All Star Wars Jedi Survivor Bosses Ranked Easiest to Hardest

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hello everyone and welcome to sunburned albino ranks every boss in Star Wars Jedi Survivor from easiest to hardest this one's gonna be a little weird because I played the first half of the game on Grand Master the hardest difficulty and the other half on the second hardest difficulty after I got sick of getting one shot by charging chickens and almost every other species of wildlife too did you know if you force pull one of those Bramble creatures and hold it for too long you just die instantly for fun this game is neat anyway because of that some of the rankings might be skewed a bit in terms of what difficulty I was on when I beat it but I'm still gonna try to be fair out here also major story spoilers if you haven't finished the game which is likely because I've been sleeping three hours a night since it came out some bosses are grouped together some Bounty Hunter encounters were to say me to mention let's just get after it filler number 33 Rick the door technician this guy's got a heart of gold you gotta give him that I feel inspired to put my all into anything I do for at least a couple minutes before it quickly Fades I have never seen confidence so thoroughly misplaced in all my days a solitary Stormtrooper grunts so devoted to his cause that he'll run down a full-length hallway to take on a damn Jedi that's so much time to rethink the decision you're making and yet he goes the distance undeterred unerring in his steadfast resolve to bring glory to the Empire then he gets one shot he must have been playing on Grandmaster difficulty too number 32 E3 ve3 respawn decided that every enemy in the game needed to also be a boss at some point so here we are a frail turret surrounded by frailer droids the cross guard stance's deflection blasts make short work of its shield and from there it gets cut like paper laying in a scrap beep on the floor reminds me of our E3 number 31 k405 the first boss of the game k405 is a basic Droid that punches and grabs like a handsy pugilist but pretty slow and without doing enough damage to be a real threat although it did kill me once because Grandmaster Perry timing is hard when you first start out and for the rest of the game number 30 Joe the cannibal after being hyped up as the final boss of The hexian Brood Bounty Hunter Country Club Joe the cannibal just stands there while you lure her underlings away to slay them while she watches then when it's just her left she continues to just stand there and attacks so infrequently I thought her controller kept getting disconnected they repurposed a whole area for this encounter and that's all you're going to give me she looks like a refrigerator and is equally dangerous number 29 the mire Terror this fight seems ridiculous at first if you're on a harder difficulty because these dudes do Mega damage and are a threat by themselves but you can actually use the force to confuse the one that isn't the boss into attacking the boss and then just watch them take turns fighting each other like a Ditto in Pokemon if it looks like the boss is ahead in HP you can get behind him and give him a few splashes to keep things competitive and it should only take a couple instances of confusion to get them both down to one shot territory if you've invested in the skill tree at all number 28 the atst don't do what I do in this battle whenever I see one of these for the first time in a Star Wars Jedi game I hang back and just reflect shots till it dies but that takes a while so you should by all means get under its feet season do some toenail clipping action backing off whenever the concussion bombs get dropped reflecting can also be annoying because oftentimes it'll just whiff the first bullet in its two round burst so instead of getting the timing right to deflect that one you'll just deflect the second bullet in a random Direction and get nowhere number 27 Zeke the third boss of the game this is the first boss that really feels like it's gonna prepare you for the future since the ninth sister has a unique fighting style that isn't replicated and this dude becomes a normal enemy you'll kill hundreds of this is a good time to talk about stances I use the dual wield stance almost exclusively for one-on-one bosses because it's the only stance that lets you attack cancel during any part of the animation so if you take a swing but you can tell the opponents about the armor through it with their attack you can Parry out of it instead and keep things going I'm still pretty passive in this footage but you should be mashing on people's guard at all times with this stance waiting for them to Parry and try to counter-attack you then you parry the counter attack or Dodge if it's an unblockable and then you go back to mashing rinse and repeat just overwhelm them with brainless spam until they get staggered and then spam some more number 26 the ninth sister didn't we kill her last game I definitely remember beating some orange dinosaur ass this fight tricks you into thinking that Grandmaster difficulty is going to be as easy as it was in Fallen order because the ninth sister doesn't do much damage and her unblockables are slow and super telegraphed then you run into your first Yeti while exploring Kobo get hit once at full health and go oh I've been killed number 25 tagalouish in this fight I tried out blasters stance to see if it was worth a damn and it was interesting but I wouldn't say good there's something to be said about the added pressure you can apply if you throw in a couple Blaster shots in between sword swings on an opponent's guard and I wonder if unlocking the stun shot with Bounty Hunter pucks makes it really useful but I was in a closed open