$1,000,000 HOME AQUARIUM TOUR! - Inside Graham's *FINISHED* Las Vegas House!

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welcome to the stiff family house so the last part of the tour is the tank 310 gallons now we're about to unbox some really really cool stuff i think you're gonna like you look nervous i am nervous the last fish we have for you one of the most expensive fish that you can have in the hobby super healthy specimen so graham we asked you what your dream fish was yeah and we no are you serious i've never seen this fish in person we're here at the best saltwater fish store in florida top shelf aquatics they got some of the rarest and craziest most expensive fish and coral in here so we're about to go meet the owner steven and pick out some cool stuff for graham's tank all right you got some fish i got some really nice fish right now you know who graham stefan is right no all right he's a youtuber he does finance education yeah teaches people like how to use their money wisely he just got a tank in vegas and we need some crazy fish for so i came here because i know you always got the nicest fish we're actually known for our corals but our fish selection right now is uh it's really good pretty good yeah all right so the first thing we got to do is pick out graham's fish bag oh i'm doing the bag he's doing the bag that's the perfect perfect okay so i think he's really gonna like this pair that's a beautiful fish they're pretty expensive crazy fish he's getting we got all the graham's fish yeah bagged up boxed up all right so we're now at the farm this is where you grow all of your aquaculture poorly yep we're about to go get some sweetened coal for graham yeah well what do we got we'll give him one of these what do you think about that for him that's dope cool definitely think i want to give him one of these i think you'll like that dude he would love that all right screw it let's do it you're gonna give him that whole big piece yeah that's cool we got all the coral packed up in here it's gonna be nice and safe we're about to head to the airport and drop it off cargo flight straight to vegas george i've never been to vegas what no never been to vegas and you know i love gambling i play poker all the time i might go a little crazy we have made it to graham's house i think this is the right place i hope so if not we got five boxes of fish and coral in the wrong place of the nevada desert stock on the door let's get these fish in there hey uh wrong house welcome to the stiff family house [Music] how do you get into this the family i think you're in we can have like a live-in like fish for a second listen we got a guest bedroom right here so you could sleep here keep a constant eye on the tank and then you're good all right how long have you been living here uh six months now it's still coming together so it's not like 100 percent done like a few little minor things but this is it you're from l.a everything is less expensive too like this house was half the cost double the size it's wild for real estate values here everything is less money no sales tax really yeah oh i'm sure he made all the calculations yeah yeah everything this is the kitchen it's huge are you a good ground i could cook salmon and pasta that's pretty much it what is this so i saw this apparently this year is like the year of the ox and when i was going through costco you saw this just sitting there i was like wow that's so cool i was like i gotta get one of these things before they're sold out never gonna drink it but it looks awesome then this piece there was a art dealer that was going out of business in santa monica and just gave me an unbelievable price for this thing i thought it was so cool and then i put it right below the smash like button because it seems like he's smashing and then tesla tequila it's actually pretty good have you tried it yeah i have oh this is this is the new one so this is the channel millennial money just hit a hundred thousand so you have three channels five five five yeah it's five channels what are the five channels graham stefan graham steppen show iced coffee hour this is to family millennial money the little empire you got you got to diversify you never just have one challenge you have to have a reaction channel and you need something else we're gonna talk about this on the podcast what my second channel may be there's bailey oh my goodness here she is hello oh my god how old are you seven months just a little baby scooby this is amazing is this your dog our dog comes back together it's a power dog so if you guys put the dog in the middle and run well you know what let's try it ready set go here [Music] last minute change of mind just decide that was a financially smart move tell me about this view if you ever climbed that no you can't so there is a hiking trail that runs the entire length of this i want to go climb that thing it looks a lot closer so this is the one size short of a concert brand they don't lose value pianos are one of these things where if you get a good piano you can basically buy it at a good price and sell it for the exact same cost they could be good investments can you play a little bit i'm too embarrassed to play for another people so what's the uh the bottles here so this is the 12 liter unopened ace of spades and these are at like at the club if you buy these things like 25 000 from a good friend of mine he just decided to give it to me as a uh as a gift i'm never going to drink it it's never going gonna go anywhere oh it's like a scuba tank yeah then had this made you put the little play button the homage to youtube and yeah the living area here this actually i put this here just to fill some space temporarily and it looks so good here that i