ALL Undertale Secrets in the Ruins - Flowey, Toriel, Hard Mode and more | Two Left Thumbs

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how's it going guys my name is Graham and welcome to two left thumbs I ended last year by doing a deep dive on secrets Easter eggs and references in Delta rune so it only makes sense that I would end this year by starting a similar series on undertale I'm kind of doing things out of order but that gave really opened up a much deeper appreciation of the series for me and so I wanted to go back and revisit this game very thoroughly we have the added benefit of having the hindsight of people playing this game for years at this point so I'm hoping I can assemble bits and pieces that people have been collecting for years at this point and synthesize it into a nice like one-stop shop for all these cool little things within this game as you do the different runs neutral pacifist genocide true pacifist truth genocide there are so many branches and deviations and changes within this game that it's going to become pretty complicated to cover so it's a nice simple starting point I just want to focus on ruins because not a lot changes within them and we can somewhat isolated lis cover all of that all at once and and Kai just be done with it I should say right at the top of this this is gonna be so insanely spoilery for all of undertale and probably to some extent Delta rune so just be mindful of that as I'm sure many of you know by this point there are secret hidden messages when you name your character very specific things there are a handful of names that are straight-up forbidden you're not allowed to do it for example the first one is alfea's when we try to accept it don't do that it doesn't matter if you capitalize the whole name or not or any any of that it'll register the same either way but we get these little flavor texts that are delivered to us in character as whoever it is Sue's name we're trying to kind of co-op for ourselves with a score we get you cannot as kind of a one-two sort of punch situation when we first do Azrael we just get this little ellipses no actual proper response but when we do flowey I already chose that name toriel I think you should think of your own name my child and finally Undine it's your own name now there are multiple other names that do actually work it allow you to use these names six is a very common repeating important things throughout these game is also very commonly tied to gaster if anyone wants a very overly thorough break down on everything gaster including how the number six plays into it you should check out this video here cuz I go into it very very deeply interestingly in this intro sequence there are six forbidden names with six letters each and then sans acting as a small exception to that rule he's the seventh forbidden name and it's the only one that isn't six letters long with sans nope it's worth noting that this thing maxes out at six letters when you try to enter a longer like seven letter name like papyrus it ends up over writing itself so instead let me use that to introduce the list of allowable names that don't get a special flavor text the closest you can get there is for Piru and you'll get I'll allow it even then name yourself after various characters and monsters within the game Aaron is this name correct question mark the little little winky face if we hold ourselves one letter shy with Alfie instead of Alfie's uh okay catty bratty bratty that's my name and said bratty like okay I guess be pants for our lovely burger pants you are really scraping the bottom of the barrel gerson our sweet learning turtle why not Jerry Jerry now there's three here that all give the same flavor text if you either do M TT m e TT or meta m e TT a we get ooh are you promoting my brand for Napster they're powerless to stop you if we were to do blue key we actually get the same there's still a pause they're powerless to stop you siren Justin ellipses and a question mark Timmy boy wash you uh clean name good name so clean so very clean there are a couple that kind of break this trend of actual names murdered that's a little on the nose isn't it and we end up getting these same thing for mercy potentially my personal favorite is to just do six days not very creative big implications here if you were to do Chara the true name frisk warning this name will make your life hell proceed anyway this actually activates a hard mode within the game I'm not gonna do it right now I'll explore that a bit more later and similar to Delta ruin when you enter gaster the game resets to the intro sequence there's one more or realistically a trio of names that is the most highly specific thing and results in the world's most highly specific reference and interaction imaginable but if you were to name the character Drac Gigi or Gugu then much later in the game when you get the steak in the shape of meta tons face normally this shows up in your inventory as face steak but if you made your name one of these three things it will instead be F steak gig EDG is an artist that provided some additional artwork in undertale as well as testing way back when they made a persona for fan comic and F steak is a hyper specific reference to that [Applause] you know any other words that start with F mistake excellent as a call back to when Brendan and I played through undertale together on the channel I'm gonna name the character Klaus and move on at the beginning of the game we're introduced to flowey I would say just pay a slight bit of attention to the happy little ditty that plays in the background during this opening sequence here wow he's introducing you to the little battle mechanic introducing it to us as friendliness pellets even gives us a little shifty eye when he says it he encourages us to collect them if we instead dodge around we see an increasingly annoyed flowey hey buddy you missed them I also want you guys