about your dressing that can never move God that is why a lot of people have been confused because some say women mustn't preach yeah but when God is looking at you he is not looking at your flesh your spirit is not female your spirit is not milk so when he's looking at you he is calling your spirit he is not calling your flesh for the sake of argument now they have to go into the context now and say why is Paul writing it Paul is not saying that says the Lord there was a problem in one of his church branches when ladies were taking over and he wrote to them and he said the women mustn't preach then he is so the other church branch was affected and he wrote to them and he said there is no man there is no female so everybody started taking that doctrine which Paul was giving to control the situation that was taking place in that specific Church what we have to understand is that when God is moving God will raise someone like Tabora and it is not an out of confusion where you use the power and come in these days and say no I cannot use a woman to God we are all equal if there is no ma'am there is no female so whatever we do in the flesh is on us but the spirituality is on him so whether you have a Royce voice or you don't have a Kyle you can meet God in a Royce boss you can meet God well as you're walking with your feet you can meet God in a mansion you can meet God in a one-bedroom house you can meet God in your suit you can meet God Wallace you're naked he is not a God who is moved by what is on the outside but he's moved by what is on the inside of our spirit I'm going to take a little liberty to share with the church what I saw what they may not be able to see I hope you can stop me I the man of God was so kind enough to show me his bank account yesterday can I proceed no I won't tell the numbers I want the numbers I was shocked with the way he gives I was shocked like I have never seen so people would judge him by what they see on Instagram but they don't know his personal life they don't know how much he is given and he it wasn't even he didn't even show me six months he was just showing me what he he gave him the last 30 days two men of God my mind was and I came off saying God I need to sell my house and it is sell my car I need to give everything because I see that he doesn't just talk it and and you live it what is sacrificial giving to you why just was not as to understand the revelation because many people think that this is a gimmick for the church to get money or profits to get rich but I seem to think that okay was there other pastors prophets are posters that do gimmick in church I do abuse there are a lot of people that do that and then there is the principal and what we are dealing with is the principle the principle of giving can never be removed by prayer there are things that you can never pray for but you can only give I would say I was not taught giving by any man or any pastor our start giving by God himself I was taught how to type by God I was taught the prophesied by God and God told me the only way you can break poverty is to the power of giving I'm sitting I'm saying I'm not poor my family's fine I'm okay everything is fine but God is looking at me and easing poverty in me and he said the only way of breaking poverty is through giving and from that time I was challenged to give and I gave and within few hours I received it the same thing I gave and money on top and I said these things they awakened can you tell us the wedding story the four days to wedding oh my wedding I I was in Jamaica and I only had 16 thousand and I gave I was prophesying and there was one Lee gal she didn't have money for school fees I said how much is this a two thousand something so I gave Lee that from that and another pastor came the past I was saying my church is about to be taken obesity I can't hear him ten thousand but when I went home I felt so strong in my spirit it wasn't God telling me but I had this push in my spirit I felt I have to do this so I called the pastor was boasting me to call the pastor and say let's arrange let me transfer the man I transferred ten thousand I'm left with three days to get my wedding while he was there God released this supernatural provision when the peppers wrote my wedding they wrote $100,000 wedding come on I never used any dollar someone is coming with this amount the son taking this someone is doing this someone eating this and everything's put together within three days through the power of giving come on right now I don't have a car I wanted a Lamborghini and I gave it and as now I don't have anything but I know when God begins to open the door for you to harvest from what you have thought oh your life will never be the same again your life will never be the same again so it's just the principle that is in the power of giving given this or be given back unto you right let me just explain it give you should ask who because what you give determines what you receive so you should ask who it's a be given back unto you you should ask how a good measure he should ask of what pressed down shaken together together it's a combination of two things so what is it and what is it running over from where so give to the Prophet for example right it shall be given back unto you how it shall be pressed down shaken together