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outside you start thinking that's who you are huh but it's not about the outside is what's on the inside that tells you that I am about to manifest myself into another level I flip the descriptors and they say men and the main name is job when I saw job now I saw that when God wanted to double the blessing in his life he sent forth the anointing to remove everything that he had in his life the anointing starts by removing in order to add when you want to add God says you have to remove when the anointing comes upon you it goes opposite of what you go by your mind which means that things of God can never be figured out by the power of your mind but it takes the spirit man in you to understand the next move of God God is about to take this switch into another dimension of the prophetic but for another level of the prophetic to take place in this church they have to be prophetic problems for prophetic manifestation they can never be a prophetic manifestation unless there is a prophetic problem that is why when the anointing came upon Jonah now the anointing had to create a prophetic problem for a prophetic manifestation now they were they came as from that began to threaten the bot which Jonah was in and people thought they were going to die not knowing it's only a situation for a revelation whatever you are going through right now it is not the devil doing it it is the power of your anointing because before you go up higher the anointing incas you down and if the deeper you go is higher you shall be taken from one glory to another glory God taught me to tell somebody you have been anchored down you have been incurred in your finances incurred in your prayer life you feel powerless whenever you pray it's because the Lord have been anchoring you down because it is the prophetic word that takes you down in order to live to hire I just come to tell somebody that you have been in hell for a long time I came to tell somebody you have been going through sickness for a long time I came to tell somebody that enough is enough you are about to come out with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ Thank You roellig awesome it used to start from a prophetic word and it ends with a prophetic word God says in the book of John chapter number 2 is so come to pass that I'll pour out my spirit in the last days the young men shall see visions the old means or dream dreams and the young boys so professor here and Peter student accepted Wednesday this is what was spoken by Joel every time God releases a prophetic word it has to come to pass but for the prophetic word to come to pass their problems that comes with a prophetic word I wanna speak to somebody come back when the prophetic word is released the Alevis that you walk through because the God takes you into a pit before the fulfillment of the prophetic word Joseph was placed in a pit why in a Peter P I t represents a prophecy in trial a prophecy need to be tried before it comes to pass I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost ye can have one Gill to come up here one lady to come up here thank you thank you whenever a prophetic word is released I'm going to give you an example huh give me a hurry can you check out your ring thank you when you see a man dressed in a nice suit and a nice sit in a nice watch approaching you now and going on one knee is an example and going on one knee and say I am engaging you what is happening in the realms of the mind the men have given here a promise that any day from now if you throw it I am going to come back and have a wedding with you engagement is not married but engagement it's a promise for a mediation but everything about your promise changes your future when somebody promises to marry you it changes your dressing it changes your friends it changes your behavior it changes everything about you if any guy like the gaffer prophet comes now after he proposes and it tries to talk to the lady the lady simply have to flip the ring and say I am taken I feel it coming in this place the reason why she's flipping to show me that she's taken is because he doesn't need any destruction she's throwing away every man because he has a promise because the promise changes everything about you but guess what now if the man comes back after two years and say my friend I was joking with you thank you I was joking with you people don't understand why the lady is going to take a gun and say you can't miss upon me oh yeah because the golfer came and I kicked him out the other guy came and I kicked him out only because you gave me a promise I told my momma I'm taken I told the guy that wanted me I'm taken but I was not taken only the power of a promise changed my life but now God says I'm not a man who lies or a minute that repents of his word when ever I promise you it got to happen it has to come to pass I feel the anointing of God moving in this place God is saying I have promised some people in this place and my promise you've changed your future some of you you were drinking three years ago huh some of you you were smoking more than a Jim Beam three years ago huh you were drinking more than a feast three years ago huh but when Jesus came into your life he give you a prophetic word that's a flipped everything about you I'm