All of Phoebe Buffay's boyfriends, Friends

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huh thank you oh and I have something for you it's yeah it's my little black book it's got the numbers of all the guys I've dated give me the book Pablo Diaz Brady Smith guy in Van uh my first love what is the red X next to Bob greenmore's name mean dead [Music] oh yes they are there's nothing to tell it's just some guy I work with come on you're going out with the guy there's got to be something wrong with him so does he have a hump a hump and a hairpiece wait does he eat chalk her to go through what I went through with Carl um okay everybody relax this is not even a date uh somebody's at the door on the ceiling that's our unbelievably loud upstairs neighbor he took up the carpets and now you can hear everything but why don't you go up there and ask him to just like step lightly please I have like five times but the guy is so Charming that I go up there to yell and then I end up apologizing to him oh that is sound all right be my guest oh my God is that Phoebe I guess they're back from their date ah [Music] music very nice [Music] oh [Music] my God number 30. let's go back to 29. not uh not to my recollection all right Danny arshak ninth grade oh come on Rachel you know the bottle was totally pointing at me only because you took up half the circle listen to YouTube it's so sad looks like I'm gonna be going to the goddess meetings alone well not when they find out you slept with Jason Hurley an hour after he broke up with Monica thank you gotta go with Scott last night oh um it was nice took him to a romantic restaurant ordered champagne nice the guy still won't put out huh nope still it's nothing you're watching a rabbi play electric guitar I can't find the remote oh thank you so Scott asked me to come over for lunch today and I did and and we did all right thieves way to go yay me so so how did it happen well I finally took your advice and asked him what was going on and what did he say he said that um he understands how sex can be like a very emotional thing for a woman and he was just afraid that I was going to get all you know like is he gonna call me the next day and you know where is this going and you know yeah so he said he wanted to hold off until he was prepared to be really serious so I said okay relax please you know I mean sex can be just about two people right there in the moment you know if he wants to see me again he can call and if not that's fine too so after a lot of talking [Applause] I convinced him let me get this strip he got you to beg to sleep with him he got you to say he never has to call you again and he got you thinking this is a great idea 28. have you ever allowed a lightning Bearer to take your wind I would have to say no and I would have to say do you not remember the puppet guy yeah you like totally let him wash his feet in the pool of your inner power puppet too we can do it tomorrow night you guys it's Valentine's Day it's perfect okay well what kind of ritual okay we can um we can burn the stuff they gave us or or We Can chant and dance around naked you know with sticks laughs burning's good Freddie's good okay so now we need um Sage branches and the sacramental wine all I had is is oregano and a Fresca um that's okay okay um yeah okay oh okay um okay Barry's letters Adam Ritter's boxer shorts and I have the receipt for my dinner with now you will not believe this but I was in the coffee room making copies and Ralph Lauren came in oh my god did you talk to him yeah a little he seems really nice good kisser what you kissed him totally Phoebe are you serious yeah I was just in there he came in he introduced himself and then next thing I know we're making out you know who's the Silver Fox that is your makeout buddy don't you recognize him oh wait ooh Phoebe I love you kiss me please that's not Ralph Lauren it sounds like him though what yeah no Ralph's house look anything like that guy young and he's got long hair and a beard and a hacky sack oh my God baby that's not Ralph Lauren that's getting the copy guy oh and I told my boss that someone made out with Ralph Lauren if she finds out that I lied to her she is gonna hate me even more Phoebe the coffee guy say that he's Ralph Lauren to get you to make out with him she's a very nice girl okay we had a good time but I just I don't see it going anywhere but you always say that yeah maybe if you gave this girl a chance it would go somewhere look I'm sorry you guys I I just don't think so whatever fine hey don't start judging me huh You're the one who's in love with her assistant huh and you you're the one who's having the affair with the guy who keeps the pigeons on the roof secret affair so um so what's up you came to see me yesterday oh yeah um all right I kind of need a divorce oh okay how come um actually I'm getting married again what oh God I don't know how to tell you this I'm straight yeah I know I I I don't understand I don't understand how can you be straight I mean you're so smart and funny and you throw such great Academy Award parties I know that's what I kept telling myself but you just reach a point where you can't live a lie anymore so how long have you