with the ability in him the anointing in him press down shaken together running over is an overflow now of the measure you have given together with the ability in him then you shall be given that which means if you give to a blind man begging in the Train it shall be given back unto you the same measure of what you've given press it down with the ability in him that is why some people become become beggars when they have never become when they were never beggars that's why when Jesus was sitting they said let us say with this oil and give to the producers and know the poor you shall always be with them because you believe in giving them I am anointed the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he have anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor Jesus is telling now we preach the gospel to the poor because every time money leaves your hand is buying something there is no money that leaves your hand without trading with something so anytime you put your money in church you are getting a transfer or something that is why you see that whenever the devil is moving the devil is a trader the devil cannot do anything without reading the Bible says he came to Jesus changed the stone to become bread right in another way they were saying Jesus you are the stone of the world you are the rock of all ages give me your position I'll give you my position which is temporal again he said I'll give you all this kingdom if you can just about down to me he was saying become my son and worship me and our trade then give you the kingdom in return whenever the devil is coming to you what is looking for is a trading that is what if you are not anointed the devil never come to you when he came to some song he said I'm going to give you Delilah you have sex with the Delilah and you give me your power it's a trade that's why when he got to Delilah he lost all the power because every time you are anointed that there was sense something in order to trade with what you have so every time God is blessing you be careful of traders because the devil is going to come and trade with the power of your gifts to trade with the anointing you carry that is why many pastors are stuck they are highly gifted but you see them stuck in one position why because every time God is releasing the anointing they're going to slip around they are trading the anointing they are trading the gift so people must come to that place where they understand that in in the realms of the Spirit there is a trading things can be transferred for example if you come to give to the Prophet there is a transfer the anointing you sustain is the anointing that maintains you the widow he had a cake and sustained the anointing of Elijah and the anointing of Elijah maintained the cake for three years because the anointing news10 is the anointing that maintains you so went to Samuel and Gabi a seat when he left his summer he started prophesying for the first time because given this shall be given back unto you good measure pressed down shaken together running over it shall be given back unto you so there was an overflow of his measure and the anointing in the Prophet he had traded with the Prophet and he had got into a place now where history prophesy the Bible says in the day Samuel died God stopped this speaking to so even in dreams why is no longer sustaining the anointing that's why I went to a witch doctors they bring back Samuel so that God can speak to me again he knew that without Samuel it is not easy for me to hear the voice of God so people must know the depth and the power of giving that you can never receive what you never sought for you can never have it unless you sow a seed you can never collect unless you connect so a lot of people they don't want to connect but they want to collect and it doesn't work this topic I know a measure an expert on this topic is by the way yesterday was was really really one-of-a-kind experience to me because in the afternoon I took him to lunch he barely sleeps I don't know how he lives like this he slept at 6:00 in the morning so you can imagine it's the same the last three days and so he's sitting over the lunch is like oh I I was sleeping and I saw the entire meeting already I know what's gonna happen tonight so I'm sitting there saying come on so I'll just just talk to my people for a minute I'm thinking saying come on you better explain that to me what do you mean you've seen the whole meeting and then he starts explaining there is a lady on the left and she has the first name as the lady on the right and you know what happened yesterday right so those who didn't come yesterday where the world way you you're missing out on what God is doing in the house and and and then he starts explaining what is going to happen to me in the service and now I'm freaking out thinking oh my god this better be right because I haven't heard something like this and then when he had came in the service and to see exactly the events unfolding just like how he saw it in heaven whoa that is something so whoa we I'm telling you this this is another dimension of prophetic this is not just trying to guess work how many of you have I mean if you understand what I'm talking about so I am we have so many questions on this week but but since we don't have much time I want to ask when