to notice that the song becomes slightly distorted and slightly slower let's try again okay listen for it getting a little bit more warped now is this a joke are you brain-dead run into the bullets the hell calling friendliness pellets see it races it corrects himself now he's getting pretty angry you know what's going on here don't you you just wanted to see me suffer coming at us full force died closing in on you it gets interrupted and sweet sweet toriel comes in to save the day two incredibly quick things that I might as well bring up now toriel's name is obviously a reference to a tutorial the beginning of the game where it introduces you to the concepts you're gonna need throughout for the rest of the gameplay being a fan of kingdom of loathing I am a big sucker for characters that have names which are a play on words of tutorial there's no direct connection between toriel and the tutorial I just think they're both funny examples of this and on top of all that just the wild foresight behind these games the fact that toriel as a dreamer wears the Delta rune as their family crest it's just incredible how an undertale first came out we had so little understanding of the significance that would truly toriel kind of solves this puzzle for us but you can actually reverse engineer it and look at what the puzzle would have been only the fearless may proceed brave ones foolish ones both walk not the middle road in which case you would push down every button except for the middle - exactly like Torrio did and then I promptly went and ruined because I'm in the ruins it's just what you do in this section Torrio labels for you which one of these she wants you to push you can totally ignore her run past her and go and grab the wrong one before she's finished telling me what's going on no no no you want to press the other switch I even labeled it for you this one is a bit of a pain to pull off and took me several attempts to do properly I'm not proud about but he tries it actually ended up taking maybe there's a better way to do it but it seems to me that it requires like semi flawless execution Wow you are super fast at being wrong thanks for noticing toriel toriel sets us up to fight the practice dummy if we talk to her first do you need some ideas for conversation topics well I often start with a simple how do you do you could ask them about their favorite books jokes can be useful for breaking the ice listen to this one what did the skeleton tile his roof with shingles well I thought it was amusing during the fight you talked to the dummy it doesn't seem much for conversation toriel seems happy with you giving us a big old thumbs up in the corner there but it doesn't really matter for the fight itself very good you were very good you can still talk to the dummy even without doing that first and the reaction is still the same you still win toriel's still happy doesn't really change anything your next option is to simply spare the dummy over and over and over again go ahead and spam that a few times dummy tires of your aimless shenanigans you won if we choose to fight an attack but never actually attack and simply receive misses after I think the eights miss the dummy similarly tired viewers shenanigans and wanders away and the most simple straightforward option is to simply attack it and finish it off it has like next to no health you're gonna kill it very easily toriel's upset she wanted us to talk to it this is something very particular that people noticed a long time ago and I still am NOT confident anyone knows what to make of it toriel's battle sprite is like 99.5% black and white except she has red colored eyes she's one of the only battle sprites that has any color in her character whatsoever just thought that was worth sharing I'm sure lots of people found this on their own playthrough but at the very end of the long hallway with this pillar you can check behind it and toriel's just kind of camping out back there I assume people will ask if you interact with this like dozens hundreds of times doesn't matter it's gonna be the same response every time after this little sequence toriel tells you that she has some important business says that things are very dangerous and asks you to wait here by yourself this is also when you first receive the cellphone there are options here where you can actually call toriel there's a bunch of different dialog branches and she has particular responses to all of them this tutorial you only wanted to say hello ah that's so nice or whatever hello most of the interactions are along the same line as that their video is specifically dedicated to it sounds good I'm gonna leave that alone for now other people have found specific things like later in the game you can call papyrus in like every individual room of the game and they'll have different dialogue within every individual room of the game as fun as I think that would be to cover other people have done it very thoroughly so I'm probably gonna leave out things like that after about four minutes you get your first phone call hello this is toriel my errands are taking longer than I thought they would you must wait five more minutes thank you for being patient hello this is toriel I found what I was looking for but before I could take it a small white puppy snatched it away how odd do dogs even like flower yeah that is an unrelated question of course it will take a little longer please understand and it is very serious about that you have to wait in real-time for five more minutes I've heard it said that waiting here forever for goat bum is like the true true pacifist route you just never leave this room no one gets hurt we the next call it's a pause you hear heavy panting on the other end of the phone Bert bark bark bark you hear a distant voice stop please come back here with my cell phone we now know that the dog has stolen the phone if you try to call the dog somewhere signals