All the GOLD is mine in Human Fall Flat!

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whoo I am a magnificent chef traveling what aren't your whole world to get the finest ingredients wrong no I am a chef what do you mean you're in the wrong dimension get out of here I thought we were a high state no we are hiking I'm in hiking gear can't you see my cute drawing on value.i hasting I thought this was a diamond mine we're gonna steal their loot you guys oh I think oh come back until you have better gear no no look wait do you see that on my shoulder okay nice it's a nice killing she's French just get her off okay say hey no no yeah the shot it's my ow as I was saying let's just finish this map okay I need the best ingredient we all know how good we are at human fall flat so this will take like yes Oh ladies first it's only divers first diamond lady first just get in whoa hold up can I say something real quick you know these three people their backpacks are too big right Dracul yeah that's who big they bring nothing to us is that you have wait you have carrots and pickles the cucumber's no with the celery how do you so have a police vest jacket what no it's what do you mean it's a backpack don't be rude to my back furball I'm King for you oh you guys make a play funnies vibes I don't understand her body I am a chef no no great you lost our good vibes my eyes get that out oh you lost it again it what do you mean you're the only guys I got it all right I got it I got it you got to bring it out try gotta bring you know try doing this fast as possible no way Wow rotate it you'll take it Oh bead run edition I got her legs I don't think she's not gonna get out the door just me but you gotta turn you gotta let go someone pull it is go do what hand it over it's got a I don't look like a chef hey I do look you're missing a hat a chef's hat I don't need to have you know what you need all you need is a donut come on I'm a chef of culture I don't make donuts yeah call just hand it over and told you got to go more to the right yeah push it okay okay yeah I'm sick of these bad jokes I have the best joke all right who wants to lay it out in the plank you know they don't call me master chef go for now yeah oh you want to show your master chef skills lay down this iron bar yep like this is a place you're not dropping this is it yet this is a plate just for food sometimes do not drop it and just like cooking you have to cook together people whoa I'm gonna I'm gonna drop what a user this I got some celery on my left pocket carrots on my right you do the hemline pass it over and you eat off they get that I'm going okay there carrots up in that mountain for a backpack hiking backpacks are not helping yeah you can't even walk you're like almost falling off rainbow okay and there goes Looney you know what I think Jackyl can do this this I have too much weight to carry away yeah I'm gonna do it right we don't even need the dumb play yeah wait follow wait he actually might need it for the top I got a run they must steal all my ingredients there's no one is trying to steal your ingredient nobody there's limited adult tech point Oh no I deserve that you know in that mind more valuable yeah I need that's exactly what I need all guys help me please no no sorry I forget to victory please I I will make bets - you know you can let go and just climb back up right no I'm gonna use funny head lunar I'll make you the best to please Luna I like your food [Laughter] on my elbow grab my legs people Oh Raymond either way with all these huge backpacks I'll be your sous chef okay sous chef grab my legs oh yeah my leg hey everyone smile slide down the thingy and then we can slingshot are we oh you're right don't slingshot me no I don't want to get something shot I didn't guys pull this off pull this way slingshot I don't bend that way that's true rainbow has a broken elbow and she's still talking to you you guys are too low you'll never make it oh no no no let your legs I feel like ravioli you gotta polish hang on there's a bunch of garbage down here I need this all right you know I'm just gonna slide up by myself no can you guys swing me in the right direction let go oh okay good I'm gonna kick him let you together ready let's swing okay fine left okay go we got this we'll beat them they're trying to climb that's let go go oh oh wait give me a see below whoa whoa whoa get my head but got you we got you we got you rainbow grab on Jackalope just like a slingshot we gotta help him out come on yo I'm not carrying them they're back right nice that one no I teamwork of cake come on teamwork whoa whoa well I'm good okay thanks now just grab rainbow these backpacks are ridiculous what do I got herringbone feet rainbow he's pushing you down first thank you just grab my head I'm let go oh my god man you're Suffolk come on I don't even have a vacuole let go oh no my little nothing no extra sofa I'm not all the other nice backpackers don't fall off or else there's no hope here we can get