you say I'm no longer here I'm I'm in this place or I'm in heaven does that how does it work like do you see a video is it let me check it to the therefore world people understand demons more than angels okay when a witch is coming to your house to be with you her husband will be kissing at the house but his spirit is in your house I don't know people understand that but we believe you okay let's take it into the Bible okay when Elijah was eating KFC in the house gay as I looked at him and said the man is eating let me follow Naaman and take the cash when he followed naman so for those who a new prophet naman was somebody who came to the Prophet for help and he brought gifts and the Prophet didn't want to accept his gifts because of his heart yeah and on the way out the servant pursues the guy who was a guest to take that gift okay and he came back and he said since the man did not see this let me let me hide it the moment he entered inside the door in the room the prophets is man do you know that when you left I left with you we were together I was walking with you the man said no I was careful I looked left right and center you are not there said my spirit went with you and came back with you the money that you took you didn't only take cash there you only took leprosy from the man of God and you check this Wow I have leprosy humans and I'm not gonna do that naimans leprosy jumped with the money to him that's the power of giving trading one lady had HIV and only came and said I only have ten dollars I said and I don't need your money give to the church she gave ten dollars went she was checked healed of HIV Wow Naaman released a gift together with leprosy and the Prophet said when you took the money you also took leprosy but what we are talking about here is that it has spirit of Elijah well this is eating he was traveling he's travelling they said Elijah the prophet is gone who shall prophesy us they said there is one more dangerous his name is Gotha Elijah he can tell you the conversation you are having with your wife in the bedroom he can get in your bedroom and tell you what you are wearing what is this in his house you be know that we call it a spiritual trance our desire ain't already I already give me order with my wife is packing to go to Kuwait so we are in in transition I already so I'll ending in question they saw a tow man with a beard here that's like fluid so father I say father come on you guys are to Thailand for this today that's her father he's got a French beard wow I didn't know that go deeper prophet you can't keep quiet now come on makes a lot how did this start like well will become like how did you get so precise number one you can never be effective without study study study you can never substitute study whether your preaching or your professor you can just say open your mouth and the Lord will give you what to say the Bible says open your mouth and I'll fill it right what is he gonna fill it with with air if you open your mouth right now it's gonna fill it with air but when you study you have something onion in your intellect so that when you begin to flow God only brings remembrance in your spirit there are two levels of prophecy there is one level code Assam and there's another level called bara si si si H which means to create from something then bara is to create from nothing so the level as is found in the Book of s Corinthians chapter number 218 around base number nine it says we know in part therefore we prophesy what if you know big you will prophesy big so limitation of your prophecy is on the knowledge you carry that's ASSA right I was in st. Lucia professing to Chinese telling them their names change change and change in their street names I mean this chanting and a change in children and to change they're shocked I don't understand Chinese language I don't have a clue of what I'm saying that level is called bara but Assad is when I come in there professor that your name is Mary I already know the name Mary but when I say June it's a tongue to me I don't even know what is truth that's bara so God operates with you riding on the knowledge you have then there's a level way he operates in his knowledge to you so as sad you need to study it's it's just simple you need to study you need to study what is cancer that is why when you tell me those sicknesses you are telling me last night it has be like I need Marie Laveau to operate here was I don't know what I'm dealing with a man walked into my church the videos on YouTube I don't know I mean people watched it and men who came into my church and I told him you are crying because you don't have a passport thieves throw your passport and he said yes I said the name of the thief is this bum the last name of the thief is this the phone number of the thief is this on the video you see the men calling that thief I watched that video watch did write that that is available on YouTube and they give said no I don't want what you're talking about it's a lie I prophesied the address of the thief it took the police and he went with the police and they saw the passport in the house another one I prophesied in June I professor that December Nelson Mandela is going to die six months before it happened as prophesied did ya the month the day the minute the second the place and what will