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what's up guys we're here today at cannes marine 800 species here right now so much to show you we work with lots and lots of public aquariums all around the world they call them a potato grouper those are great barracudas like [Applause] what's up guys we're here today in cairns australia with laura simmons curator of tans marine today you guys are going to be seeing their entire facility you're going to get a tour of basically all the amazing animals that they deal with every single day we have an amazing team of people you're going to get to meet today we have over 800 different species in our facility and you're going to get to see how it happens and we love showing it off so perfect yeah let's go come on in all right so much to show you i'm just gonna start at the start yeah so obviously at cans marine we specialize in gbr species but the tbr goes pretty far south so we also have a temperate room just in case we bring in temperate species right now we only have a few things in here that you're welcome to come visit these are abdominalis seahorses so they're the big belly seahorses but they're a temperate species you need to be able to keep them under 21 degrees they're very cute aren't they and these get quite big like they get really big when they're full grown yeah i bet seahorses are pretty special yeah they really are so come on out and we'll actually continue our tour because there are lots of animals to save [Music] so more big animals as you can see not only do we love the hobby but we love public aquariums and we love having people see animals on display so in this tank you're seeing the types of animals that you'd see at one of your local you said that you are from chicago yeah so shed aquarium we work with them and they're wonderful people and they have beautiful aquarium habitats and they have animals from cantering but we work with lots and lots of public aquariums all around the world four big animals over here one of my favorite species of unicorn fish yes isn't he sweet they don't have their uh orange well he doesn't have one it's a hump head unicorn he looks like a beluga whale doesn't he yes he'll never have a spike he'll just always have a big forehead yeah we like to keep them mixed up so much diversity we really do we're very fortunate the the species that we get to work with on a daily basis right now we have lots of projects for public aquariums going on so our not so reef safe butterflies you'll see loads of beautiful butterflies here and they've been in quarantine for 30 days we've had these for a year and a half only because we try not to put too many into the market at one time so the darwin black and white clowns what we like to call emo nemos emo nemos yeah these are really popular in the aquarium trade and people have been keeping the captive red versions of these for years and years these black emo nemo's come from they come from darwin they come for the northern territory and where they're coming from and it's an area that's just completely croc infested because they are the true black and white darwin clowns yeah those are really black and white tell me what else you want to see there's more all right yes so as we keep moving through the facility the awesome thing is that we go into bigger animals so tell us more about the potato chips yeah so potato cods are a bit iconic on our reefs they're a type of grouper they call them a potato grouper isn't he handsome he's very cool he is yeah he's a pretty good little guy and then of course you get assorted fishes these are our intermediate species like bigger angels and tangs these animals go to the public aquariums for their big ocean habitat we have some that are around 5000 liters we have others that are 10 000 liters of these two uh this is by around three to five thousand liters total so big habitats everywhere more of our beautiful rasses um goat fishes goat fish goats fish gorgeous those are uh called mini bar goat fish they've got little chopsticks on their face and they use those to feel everything those little barbells look isn't he cool he looks like a big rock with a lot of coral emails his eyes are right here yeah yeah on top and that's his mouth i know isn't he wicked i think they're beautiful reef stone fish but they're highly venomous that's right that's why they're very special he's on his own yep there you go no but we train them to hand feed and they're really really cool system one is where you'll see our pajama cardinal fish this system alone right now is housing maybe 12 different collecting trips these are our world famous lineatus wraps pretty special species reef safe everybody loves them because look how beautiful they are come down here and look at some of our banana rasses and our amphibious like these sudantheus lori they were collected at below 80 meters depth and then the ones with gold kind of striping are the um the sudanthius lori yeah but look at these guys more deep water this is the sierra labyrinth of phillips aren't they incredible they're colors they're super vibrant yeah 80 meters deep this species the sudancias ventralis the ventralis anthias are world famous probably the most beautiful anthias on the planet these are collected again below 80 to 100 meters in depth don't let the tank