All of Ross Geller's Girlfriends | Central Perk | Friends

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hi are you okay sweetie I just feel like someone reached down my throat grabbed my small intestine pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck cookie Carol moved her stuff out today let me get you some coffee thanks n-oh no no don't stop cleansing my aura don't just leave my aura alone okay and you never knew she was a lesbian no okay why does everyone keep fixating on that she didn't know how should I know oh my God excuse me move move move emergency please excuse me there you are hi oh so so how is China you come on I want to hear everything everything well uh yeah where do I start um well this is Julie uh Julie this is Rachel hi everyone this is Julie oh hi this is amazing I mean how how did this happen well Ross and I were in grad school together but we haven't seen each other since then well I land in China guess who's in charge of the Dig Julie J isn't that great I mean isn't that just kick you in the crotch spit on your neck fantastic you had no right to tell me you ever had feelings for me what I was doing great with Julie before I found out about [Music] you hey it's the dinosaur guy hi Ross hi Chloe I want you to meet some friends of mine this guy's my hero he comes in with some stuff he wants it blown up 400% we said we don't do that he says you got to and you know what we did it and now anytime anybody wants 400 we just say let's Ross [Music] it [Music] all right I was 15 it was my best friend Ruth and we got drunk on that hard cider and then suddenly I don't know we were we were making out tell it again hi bnie hi my boss let me off early so I took the train oh what are you guys doing we're playing strip Happy Days game cool I'll catch up good morning hey hey how did everybody sleep oh great like a log us too I'm going for a walk hey what happened to you oh uh nothing I just felt like hanging out here and reading the water was so great we jumped off this pier and my suit came off I think I brought back half the beach in my hair was so much easier when I used to shave my head you know I got to tell you I just loved your look when you were Bal really because I think about shaving it all off again sometimes really yeah I mean you definitely should do that hey everybody wow look what you did you want to touch it no but so you want to come inside yes yes I do I'll be right back make yourself comfortable guess who Department of Sanitation it's me [Music] oh [Music] oh what oh [Laughter] sh get going I've got a date tonight oh yeah with who you know that girl I told you about who lives up in pypy yeah yeah not her yeah this is someone else else I met and I I can't decide between the two of them you know the one from pyy even though she's a 2-hour train ride away is really pretty really smart and and a lot of fun but this other girl well she lives right up town chist bad dream I wasn't sleeping oh yeah then uh what was phoe's song about the the one with the cat I got to go I got another date oh so did you pick one yet no it turns out the one from Uptown was making a joke but it was a different joke than I thought it wasn't that funny so I'm still torn well look you know you don't really like the one from Uptown and you're too exhausted from dating the one in pipy so I say you just end them both okay you take a train up to pypy and you break up with her and on your way back you break up with Uptown and then then by the time you get home tonight you're done station is pipy pipsy Ross Ross C Ross Emily yes I'm Rachel Green my goodness there's been a teeny teeny change PL turns out I'm not free tonight so really well that's just lovely isn't it I must have missed your call even though I didn't leave the flat all day oh well no I no no no no no that's not rude it's perfectly in keeping with the trip where I've already been run down by one of your Weena cards and been strip searched at John F Kennedy Airport apparently to you people I look like someone who's got a balloon full of cocaine stuffed up their bum oh my God you do I just I had to see you one more time before you took off you are so sweet that's that's that's a big candy bar I had the most amazing time with you me too this is the final boarding call for flight 009 well that's me come on come on come on okay hey hey hey what what's going on Ross has some big thing to tell everyone uh okay it's uh Emily and I we decided to uh to get married hi Ross Take the Emily take the Rachel come on she wants to snuggle now what is she trying to kill me it's like a volcano in here oh what is wrong now this isn't what I ordered man can't anything go right in my life first my marriage falls apart and then I I know I know and then you lose your apartment and then you lose your job and then your ex-wife gets married so fast and now the coffee ah boss we need to talk okay sometimes I feel no no I'm going to talk I believe that the sun has set on our day in the Sun what you're a very sweet person Ross um unfortunately I just don't think I can take another second of you whining so you're saying I've become so whiny that I annoy you Janice well yeah oh my [Music] [Applause] God hello Mrs BR hello what happened to your teeth I whiten them really what do you think well they're really really really white yeah what was wrong with your old human teeth I did leave the gel on a little longer than it said to how much longer uh a day you know that tonight is your date with Hillary I know that's why I did it come on are they really that bad manad maybe I'll just turn down the lights a little how about all the way okay so uh D where were we are those your teeth oh you you can see them huh yes they're insanely white I I did that for you what's the matter with you what's the matter with me you've got a black light It's 1999 hey I just got my uh teacher evaluations check out what this one student wrote I loved Dr Geller's class mindblowing lectures Dr Geller you are definitely the hottie of the paleontologist Department Professor Geller yeah I wanted to say how much I enjoyed your class oh thank you a little embarrassed about calling you a hottie on my evaluation that was you yeah I felt a little weird about it you're a teacher I'm a student but would you maybe want to go out with me sometime all right I don't I don't think that would be the best idea oh cuz I was thinking um the semester is over you're not my teacher anymore what time I meeting someone or or are you just here to brush up on miam's views on Evolution um actually I find miam's views far too progressionist I find mariam's views was far too progressionist I'm sorry who are you I'm a professor here uh Ross Geller Ross Geller why do I know that name it's a wait did you write this yes you look nothing like I would have thought you're you're so young well I uh I skipped fourth grade well hello she's cute should we uh go try to talk to her sure it's one of the great things about being engaged I'm not nervous talking to pretty girls anymore could you guys help me oh yeah let me let me get that for you it it's it's really heavy I got it so hi I'm uh I'm Ross I'm Kristen Kristen hi are you uh you new to the area cuz if you are I'd love to show you around sometime I I actually just moved from four blocks over uh but but this block is like a whole other world you actually it does have a very interesting history uh this street is the First Street in the city to have an underground sewer system before that sewage and waste would just flow right down the street sometimes ankle deep say you're going to be starving after all this moving what do you say I take you to dinner tonight I'd like that yeah great Ross kellerer no hi hi I'm I'm Ross Geller oh hi I'm Professor wheeler oh oh that's that's that's nice it's uh it's good to meet you thank you so much for taking the time out to show me around oh no it's no big deal I mean U if I weren't doing this I'd just you know be at the gym working out he going to introduce us I think we're just blurry shapes to him now um by the way I I really enjoyed your paper on the connection between geographic isolation and Rapid mutagenesis oh I wrote that in one night you just went out with my best friend you know I I just think it would be a really really bad idea or or not I mean but is there any chance you would take me back oh God I am so sorry but I mean there's so much history between us you know okay so if you think that that I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else you're wrong it's because you mean more to me so there all right there's your goodbye rage what you you can't you can't what I am so in love with you please please don't go oh my God I know I know I shouldn't have waited till now to say it but um that was stupid okay I'm sorry but I'm telling you now get off the plane I do love you
Channel: Central Perk | Friends
Views: 66,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Friends, Ross, Ross Geller, Rachel, Ross's girlfriends, Ross and Carol, Friends Ross girlfriend Julie, 10 women Ross Geller dated, Ross' relationships, Mona friends, Bonnie friends, Charlie friends, Ross and Janice, Elizabeth Hornswaggle, girl from poughkeepsie friends, Emily friends, Elizabeth friends, Ross and Rachel reunion, ross geller, jennifer aniston, friends
Id: wQrIYgZxjrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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