said that you know i'll show you this side first these aren't real are they yeah so it's an uncut sheet of fossil pokemon cards have you gotten into the crates like the pokemon crates yeah yes again but they're but they're investments it's worth between six and eight thousand like everything like this i i reason that it's not gonna lose money so technically it's like it's free and then here's the garage but yeah so we got oh so you do like shiny things no so this one was a friend's car that he put here temporarily and then asked if i wanted to buy it and it was a good price and so i bought it i've seen like a trend here yeah this would not have been my choice at all the chrome purple you're not going to lose money on it no exactly it's free it's really it's really good that would be so much fun a friend got this painted when i hit three million does the third million feel as good as the second or the first first was the most incredible nothing beats the first actually i think a hundred thousand was probably ten thousand for me was like the biggest accomplishment like ten thousand felt like the most a million was really cool this this is art by the way the person who's designing a house just made this and this was like a cheap way to get like expensive looking art good value so this is where alex works this is alex's office this is a an exclusive because i've only showed this for like five seconds in our vlog it's not much but it's it's honest work dirty so this is where jack works in here and this is gonna be the future podcast room just imagine a whole like blacked out room and then this is where i work this should look familiar to viewers of graham yeah so we got this all of these lights by the way are on one switch it's good to go it's already set up uh but yeah you get a lot of versatility in a room like this does it get brighter yeah so i wanted to make this gt40 more like the backdrop for some videos what year is this this is 2005. how many miles 7 500. wow yeah do you mind like will you eat an expensive dinner and be okay with that not really no i could justify this more than i could so funny enough the only thing that i've spent money on that i know i'm not going to make it back is the aquarium that's been the only thing for me but i love it yeah so the last part of the tour is the tank when did you decide you wanted a fish tank originally when i was like 11 years old but to do this i said i was going to do this every year probably since i was 22. some background information graham's first job was i think i read at age 13 you were working at a saltwater fish wholesaler yeah so it's reefer madness within walt smith international so how long did you work there and what did you do there uh four years basically anytime we get boxes like this we'd unpack it put it in the tank i would be the one that would photograph it photoshop it put it on their website and then i would be packing orders in the morning so you decided to do that job though because you were into the hobby or it was into the hobby and that was the best way that i would be able to get stuff like this because i couldn't afford it so instead of making money i would just get credits that i would eventually be able to use to get fish and coral this was pretty much a dream aquarium yes it gives us like the full specs on the tank so it's 310 gallons 6 feet long 33 inches high i think 34 inches deep sump is about another 50 gallons this is the one thing where i was like there's really no expense fair whatever it costs just let me know because i wanted to make this as easy as possible to maintain so the sump is actually all pretty basic stuff so we just got like two filter socks here we got a quantum skimmer this i have one of those marine bio blocks that i put in there and i soaked it in the fritz the turbo stuff yeah loved that that was awesome and then i just i put in these uh the filter floss and then we got ramsay right here he gets a little spooked for people but he'll come out if you ignore him congratulations thank you because no no this is impressive you've cycled your tank you've got some beginner fish in there some beginner coral the hard part is done now we're about to unbox some really really cool stuff i think you're gonna like you look nervous i am nervous i can first of all if anything goes in here and it doesn't live i will feel responsible for that no matter what it is when it dies i feel terrible like i feel like i personally killed something all the fish that we got you and coral came from top shelf aquatics they farm grow all of their corals it's 100 aquaculture it has the highest chance possible with living we're going to start with the fish because we want to get the fish in there as soon as possible the first fish we got you all time classic with a twist these guys are the long fin phantom clown fish every year breeders are trying to take that classic clown fish the nemo fish and breed it to have different colors and variations this year's new version that's the hottest right now is actually the one that you like the most the long fin phantoms i've never seen one like that before yeah these are awesome wow look at the fins on them so you said you love dwarf angels here's a little mark that was really really cool perfect size i know you wanted to keep a small fish in here they're not aggressive they're really really pretty that's awesome all right the next fish is is one of my favorite fish the copper band butterfly fish you can see he's got the really long pointy snout so he's got that orange stripe that goes right down through the center of his eye which is really cool the cool thing about this is this fish is one of the hardest fish to get to eat this fish is eating so super excited it's a super healthy