All Final Fantasy 16 Bosses Ranked Worst to Best

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hello everyone and welcome to sunburned Albano ranks every boss in Final Fantasy 16 from worst to best I usually do easiest to hardest but with this game there isn't much difficulty variation between fights in the first playthrough and it's more about the spectacle of the really climactic battles like against icons in the final boss this game has 32 Bounty targets but none of them have their HP bar in the top right corner so to me they don't qualify as bosses but I do plan to rank those in a different video which still leaves us with dozens of main battles to judge based on their quality obvious spoilers of all kinds let's get started out here number 29 Tiamat the worst boss in Final Fantasy 16 is Tiamat though not an undeserving one this dude wants Jill's head I mean don't we all but Clive sure isn't gonna let him get it before he does as a bearer himself our Sergeant is only trying to save his own hide by removing the obstacle that is us out of the way of completing the mission but Jill and Clive later being dude on the beach for no reason hangs in the balance so this is a very fateful and important encounter and I will not abide you messing up my chance to see full Bush because it's the the Middle Ages so you know the landscaping business isn't exactly booming number 28 gigas the first boss of the game you don't expect gigas to do anything other than what he does so it's fine he introduces the Stagger system he swings his clubs slow enough that a toddler could Dodge it and sometimes he Twirls around like a ballerina and you can dodge through every rotation Precision dodging does have a good amount of invincibility frames which are extended if you do the attack afterwards so you can get a lot of mileage attacking through other people's attacks even aoes someone needs to get this dude a bigger loincloth though this is not where I'm trying to see full Bush number 27 Midnight Raven I don't like when people are slippery you're supposed to just stand there and let me use all my cooldown abilities right in a row until you get staggered so you can just stand there even more and take extra damage Midnight Raven is a hop Skipper and a jumper and will occasionally throw at a move called assassinate which I think is a little weird considering I'm fighting him straight up if you snuck up behind me and caught me unawares I get it but I'm facing you you can't assassinate a guy you're actively in combat with imagine someone who walks up to you and goes prepare for my sneak attack you'd be like I see you had already failed number 26 chirata benedicta sends out her little bird lit to Peck my eyes out but it doesn't work too well foreshadowing to when it doesn't work out for her either hope you like this encounter though because in a couple hours there will be a whole field of them to farm for XP and ability points and I do suggest you take the opportunity number 25 fafnir flame lizard some of these bosses have reskins down the line so I'm just grouping them together as one because it generally doesn't make them any more or less cool whether you're fighting a fafnir or a flaming fafnir you're still going to be dodging the same rolling attacks and winning a decent amount of time for it to complete its spin cycle as far as giant lizards go these ones are just okay number 24 iron slash aurum giant love the skirt very fashionable this Iron Giant seems less interested in bonding with little boys and more interested in culling men for the record I don't really think any bosses are bad in this game except Tiamat just because he sucks so this works the best ranking is more like a whatever to amazing ranking but we're still in whatever territory story because I don't feel strongly about this number 23 Undertaker I thought this dude retired in 2020 guilty is charged the only reason this is ahead of the Giants is because of the name where's Kurt Angle bro I'm trying to get tag teamed out here I feel like the devs know what they did they made Undertaker a brawler who likes to charge at you I can't believe this Arena doesn't have ropes around it I don't think IRL Undertaker was capable of blasting lasers from the ground though or else he probably have a few more belts number 22 liquid flame he's just kind of on fire that's most of what he's got going for him fortunately we have the worst dominant on our side to help stop him from flooding the arena with lava by putting up ice you know that thing fires notoriously weak against I'm happy Jill got to stop the pope from slitting kids throats but she really does not perform up to expectations throughout this entire game the best thing she ever did was give us her power so we could use it properly look I like Jill but there's a reason we didn't bring her on the final mission and it wasn't because of her full Bush number 21 necrophobe at least he's not a homophobe what's he scared of necrophilia so if we don't bite I eventually take the tornado old out of my rotation because it's hard to fight enemies when you can't [ __ ] see them but the wheel damage is nothing to scoff at I just think you can replace it with diamond dust later for some more immediate stagger results I'll talk more about the build I went with when we get to an endgame boss in this list and I can show it off visually number 28 Phoenix versus ifreet our first icon on icon action I think the one where you're Joshua as the Phoenix shooting of bajillion Fireballs at a freed is a neat thing to watch during an announcement presentation but when you're actually playing it I could just feel my PS5 controller's warranty screaming at me as I mash the square button no less than a thousand times over the course of it narratively it's pretty good shock value to sit there and watch yourself get torn apart by your brother