known yes on some level I always knew I was straight but I thought I was supposed to be something else you know I'm an ace dancer all my friends are gay I was just trying to fit in and um and there's actually a woman her name's Deborah oh well is she the first that you've been with well I've never told you this but there were one or two times back in college when I get really drunk go to a straight bar and wake up with a woman next to me but I I told myself it was the liquor and everyone experiments in college sure but now I know I don't have a choice about this I Was Born This Way I I don't know what to say I mean you know you're married to someone for six years and you think you know him and then one day he says oh I'm not gay not even say breaking up with Janice oh right right shut up no no body likes breaking up with someone you just gotta do it no no I know but it's just so hard you know I mean you're sitting there with her she has no idea what's happening and then you finally get up the courage to do it there's a horrible awkward moment when you've handed her the note if you want I'll do it with you oh thanks but I think she'd feel like we're ganging up on her no I mean you break up with Janice and I'll break up with Tony oh you're breaking up with Tony yeah I know he's sweet but it's just not fun anymore you know I don't know if it's me or it's hunger strike or I don't know can I get an espresso and a latte over here please oh we got the proofs back in that photo shoot you know the one with the little vegetables anyway they pretty much suck so I blew off the rest of the afternoon I went shopping and I got you I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking oh my God what what did she get me there what's the matter with Raj yeah that's nothing it's a little thing I hate that guy so he was a little analytical that's what he does you know come on he's not that bad you see that's where you're wrong why would I marry her if I thought on any level that that she was a lesbian I don't know maybe you wanted your marriage to fail yeah foreign no problem listen guys it was great seeing you again [Music] easy on those cookies okay remember they're just food they're not love [Music] how's it going good oh oh Roger's having a dinner thing and he wanted me to invite you guys so what's going on nothing it's just um it's Roger you know um I don't know there's something about basically we just feel that he's uh we hate that guy I'm sorry what's wrong sweetie what's wrong come on okay it's I mean it's nothing I'm fine it's just um it's my friends they they have a lagging problem with you in that um they don't foreign but you know they don't see all the wonderfulness that I see you know they don't see all the all the good stuff and all the sweet stuff they just you know they think you're a little what intense and creepy well I'm not I'm not at all surprised they feel that way you're not see that's why you're so great actually it's it's quite you know typical behavior when you have this kind of dysfunctional group dynamic you know this kind of codependent emotionally stunted sitting in your stupid coffee house with your stupid big cups which I'm sorry might as well have nipples on them and you're all like oh oh find me Define me love me I need love a 98. I deducted two points because you're not wearing your chef's hat and that is a section five violation oh it's not look Larry honey um I wrote the book on Section Five and I know that you don't have to wear your hat unless you're in the kitchen and where is your hat it's in the kitchen I'll go get it that there's the two points hey you should really read that book you wrote wow you saw the hat in the kitchen and you knew she'd have to go in there hatless to get it you could have your own you know health inspector detective show I don't know about that yeah but then I could be your sidekick vunda maybe uh could give me your number and I could ask her to dinner sometime okay she would love that you know since you know all the clean places to eat I'll call you okay you look beautiful this evening show me the badge again shiny oh you mind if I wash out because I came straight from working who knows where these babies have been you are just non-stop we're out of here why just walking past the kitchen I saw 10 violations I'm shutting this place down you have the power to do that this does shut it down okay and then this is the coffee house this is where I play my music good deal yeah and these are my friends people this is Vince Vince the people hey Vince is a fireman what look I gotta go on one call tonight see you Saturday okay wow he's cute phoebs but I thought you just started dating the kindergarten teacher oh Jason yeah yeah we're seeing each other tonight what seeds two dates in one day that's so unlike you I know I know I'm like playing the field you know like juggling two guys and sewing my Wild Oats no you know this kind of like you know Oak sewing Field playing juggler and I know I'll never get rich doing it but I gotta tell you it's pretty cool knowing that you're making a difference in a kid's life that is so great um oh my god oh oh my God no no no no no no no no no there's firemen we need