fool you these animals are super special those are so pretty they're unreal i know they are they just they're iridescent chloe it's in my fish stores what's going on um they're allowed to purchase them they're allowed to buy them you have to ask for us by name if you say i want this because i want to work with cans marine then you'll know that you can get welcomed into our world of amazing diversity we are one of only two collectors in the coral sea in australia that collect for the aquarium industry so it's pretty special [Music] we've got oh here's square block anthias everybody loves a square block the ultimate in sexual dimorphism the males and females look totally different boys pink with a purple square and they're real for orange that's about as different as you can get how cool is that i know the males are the ones with the purple squares yep and the females are the orange ones we often will keep our animals separated off and containerized because a lot of fish don't play well with others it's not just because they would we don't want them to injure other animals the most important thing is so that they don't feel stressed out all the time when an animal is really dominant it actually will be stressed out if it has to be put in a position to always look for territory so you'll see that's what we've done with our harlequin tusk fish they're the best tusk fish in the world because they are gorgeous as babies but they keep that amazing color even through adulthood what makes it better they don't just have blue teeth their bones are blue their bones are blue no joke why is that you know i don't know that's like one collected at one time this is for the world these are our otbs they pretty much glow when you see them we call them otbs but the orange tail blue damsels wow those are super vibrant and hey don't forget our filtration on all of these systems you'll see that we're running gravel filters ozone protein skimmers and chillers because we want to keep them healthy i've got six systems here with nothing but inverts and nothing but amazing corals so we've got animals from as far south as makai all throughout the great barrier reef these clams were collected in darwin about a year and a half ago these are the blue lightning maxima we've got helios we've got scully's we've got you name it we're so it's so exciting [Music] [Applause] [Music] some of our most iconic stars are in this system it's a pretty cool one it's a laster leech rose blotch sea star you might not have ever seen one of those before the blue linkies are super popular and they're great cleanup crew even in here talk about babies um we breed uh epaulette sharks here so these hold on let me see where they're hiding there he goes yeah he just hatched out of an egg a couple of weeks ago all of our seahorses are here they might have all shipped out we actually do sell a lot of them so you've got hippocampus cuda and hippocampus read eye and these are aquacultures the kuda are probably the ones that are the most popular because they're not as common in the trait have you ever seen this coral before no it is a header up samia cochlea we call them knuckle bone corals they're actually a single polyp one single animal so you can see what they look like when they're open nice and iridescent green but the reason i wanted to pick it up for you to see the hole in the bottom yeah there's a commensal worm that lives inside of that hole every single one polyp has one worm that lives with it not only do they live together in harmony it moves them so when you think that corals are sessile or they stay still all the time that's not true these guys move around because the little worm comes out and pushes them around and that's how they find their food that is too cool and they're knuckle bone corals [Music] dental side of the facility is all smaller fish coral and intermediate yeah but out here this is where we go from intermediate to a bit bigger and then to really big we are in big animal heaven now we've got everything from our intermediate really cool different odd species to barracuda and job fish right now you'll see that we've got some food in there and they're nibbling around but if if it's early in the morning and they haven't been fed yet they come right to the window and it looks like fish soup but now they're a bit chill you know they're hanging out they've had a good feed or two most of our vertebrates get feedings like about three to five times a day depending on the species over here those are great barracudas oh yeah aren't they wicked this is what you'd consider one of your main predator tank type species they're very curious animals if you see some of our big stingrays they'll they'll come to hand feed within days of us collecting them and in here you're going to see one of our specialties the bluetoon trevally this is a big black flat tray isn't it gorgeous big boy yeah yeah and they're quite an interactive species he'll actually come and if you were to train him like two days from now you could get him just sit in your lap and eat out of your hands not all sharks give of them lay eggs but what you see in here are actual eggs from what we call here a zebra or an australian leopard shark and if you look on the bottom of the tank we actually had one of our first babies hatch oh there it is he