Building the TALLEST SNOWMAN in Roblox!

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we're finally here we're at the north pole evil snow minions you will be snowmoor oh my gosh hurry lunar throw the snowballs attack rainbow attack attack lunar attack rainbow goodbye snow minions oh no they're getting closer i need help yes killer subscribe and like so you can be on the good list just like me gold did you hear that dracco thinks he's on the good list yeah he's a little crazy you're thinking that hey draco we're supposed to go build snowmen fine let's go build the snowman but i'm gonna have the tallest one guys i heard that rainbow and lunar are trying to build bigger snowmen than us what where is she what that's the one that killed me earlier lunar are you sure they're not fighting with each other snow snails now snow snow guys what are you doing i need snow don't worry we will help you i will gather enough snow to destroy these snowmen my money my money my money oh let's go hey yo we worked so hard for that girl wait can we hurt rainbow and lunar wait i need more animals you are hurting i'm gonna be peaceful i'm just gonna make big snowballs no she took my candy that's totally untrue draco was never peaceful look i'm gonna tell you how big i can roll this i'm gonna take all the snow so then rainbow could get rainbow you better run i'm running out of here where is she rainbow fight no rainbow come on football fight don't be scared she's hiding you don't be scared oh no we can't hurt each other in this game oh oh go protect me with your snowball yes you're just wasting your snow rainbow what's happening look look there's fireworks this is so cool i don't know oh she's distracting you watch out buddy we're supposed to be making snowmen not having a snowball fight you are going to become a snowman rainbow once you take the snowball to the ghost yeah look i could stay yes gold that's exactly i can hit her behind thank you gold see i'm still alive rainbow stop distracting just what are you doing you're the one that started it whatever just get crushed with the snowball trying to make a snow man by myself oh she's gonna win oh rainbow's down oh rainbow you better ride yeah that's no fair because everyone else was hitting me with snow balls no i was like no one was hitting you yeah lunar was uh-huh wait luna's not even you guys are wasting snow you should be building your snowman i agree we should be making tall snowmen funny started it and funny will i'm going in here and i'm turning pvp off now we must concentrate what happens if i steal all your snow i don't care then i'll just go steal your snow guys we should see who can make the biggest snowball in the server oh yeah i want to see the mountains what are you doing oh my snowball turned back into more snowballs okay i will build my first one my first snowman oh yeah oh you have to upgrade oh my snowman is so tiny oh do you see this i re-burst whoa this is pretty cool um is there a quest from these nutcrackers over here i think there is oh let's go check it out oh it's because i want gold candy canes hey i have some candy canes yeah they gave me gold nice dracco how do you have pets this is pet coal and pet snow frog and i got them because i make snowmen instead of wasting my snow smart do you see that you guys whatever dracco we got to learn from the wise well watch this it's time to make my snowman wow his head is very tiny i know he needs more he needs more snow i'm gonna go collect some more oh there's a giant christmas tree over here what does it do you guys free presents ooh i'm coming i'm coming free presents that there's no such thing as free press hey funny cake i'm just chilling yeah there is there's elves over here whoa what's this oh they sell our sleighs they sell snowmen launchers wait i need silver snowballs i don't know let me see here guys i will sacrifice my robux this is for pvp i don't want a pvp hello elf may i buy a snowball launcher thank you whoa i don't think it's for people oh there's snowman over here they're they're evil go kill them hurry i want to see you use it not on me i'm them let me try oh it's actually pretty op look it's so powerful gonna get it when i get money oh i'm getting frozen rainbow is dying don't worry rainbow i got you she's dead i need help please these snowmen are actually pretty opie i can't get them yeah i wanna die die they're so overpowered i can't even get them let me try throwing whoa okay okay let's uh kill this person what guys grab it i really need some pets so let's just hope that i can finish building my snowman give you super powers to 100 i know jack was like totally getting all the snowman come on snowman [Music] oh this snowman has a very tiny head you need to be thicker we need more snow you know what i'm just gonna chill in my own place the biggest to the tallest or the most ginormous should i spend robux no no no even if i say no you're gonna do it anyway you have to play fair we're trying to see who can build the tall okay fine did everyone play fair i just want to confirm yes yes i didn't spend even one evening since it is the holidays i have to admit something i spent uh robux on this weapon but that's it it doesn't do anything that's it okay you didn't do anything though okay you should be happy to do anything yeah i mean it's all right let's go more rebirthing added on my snowman and i gotta get more snow please let me buy a bigger satchel or a bag so i can store more snow that's true can we all get infinite no that doesn't matter you can't get infinite fine let me go check santa's workshop what are you doing in here lunar these presents give you pets oh wait technically i kind of did waste robux already okay technically oh she brought a bunch of silver didn't she no no i only bought