Top 8 Monica’s Worst Dates | Central Perk | Friends

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thank you so what does this Bob guy look like is he tall short yep which which one you've never met Bob have you no but oh my God Joey for all we know this guy could be horribly hey horribly attractive I'll be shutting up now so cute so where did you guys grow up Brooklyn I Cleveland H how did that happen oh my God what I uh suddenly had the feeling I was falling but I'm not I've got to tell you Bob is terrific yeah isn't he it is so great to meet a guy who's smart and funny and has an emotional age Beyond like eight you know what else he's unbelievable in bed wow my brother never even told me when he lost his virginity huh that's nice so you and Angela huh yep pretty much you're lucky man you know what I miss the most about her that cute nibbly noise she makes when she eats like a like a happy little squirrel or or a weasel h i uh I never really noticed oh yeah yeah listen for it Monica Monica is great yeah yeah she is but uh it's not going to last she's too much for me in bed sexually something went wrong with Underdog and they couldn't get his head to inflate so anyway um his head is like full flopping down Broadway right and I'm just thinking how inappropriate this is um I've had something in my eye Joey could we check it in the light please oh my God what hello were we at the same table it's like cocktails and Appalachia come on they're close close she's got her tongue in in his ear oh like you've never gotten a little rambunctious with rcks Joey this is sick it's it's disgusting it's it's not really true is it used to say what's true I mean oh my God what were you thinking all right look I'm not proud of this okay well they gang him a little no hey whoa hey you've been working out huh not at all I love this guy I was so psyched to hear you back with my sister you and me both hey so what I miss what I miss come on oh we were just trying to make Joey feel better hey do you need me to pick you up no I'm all right man really n I'm picking you up hey no seriously I don't need you to pick all right it's still works okay now before I go does anybody else need to be picked up I'm still going go okay I'll see you later babe H public display of affection coming up you can avert your eyes we went through a lot of wine tonight you guys really I only had two glasses I just had a glass two I had one glass I had about a mug full in this lovely I got boned at the Museum of Natural History mug okay so that's that's what two bottles and yet somehow we went through five what do you say we make these uh coffees Irish um cake yeah we're going to we're going to get some cake you know it seems like you've been making an awful lot of stuff Irish lately well it would make make them Belgian but the waffles are hard to get into that flask Bobby yeah okay look maybe this is none of my business or maybe it is I don't know but um I'm kind of worried about you okay look this isn't the first time somebody said something to me about this but I don't know I always made excuses about it like I'm just a social Drinker or hey come on it's Flag Day so what are you saying now I guess I'm saying I'll try and quit I kind of like that you worry about me all right here you go sweetie thanks you want to hear something funny oh God yes there are no hardware stores open past midnight in the village that is funny I needed to buy a hammer the other night and I'm out walking around the neighborhood but apparently there are no hardware stores open past midnight in the village U say honey don't you have to be at your interview now oh yeah see you guys bye can I get you something from the bar yes I would like something no no thank you no if if you want to drink it's okay with me I've got to get used to it no no really that I I wouldn't feel right about it just some water please so the light went out in my refrigerator like a scotch on the rocks with a Twist is Chip Matthews the guy who took Rachel to the prom why is he calling you because I ran into him at the bank he is still so cute Monica you're so lucky he's like the most popular guy in school I know CH hi it's Monica okay okay okay okay goodbye oh my God we just had the best conversation not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet yet hello chip hey ra how you doing I'm great I'm great got a great job at Bloomingdales I have wonderful friends and even though I'm not seeing anyone right now I've really never felt better about myself so uh Monica ready on she'll be out in a second so Chip how's um Amy Welsh Amy Welsh wow I haven't seen her since so Monica about ready here we are oh my God you still have the chipper the what that's what we used to call your uh your motorcycle in high school you know what a motorcycle is a chopper your chip never mind H I think it's cute wow Lipper from the chipper so you still in touch with anyone from high school um there's Rachel and um that's it how about you oh yeah I still hang with