happen during the funeral and that Obama would be and Obama will come and give the speech and I gave the speech which he was to give which he repeated on the day you gave it and I I stood in front of my church seven days before his death I said he is left with seven days there is nothing we can do to change it I prophesied the ambulance that is gonna come and pick him the number plate of the am planes the one will be driving it it was just accurate that's one is bara you can't know you can't have any knowledge about that but I can have knowledge of accidents and I can have knowledge of cans and stuff so it's easy for me to come and say three years ago yet cancer why it's in my knowledge that people can have cancer so if you don't study if you don't know what is cancer you don't know what to professor you can you can professor person say your name is cancer well is the person has cancer getting an information and you don't know what so a lot of people that people thought prophets were wrong they were not wrong they were not empowered India Assam so they failed to interpret what they said there is a man called III walked in in a and I saw a man and I saw Maradona scoring with the hand I don't know who knows that event Maradona scoring with the hand and I said did you play football he said no do you play soccer no what business did you do you have anything to do it so I said no later the oldest piece back to me says no no no ask him what his name I said what is your name he said my name is Diego the soccer player soccer players Diego Maradona ok so you were seeing the player I just saw him scoring that's it ok so God was expecting you to interpret that God wanted me to interpret yesterday I prophesied your men here when I looked at him I thought he was from France yes and his name was Francesca but his name was Francisco so I not the Prophet we just end in saying I'm seeing France I'm in France and the man says I don't know what you're talking about and people say is wrong but in few seconds the Holy Spirit Francesco Francesco I said who is Francesco said my name is Francesca do you see somebody very shy in me nah I see a lion in me I see a lion inside the ship is there times when when when a word of God it was from God but they didn't come to pass a lot of times how why that's when one major key is first Corinthians applet 18 it says tongues will cease prophecies will fail it's God Himself telling us that prophecies will fail so it's a guarantee so what would be some of the reasons why it would feel another time it will be me was wrong okay I can miss it I can make an error how do you explain when some people say but in the Old Testament the prophets were not supposed to error they were supposed to be stoned to death it's impossible no nobody's perfect perfect means I don't have anything wrong with me and it's impossible everybody I've got some errors everybody yeah the problem is people put prophets in a pedestal and put them somewhere they where they see them as God but the honest truth is we had the same so why would they be was like that in Deuteronomy that if if prophets prophesy doesn't come what what God was telling people to do is don't put any prophet was not equipped and ordained and approved in front of people okay so how will that function in New Testament when we encourage all of us to prophesy if I prophesy for example if i prophesy you right and I say the Lord is gonna give you 15,000 tomorrow there's only two people that got it anyways you now need to make that prophecy come to pass it's not on you okay because there is what we is called a conditional prophecy so you need to sort a seed you can never have this money without the seat so once a prophecy is given if for example I can prophesy a prophecy from God and say God is giving you a job in the next 30 days and you don't make any series you don't apply for a job just sit at home and say you switch off your phone and you are sleeping at your house how is it going to happen so when God speaks if my prophets is correct you need to make it correct on your side - marriage breaker is coming to somebody you need to go and make makeup and dress better and smell good that last part is very important Bible so once prophets is given done sit down act on it heaven does not act heaven only reacts you act and God reacts you act and angels reacts so even can never act but it can only react so once a prophecy is given refined heaven can never act heaven can only react you act and heaven reacts the bypass is a draw nearer unto me and I God never says how we will draw nearer to you you draw near unto me and our droney so you make a step I make a step but people are saying we are waiting on God God is wearing on me or two so you act and God reacts and once you act and God react something happens God came down himself and he said to the Israelites you are going to win the battle today people celebrated they went to the battle and the god D opted them to overcome the enemy because God have said it right the Bible said that when the king of the enemies saw that we are being defeated he went back to his country and took his son who was going to be the next king and he sacrificed him and when God looked upon this sacrificed got the changed and the left of the Israelites and supported the enemy and the Israelites