hurt you don't worry he's dragging me down all right any one up that push your head - okay grab it you got red lunar oh I was grabbing a ledge I trusted you lunar I trusted you with my whole life I'm sorry last try what ever I can't got it you got her yeah I'll have a glass er thank you Thanks Bravo my sous-chefs up here I ain't your pity I need mushrooms in these caves I got there equip my belt bring us supplies ever these crates use creates a full of potatoes hey you gotta get these crates across the river man you don't what whatever secret Easter fire I'm not delusional why is there fire so I can cook sugu mouth anyone lives in here we're coming Morgan's come in with anyone live here hey yeah I need to see your fridge I need to see your fridge oh thank you oh we gotta block this oh are you sure you want to grab it yeah whoa whoa help me how others yes nice you have a dick on fire right come on help me um both why are you obsessed well better I was curious I want to see if something was in here well you will taste extra delicious I'm kidding okay let me cook this go move I have to like the stick on fire Luna what are you doing I'm trying to keep the breeze out okay guys this way I think we've found a shortcut I found a shortcut Oh nope we found a shortcut let's go this is like a portal but like an old school oh man these mountain cliffs aren't doing good things for my wobbly legs or ankles we're never let it go we need by yo no we need fire wait do we need that stick to the plan funny did you or she were talking about it yeah I think we don't work I couldn't get it oh we gotta bring the big boxes up here make a beat here oh we have to make a fire but ya know what why are you taking the box it's firewall higher I this is firewood this is faceless firewood but yeah yeah I'm gonna get in the oven to make a glass by yo oh it doesn't work I will take this stick you have a no big killing me working here oh oh I gotta work skies you could take the stick give me the stick here I got this cut I'll hang on to it and lift me up yeah we're gonna take you I'm gonna make the best soup in history can why my rainbow God by the edge put it on the weight on one side ah hey let me just you dumb stick get out of there I got you I'm gonna don't honey good job rainbow don't cut it out don't go ice skating why do you come back oh maybe you were to get the sticks now that you do other crazy but yeah oh we light this on fire oh are you what why why oh they ran out of light yeah sorry I thought it's okay I could probably relight this right cook it in the stick stick it in uh dude I'm sticking you know money money's going in the oven right up no no no no oh it's dead stick he have one more stick I didn't know it would um on fire itself Drock oh you have to pull it out and we lift we lift her up like this someone grab where's Luna and gold dress up I'm waiting I'm also weak okay I did something really derpy and now we need the stick back seconds please give me the stick back and the stick I'm sorry jump oh I'm hip here nice dress I got the stadium on just someone just smash me how should we like watch you oh yeah pushing her up with a stick you want it don't drop it let's drop it history good by us free I have I have to fire put it into the snow all right track Oh what are you doing come on go go get it hurry okay wait I have to carefully hold it first I have how is that a tip I won't have winter gloves just wear oven mitts mittens are the best Go Go Go oh okay we're good yeah I gotta go up nope wrong way carefully what the crazy we were to get out of here this is my family's waiting for it we're ready to light it on fire ready yes all right I hereby grant v fire just press it against the ice wall yeah oh yeah oh yeah move this box boxes in cannolis no and you need more firewood it's not working we made another we need a light another soul no it is worth how you need to play Oh and it'll look I see a slit right here that's an old you're crazy I'm getting the plank I told you go through the bottom funny yeah more fire Oh whoo-hoo all the fire I wanna leave my fires Nick you know I want to stay it got 100 person alright we're good here careful we have to buy em there or do we leave a like for my fire stick excuse me move my fire stick not gonna hold on to your fire stick when you jump down there oh honey he can't worry laughs yeah because I have my fire stick stuff I want to push people off the cliff that's my crazy but I'm out I'm out oh this is just jumping we're in a small little village guys this is so nice well I gotta do what apply you zipline Oh goals can you take care of my fire stick no I'm not a do I like like a fire stick rainbow can you take care of my fire I'll take care of it I'll keep it okay if you weren't gonna answer it I was gonna push you off yeah thank you I will lose my fire stick just pick it up okay we're gonna carefully transport rainbow to that platform rainbow be careful yep nice and safe do you guys see this all in one piece gold transport us