like a good mechanic my God here they come but we gotta get out of here why look if I wanted to see a fireman I would date one okay um that's it no hey you J crew guy yeah why have you been following me I mean all week long everywhere I look there's you you wouldn't return my calls you sent back my letters what one more chance Ursula please oh oh oh well this is awkward um yeah because you want Ursula and I'm Phoebe twin sisters seriously oh that's great I'm stalking the wrong woman I am such a genius you're not a dingus I just I want you to know I didn't used to be like this before I met your sister I was like this normal guy who sold beepers and cellular phones I mean look it's it's not your fault you know I mean this is just this is what she does to guys okay just you seem like a really nice guy you know I just don't be so hard on yourself okay you're right I know you're right and thanks for being so nice here thanks a lot [Music] do you want to get a cup of coffee or yeah okay okay it's coming to New York wait Phoebe tell us before you can swallow oh okay Ryan that guy went out who's in the Navy yeah you went out with a guy in the Navy yeah I met him when I was playing guitar in Washington Square Park Ryan threw in saltwater taffy because he didn't have any change hi hi oh no what happened I just spoke to Carol Ben's got the chicken pox so if you haven't already had it chances are you're gonna get it I never had it I feel so good what's going on oh no you know you have to stay back I I have the pox chicken or small chicken please please tell me you have because oh my God I forgot how cute you are I'm sorry I never had them can I please see your face this is me I am sorry the lightning lightning was an unfortunate coincidence maybe I have spent the last eight months in a steel tube with men thinking about this moment I am not going to let a bunch of itchy spots stand between us foreign [Music] I see you everywhere I'm Jim Jim Nelson oh Jim Jim Nelson I'm Phoebe Phoebe Buffet certainly I've been seeing a lot of each other lately we have maybe we'll be seeing each other at dinner tomorrow night say around eight o'clock well maybe we will oh funny how we kept running into each other it's as if someone really wants us to be together someone does me Woody banter well done so tell me a little bit about yourself oh okay well I'm a masseuse and I used to work at this place do you like to party I I like I like parties you're wild aren't you [Music] yeah I guess a little that ain't no thing I'm wild too I'm sorry I'm staring it's just that you have I don't know and your breasts okay look you're coming on a little strong but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt because it seems the universe really wants us to be together so why don't we just start over Okay and you can just tell me about yourself all right okay I write erotic novels for children what they're wildly unpopular also you might be interested to know that I have a PhD wow you do yep a pretty huge yeah hey everybody this is Parker Parker this no no wait don't tell me let me guess Joey Monica Ross Rachel and I'm sorry I think we didn't mention you Chandler I'm kidding already you're my favorite why don't each of you tell me a little bit about yourselves uh actually I'm sorry we we probably should get going classic Ross Rachel Rachel look how you glow may I uh I think you already are Rachel you have life growing inside you is there anything in this world more miraculous than ooh a picture of a dog whose is this that's my old dog he passed away years ago well at least you were lucky to have him Bow Wow old friend Bow Wow hey hey what a beautiful place what a great night I have to tell you being here with all of you in event room C I feel so lucky you think of all the good times that have happened here the birthdays the proms the Mitzvahs both bar and Bots but none of it will compare with tonight my God I don't want to forget this moment it's like I want to take a mental picture of you all click look at this plate bouncy thing what an inspired solution to man's plate dispensing problems [Music] oysters let me feed you one oh that's not necessary please no actually I don't I don't eat I won't quit until you try one okay fine fine what do they like I've never had one why don't you just try one nah they look too weird my God what a fantastically well-lit hallway can I um get you something to drink like a water and Valium I must say you know this apartment it's it's there are no words oh thank God it's a Haven let's um why don't we just um sit and relax you know just be with each other quietly yeah yeah that sounds great let's play the game of who can stay quiet the longest or Jenga let's play this one first and remember whoever talks first loses I lose now Django oh my God nothing wrong wrong really you know the word wrong everything isn't perfect everything isn't magical everything isn't a glow with the light of a million fairies they were just brake lights Parker well excuse me for putting a good spin on a traffic jam you don't have to put a good spin on everything I'm sorry that's who I am I'm a positive person no I'm a positive person you are like Santa Claus on Prozac at Disneyland