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how's it going guys my name's Graham and welcome to yet another Easter Egg video for Delta ruin no preamble I'm gonna dive right into things here little-known fact it is actually pronounced Delta ruin no really this is just me admitting that in every previous video I think I kept repeatedly saying Delta ruin it is definitely Delta room I don't know why that word is so hard for me it's hard for me to enunciate for some reason I blame my slack-jawed small-town upbringing we're just the first time I saw it I said it wrong and then I could never get that out of my brain oh yeah lots of people have pointed that out and they are right it is Delta rune I'm just an idiot and said Delta ruin a lot now proper preamble for this I in no way expected to make three of these and you may be wondering how after an hour of content is there still more to talk about I'm left wondering the same thing but really it's all thanks to you guys I pretty well stopped discovering things in this game everything you're gonna see in this video comes courtesy of the YouTube comments from the last two videos which across the two of them were sitting at about 2500 comments I have read every single one even if I didn't respond to or leave a heart or whatever please know I have read all of these thank you guys all so much for sharing extra secrets for sharing your theories and everything it's been a lot of fun for me to dig into just a reminder this is the third in a series I tend to talk back about the first two videos so it really helps have you seen everything now let's get into some proper secrets and such shall we in the last video I showed that when you first save your game you're actually saving over top of a Chris SAV file something that was very commonly asked in the comments there what happens if you play through the entire game without saving that is an excellent question but unfortunately it has no impact on the game I was really excited for like a secret ending or something but no dice another thing I brought up in the last video was that when you die you just go back to a save point but when you die for the devil you get this whole ending text I honestly don't know what happened there is like a glitch in my file you do get this ending death screen every time for whatever reason in that one encounter where I died I didn't get it and I use that as evidence for all deaths so that's incorrect that's my bad blunt at the very least I'm not just giving a correction there is a little bit more to talk about with this end screen when the game asks if you want to try again if you say no it takes you to this blank screen where you can't do anything and it's the only place in the game you can hear an exclusive song called darkness falls if you just leave the game open let that song play out it takes maybe about a minute the game will close itself then you can open the game back up and simply return to your save file let's move on to some totally new information aim it's enough reach reading of old ground there's a couple of fun ways that Toby might have been playing around with language for characters names we talked about how Rukh Souls card is actually supposed to be pronounced rules card but some in the comments pointed out that ka a RT not D is actually Dutch for card or even literally as playing card so obviously Toby wanted us to pronounce it as card but you didn't want it to immediately look exactly like card maybe he took a little bit of influence from the Netherlands there there's also the hath ease the heart themed enemies that we encountered in the Malay language when you pronounce what is written as Hathi in English it will come out very similar to Hattie which actually just means heart I tried looking for other examples of this but I couldn't really come up with any their enemies like jig sorry which are obviously just a pun but I was trying to look at names like Rudin to see if there's some other language roots in there I couldn't find any on my own if anyone knows any others and do please share the entomology of these fictional characters can be very interesting before I mentioned the necklaces of Rudin's and the Board of jig saris have you run into this grouping of three unique enemies it's a smorgasbord spelt slightly differently here for a pun about the great board which we use to typically refer to just big feasts apparently the literal Swedish translation is table of sandwiches doesn't really apply just kind of neat now the thing that I came up the most next to Susie and issue being an anagram was the fact that there's this guy chilling in this car in the overworld Street a lot of people are speculating that this is one of the gaster followers and well that might be the case I think he's just supposed to be the guy who's hanging out outside of the spider donut shop and undertale but then that sprite was definitely reused for one of the gasps tour followers it's really unclear if it's the same guy and he eventually converts or something like that the reason I brought up this guy in the library before and not the guy in the car is I don't think we ever meet this creature anywhere in undertale whereas we've seen this guy before regardless of if he's the same as that follower or not but the very least I suppose it is worth mentioning while we're on the subject of gaster followers it segues very nicely into talking about the clam girl I mentioned in the last video that she is added in the switch version of the game specifically referencing Susy which is really cool that's not a hundred percent true you can still meet this character in the PC version of the game apparently the only part that is unique to the switch is in the epilogue of a true pacifist route