I was RIGHT About Sarada's Susanno!

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so a couple of days ago I posted a video titled Itachi is teaching s or something like that I can't remember exactly what it was called and the general premise of the video was that in order for Sara to remain relevant in the post times skip period of Boro she was going to need some pretty major upgrades power-wise as we had already seen characters like Sasuke somebody with decades more experience than her an EMS and a six to Ron get absolutely Low diffed by high level Boro threats like Jin and especially ishiki and thus if SAR who doesn't have as much chakra isn't as fast isn't as strong isn't as experienced and has worse dojutsu than Sasuke as she's only a dual Ms wielder and really has no current route to ever be an EMS wielder or a renegon wielder would really stand no chance against any of the even semi highlevel threats that the boruto world is now currently facing and thus anybody who's classified as a Jan level threat or higher would be able to absolutely mop the floor with Sida and that's a problem as we learned in chapter 5 of two Vortex that Sasuke is training Boro Because he believes that one day Boro and Sida are going to have to battle against some massively big bad which sets up Sara is one of the most important characters in the entirety of The Boro Universe moving forward now as to what this big bat is going to be we just don't know that big bad could be hidari the Sasuke claw gme it could be amdo it could be code or it could be shibai or it could be kaaki there's really no way of knowing who this battle is going to be against however if Sasuke believes that boruto needs to be trained so that he can be involved in this fight that it's fair to assume that sarda should also be able to hang with a fully trained Boro but really no matter how you look at it the idea of Sara even getting to the level of current boruto seems impossible as current boruto is stronger than Naruto and Sasuke combined and thus even if Sara's emus abilities are insanely broken and are what we've theorized they're going to be Dar genjutsu similar to that of katsukame however instead of changing the person's mind at will it simply works by swaying that person to what whatever ideologies you stand by that is to say if SAR is to cast somebody Under the Skin Jutsu she's able to adapt them to her worldview and thus make them essentially an instant Ally and the abilities of her second Ms would be similar to that of a maasu however instead of firing black infinitely burning flames she fires golden Flames that heal and pacify the heart of whoever is burning in them that is to say that she's able to burn the hatred or illuminate the heart of whoever she engulfs in her Flames which would also be a good way to instantly pacify and make anybody an ally and while these Ms abilities would make Sida heavily relevant in chutin unfortunately with the way that Boro is heading that isn't nearly enough and thus when it really boils down to it we would have to look elsewhere to find Sida enough power to make her relevant in post times kipor and really the only other place that we could look that wouldn't involve a massive story change or massive change to Sara would be her Susana which she'll have as she is a dual Ms wielder and thus we hypothesized in that video that sarda would receive Itachi's spiritual weapons okay then next why are we talking about this again well because while the evidence I used to substantiate that point in that video is solid today even more solid evidence fell onto my lap undeniable Rock Solid evidence that Sida will at least have the yamir which also explains why she isn't affected by A's omnipotence finally we have what feels like to me a rock solid explanation as to why Sida is unaffected by the massive worldwide brainwashing well obviously there's been theories that Sara received hagoromo's chakra from her father Sasuke possibly because she's in love with boruto she isn't affected by the omnip potents but both of those theories were contingent on a lot of what ifs this is not and thus I genuinely believe we found the right answer but before we get to diving into that real answer guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you like the idea of me diving into the real answers of some of your favorite anime go ahead and follow my other channel the wee Commander once instead of talking about Naruto and boruto I talk all other anime and if you just like the idea of me talking about anime go ahead and follow my anime podcast who talkers Anonymous where me and Danny ma to break down everything happened in anime and manga this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts or if you just want to look like somebody who keeps up with all things anime and manga go ahead and me Ender into my merch store toos anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the greatest anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs known to man so sarda the pieces are starting to come together for us to figure out what her future looks like if the addition of a susano isn't enough to make her relevant in the Power Sphere of boruto then naturally her susano must get some kind of upgrade and really when it comes down to upgrading a susano the only upgrade that one can receive is spiritual weapons but unfortunately in order to make SAR a susano relevant we need to go beyond your standard Susana weapons it can't just be a bow an arrow it can't just be a katana it can't even just be two Katana and thus when it really comes down to it the only natural conclusion to glean here is that in order to make SAR Susana relevant she needs to get Itachi Spirit weapon also known as the yamir and the sword of totsuka now when I made the original video the evidence I used to prove this point was that Itachi and sarda are very similar characters and the manifestation of susano mems abilities and susano weapons are all based off who you are as a person and more specifically who you are as a person when you awaken your Ms and since sarda and Itachi are similar people who were in similar situations during The Awakening of their Ms it stands to reason that not only should their Ms abilities be similar but also their Sonos see both characters are split between two factions that