Shopping at the RICHEST AQUARIUM in the World!! ... (rare fish inside)

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tonight we're going to be visiting the top rated fish store in the richest country in the world here in Qatar they do have freshwater and saltwater at this shop you can see their corals that's at the $4,000 thing right Asian batik Arowana I've never seen one of these before we're actually in Qatar tonight because on our way to Bali Indonesia the airline kind of messed up the flights and they didn't perfectly alive so we have missing our connecting flight goes what's going on we got 10 minutes of pack not even we need to leave right now ok alright you're 0 minutes feel like I'm definitely forgetting something sunscreen bug spray I don't have my head I knew I was forgetting something Georgi we're gonna miss you be careful depart let's go baby we got four backpacks in total I literally didn't bring anything the focus on this camera is absurd ninety percent of what's in these bags is yours got like that it's not a pair shorts somehow someway this is the first international flight I've made in a while I've missed my last two international flight I always make my domestic flights I have a tendency to miss my international flights in Qatar like my friends are boarding set for 25 it's almost 5:00 what you on first I guess the bad news first okay well bad news is we missed our flight this is the first international flight I've made in a while what's the good news was that we're already better one but it's at 2:45 a.m. 5:30 p.m. takes a nap mid-flight you're really just floating up there then you don't catch your next flight they just came as though it's all about American visit a fish store in Qatar exactly what your dad told us not today do not go outside II important words bite that as stay overnight here in Qatar luckily though no sleep for these guys because you know Airlines joke's on you I don't know visit a fish store so we have a short time window here to visit this fish two-hour layover is only for like six hours so we got to be back at the airport not gonna lie didn't know much about guitar until I got here turns out this tiny country in the Middle East is one of the world's largest reserves of oil and natural gas giving it the highest annual income levels in the world we're here with Alex and aqua art this is in all Walker Qatar you guys have a 1.6 star ranking with over 200 reviews tonight we're gonna be visiting the top rated fish store in the richest country in the world here in Qatar alex is gonna be giving us a tour see what they got all right so you'll see you right away here that their store has a full line of probably some of the best planted tanks I've ever seen in my aquarium career these things that will leave you speechless they literally have one five of these massive plan to take displays they got a bunch of different sizes and they got everything from like mosses ferns all planted small plants look how many different types of fisher in here you got Guppies up here and these are basically full high-tech planted tanks a lot of these are by ABA which is the nature aquarium design group clearly a DEA has found its influence here in Qatar person who aquascape all of these tanks his name is mr. Kevin he's actually from Malaysia unfortunately I was not able to meet mr. Kevin he's on vacation right now kudos to you man these are some of the best things I've ever seen he's also a student of takashi amano which is the founder of 88 grand design group we got this tank right here we got another polar Dario and this one's got some mist coming out of it whoa fish down we got 12 G nation out here so moving on into this room over here check out this tank 1 or 2 300 gallon tank right here this is their freshwater predator tank rows through these fish Alex Tom what all these fish are it stuck with a big cook bus and then look to the left a little stingrays how much does the matoro stingrays off for 3,500 that's a three thousand almost a $4,000 stingray do you sell a lot of those islets you used to would you say that in the store you get more freshwater sales or saltwater sales more rich water more fresh water who spends more money fresher people or saltwater pieces so what else oh God so watch it and what is he do what's his personality like he's a cool guy just chill so that's a golden Asian Arowana so that was one of the first things I freaked out when I walked in here I'm from Chicago we're not allowed to have Asian Arowana as they're considered illegal in the United States you get hit I think is like five years in prison tens of thousands of dollars how much is the arowana for sale over $5,000 US dollars that they're signed him for basically we're selling it so alex is saying that this golden Asian Arowana they bought him when he was just a baby and they've had him the entirety that the shop has been opened the shop has been here for 11 years he's just chilling he doesn't seem to mean but if you want Steve we could probably do some damage what do you feed them akari put a little [Music] pallette says that the keys to getting the plants to be the screen to look so healthy are good lighting they're using co2 on these tanks they're also dosing as you can see her fertilizer he says about twice a week over in this corner we have another little pod area check this out guys there's an axolotl in here yeah you got Christmas Moss right on the side here they're ancient is covered in some form of life this right here is their saltwater tank they do have freshwater and saltwater at this shop you can see their corals I look in very house that's a leather we got all these different types of mushrooms down here these are actually bounce mushrooms which I know can sometimes go for a lot of money you got these clams down here some feather dusters overall this is a pretty sweet low reef tank right here one of the coolest things about this shop that gives it characters wood ceilings wood doors with the locks on them now we're heading back into the tropical freshwater fish section and check this out guys you walk through here whoa okay so this is a little nuts these are all freshwater goldfish and koi we got the little baby koi down here and then look how big these goldfish are oh they're so cute and some of them are so round I think he might be my favorite these are awesome looking these guys they're so cute Wow they got a variety of different turtles these are Razorback 2mass Turtles and look how different those look than these guys they're just regular mash turtles they have a whole section here on African cichlids this is way cool you got your yellows we got the peacock stick way those are really pretty these are just a sword different story colors so this is a little baby yeah bhashya version of what we saw earlier in the big tank is their type of cichlids call run toeses very cool this right here is an Asian batik arowana I've never seen one of these before the pattern in the coloration it's like they're really pretty light blue is the coolest thing ever this guy sells for 6000 guitar dollars $2,000 us I'm dead serious right now if this guy was an official in the United States I would buy him for two grand now [Music] [Music] oh they got crayfish check that out if you guys don't know these are called crayfish this is a red dwarf type I got a blue one but these are they are very oh and then there's a white one right here oh that's cool that's so nodes which one do you guys like more I want to know comment down below the white one or the red one I can't decide I really like them both so moving on to this section what's up after they got a whole section on flower horn which I love so I have a flower horn at home mine actually looks just like this one these guys are massive dude this one is half red and half yellow I've never seen a flower horn like that where it's literally half one color half the other and look at how bright the yellow is that guy's selling for 450 cricket are reals which US dollars would be about 150 200 dollars these Hank might take the cake is my favorite look at that how he's created a circle with the rock work like this and literally branches over and the fish are perfectly swimming right in the middle of this [Applause] [Music] out here they have a whole outdoor pond section for their koi and look how big some of these coils Alex was telling me that on side of the Hobby isn't as popular here because it gets so hot out that most people have to keep indoor koi ponds and that pretty much does it for this tour if you guys are interested in coming here which I highly recommend you do if you're ever in Qatar and you are into aquariums or into marine life you honestly might have a better experience here than you would at a public aquarium you can find them on aqua art Doha on Instagram and I'll put the link to their website and their address in my description below we now have a flight to catch we're on our way to Bali Indonesia if you enjoyed this video though make sure to drop it a like down below and consider subscribing to my channel I visit a lot of different exotic fish stores aquariums I do a lot of traveling to showcase some of the amazing marine life around the world it's been fun this has been one of the coolest fish frys we've seen make sure to visit aqua art if you're ever in Qatar thanks so much I appreciate it we'll see you guys in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrate this shop was not what did I just see who would have thought Qatar had a fish store like that
Channel: CoralFish12g
Views: 1,789,458
Rating: 4.8831882 out of 5
Keywords: aquarium, fish tank, aquarium fish, fish aquarium, アクアリウム, tropical fish, aquatic plants, freshwater fish, pet fish, aquarium co-op, aquarium supplies, freshwater aquarium, aquarium channel, aquariumcoop, china fish market, china aquarium shop, china aquarium fish tank, china aquarium fish, china aquarium fish market, aquarium co op, coralfish12g, Arowana, dragon fish, king of diy, aqua art doha, qatar
Id: fmJ14LvRZIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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