The Difference between the HOLY GHOST, HOLY SPIRIT & THE SPIRIT OF GOD - Passion Java

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] KTV changing you god bless everybody watching thank you for coming in to this program once again this is the Gotha prophet passenger ver excited having this message come to you because this is not a mere message this is not only the human words of wisdom but this is a prophetic message straight from the throne room of the Father which God spoke to me so I can speak to you it can be mind-blowing but I pray don't allow your mind to best just grasp everything the best you can do today is to write it down you need to write it down if you have nice decoders record make sure you don't miss anything I'm gonna take you to the scriptures and the book of 1st Corinthians chapter number 12 which speaks and indicate about the gifts of the Spirit of God because I'm gonna move you and the three dimensions how you can function in the gift God have given you if you go to the book of first Corinthians chapter number 12 from verse number four it says now there are diversities of gifts but the same spirit now gifts by the spirit and it says and they are different of administration's callings by the same Lord when the Bible says a lot it's speaking about Jesus Christ then and it says and they are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all when the Bible speaking about God it's referring to the Father so the Spirit gives you gifts the son Jesus who is Lord gives you callings and the father gives you operations which are found in the book of Romans chapter number 12 so Romans chapter number 12 gives you the operations of the Father it Spock speaks about the gift of giving the gift of mercy the gift of yours all those administration another type of faith those are from the father and who is the father I'm gonna talk to your body today if you go to the book of Ephesians chapter number four it says the same who ascendant is the same that ascended when he descended he gave gifts to the church when he was ascending going far above all the heavens thus the Lord Jesus Christ giving the callings to the church and she caught some to be apostles pastors evangelists or ABCD but if we go back to the book of first Corinthians 12 verse number 8 through to verse 10 it gives us something important what is it it gives us the gifts of the Spirit it says to one is given the gift of word of knowledge word of wisdom word of prophecy tongues in a petition by the same spirit so we have the gift of the Spirit 9 gifts of the Spirit which were in my prophetic school so I can teach you better when we talk about the gifts of the Spirit number 1 we do with what are called power gives healing faith and miracles then we move to revelation of gifts which is weight of knowledge weight of wisdom and discernment of spirits then we move to the third group which is the gift of utterance tongues interpretation of tongues and prophecy now we move again to conclude when we go to the calling the Apostles the prophets evangelists pastors and teachers and all these they work all together because when Jesus calls you a posters they have nine gifts of the Spirit because they implant a gift in people there are people who don't have a gift if you don't have a gift and you don't need impartation you need what is called the implantation in petition you have a gift when I lay my hand on you I boost it to operate better but now if you go to implantation it means you don't have a gift at all then I lay my hand in you and I plant it as process promoting my spirit Oh son stay up the gift that I placed in youth ruling on events when poor ladies end up on - mode automatically Timothy began to prophesy began to function in the gift because the gift was planted so apostles they carry nine gifts because when a post was planted church they need a pasta if the path is empty they need to plant a gift in the pasta they need an evangelist to send them before they start to plant a church and vandalism as God a sauce so they implanted the gift so a pasta they have nine gifts of the Spirit then we move to profit profits they have what we call the gifts of utterance tongues interpretation of tongues and prophecy that's why if you go to the or Testament you see all the profits we're having the gift of prophecy was the gift that comes through utterance and the only people you see in the or testament of dealing with tongues it's Moses number one Moses is the fastest person to speak in tongues way when he was communicating with God and he says a lot I cannot go and face far-off am a man of stammering leap he wasn't talking about iiiiii I love you know know if you say iiiii I love you you don't need an interpreter but when he was talking to God remember first Corinthians 14 says whoever speaketh in an unknown tongue whoever speaking in a non tongue does not speak to men but he speaks direct to God so when he was communicating with God there was a transferring of a stammering tongue from God that is why Isaiah says God speaks in a stammering tongue so the same stammering tongue that Isaiah spoke about God speaking in stammering of turns is the same Moses was speaking that's why God says I'll give you Aaron so he can interpret because tongues they mean nothing to people unless the is an interpretation now I want you to understand something important but whenever God is moving you into the gifts of the Spirit let's say you an evangelist you carry the gift of powers and when you are carrying the gift of powers you have to understand something important you have to understand that healing faith and miracles they are there to draw people to Christ and the posters they are different from evangelists because X chapter 8 verse number 3 says when the apostles were scattered they went and they preached to the world but if you go to verse number 5 it says Philip who is an evangelist now went down to the city of