they love that is to say that both Itachi and Sara are split between their love for Kona and their love for something or somebody else for Itachi it was the love of his clan the love of his friends and the love of his family and for Sara it's the love that she has her Boro and her father who's now considered a rogue Shinobi and both Sara and Itachi act as spies for one of these factions in order to protect the one person they love more than anything else and protection is going to be a pretty key talking point the duration of this video so keep that in your mind now the person that Itachi was obviously trying to protect is Sasuke and the person that SAR is trying to protect is Boro one could also argue that she's also trying to protect Sasuke and thus I figured that with her need for additional power and the likeness of her motivations to Itachi it seemed all but pretty obvious that she was going to get Itachi spiritual weapons but now even more evidence has fallen into my lap to prove this point which is not only proven my point but also elucidated the Mysteries surrounding why Sida is unaffected by omnipotent see one thing that didn't bring up in my original video is that it's very obvious to anybody with color seeeing eyes that sard's design is very much based off of Itachi's design as Sida in pre-time Skip and post-time Skip only wears two colors red and black and will the design choices with post times skip sarda make it entirely much more obvious that she is based off Itachi there's always been hints there but genuinely the most important thing to talk about here is her post time skip look Cesar's Post Time skip look has her wearing a black jacket with a red lining which is very clearly an homage to the akatski jacket which is a black likeus robe with a red lining but the likenesses go beyond just coloration because while one could argue that Sida wearing a black and red jacket could be an homage to Sasuke's time and heavy Sida also wears a black choker specifically a black choker with a silver ring now Sasuke never wore a necklace at all however Itachi always did and Itachi's necklace well not technically a joker was rather small and was a black string with three silver rings and while there's no real consensus on why Itachi wears his necklace in the first place it's fair to assume that sardus necklaces based off of his when you tie this into the fact that Boro Post Time skip returned to konoha with his grandfather's technique flying Thunder God people believe that a president is being said that this new generation in boruto is looking back through their past generations for a way to unlock a new level of power and th by boruto tapping into the juices of his grandfather he is setting a president for other characters in the story to do something similar to that that is to say that this new generation boruto is going to look through their past generations and try and find the most powerful techniques biologically available to them and th people have begin to hypothesize that as a foil to boruto learning flying Thunder God that it would make sense and would be rather cool to see sarida learn Itachi's Crow technique which when you consider how curious Sara is about Itachi and the fact that Sasuke said multiple times that he would tell Sara about Itachi though he never got around to telling her about Itachi means that there's a possibility that during the time skip Sara got fed up with it and just asked Sakura and while there's no way for us to really know as to whether or not Sakura knows enough about Itachi to tell her the things that she needs to know about Itachi Saker at the very least would know that he used crows he was a good guy and that he killed his entire clan in order to save Sasuke Sasuke may not be a great husband but Sakura should know at least that much thus it's possibility that during the time skip that sard became heavily familiar with Itachi and thus decided to look back in time like she's done prior in order to try and find power now that Sasuke was absent and thus lines of power would begin to be drawn between Sara and Itachi and thus both boruto and Saro would be using the techniques of their slain relatives to protect the things that those relatives cared more about than anything else konoha and technically Naruto and Sasuke which would be a fantastic narrative Circle but I didn't bring you here today to talk about color schemes and possible history lessons that happened during the time skip no the true piece of evidence that's fallen into my lap fell into my lap this morning while I was checking my email because this morning I got an email that said have you seen the yam mirror it's basically just sarda's Ms design now I'd like to make this clear that I've technically never seen the Imperial regalia of Japan well that's not 100% true de have Googled the Imperial Regal of Japan on Google Images and I've seen images of them however I simply believe that the images that I saw of the magatama the yamir and the blade of kusanagi were artist renderings and therefore not accurate depictions of what the Imperial regali of Japan looked like because so far as I knew nobody outside of the priests that keep the Imperial regalia and the emperor know what those things look like and why did I think that well because the Imperial gal of Japan are purposely shrouded in mystery let's do a quick history lesson here to help you understand where this misconception of mine came from Imperial regalia of Japan were said to be brought down to Earth from heaven by a legendary figure known as ningi no Mikoto now ningi no Mikoto is the ancestor of the Japanese Imperial and the son of the sun goddess amatarasu and ningi no Makoto would go on to have children on Earth as they were sent down to earth the pacifi Japan and his children would go on to have more children one of which would end up being the first emperor of Japan Emperor jimu who ascended to the throne of emperor in Japan in 660 BC and while there is technically no physical evidence that Emperor jimu ever existed some of the earliest history books in Japanese history like Nihon Shoki detailed that Emperor jimu was the first emperor of Japan Jaan and considering the fact that Nihon Shoki was written in 700 it's about as good a piece of evidence as we're going to get but I guess