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how's it going guys my name is Graham and welcome back to Delta vroom Easter eggs pretty damn crazy to be doing a force one of these I don't know how that happened I obviously thought this was only gonna be one at most two of these very quickly at the top I want to address my great shame from last video when I was editing things together at like 1:00 in the morning I was hastily throwing together all the different ways that Noel and her family tied to Christmas and I said Noel stems from Pierre Noel which is Santa Claus I'm Canadian a bilingual country I should know better than that first it's not Pierre it's pear serves me right for not paying attention in French classes in grade 9 and para no L literally translates to father Christmas so a much shorter way of Noel being related to Christmas is that Noel just literally means Christmas so I took the most complicated route possible with the whole Pere Noel thing great goin Graham I have a lot to cover in this video more than I ever would have thought I have to start it fresh they file to get through everything I blame you guys for that you guys and all your suggestions oh could have been so easy a new video is now here we are since this series has been completely guided by you guys for the last couple episodes I feel as though I have become the vessel and the Creator is you I don't know if this is one of the random chance type events some people have suggested it's tied to the savefile slot you use but the contents of as riyals drawer actually changes the drawer is mostly empty except for a school cross country shirt with a tear in it then if you check it a second time there's nothing useful in this drawer the drawer is mostly empty except for a coupon book every coupon is for half off a large pizza all the coupons expired before the books print date just splendidly useful and there's a third option that I don't have footage for a very old school ID with an embarrassing haircut there is one more absolutely hilarious amazing thing in this bedroom that I cannot believe no one pointed out to me before thank you to the one loan commenter who seems to have found this either it was that obvious or that subtle but it's so good the mere upstairs it says it's only you when checked in undertale it exclaims it's you if you decide to call your home phone when you're standing directly beside it it rings the phone is ringing but you can't get it you're already on the phone after all there's kind of an endless logic loop happening there at the beginning of the game when toriel is driving you to to school you can see a froggit for just a fraction of a second there who doesn't appear again in the game at all also come on mom she drives us to school drives herself to school and then end of the game rags on us for not just walking ourselves home very hypocritical you talked to Timmy they talked about already having a partner and they pull out this egg it's a black and white hard-boiled egg sadly seems like it already has a partner this is of course a callback to the hard-boiled egg that Timmy was looking after in undertale I'd have said that there's still investing time in looking after this egg it's funny that they specified that the egg is black and white here because originally in undertale it was a decorated painted up egg the hard-boiled egg emanates a feeling of pity towards you so somehow this egg does seem to be somewhat sentient which makes it a little less sad on the wall here we have looks like motivational quotes from various literature try your best astral wolf even in your darkest hour that one seems to be from a video game I thought that maybe astral wolf was a joke about starfox but people have said that it's lifted from Okami I could be wrong it might be totally made up I couldn't find the exact quote people have said that maybe Susie eating chalk and the fact that there's a green crayon missing from her desk at the start of the game is a reference to another Homestuck character and someone who eats everything who's green and someone who eats chalk this could just be weird coincidences but do you know as Toby did a lot of work on Homestuck it wouldn't be that of a stretch I wanted to draw attention to this cuz several people said it in the comments they pointed out that the alphabet on the top and toriel's room is not correct I'm not sure where people are getting that from sure it's really cramped since it's only three pixels high but there is close to the real letters as they could possibly be so I don't I don't buy it I think that's the real alphabet for the life of me I can't find the exact sound effect but this little gasp sounds like it was lifted straight out of The Legend of Zelda I've heard people talk about this weird opening area how eventually when you start entering the field and the forest and the great board and all that it's reflected in the overworld inside of the empty classroom but this opening area isn't really in there at all there's nothing representing it so people have kind of said that maybe this great door is analogous to the door that you enter the closet through there's not a lot to support that it's kind of interesting but it does kind of make sense layout wise but it does beg the question does this opening area connect to anything all the cliffs with the weird using eyeballs the area with Raleigh's castle all the weird arrow shaped houses and stuff like does that match anything in the school or in the town I don't think so so all of that early game stuff before the great door must exist before