The HARDEST Challenge in Human Fall Flat!

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Drock goes crazy [Music] [Laughter] we just drove that train into a pile of rocks so this human fall flat map is called forest I'm already intimidated by those that that make it look at Goldsmiths golda you've been ready for this no I'm terrified can someone just carry me to the top just carry me please I don't even want to bother no just started right up you go wait that's not the enthusiasm we have on this channel track oh you know what to do this is why what do we do with duckies Downers show her some poppers no carry me to the top nope okay now time for the real business elevator hit the button we pry these elevator doors open and then we eat the level kind of move no we must find the button that opens the door okay I find this we play it normally yeah classic oh it's not a race just a move is a race just move and you get to the it's always a race let's go come on we have to go on these containers over here to that side of the island here goes nothing what Oh me who's wrong I found the button no she did it it's right here on the elevator think we're overthinking it we have to climb on top of the tube and wing down slowly I think I see something in there oh we the butthole right yeah gülen's right right no that was me I'm stuck oh thank you lunar for fine the issue we must get the box into it great just get the boxing trained someone take the box got in holdin any of the box no one is grabbing the box you to bring it closer hey Jack go past the bag off the box come on up wait I have a better idea what let me just I need to see any get off the I can't match the box Drago got it nope don't got it pass me the box come on Luna put it in my hand power daddy I'm dunk yeah I got it okay go once I'm done put it in use your head how hard is it to put a box in a train tin yeah wait what not in it's not a but actually I was there I'll fix it thank you down this creepy slide for you later who's lino oh no it's a big jump oh you go girl okay so that was pretty painful that was a surprise I didn't think you have to no no it's gonna be a super slide slide down hold I see how funny you're kinda log on me you're kind of blocking the way I'm slowly sliding down grab it turn around well what are you doing yeah I got it swing be swing drakul who did this to me come on that to yourself there's a little swinging like that for five minutes bald is too high she's never gonna make it yeah why don't you just drop and go first someone let go why don't you let go oh my god don't let go you're lower you let go I'm doing this map forever come on I know it's weightless Jade are you sure you know why a hitchhiker here none of us deserve to go to the next level guy got Jocko let's go checkpoint yeah fine let go let go funny wait Munna Bhai save them both let's see what deserves delivery Oh rainbow we need you over here rain was gonna help you guys here grab on the lantern got my leg off you have to die I cannot save you i am scarred i got my head wrapper guys have your head you guys like rainbow you're pushing me down too much that's ready to go yet let go he do oh she's climbing she's trying to climb I shall die you know what you can die more power let's hurry let's hurry we got him go let go let go watch lunar I'm a alright boy you gotta let go not so he's Pele let me stay I'll hold you lunar you get Drago all right back up back it up there's no way we can drop funny now everyone make a choo-choo train okay I got this I don't need your health yes you do oh-oh I'm swinging crooked I have grabbed the Lancer not the wrong slot okay catch me let go okay he's just standing do g1 get to me okay back it up oh hey this is guy pushing no pushing I want to go no it's every woman to themself every human you let go let go yeah bye thank you make the line girls arm drag oh let go of my face No yeah this way guys it's very slippery okay go let go let go I [Laughter] don't know what's happening over there I don't know what's happening over here I'm just gonna load the check oh ok rainbow you're gonna have to let go I'm sorry ok this level is harder than we thought they died by herself just gotta go hurry right here wait pull rainbow in oh they're all good yeah checkpoint is this a checkpoint Oh what is this why I don't feel so good look guys what level is a four-level is uh it's a big challenge for us oh I don't think we're up for this oh yeah climbing oh my gosh it's like a jungle gym ain't nothing to it you just jump oh oh man we gotta use that move something up there over there it's working it's working it's working we just have to get it out you know money help rainbow who's got it okay oh I said hold my hand oh okay let go oh how many do you want mattress I think so it was that high do we need all the mattresses bounce it bounce but no not enough we need a second mattress yeah cool oh you don't need it grab a chuckle funny Wow all right Daniel platform jump jump jump dude we haven't even gone to the forest part yet and up I'm doing this guys I am the master of the jungle gyms parkour gym whatever ooh where am I supposed to go oh no I repeat everyone you better be ready because this map is not easy OOP oh you're dropping planks over everything when you broke it oh it's good to check believable she checked 14s yay yay I saved you all I saved you all from sheer torture I'm channeling my inner monkey all right inner monkey inner monkey in her monkeys betray their fellow kind my eyes it's when you see the revolving doors in real life and you have to try to go I feel sick someone someone tell me I feel sick oh you have to let me go lunar I'm gonna jump ok you Joe it's I'm jumping - you'll go just let me go gonna be sick [Music] point your foot oh oh keep spinning and spinning I have to see if you guys make it stop nevermind I'm not going to