The Ones With Chef Monica | Friends

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okay let's see okay the turkeyy is in the oven the stuffing is ready you know you always cook this meal all by yourself let me help this here A Chandler that's sweet but you don't have to do everything Dr Phil tells you to do I'm serious let me do something just not the turkey or the stuffing nothing high-profile let's see oh the cranberry sauce it's easy to make and no one really cares about it tell me more okay I'm going to go check on something across the hall start by washing these not with salt you obviously haven't Taste of my palm Olive potatoes we're so sorry we're late please let us in so we can have dinner together no everything's cold the turkeyy dried out and the the stuffings all soggy yeah and there's a bowl of cranberry sauce what happens to Cranberry sauce nothing it's fine oh thank God oh I just remembered we do have something to eat Monica put something in our oven this morning oh yeah hey you touch that and you will be sorry guys I listen to her the vein is bigger than I've ever seen it oh my God it's Brussel routs that's worse than no food haha all you got it was Monica's stinky brussels sprouts stinky please let me stay on this side of the door it all looks so beautiful the turkey the stuffing the cranberries and enough a monkey could have made him Hey listen guys we feel really terrible he's doing that weird icon attct thing don't look at them don't look at them come on you guys we want you to know we're very very sorry right guys I feel terrible sorry but let's not ruin this day you work so hard let's move past this and try to have a nice meal all together the floating heads do make a good point yeah they do seem to feel pretty bad so bad so bad so bad okay okay you two go get the dessert and I'll let you in dessert yeah I asked you and Phoebe to pick up the pies you did remember right pies oh we thought you said prize here grand supreme little darling Ling [Music] congratulations oh my God you forgot the pies well I can't believe this you forc me to make dinner then you're an hour late and you forget the one little thing that I asked you to do really girls not cool well you manads aren't any better you lied about going to the game you knew it would make you late and you still went anyway hey I'm getting a little tired of this okay we said we're sorry it's Thanksgiving for Pete S a day of forgiveness it's a day to be thankful don't make me come up there it's too late for apologies fine let's just go I don't need you stupid dinner that would be a lot more convincing if you weren't drooling oh is that what that is come on you guys let's just do our own Thanksgiving yeah I'll cook yeah let's go out hey yeah you three have a nice Thanksgiving the three of us yeah you Chan and the vein hell just Happ I am so so sorry I was going to do it really but then I was standing there with $327 in one hand and $238 in the other hand and I was thinking wow it's been a long time since I had $327 plus $238 Joey we had a deal but that's why you're here I've got to fire you and I got to pay rent look how how about this you don't fire me instead I stay here I gain their trust and then they'll start listening to all the nice things I've been saying about you what kind of things you've been saying well nothing yet they really hate you and I want to fit in people we're in trouble here we've only got 12 hours and 36 minutes left move move move Monica I feel like you should have German subtitles Joey speed it up I'm sorry it's the pigs they're reluctant to get in the blank it Monica how did this happen I thought you had this all planned out do you want me to cry is that what you want do you want to see me cry sir no sir all right you what no look I told you I am not a part of this thing all right look Ross I realize that you have issues with carollyn Susan and I feel for you I do but if you don't help me cook I'm going to take a bunch of those little hot dogss and create a new appetizer called pigs and Ross all right ball of melon hey how come I'm stuck dicing when he gets to ball of [Music] melon hello hello Bab Joey what's going on oh my God I know it's stuck step how did you get on I put it on to scare Chandler oh my God Monica's going to totally freak out well then help me get it off plus it smells really bad in here of course it smells really bad you have your head up a dead animal oh hey hey did you get the turkey oh my God oh my God who is that it's Joey what what are you doing is this supposed to be funny no it's not supposed to be funny it's supposed to be scary get that off now I can't it's stuck I don't care that that turkey has to feed 20 people at my parents house and they're not going to eat it off your head hold on okay let's just all think okay I got it D all right you pull I'm going to spread the legs as wide as I can Joey no it's not the time sorry guys okay count to three one two three it worked I SC D I knew it I'm over here big guy also just so you know I'm not going to make a turkey this year what well Phoebe doesn't eat turkey Phoebe turkeys are beautiful intelligent animals no they're not they're ugly and stupid and delicious right it's it's not just Phoebe Will's still on a diet Chandler doesn't eat Thanksgiving food and Rachel's having her aversion to poultry she is yeah did you remember I had to leave the room the other day when you had that roast chicken yeah but I thought that was just cuz I put the whole thing on my hand and made it walk across the table anyway it just doesn't seem worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people okay it's just it's it's a lot of work but you got to have turkey on Thanksgiving I mean Thanksgiving with no turkey is like like Fourth of July with no apple pie or or Friday with no two pizzas all right fine if it means that much to you but just there's going to be a ton left over no no no there won't I promise I will finish that turkey you're telling me you can eat almost an entire turkey in one sitting that's right cuz I'm a tribiani this is what we do I mean we may not be great thinkers or or world leaders we don't read a lot or run very fast but damn it we can eat the calamari and the Caesar salad I like your necklace oh I made it myself you are so talented well it's no pesto all right all right let's just cut to the chain case okay you're single you're single he gets off work at 11:00 she'll be waiting for your call I'll give him your number if I could just get one calamari and one Cesar salad I did not yell I am not putting a dollar in the jar to see it