this closet door it's pretty far-reaching but I think it's the only conclusion you can draw there I want to slow this down kind of frame by frame because as you're playing the game it might be hard to tell the first two flashes are Lancer but the final one is Susy as she runs and hides when Suzy asks you to lead the way if you go the opposite direction she totally bails on you for not knowing the proper directions now normally when you get the white ribbon Rothsay says that it would look great on you and you decide to give it to him instead he asks whether or not you think it looks okay and you can wait till Susie's on the team to acquire it and give it to RAL say Chris you're giving it to me do I look pretty Suzy leave me out of this you didn't answer the question how am I supposed to know leave me alone there's a series of games that I cannot pronounce that are spelt out like to who who knows maybe I'm right that Toby was obviously very influenced by apparently long before the days of undertale Toby kinda had a breakout in that community because a lot of the music that he wrote naturally sounded like music from those games so I've been told that specifically the song field of hopes and dreams in Delta rune is very to who like and sound a name and even when you first walk into the area the way that the song name Scrolls onto the screen feels like it was lifted right from those games so there's obviously some deep inspirations there thank you to Maria for laying that one out for me hey kid you want to buy tutorial there's a handful of alternate dialogue takes you can get with these puzzle makers turn tutorial masters first they try to negotiate how much it'll cost you can just repeatedly say no you don't want it and if you say no to everything RAL say steps in excuse me sir I think I have a dollar is it dark yes Oh perfect right this way gentlemen if you go through the whole rigmarole but don't have enough money just hand over the money and you don't have enough money jumping jigsaws you you're just like us and people like us gotta help each other out come this way if you do it when you're stone broke one only one dollar please oh please I need this right now finally just hand over the money and you don't have a dollar jumpin jigsaws you you're just like us and people guys gotta help each other out come this way same same basic thing donation hole if you liked our tutorials please throw your money into a hole throw one dollar in you don't have enough money you failed to budget enough money to throw into a hole in the last episode I talked about the etymology of rules card and the hath ease I said that I assumed rudin came from something but I didn't actually know what Reuben actually means Ruby in many different languages there was Croatian German Dutch Swedish and I think several others I'd been looking for ways to tie to diamond but that makes sense not every culture and language actually calls it diamonds hearts and so on some of the translations are Ruby or red gem or things along those lines for cards in Danish it's called a root or a Rooter well rubies themselves are called Reubens Rood actually means window or window pane and rudin means Ruby so there's all sorts of languages that that might have originally stemmed from treating it like diamond was looking in the wrong place the Rutan's actually say shine shine when they attack you which makes sense because of sparkling gemstones but with that exact same spelling shinny which I'm probably butchering the pronunciation of is actually dye in Japanese someone kind of works on two layers which is very impressive never use the glow shard it does say but nothing happened this could maybe be a reference to ness in earthbound using the credit card and nothing happens or possibly even magic car piecing splash and nothing happens doesn't necessarily have to be a reference but it's at least similar there's even an interesting bit of dialogue with the clover mini-boss here where if you talk about boys and they kind of draw attention to RAL say specifically one of the clovers even says him sure I feel like people have been debating whether or not RAL say is actually a boy within the fan community it's interesting to see there's actually one monster in the game who's also a little uncertain if you're goofing around with the debug mode or editing game files and teleport yourself around within the game you can actually make it later in the game before the segment where you would have may your team I'm gonna use the save point in the great board after that you get the message the power of failing to name your team shines within you something really weird that happens at the bake sale here things are listed as costing gold which of course was the currency in undertale same thing with Hasse's donuts it feels like maybe it was just an oversight maybe a little bit of a slip-up I suppose even Toby isn't a hundred percent infallible this first battle with the C round is supposed to teach you about acting with Suzy but if you already know it you can lay down a warning and the C round actually bails on the fight you don't have to fight it at all if you check C round in the first battle that you encounter it C round attack one defends zero despite appearances it's trying its best to defeat you pretty subtle easy to miss detail I'm it might be very obvious but I somehow didn't think it through in checkers your piece is crowned by reaching the opposite end of the board this little checkered piece literally walks to the end of the board before he receives the crown it even flashes the board