Samaria and preached the Christ to them apostles they preach the word but evangelist they preach Christ but if you go to the Prophet now the prophets if you go to the book of Acts chapter 2 verse number 16 he says Peter stood with the eleven and he says this is what was spoken by prophet o prophet speaks the word so a Passos preaches the word prophets they speak the word evangelists they preach Christ then passed and teachers they preach a testimony pastor in teacher they are called a shepherd what do they do they operate in the revelation or gift worth of knowledge word of wisdom and discernment of spirits I don't have much time to explain about all this but if you are in our prophetic school you will flow with it now you see the gifts of Jesus Christ the callings of Jesus they operate together with the giftings of the Holy Spirit together with administration that the father brings to the power of Christ my main topic today is empowering you to operate in the gifts to operate in the gifts that God placed in you because some people here the gifts were planted in you but after gifts were planted in you they are stagnant you can't operate in prophecy you can operate in descendant of spirits you are not healing the sick but God gave you the gift and why is it is not manifesting the gift is not what matters what matters is the giver of the gift the one that transferred to gifted a father in the heavenly places now who is the giver of the gift we have three offices that God operates we don't have three gods we have one God some they say the father the son end in the Holy Spirit then you say who is the father son and those besides in one person you can say ended the Holy Spirit and you say it's one person whenever I say end you are ready so who is God God is one who operates in different offices according to my topic today one office he is called the father in another office he is called the son in another office is called the Holy Spirit aha that's what we all understand but I'm going to divide it into a level that you understand if you go to the book of Genesis chapter number one we hear the introduction of the operation of God it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth now this to begin to tell us which God now which office was got in it says now the earth was scattered and it was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep end and the darkness was covering everything and the waters filled everything and the Spirit of God was revealing on top of the water the Spirit of God that the Spirit of God was hovering on top of the waters and the Spirit of God was hovering and God says let there be light so we see the creation from the Old Testament now the operation is being operated in the office of the Spirit of God not the Holy Spirit you can't see the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament it's impossible you you can't see the Holy Ghost in the Old Testament it's impossible so who are we dealing with here we are dealing with the Spirit of God not the Holy Spirit not the Holy Ghost he is the same person but the office is operating in it is like passion java is a handsome boyfriend of his wife Lily Java so I am a husband back home and Here I am in the office of a prophet to my sons I'm the office of a father so when my son see me they ain't gonna call me husband they ain't gonna call me Gotha they are gonna call me father when my wife sees me she is not gonna call me father she's gonna call me husband and the same but it's different offices so I operate according to the office I am a because I am in the office of a husband I can kiss my wife I can release the anointing owner I can do anything that I want with her because I'm in the office of the fat but I can't come here in the office of a prophet and kiss you I think you know you you know where this is going I can't come and and and be in a place where I am a father to my sons then I want to father my my wife no it's different offices so the first office that we seek God operating in the order Thurman is the Spirit of God Genesis chapter number 126 got deeper what does it say walk with me I'm still in the gift with you because you know you need to know where the gifts are coming from so you can know how to operate in the giftings it says in the big of estimate Rancic let us create man in our own image according to our own likeness let us us us create men according to our image according to our likeness so let I mean the God has an image and he has a likeness and when man was created now verse chapter number 2 verse 7 God took the dust of the ground and formed the demand and when he formed the man from the dust of the ground he breathed into the nostrils of men Natacha from the biggest wanna pass the breath of life and man became a living soul Naposki if he derive it English it gives you so nap as means soul means creature means appetite means mind some men became a living mind so before the men received a breath of God he had no mind he had no soul he was not a creature he was nothing but just a statue in another word she received the image of God but we don't see the likeness of God on the man though God says let us create men according to our likeness according to our image which means we have the image we have the likeness and at the same time when God is creating the men we are seeing the image we don't see their likeness Genesis chapter 3 continues when Adam ate the fruit from verse 19 going down God came down and he began to speak to them and when he spoke to them verse number 19 going down it says and God says now let us remove men why because men have become like one of us many have become like one of us which means the likeness of God never existed until the appointed time which God did to appoint which time is it when the men took the fruity received the likeness of God which likeness is the Bible talking about because we are to dealing with the Spirit of God