she now has a new bit of dialogue so you never met my neighbor's daughter but please don't despair because the time you will meet her is fast approaching earlier in the game she talks about the neighbors daughter being Susy spelled differently but still some big hints going on there and the much more significant part is right after she finishes that little bit of dialogue the character turns into the grayscale of the other gaster followers and disappears so no the character isn't 100% unique to the switch but that bit is and that would have only been available for people to find about six weeks before Delta rune came out there's also a funny little bit of dialogue here where he talks about Undine blocking his path I guess I should just run away which is referencing the fact that when you choose to not fight undyne you can instead just continuously run away so that's probably a little nod to that boss fight from before it's funny that this little broken piece here where there's no hitbox is coming up for the third time it's been in the first two videos as well but I haven't figured out what its uses or if it's just a mistake but what some people have said is that if you intentionally lose the battle that takes place in the next screen against Lancer and Suzi come back here walk off screen and bust out the cellphone which normally without losing that battle would make the normal gaster sound effects you've tried to call on the cellphone and then before it has a chance for anything to take place it crashes the game it's such a weirdly specific interaction that I can't discern any real implications from but that is one thing that can be done with this weird open area who knows if that's just a weird bug that exists in the game or if in some weird way that's intentional there's some weird peculiarities with getting rid of items in this game I had said that I couldn't figure out how to make it so when you throw the bouquet of flowers away you get this piece of dialogue saying it was thrown away like the piece of trash that it is lots of people said you instead get that from the hot chocolate but I still just get was thrown away so using the debug mode I kept loading things and throwing them away over and over again dozens of times each to see what the outcomes would be you put the hot chocolate on the ground and gave it a little pat you bid a quiet farewell to the bouquet which I didn't even see in the files I don't even know where that one came from you abandoned the bouquet you threw the hot chocolate on the ground like the piece of trash that it is majority of the time you just get X item is thrown away but it does appear to be totally randomized there's no extra bit of conditions that need to be met or no real emotion or intention to be read into those words so hopefully that kind of clears things up with the tossing of items alternately you can drink the hot chocolate it tasted wonderful your throat tightened probably sad about memories of ass real there's another silly book in the library please remember my name please I wrote a book to help you remember by hots this is obviously referencing heats flames men a character from the first game who was obsessed with being remembered whose name somehow ends up being incredibly forgettable he's like one of my favorite characters I don't know why I didn't bring that one up in one of the earlier videos I love that let's spend a few minutes talking about toriel related things I've largely overlooked tutorial outside of porting out the jereal let's give goat mom some love here there's little figures in the windows here I just kind of took it as being tutorial had some sort of figurines hanging out on the windowsills there some have suggested that it looks a little bit like a mini storyboard for when Azrael helps out the first human sure it's not exact but the light beam and everything it's kind of subtle I can see that being an intentional hidden in plain sight sort of thing Tori all used to talk about wanting to be a teacher in undertale so it's very nice and interesting to see that she did become one in Delta rune I feel like Delta rune over and over again to prove I know how to say it someone told me there was something very specific to come looking for in toriel's kindergarten classroom it wasn't readily apparent but it's some kind of primitive sculpture who knows what it represents closer I'm just kidding it is faked I did want to address this one cuz people were asking about it the image that was getting shared around and everything was a fake image I just kind of recreated it just to mess with people a little bit so no there is no loss meme hidden in toriel's room although now I kind of wish that there was you can actually find your own personal Locker which is empty and one that used to be your brothers nothing interesting to do with either Locker they just are there in the school originally an undertale when you check toriel's oven it mentions that she likely uses her fire magic to keep it as clean as she does when you look at it in Delta rune there's some cinnamony batter caked on the stovetop and seeing his toriel is just kind of like a kindergarten teacher he or she might not have any magic powers you can ask toriel all sorts of questions if you specifically about yourself oh you've grown up so much someday soon you'll be governing University remember when you were little you asked when your horns were going to grow in so we bought you that headband with the little red horns on it oh you worked for months whatever happened to it now this is interesting because as will never had horns seeing is how young they were at the end when RAL say takes off their hat there are red horns there but if Chris's brother is Azrael and by trying to