SANS IS A DARKNER | Undertale + Deltarune Theory

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This video attempts to synthesize a lot of the evidence, mismatched claims, and discussions that I had seen on reddit, tumblr and such. So thank you all for the incidental help! I hope I did the topic justice

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/g_noodle šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 16 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
Howā€™s it going guys, my nameā€™s Graeme and welcome to 2 left thumbs. Today I want to talk to you about a very specific subject within Undertale and Deltarune. Sans... could possibly be a Darkner. I put out a small poll asking you guys what kind of video youā€™d like to see within this franchise next - and I know itā€™s weird to call two games a franchise, but I think it technically qualifies - and a video on Sans was the one that won out by quite a bit. Iā€™m very excited to do this video, I think pulling together the evidence was a lot of fun. Anyone who's been following along with all my Deltarune/Undertale content, the last video I did was on: ā€œEverything Gasterā€. And what people have probably gathered from that, is that I'm much more of a ā€œhereā€™s the evidenceā€ type of channel, rather than a ā€œhereā€™s a crazy theory I craftedā€ channel. While I might speculate here and there, I like to just give you guys the details as specifically and detailed as I can, and allow you to run wild with that information. Now, that Gaster video is absolutely not required viewing for this one. But thereā€™s a few small things I build off of, and I tend to under-explain things here that I over-explained in the Gaster video. I donā€™t want to entirely repeat myself. So you can easily watch this video without that context, but it might help, and you might enjoy it if youā€™re into this stuff anyways. Now an argument can be made here that the Dark World is entirely fictional. Thatā€™s a very popular theory. Itā€™s created by Kris and Susieā€™s imaginations while playing together in the closet. The different characters and areas within that Dark World all reflect the game pieces and boards around the room they end the game in. The only characters that are analogous to those from the overworld are those which we personally know. Like Ralsai having a direct connection to Asriel - with all the other characters being complete figments. The items you have with you simply become a ball of junk when you return to the surface. They were never anything important. Thereā€™s more evidence than that, Iā€™m just quickly rifling off a few of the examples people tend to give. There are other arguments that can easily point in the other direction. Building off what I outlined before in the Gaster video: At the beginning of Deltarune as a game, we are seeing a world being created. Maybe the Dark World isnā€™t permanent, and always accessible? But in this case could be real, and created as an experiment of Gasterā€™s. That may be a bit of a stretch, but there seems to be a collective uncertainty between Kris and Susie. I honestly feel it would be out of character for this ā€œearly gameā€ Susie to play ā€˜pretendā€™ with Kris in a closet. And after leaving, she has to specifically address whether this actually happened, or if it was a dream. Like some isolated form of mass hysteria. And with all the insane things that happen, the persistence of that egg, suggests that this world is in fact real. And as I outlined before, that egg likely came from Gaster. Maybe we could argue semantics of what marks a world real, but regardless of how it exists, I believe the events of Deltarune in the Dark World, did take place - whether or not that was a physical experience. Now, Iā€™m unpacking a lot here in a very short amount of time, so for the sake of moving forward, the Dark World is real. Those events and the consequences of that world are real. Itā€™s inhabitants are real. And Sans, is one of them. Now we can finally talk about Sans, and how Sans is likely a Darkner. Iā€™m going to break this up into a few categories that I think very thoroughly make this case. First is Sansā€™ overall personality, next is how he travels within these games (something Iā€™ve talked about briefly in other videos but Iā€™m going to cover much more thoroughly here), the overall depiction and appearance of Sans across both games, and how you interact with Sans and how he reacts within battles - which might be some of the most important evidence. I might bring up little relevant tangents as they come up, but thatā€™s broadly how Iā€™m going to be making this case. [Personality] To begin, let's get to know Sans a little bit better by digging into his personality. Sans is a comedian through and through. Heā€™s willing to joke about anything, and loves a good pun. While he appears to be simply silly and quite cavalier, heā€™s actually very observant. Often reading the protagonists expressings, intentions, and occasionally inferring our actions. ā€œThat look on your face while you were talking. Youā€™ve already heard my spiel havenā€™t you? I suspected something like this. You're always acting like you know what's going to happen.ā€ So while he puts off these humorous vibes, heā€™s a much more active participant in the story than he lets on originally. Heā€™s seemingly lazy, but his apathetic attitude is likely a result of his knowledge that his actions are relatively meaningless. Sans, being one of only a few characters whose aware of timeline resets, which within the game is anytime we reload a save file. Sans kinda flirts with this idea. Heā€™s garnered that the player is likely altering time and reality, and he gives us a simple test. ā€œSo, I have a request for you. I kind of have a secret code word that only I know. So if someone tells it to me, theyā€™ll have to be a time traveller. Crazy right?ā€ ā€œYou act like you know what's going to happen. Like youā€™ve already experienced it all before. This is an odd thing to say, but if you have some kind of special power, isnā€™t it your responsibility to do the right thing?