if you move now men have become like one of us if you go to Genesis chapter 6 verse 3 it gives us a scripture which is so mind-blowing if you go to the King James Version and you read it says and my spirit not the Holy Spirit not the Holy Ghost my spirit shall not strive with man for he also is flesh he also is flesh he also is flesh so the Spirit of God yes this part flesh not our flesh is his flesh he also is flesh that's why whoever seen at aganist the father can be forgiven the sunken before but whoever seen it again the Spirit of God will never be forgiven because he can be grieved he as a flesh refuse he is sensitive so she is the one that the father had to judge the world with a flood in the days of Noah because he also is flesh he can be grieved he is so sensitive that you can't mess up with him so he also is flesh so in the Old Testament if you move it says and the Spirit of the Lord came and took J Jeremiah chapter number 37 and he came and took Jeremiah into a valley of the dry bones never entered Jeremiah because she also is flesh so he cannot enter inside of you and the hand of the Lord was upon me he was upon me the reason why he was upon is because of what is because she cannot come in site he also is fish III guess you know where this is going now he also is Flay so he cannot enter anybody he cannot that is why you see if you you check in the Bible you're going to find out that everybody in the Old Testament here that end in the Spirit of God came upon somebody and this happened he came upon somebody in this happened he came upon somebody and this happened the reason why it is happening because the Spirit of God came upon if you go to the New Testament now you see the introduction of the Holy Spirit which is the most interesting part and Mary was found pregnant not by the Holy Ghost I'm still the king james version or the greek verb bible he was found pregnant led by the Spirit of God or the Holy Ghost but by the Holy Spirit by the Holy Spirit thank you Jesus by the Holy Spirit she was empowered to be pregnant and to give birth which means when Jesus who and he says I don't do things of my own but I do what I see my father doing he was not talking about the Spirit of God he was not talking about Joseph which means the which means the father of Jesus is not Joseph it's not the Spirit of God the Father is the Holy Spirit because Matthew 1 says and if Mary was found pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit becomes the father of Jesus so he says I can't do things of my own I do what I see my father doing which means whenever you want to be effective in your gift we have to be connected to the Holy Spirit not only God's Holy Spirit because Jesus says if the Holy Spirit as this I do it I don't do things of my own I do what I see my father doing and who is the father the Holy Spirit now Jesus is active and he says whoever sees me have seen the father the Holy Spirit we ever see me we have seen my father the Holy Spirit which means if you want to be effective you must gaze your eyes on the Holy Spirit you don't want to be in a pedestal that you don't have the Holy Ghost to be upon you or to be in you you don't have the Holy Ghost you don't have the Holy Spirit you don't have the Spirit of God you have to have God moving in these three offices for you to function in the gifting kind of empowered you in so you cannot say I only talked to God but I don't believe that is the Holy Spirit I don't believe that the Holy Ghost that's that's just Colonel et you have to move to an extent that you have to understand there are offices that God uses to operate passion cannot come on periscope and start kissing everybody I can't meet anybody in church and start kissing anybody I have their wife as a husband I can kiss her but I can do the same thing to the church members because to the church members I'm not the husband I am the Prophet which means they add things that the God we serve can only do in the office of the Holy Spirit that we cannot do in the office of the Holy Ghost that he cannot do in the office of the Spirit of God so Jesus now to start ministry he never needed the Holy Spirit with this one to start minister when he was baptized the Bible tells us something important the heavens were open and the Spirit of God came upon him and he came back from the wilderness with one testimony what was the testimony he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me not in me he is upon me why he have anointed me to operate like this to preach the gospel I have to have the Holy Spirit to have the Spirit of God upon me to preach the gospel to the poor and in the Holy Spirit of God to come upon me to shoot the sick I need him upon me to perform miracles and need him upon me to open blind eyes all this that yet to do in ministry studied because the Spirit of God came upon him now because he was empowered he could not do alone he needed the Holy Spirit to do so he can copy now he is now doing what he sees from the Father Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit listens he listens when the Holy Spirit does this he does it how do we grieve the Holy Spirit when we do things outside the box of what he wants if the Holy Spirit want me to do this I got to do it but many times because of my gifting I just want to do everything to everybody when the Holy Spirit on want me to go to that direction that is why we have to be sensitive enough to always hear what the Holy Spirit is saying the last dimension now is who is the Holy gospel then I'll get into the giftings who is the Holy Ghost and what can he do what can he do before I mentioned the Holy Ghost I want to do with the word ghost the meaning of a ghost is the spirit of somebody that died and came back among the living if I'm in Zimbabwe if I say there's a ghost coming to my house we go to Paco if japako is coming to my house I believe somebody died and that person is too coming back