ruined anointing of the Holy Ghost now your dressing of Caesar now you can go back to the clubs now you can't hang around with the people that you used to hang around with because of the power of the promise so when it God speaks this prophetic word it is a promise about the future now the promise when it comes it becomes to bring faith because the faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God when it God gives you a prophetic word it begins to build afraid on the inside of you and if faith it cause things that are not as though they which means if God sees you America you don't have to wait until the main comes to say I am now married you can say I am married because the God said it and is not a liar I wish I can talk to somebody tonight when God says you are a millionaire you don't have to wait for money to come you got to believe and know that cooperate cause things that are not as though they are Peabody Baha do you ship a house do you have a car Sydney but do you save money huh neighbor are you a millionaire neighbors say I am not always say not yet because it's only way coming to you I feel the anointing of God coming right about here God is about to bless somebody with what you promised you he said you shall sing around the world it so come to pass he said you're a millionaire shall come to pass but in the language of faith we don't say it shall come to pass the reason is because the power of prophecy prophecy means profits is an event that already took place in the spiritual realm not yet manifested in the earth realm but in the realms of the spirit it's already done I'm just waiting in the spirit is already done so when God speaks it it means he already did it you forces in and he's waiting for the manifestation what delaying the manifestation now is the prophetic problem when the prophetic problem comes and you run away you are running away from the prophetic manifestation so every now and then when you are crying in your problem you are delaying the manifestation every time when you are complaining to God you are delaying the manifestation but if you can sit in the middle of your problems and say the Lord you've given the Lord of Tekin blessed be the name of God my is my son is dead my money is gone but blessed be the name of God because the God is God before the car God is God with the house because before the Lamborghini God was there before the month stone God was there the body's not moved by material stuff I don't praise him for a cloud I don't praise him for a house because the house contribute Jesus money can't give you Jesus but if you seek you first the kingdom of God [Music] shall be added into your life because it's already yours now they came a prophetic word in the Garden of Eden that if you shall carry a seat inside of you that so destroyed the head of the serpent and this neck was traditional bruise the heel now when ever a prophetic word is released there is a spiritual warfare this neck is coming to buy to you and you are lifting up your feet to crush the head of this neck it's a spiritual battle that's why your sound is doing drugs right now it's a spiritual battle that's why your momma is sick right now it's a spiritual battle but I came to tell somebody you don't have to fight because the battle is not yours just wait for the manifestation of the prophetic word in the word is the same power that shall bring the manifestation Jesus because in all that you went through in life you are still alive you should have died by now but look at you now every problem you went through strengthens you empowered you made you bigger done before her thing is nothing that devil can bring this season huh that is new into your life please there done that too he died I'm Stewie oh yeah you sit in few minutes huh I'm about to close I want to behave but I feel something moving in my spirit I feel like speaking in other tongues I feel like promising somebody is a prophetic manifestation that is about to come to pass what in your life because of all the problems you went through God says I'm about to do something new that if God you will not believe now I want you to walk with me now Jesus is prophesied in the book of Genesis chapter number three that the truth the seed of a woman the head sub across and it's Jesus never came from the book of Genesis Exodus numbers all the books of the Old Testament you don't see Jesus but Jesus is coming in the New Testament in the book of Matthew why is Jesus coming in the book of Matthew it is because a pain had to be there and the problems had to be there so that they can be a prophetic manifestation touch your neighbor say be patient huh God is working with you God is doing something on the inside of you just be patient something is about to come to pass now number 40 is the number of maximum pain you can be paying for ten days four twenty four thirty but number forty is the maximum number of pain that is why you see all when God was moving in the Old Testament to the New Testament God you to move when it reaches number forty God can never allow pain to pass number forty therefore from the book of Genesis to the book of Malachi there are 39 books but here comes the book of Matthew as the book number 40 meaning the pain is coming to an end and a new season is about to come Jesus quest before he get