when you're like eight years old by the way did anyone else not pick up on what the story was trying to go for there I thought they were purposely showing me that ifreed was Clive and that Clive had just lost control and was freaking out in the back of his mind watching himself do this but apparently it was supposed to be a mystery with this whole Alter Ego manifestation station I just thought the cutscene was plainly showing and doing that so I felt like the game spent the next six hours trying to gas like me but whatever number 19 myself same conversation carried over into this fight we do the whole oh my God it was me I killed Joshua routine and I'm like good job Clive I've been standing here at the psychological finish line waiting for your broken ass to cross her for what feels like decades so congrats I like the first phase of this fight I enjoy swiping at large enemy ankles it reminds me of Dark Souls and Kingdom Hearts at the same time and it's comforting I don't like when we have to turn into a freak though because he's so lame he's smaller than most of the other icons so I always feel like a [ __ ] Barnacle clinging to Somebody's Ass even if we're the same size I'm against literally myself here and I still feel tiny if freed also has trash moves so it's just not fun to be him but I'm still fine with the context of this battle and I'm satisfied with the results number 18 dragoons they'd prefer to be called night of the blinding Dawn and Knight of the dying Sun respectively but nah they're dragoons they fall on you from out of the sky but they make sure to shine laser down there first so you know where they're aiming I knew they were Knights but I didn't expect such chivalry the first Dragoon is the first boss you fight that actually does combos kind of so you have to get acclimated to dodging or parrying if you're a masochist dodging is safer because if you miss time and you'll still probably avoid an attack but parrying is a hard commit and requires a full Bush number 17 shiva's dominant speaking of full Bush we have the fight where you're somehow not supposed to recognize Jill until after you've done 800 sword swings at her face on Final Fantasy mode and new game plus it's even less justifiable because the fight takes 10 minutes of dealing no damage just to finish it my man Clive needs to open his eyeballs I'm working on that playthrough right now for a different video trying to unlock and upgrade all the abilities so I can rank those too but it's slow going when every enemy thinks it's a monster hunter boss and decides to sponge all my attacks I understand not knowing it's Jill when she's primed because like her whole being changes hell Sid turns into Dumbledore whenever Rama needs a lightning bolt but not many girls are rocking gray hair at age 20 unless they have Progeria number 16 Selena deep near is this like gleap near but drowsy I expected a lot more from this dude he's barnabas's right-hand man he walks with a Swagger that professes a better fighter than he actually turns out to be and for combat he dresses like a regular royalist with no fashionable flare I'd have bet money than when we beat him as a boss he'd just laugh and walk away but he just coughs blood and dies and I'm like oh what's the catch but there is no catch only that later on you get to fight a hundred clones of him that are infinitely weaker but he's still dead as a construct I do like that he gets to summon Gung near Spears from a pocket that mentioned like it's Danganronpa good thing mukuroikusaba wasn't here number 15 Republican War Panther I just like big cats okay number 14 Garuda you want a good time a walk behind her when the match starts the gooch is the most vulnerable part of the body and I would see it exploited now that you have Garuda skills you can do a bit more will damage with your extra abilities and face planner whenever she loses half her stagger bar with the circle button there isn't a lot of real utility to doing that yet it works best if you've got dot effects happening beforehand because they'll continue to proc while you wrestler to the ground like a sexy Gator and it gives your other skills time to cool down too eventually and unfortunately this fight will end and you'll move to phase two as a free to where you must constantly chase her down as she camps you out like a Street Fighter character it's drawn out and lame but at least you get the finish off her last 25 HP and extended cutscene fashion which takes some of the work out of it number 13 akashic slash white dragon these are cool looking dragons but there's not much else to say about him you're better off not locking on while they're standing upright or some of your attacks might whiff under their noses and you'll look real dumb in the process number 12 Imperial cannoneer this isn't a weird spot because I hate fighting this guy the mortar guys up close just feel unpredictable like I definitely don't have their patterns down you wouldn't think of fatty looking something this heavy and unwieldy would be a threat but he's kind of agile too he rides that Cannon like it's a broomstick sometimes absolute unit and master of his craft dubetti turns akashic in his second phase he had a real can in your career out of him number 11 Hugo kupka the first time you fight koopka before he turns into Titan is a decently paced person-to-person encounter he got benedicta's head sent to him in a box so he really flew off the deep end he thinks we did it and we never correct him which kind of doesn't sit right with me like yeah we killed her but I must have missed the part where Clive tore off her head and faxed it the Kuka this is a good time to talk about the will of the wykes ability because it's maybe the best in the game that's the orbiting Fireballs around my character that unlock after you get the Spartan rage limit break thing and if you