relationship with dual wield and cross guard by the time I got around to locating bounty hunters tag is nothing special just swings as saber around sometimes also he chose blue for the color lame number 24 garaco matriarch I didn't fight this thing until weigh in game but since you never increase your offense of power it doesn't matter too much in terms of being op although I had also changed my difficulty by this point the difference between Jedi Master and Jedi Grand Master is night and day by the way Grand Master is straight horse [ __ ] half the time and master feels like easy mode in comparison even just increasing the Parry window by a little bit like it does is an absolute Game Changer and it feels like you take about half damage it's such a huge gap it's weird I'll talk about it more later when we get to the bus that actually made me make the switch number 23 vile bile mob damn Sarah from The Land Before Time really let herself go I think it's bite attacks are kind of sudden and tough to Parry but other than that you get a big opening if you force push it when it's trying to roll over you so it's easy to exploit and if it spits any rocks you can send them right back for extra damage number 22 frenzy the yotas I remember this guy being a phantom menace in the first game on Grand Master here on Master it's easier but he can still lay you out while you're relearning his patterns this is a callback nobody needed nobody's like oh my God I hope they bring back forensic yotas he was my fave number 21 a single bounty hunters this is an all-encompassing slot for any solo bounty hunters who Ambush you in whatever location whether they're flying shielding shooting or brawling May and core courage Lim Kip O star and other made up nonsense names go on this list along with mash because you can bait The Shield dude out and deal with him early without fighting the fridge Droid bounty hunters get cross guard stanced on almost every time especially in groups because if you're taking shots while trying to fight someone the cross guard Reflections will stagger them and do way more damage plus AOE giving you more breathing room crossguard also neuters and spays Bounty Hunter block meter but it's slow and unwieldy at times so try to incorporate some quick jump attacks in there it's actually faster and you can put it into any hit of the combo to attack in a speedier motion if you do the input fast enough number 20 dryathorn slash vashten wolf these fights aren't related but they are identical dryathorn is the one you beat to get cross guard and vashten wolf is the guy AI taunting you from behind that locked door in the tunnel on Kobo begging you to open that chest you can't unlock until you come back with bd1's electric charge shot then he decides to try to kill you and take the loot which I believe was a pair of pants or something so he must be really desperate this style of raider boss is one of the harder ones because they're very Nimble and they can cloak themselves and lose your lock on but they go down like anyone else number 19 mads gresh and Sanderson Sanderson what's up my name is p turson a multi-bus fight is always cause for pause but with boat here still pretending to be on our side it's pretty much just a 1v1 until it becomes a 2V1 against the guy he's keeping occupied number 18 Dagan Guerra one there's no way I'm getting owned by a dude with one arm this guy's using Blaster stance without the Blaster I'm still on Grand Master here and it's actually not too bad but you can definitely die if you make a couple mistakes while gloating about the superior number of arms you have maybe I'm a plot cynic but whenever a character gets introduced I'm like all right when are they going to betray me and I did not have to wait long for this one because he comes right out of the tank swinging fights like these dual wield stance spam all the way Perry or Dodge his impending counter-attacks sometimes multiple hits in a row and then back to spam like we talked about number 17 skryton I actually think this can be kind of tough this thing's telegraphs aren't super apparent it has some quick jerky motions with its claws but luckily mommy Marin is here to pin it in place for a couple hits whenever her meter is full number 16 reprogrammed Magna guard the only difference I see between this boss and the regular Magna guard is that this one is programmed to have its head cut off sooner at which point it starts doing some long combo strings so you can't get antsy he doesn't do a ton of damage even on Grand Master though so it's not that bad number 15 sutaban Alpha on Grand Master mode I'm dead the regular ones of these guys were making me go through like four or five stims a piece because their attack patterns are so wacky and the rhythm is just so hard to pin down on Master mode when my Perrys actually work piece of cake I'll fight three in a row with no heels bet so it's hard to judge when the difficulty discrepancy is so vast so I'll just put them here in the middle number number 14 D lit this is basically just a regular anime ranking at this point these dudes are plentiful on the last couple planets but as a boss it's only annoying because once you slice off both of its arms it's just non-stop unblockable Stomps all day long with no wind-up time and little cooldown dodging never seemed to work for me here I had to have enough time to jump away come back with an aerial hit and then jump away again because I'll just keep stomping number 13 golden skryton that you'd fetch a high price for this thing no Marin this time she sees you going into its Lair and she's like I'm out and Cal's like you're not coming and she's like this is something you have to do yourself why you killed the last one with me are you afraid of gold and for some reason