Now we're getting the hang of it (Vampire Survivors)

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hey we're playing vampire survivors again i don't think we need any more um any more preamble than that we got a new character last time mortaccio he starts with a bone he's a skeleton with a he's a skeleton angel which makes a lot of sense um let's just start it up man and we gotta we gotta purge the mad forest like we we've we've been getting our butt kicked on the mad forest oh oh it kind of do be bouncing though okay mortacio i gotta be honest could work on his movement a little bit but look at that oh but if you can get it right in the oh you gotta try to play breakout with it if you can get it to hit the corner like a dvd screen saver it's like a penta kill his bones actually blow until you max them but then just more impetus for us to get to level two honestly let's get a lightning ring even though it was not good for us as the as antonio because i feel like we need more killing power as soon as possible this way we can maybe pick up more experience it's pretty good when upgraded i like a character that sucks and then gets pog you may remember them from the binding of isaac repentance their name is uh apollyon i don't actually like apollyon that much but i i like the idea of apollyon peace that's my level okay um let's get some santa water if you can get him to level 60 he gets three extra projectiles okay when does apollyon get pog i'm still waiting any day now any day now hey i can't be mad they fixed uh they fixed tainted uh well whether you feel like they fixed them or uh made them too easy they fixed tainted jacob they fixed tainted lazarus there's there's some there's been some positives in the world of isaac i still be losing but mostly there's just you know impatience making ridiculous plays like giving up dark arts in order to pick up the white pony what was i thinking it's so weird to have a memory of the most recent isaac episode after years and years of being like three weeks out from the the episode that went up that day i'm schmoving i'm still schmoving okay increases projectile speed by 10 only because we've never had it i'll take it but we're definitely suffering from a lack of killing power but look at this the swarm did not melt nearly as much as i thought it would i needed that that one specific bat to die so we could actually get in there what is this movement what are you doing bro i'm just gonna be honest with you i'm not sure mortaccio is all that in a bag of potato chips like i can see how he ended up getting a halo on top of his head this is legit 2022 pinball i could see that it you know it it's it you just kind of pop a quarter in and i'm sweating effect lasts long i mean we gotta level up our our our default characteristic you pop a quarter in and don't stop till you're numb do you have ambitions to uh have a home arcade in your house i'm always of two minds about it because it was kind of like if you're around my age that was one of those things where like if you were a gamer it was like oh when i get older i'm gonna have like an nba jam cabinet i'm gonna have like a mortal kombat 2 cabinet i'm going to have like one of those basketball free throw cabinets in my house but you also gotta remember i mean this is a gimme man you also gotta remember that back then you only got to play those games like at the bowling alley in the movie theater at least after arcades cease to be like a viable business model so it it they they were rated more highly not to say anything negative about nba jam but they were rated more highly i think as a result of their perceived scarcity now that like there's other options in home gaming i'm like man i would i don't really want to have a pinball machine i think i'd rather just play my ps5 to be honest with you character gets 10 percent luckier i mean i honestly i think we got to go better santa water but flex in the ps5 i'm not flex like i don't i don't play anything on it if anything like i'm only one step uh like above a scalper like we bought a ps5 i played demon souls on it and then i played like two bounties and i think that's it i'm still waiting for more games man i think we still you know let's upgrade that magic wand we got two weapon spots don't sleep on the magic wand we could freeze some enemies down here mortacio's starting to feel a little bit more pog that's true i did i did play a little return get that champion owns owns owns reaction time get ready let's go do we needed this please at least a triple you peace hey darkhaze9 thank you for the gifted subscriptions thank you another santa water i'm ready thank you oh okay more duplicators we made it to flower one starting to feel like we got a little impetus here anyway i don't know i just like if i if i was gonna have an arcade cabinet i should also say that i did the typical like college experience and when we moved into on off campus housing we got a cheap air hockey table and a cheap foosball table my experience is that you use them for like a weekend and then you use them like once a week let's fire one more projectile and then you just like it's just taking space up in your house it ends up just being