The Bosses of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Ranked from Worst to Best

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following the global success of Fallen order the potential of a sequel was only a matter of time and not possibility what it would be in particular was up for questioning and from the first week revealing Star Wars Jedi survival's title onwards this was a game surrounded by ambiguity was Cal the Jedi Survivor or was he even present in this story and would this be from an entirely New Perspective when would this take place directly after Fallen order or maybe with a minor time skip but still in the reign of the Empire or even many years later perhaps in Luke's New Jedi Order while the first cinematic trailer answered a few of these questions it only raised more and ultimately little was known about the narrative or game apart from minor reveals up until April 28 when Jedi Survivor first released to the public immediately the first thing I noticed about it was its 5 million gigabyte size it had a 99 plus hour download time on my PlayStation 5 at 9 00 PM Thursday night before release at midnight which wouldn't work while that problem solved itself the performance issues were still very present even with 200 extra gigabytes of free space I made for this game Alex is editing this video so I can't speak for this footage although I can speak for Joe the Cannibal's frame rate decimation we both experienced but with regards to the difficulty ranking that I'm editing and using my gameplay for please part in the frame rate drop specifically in cinematics it was just how the game ran nonetheless Jedi survivor's narrative was fantastic and not only expanded on Fallen order but gave way for a third installment evolving cow's character incredibly well introducing new and reintroducing old characters alike and bringing in a brand new gallery of antagonists for Cal to take on as well as some previously encountered these fights are what we'll be going over today deciding on what end wasn't a boss was a difficult process for us just like Fallen order in total this game has about 35 original bosses but only 17 are truly unique meaning the other 18 are reskinned buffed variants of what would otherwise be a normal enemy we originally pitted all of these fights together and labeled it as piss but figured against counting it as it felt somewhat pointless and forced nobody's here to listen to our commentary on D l1t and they want the real meat so anyways that's our thought process and lastly thank you so much to our patrons for their constant support Jedi survivor's boss quality was a notable step up from Fallen orders a nod to its exceptional combat advancements how do they rank let's get into it foreign [Music] watching this video when I was little called top 10 worst cartoons where the top pick was that one Ren and Stimpy adult special where Ren tortures a frog for half an hour for no reason when I saw it I was mortified who would ever want to torture a frog like that like come on man and then of course I fought the spawn of ogdo the hatred that broiled forth from the recesses of my mind could have bled a thousand kyber crystals and Jack is no different this fight really is an unabashed piece of [ __ ] normally we cut fights like this some slack because it's obviously a joke respawn heard people complaining about ogido bogdo being hard on the first game and were like oh yeah you don't like ogdo bogdo go fight his crack addict child molester cousin who weighs 600 pounds and can insta kill you with the ease with which it breeds [ __ ] in theory it's a funny little troll you can't help but laugh at in practice it is so genuinely [ __ ] miserable that it just isn't funny anymore fighting this boss feels like watching somebody [ __ ] on your grandparents grave and skull [ __ ] their corpses into telling you to chill out when you get mad ogdo bogdo now has an established 3G generation lineage starting with his [ __ ] grandfather and ending with his wretched Vermin of an offspring the fact these disgusting creatures are procreating is enraging and all three of them deserve nothing short of torture and brutality I can only hope that I sent them packing to the bowels of Hell or at least Mustafar or whatever I am not joking when I say that Jack and I were stuck on this guy for easily over an hour each and that's not even counting the Challenge fight against both of the [ __ ] at once literal War crime tier dog [ __ ] content I was howling in anguish into my pillow and jumping up and down like a cartoon character every time I died and had to walk all the way back to his rape pit I genuinely hate this [ __ ] boss [Music] scroton was originally a part of a piss group but we decided on keeping it when we docked the band of miscellaneous Vermin and fauna from our video due to its originality as a boss and unique appearance unlike say the reprogrammed Magna guard or the mire terror scroton is a gigantic scorpion who's made a lot easier with Marin's involvement and there's a golden scroton that Marin decides to not join you in fighting because she wants to test cow's combat abilities when he's fighting while a girl is watching the gimmick with script on is that he has a gigantic pincer that blocks all impending attacks meaning you should hop over it and use mid-air combinations to whittle down his health luckily this works wonders and while I have no idea what I'm doing when I'm fighting it scroton is decently fun for a throwaway fauna