Simmons and Z you know and I see spinler a lot and aine Kelly and I run into Goldie from time to time stick Brown zov Maguire JT Beardsley is that all ah you know After High School you just kind of lose touch oh yeah I ran into Richard Dorfman oh how is he not so good me and Simmons gave him a wedgie isn't he an architect now yeah they still wear underwear and then Zena just let one rip look not that I don't enjoy talking about people we went to high school with CU I do but um maybe we could talk about something else like you I don't even know where you work you know where I work I do the movie theater used to come in all the time you still work at the multiplex well I I give up that job free popcorn and Candy anytime I want I get you free posters for your room thanks Sunset do you still live with your parents oh yeah but I can stay out as late as I want all right I just got changed in 30 seconds so you could be alone with him you better go for it please I'm not going for anything well if you don't I will you please go night man night Julio adios look Julio someone left their book here actually uh that is mine oh yeah yes what are you reading flowers of Evil by balair have you read it have I read it no are you enjoying it I thought that I would but the translation is no good you're a poet you don't know it actually I um I am a poet oh so you do know it so well um what kind of things do you write about things that move me the the shadow of a tree uh a child laughing with this lip mine right here yes I could write an epic poem about this lip how that go hi oh how was last night with Julio senorita so amazing he's so sexy and smart which makes him even sexier my gosh I got to tell you this um last night we were fooling around and all of a sudden he stops to write a poem anyway um when he left he forgot to take the poem with him now I'm a totally dense about poetry but I think this is pretty good all right check it out God oh my God poor Monica what what what what he was with her when he wrote this poem look my vessel's so lovely with nothing inside now that I've touched you you seem emptier still he thinks Monica's empty she's the empty vase you really think that's what he meant totally oh hey hey what are you rapping oh look what I got Julio yeah it's a vase yeah just like the one in the poem yeah well not exactly like the one in the poem what do you mean remember how you said that you were really dense about poetry yeah oh so I'm just an empty vase huh what you know so I don't read as many important books as you do and I don't write trick poems that seem to be about one thing but are actually about something else and you know what I get excited about stupid stuff like when my People magazine comes on Saturday and the new hold everything catalog you know but that does not mean I'm empty you know I care about things I care about my friends and family you have no right to make that kind of judgment on me you don't even know me w w wo whoo whoo the poem is not about you what the empty vase is not about you you my baby preciosa you make me so sad that you would think this I'm sorry it's my friend Phoebe said No it's it's about all women well all American women you feel better now a yeah tell it's just some guy I work with come on you're going out with the guy there's got to be something wrong with him so does he have a hump a hump and a hairpiece wait does he eat chalk just cuz I don't want her to go through what I went through with car okay everybody relax this is not even a date it's just two people going out to dinner and not having sex sounds like a date to me oh my God I know I know I'm such an idiot I guess I should have caught on when you started going to the dentist four and five times a week I mean how clean can teeth get my brother's going through that right now he's he's such a mess how did you get through it well he might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers say her leg that's one way of going through it me I I went for the watch you actually broke her watch ever since she walked out on me I what what what you want to spell it out with noodles no it's it's it's it's more of a fifth date kind of Revelation oh so there's going to be a fifth date isn't there yeah yeah I I think there is what were you going to say well ever since she left me um I had I haven't been able to uh perform sexually oh God oh God I am I'm so sorry I know being spit on is probably not what you need right now um how long two years wow I I'm glad You' smashed your watch so you still think you um might want that fifth date yeah yeah I do hey Monica hey Franny welcome back how was Florida you had sex didn't you how do you do that so who you know Paul Paul the wine guy oh yeah I know Paul you mean you know Paul like I know Paul are you kidding I take credit for Paul you know before me there was no snap in his Turtle for 2 years of course it was a line why why why would anybody do something like that I assume we're looking for an answer more sophisticated