like a piece of furniture that you you don't really use because i'll be honest with you air hockey is like only really fun when you play it like once every three years at like a birthday party or like a chuck e cheese or something like that nba jam i think nba jam anytime people came over you could play like my rosary um it's broken you could play like half an hour of nba jam with company for sure but let's increase our let's increase our bone i don't know i don't think i have aspirations to have like uh to have a home arcade set up and maybe if you were into fighting games it would be like a different story or pinball i kind of had that phase where i was like i thought i was gonna get into pinball you go to the barcade a couple times and you're like man i should like get into pinball then you realize that it's only been like 10 minutes and you're bored and you're like uh you know what maybe next year i'm not hating on pinball or any of these games i'm just uh you know i think after wow sorry there's a chest down there after dinner you know at some kind of like gastropub if they have a pinball machine i'd be like hey let's go over like we'll play a game of pinball or something like that but uh you know to have one in my home 24 7. i don't know man people rag on me enough for the air fryer they're like no no single use devices no single use devices okay yeah you got a machine that only plays pinball if you insist look i think we've we've been very blessed this is a lot of of options that all seem very good okay rune tracer was pog spinach is pog increasing your bone is pog i would love to take everything ruin tracer gave us our our only win i think we gotta give it a try we gotta we've already got a triplicator going as well i'll get the chest we just gotta murder some stuff in the in the meantime hey hey thank you thank you i think we need to up our magic wand too help help me i've made it this would be a grade five piece alrighty [Laughter] how do you win this game you survive for 30 minutes and then dracula comes and cuts your throat i don't know maybe there's like a a final level where if you beat it you actually get the dub but but so far that's been my experience honestly fire wand kind of cracked too now we're done on weapons we just level the weapons we got i just wish it didn't fire randomly i i recognize that that's the price you pay because it also does incredible damage relative to the magic wand but man oh man imagine if they just didn't care about balance at all and just let it fire at the closest enemy i would be pogging imagine imagine all the people if they didn't that's a good one that's a good joke i'll give it a plus two another level rune tracer don't forget you need spinach to get upgraded fire wands true i don't know yeah i don't know all those synergistic combos but i do know if you want flaming skulls you gotta get spinach forget the attractor i don't think we can afford to give up a passive slot for quality of life just increase my bone speed something i've never had a problem with relatable relatable plus two plus two let me just fill in those plus twos for you if you could just sign right here [Music] you know i'm very proud of myself kate last night she was watching some videos of musicals and then she said have you seen this one and she played a song from uh give me another lightning she played a song from the 1990s uh musical dr jekyll and mr hyde i think it's actually the musical is just called jekyll and hyde i'm completely unfamiliar with it i didn't have my glasses on but while i was watching this i was like this dude looks a lot like david hasselhoff even with my glasses off i was like this guy's got a serious hassle-hoffy and sort of aura to him i'm gonna be dead i'm not gonna die thank you then after the song was over i said was that david hasselhoff and she said yeah how did you know that and i didn't have an answer for it i don't know it's just like i think the face and mannerisms of david hasselhoff are like burned into my skull i'm dead i am i am dead man i'm alive is david hasselhoff in the room with us right now i only know him from the spongebob movie i was the right age and this is not even a like but this is not bop me i was the right age to have like an awareness of baywatch but not really get it you know i was probably like between okay well i guess i'll we'll wait on that one this is the end at nl the arrow points to a chest oh no way maybe maybe there's a reason i'm not going to the chest that's unrelated to me not knowing where the uh direction is you know maybe maybe it's because of the uh infinite skeletons around me he will be like clear a path all my [ __ ] shoots like randomly except the magic wand which is like level one you're absolutely right like why why are my why are my skeleton friends trying to kill me i think we need some movement speed man like this is what i mean when i say there's snakes everywhere man let's go i think it's just knock back i guess like trust no one not even yourself whoa whoa whoa whoa okay i can't help but notice we're just getting increasingly increasingly uh narrow areas to stand look it makes some space maybe oh those bones are mine those bones are