ā€ Now his knowledge of the timeline likely spawns from his own scientific research. There are several hints that he was a very dedicated scientist before his discovery of the timeline, shifting his ideals to amore fatalistic nature. A view that events are predetermined and therefore inevitable. Viewing the world this way may create a bit of a disconnect between responsibility and consequences. This scientific background is reflected by his own personal workshop; his quantum physics book; Alphys and Sans supposed connection, with the characters referring to each other now and again, them supposedly collaborating on the Gaster journal entries, and even a little moment where you call Papyrus with Alphysā€™ lab: ā€œWait, that bag of dog food looks familiar. I remember seeing it in Sansā€™s room? Yeah! I asked him why he had it! He told me he was trying to eat healthier.ā€ And lastly, sans does showcase a general interest in science. This is repeatedly supported through other characters, especially these few lines from Papyrus. ā€œA lab! My brother would love that. He loves science fiction, especially when it's real.ā€ ā€œMy brother, of course he has a telescope. Sans loves outer space sci fi stuff.ā€ Papyrus on the other hand, clearly doesnā€™t have a mind for science. When standing outside of Alphysā€™ labratory: ā€œHmm. A mysterious science house.ā€ ā€œthe sign outside says ā€˜labā€™.ā€ ā€œLab!ā€ ā€œlikeā€¦ laboratory.ā€ ā€œLabradorā€¦ y? Does that mean there are dogs inside?ā€ ā€œi meanā€¦ i wouldnā€™t rule it out.ā€ And on a second call: ā€œStrange dogā€™s house.ā€ Now despite an understanding of the timeline resets, and the save function, Sans does not retain his memories when a save is loaded. He is unable to utilize this function himself. This awareness at least explains his scrupulous nature. He can even spot when the protagonist is reliving certain experiences. When we face Sans after killing him for the first time. ā€œThat expression that youā€™re wearing. Well I won't grace it with a description.ā€ And each additional time after that, ā€œThat expression that youā€™re wearing. Youā€™re really kind of a freak huh?ā€ This knowledge may actually grant us some additional insight into his personality. Why heā€™s able to stay so relaxed in the face of danger and his own mortality. ā€œYou can't understand how this feels. Knowing that one day without any warning, itā€™s all going to be reset. Look I gave up trying to go back a long time ago, and getting to the surface doesn't really appear anymore either. Because even if we do, weā€™ll just end up back here, without any memory of it right? To be blunt it makes it kind of hard to give it my all. Or is that just a poor excuse for being lazy? Hell if I know.ā€ Thereā€™s some ā€˜Lie to Meā€™ level analysis, where Sans is reading our subtle, shifting facial expressions. With these observations going so far that heā€™s able to accurately assess the protagonists EXP and LOVE just by looking at them. Sans originally regards the protagonist as an anomaly, hoping that through good food, bad laughs, or nice friends, he could stop them from resetting the timeline. Weā€™re granted access to Sans workshop only upon confirming that we are utilizing saves and traveling through time. Now none of this is directly supporting the fact that Sans might be a Darkner. But it doest give some context for how Sans behaves within these games. It also explains some of his quote, unquote, abilities. Which I can talk about next, and how Sans travels. This insight into saves shows Sansā€™ understanding of time manipulations, but the other piece of the puzzle as to how Sans can be a Darkner comes from the combination of both time and space, and how that is utilized across multiple universes or realities. [Space and Time] Throughout Undertale, Sans jumps around in the world in a manner that's seemingly impossible. While itā€™s easy to dismiss as silly video game logic. Sans himself mentions that he can quickly travel or teleport using what he calls shortcuts. Seemingly another joke, he does actually take the protagonist through one to arrive at Grillbyā€™s more quickly. And we similarly use a shortcut at the MTT Resort. Undertale gave us the hint of something here, but it was explained much more clearly in Deltarune. The glowing door in Sans room is rather confusing, and appears that the house may be burning down. Another seemingly meaningless oddity surrounding Sans thatā€™s given some real significance. These glowing doors are shown to be teleportation devices in Deltarune. Now in addition to Sans teleporting around maps at incomprehensible speeds, heā€™s recurrently popping in and out of his little shops, travelling great distances in now time at all. Seemingly being at multiple places as once. One of the shops even has a visible door directly behind that it that we can never access ourselves. Itā€™s not lit up at the moment, but itā€™s possible that's one of his many portals, or shortcuts. Maybe the doors aren't always lit, or maybe this one is broken like the one we encounter in the Dark World? Seam, a character already shrouded in so much mystery, has a very peculiar shop entrance - almost appearing to be torn into the fabric of the world behind it. But that might be something else entirely. We also have characters like Rouxls Kaard who can teleport on the spot. Or, Lancer instead moves similarly to Sans - moving off screen - then somehow abruptly appearing somewhere we wouldnā€™t expect. These are the more direct, physical examples. But when we look at less tangible examples of Sansā€™ complex travel methods, we are given much more insight. Upon entering Sansā€™ room, we wander through the dark, in a way that is mirrored when first entering the closet of Deltarune. When Papyrus first opens this door, heā€™s in search of Sans. And when he flicks on the light and see us, he accuses Sans of playing pranks using time and space. It might not be that it was just dark in that room, Papyrus might have actually been seeing an entirely different world. ā€œHis room isā€¦ itā€™s like another world!ā€ ā€œYouā€™re best staying away from that strange place.ā€ This line reveals that Papyrus knows a lot of what is going on. He's probably aware of Sans teleportation powers, and is introducing us to the concept that a dark room can house an alternate reality. Perhaps the Dark World exists like Schrodinger's Cat, existing both within and outside of reality. The truth of which is only revealed when casting a light upon it. Here it reveals that weā€™re walking on a treadmill in the middle of a bedroom. But perhaps the light could also reveal two young children playing with board games in a closet? Now Sans seems to be the most well studied on multiple realities, understanding the save states and time resets. But Papyrus clearly knows about Sans abilities. And a few other intelligent, or some of the more learned characters of the universe seem to also be vaguely aware of multiple worlds or realities. Alphys straight up says that alternate universes exist. If you say you donā€™t know who she has a crush on, Mettaton will talk about the unknowable, and sheā€™ll respond: ā€œH-hey, Iā€™ve done research about this! There are alternate universes out there! S-someday, maybe, I could meet them...