felt they lost the battle and they came back they said why is it God told us that we are going to win yeah but we lost the battle it's because the enemy you have sacrificed highest sacrifice so I can come here and prophesy oh I see your boyfriend is coming his name is Jimmy and he's gonna be wearing size number seven shoe and he is gonna be holding a diamond pen then a prostitute to go and make a sacrifice for Jimmy Wow I don't I don't know what will happen after so woman who is a believer goes to that the church and says no no no Lord don't let Jimmy go anywhere else I need this Jimmy they add things that the prayer cannot do only the power of sacrifice the Israelites prayed they praised God for the victory and God told them you are going to win then go changed and remember just a few weeks ago we said that a Gentile King came and offered his firstborn as a sacrifice and the Bible says a rat came upon Israelites and they fail the word that they were supposed to win yeah and that's that's what referring to Wow Wow so that's amazing if if you can teach us because many revivals were tainted because they went off tangent and in our church we want to encourage profits we we are blessed to have many leaders that God has raised in the last three years blessed to have faithful children but if you can tell us how can somebody who is newly handling this gift what precaution should they take so they don't you can't be in front of the people to prophesy unless you're approved the Bible say let people prophesy but let there be two or three prophets to judge when you are approved that's when you can take the mic I never studied on the pulpit outgoing prophesied to trees to grasses in the forest prophesied to my mango tree in our house in a place cotton focusing that the forming was were fell down in the morning come in the morning check and see three men was an anomaly right here god what what is the program to modern go to tell me dating past it was going to rain I wait for the rain teaching past - exactly the rain comes down so now when I stand in front of people and say these things I was in the closest first before I stopped officer in front of the people so I would say the a prophecy is given to you for you then the prophecies that are given to you for people in my church I would tell someone who says God has spoken he had told me await for this one also give me in that word then I will be the one to say it to that person if I approved that it is from God the reason being if I give it a platform and you prophesy it's not all the time you gonna go to get it right another time you are going to miss it but people already believing in you then there's what is called the pressure the pressure of the gift where people can press are you to prophesy while this code is not speaking so people they start doing gimmicks now it's not like they start just scaring you you are going to die you're going to die your child is going to be a mute child what type of a god is that come on there's a difference between a pristiq prophet and a minor prophet a pristiq prophet is someone who have compensations with God and mine appropriate someone who only hears from what because they are to live was a prophecy that is prophecy in the realm of men then there's prophets in the realm of God God says I'm not like a man who lies or repent of my word that means if God is repenting his prophesying in the realm of men Abram qu son tomorrow comes they do not curious on why a repenting is a prophecy in the realm of men this is a prophets that I can come and say all the TSA's the Lord you are going to have an accident tomorrow it's the prophets in the realm of men it can be changed that's how you see the Ninevites were able to change the mind of God and the Jonah said about a prophesy judgment you are going to die no no no they changed and they repented before God therefore God changed his decision over them as the Prophet was told you are going to die not the king put your house in order in days and number two are going to die and the King prayed to God and God changed his mind and he said O king you are going to live for more fifteen days why because in the realm of men prophecies are given for a change you are going to die of HIV God is trying to say change your behavior change your character stop slipping around and if you stop HF is no one happened so a pristiq prophet will come and say God showed me that you are going to die of HIV you're going to meet this man business and that but a lot said if you can change your behavior I'm going to touch you and I'm going to save you from HIV if someone comes here he can tell you in the ramble of spit I saw you chatting with your husband you are sleeping with the father-in-law prophets is not there to destroy prophecies there to build so if someone is not made sure enough is going to come and destroy families destroy houses there are prophecies that you can give with wisdom then the prophecies you can give in privacy then the prophets who can give publicly it's not like I don't see what you do in the darkness but why would they come and embarrass you in the church the Bible says the prophecy comes to exhort to comfort and edify the body of Christ those are the only three signs that there is a maturity in the Prophet and if a person come can come to that