among the living if somebody died and we see that person among the living we say here is a ghost so Jesus Christ says to his disciples it is better that I may go why if I don't go he will not come oh Jesus he says available I sent you to this very day it is good that I'm a god because if I don't go she will not come my god if I don't go she will not come which means I have to go for him to come who am I talking about I'm talking about the Holy Ghost they can never be a ghosts unless somebody dies so Jesus says for a while I shall be with you I shall I will not be with you and while I shall be with you again and when he commits me he will give you remembering of what I've told you so jesus said to die on the cross so that when he resurrected he became the Holy Ghost they can never be a ghost unless somebody does that is what in the Old Testament the Spirit of God was there but he was not going to Holy Ghost because unless you die you can never be a God in the New Testament the beginning of New Testament we see the Holy Spirit so he is the same spirit from the Old Testament called my spirit when he moves into the New Testament he is moving as the Holy Spirit means whatever is doing is holy whatever he does among the living even if Mary's found pregnant with a prick and the power of the Holy Spirit is to holiness but we moved to the dead dimension if he/she dies and resurrect we're gonna call him Holy Ghost that's why the Bible says when Jesus died on the cross what happened the Bible says he gave up his ghost but when he came back now exceptin number two it says when they were gathered in the day of Pentecost with one Accord they heard the sound of a rushing mighty wind and they looked to the heavens and they saw what seemed to be clothing tongues as of fire and each divided and said upon them verse number four they all began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance he gave them utterance now the Holy Ghost came down upon him in the day of Pentecost that when you see the first introduction of the Holy Ghost why because he came fifty days after Jesus died and rose from the bed from the living why did it take all this period that's where I'm going into so you can begin to function in the giftings God have given you why when Jesus died he came back but when she came back notice there are two ladies that came to the tomb Jesus appeared to them and if they were shocked and then they wanted to verify it please the one so they went to touch a man Jesus table them What did he say he says don't touch my flesh and bones my flesh and bones Kaba Santo allarakha party a car on top AHA D what it mighty God me safe don't touch my flesh and my bones thank you thank you thank you Jesus don't touch my flesh and my bones so it says don't touch my flesh and blood don't touch my flesh and my blood why is he refusing them to touch his flesh and his blood why is Jesus refusing them to touch his flesh and blood we thought if Jesus is back to life we can touch him again high-five him why can't we high-five him because the blood needs to stay pure in holiness because she is the one that is ascending to the Father to present a blood when he presents a blood he needs to come with the flesh and born without the blood because the blood you have to be upon the throne of messy so that whenever he looks at the blood without any blame he can forgive my sins he can forgive your sins now when he left them he came down on at the same who ascended a pigeon chapter 4 verse 7 going down is the sim that descended and went to the lower part of the earth not on earth easier to go down there to set the captive captive those that were bound he had to let them set them free how did he set them free he went to down to hell and took the keys from the devil and opened all the jails aware of the sense where locked that's why the Bible says and the doors that died in the hotel and Old Testament were seen walking in the street of Jerusalem the day that Jesus died came back to life things that had happened before he ascended now he met his disciples and they all gotta remember to the two ladies he said don't touch my flesh and blood but there was a man called Tomas who doubted if he is the one he says I don't think you are the one Jesus noticed we did not say touch my flesh and my blood but if you check backwards we are going to see what Jesus said What did he say he said to them ladies don't touch my flesh and blood but to Thomas he says man if you'd come touch my flesh and bones why not flesh and bones because the blood is left at that role of messy now you can touch my flesh and bones because if the lady said to touch his blood it was going to be defiled what am I talking about I'm talking about what Jesus went through for the Holy Ghost to be released which means you have to go through it for the Holy Ghost to be released over your life there are people that are watching me right now who don't want to go through situations Jesus himself came to set an example that I am born not to perform miracles but I am born to die because my power comes when I die thank you Jesus if you ask you alive if you asked you alive there is no way you can move into a level where you can get into deeper forensic prophecy impossible you can never move into deeper forensic prophecy you see me professing from 1854 1891 the videos in there on YouTube 1880 191 1907 1911 and the lady that was I was talking about the grandmother was born 1913 mentioning when they were born the wedding that took place 1911 how she was born 1913 and how she gave it to the fat of the daughter I'm talking about 1930 and move from 1913 to professor when this lady was born and the move from when this blade was born and when she shall get bitten in 2021 the reason why I can move from there today is because I went through a transition where I had to follow Jesus who says deny yourself I know you don't want to be denied I know you don't want when