You Know Nothing About Danzo Shimura

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there are a few people in television history who are as widely maligned as the person we're going to be talking about today there's a level of hate so deep for this man who was incredibly evil that almost seems universal but because of that he also happens to be one of my favorite characters in naruto that's right ladies and gentlemen today we are talking about donzo shimura also known as the shinobi of darkness before we get to talking about arguably the most evil man in anime history guys for me please like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell also guys quick heads up i don't know if you've noticed yet but my page now has a join button which means that you guys can become members of the web alliance here on youtube why would you do that well one you get access to great emotes and it supports me but two i'm gonna be trying to post two to three extra videos a month for member only access these videos will be anything from vlogs of me and my girlfriend going to hawaii or story times or let's play series so if you guys are interested in more enzy hammer 23 content go ahead and click that join button but since we're talking about members guys i want to take an opportunity to shout out to jonine who have already joined up that would be mr bomber holmes bentonal andre harvard olsen odegaard might have said that wrong nelpham king unbound arrow dalius malcor thoracis rex luis sanchez jackson virgo raymond warzell tmt butt raccoons love that idea and julius murano so let's start this video off in the way that we tend to start these videos and answer the easy question who is donzo shimura danza shimura is a leaf shinobi a village elder of konoha and the leader of the root he is known as the shinobi of darkness because he personifies all the dirty and awful things a shinobi has to do to complete their job not to mention his constant unsanctioned actions which often undercut his own konoha allies but as a man who is called the darkness of shinobi or the shinobi of darkness was he evil to some people they would say yes into others no gonzo exemplifies a saying the ends justify the means whether or not you believe in that saying that's exactly who he is donzo is a man who will stop at no amount of bloodshed in order to help konoha at least what he thinks will help konoha but because of the steadfast commitment to his cause he actually at some point in his life becomes a candidate to be the sixth hokage that is until he's murdered by sasuke that's still a long way away let's get into danto's backstory gonzo was born in konoha into the shimura clan and if the uchiha and the senju are yin and yang of each other so are the saratobi in the shimura not because they were warring they never were because both the saratobi and the shimura were one of the first clans to join the newly formed konoha and both clans were incredibly well known the shimara clan actually had so much notoriety during the warring states period that matara was surprised when they joined up with konoha he figured a clan with such great renown wouldn't need to join a shinobi village but he was excited because they represented additional strength for konoha adanzo is old as old as heroes which means he wasn't there during the founding of the village but he was there during the building of the village in fact danzo was one of the first students to graduate from the ninja academy that toby rama built donzo more or less represented the first generation of shinobi to be born into konohawa and right alongside him through his school days and into his ganning days was harrison and this wouldn't be naruto if they weren't rivals in everything they did they were both talented and came from clans of renown in the founding of konoha and while donzo and hirozin were friends danzo had a thirst for power that hirozin wasn't fully aware of and this started when he saw hashirama in battle essentially by accident donzo saw hashirama in battle and he saw him use his wooden ninjutsu release this opened donzo's eyes to what massive power was just because danzo had seen power didn't mean he had obtained it donzo was a participant in the first great ninja war in fact he was on toby rama's escort team which was kind of stacked like toborama had his team which was him hirozin and the two village elders you know hamora and kohiro who we're going to cover at one point but on top of that he had kagami uchiha who was shizui's grandfather who was said to have better abilities than shishwii danzo and terefo akamichi which kinda goes to show how terrifying kinkaku and ginkaku were because when this team got surrounded by the kinkaku squad from the hidden cloud they said we're gonna have to sacrifice somebody so the rest of the team can get away i i just i have trouble believing that because with that team you could have overthrown a nation but they started looking for volunteers and donzo always wanting to be a hero tried to find courage in his heart to say he was going to be the volunteer before he could say anything not that he was going to he's kind of a heron stepped up and offered himself gonzo was mad at himself that he was in his rival was able to muscle the courage when he wasn't but at the same time he was relieved because if donzo is one thing it's persistent about staying alive but here's the thing toby ramo wasn't asking to see who was actually gonna be the volunteer toby rama was asking to see who he would appoint to be the next hokage that being said if kagamiyu jihad stepped