to go under the cross Jesus was born to die so that he can resurrect for your sins can I go deeper before I take you higher take somebody higher are you that the Bible is clear now that when Jesus moved on earth he was moving with power somebody said power Jesus did power to raise the dead he had the power to perform miracles he had the power to prophesy Jesus was walking like a king Jesus was walking in excellence with the power oh yeah they called him a devil yes they called him a demon-possessed guy but he never said who he was but they come in one day when he God says now is the time for you to die sometimes in life you can enjoy a life all you want you can enjoy your marriage and enjoy everything around you but when God season is coming God introduces the pain in order for his glory to be seen without the pain there is no glory that's why Romans 8 since the present suffering cannot be compared with the future glory huh oh yeah you suffer in pain today but tomorrow there is a glory coming why weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the more you've been weeping for a long time what God told me to tell somebody that your joy is around the corner is about to release that glory tonight many times the holy cross body Jesus now he went into the Garden of Gethsemane for the first time we hear Jesus looking for his disciples to pray for him Jesus is the one that moved it power huh he was good excellently jumping everybody but now when it came into his own life he starts struggling and crying unto the Father Lord if it is possible let this cup possible Jesus stop praying and complaining before God the more you keep praying and complaining you are going to waste your time you are going to push the cross into the future just carry the cross now and die for everybody it is easy to do everything God told you to do as long as they don't bring death into your life but Jesus says no no no pick up your own cross and begin to follow me everybody in here have to die because if you don't die you can never is erect you want reservation but you don't want to die you don't make any sense you got to die for the power of reservation to be seen in your life that's why your business closed two years ago that's why your myriad I did three years ago it's because something got to die for something to go alive they can never be resurrection unless something dies Jesus began to cry on the cross annoy annoy last topic itani my father my father why have you forsaken me have you ever been the way you feel like gaudiya for second you huh you feel like God is not hearing your prayers you feel like God doesn't know your existence that devil is a liar in that time and in that season that you see the next move of God I fight your neighbor for the first time as a neighbor your time is now I fight for neighbors did neighbor huh your time is now it is that with a cross and it is up in the grave you can never be in the grave unless you are on the cross Jesus is crucified on the cross and she cried out o Lord O Lord why have you forsaken me he said to the people or please give me some water and instead of water they gave him vinegar it was a prophetic problem for a prophetic manifestation because if they had given him water it was for a temporal season but what God does is for permanence vinegar is the prison preposition it said to preserve Jesus there for three days when Jesus was dead in the grave so God is creating a problem on top of a problem to release the fullness of the manifestation of the next move that the Lord says I'm about to finish the work that I studied with you and whenever I do what I got to do stop trying to help me just say Here I am lord help me Here I am Lord just do whatever you want to do with me I am here Lord if it is to die I'm gonna die for you I feel like Christian what about here I feel like proposing to somebody tonight is there anybody in this place who can stay here am i Lord use me I'm available for your wedlock I got to die for my resurrection and the Lord says the old you have to die but they knew you to come back to life can I preach for only two minutes I'm gonna stop prophesy in a few minutes because I feel the prophetic war 19 moving in my spirit and SDA is just moving around the bed writing God is about to touch somebody tonight if you are ready son I'm here Lord I feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit moving about here Jesus died only to resurrect her God says you are about to resurrect in power you are part resurrecting the power of the anointing in the power of glory and the power of the excellence you are about to operate in a dimension that you've never been in you are part to move in a special way that you've never moved in for the anointing of God is moving rather party and he says unless the street dies it can never dream in it there is a prophet on the other side Jesus died on the cross but yet to resurrect with everybody in here I came to tell somebody that allow yourself to die to yourself it can be rough but its precision there is another type of a life that you want yet before that God is saying I'm about to release it in your life I'm about to bring it turn around in your life and the question is are you ready for the next move of God's blessings are you ready for the next move if you are ready start already