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[Music] god bless everybody in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ this is profit or peace Gaza and I'm so glad to be with you again just to be a blessing to you with a wonderful Word of God god bless everybody who's following us on all social media platforms they've got increase you in God favor you may God do something great in your life I pray that all is well with you everybody is watching on Facebook YouTube periscope all social media platforms I speak the Lord's favor upon you right now I want to speak on a subject with is very very important and I believe that your life will never be the same again I want to talk about seven dreams that you should never ignore seven dreams that you should never ignore I believe this is very important I believe you need to get this message I believe in you to understand this message everybody dreams every single day we're having dreams everybody is dreaming you have met one or two people in my life who say that they don't have dreams they have actually never dreamed before I've seen a couple of people that say you know what man of God I heard you were talking about dreams but I've never had a dream in my life I'm not really sure about that but I know that everybody has a dream and I want to talk to you in the scripture which is job 33 right job 33 I'm gonna read from verse 14 the book says for God speaks not only once but more than once even though men do not regard it in a dream in a vision when in deep sleep comes upon men while slumbering on the bed verse 16 then he opens the eyes of men and seals their instructions now the Mogul says if God speaks not only once but God speaks twice even three times he speaks in a dream so number one most important thing the first most important thing that you need to understand is that God uses dreams to speak to you dreams is what God will use to speak to you visions is what God will use to speak to you he can also speak to you or Dibley all right but today we are focusing on these dreams that most people always have now I'm going to deal with the first dream all right we have already established that God ministers to you in dreams he speaks to you in dreams all right we already know that but now I'm going to stick to this the first part remember I'm talking about seven dreams that you should never ignore now the first dream that I believe you should never ignore is the dream when you are running away from someone or running away from something most of you have dreams when you're running away from someone or you're running away from something sometimes you are running away from something that you don't even know something that you don't even see you just dream of yourself you are running away you're running away running away what are you running away from you don't even know it's a dream that you should never ignore and I'm gonna tell you the meaning of this dream as well because I believe this is very very important listen to this whenever you dream of yourself running away it means that there is something in your life then it's an indication that there is something in your life that you are running away from whether it be responsibility you might be running away from responsibility or you might be running away from an important life decision but also this is what it could mean when you dream of yourself running away it could mean that you have fear of the unknown most people that run away it means that their fear of the unknown because if you're running away and you are running away from something you don't know what it is but you're just running you're just running even when you wake up from that dream you're just sweating you find yourself sweating I spoke to another brother one time I said you know he was running away from a dog and when he woke up he was sweating the blankets were wet he was running away because he has a fear of dogs and I was saying oh my god can you imagine that you can have something that is spiritual but it's manifesting in the physical so sometimes when you are running away their meaning of that dream is that you might if you're running away from something that you don't know it might mean that you are having fear of the unknown and as a child of God I'm here to tell you that you should not fear the unknown because our God knows all things we serve a God that knows everything he knows everything so you don't have to fear the unknown because there's a God that knows everything so some but sometimes the reason you'd remove yourself running away is because you're uncertain of your future you're uncertain of which decision to make so this is a dream that you must not ignore it means that you've got to do something you've got to make some different life decisions okay if you've got fear of certain things it means that now you need to begin to focus on getting closer to God because perfect love drives away feeling so anytime you get closer to God fear is going to be removed off of you glory be to Jesus so that's real number one that I want us to focus on and remember for those who just came in we are reading from the book of Job 33 from verse number 14 God speaks once even twice a day speaks in dreams speaks in visions so the second dream that you should never eat it's a dream where you are eating if you always dream and you are eating something this dream should never be not don't ever ignore the dreams where you are eating in your dream I know a lot of people they have these type of dreams I've had this type of Dreams especially when I was growing up as a kid I would always you know be eating something or somebody would be offering me some food or somebody would be forcing me to eat down and I'll tell my mom and immediately my mom would start praying for me my mom would start telling me to rebuke those dreams and I always never understood why until I started growing in the knowledge of God and I still had started growing in the things of the Spirit and I still and when I started to interpret dreams that's when I understood how dangerous it can be for somebody to eat in a dream now this is what it means when you are dreaming and you are eating in the dream or somebody's forcing you to eat number one it can indicate spiritual poison eating in dreams can indicate spiritual poison so you need to be careful of eating in dreams because it indicates spiritual poison or it can indicate that there are people in your life especially if you dream and that somebody was feeding you somebody's offering you something