up i doubt he would have disagreed but regardless toby rama then volunteers himself as the decoy and says here is in you will be my replacement as hokage the team then manages to escape at the cost of toby rama's life but believe it or not gonzo not happy about this because now his rival has beaten him to the thing he wanted more than anything to be hokage so at that very moment danto begins planning on how he will eventually take that title from here's it however him and hirozin agreed that because of donzo's intelligence that he would be perfect to take over the clandestine operations of konoha so that's exactly what they did however donzo didn't just manage the ombud no he made a subsidiary group of the ombu called the root see this is a common misconception that danzo created both the ombu and the root or that the ombu and the root were the same thing they're not the ombu works largely in protecting the hokage they do obviously do clandestine missions as well but the majority of these at least during the lifetime of donzo fell to the root see the root was donzo's hand-picked team donzo identified people with abilities he liked and he thought would be good for either assassination or reconnaissance and recruited them to the root these people usually came in the form of the uchihas or the abarames because of how their abilities lined up for assassination or reconnaissance and this is what donzo did for a long time he increased the power of the route and thus increased his own power and for years i mean like many years he carried out the jobs too dirty to apply regular shinobi to overthrowing other governments assassinating political enemies these kinds of things even assassinating people from the leaf but donzo's true peace day resistance didn't really begin until the third shinobi world war gonzo reached out to hanzo the salamander who we've covered in a long you know nothing video right here and told him that he would send forces to help him deal with the akatsuki if hanzo after the akatsuki were defeated would send forces to help him take control of the hokage ship only problem is nagato killed all of the shinobis that donzo and hanzo sent but what's crazy is that donzo didn't just make this deal gonzo would never make something as two-sided as i send you troops you send me troops because that would imply that him in hanzo were on equal ground no instead the only reason that hanzo actually was fighting the akatsuki was donzo gonzo identified that the akatsuki were most likely going to be a problem for konoha somewhere down the line donzo didn't like the alternative things they were doing in order to create peace he also identified that the optical powers of nagato would probably be a problem for the village so danzo identified the closest standing army to the akatsuki that was hanzo's army so donzo presented to hanzo a group of ame shinobi who had been murdered by the akatsuki these weren't ame shinobi they were root members who had been killed while dressed as hidden stone shinobi this is a galaxy level planned by dondo so let me break it down simply hidden stone in kona hal were about to sign a peace contract but donzo wanted konoha to have a better negotiating point so while they were signing this contract or at least about to get to it donzo had root members dressed as hidden stone shinobi attack the peace treaty this makes the hidden stone look pretty bad at least that was the plan but the shinobi were killed by nagato so donzo did the thing that donzo does and he stripped the shinobi down put them in ameware and then showed them to hanzo and artificially made the first shot of a war a war that would eliminate the two people donzo was aiming at the head of the akatsuki and yahiko in the head of the hidden reign in hanzo but before that war even started once the root in the hidden reign decided to become allies gonzo reached out to the akotsky not as himself no he used his fake mustache of a name kanzo and this kanzo came up to yahiko konan and nagato and said that it was time that they in hanzo made peace contracts and that hanzo had sent him to tell them that of course this was a ruse a ruse where root shinobi hanzo and danzo would take konan hostage and then force yahiko and nagato to fight to death well actually technically nagato is just supposed to stab yahiko however yahiko stabbed himself effectively killing himself and nagato freaked out and murdered everybody who wasn't donzo or hanzo he would murder hanzo later two birds one stone that's the danzo way baby and after that it was all buckets for donzo after effectively dismantling the akatsuki and the hidden rain villages donzo began to work with the rochimaru roach maro who at this point was still a hidden leaf joni he was doing human experimentation and donzo knew about that but he didn't tell here's it so to this point that donzo and rochimaru go to the konoha orphanage and not to throw rocks at orphans like you think they would they were there to strong arm a former ombu member who had left the ombu to run the orphanage this person was no no they essentially threaten her into invading the hidden stone to identify what they're up to because remember the third great shinobi world war had just ended and the main two forces in that battle were the hidden stone in the hidden leaf ludanzo wasn't gonna just let them do whatever they want while he's strong-arming nono he realizes he's being spied on and by who kabuto so donzo does one of the most danso things you'll ever see and just decides to recruit the boy because he's good at spying so both