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we're going to be going down to dallas texas because we're going to be helping set up a reef aquarium for a good friend of mine she's really really talented you're entirely self-taught you thought we were giving lisa a surprise but it's actually you one that is crazy good morning everybody it's bright and early here in chicago and we got up because we are gonna be getting on a airplane we're gonna be going down to dallas texas because we're gonna be helping set up a reef aquarium for a good friend of mine her name is lisa lachry about a year ago at the last aqua shell of dallas lisa helps me surprise my mom and my aunt with two one-of-a-kind special paintings they're absolutely incredible he's made multiple pieces of artwork for me including this one right here behind me so today i'm actually gonna be doing something back for lisa which is helping her set up her own dream saltwater aquarium all right you guys know the drill no house parties long gone no no no i know you know the rules first we got a pack and we're ready [Music] so we're here at dfw also planted aquariums and we're picking up the tank for lisa how big is the tank sean it's an 80 gallon so just beyond this door up this ramp is an aquarium wonder world without water guys there are so many aquariums here literally hundreds of aquariums are being made here at planet aquarium they're all handmade they do the glass they do the cabinetry they do the stands and we're here to pick one of these custom pieces up for lisa find the tank yet i'm just gonna pick a random one let's just look at them and decide you want the tall one [Music] that's not good we should go [Music] we need a heater some cj bumps just leave this here we'll take another card this is brian dfw aquarium supply specializes in the sale of fritz salt and planted aquariums need some help there no i think you might need some help oh thanks oh what would i do without you george nothing i'm just getting that feeling i just have a really good feeling about this product i don't know why i've released his tank [Music] what is happening happy birthday and happy day all right let's go find darren what's up what's up george darren's the big boss man so he wears camouflage so he can sneak up on you keeps his workers on their toes pick up an aquarium do you have any i hope it's ready we got the tank look at this beautiful 80 gallon crystalline planet aquarium custom tank sean will you be my show girl as you can see here sean is getting inside of it it's super strong handmade glass here in dallas texas sean how you feeling in there i feel it's spacious it's spacious this is a very big tank no funny business we're gonna spin the tank do a complete 360. you can see there's no trap doors no levers no funny business going on in three two one [Music] please subscribe please [Music] so where are we now before we go to leases we have to get a bunch of stuff from aqua studios like water and a few other things mostly water how are you man i'm well lisa has painted stuff for just about everybody so this is the one lisa made at brandon totally epic as you can see he's really really talented she's really good we've got several hairs on the wall the dolphins are all her the powder blue the emperator clown trigger that octopus that moorish idol you can see that day i was wearing denim shirt and she put that in it as well as the hoodie she definitely deserves a new tank that's gonna be awesome all right we're here hello come on in the whole time you thought we were giving lisa a surprise but it's actually you so come on in are you seriously so we got a little surprise for lisa as well you have to be kidding me that is crazy why did i know that something like this was gonna happen this is insane thank you so so so much oh my god how long did this take you several months so there was a long stage of this where you looked like a zombie before i had started glazing but the front of it make sure that nothing on the canvas it is fabric so if you lean this against something it will stretch it out so don't don't lean it on anything lean it on the frame i'm scared to touch this you should be it's priceless all right so this is lisa from lisa lachry fine art she's a fellow youtuber she reached out to me how many years ago was that now two years ago yeah whenever the dallas aqua shelter yeah this is what lisa does the whole time right yes paint and teach people how to do paints drawing art business in general art tips for social media and it's so cool because elise has come to our events aqua shella which is basically a hybrid between an aquarium and an art festival she's very very talented and it's fine art which is why i love it so much anytime you see any of the stuff she's made it's so realistic it's so detailed that sometimes you think it was a it's a photo all right so let's get like a little tour then so there's where the editing happens these are the fish yes and they're gonna get move into a bigger house here this is the current tank this is what 13 and a half gallons and you're gonna be getting this pretty sweet new mega tank we have pudge of the fish as a female and cobra bubbles is the little one [Music] this one's not quite finished yet i just finished the coral the other night i've got to come through this is going to have mobs up here and i probably know fish maybe we'll see i haven't decided yet i'll take this photo into photoshop and see what it would look like if i added fish so i find out before i make a mistake on the canvas you