Alligator Snapping Turtle Tank! 😱 *CRAZY BITE*

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this thing is so powerful we are going to be escaping this 700 gallon tank and inside of it we're gonna be putting an alligator snapping turtle oh my gosh it's a monster are you serious right now yep with this fluff what is this it's a mullet the mullet this is the front party at the back you should grow one for yourself we are on our way to aqualand to meet up with greg woodstock the pond guy we're going to be helping set up a tank for an alligator snapping turtle should be interesting see you guys there two seconds later and look what joe brought you guys i know your mom made these right yeah look at this hair i mean are you jealous i had that look back in the early 80s when you get 53 years old this is what you're going to look like joe what do you think i mean it is kind of shiny why can't i just leave these in the car because dude you just had to bring the cake so i haven't been to aqualand in quite some time so greg's going to give us the rundown the update look at the baby midland turtles that at the pond professor went and got are they the cutest those are adorable yeah they were hatched about three weeks ago baby midland painted what we do george every year we go up to barrington and we go to our friend bob krause's house we actually take the turtles right when they're about to hatch they've covered them up the nest have been covered up so predators don't get them all summer and then we raise them out here and then we release them in the area forest preserves every spring oh my god look how cute it is we are going to be escaping this massive tank that they have here it's going to be going in the entrance of their lobby and inside of it we're going to be putting aqualand's signature famous alligator snapping turtle named woody joe what do you think this tank is bigger than you bro i just love my job i just love your hair bro you're just jealous because of my mullet so nice to meet you shaq what's up i think he's deaf for those of you that don't know aqua land is aquascape inc they're the company that built my pond that is the biggest pond builders in the world and they make super awesome water features aqualand has everything aquatics related in here guys they have ponds with coin em they have turtles they even have a snake here but the coolest reptile they have which is the one that we're building this enclosure for today is this one right in here which is woody the alligator snapping turtle there is woody the alligator snapping turtle that we are going to be building that tank for right now he's just got this little den right here and we're going to be moving him to the tank out there as soon as we finish it today where he's going to be able to live happily for a very long time let's just go in and pedal dude you do not want to pet that thing for people that don't know what is an alligator snapping turtle i guess it's just a turtle but it actually has a little beak on there that has a lot of pressure that can snap bones in half and a really cool thing about these guys are in their mouth their tongue is kind of like a little worm and they'll open that and that'll attract fish into their mouth and then that's when they strike they're really cool these guys are literally waiting for you to want to pet them because if your finger gets close enough to their mouth they are taking it with them these guys are fairly dangerous you do want to be pretty careful when you're handling them we'll see greg handle it later this is an indoor pond that they built a little bit earlier this year look how many koi are in here if we come over here you'll see greg wittstock's face painted right up there this is greg woodstock's turtletopia in this enclosure they have all sorts of different turtles now i'm not a turtle guy but greg loves his turtle so here's one it's full of little turtles i believe it's time for acclimation acclimation acclimation you can see josh from ohio fish rescue just about to acclimate some fish in there he came all the way from ohio fish rescue to help us film this video today where did joe go oh i love my job welcome to my home come on in here's this is where i bathe that's where i sleep pretty nice in here oh my god ed what's going on our brand new 700 gallon tank this had a turtle named crunch inside of it for a dozen years traveled all over the united states and educated people on the unique qualities of alligator snapping turtles crunch was actually between 150 and 200 years old making him the oldest living alligator snapping turtle in history eventually crunch stopped traveling and team aquascape purchased this tank from the owner so that their much younger turtle woody could live in it so we have a bunch of really cool driftwood here so what i'd like to do is almost kind of create like a log jam type of a thing where he could get himself under it his shell is 18 inches wide and he is three feet long and stands about a foot tall so we have to make a pretty big log jam in order for him to fit inside of that we want to have a deep area for him to kind of go out and about but we'd also like to have a little bit of an elevation change maybe where he can come up a little bit higher 700 gallons that we have to work with here the thought right now we got this really cool piece of wood that i found right by my property it's gonna look great i mean we're going to get some other root masses and stuff around it are you leaving this gravel in there to do a sand gravel mix so this is the gravel that he originally came with but i would like to get a little bit more sand in there i think it would mimic his habitat a little bit better it's such an interesting tank built with the wheels 2500 pounds look at how thick this acrylic is thick with triple c's [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so there still needs to be quite a bit of work done on the turtle tank so we're going to come back in a couple days and that's when we're going to finish this build so we'll see you in a couple days what's up donuts dude the man love the merch and the mullet give me a little wave back now and look what's happened to the tank joe