the boyfriend told you it's over you could not sleep when your own husband's as lefty was you could not allow it you did everything you could to stop him because you don't want to be denied but God says deny yourself if you are still struggling my God if you are still struggling whether deep or denying you what about yourself denying yourself you know your major problem in your life is here too many s if you knew how to say no you should be some way banner everybody comes yes yes yes yes if you yet said not that man not that opportunity not to that breakthrough you should have been far but you have too many limitations why are you having too many limitations it is because of one reason when God is empowering you you have to allow him to move together with you you have to allow him to prove you and remove whatever is not necessary so the first thing that God does is calling across your spirit as the first office of the Father is when you see my spirit somewhat right with men my spirit and the Spirit of God was moving on top of the moon waters and the Spirit of the Lord took Jeremiah and put him away and put him into the valley of the dry water the Spirit of God the spirit of God so God calls your spirit ie a pastor saying no no man no woman are allowed to stand on the pulpit that's just past us it's not now poor rotten says women are no support stand in the pulpit the simple rotten say there is no man there's no woman because now you have encounter with God now he understand the spirit in you is not a man the spirit in you is not a woman when God cause he does not call you with your flesh that is why it does not look on the outward but the Bible says he looks on the inward which means God is concentrated by your spirit is not concentrating with your flesh is concentrating with your spirit so when He is calling you he is calling your spirit so first dimension he calls your spirit when he calls your spirits your spirit is carrying a lot of junk from the world notice Moses was in Egypt for 40 years which means it took 40 years for Egypt to enter Moses and when God called Moses he took him out for another 40 years why it took Egypt 40 years to enter Moses and it took God himself to take out Egypt out of Moses for another 40 years so that he can use him the rest 40 years so when God calls your spirit you have to take out some things that are in your spirit remember I was talking yesterday about the dopa my and in the pleasure center that the worse in the mind and if it is in a pleasure center that you are a smoker you are a drinker you are addicted to sex or anything when the demon leaves you that is something that is too in your dropper mind that was to crave for alcohol not just to crave for pornography that is to crave for what you used to do so how can God start using you when you are still struggling with these things in the drama thank you Jesus when you are struggling with these things in the dopa my god do you have to walk with you in a journey to remove all these things from your mind from your spirit so you equals your spirit and he brings you into holiness that's when you encounter the Holy Spirit when you encounter the Holy Spirit what happens the Holy Spirit empowers you to this extent thank you Jesus he empowers you to an extent that you carry the gifts and you give better to the gift because Holy Spirit the Bible says Mary was found pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit Mary was found pregnant but the power of the Holy Spirit which means when you move from the spirit dimension and if he brings of holiness upon you and he started moving in the Holy Spirit Jesus started his ministry because the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and anointed him to preach the gospel to the poor open blind eyes perform miracles and do Odyssey the Spirit of God and moved him into holiness Holy Spirit I don't do things of my own but what I see my father the Holy Spirit doing now he then had to move to the Holy Ghost so that the gifts in such operating there were no games until the Holy Ghost came to empower the disciples so they can start moving in the gift notice this when Jesus met his disciples the Bible says Jesus breathed upon them and he said was receive he the Holy Spirit but why is it they never operated in their gifts why is it they didn't preach he then told them go tarry in Jerusalem wait in Jerusalem until you are endued to you're empowered by the Holy Ghost so many of you you are there with god code your spirit out many are called few are chosen you already called you you already chose you what didn't happen yes empowered you by the power of the Holy Spirit which means you are carrying the gift but you can never operate in the gift that you have never given better to that is where some of you you hear the voice of God but you don't understand what's happening to you look at what happened this Sammy Sammy was in this tent Sammy was in a state where God was speaking to him but was going to the wrong direction he thought it was a man speaking to you some of you don't even know how to be funny and threw it between came to you your spirit speaking to you that dev was speaking to you is this dream from God is it just from my mind is it from the devil you don't even know because you have not yet given better you'll give to in order to make sure in your gift but if you really check in the Bible you're going to find something important god bless those that are sending their money on PayPal god bless you God bless you God bless you God moved into a dimension where the disciples after waiting for 10 days they saw what seemed to be clothing tongues as a fire and it's set upon them and they began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit of God get them utterance they began to speak in other tongues and the people came to them and says o ye you are drunk people how come who you speak in our own our languages in which we