deflected by a dog it doesn't matter which of the dialogue options you choose you get the same thing each time snore snore sounds like a small white dog is sleeping on the cell phone you hear a distant voice hello little puppy where are you I'll give you a nice pat on the head the snoring stops if you return my cell phone the snoring resumes after calling the dog again it's the same same thing as before our next call coming in pause snore snore achoo it sounds like a small white dog sneezing in its sleep you hear a distant voice here pup pup puppy oh dear you should not keep my guests waiting any longer Oh No how long has it been since I've talked to them perhaps they've been calling the phone and here puppy the next call snore snore yawn blink blink yawn snore snore you hear a tired voice doggie here doggie oh dear I do wonder how they are and one vinyl call comes in snore snore click now normally after leaving the room we get hello this is toriel you've not left the room have you there are a few puzzles ahead that I've yet to explain it would be dangerous to try to solve them yourself be good alright if after waiting that full like 30 minutes of the annoying dog taking the phone and all the shenanigans you finally walk out of the room we get our call from tutorial now changed hello hello this tutorial my apologies strange dog kidnapped my phone so if you've called I could not have helped you however I have recovered it and you're still in that room are you not what a good child you are there are a few puzzles ahead that I have yet to explain it would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself be good alright if you walk back to the far left of this room we get a few frames of flowey disappearing back into the ground this is our first piece of evidence that flowey kind of stalks the player throughout the game there seem to be eleven different known examples of this this is one of the few times I'm gonna venture out beyond the runes for this video this is very thoroughly covered by Ciro Saki in their video description they very graciously say that others are allowed to use what they found in this video and they simply ask that credit be given so here I'm saying that the light work for this was put in by serie sake they did an incredible job summarizing all this backtracking in the runes is the first one the second can be found when going backwards in the froggit room again after meeting sans and papyrus after solving papyrus his second X and Oh puzzle after talking to sans and papyrus on the long bridge that leads to Snowden in the bottom left of this flower puzzle room in the big echo flower room going back to the kitchen after meta tons cooking show after diffusing the bombs after this grayscale multicolor tile puzzle and finally after the Blue Room with the lasers with it allow me to say thank you one more time to cero sake for both doing the legwork in finding all of that as well as putting together the footage I'm gonna toss a link to that video in the description because that is a lot of work to do and I'm going to admit that I didn't have the patience to do it myself so that is entirely on that they did a great job more like follow we am or am i right yeah I nailed that in this top room with the bowl full of candy it says take one take a piece of candy yes taking a second piece you took more candy how disgusting you're a third piece you take another piece you feel like the scum of the earth number four you took too much too fast the candy spills onto the floor if you interact with the spilled over candy look at what you've done the start of a genocide run not not actually though this has no consequence to pacifist or genocide don't don't worry about that three out of four gray rocks recommend you push them kind of referencing the fact that we have the one snarky Rock that doesn't like being pushed interestingly during this particular puzzle where you would push rocks two and three with the fourth one giving you trouble you can actually disregard the other two rocks and simply push this one to solve the puzzle and I I just thought that was kind of interesting when you start committing down the path of cheering up napstablook they eventually create their hat and come dapper blook if you then change tactics and threaten you give napstablook a cruel look I knew it and then they start crying again or you can continue to cheer and instead of having them cry harder than ever then an absolute gets out of the way there are so many little micro interactions like that across this game at different ways that you can play around with the various monsters and characters I don't know how many of them would be considered vote secrets or Easter eggs people are gonna have to let me know whether or not covering that sort of thing feels excessive I think they're interesting but it's also the sort of thing people might incidentally encounter on their own playthroughs anyways so you'll have to let me know whether or not that's worth including and follow-up videos I hear you can use f4 for fullscreen but what does f4 stand for for frogs I have only seen a maximum of three frogs in this room this is troubling to say the least we have the two frogs standing around it even tracked with this part of the wall there's an ant-sized frog and a crack in the wall it waves at you this frog in the wall of being the third of the three maximum frogs the luksus family name is I Walker meaning that his full name is Luke's eye Walker so it's when you say together it's supposed to kind of sound like Luke Skywalker talking the second frog I've heard you were quite merciful for a human surely you know by now a monster wears a yellow name when you can spare it what do you think of that it's bad really then I'll tell all my friends to tell their friends as friends never use yellow names how about that no more yellow names okay I will let them know not to use yellow names at which point