down we are ready and then try jumping come on Luna yes rock up guy is the solutions down here I need help no are you going this way bud down here I'm coming back you want to build a snowman no oh I always wanted to build a snowman and human fault that's why you gotta come there ride is over this looks like parkour no we're not doing this I'm now yep just gonna the fire sticks telling me to go down here hi Luna I need you to calm down actually I'm fine hey funny I'm gonna melt the snow Matt no no no we need the snow me no no no no no no don't melted don't melt it just seeing if this works oh it's getting smaller no it's getting smaller we need to bring it up the hill stop it legit I think it stopped is it melting job we need it smaller okay fine stop cold we need your help everyone crew you got your butter here we got to push this up cliff what's the obvious I'm trying to do this I can't rainbow I have to say take away you you're not allowed to have the fire door you crazy Oh no we're old food snowball down pool yeah yeah but to get it up we need to use the lift over there rainbow no more fire stick because you're the fire I will get the lift you are not helping fine rainbow you could be those people on the airplane tart okay and you do the thing what let's push it help push push push one two three one two three push she's rolling this how well no one is helping us I'm putting them up the clip where you doing I can't push come on guys you can come on lunar juggling far too heavy there's the lift on the floor I can't push it the lift is on the floor you're holding it like a monkey push guys only lunar and I push it once is heavy it's just snow you gosh she's running over I think the more you roll it the bigger it gets oh let's just walk backwards what are we doing like this Barmes was a put on the lid yeah it is getting bigger by rolling it Wow come on guys it's is no happy big paul gold are you helping us yes I am - the someone needs to push and someone needs to pull I don't know push we got it it's about aya go on the thing okay this is good now push forward this way oh no no no no no come on we now she's going through the Drakh oh can you get this thing any closer no there's a giant gap I can it's okay I will be the bridge okay it's going in push tomorrow's Oh Oh so we're getting push push push oh boy now we gotta go at shtetl stop don't stop guys hold it everyone hold three corners of the snowball or areas I got it snowballs don't have corners let's go day whoop mines away do start doing this no funny who's there snowball don't I will throw your pickles off if you do anything for the eighth time they are Mallory doesn't look like pickles yeah that's celery sticks oh man this snowball is gonna take years yeah okay we just got to get it onto the path and they'll do the well oh by the time we're done easier Drock oh are you part of the circus yes is it me are we going in slow mo guys you're blocking the back you're like a wedge of cheese blocking the rolling all right I'm gonna go take a look-see rainbow how's it looking down there are you sleeping on the job this rainbow is the coast clear yeah I'm just okay the ball oh the balls coming down asked get ready I'll get it down it's going fast Go Daddy get a bunny oh alright you gotta let go you gotta let go okay no one saw it rolling you can't it's blocking me get out of the way get out of the way don't stop the momentum it's going pretty slow let's go yeah that was unsuspected more I thought it would go a lot faster but that's okay guys run there's fire the wait there was one plywood all smashed bodies yeah how do I need to hold this fire stick anymore it's getting pretty hot I don't think so no good by fire stick rest in peace Jaco could co-op that but I'm not going to I'm just gonna go through this door whoa it's a giant drill and there's gold Oh Gold I'll see no it's for me move and lanterns I don't see no mushrooms though there's nothing at the top of this tower there's a yellow spaghetti noodle down there someone might want to grab that Thank You Luna got it door hey I think this is the exit to beat the game what no way that's Creek gold come in here you want spaghetti no Gary okay get in there Jack this is the spaghetti power beautiful gold ingots over here and I'm gonna have your wine hello hey hey gummy ow ow oh no you can't come go let's keep him there what what do we need your help now that's daddy you're gonna push my booty to white why this is a real job there's something blocking this door it clearly must go that you're not supposed to enter nope I see your red hot now I want to touch it oh you can't open it until we get all the spaghetti noodles um I'm sorry to break it to you captain buttons but I don't think you're allowed in there Luna bring that noodle up fire what the noodle is happening drag me out bring the noodles up OOP all right open the doors how do we get out of here I got the loot yeah grab a spill the noodle oh that is beautiful yeah no touching no down well you get