it can mean that somebody is offering you something that can kill you maybe you have friends around you that are giving you the wrong information because you know that you can have friends that can give it the wrong information right maybe you have applied for a certain job and they've given you the wrong information they said apply in this manner and you end up not getting the job is because and and and it's because of the information that you were given and the dream that you have of yourself eating can be an indication to you that you are surrounded by people that are always feeding you with the wrong so it can be spiritual poison that is being placed into your life number two eating in dreams can indicate sicknesses it can indicate sicknesses so you have to be careful I really hope somebody's getting what I'm saying and I really hope you are taking this message very very very seriously because the Bible says that my people are dying because of the neck of knowledge people don't die because of the neck of prayer because of the lack of fasting because of the neck of giving but people died because of the lack of knowledge so whenever you lack knowledge it means that you attract death in your life so you need to be very careful with these things that I'm speaking here right now was a very important message so when you are eating in dreams it can indicate that the spiritual poison it can indicate that there are people that are giving you wrong information it can indicate sicknesses as well so if somebody is forcing you to eat or giving you food it can also indicate fleshly desires many people like food so in our daily lives we cannot live without food everybody has to eat everybody is eating every day somebody's watching this video and they're eating something right now so it's something that you cannot live in it's a need so also when you have when you dream of yourself eating it can mean that it can give you an indication that you have fleshly desires that you need to deal with it might not necessarily be food but maybe it may be the last of the flesh or the last of the eye so the dream when you are eating in the dream it can actually be an indication to you that maybe now you are following the things of the flesh glory be to God glory be to God not to the things of the flesh but to the knowledge that we have been given so these are dreams that we really need to pray against these are dreams that we really need to cancer is a thing that we should not even be dreaming about but remember that God uses dreams right to speak to us so it doesn't necessarily mean that there is demonic interference no it can simply mean that it's God's Way of ministering to you warning you about something warning you about certain types of people in your life so that's right we really need to take these dreams and very seriously so please do not miss this information if you are having these type of dreams I want you to type there right now on the comments section so that we can pray for you if you're having these types of dreams please you need to call us right now so that we can pray with you so that we can cancel any thing that the enemy is trying to plant remember I said to you it might it doesn't mean when you have these dreams that is the devil giving you the dreams no it's God speaking to you indicating showing you that there is some demonic powers that is some people that are trying to lead you astray so that's why you need to be very very careful when it comes to these things now that that dream is the dream where your dream of yourself and you are in school every ever had a dream where you are in school and you are about to write an exam and then you realize that in the dream you realize that you did not study or in the dream you realize that you don't have a pen or in the dream you realize that your why am i here when and when you wake up I've had this dream you know I think it was about two years ago I had a dream where I was in an exam room and then I realized that I'm not supposed to be here and I did not study for this exam and I realized when I was looking at the paper that this paper right now it's actually hitting me hard and I was like no when I wake when I woke up in from that dream I actually felt like I needed to go study I felt like I need to go study but then I realized oh man I'm done with school so why should I go study whenever Daniel school I said the devil is allowed now the dreams where you dream of yourself and you a in school these dreams they indicate delay most of the people that have dreams of themselves in school in an exam room mostly it's people that are done in school especially if you already go to school all right you are 50 years old you are 40 years old you don't need to go to school anymore right 50 years old you're done in school you did your matrix you went to university and you start having dreams of yourself in school what it simply means that it simply talks about delay because it shows you about going back so it's it's indicating delay and it's indicating it could also indicate something else I'm going to share it with you but mostly it indicates delay it indicates that there's something that you might have missed in those years that might have been vital for you today so it indicates today whenever you dream of yourself in school knowing very well that you are not supposed to be in school you are dreaming of yourself being like a child when you know that you are no longer a child all right so it indicates delay it can also indicate that you are not yet matured there's a situation that you are in there's something that you are doing that is indicating your lack of maturity so whenever you dream of yourself in school it can indicate that there is a lack of maturity in a certain situation that you are facing maybe there's something that you are going through maybe there is your boss that is fighting you maybe your husband has a girlfriend some way maybe you know your pasta is mistreating you or you or somebody's just been treating you or your mistreating somebody else when you have a dream of yourself being in school it can show that maybe there's also a lack of maturity as well glory be to Jesus so and most of the time people that have dreams in school every time most people they are panicking no one is just having a nice normal dream and like ah let me just enjoy this no most of the people they are panicking in those dreams most of the people are panicking in those dreams all right so most importantly we need to pray against the spirit of delay coming