to draw attention to it but somehow I didn't make the connection so maybe other people missed it too if you choose to check the K round the first time you come to battle it the tag 9 defends 3 check that's chess not checkers there is such a weird amount of layers to this joke first of all the other enemies you're encountering on the board are chess pieces not checkers you can check or checkmate someone in chess K round is a checker I mean both games use essentially the same board but when you start doing it all together like this I don't even know what's real anymore and now when you go to check the K round it comes up as checkers but now when you go to checkers it it says that's better just making sure you're getting the two ah two games straight and in the second time that you fight the K round it is still checkers but there's no funny dialogue when you actually use the checkers not so much Easter eggs or secrets but there's a lot of goofy ways you can mess around with this puzzle since neither of these two will help you just have to push the boxes on to the buttons if you push a box on back off ah Chris I don't think that's a great job Chris I think you're onto something if you push a box on and you yourself take the place of the second box Chris you can't solve it by stepping on the switch you aren't a box Chris don't listen to him you can be a box I was a box for Halloween once just a box well it's not like I can dress up as a goddamn monster that's the end of that it's just funny stuff to mess around with for whatever reason when Raleigh's down in battle he turns into this weird pile he just kind of disappears altogether and only the clothes are remaining I just love this little face when reality doesn't really know what's going on it comes up a couple times in the game but it just reverts to this goofy mspaint sad drawing of his face now I haven't talked about this little pink ball guy or the coat rack at all what could be going on here is when the two of them are together they do actually look like the different components from a game of jacks but later this character is directly referred to as a coat hanger so what might be going on here is that this little pink ball is actually a reference to the bully's friend from Legend of Zelda linked to the past about halfway through that game you actually do go to a dark world that's just a dark version of the light world and that's where you find the bully's friend who is just a tiny little pink orb of a character it doesn't seem that absurd of a possibility because this character is just kind of nothing otherwise somebody even suggested that it would complete the pattern of this caterpillar white green pink white green pink it's kind of a random thought and I'm not sure if any other dialogue really supports that but maybe this character doesn't really do much does it when you're running around in this area with the paper cutout characters you can actually click around and interact with the little sparkles fireflies whatever you want to call them you get all sorts of different kinds of tones coming up when you're building the thrash machine choosing the shoes one of the options is attractive wheels leading the way another way of saying attractive is that something is hot I thought that that was pretty great but if you build a machine that completely Maxim izes hotness hey why'd you draw something like it looks like you guys wanna kiss it's okay to express yourself Chris anyway great job lads sir seems like maybe Susie's projecting there a wee little bit god it's so hot oh that's not good actually it's got like flat tires this stupid face scribbled on it let me to see rousey's scribble face at the same time I've totally talked about this before what's most likely with the star Walker character is that this is the original sprite for what eventually becomes a star Walker bird face both sprites are called star Walker in the original game files but some people have come up with some interesting theories about why this guy talks about being the original star Walker other than just possibly being the starter sprite obviously the name star Walker is immediately gonna make people think of Luke Skywalker there is a weird theory in Star Wars a weird deep down fan theory some people actually think that there are two Luke Skywalker's a Luke Prime and then the second one this has to do with Luke looking like he's very different heights at different parts in the movie these two star walkers are quite a bit different in size it's the most obscure thing and most ridiculous fan theory of all time so it makes me think that probably isn't a reference it's probably just a joke about the old programmer art that was place holding but others have pointed out that this star Walker looks an awful lot like the star man from earthbound possibly another reference in there like I would say that that one is actually likely and the Skywalker one is a little insane but Who am I to say for certain at this stage when we see Suzy and Lance are just chilling out in their beach chairs it would be strange to say that that's any sort of reference but the chairs themselves and they're very relaxed arms up poses are pretty well completely identical to an old video from the Kickstarter of the original undertale papyrus is there rambling explaining the different reward tiers for the Kickstarter and sans assists they're kicking back relaxing in his chair maybe you would think that just--how Toby your temmie happens to draw lawn chairs but the fact that it's so exactly the same makes me think it had to be on