check the checkpoint ow checkpoint smash like if you want to spin just like gold and lashley to help me stop spinning something we can do all together finally ah a buh-bye finally something simple something just hang on I won't think where's gold no come on I feel sick when ice to push and then jump I'll be I'll be that thing that stands in the front and yells if there's incoming alright you gotta push push we will go okay let's go let's go hands alrighty more people to push us you guys are have no we could just jump right on time just jump forward this time for money jump forward you're ahead of the boat jumping I'm jumping I'm going to put all your weight all the power oh no oh don't please please no please Oh No we more push power we huddle jackal paddle come on push huddle we had North people down here we need was rainbow let me go we need more pie you know what I'll get out of the boat let's just hurry push us push us can we wait for gold gentle boy let go the paddles you're too heavy you can't [Laughter] when we got oh there's too much weight let's have to get I panic everyone paddle paddle oh wait honey can swim look not so bad so long suckers she's just walking the forest lines this isn't even that deep but you just walk across this whole thing yeah oh I knew you were cheating well I'm gonna go ahead and walk on that sideline then cheating cheating we don't hear the boat walking in the water rainbows taking our time walking the path physics guys I think we're about to beat the game and the way to go what's over here is this a cast welcome to my castle what is the password isn't it your castle is very on their rights over here how come no one's in your castle because only the Royals are allowed in our they'll prisoners okay you got to get all the way up there well oh man there's so much what oh man there's so much even we should stop talking and just go is that a rolling pin a giant rolling pin hurry hurry [Music] made it only to fall at the last second you have no time for games no time for no yes we got it no time for games you got a speed a time for games lunar don't watch that there's no gold there's no time don't touch that it's my victory what is this deal it's a boulder then you hang on to for your dear life all right go get squished pour Jaco push your side stand under falling objects first of all Dom push it with your head no with your head oh yo yo yo I gotta push it you guys don't all push a ball I need your help hurry you know why it here take one for the team I'm going down oh I got on with the ball just come on got it push it hurry up pink rainbows in the way fine yeah push it yeah chefs how long's it takes a pool and raw body but it doesn't really did it take to push the boulder Oh Luna you're giving information let go Oh broken glass ouch wait what's that it's a fine point any oh can I tear these out of the walls we pull the boxes out so we can jump note the boxes are stuck I do see colorful parts up there I don't know if they do anything Oh looking cleaner is correct we have to jump with it I do Oh you parkour Oh lunar I see you went ahead and knock some shelves over here yeah I guess we were told already pre in the game I see the button I'm gonna get it first yeah no no I'm gonna run through the door first I also came hit the button yeah I hit the button I don't want to do this you think I can parkour this and hit the button why you guys have a lot of faith oh I see the button right there just step on it rainbow go ahead this is the one time all eyes are on you don't don't put the hi everybody fail don't let us down I think she let us down I need help hello why would you let rainbow hope be in charge of parkour hateful wanted rainbow got up there and rock Oh get off I'm gonna go press the button and say oh I ran walking on shipping shelf shipping shelves jump the jump Oh Joey gosh guys why don't we just stand on this rock and get up there instead of so much effort oh yeah it's got a parkouring and falling over and over just hold that so smart and then we use this glass pane to make a brick wait to make rap horrible grip I should put up oh it hurts put it where goats working it's working yeah yeah pain Oh God Thank You gold we got it I'm gonna take now you'll knock down good job you guys get out of here I'm running out here remember rainbow saves you freedom thank you rainbow rainbow you can go take the rifle blocks and put them on hey the glass saved her glasses needs appreciation even comrade yuan below appreciate glass appreciate uh can you guys get the next checkpoint um I was being a jerk and please get to the next checkpoint okay I don't load the checkpoint I'll just cry there's two [Music] [Laughter] okay I'm gonna take the easy way why did everything break in this math who will never know haha all of these do not take that way I just see if you see it give up and take the other route no take the simple root mat when I tried the child you're crazy no we're simple back down oh I know lime climb jump hold climb climb climb job pole to pole to pole you just led down okay this whole thing is tilted which makes it extremely challenging ah this terrifies me oh okay I got this gum guys don't worry I'm gonna reach the top for y'all a dum-dum just gotta be careful because something collapsed here there was an earthquake all right got it guys you good low checkpoint please no we can oh yeah we can whoa swing all the way up see something that all of us could do together this is the sky tour the highlight of the whole trip lunar colo checkpoint I see with the tunnel disaster look hang on funny okay I'll grab you I made it just made it would I saved it oh yes got your little chocolate yes okay point is loaded jam wipe it off I know Jeff I know I give office this is like all of the nightmare human fall flats we've played and they combined in one you're evil okay I can mow checkpoint