through these rooms remember I'm saying this again the whole purpose of dreams is for God to speak to you in the dream so these dreams are not necessarily demonic but these dreams a message from God to you to say hey you've got to take a new path now you've got to do something different you've got to do this you've got to do this glory be to God so the for the dream that you should never ignore for the dream that you should never ignore is when you're having dreams and you are always late when you have dreams and you are always late for something that dream is very very important for you to not ignore don't ignore that dream because that dream always tells you that you are missing opportunities in life so whenever you dream of yourself and you are missing the bus you are missing a certain appointment you dream of yourself in your own late for your own wedding you are dreaming of yourself missing the flight you are dreaming of yourself missing a certain event that can tell you that there's something that's not right in your life and you'll actually realize that most of the people that miss things in their dreams late for this late for this late for this you are always missing opportunities it means that you always apply for a job but you don't get a job you always you always missing opportunity so you know have you ever been in the situation where you know that something belongs to you but you just missed it you should be having something but you just missed it you should have been married by now but you just missed it the person who was probably meant to be your husband were rude to that person or the person that was supposed to invest in your business you never greeted that person or you will route to that person I don't know if someone's getting what I'm saying right now so these are the types of dreams that indicate opportunities that you are missing in life so that's why I need to check right now other things that I'm missing in my life are the opportunities that are missing in my life check the type of dreams that you are having check the type of dreams that you have you've had a lot of opportunities there are people who are praying for certain things praying for a job praying for marriage praying for open doors praying for miracles praying for that praying for this praying for that if you if you really sit down with these people and ask them questions you'll actually realize that there are so many doors that have been opened there are so many opportunities that have been opened and I want you to remember that when we talk about doors when we say God is about to open a door for you what we simply mean is that God is going to send you people in your life that are going to help you that are going to make ways for you out of no way that are going to introduce you to something different that are going to help you to go to your destiny to go to your future to go away God wants you to go glory be to Jesus so you need to understand that when you have dreams and you're always late it talks about missed opportunities so if you are having this type of dreams please I want you to be in a place of prayer and just to seek the face of God that any opportunities that you have missed that God may begin to open doors again that God may begin to introduce you to people again that can bring about a change in your life that you may be in to meet people and I declare that may you begin to meet people that will cut upon you to the next level that will move another dimension that would take you higher in your business in everything that you are doing may you begin to meet people may you begin to get clients again may you begin to make money again in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ we declare it any missed opportunities let them come back to you Sevenfold in Jesus name and some of the things is that whenever you miss whenever you have dreams and you are late for something or you miss a bus or you miss a flight trust me if if if right now if I'm not on time for example let me just say this when I used to by the time I was still using Texas when I used to go to school you know what if you don't get to the taxi rank on time some of you are very familiar with this if you don't get to the taxi rank on time somebody else is going to take a seat that you think belongs to you and at the end of the day that person is going to pay the same money as you they're probably going to drop off at this at the same place as you but you are going to be delayed because you miss the time that you are supposed to be there so you see whenever you dream of yourself late just know that somebody else has already taken your place so this is very very important for you to pray over so that if you have missed something before may God open another door so that you don't have to miss anything amen and amen then I'm going to talk about this other dream now this one is probably one of the most common with many people and this is the dream way you dream of yourself and you are falling oh it's a scary dream trust me I had a dream once and now it's falling whoa you don't wake up so nice trust me when you wake up you it's like you can feel it in your bones and your flesh like it's like you've really hit the ground it's painful have you ever felt pain in your dream yeah that's well if you know what I'm talking about or somebody was shooting you or somebody was stabbing you you feel that pain right this is a dream you should not ignore okay if you dream of yourself falling it means that you have a fear of making mistakes it means that you don't want to make any mistakes if you dream and you're falling down it means that you don't want to make any mistakes you have that fear of falling you have that fear of disappointing all right so it means that it could mean this it could mean if you have a dream of yourself falling it means that you are about to do something that might actually disappoint you or disappoint other people or you're about to fail in something or it could mean that you are about to move from the position that you were once in and you're about to go down so he can speak of demotion maybe being demoted from work or demoted in that position that you are in alright so but I pray in the name of Jesus if you had that dream I declare let this be the time of your rising up because the righteous man may fall seven times but he shall rise up again so you see this is the wonderful thing about having corner sizes that he can communicate with us before things actually happen so but the most important thing