for being mean you can't just walk on top of me all right you gotta let go oh you gotta put the box under it I see I see rainbow has all the loot now what we do it this way so I'm gonna have to lift this I'm gonna put it by the die we'll do it some some advice powers I have to put the mood wall uh hurry men go there yeah okay you got a job balloon er you gotta jump perfect I get into the power room upstairs okay no one touches go do it it's mine should we stay down here and help we need to mourn what we do down here make a noodle and the blue noodle well they're not bad will chef funny get hug mushroom risotto well yeah you knew delink Gold's backpack she's going back for the gold rainbow she's seen it she sees gold and she's like it's mine I told you I'd get into the noodle room see the grain bubble just someone don't push this door open squeeze me so he's man you can't go Oakley Jimmy glitch it power what's the game well is something blocking it there's a code or something I think we got to go around oh the doors getting past she's got kick it whatever everyone let me bundle it I'm gonna go be productive through yeah you go she can fit her hand she could fit her arm guys drive on to something in there okay it's been 20 minutes get out of here it's my pot of gold my goal what's happening down there being a leper hey wait how do we get that green wire if I'm the blue spaghetti wire there's a green wire up on that crate oh you just walk up the stairs I found the blue wire the blue wire hello return this blue wire nope I'm getting the green light now I'm gonna get the green whoa oh I'll get the blue one Gold I'm trying to leave with the goal don't touch my pot of gold I will get it whoop swing swing swing hey hey OOP no OOP push me up no I will get it oh sorry people get off we have to make a formation rainbow get on my back and then y'all crouch on each other and then dracco just jumps on our back that works yes it does we did it I did it before just do it ready magic okay cheerleading all right let's go yeah they're all right go go go I have a giant backpack no jaco jump on the backpack no you have to jump on the back doesn't work your backs to collateral Oh funny go go back like a ladder no he's dummy dumb I do it okay watch you almost it whoop no okay with rainbows backpack I do this I jump I catch a jump jump there must be a less dumb way of doing this no yeah I'll jump up come on rainbow push me I am pushing oh the struggle is real over there okay try again rainbow it was got it don't listen the jack oh he's dumb we are bigger lift you up there we go there we go oh wow thank you yeah hi and your face do what green spaghetti noodle let's go I took it it's my yummy I want the spaghetti there is no such thing as a dumb way I can't hear her in this room green green you got that now what transport the gold oh yeah by the way Oh things are moving what's moving Gold you got to put the gold in there great would you meet elected that's right she's supposed to gold in there guys put gold in there I'm gonna go see what's up whoa that's how you got into the room go in the room I want all the mushrooms to my in your locker room yeah oh and make sure you are buying the door over here I don't think I can get it's the room guys it's the desk it's the desk it's not worth it we need the goal to smash the window oh okay not good I'm stuck guys I think what I think I have magnet powers oh I got gold for some gold I don't know you don't want I don't know give us magnet powers Oh No but password I just wanted to show you a cool new key he brought my whitey I don't care Gold it is time for you to do what you're best at you let the gold fall I like to hold on to it for your life off-key oh there's a better home up there for you no there isn't they're gonna fall to the cliff gold you have to hang on to them okay they're gonna fall I can't leave all okay yeah guys are we ready no engineering the wires oh I know guys we should just climb and just wait remember what happened last all right it's about to start oh my gold I haven't tagged oh come on it's a safe you got to grab it for falls off the cliff run run run Oh [Laughter] Gold sad now rainbow could you bring Gold's gold back I'm trying it's game over I'll just just leave me here no gold like no girl I can't go no more got your Gold's coming back is it yeah do you want to stop those gold man go with your gold oh please my gold down there got it yeah that's Dracula's mash notes mash Oh what dude smash it go man good job wait wait scolds gold Drac oh it's real hot I gotta save dinner thank ya a lot of glass in here guys go the other way it's safe now reco is moving I need help off your shelf it's like so I never had any hope to get across this just go come on you guys don't you push it in just push it this way haha okay that works whoa whoa start the gold is crazy everyone get out of the plantation now before it explodes ink ink egg smash smash break the control panel I just got here exactly no way it's really get