I can load checkpoint Oh buddy check boys I'm not a baby I am no this isn't a checkpoint no not a check for he long something saved dracco lying to our face that hurt a lot Oh rain bushes or you can be like oh this is like a twisted human fall flat fun house I don't like it I don't like it push me you see me guys no you see me always gentle thing oh gosh just go run they'll drive I see you are we at the top yet no someone's pinyon no more please no more sir why did you open our mouth Gold why did you open your mouth look at that this is easy it's just like the other thing about way longer and way faster go I got it I got it run don't stop don't stop running don't mean okay I got this just gonna fight the force of evil I'm dead yeah I think my secret is to hang on then run then hang on yeah no I'm kidding hold on hold on skill making it go girls the ultimate rage I got this boom I'm just like a frog I gotta leave in my Oh help me what's the next level oh it's a jiggly bridge it's a jiggly jiggly bridge they made it they loaded the checkpoint what they need to do this is watchin you want to be cheese liquid you know I'm pretty sure this is how we feel after playing rage guys you can cheat go just did it you don't even try you just go round yes we can cheat every game but can we actually no we cannot I'll try this oh man I can't cross cool no don't touch the cheese you got it okay this is the next part lava tree I'll go first something is fall safe what's a launcher please come on that nacho cheese okay I'll go first Drago is gonna see what this lunar you first I mean you next okay I don't think you're doing it properly stable oh wait gold gold fear she wants to try I feel she just put and rainbows here what I do just put your stuff on it on it and then you just believe in the magic Oh her life snuck Oh No no rainbow jump on it jump yeah let go let go don't back oh let go oh okay that was too sad people falling into cheese actually in this house the exact nothing another launcher what fun what wait let's all get on it together guys anyway going on things together oh I'm going on go oh wait hold on okay everyone get in builds on the wrong side okay I'm scared let go wow alright I'm ready honey what am I expecting I made it through what oh but there's more I walk so you can run you click my arms are broken right this is the finale why do I keep hitting the turbine please catch me or not you have to relax and let your body just have no bones and you'll fly to your destination okay ducky lunar hold on your bones just chow something's wrong we'll see a lunar lunar can feel our bones yellow jello doesn't have balls I work oh why are you crying over look at him Oh scared you go first funny I'll just watch you oh no watch you suffer no you go first go I don't like how everyone's falling off gold first the trick oh okay I'm ready to play the game the game I see the end I'll wait for you guys over here I have to make it there's no checkpoint here what no checkpoint it maybe yeah yeah come on the rest everyone can make it I believe in you the thing is to just jump every time the slow Iturbi spinny things never mind thanks for the advice on gold - did you just break the glass you mean let me have my victory glass it was already broken someone was here before us I'm just gonna go sit down and watch TV well well I want to see what this hole does but out of rage this is what I think about this challenge counted all weekend bad petitions we rate this human fall flat level absolutely break the windows great wave enrage thank you Bob come on Jack oh I vote rage okay that was pretty satisfied for every math we couldn't beat - did you guys make it here yet we're about to break all the glass even catapult coming down last bridge Oh [Laughter] every time someone dies a glass breaks and we we had gifts to Rocco they rage quit we have to probably break the lock I can see the glass why I'll celebrate from afar right that's the glass glass over there oh just trying to live was hiding can you break glass with glass oh wait never mind this one's already broken okay as victory we will slide down with this stereo to show our sadness I want to slide down with this really big piece of glass that's true it's like on a really big piece of glass okay guys don't worry we're gonna go down the exit ethically take it home for me let's go Oh too slimy to the ending I know I think that counts okay that counts turn on the angry right now what does oh snap this okay okay fifth attempts this time no being dumb just gonna press Y and we're gonna go with the flow okay goals here this time high goals hello no gold don't do that I'm so angry I'm gonna vandalize this throw this out the window you suck are we ready to slide down yes yes three-fifths of crew are going down okay go whoa down rate don't know what it was a good man that map was amazing and we're here once again back at Wow to Train let's do it again yeah okay so where's the button no I'm kidding smash like because this was the most challenging map we've played yet okay don't forget to subscribe if you're new we're crew we're gonna go puke because I that was very nauseating and we'll see you all in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 8,817,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, human fall flat, human fall flat itsfunneh, human fall flat krew, funny moments human fall flat, human fall flat custom map, human fall flat gameplay, let's play, gameplay, human fall flat multiplayer, human fall flat funneh, human fall flat episode, human fall flat crystal mountain, paintingrainbows, goldenglare, lunareclispe, draconitedragon, krew games, krew plays human fall flat, fails
Id: 37XnoYyLdi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 29sec (2129 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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