foreign Trend in this ranking is that periable bosses score high and Dodge heavy bosses score low this was present in our ranking of the last game for the same reason it is here dodging kind of sucks in terms of realism 10 out of 10 I'm sure that it is a rather accurate depiction of a real person roll dodging a real attack in terms of gameplay [ __ ] this janky molasses-ass movement give me my ridiculous Dark Souls rolling or give me nothing the other issue that combines with this one to make the Bounty Joys particularly annoying is that one button input often equals multiple lightsaber swings at the very least this is the case with the duo wielding stance which Jack and I both used for most of our playthrough the Bounty Hunter Droid experiences button mashing him over and over only for him to start spamming unblockable moves while you're in the middle of an animation I know some guy is going to be like um actually just stop spamming and play defensively but like bro don't lie to me your ass was doing the same thing I was nobody plays this game like that and if you do you are some kind of alien or mutant look me dead in the eyes and tell me that you sat there doing nothing until he swung timing Dodge is encountering with a single dinky swing and then doing this for the better part of five minutes I'd sooner believe the local hobo who told my younger brother he trained with Muhammad Ali's in that garbage this fight is just built around annoying mechanics so naturally it's sort of a groaner when you see one of these guys posted up in the distance foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you the atst is a Star Wars game staple the cornflake of the galaxy far far away if you will although that does raise some questions for starters who actually eats corn flakes I ask my dad why people buy them once and he said people usually put sugar on them congratulations to these people for inventing an awkward approximation of Frosted Flakes Mensa is waiting with baited breath for your applications personally if you ask me I'd say the atst is more the Captain Crunch of the galaxy far far away oops old energy grenades scripted bosses are always interesting to rank because there's only so much enjoyment to be had due to the outcome being inevitable but in a case like Bode there is a lot of fun to be had except this is an extremely momentary sequence that's intended to last under 30 seconds thus his notably low ranking for a lightsaber duel both motivations are very questionable and I have genuinely no idea why he did what he did he clearly gave up on his daughter by the end perhaps due to disillusionment but also what is he is he an Inquisitor is he a spy maybe the emperor's hand I voice like in Legends a dark side of depth or just a Jedi who for some reason Vader LED live and kept in the Empire's ranks the whole thing is shrouded in mystery for me but the fight itself is alright the funniest part of the entire betrayal as cynical as this sounds so part of me was him murdering Eno Cordova for no reason he just figured he might as well have did thank you the rancor feels very faithful to the movies down to its movement and sound design you can even put a bone in its mouth or so I'm told but neither Jack nor I thought to try this during the fight as far as the creature bosses go this is one of maybe two of them that doesn't make me want to shut off my console and fire it into the Sun out of the cannon while it can be a smidge annoying whiffing your attacks under his crotch area because his posture is weirdly diagonal his attacks are all fair feeling and exciting to clash with certainly some degree of the coolness comes from the rancor being a pre-established monster but I don't think the bias is too overwhelming there is one enemy that's literally just a Wampa with a different name and it absolutely [ __ ] inhales semen like nothing else the rancor isn't spamming you every two nanoseconds with unblockables which as it turns out makes it more enjoyable who'd have figured foreign Hunter Weenie Hut Jr also known as the paxian vood are back in full force full force meaning a random mixed bag of blue and yellow clothing bounty hunters with names like umdum skog horns spread out across the Galaxy in an attempt to catch cow off guard luckily for us we now have cage as an informant who politely lets us know where they are one at a time so we have to travel back and forth to pyloon's 20 frame Saloon every time we need a new Bounty but anyways they're pretty much identical to how they were when we left the monordo heiress in Fallen order except now they're even less dangerous thanks to the Blaster and cross guard stances Commando jet pack it doesn't really matter they all play out the same so we clumped them together in a single ranking unlike the Fallen order video for scripting quality's sake onwards foreign brewed humanoid fellows but has a much cooler moveset and is just a smidge flashier unfortunately this added flare cannot save her from her Own Worst Enemy her meager deficient minuscule brain after watching Cal butcher literal Army's worth of people who were exactly like her one would think she might think twice about trying to take him in nope it's like watching a cow Sprint into a meat grinder this is especially true considering she's fighting Cal post Nova garon where he got insane Dark Side hacks that can butcher rooms full of purge Troopers like gnats that said it's fun just walloping her while she frantically flies around trying to escape