do that for all of your anything surreal yeah originally i wanted lunar mall the green ones on here and then once i painted it i was like yeah that's not gonna work on this piece this was the painting i think i saw of yours at yeah i was like mind blown guys look at this it's a line yawning like it's just so creative but and then also obviously the art in itself is just unreal you got the mandarin gobi copper van you got sun corals you know this is the way that coral looks under our itinic aquarium lights it's not the way it looks in a real coral reef so like you can tell whoever did this is the hobbyist these are bumblebee dart frogs they just came in last week wow this one i did by myself actually half the sticks are from aqua studios i went over there because they could handle high humidity meaning that they're four aquariums and i wanted to to get the surreal look with the tree and then we've got the cave in the background and the bumble bee dark crunch these guys are wildly little right now because they're babies i see them look at that that is cool but these are what venomous or poisonous they're technically called poison dart frogs but they're only poison in the wild it's something in their diet in the wild any in captivity if they're safe i mean i wouldn't eat them but they're still sick do you just have the yellow ones or do you have this one is one of my red eye tree frogs pretty much turned into a red eye tree frog veg you can't touch them with your skin how did you get started i've always had a lot of health issues as a kid and i was always sick as a kid so i sat and drew like that was my thing it's just to draw that is where that got started and because i continued i wasn't like abnormally gifted in art or anything like that i just did a lot you do anything enough and you're going to get good at it did you go to school no i'm self-taught you're entirely self-taught all of these paintings they just look like photos like that's how detailed and perfect they are can you teach yes and that is something that is really important that's something i teach my followers on youtube because there's this misconception that art is something you're born with a lot of people like well i can't draw i can't do this if you saw what i used to paint then versus now you wouldn't even know it was the same artist the determination of i'm gonna figure out and compare like okay i know i don't like this about my art and i like what this other artist is doing better when you can pinpoint what the difference is you can start correcting it and over time with enough work you will just keep improving it's awesome love that mindset first of all this one this is crazy i've seen this one like digitally but i haven't seen it in person you are a master is there like a name for someone in art who is this good some artists will compare themselves to the old masters i've not reached that but that's kind of i guess would be one of the higher standards is something like of the old masters or techniques of the old masters we also have the chickens chickens these are the this is sushi sushi's an indian ring neck he's a juvenile so we're not positive if it's a male or female they think baby that's a beautiful bird but he does not like our cameraman this is chicken did you want to go to george i don't know if that would be right considering like i actively eat mcnuggets he's got the shawn hale haircut he normally holds his wings out and says big chicken so they can talk yeah and he whistles but he knows the game of thrones song can you say like and subscribe this is matt lisa's husband how do you feel about all the animals all the artwork most of her mine this tank back there i i just saw it yeah you have a tank even in yeah this has been you got this one at aqua he is from aqua and we have a vendor ben's bettas and you brought him all the way home fish tanks terrarians artwork it's everywhere snake stuff snake what kind of snake is this this is the hog nose western hog nose snow morph for the color of the color that's a beautiful snake she's very pretty she's very slow which that's what i like right now she won't bite now because i have had her out for a few minutes already so she's already used to be not being food one of the things that lets you touch her head which is rare you know what are you doing and that's the snake enclosure all right so we have evie john jacob and nick gingerbread nick standing tank first let's get it in there let's get measure make sure the sun fits and let's get this rolling [Music] [Music] heavy are you ready to skate this thing right all right lisa are you ready to tell her how to escape it i have a feeling she's gonna have better taste than this than i do [Music] lisa said she wants to do a lot of softies so she's looking for archways and open surface area so we're going to be making sure that we give her plenty of that throughout all of this process because she's going to focus on mushrooms feathers so anthony's we want to make sure that she can have all that room so it can grow out and just look really really filled in here in just a few months we are now ready for the lights what are we using sean we are using kessel 160 tuna blues we got two of these puppies [Music] the tank is filled with water that is so cool oh my gosh i have goosebumps again [Music] this video is sponsored by fritz aquatics we got some cool new products from that i wanted to show off they have this new product which is basically the ammonia source fishless fuel tell us about this what is this okay this is