like a mid-tier one it's fine i got myself donner it is mid-tier hello donner so she brought herself a lot of silver no i did not i bought very little what are you doing over there here guys let's go see what donna does daughter okay hop on over here you couldn't get right you couldn't get rudolph no rude i didn't i think rudolph is uh too expensive donner are you helping me oh i mean look at my snowball i don't see donner oh i know i see the little the little reindeer behind me guys our goal like i really want this to be high i don't i don't want a thousand i'm gonna go check okay donner we have spent a lot of time collecting as much snow as we can to beat everyone you are the most op working reindeer oh ho ho i met but the chimney what what i'm gonna do parkour and get all the good goodies oh there's a parkour thing okay let me go do it rebirth time for you to rebirth snowman at the speed i'm a speed roll look i got a shiny piece of coal i don't believe she didn't spend roblox funny i don't believe her a single minute i didn't luna what okay well let's just go to the chimney yeah i mean it is shiny though so that's a good thing let's go up here and jump to the top whoa whoa wow um rainbow oh i don't think i i don't even think i can jump up that high let me see if i can oh no it's impossible not gonna jump in no i can't make it i can't i'm dedicating my entire life to rolling snowballs on the floor this is the easiest way this is how i'm gonna make the tallest moment can i cheat now please no maybe i mean luna and draco have six pets i think they cheated no i did not i did it by leveling up you know bunny has an expensive pet from roblox yeah but look i have no pets that's the difference that's because you brought one expensive pet you know what in order to test for science we must figure out if spending robux is worth it in this game or not what an excuse yes your research project we must figure out spending gold get away from my snow gold has a cute snowman pet though see i don't have a cute snowman pet that proving that sometimes not spending robux is good right gold spend robux yes that's right and then we could have like there's no strategy to roll snow go up down up down you get every single all right let me try watch oh man my backpack's full because robex okay snowman let's see how tall you can get oh wow wow you see that gosh rebirth time let's go to six my snowman is barely visible compared to yours all right this pains me to buy this much robux of silver but i did it okay i did it and it's time to open this crate you know we're science oh you should have brought a sleigh jackal i'm doing this for the discovery of science now i've got myself a dog okay yeah i'm always down to learn more about science okay i'm buying every present meet me in the gingerbread shop rainbow i'm learning new things in here hey so you know how you're doing all this for science yes technically scientifically i am the tallest and technically you can't be the tallest snowmen in the server because technically for science that would be me so you have to give your snowman to me rainbow but technically you're looking at the floor right now i don't know why you're not snow um out there building snowmen rainbow okay rainbow go go build the tallest snowman for science i can't i don't have science i know what can help you you know what gets snow faster tell me watch catching a scam that's exactly how i start a sleigh why do you and dracula tell me to buy a sleigh a sleigh is the key what luna's a bad influence okay fine no i'm not i'm just helping you're just telling me to waste my robux yeah because i'm sleek houses wait how much does the sleigh cost where do i go 30k silver what funny you gotta go to the market you guys are crazy use the ice globe oh wow she's she's like she's like the evil little bad person lunar why are you so experienced what lunar where are you i am just rolling snow in another area oh funny over here it's right here so what does the sleigh do you can collect a sleigh of spaghetti it gives you a thousand goals oh my gosh every five minutes and you can use those gold pieces oh that's so expensive okay your pets okay thank you luna i appreciate that let's see let's roll this everyone watch me roll whoa oh where's here i might see this that's sick where's your sleigh i don't see your sleigh though how do i put it on how could you seriously who wants to fight me whoa i see a big snowball from afar crazy that's me follow to me here watch i can make the most gigantic snow wall oh my goodness i feel like it could get bigger or not bigger snowman it's time for the ultimate rebirth that's not tall enough you got an island what there's an island above your plot i just saw it oh maybe i jump on it okay let me gather as much snow as i can and deposit some more the snowman is just gonna keep growing whoa oh i see my sleigh button there you go what kind of futuristic sleigh is this whoa whoa it's got fire can i ride please uh so what does it do oh you got it fly guys it's cool but it's very expensive what else does it do hey look at me it gives you 5 000 gold pieces and you use those gold pieces to level up your pets come on go faster gold i don't really know how to ride this thing let's drive it off to the others oh hey guys okay we look stupid i can't see you the worst sleigh rider whatever goals look at this snowman look at my snowman oh present what is that above there oh my gosh i'm unwrapping something huh um guys i think something very cool is gonna happen uh-huh an unwrapping this blue present right now what's inside oh a lot of candy canes wow i wish i was up i don't think you guys want this much pets because jumping is uh it's too much jumping this high is too much well hey what did one snowball say to the