the wrong way more gold cool we gotta go around the whole wall we're gonna be rich we had a line my guys cool nice what up imma go this way it's faster but my way is faster whoa don't show gold this area oh well let me see guys don't show her Oh bigger gold get out of my way lunar yes we gotta take this tunnel slide all right we have to go you can't die that's time - well don't go down the slide I'm sliding your gold down just go hey it's not really a slide okay well I have her gold so it helps her move through the Louisville gas three oh is this it nope gold any last words to say to gold no Legos it's mine give me teleportation say bye to let's go gold we have to park where you have the goal I think you have to go up here you guys have to play anything oh you're so cool you go into the geysers and then you like come onto this platform up here okay fly they stand on top of them gold you have to let go of gold it's not gonna wait a - wind flow is weaker cuz you block you didn't block to them you gotta block them like come here Oh give me that we have two blocks up hey what are you now the winds weaker you got to block it with the rock so that it becomes strong huh wait can I borrow this I'm here you're already rolling the rock up trash is there another rock up there that unlock this geyser no come on let me see oh there is oh the rocket and then we'll get a super boost from the third geyser come here race you you go get that you go go race Oh erase you erase you erase you erase you I really need someone to come help me in case I die cuz gold inner girl all she made me fall now gold you stay down there we use an important matter we gotta move why this is so easy whoopee doom a shooby dooby dooby dooby doo yeah oh my gosh no one needs to help all of us uh-huh why do I see a gold flag in the destiny what are you talking about your cellphone surviving up wait you guys thank you okay no we still need them we still need them we got the rock we got the wrong both of us oh wait okay I'll stabilize I will stabilize the platform by standing on it wait right I will hold the rock by a jump jump analyzing - I can't you gotta jump oh god okay okay okay don't worry Lunars coming got a little next platform I'll go to the next time i stabilize this one it's stable whoa okay okay okay whoa Barney careful pesarattu lunar tip she's not passing oh my gosh guys gotta go help track Oh chuckles swing bold we need your pieces all the time what do we do huh Jackyl swing Rocko don't let go the people roll my jack oh oh no someone has to come Jack oh oh I don't think it's possible I think I know it is my head I can't Emily he's being a try letting go and grabbing gold okay okay okay everyone please move off these stone things Oh nope girls we have it if you proceed to win know if what no if you just win we'll give it back I thought you're gonna say if I drop the rope I'm roll my gold at the cost of my okay go are you guys ready to watch the two duo's that can make hurry up rainbow got into you I agree Tuesday look guys it'll fly dad hey boy just go go I don't think this is working just let go do all that's gonna make it oh no really let go let go rainbow let go your dad let go of all just drop it same ha ho gold just use me as a bridge use me as a bridge just one Michael it's not gonna work she's gonna pull the rock down yeah okay fine go gold heavy load off come on come on okay this is come on hurry up you're good grab her grab her no yes oh she's good she's gonna heave okay now to lock that hole and I'm gonna go block the other horn we're gonna fly ball blocked there you guys is lauren taksa where we play we're taking this one and we're flying up to there oh no this is a demonstration arms raised on I miss the rod he grabbed me I missed the ride please yeah no I don't want to go again I want to write you know what I just say go back on The Geysers much bye that's gold you have to get rid of it okay all right we'll be missed so what's torchy I hate this 10 people waiting for chill go okay Monaco get out and chill out yep okay I know what you need for this clip you need us to move the rocks so you can get an extra boost what I'll move the rocks and create a third geyser so when you jump you jump over the geyser and you get a double chunk sweet no jackal I need this no you don't need it I'll be fighting needs it all right now the third geyser is unlocked what is he talking about crazy this one I am determined and stronger two tempers and now I have lost gold my gold they're crazy that's not how it's done Gold oh okay hold it okay thank you whoa push me up do you guys happen to have a third Rock yeah there's a third Rock in the same room really to get there you need it Oh block that hoe over there dude would love to but we have to get up there you suck goal just fell off nope still here okay I think I got this right left up you use my head go wow thank you yeah oh thank you girls here I'll help you up oh don't bring Jacqueline bridge Wow fine you're fine just get over you I