upgrade them they can completely nullify four hits of damage as well as doing up close small damage over time being able to cancel 4 hits of damage on an ability that lasts this long with this short of cooldown is insanely good I try to have this up anytime I possibly can and it's part of the reason I only died once in my entire playthrough on action difficulty number 10 Bahamut we're here in the top 10 best bosses of Final Fantasy 16 and number 10 is Bahamut because that [ __ ] kind of drags this man has two different health bar is one of which replenishes and everything we throw at this guy he spends like 12 minutes in the cutscenes just putting up a nigh impenetrable shield only the final boss is more stubborn about giving up the ghost and shuffling off this Mortal coil Bahama just refuses to be injured for the longest time until we finally Pierce him with the power of Brotherly Love if only he had Terence up there to make out with and give himself a power boost things might have gone differently at least his iconic abilities are good though gigaflare does a massive damage to staggered enemies and I like the multi-whisp one for the D.O.T number nine Behemoth I've never seen a slower moving meteor in my life if this is what wiped up a dinosaurs it's their fault for not advancing thousands of years up that Civilization Tech Tree and launching themselves into space before it landed watch out for the behemoth's big tornado move because it apparently just shreds all your health if you step in it I don't know how I lived till 1 HP after accidentally storm chasing but maybe that's just what the move does I got caught in it nearly died burned the high potion stepped in it again and almost died even harder the boss itself isn't hard though you just have to notice when there's a huge funnel Cloud taken up half the screen which I apparently didn't number eight control node oh [ __ ] wheatley's gone Rogue this is just a different sort of boss and I like it nothing else in the game really does what it does and it feels unique which makes it fun to fight the end number seven curl remember when I said I like big cats this is an even better cat because it does lightning stuff and has Ivysaur Whip-It packs number six Barnabas I never really bought Barnabas as an all-powerful figure he doesn't look that menacing but that sword definitely wrecked our ship more than once in cutscenes pretty sure that's what Moses used the part that Red Sea this first playable encounter with him is actually the hardest boss in the entire game because it's scripted impossible he gives himself a purple health bar where it tells you to press the attack but all my best skills can only do like half damage before it transitions into a cutscene and he unleashes zanetsuken on my shoulder blades canonically I don't really get how we're ever able to beat this dude every time we come up against him we're humbled by his strength until the game just decides that we can go toe-to-toe now his other fights and phases are pretty fun I really enjoy the moves where he tell telegraphs like 90 slashes all over the battlefield and you have to stand in the right spot to avoid them or when he does his screen wide cut that you have to quickly get behind him on number five more ball slash akashic marble now this is a good introductory bus it's big menacing weird simple and really sets the stage for the rest of the game in terms of overcoming daunting challenges not for you the player but if I was a 15 year old sortie with two regular ass soldiers next to me I would not think that I stood a chance against a creature this massive but Clive shows no fear and steps up to the plate to knock this [ __ ] out of the park again mechanically it's simple as attacks are slow and infrequent but this was the main boss in the demo where I was like oh yeah I'm gonna like this game number four Ultima slash Ultima Prime slash Ultima risen slash ultimalius okay you don't have to be ansem and have nine different boss phases my guy Ultima is a cool villain I really enjoy the struggle between an absent Creator and the self-cultivated will of his Creations the idea of a God that ignored his subjects and failed to instill any faith in them towards him overcome by the replacement phenomenon of human will that they kept to sort of Enlighten and support themselves is basically like an absentee father who comes back after you're all grown up and starts demanding that you submit to him as a parent and you get to be like [ __ ] you Dad you weren't there for me my life is my own and I don't need you anymore it's an interesting angle to tell a religious story so let me talk about my build real quick the footage might not bear this out but this is my theoretical plan for boss fights I use Garuda Shiva and Bahamut as my three bases for icons my Garuda base actually has two mastered fire abilities instead the will of the whites that defensive fire spell that blocks damage and the charging Stampede one that sticks mobs to you like glue and is too fun for me to replace even though it can be a liability in bosses because you're stuck in it I use Garuda because of its pull ability to stagger bosses at half will and since I run a mostly D.O.T build if a few of my effects are active during that the boss takes extra wheel damage during the animation and you're in an easier spot to break it all the way afterwards my Shiva base has rhyme which is a DOT Crystal you shoot out that sucks little enemies in and does constant damage to anyone nearby and diamond dust which does unparalleled will damage quickly without obscuring the whole field like the tornado you don't need Shiva the icon to run with these abilities but I haven't mastered them plus it so happens that one backdash from Shiva puts you in the perfect range to shoot the rhyme Crystal right over a staggered boss's head lastly is Bahamut in