than to get you into bed hey on look what I just found on the floor what that's Paul's watch you just put it back where you found it oh boy all right good night everybody all night what is wrong with this freezer ow ow God what happen oh my God ice just got in my eye people are trying to sleep in here Monica got ice in her eye and it hurts open it up let me see oh you know I can it really kills okay you've got to go what's his office number like I remember his office number speed dial 7even hi yeah I'm calling on behalf of Monica Geller's eye and is um is Richard Burke in today he's out of town but does she want to see the on call doctor yes yes she's very excited about that I remember the last time I saw you it was the morning I left for college and you were just standing outside the Dairy Queen just probably waiting for it to open got to tell you look great now you look great too you're an excellent patient so how does it look well you've got a little scratch on your Coria you're going to have to wear a patch for a couple of days like a pirate that helps you so how long you been working with your dad come on one one of us had to mention him I I moved back here a couple months ago big family dinner tonight uh no way I was going to have Thanksgiving at my girlfriend's oh but we broke up oh she she she wasn't ready for a serious commitment oh so you made her walk the plank eye mie not wearing the patch yet I know he's coming here for Thanksgiving I know it's sick oh this always happens let me um thank you you you're have very beautiful eye you know my friends all think this is weird you know I I thought it was going to be be weird I mean I almost call it to cancel but it it really isn't I know I mean like me and your dad that's a totally separate thing oh totally agree I mean we're just two people who find each other very attractive right what nothing nothing no oh really was was was that not okay no no no no that that was good that was that was uh that was a good kiss oh my God it didn't remind you of my don't say it no but it did didn't it oh man no no the farmer says that's not a cow and you're not milking I so glad that you guys got together Taylor and I are always looking for a couple to go out with and now we have one look at us we're a couple of couples I had so much fun tonight and what a great restaurant and Chandler I can't believe I let you pay for this one thanks again man so if you guys want to come over tomorrow I'll make that pasta thing I was telling you about oh that would be great yeah but hey look at least let us bring the wine Jo you don't have to but I insist you get the one right okay good night guys see you tomorrow tomorrow [Music] wa how are we going to get out of that one what's wrong with Monica and Chandler I don't know they're just a little blah blah you know he's blah she she's just she's very loud for such a small person so uh what are you guys doing oh nothing we're just talking you know blah blah blah come on you guys you said you were going to try all right look I came over here to invite you guys to a movie with me and Janine what do you say well I'd like to but I'm going time very fun look I don't know what to do I really want you guys to get along just please come to the movie with us I mean you owe me we owe you that's right I helped you guys out a lot in the start of your relationship huh I helped you sneak around for like 6 months I looked like an idiot and I was humiliated and and I only made $200 we didn't give you any money this was great didn't everybody have a great time but I did I really did and you know guys I got to say I'm I'm sorry if I was a little weird after the last time we went out I guess I was just nervous or something that's totally understandable yeah don't worry about it so we can go out again oh yeah absolutely right well good night good see wasn't that fun we have got to move I knew it you know you're not so quiet yourself missy and I'm blah listen the only thing that's more boring than watching modern dance is having to listen to you talk about it oh chanler I just lost myself in a movement you know I know you're talking but all I hear is blah blah blah blah blah all right you and me let's go right now now what we did what wrong oh God I just had sex with someone who wasn't alive during the bicentennial I Just Had Sex
Channel: Central Perk | Friends
Views: 145,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friends, monica geller, matt leblanc, Monica's boyfriends, Monica empty vase, friends Monica empty vase, Joey and Monica's double date, Paul tricks Monica to bed, Monica drunk boyfriend, fun bobby friends sober, fun bobby is an alcoholic, the one with Russ, Monica and Richard's son, Monica and young Ethan, Monica's young boyfriend, Monica's eyes doctors, Monica and Chip Matthews, Joey breaks up with Janine, Janine hates Monica and Chandler, Monica and Chandler
Id: A9fCJ1PyaI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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