for the rest of the game when you go to spare things they'll no longer have yellow it'll simply be white how are you doing without yellow names it's great bring them back huh it's rather inconvenient that you changed your mind like this since I told everyone not to use yellow names everyone through theirs Oh well last year it was fashionable to have pink names I think everyone still has those in their closets somewhere I'll ask everyone to look but this is the last time at which point spare is now this kind of pepto-bismol pink and it'll be like that the rest of the game so hopefully you like pink the best part is much later in the game when you're in the garbage dump is a pile of yellow names in this trash pile I love these sort of call back interactions in this game that's why I truly love it in the cupboard there are cookie cutters for gingerbread monsters because they wouldn't have gingerbread men there is this little plant out in the hallway you've seen this type of plant before but you do not know its name at the far end of this hallway we have the room under renovations it's important later in the game don't worry about it for now inside toriel's room at our bookshelf it's an encyclopedia of subterranean plants you opened the middle taifa a group of wetland flowering plants with brown oblong seed pots which many of you probably know as cattails but known more commonly as water sausages if we then go back into the hall and interact with either one of these plants oh it is a water sausage inside toriel's diary we have a circled passage you read the passage why did the skeleton want a friend because she was feeling lonely the rest of the page is filled with jokes of a similar caliber based on much later in the game where we learned that sands and toriel have this sort of relationship I think there's a legitimate chance that these are jokes that sands told toriel and she then wrote down it would make sense that one of the first jokes he told was a skeleton joke I think we could even take that one step further with the joke she suggests telling the dummy also being a skeleton joke we have our happy home music playing and when you turn out the light we get a slightly more nighttime themed song to go with it very interesting and kind of messed up that we have this picture of a flower on the wall but because of the color palette you can't really quite tell how flowey s kit truly is when we climb on downstairs we will get interrupted by tutorial I think you should play upstairs instead if you continue to keep going down it's dangerous to play here it is drafty here you will catch a cold it is dusty here you will catch a cold there is nothing to see here do you want to read a book I do not like the game you are playing starting to get Stern toriel why not go for a walk in the yard really now eventually she kind of gives up with the excuses and the suggestions and we just get the ellipses and from that point on repeating the cycle just brings up the same interaction if you call toriel right in front of her hey you silly child if you want to talk to me I'm right here toriel in her cheerio is reading her book 72 uses for snails through various dialogue interactions before she gets up and leave she might share a few of those facts no they are not 72 of them how about an exciting snail fact did you know that snails sometimes flip their digestive systems as they mature here is an exciting snail fact did you know that snails talk really slowly just kidding snails don't talk did you know that snails have a chainsaw like tongue called a radula did you know that snails make terrible shoelaces so there's really only the four different results of that there are a lot of deviations that take place with this particular fight which starts to be very true for the rest of the game there is an insane amount of alternate dialogues and pathways programmed into things covering the ruins by themselves was kind of a nice warm-up for me since the deviations are pretty minor and easy enough to tackle it gets complicated very quickly honestly it's very daunting for me to take on so I kind of started small if you tried to talk to toriel over and over during that fight you eventually get ironically talking does not seem to be the solution to this situation considering she's the one who's so heavily pushed for that losing the fight is actually a little bit of a challenge since toriel will specifically start avoiding you and trying not to defeat you if you manage to squeeze it in and take the full brunt of the damage in time we get this quick frame of a shock tutorial as she regrets what she has done you pretty much have to die within the first two attacks before she starts fully pulling her punches then you just kind of get the same regular game over screen after sparing toriel when she walks off one she stops answering your calls which is quite sad you can backtrack upstairs and go to bed please wake up you are the future of humans and monsters but you can carry on and backtrack through the entirety of the ruins one funny thing ending back at the spike puzzle is that we realize even without toriel leading us you literally can't fail it it won't let you walk anywhere other than where the spikes drop back at the very beginning of the game in the room with the flowerbed that we drop into we find toriel waiting do not worry about me someone has to take care of these flowers golden flowers they must have broken your fall this scene is a little bit nice because we could see the tutorial has some remaining purpose but it's also devastating because the game does imply that the first phone human is buried underneath this flowerbed it's something that toriel's never fully let go of and that she remains tending to to this day hey while we're at it being super depressing and a big downer about things toriel specifically says she's going to lead us through the catacombs which quite literally are underground