we're not even mad at her afterwards I don't get it this one has a breakable claw if you hit it enough times but is otherwise more aggressive and probably a nightmare on Grand Master but I was on Master here number 12 ergost fist of Ravis I absolutely despise these Hammer dudes of all the humanoid recycled enemies in this game I'd dread these the most their aoes feel undodgeable and they're certainly unblockable it's also hard to differentiate between when he's doing an AOE slam with a circular radius and when he's doing a Shockwave slam that shoots forward because they look exactly the same and require different reactions this particular boss did virtually none of his aoes during the fight and it was my first attempt so I consider myself lucky but am still placing him relatively high for posterity number 11 Darth Vader the man the Sith the legend Darth Vader invades Sears archive and we must control her to bring about his end although that is not what happens this fight is half a battle half cut scene as every time you do like six hits to him the game's like alright you suck we'll take it from here but Vader sucks too the first two thirds of the encounter feels like he's just apathetically swiping here and there it's not until he gets lit on fire and sent straight to hell that he starts turning up the heat on fire Darth Vader is decidedly more motivated than non-fire Darth Vader in his attacks get more dangerous interspersed with deadly grabs I hate when games do this but once you win it turns out you lose like you can be over here beating ass and then the game says time out and [ __ ] you Seer leaps at an injured Vader but her blade goes under his arm while his blade goes right through her chest and she can't believe it either she's just standing there like she got deactivated until she finally Falls over no fair dude I get that you canonically can't kill Darth Vader but I earned a victory damn it number 10 Killy Oso this bounty hunter stands out a bit because he surrounds himself with an army of other bounty hunters who all want to take pot shots at me and run my ass over with their Shields 24 7. it's super annoying he himself is a pushover and I definitely use cross guard here to thin the hail of bullets flying at me plus it's good against Shield dudes but there's just so much chaos that you can get swarmed to trying to heal the centered perk is a godsend in these kinds of situations and also any situation it lets you tank a hit while you're healing without getting interrupted and it staggers anyone who's close to you you get it guaranteed at some point during the shattered Moon main quest either after beating ravus or a dagging Guerra again I think number number nine a cage I just want to say I knew it and I was so pleased when it was confirmed I already wanted to kill her anyway after she apparently can't call me on the damn phone to tell me where all these bounty hunter locations are got me flying all over the Galaxy ping-ponging between Jeddah and Kobo shattered Moon and Kobo Coruscant and Kobo because I have to tell this [ __ ] in person every time I take one out for her to tell me where one other one is I almost said screw it and didn't bother finishing the bounty hunters but I'm glad I did because not only do you get a cage match you get a Boba Fett Cameo as he comes to haul her away I would say this fight is either easy or hard depending on how far away you are from her if you get in the Dual stance Rhythm and keep chasing her down after breaking her block you probably won't even get hit but if she escapes and gets some breathing room you're getting camped the [ __ ] out her blasters have infinite ammo and there's some unblockables in there that can definitely keep you knocked back but at the end you get to see her tied up while Boba Fett works on bringing in his Bounty so that's a win on top of a win number eight Dagan Guerra 2. he's still all got one arm but now he's got two blades the best Advantage you can hope for is when he throws his lightsaber around him like a hula hoop because if you parry it it still breaks a large chunk of his block otherwise his unblockables have really varied timings but it's usually either immediate or slow enough that if you reacted to the red glow by dodging you have time to dodge again but you know the drill thoughtful spamming number 7 Rancor okay who decided it was okay to put this dude in an immediately accessible area of Kobo I tried to fight the rancor like three hours into the game got one shot eight times in a row and I said oh okay I probably just shouldn't be here yet I came back 10 hours later with five Health upgrades ran down there and got one shot several times in a row again Grand Master difficulty is stupid but after too much struggling I did manage to beat him on it after refining my strategy to only getting hit by the attacks that did 95 of my health instead of 100 and wasting two stims per hit if you miss one Perry your block is probably getting broken he's got stomp attacks that don't glow red but are still unblockable so he's also a cheater and this is just the kind of difficulty I hate even Dark Souls isn't going to have people One-Shot you unless you're under leveled or it's a really specific attack Master mode is challenging and still super fun so that's the one I recommend if you want to sweat without drowning in it number six Triple Fights there's two Triple Fights I found one with three Raiders and one with three bounty hunters and they're both about the same curve not too bad on master and probably Impossible on Grand Master again the centered perk will save your life multiple times per encounter if people are breathing down your neck pop a stem and they'll be like whoa and get staggered backwards definitely best to try and kill one at a