as you can see there's water it's officially time to move this turtle into his new aquarium this is gonna be epic guys all right joe you ready to help me yep the motta mod is going in here woody's been living in here it's great water but i want more tannin water for woody because it's more natural and this 700 gallon tank was where 125 pounds snapping turtle was living for many years so okay this guy's only 85 pounds watch your hands greg this thing is so powerful oh i think he's more than 85 pounds yeah he's wrong i've had him for two years he is growing holy cow but he's pissed of course he is well look at that look at that little uh appendage there uh right by his tongue that's what he uses for fate so that thing kind of wiggles around they lay on the bottom they'll open up their mouth and they're gonna wait for fish or something to come along come along the way to grab that so he's gonna be living in here and then taking walks in the front pond in the summer this is so fun oh he'll snap oh he will snap trying to walk up a ladder holding an alligator [Music] oh my god his new home yes watch out for that friend freaking out okay buddy oh jeez look at him just digging and rooting around he's gonna search that thing around he's going to stir everything up it's a monster look at him he just looks like a prehistoric setting though the setting is perfect you know it's got that tannic acids in the water we got that mixture of roots and logs we created a really cool cave form because again these animals are relatively sedentary they're going to go down into those deep pockets and deep holes in river systems and this is going to be lots of organic matter that's where he's comfortable look at him just kind of checking everything out in his new environment so he looks actually really really comfortable in here i think he's going to be much much happier in here because this truly replicates his natural habitat i would now i can get my finger closed dude look at that the first time he's going in there so andrew and i actually took measurements of woody and we made sure that we had a cave big enough where he could actually tuck himself in look at that that was incredible oh my gosh i'd also like to get maybe some other bottom feeder like some suckers or something like that because again this is a deep water species so he's going to live in those deep pockets and in those deep pockets you're going to have more bottom feeding type animals so maybe some catfish some suckers something like that that'll actually actually replicate that normal habitat the bluegills and stuff they're going to be up here in the top layer we could also put maybe some minnows or shiners or something in there spooling around up here on the surface also helping with the overall biology of an ecosystem that we just like you guys that led light that you put in right in there he's just so awesome so just a couple more cool facts about woody i don't think i mentioned this but woody's a rescue turtle he was saved from the turtle suit business before being brought to aqualand alligator snapping turtles are only found here in north america back in the 60s and 70s they were over collected for turtle soup they became endangered and almost went extinct so woody is an ambassador for his species and everyone who will see him here at aqualand will get to learn about him first hand if you're lucky you'll even see during the warmer months when they release him into their big outdoor pond greg and i have also made a video of this it's a lot of fun you just gotta be careful about your fingers and toes i'll link that video down below if you're interested so this turtle the mata mata is actually swapping with woody and now going to go in the place we just see how it looks like leaves his skin and stuff all right let's go put them in the tank so this is actually a good size environment for him i think i want to change out the substrate in here and then we're going to put a nice log in here because now it's him he doesn't really bask much because they're mostly in muddy water but he's got a plenty area to swim and this water's heated too so this is about 80 degree water he just blends in so natural look at his head yeah we'll have to pull him out get some sand down in the bottom of there yeah and then a log all around and we got two new homes for both the new turtles yeah exactly this has been an awesome build with greg wittstock the pond guy and ed the pond professor turtletopia is here at aqualand if people want to come here they can see it for themselves right seven days a week in season five days a week out of season and we're always open because we're trying to encourage more people to learn about the environment you can come here you can see the amazing facility all the awesome ponds with fish in them the turtles the koi joe how awesome is this place 10 out of 10. i think you should go swimming in there did you bring your bathing suit today thank you guys and if you guys want to check out their channels i will link them down below make sure to like this video down below if you enjoyed it and also subscribe to my channel i get to work with these guys all the time on awesome aquarium builds and ponds so if you liked it and you want more definitely subscribe it'll make sure you're updated and notified when these kinds of videos come out i will see you in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrates low george out joe oh no no no no no no no no joe i love my job breezy it hurts all over you can see my cheeks you
Channel: CoralFish12g
Views: 1,879,769
Rating: 4.7627282 out of 5
Keywords: the fish whisperer, i like turtles, catching sea turtles, turtle pond, turtles love turkey, snapping turtle, edbassmaster, catfish like to be petted, raising turtles, reptile farm, turtle farm, fishing, monster mike, fishing video, bass fishing, fish pond, strapped a gopro on a fish, gopro on a turtle, gopro on fish, best gopro, catch em all, fishing videos, paul cuffaro, carp fishing, go pro review, best fishing videos, coyote peterson, swamp monster, coralfish12g, attack
Id: iwZC5WwTzrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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