purpose when you first talked to these Rudin's when they're fanning susie and lancer they talk a lot about how they don't want to be here and they feel kind of forced but when you come back to them later on I thought I hated Fanning leaves but I got really into it swish swish I can do this forever swish swish Oh Fanning I'm not Fanning this is a weighted leaf I'm just building up my muscles I'm so jealous of everyone with a leaf it's nice Susie finally found a place she fits in that's so sad Susie joins the party for real you choose to come all the way back to where she first burst out of the bush here hey you two didn't mess with my hideout did ya I wonder if hideout might be over selling it a bit now I took a nap in there so it's basically my house now now obviously this weird egg section is something very highly talked about we we covered it in the first video one thing we did not do though there's a man here he offered you something we didn't actually say no then he needed to be here you try again there is not a man here another weird thing is that there aren't actually any boundaries in this you can totally just walk outside of everything I mean there are larger boundaries outside of all of that but it is a little strange that it kind of outlines it like that for you a common thing people asked to do was to try to use the cell phone here both in the regular standard area and in the weird outer area here and it just does the same thing either way it is the usual gaster call I would like to go back after this and see what actually happens if you follow up on it but I don't think the game actually lets you go back I've been trying for quite some time at this point and I'm very sick of it now it showed back in part one that when you try and interact the egg you get this whole what egg thing and then the egg mysteriously disappears this is probably a reference to what pumpkin a common thing used by mspaint ventures creator andrew hussie I think the idea behind joke is that by acknowledging these pumpkins they no longer exist same as I mentioned before it makes sense that Toby would include this sort of stuff since he worked on a lot of music for Homestuck in the past if you decide to check susie during this fight it gives you the basic stats if you read the status screen you already knew that though you die you get this death screen and it goes through all this different texts and things like that if you lose to susie and lancer it skips all that because you don't actually die they're just kind of chasing you away it plops you back on the screen before the battle and you can come right back for a rematch but the dialogue is a little bit different is that what I think it is yes it was up yet again why did you build another one just to blow it up it's funny well in any case you defeated us I suppose we can become bad guys now hey not so fast it's really boring if you just give up the least you can do is show some resistance yeah it looks like we got to teach you a lesson you're gonna thrash us again seems like it then you immediately dive into a follow-up battle and you can intentionally lose it again but this is the last time you'll get any new dialog just a dot dot how many of these do they have and one one up again please just let us be bad guys no not until you stop lying - fine we don't want to be bad guys you're that Suzie sounds like we'll have to make you be one then that's completely unnecessary I like the sound of that and if you lose any more after that you're just gonna see that third one play out over and over again when you're guiding Suzie through this puzzle if instead of giving heart Club Spade you do Club heart Club she reacts yeah we solved it what the hell they're so close let us through anyways as far as I know that's the only one that gets reaction you can get it wrong in a lot of different ways that's the only one that gives a little extra text and because these videos wouldn't be complete without talking about the stupid thing that is definitely like just a glitch there's nothing more to be read in here but one thing I did is I didn't go up and around like this I always just went completely laterally but if you go up a little bit you can get outside of that even and you start running into the the walls that are creating the borders inside yeah you can run around up in there a little bit and you don't walk across the area to trigger to go to the next area so you can just end up getting lost up here same thing you can come at it from the bottom as well and just kind of a funny way you can mess around with the game a little bit is by walking up into the thing that's supposed to signify that you're moving on to the next area there so you just kind of wig the game out a little bit and you just go a direction you wouldn't expect there I've done it I managed to include the same piece of content in all four videos one thing I want to mess around with is once lanser bails then Susy chases after and mousie chases after Susie you're left on your own and so what if I take this opportunity to throw this manual away I know I feel sad it's just thrown away like nothing usually you're a late step said it stops you from throwing it away nope now I just ditched it just rudely threw it away when no one was looking when you're down in the prison on the far left here there's a cell with the set of eyes and when you investigate them yeah even I got arrested now I'm just a pair of eyes what's the world coming to this is a really far reach because there's nothing else indicating this but someone did pitch the theory that