mine hold on have we have we made a gap i don't even know where i am anymore man you gotta seize the gap it's like merging on the highway one at rush hour you just gotta seize the gap they're gonna move they're not gonna crash into you they might pretend they wanna die on the highway just to you know keep their position in the lane they're not gonna do it everybody we gotta get everybody's gotta get home okay everybody wants to watch the mass singer nobody's gonna willfully engage in vehicular manslaughter there you go now you got some space now you got some space now we can make it back to the chest and we're 12 minutes in we're due for a triple you know it i know it look at this we kited them so well triple maybe a penta no that's fine triple still pretty good i'll still i'll live with the triple two magic wands is actually goaded because uh our magic wand is very important it's the only thing that we can actually kind of aim it'll keep us safe from the enemies around us to an extent at least oh no that that's not granville station that's not barrard station we were just making it through piccadilly circus man [Music] okay okay okay that that was that was the shibuya scramble crossing okay give me better better attack speed on everything you peace get killed get killed you do you freaking werewolf let's get that lightning ring parking we got a little wall turkey we're still chilling it's still good it's just a little airborne still moving still schmoving just trying to get to the sephora before it closes just trying to get to the sephora before it closes here we go here we go okay we season the gap we're not going to the gap though we're going to auritzia look at the lines okay we need more damage we need like a spinach or something like that i mean this is tough for me because i do think that moving fast would be nice but i think we need to kill things faster so you know let's let's get some let's get some santa water i feel like right now we've we've survived merely by the skin of our teeth hello hello i am going to pass away not not not irl just in the game i'm dead santa water does not feel good i agree i think we'd be better off having something we could aim all right we tried but i honestly we're not gonna run him back yet but we can unlock another new character right permanent plus one projectile for all weapons on gennaro bolognese okay bolognese send them gennaro's pog yo he kind of looks pog look at this he's this is like what your average nes logic you'd play a game where like a guy is holding two swords but he throws knives like though the cover art would be like conan the barbarians fast follow knockoff holding like a battle axe and then when you play the game he just shoots like a single orange pixel out of the center of his chest i think the rune tracer is is important to us here [Music] oh dude he's shooting little laser beams out of his feet anyway what was i talking about oh yeah kate was so we we finally all the other uh people in our circle of friends i'm not complaining i'm just i'm i'm just asking questions um they already already received that first come first served twitch partner merch kate received hers yesterday that's fine i bet mine's just in transit um but it comes with like a cool like twitch branded connect four that we played that's what kate was putting on the board game shelf and we played it last night i gotta tell you i'm straight ass at connect four i lost the first game in like the classic connect four way where i just was like focusing way too much on like what i wanted to do and uh zero percent paying attention to what my wife was doing she had three in a row i played somewhere else she was like i win i was like oh yeah good point then the second game that we played i was thinking like four moves ahead i was like i'm gonna go here which is gonna force her to like block me here and then i'll start building like a second uh you know sequence off of this and then i'm just gonna keep adding more threads to it so until eventually is undefendable and then she did that to me and i lost and i said they couldn't have sent us a chess set i can't remember uh was it was it uh last year two years ago the most popular show on netflix a huge wave on twitch was it the queen's gambit anya taylor joy plays a bunch of connect four or was it uh anya taylor joy plays a bunch of chess it's not gotham connect four it's not gary connect four oh we're definitely taking spinach by the way that that being said the the connect four set is really cool i'll admit i'm just i'm i'm genuinely ass at connect four well you got this rotating in exactly the wrong direction but that's okay don't be mauled i i'm not mad but i am bald so i guess i'm like halfway there one come on man please a better knife i want to connect for a tournament as a child i'll be real with you okay so like two birds though oh i'm not like this is unsalted let's let's get better projectile speed connect four is actually a thinker's game legitimately like it it is not a like a luck driven game there's a higher level of skill than than it appears at least at first glance now checkers on the other hand like i'm sure i'm going to catch some some flack for