ā€ And the River Person says to beware of the man who came from the other world. And on top of it all, in the end game we have Chara's line, ā€œlet us erase this pointless world, and move onto the nextā€. More melodramatic than the rest. But still kind of proving the point. There is clearly a strong significance to the Gaster Followerā€™s and Goners. I lumped them together a little bit in the last video, but they are made distinct. Itā€™s something that probably shouldnā€™t be overlooked. Looking a little more closely at things, specifically at Goner kidā€™s views on existence. * Yo! * You're a ??? too, right? Possibly referencing us being a Goner, with the intro sequence of Deltarune actually being labelled ā€œDEVICE_GONERMAKERā€, and the individual sprites being ā€œIMAGE_GONERHEADā€, and so on. * Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same... * Except you don't exist? * Everything functions perfectly without you... * Ha, ha... * The thought terrifies me. In the battle with Asriel, there is a line that could be interpreted as hinting at multiple realities, but this line much more strongly reinforces the significance of ā€˜Gonerā€™sā€™ "Everytime you die your grip on this world slips away!" "[...]Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you!" That might link up with Goner Kidā€™s thoughts. Itā€™s not that you never existed. Itā€™s that you did, are now gone, and are no longer remembered. You are a ā€œGonerā€. Seemingly, the more a character loads a save, the more they lose their grip on reality. Frisk is at risk of becoming a Goner themselves. If Sans truly is manipulating time and space as well - that could be the more he is losing himself - adding much more weight to his statements on saves and different worlds. But what potentially supersedes all in this conversation, is Tobyā€™s own written word on the subject. ā€œDELTARUNE's world is a different one. With different characters, that have lived different lives. A whole new story will happenā€¦ā€ Considering the overworld cast is almost entirely characters we have met before, it is quite clear that this is an alternate reality, or universe. Thatā€™s been a pretty hard tangent, but I think some worthwhile things to discuss. Looking back now specifically at our subject of interest. Supposedly no one knows where Sans and Papyrus came from. ā€œThe two of them, brothers I think. They just showed up one day, and asserted themselvesā€. Sans and Papyrusā€™ house and Grillbyā€™s appear to be identical to their Undertale counterparts. Now this is lumping Papyrus into this. And he seems to have some knowledge of what Sans is capable of, but there isnā€™t really any evidence to support that he came from the same place as Sans. The simplest explanation is that yes, they are brothers. And that they probably are coming from the same place. But a lot of the evidence that stacks up for Sans isnā€™t really present for Papyrus. So based on the facts, I don't know if they're actually brothers? In the epilogue of a Pacifist run, Sans specifically refers to Papyrus as ā€œmy friendā€. Now itā€™s not like Iā€™ve never called my brother my friend before, itā€™s just kind of a weird word choice, and feels a little bit extra important when itā€™s at the end End END of the game. One potential explanation Iā€™ve seen that I kind of like, is that Sans and Papyrus ARE brothers, BUT who we are seeing in the game Undertale, is a Darkner version of Sans, and the original Papyrus. The original Sans might be gone altogether, or simply missing from these games? This does lead into a pretty ridiculous, yet very funny theory: That if for whatever reason itā€™s a requirement that a Darkner version of an original character has to have an anagram version of their name - nothing that in this context a ā€œDarkner versionā€ is from the Dark World, and not someone from the overworld visiting like Kris or Susie - then Sans literally can be an anagram for Sans. I don't know how the rules of this world works, I don't know if you have a say of what your Darkner world name would be? This is the exact sort of comedic stuff that Sans would really be in to. So that could help explain things a little bit. That at one point there was an overworld Sans to pair off with the overworld Papyrus, and we are now instead seeing the Darkner version. A compelling argument from celly-does-art on tumblr, examined pairs of monsters within Undertale. Showcasing how similar Toriel and Asgore look, and how they share the exact same fire attacks, since they are the same ā€œspeciesā€ (for lack of a better word). Sans and Papyrus look dramatically different in every way! Sure, theyā€™re white and boney looking, but we donā€™t really see much under Sansā€™ clothes. Even their bone attacks are slightly different shapes, which may simply indicate they are more individualistic - the attack has more to do with personality, or their own body shape, rather than the ā€œspeciesā€ - or that they have separate origins. Maybe there is another character out there that Sans more closely resembles than Papyrus? With a rounded body, toothy grin, black white grey and blue colours, face and nose shapes? But the blue isnā€™t quite the same and the shapes might simply be the result of limited pixelation to work with? But donā€™t discard that just yet, Iā€™ll come back to it! One of the River Personā€™s offered warnings, is ā€œbeware the man who came from the other worldā€. Itā€™s incredibly vague, and a lot of people have posed that this could be Gaster. Based on this travelling of time and space, there's a possibility, he could have been referring to Sans. It could also be noteworthy that theyā€™re referred to as ā€œthe manā€, rather than ā€œthe monsterā€. But identifiers of man, and woman likely arenā€™t exclusive to humans. I donā€™t want people to get too hung-up on that detail. ā€œLook. I gave up trying to go back a long time ago. And getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore, either.