time but they probably won't make that easy for you number five Ravis this is the fight that made me switch off of Grand Master permanently first phase I was in there after five or six tries I could almost no hit him but the second phase this man does like six or seven hit Combos and if your parries aren't frame perfect your block is getting destroyed and then you're gonna get stunlocked this is the only boss that has two full health bars and he makes good use of them I died a dozen or so times switched to master mode beat him the next try with barely any complications and it is all thanks to the increased Perry window saving my block meter from the death grip of Hades the sense of elation I felt after switching the sheer burden that had lifted off my shoulders it was euphoric I went outside and started noticing nature again I touched grass for the first time in what felt like years and I wept anyway all his unblockables can be dodged by dodging left at the right time and you just have to Parry like a god to get anywhere number four Abode I knew this one too right from the start I thought he'd be revealed a lot sooner but still he seemed real eager to prove himself even though he didn't seem like the kind of guy hoop would be asking for trust-based validation very manipulative if you went back and watched his early scenes on Coruscant again you could see the undertones present which is good acting and writing anyway [ __ ] this guy he used the force on his own daughter and pushed her away both literally and figuratively also so there was no reason for him to kill Cordova Cordova's like you don't have to do this and he is absolutely correct killing him didn't do anything for you you stole the compass anyway it was like if someone took a hostage went don't come any closer and then just shot the hostage in front of everyone like all right I'm leaving now don't follow me why does he fight so low to the ground does he think he's a ninja he's crawling towards you trying to cut your ankles off I don't like it I beat him first try on Master mode but it took seven stems he's got a lot of attacks but the response to them is often the same like same Perry timing or same Dodge direction if I was a Jedi I would never turn to the dark side simply because it severely limits the amount of colors your lightsaber can be number three Dagan Guerra III okay apparently this guy was sick of all my arm jokes so he literally used the force to create a replacement arm for himself and I did not know you could do that I would rate Dagan Guerra harder than Bode specifically because of the part where he summons clones to attack creating kind of a multi-boss fight and just tripling the likelihood that you'll catch a stray hit ESP especially considering Grand Master mode where that would be a lot more devastating you can dispel the Clones in one hit HP wise but if they're blocking you have to break through the block meter first which is time consuming when two other entities are trying to slice you up I do believe Dagon would beat Bode in a true 1v1 Jedi vs Jedi fight dagon's got more mystical mind-bending stuff to work with while bow just kind of shits grenades number two spawn of ogdo that's so gross to have spawn in your name it makes it sound like you're just a fully grown sperm ogdo's son is back for revenge and boy did he get it so many times maybe my most attempted boss and the sad part is I couldn't even beat it on Master mode listen he has one attack that isn't unblockable one and four different ones that are unblockable you want me to keep track of four different unblockable attacks where two are fast and two are slow I'm sorry but I'm just gonna have to [ __ ] that up this guy does stupid damage even on Master mode on Grand Master forget it you're getting one shot by half an moves no matter how much health you have after you do his first third of HP he introduces his tongue to the mix like we were all begging for it and gains an unblockable Yoshi style tongue grab that lingers forever I've jumped over that tongue before double jumped and then tried to land on his head with an aerial blow only to still get grabbed by the Tongue as it just sits there active it's [ __ ] hopefully son of ogdo never had any spawn of his own because this family line deserves to be wiped out number one double Rancor a what the hell man why would you do this who hurt you respawn entertainment nobody orders the rancor and then asks for seconds not a single person you know what you do in the face of this level of manufactured adversity go right into the options menu and change the difficulty to story mode yeah I did it 100 Perry timing that means if I'm blocking I'm parrying zero enemy damage or aggression that means all the enemies have accepted their deaths and will only minimally fight back and even when they do I'm made out of titanium alloy and even a Rancor stomp can't put a dent I do this in direct Defiance of your horrendously unfair challenge let that be a lesson to all developers out there if you make [ __ ] I will skirt it like a Japanese schoolgirl and retain my dignity but that's the end of the boss ranking I think Jedi Survivor is a terrific game despite whatever I may have complained about if there's any bosses I missed I hope they weren't Millennia but that's going to do it for this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did you can like share and subscribe watch all my other videos with your pants up and your shirts down and I'll see you guys in the next time
Channel: Sunburned Albino
Views: 287,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunburned Albino, Video Games, Star Wars, Jedi Survivor, Boss Ranking
Id: lXvVb9ER0Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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