ready for my glory ha ha [Applause] you so I've already [Applause] my money I'm ready [Music] we say memories but now I'm ready for the new level in the Holy Ghost what is it looking for someone what is happening my old life but now I want his life in my [Music] I want to leave the old beam and get the new the newness that is in Christ Jesus [Music] and if you're here I want you to leave Tamara listen I want a new life in Jesus I want to receive Jesus tonight as the Lord I'm ready for the next move our ambassador I'm ready to bring a mighty general if you are here I want you to walk in steady as we see when a prayer with you if I begin a promise come esra see [Music] [Music] [Music] and you're saying it was fun to receive Jesus [Music] they died for you [Music] and here is a beta to me the Bible says if you believe but Jesus died the father racing [Music] wherever you're watching [Music] wanted to make invest not a season tonight and say Lord Jesus be my Lord didn't be my scene give two bins shut up emotionally [Music] I saw this man in the realms of the Spirit if I came here and the Lord taught me that he have caught him for his way God is going to use him God is going to bless it too many blessings from God your future is going to be great you are going to see a mighty move of God through you you are going to touch many lives God says I have taught you to be a prophetic evangelist you sell wings Trust for Jesus there is a lady that is or praying for you for years pray and pray and pray and pray and coming to God for you the law says tonight I bring a ten around in your life I am touching you tonight says the Lord for my grace is sufficient for Amistad abajo I don't know why I don't see your father but there's a lady that I see in the spirit oh there's mother come come up with clapping hands [Applause] [Music] I released the anointing of the prophetic the power of the sphere the ability to pray not to prayers hey Katie hey Stu ha caído boss Tallahassee and along googly-eyed and on della della Moscow who join hands [Music] God is going to use you mighty you are going to see a mighty wave of the Holy Spirit through your life God want me to tell you any evangelism and I'm going to start investing my knowledge at my wedding new spirits which I began to grow up at height of my world and I'm going to position you in a place where you shop in a crusade ah I see you ministering in Canada I see you in America I see you in Germany in China our lift up and lift up hands in Genesys women journalists I want you to repeat these words after me as if Trey with me I also wanted to pray and receive this Jesus adjustment as you receive your life will never be the same your life will never be the same money the Bible says if you believe in your heart that Jesus is not the father risen from the dead we wanted to pray with me right now tell oh Jesus Jesus Lord Jesus oh Jesus say Lord Jesus or Jesus I come before you come before you I confess of my sins I give you my life I open the door my heart's open the door I said Lord Jesus come into my heart be my lord be my savior be myself now and forever in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen and amen I knew you shall witness sauce for Jesus enter comes in 3.5 million people that you stop breathe to Christ and I see you baptizing people the law says you should be a crusader from one place to another place one [Applause] there is a special grace upon this lady prophetic dreams that comes to pass visions from the Lord the Lord says tonight I released a prophetic anointing upon you our different you in reasons I will take you in two places to fight wars in the spiritual realm my blessing is sufficient upon you my grace is sufficient I have covered this house in the law it has answered your prayer our answer more prayers is the Spirit of the Living God that is the spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today I tell you [Applause] people here I feel God in this place [Applause] and tonight some of you you are going to see these angels [Applause] wherever I go I move with the power of impartation implantation replication someone you about to be boosted in the prophetic office prophetic anointing like never before [Music] receive a petition in the name of Jesus I am but the prophetic anointing let the prophetic gift [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] I'm going to Provence a lot of people tonight but I mainly came for this one tonight [Applause] I don't know if I have someone with an S or something I see nur as E I'm seeing like a slim girl a lady slim person come why is he doing that your face [Applause] the loss is because of his odds because of his humbleness because of the mixed spirit that is in him God says tonight he is tripling the prophetic is going to steep a level of double Poston [Applause] there are four angels that are coming from the dead heavens to begin to operate with you in ministry [Applause] the first angel that I see is called jackal the second angel that I see is called joelle the third angel that I see is called Jana the fourth angel that I see is called refika and Allah says these four angels of begin to operate with you when you open your mouth the presence of gosh a few the plaque in front of your eyes things are going to be tons of angels moved with the Kennecott