maybe these are Sean's eyes I thought that was at the very least a creative idea even though it's probably not true it probably is just there for the sake of a joke it is kind of a neat thought I didn't bring this one up before it seemed kind of obvious but people might miss it so why not when you rummage around in the room and one of the holes you can find 20 rupees unfortunately that's not a useful currency here definitely just a reference to rupees from The Legend of Zelda even though it is spelled differently it's not even spelt the same as Indian rupees now this one isn't really a reference for anything it's just a very funny joke that I appreciate it's some kind of digging implement you know obviously the joke is that lancer is the prince of spades you're in this Spade wing there's Spade everything all over the place that for some reason you can't decipher what this is that might be up there was one of my favorite jokes in the game when you take on rules second puzzle he mentions that maybe he has a better puzzle waiting RAL say chives in can can we see it no maybe sounds a little familiar with in your kitchen no there's so much great dialogue to be found through backtracking across the four episodes I hope I have all of it but I'm certain I missed at least a couple that gives you guys something gonna go looking for then lots of it becomes available when Susie joins the party for real you can go and find the last standing jig sorry from when Susie went on a beating up rampage uh it's that purple beast what when I steered look Chris I've got fans okay I'm out of breath you can go back to the cake chef whose cake that Susie ate mom amoeba mom amoeba you're the Beast City cake yeah so want me to spit it back out no that's quite fine sure it wasn't that good it'd probably improve it by the way mom amoeba is genius and you can follow up on that little bit of dialogue why are you looking at me like that I don't trust anyone that won't eat my spit so you don't trust anyone yeah a little bit sad that it implies that Susie still has trust issues you can run back to the room where you hollered instructions at Susie Susie's for a solo puzzle what a nice memory stop remembering me fondly but this one only just says solved puzzle if you come to the two areas where rules had laid out his block pushing puzzles it'll now be these fanboy Rudin's hanging around sigh rules card was standing here I think making block pushing puzzles is a totally hunky hobby and at the other spot SCI rules card was standing here sorry I'm saying I didn't get much sleep and if anyone's curious since the devil is the only character in the game that actually has voice acting normally it's chaos chaos metamorphosis and I can do anything if you play a Japanese version of the game here are some of the Japanese lines maybe people can let us know if those translate well or not interestingly it advertises the pirouette as being random chaos if there is a very specific order to which everything happens and it repeats the pattern on the first time you use the pirouette against the jebel a useless bird flies by for some random mass reason now in a previous video I showed that if you take the spooky sword up to the top with you you end up with a Halloween pencil a lot of people inevitably asked what happens to be take the devil's items up with you you actually can't equip the devil's knife to Chris because it is an axe weapon and so there's nothing to change there and you clip the devil's tail as a piece of armor it still just remains as a bandage either way another fairly clever question that someone had is what happens if you call toriel when you first get back before she has a chance to call you in the hallway ring ring Chris I'm grading papers I can talk to you when you get back all right our house is only at the top of town you know click so she doesn't seem nearly as concerned and the funny thing is is that you don't get the dialogue of her calling you in the hall if you do do this guess she's satisfied with that as checking in you've been gone all day after the whole idiot baby thing that plays out I showed last time you can make whatever choice it is that you want one thing I didn't do is go back to sands and when you ask him to talk about yourself again he says uh sorry I don't hang out with idiot babies they compete with my sociological niche and I believe if you choose idiots or babies it plays out the same way there's a bear in the Town Hall who talks all about the mayor and politics this is of course a returning character from undertale who talks politics and Snowden someone pointed out that the antlers on the reindeer folk look a little bit like the deviant-art logo I mean you don't have a lot of pixels to work with here it's like could just be coincidental but hey a lot of artists started out posting things to deviantART I wouldn't be surprised if Toby had a profile as well another thing people pointed out that they found weird was the fact that Noel has antlers at all in most ungulates deers and such the females don't grow antlers reindeer which are actually the same as caribou can be an exception it's not always the case but there are populations of caribou where the female grow antlers as well so it still makes sense in the end if you visit the library you can now pay your family debt how to judge Ragan's is two thousand five hundred and eighty three days overdue so that's about seven years and a little bit seems like it's probably just random numbers but say Azrael is now 18 old enough to be going off to college there's some people who say that the