just liquid ammonium chloride that it goes in your aquarium it creates ammonia source if you'd rather do that without having fish in there to create the ammonia source so this will give it the the nitrite bacteria a little bit of ammonia to consume to create the cycle awesome so we're going to need to add what a couple drops of that at least yeah right yeah i mean this whole thing is 300 gallons so we're just going to use a third of this bottle and it'll treat roughly 100 gallons for the filter fritz aquatics just came out with two new filter medias the first is called max out and the second is fuzz out this is for every aquarium no matter what you can use this every month it's replaceable it's basically a mix of carbon di resin it's gonna make sure that your water is crystal clear as you can see there's still a little bit of fogginess in here so we're gonna throw this in there it's gonna make the water crystal clear so you're just gonna put that bag there it's as easy as that it's gonna do its job when you first set up a tank you're gonna go through new tank syndrome which means you're gonna battle algaes cyano might come green algae might come so we're gonna give you some fuzz out so when that algae does kick in basically this product is very similar but why is it different it doesn't have the scavenger resin in there it's just carbon and fair coxon we're going to give this to you in preparation for when all that algae does come so that this is what you're going to throw in there i'm going to give you a box of fritz salt which when you do need to do your first few water changes this should do the trick we got you some elements the glass cleaner what do you think thank you so much this is incredible i came here today excited to give you the tank and get this set up because you created so many pieces of art for me my family members my friends so i was not expecting to be given a surprise today but thank you so so much if you guys are interested make sure to go check out lisa's youtube channel lisa the cree fine art she does tutorials and she filmed making this right i'm gonna link the video you can go see brush by brush i guess how she made it i'm going to leave the link in the description below guys i hope you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe to my channel if you enjoyed it a few more announcements before i go the first is that aquacello orlando's coming up in just three weeks it's going to be at the gaylord palms resort and convention center june 12th and 13th 2021 we're going to have over a hundred freshwater and saltwater vendors we have all of our contests our shrimp contest flower horn and a new clownfish contest that are gonna be coming so if you're interested in one of those i'll put all the details in the description below the second thing is we're actually looking for some volunteers to help set up and work the event uh there's gonna be so many people and we're definitely willing if you wanna join the aqua shelter team i'm going to leave a link to a volunteer form down below you can fill that out and we'd love to potentially have you help us i want to give you guys an opportunity to get involved our aqua shell staff and team is growing very quickly and it's always a lot of fun working with everyone so if you want to be part of the team fill out that form as quickly as possible the third thing is that we are currently running a giveaway for a vip all-inclusive trip to aquacello orlando this is on reef to reef and it's sponsored by top shelf aquatics i'm going to leave the link to the thread where you can enter this contest down below but i do want to encourage you guys if you're interested in coming to aqua shella please do not wait to buy your tickets because they are selling like crazy right now and we're very confident that they're gonna sell out aqua shell events have really always sold out in the past and as we get closer and closer to the event the ticket prices actually go up because of that so if you haven't already make sure to just go to all the info on the event is there and you can purchase either a general admission an early bird or a vip all weekend pass which would be epic because then you can have plenty of time to meet everybody see everything we got some huge names in the industry coming tanner from serpent design is one of our keynote speakers this year i'm gonna be there both days it's been over a year since i've really been able to see anyone and i'm just really excited to see all of you and meet as many of you as i can at aquashala so make sure to visit get your tickets and i will see you in orlando june 12th and 13th i'll see you guys in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrates low george out i love your kids dude it's literally you and your brother as two as kids oh my god it's two gingerbread twins in the making that is awesome
Channel: CoralFish12g
Views: 213,277
Rating: 4.9407182 out of 5
Keywords: fish, fishes, fishing, bass, catfish, turtle, pond, reptile, house, backyard pond, pond pump, ponds, funny, educational, learn, vlog, mini pond, pool pond, new fish, exotic, how to, diy, fish tank, coralfish12g, unboxing, mantis shrimp, dont order fish off the dark web, taylor nicole dean, clownfish, seahorses, saltwater aquarium, freshwater aquarium, reptile store, dorm room, all my fish & rare exotic creatures!!! (dorm room tour), how many pets, 600 gallon beach pond, octopus, piranha, shrimp, frog
Id: Hf211WUnLjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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