nono and kabuto go to the hidden stone where they act as spice but eventually danzo does what donzo does and realizes that these people probably know too much so he brainwashes nono into murdering kaputo and then in herself you know and when he sends orochimaru to see whether or not there are any survivors in this brainwashing orochimaru finds kabuto now roche maru is a part of the route about as part of the rude as anybody could be but instead of killing kabuto like he was supposed to according to donzo's orders he actually took kabuto under his wing without telling danto and thus began a long line of rebellions from orochimaru but that didn't mean that herochimaru and danto would stop working together they very much continued to work together in fact at some point after kabuto gets brought into the mix orochimaru replaced donzo's arm with the arm of shinochiha chiha who was born with a unique ability to have any type of foreign material that be somebody else's skin eyes anything grafted onto them and have it accept a hundred percent why did donzo need this arm well because he wanted the thing that everybody else in the show wants hashirama sells and if yamato's trials will teach you anything it's that hashirama cells do not bind with anyone but if you have shinuchiha's skin they do so danzo now having the accept all arm bound hashirama's cells to this arm and therefore got access to his chakra and while he's doing all this scheming the third great shinobi world war is coming to a close well at least tirison's trying to make it that way hirozin is trying to sign peace treaties with the other villages so they can stop murdering each other but donzo says well that's kind of disrespectful to all the people who've already been murdered because all in all the third great shinobi world war accomplished nothing ludonzo didn't want to stop until something was accomplished like they took over another village or something like that pearson wanted the war over and he decided that somebody had to burden the weight of that loss of all those lives so this is actually why heroes and stepped down as hokage he took the burden of all the lost lives onto himself and figured that would be good enough only problem that left the hokage ship open and you know who wanted to get their foot in that door gonzo donzo didn't want to get his own foot in that door he was too old and too good at clandestine operations gonzo had a champion and that champion was orochimaru danzo got on a soap box for a road shimaru and said he was the only true choice to be the fourth hokage he was a war hero of the second great shinobi world war very active in the third as well he had even been trained by heroes and while this was once something that heroes in very much wanted to see arochimaru as hokage hirozin was the person who spoke out against it hirozen said that rochamaro's grown power hungry and shows signs of sinister intent which for the first time in heroes and awful life was actually correct so minotau was unanimously decided to beat the fourth hokage because he had a run on site order in the third grade shinobi world war the only person who didn't vote for minato was you guessed it donzo who believed that hirozin's soft-hearted ideology of guiding konahan into an era of peace would actually destroy konoha having effectively lost his plea to make a road tomorrow and therefore kind of himself hokage he kind of retreated into himself for a little bit that was until he got another moment to shine donzo when he wasn't actively trying to cause conflicts in other countries was an elder for konahan and therefore all important decisions were run past him so when naruto was bored and karama started rampaging across konoha it was actually donzo who insisted that the uchihas not be sent to help donzo feared that somebody like mataruchiha would be able to take over kerama's will and use them to attack konoha and if we're being entirely fair he had good president to think this because maduro jihad not 50 years earlier had used karama in a battle against hashirama so it was donzo who convinced hirozin to have the uchihas watch the citizens and stay away from the ninetails a decision that would later cause the uchiha massacre because that decision cemented to fugaku uchiha the leader of the uchihas that the village did not trust them but not trusting them wasn't enough in fact donzo is one of the elders who believed that the uchihas were behind ninetales attack in the first place so it was donzo who cleared the check that sent the uchihas to the outskirts of the village not heroes but speaking of heroes in he now had to re-step into his role as hokage because manito had died sealing the nine tails once again danzo not happy but danzo decided to vent his anger in a way that truly only donzo can by recruiting children to the root during karama's siege of konoha both minotau and kushina die obviously but here's the thing kakashi wanted to be in the fight he wanted to be fighting against krama he wanted to be helping his sensei and his wife but all children and genning were forced to stay away from karama something that kakashi resented very much because he believes he could have saved manito's life so danzo identifying that this child now has angst and anger towards the village he said that it was hirozin who decided that the children shouldn't be able to fight karama and that he was staunchly opposed to it effectively taking kakashi's side to this point the danzu decides to recruit kakashi to the root to which an emotional kakashi agrees this wasn't just any old