don't need you I didn't open myself look at this oh look at this whoa I don't need you I don't need anyone hey you don't try throwing me off hey woo we need this rock this whole you meet a rock nope I will get it I'm a Rocket Man and then we block this hall and then we go outside again hole is being blocked and we just gotta jump here and then oh hey what about I just got a co-op Oh joke you here come here screaming off the Glitter I'm gonna do the same no come on you guys Wow that's the wrong way what are we going you gotta get back down here this guy is a hole is the last one that we have no this is our pathway no not yes um well maximum boost wait can we all go [Applause] everyone selfish lunar j-just around yourself it's lunar up here at lunar you are so lazy just take the second chat come on lunar come on Luna go go go okay she made it yes I'm not that's close enough how long is this mine oh my gosh rocks now we gotta move all these rocks let's just roll okay we just pushed our way through I'll go do all guys ohhh''ing take the rest roll what happens if we pull it anything we touch it to this I think so oh it's pushing on watch it don't push it don't push it Oh is there golden I'm gonna talk to the man there oh we got to put the rock saying oh we gonna put this thing in there we gotta put the end of this nothing oh wait it's a rock why don't we just fry us down hey guys Drago has to hook three rock art hey by the way no no you hook you hook the end part you hook this part you hook the hoop on this part no you don't hook that part you hook this part no I'm not why not doing this this is this is a screw thing right what drag oh that's silly that's a go no yeah like Danny knows now what are we supposed to fall off the cliff by gold no we're supposed to or do you hook it on to this supposed to fill it in with rocks I think or you know oh those are eyes it's the rocks at the Eddy trio and then with maximum momentum with our back now you're pretty sure we're heavy enough ox maybe you do have to slingshot yourself give me a minute okay I'm gonna go do something for science be ready for who's ready for science me okay all right I'll go to they have ridiculous backpacks let's get really good holy for science sorry science duck you guys duck so you can go through Jaakko you got this you go I need backup I need someone to push me need you to push me oh oh wait you got a swing from down here swinging myself are we pulling alright Luna don't leave swing myself you did momentum and no no just get the toy do you guys know how to use a rope just get all the point I don't want to I want to see this things are all down a row have to pull it back up and then you pull it back down whose legs are the climbing master yep guys you go to school you gotta pull it back up okay I'll make it to the next one without ya my characters glitch yeah please oh I see rivers I don't even think I could do this by myself guys what can I do better dude I know everyone's glitch doesn't stuck with the rope you gotta pull this I see someone on the rope gold go I'm stressing me gold go faster okay yeah I'm gonna see you help me detach her I'm gonna swing hi you guys suck I'm gonna make it there first detach her gold like oh he's not timing all the wait for the other game but yeah the timing is now catchy she made a where's her Travel contacts guys know it's game over the exits right there let's finish it so close and dude I don't know how to do this part far oh these tree branches move how excellent let me try grabbing onto this other bridge no pulling up the rope come on tree branch I got it crew member is still up there struggling this is it no [Applause] no loading in nope Wow you'd even let me look at my goal guys look I made a delicious stew leave a like because I leave a like and I will let you try some don't forget to subscribe if you're new thank you so much for watching and we love go get out of there celebrate fireworks everywhere what are you doing for getting a positron cream machine oh I'm going over there can he do it with his power oh that's perfect I don't think clamp nope it's not gonna get it it's gonna get it that's so bad dude uh-huh does he got it and I get no prize he's gonna fail Oh God Oh put it down patch it on the train yeah Rocco is the true winner he got his gift Wow [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 12,295,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, human fall flat, human fall flat itsfunneh, human fall flat krew, funny moments human fall flat, human fall flat custom map, human fall flat gameplay, let's play, gameplay, human fall flat multiplayer, human fall flat funneh, human fall flat episode, human fall flat crystal mountain, crystal mountain, paintingrainbows, goldenglare, lunareclispe, draconitedragon, krew games, krew plays human fall flat, fails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 10sec (3010 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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