saying it but checkers is kind of like it's like monopoly before monopoly existed but connect four is like um what's that game is it gomoku from uh clubhouse games that's kind of just like horizontal connect four i want to skip these i guess i guess we'll try spellbinder i agree i mean the attractor i i think is over overrated by me chat deservedly said its ass i was like but what if it isn't remember back the tank you all thought it was ass and then it always has been but what one day a little clover oh anyway i got i got respect for connect four how do you feel about forced on poisson it's already forced because if somebody knows on poisson if you give them the oh it would definitely take a magic one if you give them the opportunity to do ambassador their ego will not let them not do amplison because they recognize that it's more important that they demonstrate and possibly shock you they're making a a queen's gambit why not let's try it that you don't know what on poisson is and just walked into a trap when in reality you set the trap for them melvin's razor it's perfect melvin's razor okay sure anyway you don't have any aoe and so i know how this is going to sound but this is an honest question that might surprise you with its answer even my attacks that aren't aoe won't they have a small amount of aoe as a result of their hitbox increasing you ever think about that yes they will well no they won't okay yes because they know they okay well you know what we may never know and i think anything that's fire one more projectile but dude honestly uh cross fires one more projectile than we previously had because we didn't have a cross before two more actually you write two more why two more i see them i just don't know i just don't know why we have two of them we don't have a duplicator oh your hero just does that that's insane he's goaded this is the guy antonio wishes he was when he looks in the mirror i want that level thank you thank you let's fire one more projectile oh honestly though the knife is kind of ass although you know what the knife is one of the only ways that we can direct damage and to get it passive would be nice so actually having our knife get a little stronger seems like a good way to open an escape route or at least a a safety pocket knife is actually s there yeah in isaac unless you're dan let's go how many 35 year old people do you think understand the words that you say on a regular basis i don't know if you guys like leave your house that much but 35 is legitimately not that old anymore in the 90s it was like [ __ ] up 35 year olds were like 60. nowadays 35 year olds are wearing like you know onitsuka tiger gear they got you know gray sweatpants tucked into like ultra boosts and stuff like that they're cool now not me i'm only 33. i haven't reached that level of swag yet i'm telling you 35 year olds that what we've done by torpedoing the ability to build equity in our current economy is actually artificially extend the length of the 20s like your 20s not the 2020s hopefully as a result financially people are staying younger longer but that's also preserving their swag it's like the drip is being coated in amber now instead of you know being burned for for lamp oil base damage up by five okay don't mind if i do yeah justin's 36 i told you 36 is not old 36 can't be old if justin left his uh his i don't even know his bowl for illicit cannabis consumption inside of a red solo cup and then melted uh the red solo cup and almost gave himself carbon monoxide poisoning while he was asleep does that sound like something a 36 year old would do in the 1990s absolutely not whoa okay we're chilling watch out for swarms watch out for storms remember you got the knife you gotta you gotta go spinach man you got the knife the knife allows you to open a path as long as you walk in in the direction you want to go which i guess is kind of self-explanatory or self-evident the knife will clear you a path you weather the storm the aoe does its work then we're gonna do a little loop because we just killed all the enemies over here we're gonna do a little loop back to the experience we just created why no damage numbers my laptop gets really hot and causes the game to run at one fps that's why the title of the stream today is one like equals one frame share if you if you uh if you prayed for me something like that i can't remember i always think of the title with like you know one second to go until i'm gonna be late and then i'm late anyway because i go like get a glass of water but you know how it is i think i still think we gotta do more damage honestly i think we need a knife that that hits harder so we can open up this movement this movement canals like look at this we're getting some action we're getting some purchase here hey sam the sarasota thank you for the gifted subscriptions as well thank you did you see kodak black at the panthers canucks game um okay so 35 year olds are not that cool i'm only 33 but like i'm not cool enough to know who kodak black is but i did see a lot of comments we need the piercing that we're like hey it's kodak black at the canucks game and he was doing something i didn't really see it as i was watching