assignment to the root no hanzo wanted kakashi to spy on hirozin a decision that donzo would later regret because after he puts kakashi on spy detail he realizes that hirozin's overly passive nature is enough and he's like i'm gonna kill him so danzo sends several spies to assassinate heroes the problem is kakashi is tapped into all of this and he warns heroes in of these assassination attempts so heroes and lives but surely now donzo is screwed right he just got caught trying to assassinate the hokage but hirozin kind of lives up to his name and forgives donzo as long as he promises to protect the leaf until the day he dies it's at this point that donzo does the natural human thing to somebody who just spared your life and says that nice streak you got will get you killed one day just say thank you and move on and to a small degree he kind of did to this point that he met with a roach maro and told him that they shouldn't meet anymore otherwise heberson will get suspicious so rochamar slaps from shah and gone in the shin shiha arm and they agree not to see each other anymore it's very emotional you hate to see lovers break up and honestly that was probably for the best because a couple months later hirozin stumbles upon orochimaru's lap and just like he did with don zou he lets hirochimaru go so orochimaru leaves konawa but donzo knows where he's going he knows that hirochimaru is gonna go to the hideout that they both share with the iburi clan people who can turn themselves into smoke and then got blown away by a strong wind to this point that he sends his star child from the root to inform the buried clan that herochimaru is on his way kinaway aka yamato but he's not actually sending yamato to keep an eye on the bury clan no he's sending yamato to capture orochimaru because just like how danzo identified that nono and kabuto now knew too much to be away from the village and should be eradicated donzo figured so should herochimaru but surprise surprise the 14 year old yamato can't capture the fully grown legendary sani ironically though yamato is now the person who watches over herochimaru in boruto it was like kind of a callback it's cool but since you're talking about yamato this next chapter of donzo's life is sponsored by him three years after he wrote shimaru has left the village donzo was afraid that the shaarangani slapped into his face is gonna go blind because he keeps using it that's koto matsukame we know he used it on mifume we don't know if he used it before that though i mean based off this one statement we can probably assume he's used it a lot i mean he's used koto matsukame so many times he's afraid the eye will go blind and he's in the right to have this fear because unlike obito who had hashirama's cells on his face to heal all the damage he did to his ms through overuse gonzo's hashirama cells were only on his arm so while it did imbue him with a lot of chakra and maybe a small boost to his healing factor it wasn't going to stop him from going blind in a sharing so he reached out to yamato to steal kakashi's eye for him because kakashi was an orphan with a very majestic eye who didn't belong to the strongest clan in the village that would wipe him out if he tried to take one of their eyes nakashi was the perfect target but yamato decided to not steal kakashi's eye and in fact returned back to dawn so and was like i didn't want to do it yamato essentially says that he doesn't think they should be attacking their own allies to which donzo replies the only allies of the root are members of the root it's at this point that he uses a sharingan to paralyze yamato and has two people come and activate his curse cursil that rochimaru put on however kakashi breaks in to save yamato's life and as him kikashi begin to retreat donzo and a couple of root members kind of get their cornered intense yamato was technically still under the tutelage of danzo and that kakashi had trespassed in rude territory ganzo had the right to kill them and as he's about to do so hirozin kicks in the door and says that he's the one who sent kakashi ganzo pleaded with heroes in and said please the village needs his wood release so here is sin promised to keep yamato around as a shinobi but a shinobi that would no longer be under danza ironically though kakashi stayed in the ombu and even though yamato was released from the route he still had his cursillo meaning danzo still pretty much had control over him smash cuts are three years after this konoha and the land of woods are coming to a potential peace treaty and as a sign of respect to each other they're supposed to give each other scrolls i don't i don't know apparently that's how you show peace donzo is like the land of woods is going to betray us so he sends a team of ombu to follow the team that's going to show peace to the land of wood but needs a small team of ombu and he actually calls up kakashi time heals all wounds buddy remember what i tried to steal your eye yeah let's not worry about that can you do a job for me oh by the way your new partner is going to be somebody i just recommended into the ombu it's itachi and boom donzo gets kakashi and hitachi to meet which brings us to our next segment of donzo's life sponsored by itachi no man has lived more vicariously through talented children than donzo wait no michael jackson's father two years after the land of woods mission donzo gets the note that essentially the uchiha are prepping for a coup at this point the donzo realizes he's got the perfect little idea take advantage of hitachi's pacifist streak and use him