is I shall move with you I see in party towns in the church it's a pretty class replete the prophetic that much the Lord s you fasted you so see you traveled in different places looking for this anointing yes but this anointing was already young boy Jakob is a anna hazare it shall be a powerpuff oh I see you laying your hands on Paran whoops fairness is going to be broken by your hand the lessons I put my spirit of prophecy in you you just note the presence of demons you shall cast out demons with one word powering this hostage the Lord the business I give you Italy I give you front I give you India is now Spanish prophesy I see Elijah I receive removing a jacket Elijah reporter future [Applause] your name is Elijah [Applause] [Applause] nan de la Costa Hassan emblem enormous Holly Canyon and OSA chief of Evangeline Geum dong dong kyun boom-boom Ostia dia gamble on angling again a padania Bob Tanya Deepa ten bonding and in a pathetic a day I raised a great profit among you as a raised a great profit among thee now is the time for him to shine [Music] they have been fed crawfish in Canada they've been many people that are forced that was speaking of my name but I raised put my profit in the city who shall speak the right word and direct people in the right path reward come apart expand this ministry I don't see you in this building for a long time there is a huge land did that up sing in the spirit undetected is the huge blue thing that I'm seeing I received the Lord s wish to be a voice of Canada I receive great men of God from Africa to Canada because of this minister from India coming to Canada because of this minister to like a seed planted by the riverside be a brutal old season [Music] ever Oh [Music] [Music] because when I was ministering to him I saw fire jumping from him gonna publish a tonight [Music] 6s so you can [Music] I'm going to anoint your knees I believe in miracles and I believe you walk the power of the prophetic will come upon you how God is remembering you tonight this is get it was the cry I released breakthrough in the name of Jesus I see CE o s [Music] C or s [Music] laughs I brought the sack tonight is your night I received tonight is your night I receive there is a [Music] some things change [Music] [Applause] [Music] ICS from for ferry converting falling upon the fire from BM coming to you or esteem and Allah says there is an anointing coming tonight and this anointing as it touches your life you see God is going to use both of you for his glory but we need to pray against auntie Mary spirit especially from your family science yes we need to cancer it to the Lord to raise both of you higher we will try to come and break you as you join your hands tonight the loss is what I put together no man [Music] rocket rocket prophesy [Applause] [Music] nothing interesting and even a huge golden eagle resting on your hands they see the Golden Eagle melting inside of you I received that lostness I'm giving you the ability of an ego you shall see clear my business that I sent to you I receive you shall mount up higher like an eagle I will soon take you into the realms of the Spirit I receive you sir right book says the Lord I receive I will take it to the places like Garden of Eden I will show you spiritual places you write books and educate people very conscious I'm about a touch useless the spirit of the Living God readable receive impartation wherever you are [Applause] [Music] you see when you go on tonight your lives will never be the same I receive an ahmadi God is touching with the new chance lifter parents tons of fire that prophetic anointing is resting upon you right now deliver by a time I want to speak another time I want to prophesy I release the prophetic anointing upon you right now even upon your restrict new trance right now I receive new toes right now come Maurice lévy come and receive it play play set sky at about this one is coming I'm calling you Kaaba alibagh you father I released the anointing of the prophetic from the crown of her head to the source of her faith in Jesus mighty name this one doesn't want the anointing who was the anointing in in genell's Julian Julian Julian squiggly father for my right to my left tonight is your night I see things changing in the realms of the Spirit I obey on a Monday in a Moscow [Music] I don't know what this man is but there's a man that I'm seeing in the coffin this is in the past I saw you cry there's a man that I'm seeing in the coffin I don't know where your father is he passed away I saw him in a coffin but it was a premature death the law says the spirit of premature death is being cancelled in your family there is someone who is not feeling well right now I see someone who's not feeling well someone who's sick the law says the spirit of death will not touch him and the spirit of death will not move prematurely in your family what happened to your father the law says it will not happen to you it will not happen in a family for my grace is sufficient says the spirit of the living [Applause] you ate my spirits are you ready for the [Music] Masters sit down we receive powerless just leave it sit down you will receive it sit on attendance are you ready for the money are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready father in the name of Jesus touch touch touch