characters are probably close to 11 at the time of undertale that discarded manual that never made it into the game signifies that this is at least a different decade than undertale so it's kind of interesting that book might have been taken out around that time here we have another returning character from undertale I like the vibe of the waitress here maybe I should sign up now serving drinks wouldn't really suit a fire elemental which is kind of a funny jab at the fact that grill B is a bartender in undertale it's an unlabeled book you look inside oh I accidentally returned my personal journal instead of my book oh no they're putting it into their catalogue oh no I have to take it out every time I want to write a new entry the all lowercase the overuse of ellipses the overuse of oh no it's a good chance that naps too Luke is the one he was taking this in and out all the time filling out the journal this lion character is also in undertale and talks extensively about being jealous of meta tons dress now it's funny to see this character wearing a uniform that is quite dressed like there's a little angel doll on Rudy's desk here oh right you and as he tried to make one - but you wasted the whole time making huge wings for it which is probably referencing the whole angel of deaths final form as real thing from undertale well it's a good chance that the dog working away at the computer lab is self referential for tobe others have pointed out that it might simultaneously be referencing the secret ending to Silent Hill - where that game was being controlled by a dog noel talks about her friend Dez possibly just deaths based on the spelling and based on what I think is going on here it's probably des Noel talks about des walking you with a wiffle ball bat sounds a little similar to another character in a similar type of game with a similar type of name doesn't it it's a regular sync and when you interact with a second sync it's a clone of the others sake perhaps there was originally one tall sync that was cut in half to create both of them I mean it is just kind of a funny joke but I've seen it interpreted two different ways for people who want to go all out on the theories some people have linked it to the theory that gaster split himself apart and became papyrus and sans more likely is that it's a callback to the growing sink in papyruses house you can go knocking on some of these doors and this one in particular huh that sounds like the knock of a beginner come back when you've gotten better at knocking and you can run around and knock on doors as much as you want it doesn't ever actually change but someone did point out that there's a character in undertale in Snowden who's actually amazed by your knockin abilities so it's probably just a little bit of a callback to that you can't actually become a professional knocker as it was established and I think part two of these videos I lose track a little bit at this point we have confirmed this is naps - bloops house but it is much more likely to be mettaton who's inside world mettaton is still ghost Alfie's never made a body for them I'm afraid I'm a bit of a no body which is a pretty damn good play on words there I'm a big fan of that and that wasn't Toby's intention then he should take credit for it as that because it's very funny there's not a lot of dialogue to go off of here but when you talk to these two nights on the outskirts of town he talks about hanging out with his best bro and undertale these two nights were actually a gay couple but they don't really seem to indicate that here it's pretty basic that's all they actually have to say so maybe they're just really really good friends here that could remain unchanged I think the real question is why are they still nights are those actually just their heads this one's a little weird I don't really know what to make of it this big purple cat asks you hey neighbor Baber when's your brother Doug gonna come by he talks about missing your brother but not blaming him for leaving I hope he remembers us eating oranges and getting our stomachs pumped because cats can't actually eat citrus they will get sick but people have suggested that maybe the larger reference here is to the old 90s cartoon Doug Doug's neighbor and that was this giant purple man named mr. dink he's eaten the whole thing the show where Doug breaks mr. Dinks grill BBQ here we have a broken grill hanging out behind the cat I've seen a little Doug not a lot but that one would have totally blown me by I don't think I would have appreciated that that's possibly a reference it's kind of obscure it's an unexpected reference to begin with and it's layered in there kind of oddly so I think very easy to miss this has been brought up a couple of times but just next to the church here before the graveyard there is something on the ground here you can't interact with it just that weird black spot above the tree there I think it is just a graphical glitch same as that annoying lone pixel during the king fight yeah I honestly don't believe there's anything to be read into there I thought this was kind of interesting on the floor there's all these scattered papers in as Gore's place it's a note it says no rent received again stop giving away flowers start selling them you have one month see it would be awful strange for the mayor to be in charge of evictions but maybe we're getting a little bit of a hint of what the mayor's name is gonna be and we're going off characters we've met there's caddy but that doesn't make sense and see round technically but that was only in the