which I use the Wisp spell that follows enemies and does D.O.T and then gigaflare as my trump card for when the enemy is staggered and I have other effects going on so we staggered the enemy he falls over I backdash as Shiva and throw the rhyme Crystal on him then I use the Bahamut wisp spell then I do a lunge forward then I use will of the wipes if it's not already active then I do a point blank gigaflare so the wike's damage is still procking while it goes off if all this goes to plan the enemy has a giant laser beam in their face while taking damage over time from three different other moves and at end game on your first playthrough you'll be looking at upwards of 70 000 damage during the window best part is the laser slows down time but it doesn't slow your dot hits so the enemy's stagger bar isn't refilling while they're getting reamed in every possible manner so after the laser is over you still have time to unleash a few Combos and use whatever moves aren't on cooldown if you start New Game Plus on Final Fantasy mode and continue to level up and obtain better gear you can expect these numbers to increase drastically although it'll be the same percentage of Health taken away since the enemies in FF mode are spongier than Bikini Bottom anyway the best but also cheesiest phase of Ultima is when he becomes ultimalius and starts sending individual cutscene attacks at you that represent each different icon and you counter by using the same icon back at him and somehow he thinks this strategy will work all of those six [ __ ] times he uses it he'll be like Gales unrelenting and then Clive is like Garuda encounters him then he'll be like Levin untamed and Clive will be like Rama encounters him and then Ultima will be like Earth unyielding like dude give up it's not working the schizophrenic voices of my friends are cheering me on in my head I'm spent the last 40 hours breaking wheel gauges you're never gonna break mine number three Titan what a banger of a boss this is true a spectacle right here this is like God of War 3 levels of hype where you're doing something and you're just like God that's so [ __ ] cool and all set to this strangely modern punk rock a grungy soundtrack but it works it feels like something out of Sonic Frontiers this first phase is whatever not bad but it's when we get to Titan lost that things really heat up dodging giant Rocky tendrils throwing them back at an absolutely colossal monster this part is everything right with this game if the other two phases of this fight were as epic it would be number one no question but while the first phase is good and the second phase is the best part of the whole game the third phase just drags it out like now we're both falling endlessly why did we need to do this you're gonna end this tremendous encounter with us just spending seven minutes ragdolling down a bottomless crevice number two Typhon so if this is one of the other deities who supposedly became a mother Crystal why is this guy the only one who's like around we destroyed four or five of them and besides ultimas none of the other ones had a dude just living in there anyway Typhon has half a mind and half a body to destroy us so we have to unleash our Ultra Instinct Super Saiyan God Dragon Ball super moves on him this fight is literally Dragon Ball Z it's got Goku Vegeta and Frieza [ __ ] going on it's so tropey it's ridiculous but I still loved it like this cutscene part here we create a fiery Spirit Bomb and hold it up to the sky Typhon shoots a triple Frieza death Beam at us we jump over it Typhon uses Instant Transmission to get behind us and backhand us into the ground like we just overcooked his dinner then unleashes a key blast of aliatas coughing up smoke that obscures our body we are presumed dead but When the Smoke Clears we still got one arm up like we're still holding the Spirit Bomb and I laugh my ass off at that part Typhon notices and looks up behind him and there it is so we jump up and Spike it like a volleyball it is recently blonde face and then punch right through it and [ __ ] him up I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z so I am definitely the target audience for this battle number one benedicta it's perfect it's a perfect boss and they know it that's why they shoehorned it into the demo because you fight this boss and you almost cry at the camaraderie on display between Clive and torgel as they team up to bring this raging Harpy down it's so funny during the cutscenes when Torgo attacks her and she's so upset and annoyed by it she's like she gets a good Revenge hit in and you're I guess supposed to be like oh no torgle is dead not that anyone believe that for a second and then he returns triumphantly to initiate this tag team combo against benedicta that is a work of damn art the way he Chomps on her neck and spins around and throws her has to be the coolest move in the entire game torgel is a badass and he hasn't even awakened his powers yet this is the only battle in the game that had me welling up tears of sheer appreciation and joy at what I was witnessing they just blatantly knocked it out of the park here and I think this is the moment when a lot of people truly fell in love with Final Fantasy 6 team it's not a perfect game it has its ups and downs but things like this are gonna stick in our gamer memories for years to come well that's gonna do it for this boss ranking I hope you enjoyed it if you did you can like share and subscribe watch all my other videos with a full Bush and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Sunburned Albino
Views: 23,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunburned Albino, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy XVI, Boss Ranking, Video Games
Id: l83fCnancKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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