ā€ There's a separate theory out there that Sans was at one point a human. No, I don't mean that theory. Itā€™s more general than that. But this could explain some of his innate connection with Frisk. How heā€™s able to read their face and emotions better than anyone else. It could also explain the townsfolkā€™s confusion by his presence. How heā€™s able to manipulate the world in a way others arenā€™t, his humanoid looking skeleton, and the fact that he bleeds. All of that supports that he could be human. It could also explain the bond that he has with Toriel. If he was someone who fell down, and was cared for as a human, and eventually became a skeleton, they may no longer recognize one another, but there would still be that connection deep down. But I think this line very clearly frames that he would not be going back to the surface. ā€œ...getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore, either.ā€ Going back, and going up are expressed as two separate ideas. If going back meant going up, he wouldn't separate the thoughts like this. The surface isn't somewhere heā€™s ever been. So I would say heā€™s certainly not human. If heā€™s not home where he is now, and if home isn't up above, that means Sans did come from somewhere else. I think thatā€™s a crazy important piece of evidence that's seemingly insignificant without the context of Deltarune. I love the fact that deep seeds like that have been sitting there planted so long ago. At the end of Deltarune, it seems that Sans has only very recently arrived. This is reminiscent of how he is also new to Undertaleā€™s world. He as a character is frequently on the move, before eventually getting caught in a time loop in Undertale. And if heā€™s just now showing up in this world, itā€™s completely possible that the way we entered the Dark World is the same way that Sans got out. Now a lot of this just provides context and is rather circumstantial and kinda starts to point in the right direction. When we first talk to Sans in the Deltarune overworld, one of our options is ā€œgood to see you againā€. In response Sans points out the oddity in saying that to someone you just met. But throws a quick wink our way before reaffirming that he is new to this town. Maybe timeline resets are still a prominent part of this world, and Kris either knows, or has a vague sense of familiarity? Itā€™s a very specific choice to allow us to choose that in our interaction. Made more interesting by the way Sans seems to simultaneously dismiss it, and play along. Squeezing in something that showed up at the eleventh hour! I was just doing a final pass editing this video, and NRobbi commented about this one particular thing with yellow text that I was unaware of! I looked into it further, and /u/kira-10 on Reddit had kind of gone a bit deeper into this. At the beginning of Deltarune, anytime you make choices in the overworld, theyā€™re simply white or white. In the Dark World they are yellow and white. And upon returning to the overworld - they remain yellow and white! It is only white throughout all of Undertale, until the VERY end when speaking with Chara. I donā€™t know what to make of this? Itā€™s super cool! Definitely keeping an eye out for that in the full Deltarune game. A simple small detail, but something that could have a tiny bit of weight. In Sansā€™ room in Undertale, there's a thank you letter written to Santa. We know that Santa exists in Undertale. We've seen other characters reference him. Or, this note could be a leftover from an alternate universe? The town in Deltarune is filled with Christmas references. I think itā€™s a very clever little seed laid here by Toby, in that it was obviously meant to apply to either world. Looking again to celly-does-artā€™s tumblr post. A small example they used on the subject, is Sansā€™ Ice-E word search. That is the only instance of the mascot or brand in Undertale, whereas it is a full restaurant in Deltaruneā€™s world. This could be a fun reference, or world-building? But layered with everything else, and the fact that it came from Sans gives it some weight. Looking at the actual words to be searched for, Skeletons are listed separately from monsters! Sans also has his line, ā€œit's just a dark cavern filled with skeletons and horrible monsters.ā€ which might actually reaffirm that Skeletons are separate from monsters? But I think that is confirmation bias? While there might be something there, we donā€™t consider cats to be separate from animals just because they have a specific name or CATegory. Skeletons could just be a type of monsters, and heā€™s just being specific. [Character designs] Now I feel like I got a little ahead of myself with some of the design-y type elements, but this next section is going to focus on that much more specifically. Itā€™s just hard to be comprehensive, while bringing up everything that feels relevant, while still staying narrowly focussedā€¦ Weā€™re doing our best here! In this alternate reality we have largely the same cast of characters as the main world. We can see that every character has an entirely new design to reflect this new reality. Very notably, Sans is the only character to not have a redesign, meaning that the Sans in both Undertale and Deltarune are likely one-in-the-same. Although interestingly this still doesn't rule Sans out from being a Darkner either. We have no design reference to know if the outfit he's in is the one from the Dark World or light world, because weā€™re lacking the reference, we don't really know which of these 3 worlds is his original. We never actually see Papyrus in Deltarune, so we canā€™t confirm whether or not heā€™s been redesigned. Papyrus is seemingly left out of Deltarune, because it would give us too big of a piece of the puzzle. If we saw Papyrus and he had a redesign, unlike Sans, it would probably confirm that these two probably aren't direct brothers. But also that thereā€™s more going on with Sans than meets the eye. While speaking to these design choices, we should look at character portraits during dialogue. Talking sprites in Undertale directly use the same head as their uncoloured battle sprites. The characters of Deltaruneā€™s overworld all speak with plain black and white portraits, similar to what we saw in Undertale. When we travel down into the Dark World, Susieā€™s portrait remains black and white, while characters like Ralsei and Lancer have fully coloured images. As a side note, this seems to confirm that Ralsei is indeed a Darkner version of Asriel, rather than directly being Asriel hiding out within the Dark World. Not the most common theory, but Iā€™ve seen some confusion. So Iā€™m just trying to clear some of that up while weā€™re at it. We also have no inverse example of how a Darkner would be represented in the