so I ran around the neighborhood and bought all the copies I could find man this is bad and I've had my share of bad reviews I still remember my first good one though everything else in this production of our town was simply terrible Joey triani was [Laughter] abysmal hey oh my God look at all the newspapers it must be a good review is it great um oh dear God but the good news is no one in a two block radius will ever know what about the rest of Manhattan yeah they all know oh my God this is horrible I'm so sorry I'm so humiliated yeah but you know what they say man there is no such thing as bad press you don't think that um the chef's mahi mahi was awful awful is bad press I didn't write it is he right am I really am I awful hey hey Monica you listen to me okay and I'm not just saying this cuz I'm your friend I'm saying it cuz it's the truth your food is abysmal my star student you know you call me that before so I I took the liberty of fashioning a star out of aluminum foil now no pressure you like my cookies you give me the star wow a star I know you all hate me and I'm sorry but I don't care okay Joey you're up next oh good this is amazing you get an A I got an A A in school hey I'm a dork Joey I'm so proud of you I think you should give him your star excuse me he doesn't even know what he's doing we're all beginners here nobody knows what they're doing I do I'm a professional chef oh relax it's not a courtroom drama if you're a professional chef what are you doing taking introduction to cooking yeah I'm sorry it's just that um well I cook at this restaurant alexandros and um I just got a really bad review oh alexandros I love that place you do oh yes you're an excellent Chef as a person you're a little oh I'm totally crazy but you like the food very much okay then I don't stink I'm a good Chef okay who W I don't want to go I'm having fun well actually did either of you pay for for this class hey hey hey if my friend says it's time to go it's time to go has anybody seen my engagement ring yeah it's beautiful God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God no don't don't touch that oh like I wasn't dreading tomorrow enough having to give it back to him hi Barry remember me I'm the girl in the Veil that stomped on your heart in front of your entire family oh God and now I'm going to have to return the ring without the ring which makes it so much harder easy rage we'll find it won't we oh yeah yeah okay look all right when didd you have it on last do probably right before she lost it you don't get a lot of doy these days no I had it this morning I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with Dina oh don't be mad you didn't oh I'm sorry I gave you one job oh but look how straight those noodles are now Monica you know that's not how you look for an engagement ring in lasagna I just can't do it boys we're going in little question for you how do you think this suit would look on an assistant the owner of alexandr came over here to yell at me but instead I made him some sauce and he offered me the job as head chef oh my God you just ruined the thing I was practicing the whole way home but I'm so happy can you believe it I finally get to run my own kitchen oh you've waited so [Music] long he heyes Qui question for you yeah how do you think this suit would look on an assistant buyer at Bloomingdales I don't know totally depend on her coloring and you got the job you got the job why didn't you tell me oh it's going to be so great I'm going to get to help decide what we sell I'm going to have an office with walls and everything I'm going to have walls okay is this the day of good news or what I got us a job the wedding reception oh um B I kind of need to talk to you about that um well I I I I think it might be time for me to take a step back from the catering but we've only had one job I know but now we have this second one and it just it feels like it's snowballing you know yeah what are you saying I got offered the head chef job at alesandro's what it's okay cuz you know what if you you think about it you don't really need me for the business you're the cook without you it's just me driving up to people's houses with empty trays and asking for money all right but um well I I'll pay you back all the money you invested and you can keep the van for what I can't believe this got to get out of here B wait a minute I'm an assistant [Music] firey hey what are you guys doing making holiday candy for the Neighbors I'm sorry who I'm going to hang this basket on the door and then when the neighbors walk by they can all take a piece but we don't know the neighbors I do there's a let's say guy with a mustache smokes a lot lady some kids I've seen and a red-haired guy who does not like to be called Rusty see this is exactly why I'm making this candy we can learn their names and get to know our neighbors wouldn't it be easier if we just moved who is that don't worry I'm brave I am brave I I am brave no no no no no can you tell me who is there please my name name is Gary I live upstairs hi hi do you know what time it is it's candy time my roommate says that they taste like little drops of Heaven oh please did you hear that little drop to Heaven 400 a.m. so can I get some candy I am sorry but some of us have to get up early and go to work he does not know know that I am not some of us um listen I'm sorry but I I'll put some out first thing in the morning well okay I'll swing by later you live in this building seems like I would have remembered you night gar hey hey hey hey how much did you guys tip the super this year yeah we were going to give 50 but if you guys gave more we don't want to look bad oh actually this year we just made him homemade cookies and 20 five it is you gave him cookies money is so impersonal cookie says someone really cares all right we're broke but cookies do say that I can see that I play a brownies once told me a Limer peep let me ask you something were these uh funny brownies not especially but you know what I think they had pot in them so you guys who else did you tip with cookies uh the mailman the super oh and the newspaper delivery guy oh my God what I don't think you're going to like this W oh gosh oh there's a cookie smashed in the sports section oh can he did my crossword puzzle yeah but not very well unless 14 across gerswin musical actually is bite me bite me bite me bite [Music] me
Channel: Friends
Views: 220,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tm7DcVtwrQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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