getting laid it's uh you and Phoebe huh how long you been going on over a month wow maybe uh maybe you and I ought to get to know each other a little better sure I'd like that yeah so uh what's your name it's Jake Joey Hey Jake uh do you like the Knicks yeah big fan me too there's a game on Tuesday you want to go yeah that'd be great let me make sure I'm not doing anything Tuesday Chandler Brock hey hey hi you have lipsticks right here oh that's okay it's mine we just kissed so isn't it a bit cold out for shorts well I'm from California right right sometimes you guys just burst into Flame [Applause] I'm up I'm up I've gotten up now what is the matter with you what's going on Robert's coming out what what do you mean what is he gay okay he's coming out of his shorts what the man is showing brain [Applause] are you sure hold on I'm sorry you guys that was a coffee and a coffee okay we could write it down no no that won't be uh it won't be necessary [Applause] well yeah yeah hey uh Robert could you uh uh pass me those cookies sure um I think you're really really great oh God here we go again why does this keep happening to me is it something I'm putting out there is this my fault or am I just nuts I I don't know what to say hey buddy this is a family place put the mouse back in the house [Applause] [Laughter] did you give me a kiss okay I will but right after you have to tell me who the hell you are Ursula Ursula's fiance oh my God you're the sister yeah okay I just slapped my future sister-in-law's ass yeah I'm an idiot now is your mother here maybe I'd give her a little slap on the butt my mother killed herself see and I knew that and now I'm sweating okay look at me I'm really sweaty now I'm saying look at me I'm getting even sweatier I think I should probably just go no that's okay but okay hi I'm Phoebe uh Eric oh look at you too so when did you guys meet two weeks ago two weeks that's it yeah I know it sounds crazy and it's not like me to do something so impulsive but she's just so perfect and we have so much in common oh really we're both teachers yeah and we were both in the Peace Corps poor really in fact when we were building houses in Uruguay we were we were just two towns apart and we never met yeah it wasn't a town when I got there but it was a town when I left um listen I don't think I don't think I'm gonna make it to the wedding so I just want to wish you all the luck in the world I think we'll be okay so it's so perfect and saving yourself for me lying to you she is lying of course she was lying but she's not a teacher there's no such thing as the top secret Elementary School for the children of spies no you're not you're not stupid I'm not smart I just wanted so much to be impulsive for once to be romantic that's good you should be impulsive and you should be romantic just you did it with the wrong person what it's just so weird two people look so much alike so different hey welcome back look up from where we left off oh I don't know I'm still pretty tired out from this afternoon why of the sex what sex our sex we didn't have sex well if I didn't have sex with you I had sex with somebody that looked an awful lot like you oh no no no no no no he did you you had sex with Ursula a little bit so I guess this is it yeah maybe it's for the best you smell just like her yeah so do you well hello there I didn't see this on the menu this is Phoebe Phoebe this is Tim my new sous chef oh so you're Monica's boss actually she's my boss Sue is is French for under ah I still stand hey Tim I need a calamari and a Caesar salad and um could you give me the pesto yeah you you made pesto would you say your pesto is the best though I don't know but I I would say it's pretty good though myself you are so talented well it's no pesto all right all right let's just cut to the chase okay you're single you're single he gets off work at 11. she'll be waiting for your call I'll give him your number if I could just get one calamari and one Caesar salad [Music] hi I'm so glad you called I feel like it's always me calling you so what's up is everything okay with Phoebe we will be in a minute listen Tim you're a really great guy it's because I'm with you ah I'm just I'm in a place in my life right now where I I whoops so sorry this just in oh it's 9-1-1 from the restaurant I mean it's Monica needs me right away oh no she doesn't I know what that is you can stay I'll miss you too phoebs hahaha [Music] your page is everything okay uh well that depends how are things with Phoebe oh it's great it's great thank you so much for introducing us oh my pleasure that's some bad news thank you what I'm I'm breaking up with you you're fired why I'm sorry I'm just I'm I'm just not ready for a relationship right now yeah and and I'm sorry too but well I just I like things done a certain way and the chemistry is just not right oh that's good the chemistry thing for us too huh um okay I I realize I came on a little strong but it's only because I think you're so amazing and uh I I just wanna I wanna tell you how much I appreciate you giving me an opportunity here because I you're the most talented Chef I've ever worked for anyway hey you guys Wally peace just asked me out wait I