cemeteries later on and toriel's repeated dialogues she also warns about things being very dusty what happens to monsters when they die they turn into dust these ruins that were walking through during this tutorial are quite literally a cemetery for dead monster likely for those who died during the war toriel's just too good for us and if you happen to kill a few of the monsters along the way before sparing toriel and going down the long hallway and confronting flowey again clever very clever you think you're really smart don't you in this world it's kill or be killed so you were able to play by your own rules you've spared the life of a single person froggit wins some vegetto Luke's makes top mold small think about those names do you think any of those monsters have families do you think any of them have friends each one could have been someone else's toriel selfish brat somebody is dead because of you if you commit to a full pacifist run when you see flowey clever very clever you think it really smart don't you in this world it's kill or be killed so you were able to play by your own rules you spared the life of a single person I bet you feel really great you didn't kill anybody this time but what will you do if you meet a relentless killer you'll die and you'll die and you'll die until you tire of trying what will you do then will you kill out of frustration or will you give up entirely on this world and let me inherit the power to control it I am the Prince of this world's future don't worry my little monarch my plan isn't regicide this is so much more interesting at which point we get a morphing terrifying flowey more so than usual even if you actually spare toriel first reload come back and kill her after living our horrible genocide life we talked to flowey wow you're utterly repulsive you spared her life then you decided that that just wasn't interesting enough for you so you murdered her just to see what would happen you killed her out of boredom you naive idiot think you're the only one with that power the power to reshape the world purely by your own determination the ability to play God the ability to save I thought I was the only one with that power but I cannot save anymore apparently your desires for this world override mine well well enjoy that power while you can I'll be watching flowey after killing various monsters including toriel i hope you like your choice after all it's not as if you can go back and change fate in this world is kill or be killed that old hag thought she could break the rules she tried so hard to save you humans but when it came down to it she couldn't even save herself what an idiot if after heartlessly killing goat mom we decide to come upstairs and sleep in our bed again your name please wake up you are the future of humans and monsters at which point we get a slightly slower version of the song falling down you can stop it and start it by turning light off and on again if you want to be truly sinister there is a betrayal death here really tutorial along all the way before the final spare opportunity and then attack you at my most vulnerable moment to think I was worried you wouldn't fit in out there you really are no different than them first if you kill at Oriel and then reload in order to save her we get the slight dialogue variance right before the fight prove yourself prove to me that you're strong enough to survive wait why are you looking at me like that like you've seen a ghost do you know something that I do not know that is impossible after this weird ghost mention if you've choose to talk tutorial you thought about telling tutorial that you saw her die but that's creepy can you show mercy without fighting or running away or if instead you killed toriel the first time and reset in order to go back and save her clever very clever you think you're really smart don't you in this world it's kill or be killed so you were able to play by your own rules you've spared the life of a single person but don't act so cocky I know what you did you murdered her and then you went back because you regretted it naive idiot do you think you're the only one with that power then he gives us the same speech about determination and playing God and using saves well well enjoy the power while you can I'll be watching if you fulfill the requirements of a true genocide route you're not really human are you no you're empty inside just like me in fact your player name right we're still inseparable after all these years listen I have a plan to become all-powerful even more powerful than you and your stolen soul let's destroy everything in this wretched world everyone everything in these worthless memories let's turn them all the dust let me get to here flowey like actually speak for the first time and it honestly sounds a little bit like jebel I wouldn't connect those two that's probably just generated using the same piece of software or whatever but kind of neat pretty creepy if you really go for it kill torial reload and kill toriel again you just can't get enough getting you how many more times will you kill her you disgusting animal you didn't even try to spare her every subsequent time after that like as many times as you want you sicko Sally will say wow you really can't get enough you kind of remind me of myself indicating that maybe when flowey had this power this is the sort of stuff he would do so yeah we're as bad as him now now's a good chance for us to circle all the way back around when you're first naming the Fallen human making it frisk you get the warning about activating hard mode yes that's what I want when activating hard mode we're dropped into the ruins same as usual but the enemies we encounter in the game are replaced by more difficult late-game enemies every time you're hit it'll deal 5 damage meaning you'll die in only 4 hits so yeah it makes things pretty tricky the correct switches are no longer labeled for