emulate Azrael Chris started wearing red horns that kind of indicates that they did grow in later in life still not saying they're the same person it just kind of further contributes to the fact that those characters are connected weirdly you can actually go to the mayor's office and the receptionist assumes that you are complaining about your teacher Alfie's if you don't like her please blame your mother for getting her hired so maybe toriel's been a teacher for a long time or she's just a very influential member of the community one last little bit about toriel in the first of these videos I showed that there's some unused dialogue hidden in the Delta rune files now while it is totally unused in this game does share some similarities with what you find in an echo flower on undertale runs where you killed torial when you're talking to sands you can ask him about friends he says they just moved here you some friends you saved me why not be friends with me what were there tiger you can't just jump straight in a friendship it takes time alright that's enough time take this call it whenever you feel like now you have sanz's number to call now normally when you call this number it'll put you through a string of different options and then when it comes out the other end it says not sanz's number any try to call it the phone kept ringing infinitely so for whatever reason sans you jerk gives you a fake number now because you normally wouldn't be able to call it multiple times and there's no save point in the town you would have to replay the game just to see what these other options are I'm playing in the debug mode right now so you can kind of fiddle around with things a little bit more so I'll just reload in town and roll through the different options when you call the number it rings a few times hello you've reached the hotline for idiot babies please press 1 for idiots 2 for babies 3 for idiot babies and 4 for none one for idiots hi you're an idiot tell you the truth I'm one too let's try our best ok number two hi your and baby I'm 1 2 let's try our best says the same thing basically the third option you're an idiot baby tell you the truth I'm 1 2 let's try our best and finally four four none why did you call the hotline for any babies if you aren't an idiot baby and then they rudely hang up on you that's the extent of it you really aren't missing out on much there hopefully I saved people from having to play through the game four times for that one joke there's a box full of scented markers that you can choose to sniff you dig out the marshmallow one and start huffing it which I thought was kind of interesting seeing is the dark candy that you can find down below smells like marshmallows if you still have those dark candies in your inventory up into the overworld your ball of junk will also smell like marshmallows so I thought something that would be worth testing before going back to the outer world is to eat up the marshmallow scented candies if you then inspect the ball of junk a small ball of accumulated things and that's it no remaining scent I was curious if it would smell like something else it just becomes nothing but that does prove that the scent only exists if you're still carrying dark candies there's a couple of dumb little jokes that play out with this water fountain you can go to it early on in the game and drink from the water fountain Susy calls you out on that as she impatiently waits people put their mouth on that you know which i think is probably a reference to Parks and Rec Andi is our official water fountain tester let's give this sucker a test-drive a really weird stupid running joke in that show that this is how people drink out of the water fountain and you can actually revisit the fountain at the end of the game you can actually run the water fountain many times he ran the water fountain it's lukewarm on the second time it's tepid on the third its refreshingly cool in case at some point you felt that Chris might need a nice refreshing beverage I personally love ice-cold water so it just brings me joy same as how I did kind of a specific character highlight-reel wa toriel there let's dig into Noel a little bit there's quite a few little hints but it's pretty clear that Noelle's mom is the mayor of this town there's some mentions of her mom being very busy she doesn't like to be bothered at work Noelle's house is behind this giant ornate gate in the middle of town in the south of town if you go into the town hall the mayor is very clearly referred to as being a she and someone who heavily prioritizes work not only does she act I see but she always keeps her AC on full blast so even if Noelle's mom doesn't end up being another reindeer maybe she's at least another winter or a holiday themed monster that chill I feel is this what politics feels like there's a small pine tree kept in the corner of the office the type of tree that's like most commonly used for Christmas trees and just in case people didn't know this on their own once you go and talk to Noel and her father in the hospital and here there are many many Christmas puns we have Noel for Pierre Noel which is French for Santa Claus their last name is holiday her dad is Rudy or Rudolph he calls you Christmas he talks about getting tangled in light displays Noel has a red nose was deer in headlights these two are a little obsessed with being reindeer and the holiday season I think but once you've gone through all this dialogue you can go and chat to Noel alongside the gate here similar to there being a dialogue tree with sands that you can't really do without cheating the system a little bit there is one little bit of branching dialogue here with Noel that you'll miss out on by making a selection after first