ultimately it's the big man Boba Fett who finishes the job which was great news for the guy who got 150 000 views on the all Boba Fett's cutscene video he made featuring The Single lone scene he's the real winner of that three-man standoff cage is a cool Riff on the usual Bounty Hunter fight that may have benefited from a beefier health bar in a tripled IQ [Music] after months of mystery surrounding the anonymous armless Jedi in the back to tank first shown off in the original cinematic trailer last year your first trip to gigantic Kobo ends with the main antagonist reveal so who is he he is Dagan Guerra a high Republic era Jedi left in stasis in a back to tank for 200 years after being scarred by quote someone close to him who before the fall of Kobo at the hands of the Nile began traversing the seemingly impassable Kobo Abyss to reach Tana Lauren set up a Bastion for the Jedi order to survive long into the future but another name for him could be LARPing teenager who convinces himself he feels no emotions besides anger and violence and doesn't actually but presents himself that way so he comes off and looks like how he imagines Anakin did in that one scene when he reflects a blaster behind his back and walks in on Watt Tambor but like turns around and Kubrick stares the camera first that at home with any of you I like Dagan Guerra as a villain a lot to be honest his character in my delivery were sort of corny but his motivations are pretty good and an armless dark Jedi is really unique as such this first fight was solid but easy and not massively different from any other lightsaber duel especially by comparison to his third fight the scenario was the highlight of the fight for me in truth just moments after being reawakened from a 200-year slumber Dagen completely envelops himself in the dark side after remembering the Jedi Council turned on him and left Kobo santari cree and tanalore to rot and then after all of that cow figures it right to drop a nuke of bad news on him about how the Jedi Order he fought so desperately for was snuffed out by a Sith Lord who literally lived next door to them and took over the Galaxy as its Emperor all as a result of the same Jedi Council that disregarded him being blinded by their own arrogance and complicity so logically he takes on the Jedi in the room who he figures is to blame for the orders collapse dagen's movement is the coolest and most noticeable part of the fight as you'd expect with him only having one arm and his attacks are a selective mix of lunges and spins but because he only has one arm and one lightsaber both of which get added to his Arsenal in his later fights this is simply less engaging than most other force-wielding bosses the overall sequence is great however and does a brilliant job introducing Dagan Guerra while also keeping the fight simple but intriguing nonetheless [Music] this first Dagan Guerra rematch is a sneaky one with how intense the proceeding cutscene is one could be forgiven for mashing that and the fight into one far more highly ranked experience while it does have a lot of Glitz and glamor surrounding it the actual mechanics are almost identical to the first fight save for the ability to throw his lightsaber into new unblockable these are cool don't get me wrong it's obviously a direct improvement over the first fight just not shattering any expectations of growth I think for a lightsaber fight to be memorable it ought to have some kind of gimmick to make it stand out from the rest and for whatever reason dog and Guerra is kind of left in the dust in this regard with nothing of much note until his final encounter solid boss but not much to comment on that hasn't been mentioned in the prior segment thank you while we both feel that a respawn dropped the ball with this game's mini bosses the Bedlam Raider lieutenants are a notable anomaly fun fact did you know the Bedlam and Bedlam Raiders is a reference to the Darth Plagueis novel Bedlam was where one of Darth niebers replacements for Plagueis the Nautilus resided in way to kill the eventual master of Sidious anyways these lightsaber wielding goons aren't anything special on their own but as a whole have such a massive disparity in individual variety and each has one or two unique components that they deserve a high spot there are five different variants of bedlam Raider lieutenants for each lightsaber's stance the most notable being vashten wolf who gives you the cross guard upgrade the single blade lieutenants have an invisibility mechanic and in groups they're both challenging and creatively intriguing to fight I had a thrilling time dealing with the many Bedlam Raider lieutenants on Kobo and the shattered Moon and for us they rightfully deserve affection at the very end of the line finally on canalore it's time to take down that fake ass two-timing [ __ ] Bode I can't speak in what having a daughter is like being a 19 year old who to my knowledge has not created any Offspring but Bode seems to smidge more neurotic about it than I would expect is typical he brings her up in every single line of dialogue he has that isn't equipped and is willing to do millions of people to death for no legitimate reason other than a false dilemma he imposed on himself where it's either them or his daughter Bode is adamant that nobody but him and his daughter live on tanolor for some reason because I suppose there just isn't enough room for more than two people on the entire planet when Cal suggests that these May in fact not be mutually