dark world I'm curious I don't think there's anything more to be garnered from that in this current chapter but maybe we'll finally find out who see is coming up in Chapter two something very specific and very odd that someone pointed out to me is that the clock in this first class room here it reads six the one in Alfie's room is set to about two or three o'clock and finally the one in toriel's room is set to about ten o'clock I have no idea where the three different clocks are different you can only interact the one and it's a small little joke about it not being time for class but that means those sprites weren't reused right there had to be unique sprites for each clock but why go through the trouble of making every clock different and this one clock in particular actually points to six and six which is an impossible time if it was actually 6:30 the hour hand would be halfway to seven obviously six is a very recurring very important number to the series but I have no idea what's going on with the other two clocks way back in part one I introduced the fact that you can bring about onion sand by hanging out in this one particular spot I didn't really talk about his dialogue at all I was planning to leave that open for you guys but there is a point in the dialogue tree where you can't backtrack on your options and so people asked me to fill that in same as I did for Noel and sands in the last installment hey they noticed you were here it's me you know me right of course you do I'm real popular I just don't have any friends but it's okay here because you're you here will you be my friend you can say no and it goes away you actually can't coax him back out even if you leave and come back he's still gone so yeah don't say no to being his friend yes I'll be your friend oh I'm so happy here I'm so happy I I don't know what to do I don't remember being this happy before what's your name friend and here's where you kind of have a few options first you can just say Chris that's you that's a real nice name for a friend oh excuse me I forgot to introduce myself actually since no one talks to me I forgot my own name Chris can you give me a name and now there's even more options to go through you can call him disgusting anyway I'll name myself Chris for half of these and hippopotamus for half of these hey hyper hopper I have a bottom assits you big name but it's worth it hippopotamus can you give me a name Azrael the second Azrael - hmm sounds familiar feels like a memory it feels like that good boy that through those good cornflakes in the water for me wait what was the name cereal yeah I love cereal bathe me in flakes thank you for giving me a name I'll cherish it you hear hi Piper potato mask that's your name right I want to tell you something tomorrow something I can only tell a friend come back soon you hear I'll say Chris again this time this time your name can be beauty wow what a wonderful name feels like my self-esteem is in full bloom feels like my head's about to flower wait what was the name but butis yeah perfect which total side note side reference thing might be a reference to pootis from team fortress 2 the taste the smell the ah thank you for giving me a name I'll chair city here Chris Christmas that's your name right I want to tell you something tomorrow something I can only about the best same thing and so now the remaining option will be to give onions and their proper name back onion it's perfect to hear I don't know what it means but it's perfect mmm feels like it's shaped like me it feels like it smells like me wait what was the name mmm yeah it's perfect um YUM that's my name thank you for giving me a name I'll cherish it you hear and then it plays out the same hyper potato mask I'm dr. Blau that see you tomorrow there you have it all of the onion sand I log and with that I have spent two hours talking about a game that people probably beat in less time than that so thank you thank you very much and on top of my sarcastic taking a bow thank you sincerely thank you thank you all for checking all this out thank you for caring thank you for the suggestions I made this one as jam-packed as I could to scratch everything I had off my list if I ever do another Delta rune chapter 1 video it'll be on something very different but don't bank on it I'm not promising it if it does happen it'll be after a nice long break from all this these videos took longer and longer to make with each passing installment I can't keep doing these late nights so I sincerely hope that you guys enjoyed it for what it was I hope that you find other things on the channel that you'll enjoy just as much I'm gonna throw up a couple specific end cards here one will be a welcome to the channel video that I made for new subscribers I recommend a bunch of series that you guys might enjoy and also my flashlight series which is basically video essays on old flash series so two pieces of content that you guys might find useful and relevant thank you all so much for watching I'll see you again soon you
Channel: Graeme Games
Views: 387,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune, delta rune, deltarune secrets, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune all references, deltarune references, deltarune gaster, delta rune secrets, delta rune easter eggs, delta rune references, deltarune secret egg, secrets deltarune, references deltarune, easter eggs deltarune
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 20sec (2480 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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