to gather information on new chihas to funnel back to konawa's leadership and on top of hitachi he also had shishwai who actually went to danzo and in his unwavering loyalty to konoha stated that he wanted to use koto matsukame on his clan leader fugaku in order to stop the coup i'm just realizing that obviously danzo wasn't using koto yet he didn't have the eyeball he was just using a regular sharingan to use genjutsu and things like that and that's why he was afraid of the overuse so we're right he did only use koto on mifume i'm human too gonzo has a streak of not trusting what uchihas say the same way he didn't trust what the uchiha said when they said they weren't the ones controlling the nine tails the same way he didn't trust fugaku when he said he wanted to help the village from the nine tails sudanzo said you want something done right you do it yourself because he figured that shizui was gonna use koto matsukame on fugaku like he said but he was going to manipulate fugaku into something more sinister or just different so instead of taking that chance he called shiswi to his i guess shady alley one night to talk about the plan it's at this point that he used his favorite member of the root yoji aburame to paralyze and poison shishway and while shishwe stood there paralyzed and poisoned gonzo plucked out his right eye but the shock of this snapped his way out of the paralysis and he ran to go meet hitachi to this point that he has hitachi kill him and then cast him over the waterfall so itachi can awaken his monkey kyo sharingan so no shin is not shish we no shiswi is not in the credits to borotosis we is dead he was poisoned and then stabbed and then fell down a waterfall we never saw his death you can figure it out however after all of this happened hirozin still wanted to end the coup diplomatically and danzo heard about that so danto went around hirosen went to hitachi said isn't going to be able to end this diplomatically and i know you love our village so here's a deal for you if you kill every single member of the uchihas i'll let your brother be but if you don't do this they'll all die including your brother so you know then natasha got stabbing and after itachi murdered his entire clan to save his little brother what did donzo do well he said that he taught you did it of his own free will that he had grown hate in his heart for his and treacherous clan and had stolen the power of shizui's eyes and everyone bought it except for hiroson hirozin was disgusted with what donzo had done and finally stripped him of all of his power he removed him from the council and ordered the route to be disbanded and at this point that hitachi's clone dressed as a member from the root approached donzo and said if you ever lay a hand on sasuke i will leak everything i know about this village and believe it or not donzo never laid a hand on sasuke that's called fear baby so what's dawn's gonna do now that the roots disbanded well it's not he kept it running secretly but that's not even the end of the terrible things that donzo has done forget for a second that i haven't even mentioned that donzo was the person who leaked the information that naruto's the jin cherokee for the nine tails so that all of konoha would have a central point to rally their hate around and therefore come together sacrificial baby but there's also the fact that the fourth rye kage theorized that konoha crush was caused by danzo you know when orochimaru and the sand village 3 pull up and destroy konoha yeah the fourth raikage theorized that this was a plan that donzo had with the ikotsky in order to depose of the fourth kaze kage in hiroset who for two two birds one stone you're seeing the thread here but whether or not that was donzo's plan after seeing heroes in use the reberdezio which i just explained in full detail in this video right here donzo decided he never wanted to be put in that situation ever so he found his next groomed favorite psy and taught him very powerful fool in jutsu foo and jutsu was sealing techniques cause danzo never wanted to have to give his own life in order to stop somebody therefore he needed somebody near him to seal potentially stronger targets and then that's it that's the end of the donzo lineage psych so now hirozin's dead now there's an opening at the hokage spot but orochimar is not going to get the spot because well he just killed hears it so in comes tsunade because drya said no for the third time yeah that's right draya was asked to be hokage three separate times said no every time if he had survived the pain fight he probably would have been asked a fourth time and tsunade is tukage for a little while until the pain assault happens and she's trying to heal the whole village complete solar chakra goes into a coma well we can't have a hokage in a coma what if she never wakes up so let's get a new hokage guess who's still around and everybody who ever opposed him are all dead or in a coma gonzo so he gets to be a sixth hokage candidate and boy oh boy does he just get right to it first thing he does in his makeshift hokage's office is has a bunch of root members in there and says listen guys kabuto knows i have a connection with the rochimaru so i need you guys to find him before anko does because if that info gets out well then i'm i'm sure his not gonna be the sick hokage and he's like listen don't kill anko she has important files that will help me keep my eye in my arm in great condition and everybody who's not on killing kabuto duty keep an eye on naruto he's to not leave the village and he's like i'm