on my phone sorry chris nolan he got a stanky lap dance oh that's what that it definitely looked like there was some movement going on fire's one more projectile okay like i'm assuming he's a rapper i honestly now that i think about it i think i had kodak black the person confused with bodak yellow the cardi b song which i don't think i've ever heard but i've seen the name of it in text nice triple and then you know what i think there might be a part of me that had it confused with bojack horseman as well this the song is a reference to the rapper well geez the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper you've definitely heard it i'm being honest with you i don't think i have that's not a flex i just i can't imagine where i would have been exposed to it i know some cardi b songs um up and wap i think that's those are the two i know i also know her video from march 2020 where she was like shit's getting real y'all coronavirus like i've i've definitely seen more like viral instagram lives featuring cardi b than i have heard her music we need some rune tracing man i'm in a world of pain never mind i'm fine i feel like you'd hear the songs on peloton honestly like i mean this is where my boomer shows i i've listened to so i i i take exclusively classes from like an instructor who it would surprise me if he added cardi b to the play it wouldn't say like not in a negative way but like i've never seen it in like you know 60 rides or something like that but i also self-select largely um you know 90s pop classic rock 70s rock 80s rock 90s rock as soon as they as soon as i see a ride that's 2 000 rock i'm like stay away don't even get me started on when you see a ride show up that's 2010's rock i'm like ah get me out of here this is why we took the knife it was all about this you know what i think we can afford a crown here what even is 2010's rock it's just like i i'm not meaning but like you look at the playlist for those rides there's like five imagine dragon songs it's just it's too much for me i'm gonna continue to take the knife here they really want me to take a clover stop trying to make clover happen it's not gonna happen yeah the knife is a little like its effect is kind of snoozy but its raw damage is kind of incredible like are you seeing this clover also involves the cross now this i did not know okay hear me out two triples piece of crap oh the triple knife what the heck is this thousand edge evolved knife fires with no delay soy knife [Laughter] soy milk knife a better candela candle labrador oh dude he's moving look at this movement nothing can stop me now and we got that at 12 minutes like i feel like this is a dream come true dude let's up our attack speed on everything now we're actually the one [Music] you know what would have been sick i haven't seen the new matrix yet please don't spoil if this actually happens in the in the movie but how sick would it be if shania twain's you're still the one played the first time we saw neo in the movie you're still the one i run to the one that i belong to omg it does that would just be like a nice little tongue-in-cheek nod to the people who remember from the original that he was the one it actually happens twice they paid honestly get the bag shania i don't mean to you know be interested in celebrities personal lives we gotta move up at some point man but um ah never mind i'd rather be alive i've decided let's work on this magic one um we gotta get that exp man that's the problem now uh shania twain has one of the the strangest domestic uh situations i can recall ever hearing about a celebrity she her husband her best friend and her best friend's husband all lived in switzerland in like some kind of you know community together her husband cheated on her let's go with her best friends what the heck's going on man uh what is going on okay hold on we're still moving her husband cheated on her with her best friend then she got a divorce and married her best friend's ex-husband and her ex-husband married her best friend so they actually executed uh a lateral wife swap move i don't know if they're still friends i feel like that would probably you know it's hard to come back from that level of like distrust and betrayal but they did they did an actual switch like the roommate switch from the seinfeld episode the only other celebrity like domestic situation i i ever bring up is elon musk getting married getting divorced and then later getting remarried to the same woman and then getting divorced again which is actually just really really fun i don't mean to like this is not even i'm taking like an opportunity to be like you know dunking on elon musk even if it was just like a guy you'd be like that's a funny story what were you thinking but the fact that it's elon musk certainly makes the story a little funnier okay so we need to get some experience at some point but i i'm pessimistic about my ability to make it through the horde here i think i gotta i gotta keep some movement paths open i love music it makes my heart sing i'll never forget how how many people turned on me for making fun of like i make fun of everything including myself but then for some people when uh when a 55 