specimen i don't want this to end it's like one of these moments that you wish you could just keep like waking up you know our next fish is is actually one of the most expensive dwarf angelfish that you can have in the hobby this is a male wow look at that blue on the face that's gorgeous this fish is most sought after dwarf angel fish for reef tanks there is and their color region is is pretty insane so yeah i can't wait to see it a little yeah the last fish we have for you is the most expensive fish stands up to its name for that reason um again not sure if you'll know what it is but i think you will pretty sure you will this is a gem tank no are you serious there you go i can't believe it it's all black with white polka dots throughout the entire body this fish comes from very far away called the genting because they are gems this used to be a fish that was like two to three thousand dollars i don't think i've actually ever seen this fish in person believe it or not i've never seen this fish in person you will be able to flex on just about any hobbyist with this fish yeah holy crap i did not expect that thank you absolutely here we go wow i'm going to start yeah let's let's maybe get that yeah we're going to start getting these guys yeah um was there one more fish one more fish i think there's one more fish you know this is it i'm pretty sure there's one more fish oh yeah following that coral box there is one oh you guys so graham we asked you what your dream fish was yeah he told us it was the regal angel fish so what's your like favorite fish oh my gosh it's been the regal the regal angel it's not exactly what she wants it but no it is exactly what you want yeah it's like the perfect size the yellow belly the red sea one yeah oh no way wow this is the regal angel fish it can sometimes misbehave but we figured hey we're coming to vegas we're gonna roll the dice call the dice my favorite fish my favorite fish and the one that i had was so perfectly well behaved let's get him out of here and then wow this is going to be your show you want to go for it yeah go ahead get your hands wet are you sure yeah i don't want it no this is the wrinkle this is the real you do it you do it you pop them up there it is oh my god look at that that's the regal angel fish oh my god i can't believe it still has a spot on the back all right so we're gonna acclimate all the fish in this white styrofoam bin acclimation is when you match the water from the tank to the water that the fish came from this helps them slowly adjust and prevents them from going into shock which could happen if you were to add them too quickly all right now it's time for the coral some of these are actually some of our mothers out of our farm this is a acura christmas mirabellus oh that smell that's the uh the acros smell this is a really cool one this is a green slime i love this is a classic when i was in the hobby this was like the coral to get these things grow so fast and they're called green slimers because they slime anytime they're stressed out it's like this big blob of slime next coral is a bi-color montipora it's half green half red the two different colored corals are actually growing together into each other that that's the dunkin coral it's gonna look totally different when it opens up in your tank whoa perfect what next one we got this really pretty rainbow well so wow i was looking at these on the website by the way i love them these are like the brain corals this is space invader chalice all green with orange eyes so those orange eyes are actually the mouths of the coral let's get the fish in oh my god i love look at that the blue hue on them they're gorgeous next was the little angel wow gorgeous next was the copper band look gorgeous very nice specimen oh he's checking it out there he goes it's so cool now you can see his colors wow all right so this is a really pretty stylo called a supreme wow it's a really pretty coral so the pops are orange and red then we have the kryptonite candy canes that are farmed wow so these guys are really cool and that will get like this big that's crazy we have the ufo because we're in vegas yeah powerbanky oh wow it's really cool this is a sunkissed bounce mushroom whoa are you serious yeah and he gets a little about that thing whoa with the bounce mushrooms with the little bubbles on it and this is called the infinity gauntlet this is pretty good too yeah mushrooms yeah here's your leather and yeah i love the leather really nice across wow so let's pop this stylo in you can see that wow got like really teeny tiny orange balls this is called the kryptonite candy cane this coral is green this oil is kryptonite green this is graham's favorite piece yup that neon green toad stool this is a very rare and expensive coral it's called the bounce mushroom it's a type of mushroom that has these little orange bounces on it it'll get huge check this out so we got a copper band butterfly fish and then there's two fish in here that i never expected to see one is the regal angel fish who's hiding a little bit then we got a gem tank no way no do you see that fish right there that's a gem tank that used that's crazy i know three grand yeah thousands of dollars that's cool dude i was joking around that i was gonna buy you one of those would it oh yeah that's right yeah yeah yeah that is so cool getting jack into it and this one you're like decked out right now jack this is like the highest end coral you could ever get like the top of the top that you've never seen dude that thing is super cool too yeah just wait until it open it's gonna open up and have tentacles just like oh my gosh i already spent too much time looking at this but now it's gonna occupy all of my time it's breathtaking i can't believe