that we need to focus on is the interpretation of that I'm gonna speak about that on the next video is the interpretation that's what you need to be focusing on the dream may be powerful its carrying a message but if you don't have the interpretation it means you have missed your word for that season so the interpretation is as important as the dream itself so if you dream of yourself falling immediately when you wake up you need to start praying and start declaring over your life arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of God has risen upon you so you need to begin to pray over that immediately don't give it time you don't don't waste time don't try to think you know what does it mean know begin to pray immediately thank God for social media thank God for for for technology now can share these type of stuff you know remember my people are dying because of the lack of knowledge so most people are not taking these things seriously because they feel like it's not even it's not as important to focus on these things some of it so many people have this perception that it was just a dream well that's your mistake and that's why the enemy uses those loopholes to get to you because you just have this mindset it was just a dream it was just a dream it was just a dream no it's not just a dream it's God communicating with you all right so that's why I'm saying you need to take this very very seriously all right it's the Spirit of God communicating with you speaking with you so please do not ignore these types of dreams the sixth dream that I want to talk to you about is a dream when you are having car problems if you dream of yourself having car problems what that could simply mean is that you don't have control of your life you have a dream that somebody else driving you you're having a dream that tire gets flat you are having a dream you are driving a car and immediately that car turns into a bicycle or that car turns into a toy and you're like confused right now you're driving a Ferrari and now along you are no longer in a Ferrari now you're finding yourself in the Toyota you know like what's happening right here or you're having a dream you are in a Lamborghini and then it's driving so fast and two seconds later now you're finding yourself pushing the Lamborghini or you're driving the car and you get into an accident somebody bumps into you that simply means that you don't have control over your life or the situation you are about to get into that you might not have control over so you need to pray that you may have control over your situations do you know that there are people that are in your life right now that want to control you do you know that that things in your life right now that to control you do you know that every time you see a billboard some way that billboard is trying to control you the message is trying to control you it's trying to implant something in you everything that you'll be seeing on TV they are trying to implant something on you to bring a certain you know level of control over your life every time you are watching the news they they don't show you what you want to see if they show you what they want you to see they don't show you something that you have in your heart you know they show you what they want you to see they'll never show you every side of the story because they want to control you your boss wants to control you that's why they make you sign a contract that if you do not do this you're gonna be fine if you do not do this you're gonna be read you're gonna be given a written warning because it's all about control everybody wants to control when people get into relationships they want to be controlled so whenever you you dream you know of yourself you're driving and you like that control or you you you get into an accident a flat tire something happens with the car it means that there is lack of control in your life it might mean that somebody is trying to control your life and that's why I need to be careful especially for those people who are currently not in any relationship but you want to be in their relationship you find yourself getting an accident you are praying about a relationship for confirmation of a certain relationship and now you find yourself getting a dream being in an accident or having a dream driving a car they tie gets flat what that simply should tell you is that you should be careful of that relationship because it could mean that you might be in a relationship with somebody that might want to control you and you're gonna lose control of your life you're gonna lose control of what you love you're gonna lose control of the things that you believe in it might be even your spiritual life you might lose controlling it you might be meeting someone for example you meet someone today and you like that person then you have a dream of yourself in the car that you are failing to control get into an accident in the dream or something happens with the car that tells you that be very careful of that person because that person might just move your life into a different direction so these are the dreams that you need to really take note of the 7 the dream that I'm going to talk about which is going to be my last dream that I'm going to touch on I'm going to touch on other dreams maybe on another day but today I'm just dealing with these 7 is the dream you have when you are fighting your dream of yourself fighting someone fighting these even when you wake up you're still punching people I have a son in church I won't say his name but I'm sure he knows what I'm gonna say when he has dreams when he wakes up he will have scratches the other day he came to church and he had scratches all over his face and I was like sad it was like someone was stretchy like son what was happening he said you know it but but when I have some encounters from nowhere he says with my eyes open this is scary but it says with my eyes open they can be something from nowhere there's a scripture that's blood coming up you can go to sleep and he can be fighting with somebody and if somebody will be wanting to do to stab him when he wakes up in the morning he has cuts on his body so when you have dreams and you're fighting it indicates a spiritual battle spiritual battle spiritual fights that are going there in your life number one it can be an indication to you that you need to fight harder if you are fighting in a dream it can be an indication to you that whatever it is that you are going through you have to stand strong it means you must not run away