unfortunately for Japan and the rest of the world really physical evidence tracking of History didn't start until nion Shoki at least so far as we know and thus things that we can verify happened in Japan don't really start until about 700 a so there's about 1300 years between Emperor jimu and the writing of neon because official records of Japanese history really start around 700 AD so this is when we get the first real official records of the Imperial regalia being passed to ascending Emperors because that's how the three Imperial regalia of Japan work every single time a new emperor ascends the key Priests of the central Shrine and whatever Kingdom they're currently ruling over will present the three Imperial regalia of Japan to the new ascending Emperor thus the only time that the three Imperial regalia are ever in the same place is when a new emperor is ascending yes that's right usually the three Imperial regalia of Japan aren't in the same place in fact every single one of the items goes to a different key Shrine around Japan until a new emperor ascends and we technically don't know where they go see because while this isn't confirmed it's believed that the sword is located at atsuta Shrine in ngoya the jewel is located at the three Palace sanctuaries in Koko which is also known as the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and the mirror is located in the EA Grand Shrine in the M prefecture but like I said we don't know this for sure because it's not like any the Imperial regalia are put on display in any of these shrines it's just believed that these are the shrines where they stay and when the Imperial regalia are presented to the emperor they're done so in sealed wooden boxes as to not allow the public who are watching the ceremony to see the Imperial regalia see because Japan doesn't want anybody seeing or analyzing these three treasured items as they believe that once they're analyzed they'll be Dem mythicized that is to say that the mythology of these being passed down through heaven to all of the Emperors who are descendant line of the literal god of the sun would lose a little bit of its magic if everyone was like oh a sword that tie that into the fact that technically the blade of kusagi that's pass to Emperors nowadays is not the original at least we think it's not the original they'll never say that because in the year 1185 the at the time six-year-old emperor of Japan an toku sunk on a ship that had two of the three Imperial regalia on it and two of those Imperial regalia were a the sword of kusagi and B the jewel the magatama now the sword of kusagi as a sword sunk to the bottom of the the ocean but the jewel the magatama was actually in a wooden box and that wooden box floated so it was able to be retrieved and thus because technically one of the three items is no longer the original and because they don't want the items to be demythologized I hate that word you'll have to excuse me for the fact that when I look up images of the three Imperial Gile of Japan I just go oh those are artist renderings or maybe the closest approximation of what they'll look like because Japan has dedicated so much Manpower time and effort to making sure that nobody knows what they look like that it's safe to assume that we would actually have no idea what they look like and while we technically don't know what they look like as even the Emperor who receives the gifts isn't allowed to open the boxes to look at the Imperial regalia as it stated one Emperor a thousand or so years ago tried to open one of the boxes and when they opened it white smoke raised out of it and one of his AIDS had to run by his side and quickly close the box there is apparently widely accepted renderings of what these three items would look like based off what a mirror a sword and a jewel bracelet would look like from the time period when these items would have been created and therefore when you look up the Imperial regalia of Japan what you're finding are renderings not photos and because of that I never really took what I was seeing all that seriously however when you consider the fact that there is one rendering of all three of the items which is widely accepted to be what the items look like and that we have the same access to the internet that Kishimoto has it would make sense to assume that when we think of what the yamir the sort of kusagi or the magatama look like we have the same idea as Kishimoto because even though he's an incredibly important man in Japan he super hasn't seen the Imperial regalia of Japan and really that's all that matters at least so far as it pertains to this video that when it comes down to what Kishimoto thinks the yamir looks like it's the same as you and me and it's a Google search away and when you Google search the yamir or the imperior gy of Japan the yamir has a rather interesting design and a design that'll seem eerily familiar to a lot of you do to say at the center of the yamir there is an eight-pointed Sun looking symbol with a black pupil like Circle in the center so you know exactly sarda's Ms design Cody this is the part where you do a side by side if you're not already currently doing a side by side however of just the sheer happen stance of the fact that sarda's Ms design is literally ripped from the yamir isn't enough to prove to you that Saro will one day inherit the yamir maybe this will help nudge you along see I've always thought it weird that Kishimoto specified that the yamir was able to reflect all physical and spiritual attacks since we technically never saw Itachi use the yamir to reflect anything even close to that of a spiritual attack and while we don't really see Itachi use the yamir a whole lot of times period anytime that Itachi does use the yamir it's to reflect physical attacks and that kind of made sense because of the way that the yamir was described to work so the yamir was described to work by being able to match the elemental release of whatever nutu was fired at it so let's say you fire a great Fireball technique at Itachi and he uses the yamir to reflect it the yam miror would match the Flame release of that great Fireball technique and reflect it and since the yamir worked by matching the elemental release of the Ninjutsu fired at it I kind of scratched my head at the concept of how it would