it it's so cool we brought you an invert one that i didn't think you had and it's my personal favorite a pink cushion urchin oh my god there's super bright pink oh my god look at the tentacles yeah look at those sweeper tentacles oh my god you see this side that hole most people think that's the eye but it's actually the butt he touched the butt and it eats and boom yeah be free buddy so it moves around yeah yeah oh yeah it's starting to go oh my gosh last two corals that we got for the most special the first one is not technically considered a coral it's a different type of marine animal with the clown fish yeah we needed a home for that so this is a rainbow bubble tip anemone clownfish eventually will find the anemone because they have a symbiotic relationship you see the green and the rainbow in there this bottom part is the foot and that's the part that can move around one thing that anemones can do which is unique is they can move on their own so they have like a foot and once you put them in the tank they sort of have a mind of their own they can move pretty much wherever they want to until they find a place they like and then once they find that place they'll stay and then that's you know where they're gonna be so you're gonna let it go crazy in there for probably a couple days it's to figure out where it likes so then you might have to rearrange a couple corals so that they're not going to interfere the last coil there's one more gram i don't know there's always just that one last call macro or is it uh oh it's better this is the hottest most popular coil right now on the market everybody wants them everyone's trying to get them from indonesia wait i'm gonna guess it's an lps it is an lps it's gotta be the the neon green hammer rod spawn it's the gold torch whoa it's a euphilia yeah and it's a golden torch coil this is going to be your show-off girl they call these like the holy grail gold torches wow [Music] all right graham what do you think of the new tank it's unbelievable this is the most fun i've had such a long time spent the last few hours we got all the fish all the coil in there a lot of the coral is already starting to come out yeah and the fish are all eating doing really well the regal's eating the anemone is already starting to move it's on the hunt for its final location these corals are incredible the elegance it's just it shines this candy cane it's neon it looks like a highlighter it's crazy and the gold porch i mean you could really start to see that yellow that's so cool you're gem tang he looks like he doesn't like candles he knows he's the boss of the tank too he's bossing the other fish around at this point it's gorgeous guys thank you so much we got to get these clownfish over there it's getting huge yeah the bounce it's starting to come out that's gorgeous all of it in the anika over here too i just wanted to thank steven for providing all the fishing guides i think it came out really it's like a totally different tank though we got here yeah this is better than i ever expected i was expecting like one box maximum maybe a fish and a few like little pieces of coral to throw that's all i was expecting i was blown away one thing that stood out is just like how passionate you are about the 10 yeah stephen and i noticed right from the beginning was like you clearly are really into it you love it just told us a few minutes ago how you're doing most the maintenance yourself you probably will continue to do it just because you like it so much we really appreciate that it's really awesome to meet someone that has a baller fish tank because they like really want it oh yeah i can't wait to see it in like six months oh once all the cold frozen yeah yeah yeah it's gonna look gonna look awesome so it's weird to see it now with fish we've been so meticulous about like slowly stalking it and getting the right pieces but to have it look like this so quickly is i can't even believe it well the coral is going to continue to grow in hopefully if not aquacello orlando you can make it to either our chicago or dallas event so we got three coming up this year now that you got a lot of new lps you can come down and get some more sps and shop a little bit more to finish filling out your coral that would be incredible make sure to go check out graham's version of this video we'll link that down below if you're interested in choosing any fish or coral like this you can also visit top shelf aquatics that link will be down below we're about to go film an episode on the iced coffee our podcast if you want to watch that that's going to be out around the same time yeah we got a lot of videos we got our blog we got the iced coffee hour and we got your video so we got three right there don't forget to smash the like button you gotta destroy you gotta go you gotta destroy it for the algorithm tell them it's for the algorithm that's right you guys in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrates low george out make sure to keep those nitrates below 5 ppm keep those nitrates medium slightly elevated slightly elevated
Channel: CoralFish12g
Views: 507,102
Rating: 4.8314166 out of 5
Keywords: home tour, mansion tour, real estate, real estate vlogs, most expensive homes, las vegas home, house tour, how to invest in real estate, real estate investing, how to invest in stocks, how to make money online, million dollar home, graham stephan, graham stephan vlog, investing, investing for beginners, passive income, real estate investing for beginners, aquarium, reef tank, unboxing, new aquarium, package, coralfish12g, dark web, fish, coral, new fish, credit card, saltwater
Id: 8Byekz6DQ5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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