were born and the Peter stood with eleven I wanted to understand this the Bible says Peter stood with the eleven what it is it he says these men are not drunk as you suppose the a no drunk is you support come on God so Peter is acknowledging that she is drunk they are drunk but not by wine not by these spirits that people are drinking from the club from the bar nanananana he is saying you we are not drunk as you suppose so what is he talking about you go to the book of Ephesians chapter number five 1618 if you tell you something important don't be drunk with wine people were shocked God what you're talking about you're telling us God not to be drunk by wine so you are saying we should be drunk or says yes so people ask it how then shall we be drunk he says be filled by the Spirit of God let the Holy Ghost to fill you from the color of your hair to the source of the pit then you shall be drunk you lose control when you are drunk you don't walk the way you used to walk you don't talk the way you talk you don't think the way you think alcohol takes over now when you are drunk in the spirit it is no longer alcohol but it is the spirit that they've taken over he's the one that's ordering your step now you can all in your gifting now it is easier for you to operate in your gift it is easier for you to prophesy to people it is easier for you to resurrect the dead and he told me in the next revival is setting people sugar is affecting people from the dead people shall be walking on earth not faking it people shall be walking in the air in real life people shall meet angels real life you shall see angels appearing someone will be preaching here and the same time you'll be preaching there they're dead the end Aqaba Chakradhar heartache idea i feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost you need the Holy Ghost to come upon you because it's the one that makes you operating the giftings so that disciples received the Spirit of God and after Jesus told them go and wait in Jerusalem for what for the Holy Ghost you need him he is so important you need him you really need him Kabbalah Moradabad Santo para de basanti you need him you definitely need him no matter who you are no matter we are you really need it you must have the Holy Ghost mala body has dela hair I need the Holy Spirit that's deep amen I need it amen receive it in the name of Jesus wherever you are watching on TV they are watching on periscope or you're watching on Facebook as I stretch my hand receive the power that comes with this way that I'm speaking to you receive the power for God is with you cabron Tabas cinta Lama who caparelli okati Ida created I declare by the power of the Holy Spirit that you receive in Jesus mighty name receive the power to walk in your gift receive the power to fellowship with him you need to have an intimate with him ha ba ba ba ba ba if you break the word intimacy intimacy into me see into me see into me see intimacy intimacy see in me that is why God says if you abide in me and I abide in you you shall ask me what so ever you want and I'll give it to you you don't ask according to what you see around you you don't ask because you've seen a Lamborghini then you as you've seen this car you want you look into him because whatever you need is in ashame Kaaba subtle hot a rope Aqaba Socata I pray that he empowers you today I pray that his anointing will come upon you today I pray that your life will never be the same Allah Masha Allah Behati he is filling somebody he is empowering somebody is in Aqaba so totally hiccup Aradia kotti there are people right now you are receiving new dimension of speaking in tongues what now is noble mighty or by power but by the spirit of the Living God he is empowering you right now he is the same yesterday today and forever he changes not what he did on the day of Pentecost they are people here you've been having and visitation from God thank you Jesus you've been speaking in small tongues receive in petition today in the name of Jesus I'm praying that she touches you wherever you're watching me from I pray that he empowers you right now I pray that his hand come upon you not only his end may he enter inside of her not only enter you may he overflow cara de ba Santo Rey Kalia court Allah Mandela Giachetti so they had three dimension the first dimension the Spirit of God comes upon you the Spirit of the Lord is upon me he anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor says Jesus the first dimension he comes upon you then you can witness his activity his administration his gifting why when you see him coming down he came in form of a dove the first visitation he did in the day of Jesus Christ male Copeland a body has Allah had a the bible says he came in form of a dove why a dove if you stretched the wing of a dove it has nine strong feathers nine strong feathers represent the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit you can never walk in the giftings of the Holy Spirit unless he comes you need them in your life and I'm gonna tell you how he can come on you then other wing it carries Dena other nine strong feathers and other feathers they bunch from this nine one this ninety represent the nine P attitude the nine blessings of God blessed the poor blessed are the meek blessed that the peacemakers blessed that this ones does nine there represents the nine blessings that flows from the spear it but the tone now carries the five strong feathers strong feathers fight for them they carry the fivefold ministry that represent the fivefold ministry now the duty of the wings is that the bread can fly which means you can never ascend into the spiritual realm into the ioniq unless you have the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit have to be upon you for you to mount into the realm of the Spirit the faith strong feathers represent the calling of God why without the calling of God the five-point ministry they