overworld. Whether or not they would suddenly revert to a black and white portrait? Since Frisk and Kris never speak, we are also lacking human portrait examples. Sans is conveniently a black and white character, and therefore his portrait doesn't reveal where he may be from. This is a very specific design choice. One that throws a wicked curveball, but one that might be some of the strongest evidence? As an aside, yes Sansā€™ eye flashes yellow and blue in battle, but it isnā€™t something ever shown in his portrait. So while Iā€™ve seen that used as a counter argument for the ā€œblack and white portraitā€ conundrum, I donā€™t think it can apply. We also have a precedent in-game of a character having a coloured eye outside of an otherwise black and white sprite. Toriel has ever-so-slightly red eyes! Theyā€™re like, a dark maroon-y red? But they are different. The colours of cyan and yellow coincide with the souls of Patience and Justice. Sans is more of an observer than an instigator. He has the patience of a scientist, testing things methodically, and waiting to act. When he finally does confront Frisk at the end of Undertale, it is only in retaliation during a genocide run. It is now his responsibility to seek justice for all those who were murdered. Still, why specifically does his eye glow when using specific powers? Why is it that eye? And why is it his eye at all?? It might have less to do with the connection to souls, and instead could be seen as a small visual connection between the yellow and cyan that Darknerā€™s names will turn when they are either spared, or too tired to keep battling. With the ties between the Dark World and Gaster, weā€™re starting to get more of a web of connections. Gaster, the Dark World, these two specific souls, Sansā€™ eye, the spare and pacify colours for Darkners. Thereā€™s more to be guessed at there probably, but I leave it open to you guys for your own theory crafting. In other wordsā€¦ I have no idea what to make of it right now!! [Battle] I think how Sans is presented within battle provides the best evidence. It is also the source of some of the most complicated arguments, and a lot of misinformation. Iā€™ll attempt to address these in as much detail as I need. There are several pillars to this case, built up using evidence provided in Deltarune. First off: We know through Undertale that monsters don't bleed. The overworld in Deltarune is shown to be consistent with Undertaleā€™s world. Only humans have blood, and not monsters. With the bunny in town recognizing Kris as, ā€œthe human who lives at the top of townā€, and asks ā€œdoes it hurt to be made of bloodā€. But thereā€™s a few suggestions that Darkners do. Lancer busts out a bucket saying that heā€™s going to fill it with our blood. Now, Lancerā€™s never really been around humans or monsters. All he really knows is other Darkners. So heā€™d have no real reason to know of blood, unless Darkners have it. That's why he generalizes that Kris and Susie must both bleed, same as him and Ralsei. And throughout the game Ralsei consistently steps in to correct Lancer when he makes mistakes like this, but lets this one slide. Ralsei also sees nothing wrong with this. Sure itā€™s a messed up threat to make. But factually, thereā€™s nothing wrong with the idea that maybe monsters have blood. Thereā€™s one particular line that throws a bit of a wrench in this. When Susie says, ā€œeveryone bleeds, right?ā€ As a monster, Susie shouldn't have blood, so it would be inaccurate to lump her into this statement of, ā€œeveryoneā€. But it is probable that she is simply using it for the sake of the threat. Using Lancerā€™s assumption of everyone bleeding to her advantage. Itā€™s a lot more intimidating to say ā€œeveryone bleedsā€, than to factually lay out who in the room does, and doesnā€™t bleed. So, supposedly Darkners can bleed. Sans in Undertale is seemingly one of the only characters shown to bleed; something he shouldn't be able to do as a monster. People have spun out a lot of theories about this: that itā€™s injected Determination leaking out of him, or that his bone marrow contains red blood cells. These are interesting, but rather speculative or based on misinformation. Our examples of monsters using Determination are Undyne and the amalgams (and a little bit in Alphysā€™ lab notes, but there are the ones that we physically see). In either instance, their bodies can not handle it, and begin to melt or disintegrate - while in the end still dying in the usual cloud of dust. And while ā€œred marrowā€ is a thing, it exists due to the production of red blood cells. Why would anything that doesnā€™t have blood produce red bloods cells? If the argument is that Sansā€™ bones do have red marrow, then the argument is also that, yes, he has blood. Those are less frequent examples (but I still see them come up quite a bit), I would instead focus on the three most common explanations for why Sans bleeds. The first is definitely the simplest. He has blood. When we see him bleeding, it is simply blood. The second is that he has ketchup in his system because he loves ketchup - and because heā€™s a skeleton itā€™s able to just kind of leak out. Iā€™m going to immediately dismiss this one. There are a few things that outline that monsters don't really eat food the way humans do. As soon as you eat monster food, it converts perfectly into energy. Or this one, "Isn't human food different from monster food? It does things like "spoil". And when you eat it, it passes all the way through your whole body. Disgusting. I'd love to try it sometime." Basically their food is made out of magic, or energy, and when you consume it it combines with the energy or magic that the monsters themselves are made of. There are various quotes stating that monsters do not have blood. They are made of magic! Therefore food doesn't really affect them. If Sans is drinking ketchup in Grillbys, itā€™s going to be monster ketchup made out of magic, and itā€™s not going to persist in his system. Through this, I believe we can rule out the idea that the ketchup is just floating around in his skeletal body. The third is that heā€™s carrying it around in his jacket. The theory here is that Sans brought the ketchup for the theatrics of it. He tucked it away in his jacket as kind of a final gambit. That during this genocide run, he saw that all these other monsters turning to dust hadnā€™t deterred you. Maybe something more relatable to our human sensibilities, like seeing someone life force drain from them would have a greater