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hi today we are playing The Dropper that's right it's a most challenging map yet you see on the description page of this map the map creator have wrote I've been told by my friends that some of the levels in this map are extremely rage worthy so are you ready to rage everybody yeah I love raging are you sure you like raging this much though we are playing a dropper map and I just kind of fell from the sky are you sure you're ready for this rainbow I'm prey before jumping into the game we need to raid the bar in rules just to make sure we don't do anything wrong like breaking blocks yeah okay so the rules don't are no you know what there are no rules so f1 mode is recommended while jumping this is what f1 mode looks like well then wow everyone looks much more beautiful in f1 mode alright let's do this guys what is happening no this is not a dropper anymore good luck to all of you goodbye I'm heading off to I guess we need to do level 1 which is the tree zone I hope it's easy this is very easy it says so sacrifice muna I want to be first try let's try this again okay Oh Oh what me beating it makes oh sorry all right well since Drago already beat it we're gonna try this when it goes straight through and yeah that was really easy guys because I am going into the portal so we can get transported to never - what's in here I guess we'll never know [Music] oh okay that did not turn out so well let's try this again I feel like always in it I did it I was waiting yesterday track code were you practicing dropper mouthful for playing with us now yo are you sure you're liya all right fine the trick is to go near the edges guys just be calm be one with the wall watch this BAM get down here honey there's a secret chest oh yeah I forgot um also you guys there's a secret hidden chest around the map and with that you can motor each other hey can you get me a ladder the ladder Oh Oh climbing up the ladder to go to that secret chest to find some what treasure I guess we battle to the death here dracco battle for what well money wait that's all I thought it would be weapons I just did with only 21 - top five you get a half half for that loot only 22 deaths and then gold look at this Oh so whoever has the most deaths at the end of this game you get a secret surprise okay I can't tell you yeah it's a secret yeah it's a loser prize so you better not keep dying now let's go on to level three which is the redstone map let's go on in here it's all so easy you know what we're going to do this little one shot hey hey funny I read about this in the forums well thank you for that Bush because I oh wait let's actually trying to find the secret chest rainbow well there's a secret chest around here isn't there oh there is in you know what there's another portal Jack oh we gotta find a secret chest for this level we got the monies oh it jump it's over a year there now I have as far as monies we don't know what this does you guys combined the old is coming down oh and she's dying 31 times oh look at that right : she just keeps losing gold are you having any luck at dropper now there's a cloud in the way Wow gold by the way you should remove your clouds it will help you through this level yeah guarded tip while playing this map wait but now that we have five monies I feel like we should go back to the first level to get all the monies I feel like at the end we get some delicious prizes so we gotta head back let's get to the bottom of this thingy there we go and it is probably in one of these trees we just have to pick one oh wait I see it nevermind guys I don't need your help that was way too easy that all I see we have to do parkour to this tree fine so we climb up on this tree Luna just died right there Paco over here and then we see coming and I wanted this am I allowed to destroy leaves in here no - uh - come on no wait you are allowed to do it you are allowed to destroy okay let's destroy this my monies are you can't destroy this one and there we go we got the money it's time to go back to the lobby this next place is called the dungeon [Applause] you know what Luna should jump first because she has the most desk and then we'll learn gold jump we'll see how they do okay go Freddy go down try to beat me seven seven seven seven fair okay let's do this wow wow this is this one actually is a little bit more agh dug it again alright okay let's go I'm definitely gonna die this come on oh there's no way we could do this ah it's so curvy I'm trying to hit so tips let's actually start from this way boom boom boom boom wait can I like drop slowly I'm dropping oh I'm doing it oh I almost no she was not okay so the trick is to go stupid super close to the edges this is like edge lucky how unlucky I didn't land in the water one piece what is no okay come on let's do that with the power oh wait wait how much I owe to che I am done with this game goodbye so I'm trying an f1 mode okay I'm in f1 mode and we're going down okay this is suffering yet it's not Wicky why do I keep missing the OL please let me win the third time [Music] okay buddies reading I can't do this guy's I can't I tried I am okay like we're going from this angle and we're gonna go down I'm gonna go all the way down I'm gonna go right we're gonna hug the wall like Rocco said please you separate United for me than I am for me you know what a chest is alright the secret chest is right here we got more monies are you guys gonna need some help getting down here do you want us to go to the next level still up here yep a hundred that's we're gonna go on to the next level which is the wood level welcome would you rather play dropper or play up don't work no more no more hugs no more wolves and no more no puns that doesn't even make any sense track oh really this is all just wood oh the colors don't even look the same at this point they just look so generic oh no I'm gonna finish this map Oh guys okay so we see there's a nice lat oh I see nice color you have to stay close to the center funny and see a nice color okay I see I'm going to something and then when you get too excited at minecraft alright hey rainbow get out of here after a couple of tries I have to practice something guys you need to be one with the tree we're just gonna take a quick jump off