can never be control in the body of Christ if you remove the tail of the bed the bed does not take control because it is though it is detail that brings balance and control when the bed is flying if you remove it don't imbalance it does not have a full control of its of his own body so the body of Christ will need the Apostles the evangelists the prophets he passes the teacher so that it can balance so you can never operate in your calling unless you ship the Spirit of God the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost you need him that's why he came in form of a dove number three he was a white dove why a white dove color white represents the seminal spirit it represents holiness purity you have to work in period in order to attract the Holy Spirit to attract the Holy Ghost you must leave your sinful life and enter into holiness for you to attraction then it has two lengths the Old Testament the New Testament if you don't have the word in you if you don't have the Word of God in you you can never attacked him he is calling somebody into a place where you can feel you but you cannot come on you unless you of the world that is why the Bible speak let me tell you how he came down on earth in the days of Noah Noah took a dove and threw it out thank you Jesus before the Daphne took a Robin and the Robin ever came back why Robin represents pastors people preachers prophets that don't care about you people they may like you when you have money they can like you when you have cars they can like you when they have benefits but the Holy Spirit does not care you have money you have a house if Costner the Holy Spirit does not kill but all those things he loves you as you are he was sent he sent pottered of the Dove came back it could not lend why the Holy Spirit the Dove can only lend where there is the word or the anointing if there is no anointing if there is no word he can never come upon you which means if you want at sorting you don't look after him you look after the word you search for the word when you raspy the word Kaaba santol Abraha day when you Glaspie the word your life will never be the same he's calling you barley trouble later baba ba-ba-ba-ba you must read the Bible every day in the morning every day in the afternoon every day in the evening read the word eat the word reset the word meditate on the word met the word partake of you la mascota la barra da ba ha when the word is in you it brings balance to what you do now the dot is the only bed that you've got breasts egos they don't have breasts black chested on their birthday Jesse yell excess orders but they don't impress only the dove why because the Dove breast feeds it has milk that comes out of it that is why poses when you were young babies I fed you with milk now that you have grown up I give you bonus you need him to feed you from LH so that you can grow in his D and a because you can only grow in the DNA of the mother that you get milk from I don't want to go deeper now that DAF could not come the DAF could not come could not lend them came back into the earth and it was sent for the second time when it was sent for the second time what happened it came back with an olive leaf the only relief if you crush it it brings you all of oil also what am I talking about I'm talking about receiving and visitation from the Holy Spirit when you go through tough times because you need to be crushed for something to be produced the olive leaf it has to cry to be Christ to release anointing oil so for you to be positioned to receive the oil you got to be crushed the problem is you don't want to be you don't want situations but you want the revelation of God you can never move in the revelation of God unless you go through the situations because it is in situations that you get revelation for revelation is the minister of contain which means without a consent they can never be a revelation so God you have to make you go through the value of the shadow of death it's not real death it's such a shadow of death where everything around you is dead I'm talking to somebody your husband life is dead your children lives are dead your financial life is dead everything you're touching is dying everything is dead what are you going through this you have to be crushed for you to receive the oil now when the oil comes upon you now it's easy to attend to Holy Spirit that is what Jesus went through persecution there's one thing that I want you to understand the Bible says when the disciples were persecuted they were happy that we are being persecuted for Christ's sake if you don't have get if you don't get joy from the persecution that you are going through then you don't please the father it is through the crushing that to get the onion to oil and when you have the anointing oil received the Holy Spirit deadly the Bible says when the Dove was sent for the dead that it could not lend it could not do anything and the heavens were shot which means the daf cannot be found anywhere the prophet who was prophesying in Proverbs prophetic verbs proverbs prophetic verbs pro PR or prophetic verbs verbs are doing words which is Solomon Solomon as promising verbs invents and wheeze prophesying invents then he comes to one conclusion in the Book of Psalms of Solomon he says where is my dog he's looking for the deaf he is looking for the love of his life you have to love the Holy Spirit he must be your dad he is looking for it as a property can't find it anyway why it is long in the heavens from the days of Noah in the days of Jesus now Jesus Christ is the word John chapter 1 verse number 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god wisdom of God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us with the word jesus christ when he was being baptized they had bands that were closed in the days of Noah thank you Jesus we're opened and the death was seen coming down and when the Dove came down what happened it