effect on you instead? Thereā€™s no real evidence for that, but I think it matches pretty well with the character. He would fake bleed-out to try and make you reconsider, and not kill him. I think this can be undone by the fact that monsters don't actually know what blood looks like. Kris is able to fool Noelle with ketchup on his arm. Now we never actually know if Kris is actually just kind of twisted, and they actually had a cut, and was showing off their gross blood just to be weird. Or perhaps they took calling it ketchup as an out, to save Noelle from the horrors of seeing real blood. But if Sans is a monster, I guess if you know that itā€™s a red liquid, ketchup is a pretty good guess? It certainly worked for fooling Noelle. But more importantly, how does it leak from his mouth? Through the same logic as before, it should have turned to magic or energy after being consumed. As we start poking holes in the different possible sources of the ā€œbloodā€ -fake or otherwise - weā€™re only really left with one option. It just is his blood. Now that weā€™ve covered the blood in detail, Iā€™d like to fold in another key aspect of Darkners highlighted in Deltarune, that is shared with Sans. I've seen people argue that Sans using magic suggests that he's more than a typical monster. I don't think this fully checks out. Lots of monsters seem to use magic. But I think there's a very important overlap in the venn diagram of having blood and using magic. Humans have blood, but canā€™t use magic. At the very least they cant use it while in the underground - Or else the lore of wizards, and using a spell to seal the monsters underground doesnā€™t make sense. But letā€™s take this at face value, with the rules Undertale presents us. Humans have blood; can't use magic. Monsters don't have blood, but can use magic. This suddenly creates a distinction with Lightners, and monsters, and I donā€™t know how important that is? But Lightners appear to not have blood, and not use magic. A good example is our versions of Toriel. In Undertale itā€™s cleaned with fire magic, and in Deltarune itā€™s covered in batter. And last, we have Darkners, who have blood and can use magic. Now which of these does Sans belong to? *GASP* The blood and magic argument was a bit of an arduous one to build, having to sort through plenty of false claims, and insanely in-depth lore that these games have built up. This next example is a little easier to sum up. At the end of his battle, Sans doesn't die on screen. He slowly walks away and says he's going to Grillbyā€™s. In Deltarune we seemingly can't directly finish off a character. They always flee from battle before itā€™s over. And where to we find Sans in Deltarune? At Grillbyā€™s. Although itā€™s been somewhat renovated... That is assuming Deltarune takes place after Undertale. Honestly, thatā€™s potential for a whole other video. But for the sake of this one argument weā€™ll say it takes place after. Some have pointed to the fact that we gain EXP from the battle against Sans, leading some to believe he was actually killed. But finishing someone off in battle is not the only way we earn EXP in Undertale. There are some specific actions, like mocking the Loox before defeating them. So while it is the most common, EXP is not necessarily linked to direct murders only. Sans does not count as a kill in the stats menu, and the game doesnā€™t actually record whether or not he was killed. Sans is the only character in Undertale you defeat without landing a killing blow, but instead making him tired. In Deltarune all the Darkners are defeated by becoming tired. The Sans battle follows the Undertale battle mechanics instead of Deltaruneā€™s, since that appears to be tied to the world youā€™re in, not the characters themselves. BUT, the Darkner trait of growing tired and fleeing is something that Sans has retained post-battle. Taking things back a short bit, Papyrus will actually turn to dust when he dies, the same as any other monster in battle. Sans is an exception to the rules. Simultaneously showing the way he stands out amongst monsters, while also showing us one of the clearest distinctions between him and his brother. Sans and Papyrus being unrelated is not really a hill I plan to die on with this video, but seemingly based on the evidence of Sans being a Darkner, and these things not really applying to Papyrus, thatā€™s kind of a secondary conclusion that I was forced to draw. As I mentioned before, there could be more going on there? Maybe theyā€™re simply adoptive brothers? It remains to be seen in the larger game. Sans is also the only character in Undertale that can dodge attacks, which is something the Darkners consistently do. Monsters throughout Undertale are unable to dodge attacks. There are a few exceptions to this, but there are explanations for each. There different amalgams and Asriel seem to be the only characters that can actually properly dodge attacks. Now Asriel at this point, is basically a god, so maybe the ability to dodge has become available to them - or more likely follows the logic seen with the amalgams. We are actually hitting them, and there is some form of recoil, but weā€™re only dealing zero damage, which the game registers as a MISS. Now the only other exception outside these is Sans. He's a character that appears to very actively dodge our attacks and result in a MISS. Either heā€™s godlike powerful like Asriel, or itā€™s some special ability that Darkners have? Thereā€™s a theory that his ability to dodge stems from his knowledge of the timeline resets. He's encountered Frisk and there attack patterns enough times to sometimes predict and avoid whatā€™s coming next. I do actually like that theory. That kinda makes sense. It follows the in-world logic. So that oneā€™s a little ambiguous. It can be a checkmark under multiple columns there, but it could be interpreted to be something to connect him further to the Darkners. Taking this a step further, once again from Celly-does-art (thank you so much for the amazing research you did, it was very nice to see someone in agreement, and being able to have some complimentary arguments to build off of) monsters in the underground have an HP bar that appears when they are hit. Sans is the only ā€œregular monsterā€ to not have an HP bar! And, you probably guessed where this is going already, none of the Darknerā€™s have HP bars when hit! Iā€™ve seen the argument that only Darkners and Sans are able to manipulate and move the space our soul moves in during battle. The Spade King