here and we're not even gonna move after we're just gonna stay nope haha this is a bad tip let's see if this works guys Oh I'm excited we did it I'm a little happy for us Lerner how you doing up there after a hundred lunar still does not make so 60 plus deaths from her other nuts you know we're just gonna keep adding her desk but let's go look for this secret chest is this somewhere in the ground maybe wait what is this here wow you guys were truly prepared for this I'll pick you alright Luna are we ready to go to the next level just kill me already is not a fan of droppers guys that's for sure our next one might be a little harder it is neither the levels just look like they're getting harder please never be nice to us I never thought it would come to one of these have water through them yeah water come on is this couch oh I've had it which one was it it's the top one guys it's the top of the tree chowin top right top right this is just straight up evil top right and then we're going through maybe let's try up here wait you must know evil overlord if you play this game you made this map you're evil let's try this so it stopped right and then bottom left how are you supposed to go to bottom left so fast really hard okay let's actually jump this way running from like the right way okay let's go top right bottom leg come on viola I'm suffering I'm suffering this level is infuriating as we are in the net in the nether okay right and then we have to go left really quick put another want to hear everyone's crew puns again I never I never want to go to the nether dude and I never use cheats here because I mean you may not because I never think this is Oh Oh Jack will do it I know I saw the water poor boy was it beautiful what's it look like this out it was a tiny block Oh top right bottom left bottom you know why it funnies probably not if you gonna make it there so I don't know why I'm a suffering someone please beat the game for me think I'll do it thank you I appreciate you Drago for beating it this no like it's like a single block of water down there I just really want to beat this part just let's just let me go into the left one I just want to see what it looks like to like it is insanely far I'm trying to sprint all the way to it but the sprint is not what we're going to start from this corner Oh apparently it is way easier and then you start dashing and die we have all hit a hundred deaths this is hard once tried by me not me one stroke who hits 100 deaths we're going to skip this level out of all your clips and we are skipping webs dude I think you're gonna get a hundred deaths this baby's gotta beat it I'll beat it is wait to see wait I did it I was flying and just trying to like record you and everything but I totally missed the shot did you take the money I did not take the money yet you guys Drago has beat it naturally Congrats jungle sadly I am NOT beating it naturally because I don't want to cuz this was this was you know what money he actually beat it before 100 deaths Oh fine Jaco I guess you get points for that we are going to the next one can I take the money take us away can I have some monies I don't even know what we do with this I didn't get them there was no money in this test it was a troll oh wait is it like hitting somewhere else is there another secret chest somewhere I feel like under the lava that's possible I mean this map was already cruel enough to you know make us go through all of that pain I feel like there is nothing in the lava though should you jump in no let's just finish this I don't care maybe you should say fighting no no no I'll a pedo you should see you should see level seven unlocked but Drago good job Drac go to the ocean I think the ocean is hard it's hard ooh-whoo so okay this is laying them at the fishies like this ten levels if we beat this we are swimming with the fishes I don't want to swim with the fishes me oh gosh guys I think that is all time I'll time losing Street okay we're gonna try f1 motor let's do this bump bump bump bump ha that's what mode actually helps oh oh no I made it to the end but the water pools on that side what a troll Oh lalala the water poor mr. octopus all man is octo is the map creator he's two years easier now Todd does he's like yeah get triggered Oh at the corner oh so sad oh do I always miss that one part I feel like I am Arab uh yeah act in it are you proud of me drag my big mouth for chest okay now we need to find the secret chest you guys the rest of the crew can you come down here we want to be proud of you too I don't think I should do it funny lunar almost a hundred deaths you do it for some sushi I would not like some sushi dracco all right choco if you make one more terrible pun in this game you're gonna end up with a very very good surprise now we are level eight which is the end of portal there's a bunch of dragon heads I mean is it really the end though Drago this is your end yes this is a squiggly to Polly to Polly today this is a little hug of my edges hug this is gonna be Reggie so we need to hug the edges huh it was didn't go there's no one feel me hitting them two square holes wait what is two square holes mean what is that what do you mean dude once you get past all these half Syl and there's this two tiny square holes that are like oh I see this I see those doubles okay oh okay chuckles secret everybody tips on how to when you start from here you go all the way to the right corner and then you drop in and you go forward and then you go left terrible trip I died my tip left all right who's dreaming up nope my tip is now we're tall no you know why I'm gonna save 100 deaths oh no you have a hundred deaths you have to delete minecraft once you lose this the whole these hold you guys this is impossible yep impossible this math is rage no this is so hard like are these faces just to intimidate us just a bit hahaha you suck at this game look at those faces yeah you suck once we hit Oh once I hit 200 I'm gonna have to throw in the towel here we've been at this for like 30 minutes this uh this is quite Oh nope maybe make it weird noise like pee yeah maybe no no it's not working all right we have five more jumps until we lose forever I'm joking not forever but wait we're doing pretty bad at this I've hit 200 now I'm sad we are going to