exclusive outcomes he flies into a rage and goes out for blood against his supposedly beloved daughter's wishes in fact he straight up pimp slaps her with the force for daring to suggest that he not kill cow boat is a solid antagonist don't get me wrong but I do think his mental logic short circuits one too many times for me to totally be able to suspend my disbelief the main strength of the game's narrative is how these characters impact Cal more than the antagonists themselves I was pleasantly surprised by how well done things were with regards to him especially since I was nervous going into it after seeing some of the promo material for the game a lot of the marketing was like cows and just a rookie anymore he might do some things that a Jedi would never do which I took as an indicator that he was going to become some giga edgelord Starkiller clone Stone Cold [ __ ] it was all pretty realistic though no massive jumps of him randomly forced choking Marin and using Sith lightning on Grease as for the fight it's in a similar Camp to dog and Guerra around too he doesn't have any moves that I would describe as noteworthy but it's got some more cinematic and story heft to it than any other typical lightsaber duels what's boosted a few spots up the list thank you forced maybe necessary not at all worth it absolutely Darth Vader makes his Grand return to the Star Wars Jedi Saga at the height of the game's million mile an hour end game on a real note this was maybe the fastest paced conclusion to a game I've gone through and this was the Pinnacle of it for me as we've already gone over bod's motivations and reasoning are reliant on suspension of disbelief from the player whereas Vaders are pretty simple Vengeance why he has it out for a Jedi he tossed into a pit of lava and casually annihilated after she somehow survived I don't entirely get but I guess the game's description of the dark lord serves as a pretty good summary and explanation this fight is heavily reliant on the circumstance atmosphere and the fact that it's just Darth Vader for it being number four instead of lower on the list the gameplay is formulaic it's not bad but you can get Vader in a repetitive cycle and his moveset for the first 75 percent of the fight nears on being forgettable it's only when he gets crushed in a mound of flames for the twenty thousandth time that this begins to kick into second gear with Newfound anger Vader UPS the ante multiple levels introducing tons of new attacks and having a major increase in aggression it all culminates in a climactic conclusion in which Seer has Vader nearly defeated but he has to live so she dies and he does not I like this sequence a good amount but I do think Fallen orders Vader has this beat by a mile I'm not a fan of post 19 to 18 BBY Vader being even touchable by anybody below the power levels of a Jedi council member or Sith Lord as it makes him less intimidating and weaker seeming and even then Vader from the dark lord of the Sith comic run which begins right after his transformation on Coruscant absolutely decimates ethkoth so sear nearly besting him kind of irks me this was still great but the Godlike Vader from Fallen order Remains the superior appearance in this duology for me [Music] and so the dog and Guerra fights round out with a respectable bronze medal for their final iteration this placement is largely because he finally took my advice and learned a skill other than spamming generic lightsaber swings now he can make clones use Force hallucinations and you fight him upside down on the roof which is cool as [ __ ] even if it doesn't impact the gameplay you can also command Bode to harass him With Grenades which is more useful than you'd think boat has some insane level self-control though he was ready to let Doug and Guerra [ __ ] him out in the name of not revealing he's a force user with a plethora of new tactics this fight finally feels like an evolution of the first duel rather than a rehash as well as that it's more or less The climactic Showdown of the game which I thought was a really interesting narrative decision while the whole Bood betrayal chapter is the finale so to speak it feels like more of a personal Stakes PostScript than a climax which is not a bad thing I should clarify Hotline Miami too did that and the game kick sass has been done before anyway this fight has a nice level of difficulty to it that I'd like into a habanero pepper tasty with a solid kick but not like evil ghost pepper from Hell times 1000 total tongue Devastation Atomic Scoville Slaughter sauce level high the kind of [ __ ] your dad would dare you to take off the shelf a California Tortilla when you were a kid unless your dad hated you and never did this I'm sure dagen's Dad didn't [Music] myself as well as the entire Star Wars Community were very unconvinced about the ninth sister's supposed death by falling off the high branches of kashik's great tree and falling from Heights once again proves itself as a terrible way to finish someone off in the Star Wars Galaxy as the ninth sister returns from the clutches of death to strike down calcustus once and for all this isn't to say I'm surprised or upset if anything the opposite she was one of the most pivotal and best characters in Fallen order stories serving as the Deuter antagonist for the majority of the game and as an Inquisitor subsidiary of the second sister so her survival once again wasn't majorly surprising but to see her return in Jedi survivor's opening moments was