other your tiny fool no pretty easy to get around here huh huh what get around cause they're round snowballs around oh my gosh i have a snow pun um that was horrible i have a snow pun for you why was rainbow so blue during christmas cause because she was frostbitten what that's a fact that's not a pun i'm bad at puns that's why we only like rainbow do the puns it doesn't matter look how tall my snowman is more pretty mine is 17 feet tall how about yours um how do you know how tall it is on the sign oh okay mine is 135 feet tall oh my god okay so i'm back here because i need to get myself some more pets okay i got something shiny more pets please i'm like speed another saber-toothed tiger i mean that works time to equip you you expensive pets let's go i'm rolling out some more snowballs and it looks like our snowman is gonna get thicker from here [Music] do you see it yeah oh my gosh it's so tall up here for science janice how is everyone else doing down there um okay only by rebirth okay i don't see snowmen i see very tiny things from a distance shad this is a tr this is a true snowman oh my gosh it's getting bigger i actually think i'm gonna upgrade my pets let's uh that oh that's very expensive i do not have enough gold for that really yeah it's like 10k almost like 100k for some i know i will sell it to this man over here hello take this take this and now i can finally upgrade the cheapest one which is the common donner let's level them up it's gonna be like 10 000 robux it's so expensive okay donna you're level four now let's roll some snowballs does this look huge yet was your investment yeah it's growing exponentially i mean 1 000 is pretty good but let's just say i just wasted a lot of robux so bad investment or good investment good investment look always a bad idea more grow snowman from growth never wastes robux always bad my snowman's very happy to be this tall rainbow do you want to be this tall taller than the mountains you already have to give it to me for science that's true tallest okay these pets they gotta go faster so how much okay i guess that's much gold my my my pockets my pockets hurts guys all right let's upgrade our pets let's make our fox more shiny our snow dog our fox um i guess donner some more let's level up the snow dog and i am out of gold that gold was fun while it lasted okay donner you're the only one that i could upgrade okay guys you guys see my snowball hopefully it's uh it's still better because i just wasted a good amount please my highest was 1 000 for snowball but can we make this gigantic as the server oh my god what it's still 1 000. that means i need to spend more i'm not doing it hello luder i like your alpaca would you like to trade oh yes just kidding i don't think you portrayed in this game look look at my snowman wow whoa oh i can finally get to the top of this game wait how tall is it no way uh actually never mind i just looked up the top of the game looks very high don't worry i'll go there probably so far away let me see what's up let me jump to this island go there what is here just a bunch of presents to unwrapped i actually literally i'm going up i'm just jumping like this this more like i have flying hacks a lot of flying hacks wait so there's something up here guys is it gingerbread man whoa they're angry gingerbread men let me shoot them oh run away oh they're actually really op they gave me a lot of candy canes though okay i'm just gonna keep going to the top i'll tell you guys what's up here if it's worth it i see cookies uh more gingerbread men what guys there's something up here it's called the big bad gingy i think it's a giant whoa hey funny cake try not to hurt gingy's fist on your head badly i don't think i could defeat them whoa why i don't even think all of us could get up here let's see no i would never think do you guys think you could get up here i think i can get up there soon okay no it's actually doable for everyone i think all of crew could get up here and let's let's get big bad ginji don't worry i'll return back to the surface we will fight you soon i'm upgrading my launcher so i can destroy that giant gingerbread up there let's go yes i will help all crew i will destroy it so they can get monies i'm out of money wow you guys sound so happy don't worry let me see we have our enemy right here let's see how powerful my gun is why am i missing oh it's a one shot obviously it's really op time to go to the more um in scary place everyone i see the yeti it looks scary let me see or not um it's not friendly whoa that's so cool it's very powerful though i think maybe we should lower our standards this is the boss we should fight al oh i'm dying i'm out wow you died well i'm not dying but i i'll save it i'll save it for everyone crew we are ready to destroy the snow yeti [Music] no drag we need to get in there and fight yeah oh my gosh my health i don't think our launchers are strong enough funny squirrels bunny cakes carry eyes who's doing seven damage candy cane it's probably me okay seven damage is better than nothing i agree seven is still something uh-huh oh oh oh oh oh guys when he does that jump guys don't freak out don't freak out can someone be the bait are we 50 percent fine seven damage will be baked gold's gonna be bait okay good job gold you be the bait hello yeti come good job we got this guys and you asked words yeti how about yeti later stop right there it's pooping candy canes rainbow you're making the yeti angry i suggest you stop taunting it come on yeti i'm almost dead guys i'm gonna die yeah he's almost just run go hold on gold run gold's goals run hold rocks [Music] wow can i just say that was not worth it well i'm out yellow candy canes i don't know i think yellow candy canes are rare guys all we have to say is we gotta