catching up a little bit you're just talking about school a little Noel asks you what you want to talk about you can select Suzy that's right you were with Susy I mean didn't come back to class I was worried but everything turned out okay I think Chris can I ask you something if that's okay Susy I'm kind of curious what she's like you know there's several hints throughout the game that Noelle is crushing super hard on Susy there's a bunch of them but the first one I know of is when Noelle tries to volunteer to go to the supply closet with Susy to get extra chalk but then Noelle gets totally cock-blocked cuz chris is still looking for a partner you also kind of interrupt Noelle and her dad and Noelle might have been pitching the idea of asking Susy out I think there might be one or two more hints sprinkled throughout but we don't need to cover every single one I mean who doesn't wonder about her she never talks to anyone so Chris can you tell me about her if that's okay and there's a few different options here that you can choose once you've selected one of these you can't go back and select the other so I'm saving you guys the replay there you can simply say she's nice what she's a nice person really like really honestly truly I mean that's just what I was hoping but wait this isn't another trick is it Chris like when you put ketchup on your arms and told me it was blood really you're serious you're totally serious gosh and maybe I should try talking you what if I die you're paying for my funeral Chris I wanna stay if she's nice I might die too super adorable there's hints that Noel will play a larger part in Chapter two and I'm kind of hoping that that relationship gets explored a little bit in Chapter two but there are other options you can say that she eats chalk what she was eating the chalk feely wait you're teasing me aren't you Chris like when you told me I see was real and eats kids so Dez smacked you with a wiffle bat till you stopped flying high you're telling the truth seriously then what colored chalk does she like and do you think she likes the thin or the thick kind wait maybe making our lunch box full of chalk is stupid no judgments from Noelle she's still crushing hard you can also just say she's terrible she what she smashed you against the lockers gosh Chris I'm really sorry that's just awful I thought Susy was good just maybe it would take someone special to find her good side she really is terrible isn't she Chris I'm so sorry you have to go through this in fact I wonder if did you think I wonder if alvey's would let us switch partners I mean you know he wouldn't have to be the one who gets to be slammed into lockers and stuff anymore wait I don't think I phrased that correctly I actually had to do a double take when reading that myself I thought I had read it incorrectly a little bit kinky there I think the whale just admitted she's okay with getting roughed up a little and the final option is to just kind of pause seriously Chris but I help you all the time the least you can do is give me a little information like does she's like metal music she really an obligate carnivore did she really have a tail underneath her jacket which is kind of funny cuz later in the game it's completely proved that she does not have a tail if you get the item the devil's tail and equip it to Susie you get this little bit of flavor text at the bottom where she says that she always figured she would grow a tail someday or sorry Chris it's not any of my business is it so no matter which choice Nowell still has her little fantasy about Susie adorable I'm really a big fan of how this has been set up in this chapter so far maybe do try and follow it up with a second question in the same play through can I ask you something else about her well did it seem like she wait she definitely wouldn't know that I think basically Noel was just gonna ask is she into girls maybe that's a little presumptuous of me but it seems like that's where she was going but she won't take it any further than that kind of closes off the line of communication there and I think that's everything I'm actually gonna cover in this video I would estimate that I quite easily have enough stuff on my list to make another video of this length but these videos take a very long time to finish and if I didn't cut this one off here I have some stuff that was gonna delay it another several days so I'd rather put this one out now take a little bit of a breather come back to it and maybe make a part for that kind of finishes off this series of videos looking at this sort of stuff plus I don't want to totally burn myself out on this I think if I commit much more time to it I might start to hate the game and I want to leave it while it's still fun you know so I can go back to anticipating chapter two with everyone else again I just want to say that the support for these videos has been absolutely insane thank you guys all so much literally doubling our subscriber count and the span of a week is pretty insane I'm still having fun making it and you guys are still enjoying it so I would say we have at least one more of these videos to look forward to thank you guys so much for watching thanks again for your suggestions I'll see you again soon you
Channel: Graeme Games
Views: 494,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune, delta rune, deltarune secrets, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune all references, deltarune references, deltarune gaster, delta rune secrets, delta rune easter eggs, delta rune references, deltarune secret egg, secrets deltarune, references deltarune, easter eggs deltarune
Id: 6hb0A0QRvns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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