very specifically does this. And to an extent: Muffet, one of the amalgams [Lemon bread], and Papyrus kind of do. They each do it to varying degrees, and Sans doesnā€™t appear to do it in any specific way that shows him to be more similar to the Spade King than the monsters in Undertale. Itā€™s definitely a unique power, that only some characters have. And maybe this tells us more about other characters like Muffet and Papyrus, rather than disproving anything else? But rather than speculating too hard, I think we just need to dismiss this one until we have further evidence. If anyone can better explain why this should be treated as more important, please let me know! So, blood, magic and dodging! What sounds like a Red Hot Chili Peppers album, also make up the pillars of my battle evidence, and I think together - maybe make the best evidence for Sans being a Darkner. But we arenā€™t done yet! [Additional Evidence] I talked about the song ā€œDonā€™t Forgetā€ in the last video, more in the context of itā€™s connections to Gaster. There's an interpretation that the lyrics are a directed message attempting to help Sans retain memories across resets. The title of that song obviously connecting with the ā€œDonā€™t Forgetā€ photo in his workshop. The song even has the lyrics, ā€˜donā€™t forget I'm with you in the darkā€™ - which may be in reference to the Dark World. The photo in Sans workshop drawer changes depending on which playthrough youā€™re on. The photo with three smiling people, and the words ā€œdonā€™t forgetā€ only appears when meeting Clam Girl, where she tells you about ā€˜Suzyā€™. This addition was made to the game at the same time Deltarune was being worked on - so that difference is very intentional. Toby had likely named his character by that point, and even if it was still being tinkered with, he probably would have patched it by now. Perhaps names in the Dark World arenā€™t always anagrams like Ralsei and Asriel, and Suzy with a Z is the Darkner version of our Susie? But, back to the photo.... This could be Kris, Susie, and Lancer. It could also be Kris, Susie, and Ralsei. Itā€™s ambiguous enough that there are so many different ways that it could be taken. But having the three people smiling, and the text ā€˜don't forgetā€™, seems to directly fold in with the ending theme of Deltarune, celebrating the glory of the three heroes spoken about in the prophecy, with a line in the song ā€œdonā€™t forget, Iā€™m with you in the dark.ā€ Itā€™s all speculative, but thereā€™s a lot of different cool ways this could be tied together and interpreted. Thereā€™s clearly a connection here, we just are missing a few pieces of the puzzle I think? Regardless of how that song, photo, and Dark World precisely tie together, it appears to be a very deliberate connection, and one that shouldnā€™t be ignored. I have something quick to discuss with Sansā€™ eye. Itā€™s more of a counterargument than anything. But I see it brought up a lot, and wanted to address it somewhere in the video. It's interesting how it plays out within Undertale. I don't think it has an immediate significance when adding in Deltarune. Talking about our right, and our left when weā€™re facing Sans. His right eye is kind of like his ā€œpower eyeā€. Itā€™s the eye that lights up and goes crazy during our battle with him. So there's this idea that when he winks with his left eye, leaving his right eye open, it's meant to be more menacing. And when he winks with his right eye, leaving his normal eye open, itā€™s supposed to be like jolly and just playful. Basically what it seems to come to, is that he winks with his right eye during the usual dialogue-box, and with his left eye whenever itā€™s his battle-sprite. Some people have an interesting theory that when Sans is winking with the right eye in the portrait, that's whenever he's talking to either Frisk or Kris. And he likes them. Heā€™s just kinda goofing around there. It's in moments like the cutscenes and battles that he's actually winking at the players themselves. Knowing that were the ones actually in charge of resets. It's more of a taunt. Now I think that's a cool theory. It doesn't really tell us anything about Sans origins as far as I can tell. Itā€™s all based on things fans have read into the game, not real facts. But I like the concept of it enough that I plan to pay extra close attention to during the followup Deltarune chapters. If you have anything more to add on to that, Iā€™d be happy to hear it. But based on what Iā€™ve come across, itā€™s interesting but does not contribute to the larger Darkner narrative. The Undertale soundtrack contains a bit of a red herring, with the unused track ā€˜Song That Might Play When You Fight Sansā€™. Despite not having a role in the game, itā€™s inclusion in the official soundtrack hints at its significance. About 10 seconds in (I would recommend headphones for this) you can hear a sampling of the Gaster leitmotif in your left ear only. From Sansā€™ perspective, his left eye is the one that glows in battle. One more connection between Sans, Gaster, and the eye! Before wrapping up this video, I want to point out a few things that take all of this a step further. Potentially a step too far? Thatā€™s for you to decide. But I didnā€™t want this muddled up in the middle of the video. The first time we encounter Sans he's shrouded in complete darkness. This is similar to how we first meet Lancer and the Spade King. While maybe not specifically the strongest piece of evidence, maybe itā€™s a thing that Darkners are just able to do? Theyā€™re just real sneaky, and good at blending in? I might be missing an example but I don't think anyone else in Undertale does this. But it makes sense thematically, that these DARKners would have powers to manipulate shadow, and hide in the dark. Sans possess toilet paper, as seen in the interaction with Shyren (I laid out in the last video, I wonā€™t get into it) while monsters donā€™t require bathrooms. We know the Spade castle has a bathroom, and that Darkners likely actually digest food. The toilet paper thing is so specific, that I wouldnā€™t be surprised if - you know - Toby just did it for a joke and didnā€™t really think about the deeper lore of that. ā€œWhy would monsters have toilet paper?!