touch in the mighty name of Jesus Christ from my right to my left I release the prophetic anointing in the name of Jesus mighty name of Jesus we are credible Selassie I isara pious Sandra Sandra Sandra no they said lady this one Shibata some people are prophetic this out is my sister when a prophetess attacked reacted are you here disappearance ha Alice is your highly favorite language is this Ukraine French French going to [Music] but you why do you say prophet ISA so it's been a bit or a Mamba radius turn the most Adama radius typifying pragati acocella apparently a separatist though the law says you are highly favored you are a woman of faith we have achieved a lot of things because of the gift of faith that is in you there is a recent dream that you had she's already not another power but if you hear mentalism she saw a dream and I need to interpret a dream right now you carry a prophetic anointing in a spirit you are a dreamer God been showing you a lot of things in the dreams but now he's about to take you from dreams into reasons this is my pleasure is the piston upon you the dream that you had is not clear in my spirit but it was as if RIPTA was taking place there was chaos see in the dream a lot of people were running in the dream they were there was a water coming from the left side like a flood that was coming but you is there calling the name of Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus the law says the interpretation of the dream that we had is that I'm raising you as a prophetic intercessor that's all interested for Lotus first before my coming I will use you to pray for people that are in the world to cover them in prayer and you shall see a turnaround in the space of blessing through you the lost is the faith that I place in you is about to bring the prosperity that you've been looking for life used to move wealth and your finances got tied up you have been in a place of stagnation but in the next 90 days I remember useless the Lord unlocking you in them every new stage the Lord thus says the Spirit of the Living God [Music] as you lift up your heads I hear [Music] such as [Music] the losses are entrusted with the Samuel it's out that's a belong in my house for I'm opening special gate in his fist of trip month the prayer you prayed for over the earth is about to be answered and that the prayer is coming with the gift [Music] white white white white white everyone I see flowers flowers flowers flowers the law says I pour a special blessing in your house and I'm not going to entrust you this summer that's of save in my house a great profit that shall be lifting up by them [Applause] I declare fruit of the world I declare major breakthroughs define baby by the name of Jesus by [Music] I'm singing a dream a new house straight ahead towards this man [Music] God face the unknown thing you've been waiting for the anointing of revival is going to come up on this visit watching a lot of people on YouTube believing God to release an anointing over his life I receive it by living at 10 around to take place in his life it's true I'm taken in the houses like painted cream color on the wall as I entered in that house I saw four blessings being released from the heavens a receiver and Allah says I'm remembering you tonight and I'm answering your prayer tonight there is a charity that they've given your headache there is a child that you've been praying for you are praying and you're speaking with generous my liver radiochemistry allah azza i still let that DS clearing into heavens you go and write it down you understand sighs the letter D and the Spirit of the Lord told me to tell you that the prayers that you afraid for your family I'm about to answer thee [Applause] [Music] this one I've been feeling to sleep on a long time this is pain and pain your brain you want a character to be taught you want the child to be touched by the mighty head of God Allah says tonight I'm coming down [Applause] prophesied that devil was going to release itself experience but Allah says nutshell tipless bring protection in your house I know to you know family for just why in the southeast I stepped a lot that is useless traveler teacher family tonight I remember last night and is produced and [Music] [Music] write down the word house it realized it usually come to us what have you been training right through salvation for a family healing it is done the next mobile part in Allah in mind but I am not seeing this what they say I can see there yes somebody's up for his life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I wish there were you the law says you have not yet started using the anointing that implicitly your calling is a and B the law says I give it the anointing of a Seraphim Lisa began to hear angels singing from about yourself bet music during washing you shall write songs that have never been [Applause] [Music] léna [Applause] [Music] [Music] never looked at you this is nothing good will come from you so many people yes pop-up chemists you in the bank it's true many people have tried to betray you and destroy your repetition it's true but Allah says I planted you in this ministry thank you what happened in the past and broke your heart I'm a pottery store [Applause] nobody's like we where's the missing boy [Music] [Music] nice no I saw your heart