go sell our candy canes to the nutcracker okay yep nutcrackers take our candy cane we need the money you have like 125. sell and sell now my goal here is to make the tallest snowman in the server and right now my snowman is almost at one thousand feet which is my goal grow snowman grow look at this oh my gosh my snowman keeps growing almost 1000 feet let me open my present please give me something good what i got okay a bunch of candy canes i wish i could trade with you guys i would give you this yeah yeah oh that's so sweet yeah i guess you're not getting cold for christmas everyone please meet me at my research lab funny cake snowman farm thing yeah everyone i'm going to build a 1 000 feet snowman starting now first i'm going to [Music] oh i see see it from over here oh do you see it [Music] and now that's one thousand feet um probably let me uh let me finish the snowman completely i'll hug all the snow so you can't do it huh rainbow stop hogging the snow with me you know what i could do with you looks distilled i'm gonna knock you out i could do this no does anyone want to have a pvp no no fight will die at the end at the end when you're done okay five thousand science project or whatever okay there the science project is complete do you see it this is the tallest snowman in the server oh my gosh it's 1 000 feet tall 1097 feet tall yes let's see what's in the present well i need to really go far away to see this look at that that looks insane here that truly is this tallest snowman in the server okay i'm bored i'm gonna reset it now well that was fine i'm going to try upgrading my launcher so i can get the what do you mean you have the best launch already stopped upgrading i don't i don't oh i could get the last launcher no way up back to rolling snow i finally have enough money to buy my final launcher which is called the frost launcher yay i feel alive most of us caught up to you without spending robots so time to look at science so i spent robux and my rebirth is at 39 you see this is how tall my snowman is i will jump to show you everyone very tall very tall look oh see it's all the way up there and the this farm over here we're at draco's farm he's spent no robux and he's 21. luna's 17. yeah he didn't spend a single robux in rainbow's 14 and gold is 13 and you know why because he uses the power of knowledge he investigates the power of time whatever i'm going to the top i'm going to kill the top gingerbread man wow who wants to bet funny will die by herself i'm not gonna die watch i could jump dude i could just jump to the top by myself and i could look all crazy the final boss is your eyelash did you know that this is secret box no it's not let me see oh my gosh this launch is not even that strong it's like 3 000. what it's a waste of my money i can't even kill the yeti whatever i'm going to jinji jinji the gingerbread i will get them all right top gingerbread meet your maker funny die bad gingy you are the bad cookie if only i had everyone up here but this will take ages i'll just chill here [Music] so for the past 20 minutes i've been shooting this gingerbread man is the amount of money i'm getting from this gingerbread man worth it i don't think so it's not worth it guys how much money are you getting it's like 282 gold i mean k gold and like 134k uh silver oh and it does worth it you can't even upgrade my pets you should just leave and you know what's the worst part i looked up and there's more oh yeah you haven't reached the final boss in toyland dude i thought gingerbread was the last one i spent i spent so much time here what like so is toyland the last one yes toyland is the last boss why would you lie to me draco i thought jinji was the last boss no no jinzy's just the beginning no let me see i'll just go take a look at what toy land looks like but there's no way i'm gonna defeat toyland all right we're almost about to hit the top and at toyland there is a giant bear with 10 million health are you kidding me you asked the bear how they're doing uh-uh i'm sure you can kill it it'll just take another 10 million hours out to roll another snowball okay then can we just see how strong my snow launcher is let's just all pvp okay this is probably a one-hit kill what are you trying okay guys you ready i'm selling my candy canes i'm ready to pvp what is the yellow one there you go who wants the pvp goodbye giant funny snowman time to fight i heard you're going to have a snow battle yes oh it's time for pvp how powerful is this oh they don't allow you to use snow launchers i think yeah because it's cheating oh are you sure about that turn on pvp accept your death draco oh oh yeah opie lunar you team up with me say bye-bye no she's still trying to toggle yeah i'm still trying run little bears well guys with the power of science this proves that is robux really worth it because that's how tall mine is and that's how tall everyone else is please leave a comment down below on what i should name the tallest snowman in the server because it's epic i'm almost as tall as you say stop looking at me [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,450,542
Rating: 4.9066677 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, itsfunneh, funneh, itsfunneh roblox, funneh roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox video, no cursing, no swearing, no swears, roblox game, roblox mini games, roblox trolling, roblox video game, role-playing game, roblox adventures, funny, moments, funny moments, roblox family, roblox family funneh, funny moments in roblox, roblox family roleplay, krew, roblox simulator, roblox simulator itsfunneh, roblox simulator funneh, roblox snowman simulator, snowman simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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