year old billionaire tweets i love music it makes my heart sing they were like hey man i think it's cool that he's like a pure spirit like that forget the chest man we can't get there with all these mantises around him this was back in the one of the dark souls one randomizer so we're probably talking like close to two years ago there i took a lot of heat from people that were like so what it's illegal to be happy now i'm like nah man it's just weird to think of like my dad tweeting i love music it makes my heart sing i would i would phone him and be like are you okay is mom all right like what's going on it's just this look like a cry for help hold on somehow we're still alive somehow palpatine returns how funny would it be if elon musk was your dad i mean like it's how funny would it be for me or how funny would it be for my audience i think my audience would find it hilarious i think i would cause me a good deal of consternation my dad's getting torn up on social media every day i'd be like dad stop beefing with bernie sanders you can't win on social media dad dad stop tweeting bernie sanders that you're surprised he's still alive it's beneath you it's a really weird comment for like one of the world's wealthiest people to make just kind of mean-spirited quite frankly there you go dude how are we not getting xp from like thomas hayden church from spider-man 3 when we we melt these guys at least a pent come on okay better bird pog reference of course i know who thomas hayden church is you think i haven't seen wings you think i haven't seen uh sideways 20 times you think i haven't seen spider-man 3 once rainbow moneybag okay there's a rosary we gotta go get that rosary problem is people said it's bottom right but i've moved since then so now i'm confused you know what just pick some experience up the rest will take care of itself it's there on the right yeah yeah yeah i knew that here we go here we go i'm scanning i'm scanning the 100 000 different objects on the screen as we speak i see it i see it i see it hey wait wait it out wait it out why don't you come get a taste why don't you come get a taste believe it or no i i got too close to it that was still pretty good i'll take it copium he'll take a tract orb soon i'm not taking the attractor i'd rather take clover than a tractor base damage up by 10 we take those [Music] okay look i always love a magic wand improvement the damage is is pretty strong it's much like a knife it cuts like a knife and it feels so right brian adams oh my god oh my god [Music] hey nl i'm doing a crossword which uh which country does damascus reside in uh syria s-y-r-i-a five letters thank you you're welcome dude it would be sick of search engines just instead of using you know like an algorithm um and like you know crawlers and stuff like that these lines really do be crawling with calamari by the way google spiders you couldn't call them something else google scanners at least anyway i don't want new give me better effects they uh it would be sick if that we lived in a world where search engines actually just employed like one really smart person and then you just got to ask them a question like you could line up and then be like what's the biggest lake of the great lakes and they'd be like superior that would be sick man college humor already made this joke [ __ ] all right um it would be cool if subway started to sell an 18-inch sub how sick would that be um my frames uh excuse me waiter uh i believe i ordered some frames take base damage up by 10 please this is where you clear a path someone said there was an orb hey everyone chill out i got enough for everybody okay i'm just moving i'm just moving i see the turkey but we got to get an orb if there's an orb we must receive the orb i see a stopwatch at least oh baby it's something it's something okay reduce my weapon cooldowns where's my damn orb what this was flower section what the heck there's a lady in that thing in canada the subway sell a one-third of a meter long no they sell a foot long you got me there i don't think they're selling too many of them anymore say 20 it's 20 22 man subway doesn't sell anything everybody's going to jersey mike's i think the enemies all got trapped by the flowers dude come on [Music] new jersey represent i think elmo's from new jersey the way he says a plastic water bottle and a paper towel roll i got a lot of elmo bits so it's been spend a lot of time on sesame street lately tell elmo how zoe how bronco doesn't even have a mouth tell elmo how is he gonna eat the cookie how so good we we watched like the full episode of that like dude honestly whoever sesame street's got on their social media team they got their finger on the pulse because they uploaded like the full 10 minute um segment of rocco and zoe from the viral clip like yesterday on youtube it aired originally in 2004 they added it to the youtube channel in 2020. it's like they know they know dude if we just stand still even the thomas hayden churches can't get us i say 2020 i'm in 2021 okay we're free these flowers ever die be honest when you were in school and you had to write the date on your papers how long did it take you to adjust to the new year [Music] i