breaking Oh God and the law says what took place in your life it will not touch it this one is the special blessing from above if I were you out changing them to Linda Isabella I wanted to call her Linda your future is great from Adam Joseph Samson run away from me God is going to bless you in fact God is going to make you a millionaire [Applause] the lovelies I'm about to bless you with the men you went through but Appalachian yes you went through rough and tough season yes it's true but I'm about to give you more than what it is a tip here in the character of the Father will not touch the Sun amen amen I'll bring it in Iran because of your stepping in my house day and night in my house therefore I released a blessing over you don't think that you bring it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Bruno Bruno Bruno Bruno what's her name what's her name Bruno chamkila Rossi Bathsheba [Applause] you're too deep daddy can you change your name to Seba can you change your name tonight to become cheaper what's your name [Music] diversity' Minda Nebojsa cattleman Satya Nadella Gandhi up on sale in the apartment especially in India Pune NDRC kapow dat da da da da guia preposition de la magia Peppa has a dongle in emotion elementos a coporate elaqid sortelha Beausoleil about sense element to you three we am young I am the day I received the loss is no we confirm from the north from the south from the east from the west shall be able to prevail over thee I bring a protection in your house [Applause] I don't know what of it but I so like first week of last month there was like a celebration in the atmosphere I mean the first week of February or something I don't know [Applause] [Music] see see see she's pregnant for one month [Music] [Applause] [Music] this time I receive the wool [Music] blessed mr. twist with twin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is a forest of you shocked me that burn is a modest truck you shocked me even one is they in our family they are not twins in our bloodline God is about to bless somebody right up out here [Applause] [Music] that is [Music] [Applause] Rufus aye and some people are celebrating some people about the celebrates [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that loss is my blessing is around your house Amen I received my paper is in your house but finanza what Sandeep Josie Josie Josie are you ready to have it out it's already done yes sorry professor and some people are celebrating oh there's another one Tommy [Applause] there is another one coming yeah there is another one coming amen [Music] eleven when you go right 11 November 2019 just write it down write it down [Music] [Applause] Oscar right 11 November glory prophesy Papa say daddy my ear God is with us God is with us what is with us God has been faithful God is testing you around your stomach area I don't know exactly about what's taking place but I see the end of Joseph strong character since 15 years ago Sharon and a 15 year she had honors since then she's been a mechanics continuously for 15 years they believe in miracles he's gonna hear you come or this chase name is Emanuel I keep hearing my women but there was our saving money that's what in us that's her second name daddy the second name I'm coming how are you [Music] is no five month so six month until six months into the cell sorry the six month is coming Sandling yes lift up a new car by ambulance what's her name Melanie [Music] I want to go deep deep deep then I promise on a night what was i Dottie five month about through v6 on Sunday and our ending our fasting one son [Music] there is an old lady that I saw in the realms of the Spirit I see something like flow [Music] wisdom that's my dance mamas make them your great manner because I was tending in 1923 and when I was standing in 1923 I saw a light shining from the heavens and I saw the light coming into the ad room and I began to see Florida I was moving in the realms of the Spirit and I entered in a specific house [Music] Chikara Mondays sakura Batoche I saw d e C of s T [Music] that's my last name that's your last name to tell you I left this building I'm no longer here where did I end up in your house is like a family house that I'm standing in it's like as I get inside the house I'm seeing a brown couch and I'm seeing a creamed cabbage and I'm seeing a brown table and I'm seeing a cream paint on the wall and if behind the couch I'm seeing a big picture frame inside the pizza from I'm seeing a flower turning there there is a lady that I'm seeing as I'm looking at her I see letter F I see a letter A I see a T I see an eye I seen em what is her name Fatima Fatima your mother I'm seeing here sitting on the brown couch but the angel of the Lord took me is like I'm walking from this going towards like a bedroom as I'm walking there is a man that I need to pray for any service life I moved spiritually in the realms of the Spirit looking for this man in the house there is a bathroom I'm seeing here on my left there are two picture frames and there's a flower game there's another flower game there is a mirror I'm seeing on my right and I took a right here as I'm moving I am standing where there am sing-alongs here living room here but here I'm seeing a bedroom but there's another room also that I'm seeing but other room