ā€ But, letā€™s stay on the line of thinking that Toby is as intentional with that stuff as we think he is. There may actually be a layer of connection deeper than simply living in shadows. Going back to their similar colours, and shapes - maybe Sans is more directly connected to Lancer and the Spade King than we think? Afterall Sans never says that he wants you to hang out with Papyrus tomorrow. Simply that he wants you to hang with his little brother, who needs friends. Which Lancer definitely does... A lonely, jokey, oddball kid who has no problem with a dinner of nothing but milk. Something thatā€™s good for your bones! A kid who likes to ride his bicycle, setting up minimalist shops, and building intricate machines with accompanying blueprints, while also knowing how to take some time to relax. Earlier in the video when I mentioned Sans and Lancer seeming kind of similar, I said I would come back to it. And what better way to do so then by talking about their different ā€˜bluesā€™. Seemingly Lancerā€™s specific blue cannot be found anywhere within the Spade Kingsā€™ sprite. And theyā€™re directly related! All three characters have their exposed, toothy grins. Further reflected by the pictures on the walls of the Spade castle, all feature smiling faces. The motif of Spades having big, toothy grins is seen in several pieces of imagery and architecture throughout that castle. Threading things back to Gaster (we clearly havenā€™t spoken of him enough yet?) The Gaster Blaster face appears to also have a subtle Spade theme. As well as a crown shape, and nose crest that appear to be reflected in the Spade King. Perhaps this is either the craziest, or most sane thought of this entire video... But maybe, these are the three characters, smiling on Sansā€™ photograph? A memento of when he left home in the Dark World. A reminder from himself. ā€œDonā€™t Forgetā€. You ready for a rapid fire round? This is likely just a series of neat coincidences. But I think it would be fun to fully unpack this, even if it ends up being dramatically wrong. We know weā€™ve met the Spade King, and Jack - with the queen being missing. Leaving us with an unknown Ace of Spades. Which I think may be Sans? In cards an ace can be either a 1 or a 14. The lowest value card before a two, or the highest after the King. Sansā€™ stats are both 1 and 1. He has the dichotomy of being both the weakest enemy, but also the hardest boss fight. When Sans uses his super special attack, he scrolls past the screen 14 times. One of the most well known brands of cards is Bicycle. And in ā€œcardologyā€ (which is a little bit like astrology) thereā€™s this idea of assigning cards to beings, and the meaning behind those cards. The ace of spades is seen as the most mysterious card; a card of ā€œancient wisdomā€. Those who bear this card are often seen as perceiving ā€œspiritual truthsā€. Cards in cardology also have a ā€œchallenging karma cardā€, a card that exists in close relation, and is intertwined in some way. For the ace of spades, this is the seven of hearts. Now I'm sure we could find 1000 more examples of 1s and 14s, but itā€™s probably not worth our time to dig through every one of them? But I wanted to throw out some of the most obvious ones, because if this ends up being true, it will just prove what an insane amount of foresight and thought was put into every little detail in these games. Now taking a step back, threading all of this together. Sans could be from a different world, AND a different time. Now what i'm trying to say here is that it makes whether or not Deltarune or Undertale happened first irrelevant. There's a lot of evidence to support which came first, there's a lot of arguments on either side, Iā€™m not going to get into all that right now. But because of these timeline alterations, the warping of time and space, it doesn't matter what happened first or second, because we could be experiencing them out of order anyways. Iā€™m sure when the game is complete more will be revealed, and thatā€™s the sort of question we could probably actually answer. But for now itā€™s ambiguous, and it's made only more so by Sansā€™ presence and manipulations. And with that I think Iā€™ve fully made my case. Laying out all the supporting evidence that I think agrees with the theory, and doing my best to debunk things that donā€™t quite line up. Is this ironclad? No, probably not! But itā€™s as close to that as I can get with the current state of these games. Presumably the follow-ups will provide more evidence if not direct answers. This video literally took A YEAR to make. Thatā€™s not an exaggeration, while at the same time is- is kind of an exaggerationā€¦ I started it back in like December 2018. People had pitched the theory. I started assembling evidence, crafting it all together. But I would work on it for a couple days, then end up throwing it out and starting over. And I did that on and off, over and over and over. Before setting it aside for like, 7-8 months. Something crazy like that? In that time people had come up with new ideas, new connections, new evidence - and that time around coming back to it, it was much more clear how everything fits together. But even then, this still took weeks of scripting and editing, and revising, and moving things around, while trying to keep things clear and concise (as much as possible). It was an uphill battle... I can easily say Iā€™ve never put more work into a video. Amazingly somehow topping the amount of work it took to make that first Gaster video. So I'm so wildly happy to have it out there! Whether or not you disagree with this theory, I want to hear from you guys either way! Itā€™s very fun to talk about this sort of stuff. If youā€™re not convinced that Sans is a Darkner, hopefully it at least gets some gears turning, and maybe you think of an alternate explanation for all the various ways sans sticks out in this universe? I probably need a bit of a break before I make more content on these games. Iā€™m not ruling that out as a possibility though! Weā€™ll see where things go. Thank you all SOO much for watching, and Iā€™ll see you again soon.
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 785,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, sans theory, sans is a darkner, sans the darkner, darkner theory, deltarune darkner theory, sans darkner, sans darkner theory, sans deltarune, sans deltarune theory, where is sans from, does sans bleed, sans blood explained, why does sans bleed, undertale sans theory, deltarune sans theory, undertale sans, deltarune sans, deltarune theory, undertale theory, deltarune, delarune theories, sans in deltarune, gaster deltarune, sans blood, delta rune
Id: EQEGp6fe1FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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