work at reflecting a spiritual attack would it simply match the spiritual Elemental release being launched at it and reflect it or does it just simply make Itachi or any wielder of the yamir immune to spiritual attacks I don't really know and we never had a circumstance in which to see how it would work so we can't really know for sure but as I really got into thinking about how Sara could possibly inherit the yamir I started to come to the conclusion that what if the real reason that the yamir was listed to be able to reflect spiritual attacks wasn't for Itachi what if the real reason that the yamir was said to be able to reflect spiritual attacks was for a future inheritor and that future inheritor was Sara I mean cuz think about it within the confines of Naruto or Nar chutin there's no reason for us to say that the adamir is able to reflect spiritual attacks now mind you my definition of spiritual attacks would be genjutsu and I think the only person dumb enough to try and use genjutsu on Itachi was kurai and thus Itachi having a shield that makes him immune to genjutsu doesn't really feel like something he needs but it is something that Sara would need see because while genjutsu was incredibly common while HEI was alive spiritual attacks in an overarching sense are now much more common in boruto than they were in either Naruto or shapin as the world is now being plagued by things like Ada's omnipotence or the claw Grimes bites or Karma markings all things that could be gleaned as spiritual attacks I mean a Karma marking has the ability to completely erase your entire spirit and override it with the DNA and personality of an utki ad was able to launch an attack on the entire world that changed who they thought was kowaki and who they thought was borto and the claw crimes Modified by code now have the ability to not only bite you and turn you into a tree but also to download your personality abilities and chakra and upload it into a Divine tree version of you that wants to kill the person you love most and all three of these things could very easily be classified as spiritual attacks and thus the real reason that Sara is immune to a omnipotence is because she's the inheritor of the yamir and if you think about it timeline wise sarda a woke her Ms almost simultaneously to the omnipotent striking the entire world and well yes obviously omnipotence did happen first in sardo was not immediately affected by it it's a possibility that she was always going to be the inheritor of the ameir and therefore she was always at least slightly immune to spiritual attacks there's also the fact that omnip potence doesn't change your mind immediately as those affected by by omnipotents have been seen questioning why their memories were scrambled in the early days of being affected by it saw this both from Sasuke and Shikamaru and and while sarda was decidedly less affected than Sasuke and Shikamaru it could have been because she was on the precipice of unlocking her Ms and therefore the real way that Saro remains relevant in Boro is the fact by simply activating her Ms she becomes immune to spiritual attacks as by simply activating her Ms she now has two of the symbol of the yir shining brightly in her eyes see because when sarda unlocked her Ms we made a couple of logical connections to other things that have happened throughout Naruto and things that we knew when sarda unlocked her Ms the Sun the first connection that we made was a symbol shown to us in the last where two factions of toner's Clan on the moon were split between a sun faction and a moon faction and this sun and moon faction looked like sarda's Ms and AD senrigan and th we came to the Natural conclusion that the Awakening of sarda MS is supposed to paint her as the natural enemy and foil to Ada th we believe that Sida would be the key to destroying omnipotence and on top of that we believed on a much shallower level since Sida is the representation of the end of the cycle of hatred that her Ms is having the symbol of the sun is supposed to represent the fact that she is going to be a massive Illuminating Force for the world a force that could possibly burn away hatred or Shine the Light Of Truth on the real reality of the world and how it was altered and now the connection has been made between sard's MS and the yamir that all but just confirms the previous suspicions that we have as s's immunity to Aus omnipotence comes from her connection to the yamir and its ability to negate spiritual attacks and thus this is actually why sarda is painted as the foil to adaah and why the moon and the sun clans were battling against each other in the last as sarda through the power of the yamir may find a way to spread her immunity to others which could possibly begin to explain why suay is also un affected by A's omnipotence and could also begin to explain why Sara was able to break Sasuke out of the omnipotence so easily but we can't say that for sure but what we can say at least relatively for sure is that sarda will at least have the yamir and if she's going to have the yamir she's probably going to have the sort of totsuka as well and while Sara doesn't have an EMS and therefore huano will never have legs or Wings since she's not racked by a chakra disease she'll be able to maintain one of the most powerful susanos on Earth longer than her uncle ever could which may not make her the most powerful person in the universe but it will make her a formidable Foe and thus the real truth behind sar's Ms design is not only that she will be the Illuminator of the darkness of the world but also she'll be The Reincarnation of Itachi and that's good enough for me but what do you guys think do you believe that the connection between sarda's Ms and the yamor is circumstantial or coincidental tell me in the comments below and why go are down there please for me like the video subscribe to the page hit that noty Bell simply there's no way she doesn't get the out of here right like I know I'm obviously doing myself congratulatory laps a little early but like this one's set in stone [Music] right
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 238,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: fifWIIoMR8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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