it's like when I'm looking at it's like a wooden tell but when I looked at the aprox ones on the other room that I'm seeing like what is box one is I entered a there is a men that I saw in the realms of the Spirit I saw letter M spinning in the heavens ah my dad's Mario Mario as I looked at him the losses he should have died but I septum price-wise there is even a time come [Applause] aside [Music] the hospital that doctor said it is going to be a miracle for him to leave but I saw the angel of the Lord tending in the hospital at night i saw people praying and I saw an angel coming from the heavens and I saw Mario being touched by the angel of the Lord that lost this year so Leif he will not die for my grace is upon your father my wrist is upon a la maleta [Applause] from a room that is like a greenish color entering into like a bedroom there is a big watch that I was singing it's like a clock what big clock that I'm seeing it's like after decides then I entered this a bedroom that I'm in right now I'm seeing like a box what do you go headbutt and I stood there and I saw the angel of the Lord touching Mario and Allah says I'm extending his yes to live mr. leaf to see is the grand grand grand children [Applause] like a je aime je ma who is steady your older sister we also need to pray for Jenny she is in need of prayer is it okay to keep promising was that nothing is no deeper daddy come up what is true weakness she's pregnant and the anointing is too much I don't want it to deliver now professor what is going on my dream too much night special grace is going to come upon favor from above is gonna rest upon him who car by a I'm walking in the house of Jenny Isis his shorts next to her there is a main also shorts but I am seeing a boy swim but is very tall there's a boiler I'm seeing taller than he hollered and amendments after the boy I'm seeing a girl but after the Guillaume string another boy yes three cheese that I've seen the law says none of the head children would die prematurely I'm singing thing is like a supercar that I'm singing in and I see a big truck coming on the right side crushing the car and I see the kids departing to be with a lot and the law says tonight that death is going to be [Applause] I looked in the rooms of the spirit I saw him in the pledge number of the guys like an H s 7 is 0 something and Allah says that accident is going to be cut for there's nothing not dead in the house if it Maria the losses I'm going to touch him tonight hey Lori Lori Lori Lori Lori who is that huh that's you yes I prophesied don't leave this is nowhere God is about to bless you with the proof much blessed for properties upon this one Julia countless the house please countless beauties you black the loss they certainly business business the source of your blessing let alone for my grace is sufficient and man tithing is the [Applause] before eight months healthy baby healthy baby I'm even seeing the baby taken to the house in this house is like I'm singing like a big fridge is like a super one and a top-up sting like white white the doors that are being opened there and I see the baby then that was face your father will leave to see the children but paper is coming into this house your prayers have been had by law and the rest of the prophetic is coming upon your house name [Music] all my videos on YouTube you will never see me anointing another prophet or unlocking another prophet but as for these ones I hear a prophetic instruction anoint both of them in devotion Hassan Salameh strictly grahas go back to release their anointing upon them [Applause] [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus your eyes are open from to now your officer your ears are open from tonight prophetic ability is coming upon you to die [Applause] [Music] yo konami important in america tell me toast a Latino Sally Kapadia Holcomb a cigar marina baccarat and Arabic O'Shea no Kuni Mesilla copay and Arabic ashika Murray and Arabic aashica who teach Arabic Yoshiki now Gerry debacle so poor coriander a Vikas Sica no kanaeva out a tanida battleship ahead Vika Okabe ended make out in a Maserati muda muda muda near India be a linear Dava Kousaka you Rayna Rayna marina Sakura Monte Maria Navajo chica Gurion de pavo de la becau se acabo de colorado chica piace haparanda coriander avatar sheikah da da la gente de una moto de tiempo de austin de la lluvia de la vache da Cunha table or table of member nickim overhead kakashi cotta wahoo empathy occupy the Elijah a cadet Orinoco DP efforts loco loco niblet in a [Music] [Music] revolution come the boot Eva would Desiree debacle shake a booty a pakka akka wakka no streaking [Music] Oh [Music] oh boy LM extricated arrivederci comune di ba ba ba dee da ba Kousaka baba yatta yatta Abba kausika Tobias and Arabic ouzinkie TT Rebecca she came him out say teri Damiri debacle subbu he our Arabic Aussie [Music] you you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 93,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 16 Signs to know FAKE & FALSE PROPHETS, 25, Signs, you, called, as, PROPHET, of, God, PROPHET PASSION JAVA, PROPHET JAVA, PASSION JAVA
Id: 7m_MjNsHYY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 34sec (6454 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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