out of here i got a five kage summit to go to so he takes foo into rooney his top new root members listen he's got a lot of favorite new root members more broken boys than a catholic church so there donzo is on his way to the land of iron when he's attacked by the prashana group now the prashana group are a group of shinobi from the land of woods who attacked the peace treaty that kakashi and hitachi were sent to protect unfortunately kakashi and tattoo were sent to protect that peace treaty so the progeny group was decimated now they were exacting their revenge and they were gonna get the hokage until danzo pulled up his bandage used a sharing gun to put all of them in genjutsu and then use vacuum seal palm to kill every single one of them and then eventually donzo makes it to the land of iron where him and the five kage sit down gonzo lays out the reality of the akatsuki to them the moderators in charge the akatsuki are trying to pull out the tail beasts from algen cherokee and that people can have complete mastery over their tail beast it's at this point that donzo does something that seals his fate forever gonzo uses koto matsukom on mifume mifune the leader of the land of iron the leader of the samurai see mifune in this meeting was the neutral party and therefore an impartial vote rodonzo knew that if he could sway him using koto that would make everybody else rally in that direction so using koto matsukame dondo has mufune say that as the neutral party i believe we should create an allied shinobi forces and because danzo has the only jin cherokee left he should be in charge of it but al the assistant to the miso kage was there an ao unbenounced to danzo had a pyaku gun so ao uses the biakagon to see if mufune is under ganjutsu and lo and behold his shocker network is all wiggity-waggity to this point that ao demands donzo reveal his right eye and ao reveals to the other kage that mifune is under a genjutsu so powerful he doesn't even know he's under it but before they can do anything about that white zetsu crashes the party and sasuke begins his tirade looking to murder donso who he knows is responsible for what hitachi did sasuke then goes on to get his ass kicked by every single one of the five kage and getting saved by either white zetsu or obito every single time and donzo uses this as an opportunity to slip out until sasuke catches up with him on samurai bridge or donzo reveals sasuke that he has 10 sharing gone in his right arm and because he has both asherah's chakra in hashirama's cell and interest chakra in the shahrangan he's able to activate each of these eyes for izanagi for one minute each longer than your average uchiha member could and if you want to know what izunagi is i covered it in depth right about here but essentially danzo is able to rewrite reality and stop his death for 10 minutes straight and he presses sasuke into a corner that is until sasuke is able to bite kareen for the 400th time and how does he repay her while he stabs her but in doing so he also stabs donzo and his donzo tries to run away one armed as his hashiran micelle arm has rejected him sasuke and obito close in on it to that point that he self-detonates himself in order to try and kill moderate in honor of hirozin in honor of everybody at konawa but he fails much like he had done his whole life because here's the thing donzo is meant to personify a lesson sometimes even if it looks like you're doing the right thing you're not donzo was successful but he was a massive failure gonzo wanted hanzo and yahiko dead and he made it so but in doing so he derailed what was a relatively peaceful movement in the ikotsky and destroyed what could have been a potential partnership between hanzo and the akatsuki two groups that were desperate for peace donzo stopped the coup but he also murdered every uchiha member gonzo unified konoha but he made them hate a baby donzo recreated wood release with orochimaru to protect konoha but it killed hundreds of kids he stands as the personification that not all success is a moral victory he shows us that the ends don't matter if the means make you a monster and that destruction is sometimes better than success built on the destruction of others because in the end he died alone afraid and a failure that's why i love him because there was no redemption arc for danzo they didn't try to justify him as a character he stood for what he stood for and being steadfast in a belief though it being a wrong one is respectable at the very least so he will forever stay my favorite villain in naruto but take the lesson of danzo with you doesn't matter how noble you think your goal is everybody else on earth has a goal and if your goal stops others from getting theirs then it may not be worth achieving and that's it that's all we got on donzo i hope you guys have loved this little tidbit of information about the most villainous character in naruto history and if you have please guys for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noti bell donzo wasn't right in his ideology neither was hiroshima find the middle ground forgiveness is not always the answer neither is violence [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 678,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto, weeb, weeb alliance, nchammer23, boruto, anime, danzo, sasuke, uchiha, itachi, the root, konoha, anbu black ops, anbu, shisui, sharingan, hashirama, tobirama, hiruzen, hidden rain, akatsuki, hanzo
Id: 5Ya9uKAmyWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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