us there's not a bunch of arrows and text on the wall saying please grab this switch and when you encounter these more difficult enemies that doesn't seem correct we have final froggit and astigmatism and endgame versions of froggit and Luke's standard encounters like naps to blue don't change in hard mode yes you take five damage but it's not like an alternate harder version of the character in the normal game when first reaching the home toriel is baked to you a cinnamon butterscotch pie wants you to have a nice time so I will hold off on snail pie for tonight once you climb into bed and wake up you'll have this slice of butterscotch cinnamon pie waiting for you jumping way ahead if you save this piece of pie throughout the majority of the game and eat it in front of as gora during that battle it'll actually weaken his attacks and defense making that battle slightly easier pretty down and dirty trick like that to use his ex-wife's cooking against him when you wake up in the morning in hard mode toriel accidentally makes you a slice of snail pie so I guess all that conversation about cinnamon and butterscotch didn't matter info about the snail pie heal some HP I'd acquired taste and when you use it it actually only heals about four HP the toriel battle is pretty much the same she'll still intentionally try to not kill you when you land the finishing blow you are stronger than I thought listen to me small one we get the same little monologue as we did before telling us to go on go forward warning us of a score after my child the annoying dog actually walks in and that's the end of hard mode a you are ending it now and on such a dramatic moment that's the difficult part not the bullets but accepting that it's all over but there will be more will there not maybe knowing the answer is hard haha toriel stands up just fine hey aren't you supposed to be dying or something well what is the point of that now what will you do instead hmm perhaps I will bake another pie that last one ended up a little burnt and you know full of snails but that's besides the point I thought it was good theoretically it's not like I ate it while you were fighting slight frustration and a turn as she walks away hey hey can I have some pie you were just going to eat it all I can help snoring on the floor is not help I'm not snoring I'm cheering you on in my sleep oh you're still here don't you have anything better to do oh not really which point it cuts away to undertale hardmode coming maybe yeah don't count on it that is the end of undertale hardmode we then get flowey jumping in at the very end after you've sat here for a while hey what's the holdup shouldn't she be dead by now I've been waiting in that room for hardmode gee you better take a picture people are gonna think you're really cool not golly talk about a trihard ha tick so are you gonna keep going or it's over I knew that why does everyone have to be so condescending so what's your Excuse sitting around here don't you have anything better I already said that then flowey slips away and things fade out having the game restart as you continue to spare and she pleads for us to please go back please go upstairs and write tutorials about to let us truly go the annoying dog walks in and that's the end of hard mode regardless of if you do the genocide and pacifist version of this you still get the same little bit of dialog about aren't you supposed to be dying or something it plays out the same you just don't have toriel standing back up on your feet this is everything I can possibly think to share about the undertale ruins for now if anyone knows of anything major that I missed I can absolutely revisit that in a future video it's gonna be a struggle to figure out a nice convenient way to approach the future videos of this with the increasingly absurd layers of complexity that begin to unfold in this game I'll do my best to come up with something logical for anyone who's unfamiliar this is kind of a relaunched version of the two left thumbs channel that original channel is being relegated to let's play content only and bigger videos like this reviews special series that I do are gonna be here on this channel I think that'll make things a little bit cleaner for people who choose to subscribe I know like 10,000 plus people subscribe to the other channel for the old Delta rune secrets content and then may have been disappointed to realize it's like 99% let's play content I'm uploading this as the first video as kind of like a trial test of waters see if people are willing to hop over to a second channel if this does well I'll continue to upload content like this and we can grow the two channels separately this one with nice in-depth secrets and analyses and reviews and such and the other channel will be a hundred percent let's play content I'm trying it out I hope you guys don't mind bearing with me during this little transitional period so in these end cards here there's gonna be two little subscribe buttons I'll make it nice and clear which is which one of them is for the let's play channel one is for this new channel with this type of content only I would love if you subscribe to either one or both but if you choose not to I thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you again soon
Channel: Two Left Thumbs
Views: 163,780
Rating: 4.9552574 out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, two left thumbs, undertale, undertale secrets, undertale ruins, undertale easter eggs, undertale neutral ruins, undertale pacifist ruins, undertale genocide ruins, undertale flowey secret, undertale flowey following you, undertale spare toriel, undertale kill toriel, undertale toriel secrets, undertale ruins secrets, undertale all secrets, undertale all ruins secrets, undertale hard mode, undertale hard mode ending
Id: V1-Sr23Xy5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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