extent way everybody understand the Pope it is not for everybody is for people that are approved in the power of the gift thank you we there is a struggle especially in the North America or the more developed countries where there is a feeling that you know the President and I are equal it's democracy you're not better than me so you you we are all same so the same thing sometimes comes into the church where say hey don't tell me to not prophesy who are you to stop me I can have the same freedom and you don't sometimes we forget that submitting to the authority even when you are seeing visions that there is a blessing but I have noticed in the last three days how many times you kept on like every conversation you honored one of your leader what is honor to you there are principles and operatives that can never be overridden by my anointing a 50 year old the drunkard men can walk into this church right prophetical I'm higher than him right and when ting lever I'm higher than him but he may be married for 40 years or 30 years married and I'm married for a few years physically I need to learn something from him because he have a certain type of maturity that he can give me and advise me in marriage Moses was the one of the greatest prophets one of the greatest prophet ever but Jethro never said the said a lot but because of the maturity in yatra Moses went to sit down only to listen to him why because of maturity I'll put it this way who is highly anointed gifted and with speaker authority than whoa Jesus or John the Baptist Jesus is obvious right but John started ministry before Jesus when Jesus wanted to start minister you went to sit under John the Baptist and John said Wow the man I'm looking at you behold I can't even touch is there such a shoes he is too anointed and Jesus said does not the principle I want you to touch my head imagine being given the opportunity to lay your hand on Jesus and dip him in the water John is supposed to run away god what have I done are you gonna kill me after this automatically you lightning will strike you before you touches it but there are prophetic principles that if Jesus can submit and I either own creation what my borås they asked Jesus who shall we give the moolah can we give cash to the church can we give the church money to the Caesar Jesus was supposed to say Oh Stephen God belongs to God give everything to God but he understood they are principles that can never be overridden by the anointing takes have to be paid no matter how anointed you are he says give Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give God what belongs to God is very important my own mother was my father my own mother she caused my father spiritually she considers us she sees me as a father but I never see a daughter a coming no no no no no no don't we always fighting no no no no you are the man no no no you are the father no no no no you are the mother because I know my place I may be anointed but I still have to respect my mother so people you have to understand there are authorities they are authorities the authorities that we can never go above no matter Moses is anointed God Himself needed approval from Pharaoh for the people to go Pharaoh is demon-possessed right but God is empowering Moses to impress Pharaoh so that Pharaoh's ago highly range is Moses highly unlimited is Moses than far Oh father doesn't even know what is the Bible but without a go-ahead from Pharaoh nothing will happen and ten times he kept saying 10 times until his own house is threatened by death what is God not killing him Authority we can never attempt around with authority so no matter how unlimited we are if you are my brother I have to respect you if you're my sister I have to respect if you are my mother I have to respect if you're my teacher have to respect you I have to honor everybody give honor to whom honor is in the flow of the conversation I heard you say something beautiful revelation on Judas who give honor to whom honor is due but sometimes when you see brokenness in your leaders how do you react to them and I heard you talk about how Jesus anointed Judas how would you react to the brokenness of a leader there is a person passion and there is a prophet inside passion total different people Abram said this is my sister and it was given cash in exchange of his sister Wow Farrah wanted to sleep with Sarah God left heaven came down returned this man he doesn't have a name God is not moved by his name for he is a prophet God is moved by his office as a prophet that means the abraham lied to me god never spoke about Abraham God says he is a prophet because he's a prophet retain his wife he shall pray for you if he doesn't pray for you you are going to die which means we can never temp around with the office I can defend my personal life but God duty is to defend his office that have given me Judah's is anointed this is what pastor Benny Hinn taught me last Sunday when we sat down for dinner he said Judah's was placed in the office of an apostille by jesus just because he's in the office of an apostille Jesus can touch him he knows that Judas is stealing money in the church but jesus never touched him he never spoke anything against him he even never told Peter or Luke or battle on me that he is stealing this guy why the office that he gave to Judas