came upon Jesus Kabara bajate now Jesus can operate in the nine blessing he can operate in the nine gifts he can operate in the fivefold ministry he can balance the Old Testament we can move into the Old Testament when the Pharisees come in they asked him he answered them it says before Abraham I am [Music] is you older like is he old enough to be in the days of Abram yeah he is able to move into the Old Testament why because of the balance the Old Testament in the New Testament from the Holy Spirit you must eat the words you must save the word in order to attract him so you can come and fill you up your gift is ready but without the empowerment of the Holy Ghost it can never be in activation you need to be empowered by the Holy Ghost now if you see old prophets never operated by the Holy Ghost so they never professor like we do that's why people pastors evangelists up on fields how compassion look up professor people's names their phone numbers passion somebody entered in his church and he told the peasant the thief stole your passport I think many of you have seen the video neutral polka TV and the name of the thief is this the phone number of the tip is did and men cognitive caba daba subtly buried a hottie caught the thief and the octave oh yeah now that if can acknowledge yes it's true the tip from the beginning says I don't know what you're talking about I promise I didn't address auditive the men went with the police and they discovered the passport nada the thief can confess boldly yes I didn't apologize why is it profit can professor like that in the days of of Samuel some only said are the donkey's were lost they have been found it was a dispensation of the Spirit of God now we are operating in the office of the Holy Ghost where is not upon us he is in us the Old Testament they were waiting for him to come upon so they can prophesy I don't have to wait to Professor I can prophesy right now I know somebody's typing right now prophesy professor I can prophesy any time any second I can prophesy any time lapew robeson telepathy at all so God is in a one position where he's waiting for you to say to me I wanna go you have to tarry don't start that just no matter of a calling wait for him Isaiah started prophesy when he she had an visitation but when she was visited it will be sent he said god I can't go I'm a man of unclean lips how come he was prophesying all this time how come he was proposing all this time because he thought because God chordoma can do it they are parted that a prophesy that they have started churches and they are struggling they are poor they are lacking they can go any way why they don't jabbed up the dead of the night blessings they beg people to stay in the church why they don't have the real power the evident power that they are cold but I pray and I prophesy in the name of Jesus the release of the power of the Holy Ghost wherever you are watching me right now I decree and declare by the power of the Holy Ghost receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit the empowerment of the Holy Ghost receive him and I pray that you speak in other tongues copper and eboshit l a-- hot a cream read a biscotti karate Acadian ambassador ha I decree and declare that he may empower you in the mighty name of Jesus receive the bending of the Holy Ghost received the electricity of the Holy Ghost received the fire the Holy Ghost in the mighty name of Jesus be in power today that you may perform miracles as Peter began to perform miracles and God use them in the artist 'meme the glory of the former be surpassed with the glory that you are about to receive in the mighty name of Jesus Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit I'm gonna talk to everybody right now before I sign out and that I want to do to to support me in my ministry in whatever I'm doing I want you to support me I have an app called PayPal me pepper me I'm trying to move this videos who go light every day on K TV every time I'm in the studio that it may go live so I'm raising some couple of thousands of dollars so I want you if you can give $1,000 go on our paper and do it send the money to our paper if we can give $500 go to our paper and do it help me to preach the gospel to the poor to reach everybody KTV is in millions of millions of houses or around african parts of europe and we want everybody to be touched it shocked me to preach and prophesy to these people partner with me today go on pepper put your money there or you can go on my facebook page passion observer with 60,000 followers click the link there called pepper me over here on periscope you click tap on me and send your money it can be hundred dollars it might look small but it means a lot you can give fifty dollars it will mean a lot if 500 people can hear $50 then we can touch somebody we can bless somebody speak to yourself to dancing I'm watching KTVI I wanna partner with this great prophet of God and as you do that I pray that may God blessing God's anointing be upon you in jesus mighty name amen amen I also have a program that I'm doing for one-on-one I'm still available before my busy schedule so if you have to have the one-on-one register now so this is the Gotha prophet pass on java signing out today right here on KTV of all my social media my word to you is pray cry for the Holy Ghost to empower you so you can walk in your calling and your giftings in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Applause] [Music] KTV changing you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 211,983
Rating: 4.7534347 out of 5
Keywords: brian carn, #Angels, derek prince teaching, mannaseh jordan, how to be a prophet, prophet passion in ktv studio, how to see names and prophesying, benny hinn teaching on the holy spirit, #PassionJava, #ProphetPassion, holy spirit baptism
Id: l5BEDKxZ3Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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