remember the first dream that we dealt with we dealt with the dream where you are running away from something but now in the dream where you are fighting it means you need to stand strong do you know that there are things that you go through that you say you know what I don't want to involve myself in this I don't wanna take part of this then you have a dream fighting it means you must take part of it because already victory is going to be yours have ever seen most of the time that when you dream and you are fighting it's unlikely that somebody's gonna beat you in your dream because in my dreams I am the main character I am the main actor so you cannot destroy the main actor you cannot kill the main actor so in my dreams I'm the main actor you cannot come to my dreams to kill me in my dreams I refuse they are my dreams God is speaking to me in my dreams alright so if you're fighting it means that you need to stand strong on whatever decision that you have made it means there's a decision that you have made there's something that you've chosen to stand and you must not change and that decision you have to stand strong that's why you'll dream and you are fighting your fighting admit you have to stand strong maybe for your children maybe it's for your wake maybe it's for your marriage maybe it's for your ministry if you are cleaning and we are fighting it means you need to stand strong and stand firm on what you believe in so when you dream fighting it means that there is somebody or something that is gonna come into your life that goes against what you believe in that goes against your faith so when you dream fighting it means you have to stand strong on that thing glory be to Jesus so you have to stand strong and you must not give up you must not give up glory be to Jesus these are seven dreams that you should never ignore let me say this again we read in the book of Job 33 from verse 14 God's peace not only once but more than once even though men do not regard it he speaks also in a dream and a vision so remember God speaks to us in dreams so nobody can say God does not speak to it God is speaking to you tonight God is going to speak to somebody as well tonight but this is what you have to understand do not ignore your dreams stop this mentality of saying it was just a dream it was just a dream no no it was just no it doesn't work like that this is the time that you need to obey God's voice this is the time that you need to be serious with a message that God is giving to you remember I told you I said the most important thing apart from the dream is the interpretation of the dream and now I'm giving you interpretations for the most common dreams that people have and I have a book which is called interpretation tools so if you know that you are a dreamer and you dream a lot you have visions a lot I have a book which is called interpretation tools it has all the tools that you need to interpret your dreams it has all the steps it has all the interpretation of numbers interpretation of car interpretation of body parts interpretation of animals interpretation of names all of these things that you need to interpret your dreams I have a book that is designed if you wanted you can just go straight to my website and you can order that book or you can just buy it online as an e-book right there so that you may start interpreting your dreams so that you can get your life in order because trust me every dream you have that you do not interpret it means that you have missed the voice of God in that room every dream you have that you fail to interpret it means that you have missed what God was trying to say to you so I hope with these tools and with this message you have gained some knowledge and you have received a word that would change your life and that will change the way you see your dream world I hope this message has blessed you and I hope by the power of the Holy Ghost you may have strength to overcome may you not be defeated may you stand strong in your dreams in the name of Jesus Christ this is how physical that I am signing out and I'm going to see you again next time in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ amen amen [Music] god bless you I really hope you have enjoyed this message about seven dreams that you should never ignore listen the spear of God is ministered this to me I want to help you interpret your dreams there are people that are watching here right now you've been having complicated complex dreams and I want to avail myself to interpret your dreams so I want you go right now to my website and I want you to register for a one on one program and I'm going to help you to interpret your dreams I'm going to help you to interpret the message that God is trying to give to you that you don't understand at this moment so I want you right now go to my website hope cause a calm and register for one-on-one so that you can get the message that God has for you this season there is no such a thing as a complicated dream there's no such a thing as it's too much to interpret there's no such a thing like that every dream has an interpretation when the King Darius saw the handwriting on the wall he called everybody everybody he knew all his callers all his wise men to come and interpret and they never knew how to interpret but there was a man in the kingdom and his name was Daniel a man was given wisdom by God and asked them here today with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit having been gifted with the gift of wisdom here to help you to interpret the message that God has for you in this season that's why I want you right now this whole week I'm going to dedicate it to dream interpretation interpreting dreams in your life that you're having on your daily life dreams that you have written down something listen somebody's saying but men of God I dream a lot how do I know which one is the most important the most important dream that we need to talk about is the dream you 20:15 but it's still bothering you today that dreams that you had 2010 2009 2001 but even today you can't stop thinking about that dream that is the dream you need to interpret the dreams that you cannot forget about are the dreams we need to interpret so go to my website right now register for that program so that I can pray with you and minister over your life in Jesus name god bless you amen [Music]
Channel: Hope Khoza
Views: 9,608
Rating: 4.9056048 out of 5
Id: KrHHvHKp35k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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