still incredibly exciting I honestly wish there were more inquisitors in this game I personally think they're one of the coolest additions to Disney Canon and are much more interesting on both an organizational and personal level than most of the inquisitors from Legends in the older Star Wars Jedi games bar jarek and a few other exceptions Alex and I don't plan on doing a game review as we didn't get Early Access and doing a review a week after a game of this skill releases would be like trying to do where's Waldo except he's wearing normal clothes and doesn't have glasses on but one point I will make about the overall game is that it's really good from a narrative point and starting off on this high of a note usually spells disaster but the game is consistent throughout and keeps the interest level at around where it is here even though this is the second highest ranked boss in terms of quality the difference between the ninth sister and say Dagan guerra's first fight is really just spectacles circumstance characterization and setting the gameplay is top-notch throughout and constant in quality I just wanted to make that clear nonetheless the ninth sister makes her shocking return in typical Dark Side fashion by murdering the slimy senator daho sejon in one of the coolest cinematics in the game afterwards she effortlessly Slaughters the entire band of heroic folk Cal invades Coruscant with and quickly re-engages cow in combat after the seat belt strapped Purge Trooper piloting her patrol ship fails to Pilot and crashlands horrifically with the aid of cow's massively improved Force Power the fight begins shortly after she acutely helicopters from the top of the ashes of her ship for safety purposes and said fight is thrilling she has a lot of the same moves from Fallen order but with minor differences in timing and animation keeping it fresh in feel she has a unique moveset that's never replicated at any other point in the game and this is a result of both her specially designed lightsaber and size that no other boss shares after the first phase which is almost identical to her fight from Fallen order she branches out her abilities and begins to use skill tree Force powers like Focus sight and force pool which is something that weirdly few bosses did nearly every Force user fight in this game either uses basic Force push or a random assortment of moves not accessible to Cal whereas this fight highlights the usefulness of the force branch of the skill tree the third phase introduces The Godly dual wield stance by far the best of the five in my opinion and it demolishes her if you stay aggressive while she lacks Health this was about as good an introduction fight as you can make and the brutally great closing cut scene signs the knights sister off as easily one of Jedi survivor's best bosses [Music] Ravis is a real show stealer Jack and I both loved this guy Jen Dyer a coolest [ __ ] species requiring either brain death or Absolute cellular Devastation to kill kinda like cell and Majin Buu and their ilk or of course the lesser-known third option hitting one with a lightsaber enough times wow it's a shame there wasn't a matter obliterating laser anywhere nearby to finish him off if there was the scenario writers could have easily written in a conclusion to the fight that maintained established Canon and made for a thrilling spectacle of a conclusion to send out the coolest character in the game saved for Vader what a bummer that aside the fight is absolutely the strongest offering in the game for a number of reasons for starters variety melee duels are unarguably more fun than the irritating unblockable spamming Beast fights but they begin to blend together if you don't add some special sauce to the mix like the ninth sisters Ultra instinct or dig in round three's air slashes Ravis absolutely breaks the mold by fighting with rather than a lightsaber some sort of large staff that functions like the olapu caber from Team Fortress 2. blocking it is a totally different can of worms from the usual sword timing and the explosions demand a bit more thought go into your actions while not forcing you into docility like some other attempts at achieving that same outcome Ravis is also rather tough he was beating my ass for a rather substantial amount of time before I figured out how he works I should also add that he has two health bars which is badass as hell I suspected that might be the case when I started whittling his first phase down a bit too easily and thankfully I wasn't disappointed I was absolutely hog swaggled at how cool this fight was as I was playing through it somehow it's always the dudes obsessed with the Warriors code who get the most Kick-Ass boss fights it's a genuine quality hack to give bosses multiple health bars in any game that has a boss like that it's almost always the best one Rivas is no exception and even after finishing the game and spending a lot of time doing side stuff for the Platinum he remains the coolest thing in it thank you so much for watching and we hope you enjoyed if you liked this video be sure to check out our Jedi Survivor boss difficulty ranking as well as our fallen order quality ranking remember to like And subscribe if you haven't and be sure to check in every Wednesday for new uploads that's all for now deuces
Channel: Cytonox
Views: 65,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1mLcsL2k9Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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