was sensitive he said one of you is going to betray me Judas left Jesus never that will you see him it's him he never pointed anything away a man in the office is dangerous you can't jump around with him when he betrayed Jesus Jesus resurrected from the dead and made it suppose in the episode did you see what that Judas did the office that he God placed Judas was what protected Judas the Holy Spirit want to come down now the Bible tells us something important the Bible said before the Holy Spirit came down the disciples acknowledged that the office of Judas is to hear even when Judas is gone and they said let us replace Judas and they fill his office offices they are there before we are born they'll be there when we are gone there was Obama in the office of a president there was Clinton in the office of a president there is a Trump in the office men they come and they go but the office will always be there so you can speak about the person but never speak about the office which he is in it's very dangerous but people now need to understand this once someone is in the office it removes this edge it removes anything about him you can't look at him and say the person is just 30 years old numbers they don't matter in the office if a five year old boy is in the office Cordia president if he says destroy some Bubba right now Canada Army will be flying to Zimbabwe why it's not the boy is the office profit this is dominated stuff I'm telling you right now I can see a lot of head knowledge theologians making a scramble on their hair heads burning but thank you for sharing that I'm gonna push the envelope to just ask you in in the last 45 minutes of talking did you pick up anything did you see anything [Applause] there is an angel moving on the computers and the computers then I was taken in the rooms of the spirit when I said teaching and I saw a young man a boy and I I saw a letter L and sou I saw a K and the computers there wasn't him look come because I saw the angel standing at the computers then professor I saw lú kè and I was taught that there is a special blessing that is upon his life I don't see you in Canada for a long time I'm seeing you in America I'm seeing you in Los Angeles ah and I looked in the spirit I was seeing that Seco and I was seeing that Universal Studio log and I saw him sitting on a computer he was in holding a camera but they were like pictures and there was like an editing that was taking place paper and I hear that there is a term that will come more awake for Universal Studio pictures something you will be doing a lot of editing and stuff I don't know if if you can go to school for editing or anything but your future is tied up for that work where you'll be designing and making pictures and this 21 days he was fasting to know whether he should go to Los Angeles or not when he goes speak to me polygon I was taken in the realms of the Spirit I'm no longer here I was standing in 1892 and I saw someone who was like a photographer in their family this is like the green green green green ones and I saw the same grass coming upon his life because after that I saw someone in 1913 but after 1913 I saw someone by the name Diana Diana your grandmother is like 19 I'm like 1929 I moved in the rooms of the spirit and I saw the name Diana and I saw the blood moving and I saw the same grace moving from 1890 something and I moved in the rims of the Spirit I saw Diana holding someone like Adam your uncle but after Adam I saw a lady in the rooms of the Spirit when I looked at this lady I saw her standing next to Abraham [Music] Ouisa Brown what's your mother's name Sarah Sarah come up Holly goes I saw a lady standing next to it to Abraham this is Sarah prophet you are Sarah you are the mother was Diana your mother that's same grace from 1893 I saw it flowing through your blood into this one and the law says my blessing is in your house who is Adam Adam Adam Adam my brother your brother the law says that is a blessing that is already in your house and I'm about to bring a turn around in his life so in Sunday morning I was behind the cameras behind the screens just doing my own thing making sure that the cameras were getting all the shots not even thinking about what was happening and before I could even think I was just hearing the letters of my name lú kè and I couldn't even think I was already running up to the stage prophet had spelled my name lú kè luke and he called me up on on the stage with him and before I knew it he started going into 1893 1903 going through my old genealogy he called that my mother Eagle dove my father he called up my sister thank God we have a God that that sees everything that knows everything sometimes we don't know that he he he knows us but just just the details that were said it really shows that God sees us and he's really watching us thank God
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 74,288
Rating: 4.8351731 out of 5
Keywords: passion java latest, prophet passion java, the most accurate prophet in the world prophet passion, best prophet in america, prophet passion in canada, THE BEST PROPHET OF ALL TIMES, AMERICAN PROPHET
Id: mSO_S9Wy3lE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 1sec (4021 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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