thought that guy was married he is but he's getting divorced Ross maybe you know him it's not a club foreign [Music] having a really good time me too sorry that guy in the subway licked your neck oh okay he's a friend hey uh I don't mean to be presumptuous but I have these two tickets to the ballroom dancing finals tomorrow night if you want to go ah I well you know I mean I missed the the semi-finals so I think I would just be lost my ex-wife Whitney is out there I cannot deal with her right now that woman is crazy okay I know hold on hey Ross yeah yeah um that's Whitney Kyle's ex-wife out there now do you think you could you know divert her so we could slip out what no well okay but I have two tickets to the ballroom dance finals all right I'll do it but just because you're a friend so how are things going with crazy has she cooked your rabbit yet listen you are hearing one side of the story okay at FYI she must have shown Kyle over 30 paint samples before she painted that room and his response to each one was I don't give a tiny rat's ass yeah well maybe she should have spent a little less time decorating and a little more time in the bedroom well I don't think we are going to have that problem but maybe that's just because I am not emotionally unavailable emotionally unavailable I think well maybe he wouldn't be if she didn't bring the office home with her every night well excuse her for knowing what she wants to do with her life she certainly knew what she was doing New Year's Eve 1997. I knew you were gonna throw that in my face that was three years ago she apologized and apologized what more do you want so do we so do we said he says that walking with you makes this strange city feel like hope too awesome you make something up um nice thank you this is me here [Music] your eyes are very pretty space he would like to kiss you okay you know you don't have to do that now oh yeah the moment's over hi everybody I'm Phoebe okay um I'm gonna play um some songs about grandparents okay oh your mom and your dad said she moved to Peru but the truth is she died and someday you will too thank you for coming everybody their cookies in the back that was great the kids loved you yay I rock and you know why because you told the truth and nobody ever tells kids the truth you were incredible but how did you know there was a bus I sense these things it was either butt or butter the thing is I think you know some of the parents they were kind of hoping that you play more songs about like Barnyard animals I can do that really yeah yeah because that would be fantastic hi can I talk to you for a second okay look very pretty today thanks okay here's the thing yeah you know I really want this relationship to move forward because if you're not moving forward you know you're just moving backwards now that's not true if you're not moving forward you're just staying still and staying still is good watch this Phoebe yeah I want you to move in with me that is so sweet don't you think that it's a little too soon I mean there's just so much that we don't know about each other oh oh oh okay I get it which is why my answer is yes really oh he's so happy I really like waking up with you I like waking up with you too oh it's such a beautiful morning I could stay here all day that would be great we could have breakfast in bed wait just a second hi um I want to start with a song that means a lot to me this time of year excuse me excuse me yeah noisy boys is it something that you would like to share with the entire group no no that's that's okay well come on if it's important enough to discuss while I'm playing then I assume it's important enough for everyone else to hear nothing I was I was just saying could you speak up please I was just saying to my friend that I thought you were the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen in in my life um you are luminous with a kind of a delicate Grace then that that that's when you started yelling okay we're gonna take a short break these conditions okay all right I have a question then yeah um were you planning on kissing me ever okay okay okay you know what this is just really expensive okay and I'll take this was a gift and so now you're just kind of Tidy okay okay what the hell what the hell [Applause] [Music] you want me to actually throw you you want to just a top [Laughter] [Music] it's freezing [Music] friends family dog thank you all for being here to witness this blessed event who has the Rings you are my family baby you are so beautiful you're so wonderfully weird I Now Pronounce You husband and wife [Applause]
Channel: Central Perk | Friends
Views: 282,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phoebe buffay, friends, phoebe buffay boyfriends, Phoebe's relationships, The Best and Worst of Phoebe's Boyfriends on Friends, Phoebe and enthusiastic Parker, Phoebe dates two guys, Phoebe and policeman Garry, Phoebe and Sean Penn, Phoebe and Ursula's fiance, Phoebe and Tim Monica’s Sous Chef, Phoebe and the restaurant Inspector, How many boyfriends has Phoebe had, Phoebe had sex with the guy living upstairs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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