the bottom of this okay I'll party no no dracco is impossible in the 10th whispers pretend if we did beat it we would land here go through this I did twice really I needed all I needed was some awesome mm a time limit yes that's what I needed so my time limit of saying we all suck and then you just beat us okay yeah all right I'll wrestle shade then okay fine but I see there's a chest up here which I'm not supposed to do cuz let's get off game mode how do we go all the way up there though I don't know this map creator very very smart oh here here funny stairs I'm the king of the castle and you're the potato Drago I don't know how you beat us more monies let's get back here no Dracula no cares game this height 90 nope I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here level 9 is here it is called miss miss Khomeini's it's probably random garbage covered everywhere insane at the end of the smell I feel like only random garbage is a garbage it's just gorgeous so much garbage garbage garbage garbage I've never seen so much trash in a dropper in my whole life the colors are combined to get with each other heading towards the yellow heading no this is not gonna help us here I see yellow Oh Oh I lied yellow isn't the last one it's green yeah green is literally the last block saw water somewhere but I feel like she's like oh you can't check on the eggs you cheat I saw that is that a glitch that you're not supposed to be doing oh you lime jumper on the sponge it does not work we're headed for green I see green I see green oh yes yes no no hey go legit the glitch I'm on this block now I just need to go somewhere home I don't see any water though this is not this is not good okay if we fall right here we get out oh this is not good I think we're gonna have to pass this one come on come on come on come on no I think we can do it we just gotta keep doing it I don't believe after ten minutes of this it's hard it's our hole mmm it's hard to believe I was gonna hey gosh hey Drago I see you cheated now we're getting worse and worse this is impossible you know what we're gonna have to throw in the towel for the egg no no save myself whoa all right let's see how this map would go down so you would fly down here you would scream some more see I would already rage cuz I hit this block and then you would like move more to the left see and then you'd have to sneak right through here and you would land into Holy Grail water and then after you would do parkour open this chest and get your loot I'm starting to feel sick guys I don't know if I want to do level 10 I'm getting a headache this is the last level dude it's called riches what riches I have wait you have all the money's right oh is it for this level insane yeah you know I'm just gonna start throwing them down I don't know what they'd know buddy what if you need it drop it now gold is collected oh this is insane I don't even know if I want to try to attempt this let's go through here yes II know oh I see well wait I saw something going going we have got ourselves on one of these blocks this is our last attempt goodbye rainbow goodbye alright we are going through I'm trying to see which place is clear this one we're going through this oh yes No anistar this map is impossible we've been at it for an hour goodbye whoops yay you know what I'm stopping this so we're ending off with Luna ragequitting wait where's Luna Luna Luna Luna yeah are you are you sleeping or something okay Luna sleeping we were she is at the most three twenty four deaths Rainbow had enough with 299 gold 292 me funny 250 and Drago with 231 then we have the map creator who obviously is not here but they did it in 12 tries that's the record that is a very good record thanks no Drago leave if they could do it all right you guys time TP to the bottom the bottom is very beautiful there's treasure in here there's no chest though where's the chest let's go that tickles he used that ender egg oh they're all tickling people okay we're gonna tickle a zombie here maybe tickle ah typical let this okay let's go is that all kiss top level complete we have beat it sorta three out of you do like you know what will give us right click for celebrations you beat the map yes we totally beat the lab did you saw nothing at all is that oh just playing some firework sounds for us oh yes continue to the arena okay this is the arena so right-click for Oh and with this stuff you buy weaponry to PvP oh well we have to end this map in the most coolest way possible I've ran out of diamond swords so here cool so since the lunar you have the most deaths you only get this I just play a full set of armor everyone else gets diamond swords and we will battle lunar here you go Luna alright now there's time to throw one person ain't go no hat for you take off the Hat why that's cheating lunar legit is gonna be beating you with her hands you must you might hurt hey hey hey okay ready we are going the crews going to battle wait is the boss fight what I'm a help oh no yes kill Dumbo oh my god whoa Wow WL strong is ready oh wait I don't want to fight Dumbo I don't want to fight tumble either I killed it oh well that was easy okay Louie are you ready everyone fight to the death I might kill you first cheater I was saving money in my pocket oh wow well you guys if you enjoyed this minecraft dropper map make sure to leave a like we're trying to reach 10,000 amazing likes don't forget to subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and leave us a comment down below on what minecraft map we should play next we will be looking and otherwise isn't that thank you so much for watching and we will see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,008,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft roleplay, Role-playing Game (Game Genre), roleplay, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh, funneh, minecraft, minecraft school, minecraft adventures, funny minecraft, mod, spotlight, showcase, playthrough, let's play, no cursing, no swearing, mmorpg, rpg, no swears, minecraft channel, minecraft dropper, dropper, minecraft dropper map, minecraft minigame, dropper map, challenge, minecraft challenge, hardest, hard
Id: i8MtvSuzd-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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