upgraded magic wand it always took me like a month evolve magic wand fires with no delay he's popping [Music] upgraded book no that's just the normal book but okay well now we even we're ethering the flowers dude i love the way they just disappeared holy cow base damage up sure one i mean look things are getting a little hot i wouldn't dispute that but look at that we just cleared a path i think we're like we're getting pretty close to definitely winning although i will say we were like level 69 when we when we won our first run we're only level 35 i must be leaving way too much experience behind yes yes nice so true get faded kind of faded but i'm feeling all right think about making my move tonight we're saved it's a hard game to glance i don't know if you've noticed what the heck man there's too many flowers what do you think you're doing building a tower that's tumbling through your soul or something like that in holy places where rattle no one dares to go i forgot the lyrics come on i mean if we're talking neutral milk hotels in the aeroplane over the sea i'm a track six guy quite frankly okay she's just a lady don't be scared chad a little scared but let's just keep it moving concrete jungle where dreams are made of so true my favorite neutral milk hotel song empire state of mind there was a stopwatch back there there is where where i'm from there's only forward there is no back and then send it back i was all a ruse it was all a ruse to make him think [Music] then we got them all in one slot piercing knives are getting oh i don't want this garbage have no fear look at the melting no problem we're just moving man baby give me this xp i can feel like it's it's we got a current now it's like it's the the seas are getting choppy give me lower cooldowns even though i guess we have two very good weapons that don't have any cooldowns whatsoever i'd like this xp please thank you thank you but then as i get the xp i just generate more xp for myself give me better attack speed oh man i've just accepted like we're never gonna see daylight again we're always gonna be caught in the swarm and you know what that's okay that's what this game is all about you get a little supply of tryptophan now and then go ahead you think i'm scared of you ghosts track eight on in the aeroplane over the sea don't make me laugh do you think i'm scared of some ghosts what the heck do you see all these zombies better cooldowns please okay make a path make a path make a path make a path for me if you change your movement i'll be first in let's not not even any effort there's no effort at all minus two ghost is track nine son of a [ __ ] this this is where you got to trust your o-line man if you start to scramble you know that's where the secondary is going to know exactly what you're doing this is where you got to trust your left tackle that's why it's one of the most valued positions in in nfl football you know who had to trust their o-line thomas hayden church in sideways how was he supposed to act if sandra opera gets her lines it would make it a challenge that's for sure minus two come on sandra oh was thomas hayden church's temporary love interest in the film sideways and we were talking about sideways earlier it's an incredible callback red ruby are you seeing all these champions sorry i never saw it minus two oh i guess you having bad taste is uh my fault maybe i'll make a joke about um larry the cable guys uh national security get her done what's your favorite movie of all time let me guess train the busan second favorite movie of all time into the spider verse third favorite movie of all time probably something that the first movie that ever made you cry i'm gonna say across the universe starring evan rachel wood then i bet you just like ocean's eleven men in black they're all champions get me out of here man get me out of here help they're not dying red rubies why you got to do spider verse like that i'm not looking spider versus a good movie great soundtrack too i'm just saying you made me mad so it's time to make the maximum amount of people mad afterwards so i went for the sacred cow into the spider verse i'll do it again help me eight seconds man just breathe ah we did it let's go that's that's a win stage completed is a win i'm so happy i got rescued by dracula and he killed me okay wow our dps was so much lower than as uh than when we did the uh the library level dps45 oh because it got upgraded to become the thousand edge early like before the halfway point and then it became 800 okay that's a little that's a little better never buy the cross again that seems it seems understandable my fps was a lot higher you're not wrong hold on i want to buy the characters porta de rossi permanent plus 30 area weapon cooldown is reduced by 5 every 10 levels 7 500 to start with the duplicator man that's crazy i do it extra spinach come on heaven having an extra five i guess 10 per level up to a max of 25 that's something man okay slash marker vampire survivors
Channel: Northernlion
Views: 251,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qxrIc8Ooo6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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