is adorable yeah he is super super cute and he will end up being about two and a half meters he's so cute yeah he's pretty sweet here you go come here boobers that's what he's gonna look like now he's also a juvenile that little guy's probably only a couple of years old maximum that's a juvenile yeah that's a juvenile when they're full grown see it's a little male and he doesn't even have classrooms yet like noticeable and so when he's full grown he'll be over two meters long so well over six feet long so these are australian nurse sharks oh yeah and again they'll be over three meters long when he oh he's just trying to steal the show isn't he always wants attention michael is cleaning a filter sock there it is we all love it we're gonna see some more species [Music] these actually are found very far south these are a very special population we were almost gifted them because the woman who used to own them all and used to breed them couldn't care for them any longer so she knew that ken's room would take care of them so like all of these we've had for over 10 years now there may be barramundi in here too still like there's one of our big fatties and then there's one of the platinum barramundi isn't it insane yeah the white one yep pretty cool yeah it's a very rare color variant and you guys have had that one for how long oh gosh i would say we've had this one for about four years four or five years oh no no not necessarily no they're kind of a collector's item and pets there's a normal barramundi that's what they normally look like you're a rare dark guy yes that one's very rare and then you got plants yes we even like aquatic plants we grow everything that we can we have fresh water tanks salt water tanks we've got and we're testing our water twice a day every day for all sorts of parameters just to make sure it's always healthy water quality is king all right so let's go in i know it's getting hot out here so come on down packing supervisor making schedules and getting things ready to go all around the world come on upstairs as we go upstairs you're going to get to see the man that is sort of behind everything we've ever done it's our owner's grandfather just an amazing man he's there with a little dugong but he actually owned the cans baths and he converted them into a public aquarium the very first in foreign queensland to show the world gbr species so up here we have all of our offices and admin we've got ryan and teresa and lee here's my office and i'm the lucky one because i get a really cool map of the gbr i've got the view wow so you have the best view in the house i do and look what i have those are for you this is the best fruit in the world and i hadn't tried it until i was 22 years old and came to australia here we call it the queen of the fruit because it is the best ever it's like safe to crack one open for your for your audience someday and show them exactly what it means to eat a mangosteen it's life-changing you're like i didn't think there was a fruit that tasted that good yeah no there is this is my pet frog fergus you want to visit him he's a magnificent tree frog oh wow isn't he cute he is he is magnificent he's the best little frog on the planet his name is fergus the frog again this also belongs in my office this is dolly you saw the picture of her with vikko um he was an amazing man and he actually practiced with taxidermy and did molds of animals and when dolly passed away very sadly in the 70s he chose to make sure that he made a mold of her so this is dolly the dugong so it's just a mole this is a mold all right but this is how big she was this is our cute little dolly wow yeah and so you can see she she actually normally should be hanging from one of our ceilings because she's really cool and she's a dingong and then as we come in here hold on oh new people it's not the same this is christy and stuart this is where all the magic happens to actually move animals from this building all around the world and he's really good at it and she's really good at it and this is james james he is our spectacular domestic sales guru and packing extraordinaire he does it all what don't you do sleep what to open so anyway guys oh hey an incubator guess what we also love turtles freshwater australian turtles and this incubator when it's full is usually full of little baby sea turtle eggs they're pretty amazing what's going on right there i see a pink his name's bacardi he's a gala he's a type of cockatoo is it cardi like cardi b or mccarter no bucardi like the rum yes uh our owner's favorite drink is a bacardi so he has bacardi the bird and bacardi is a bit he's he's lyle's pet but he's also a house bird has a house bird i'm a cardi are you good boy you want some attention don't you hello what are you gonna do he's gonna lift his leg up no i see what i see what you want no no i said no does he bite you um not at first but yes eventually he'll always bite you especially when he wants your attention he's a great bird though we do love them yeah you're going to like and subscribe call fish 12 g yeah he's trying to tell you yes cheers cheers perfect cans fast the freshest most beautiful water in the world water all right guys i just want to thank laura and the entire team here at cans marine for allowing us to showcase what they do it's amazing to see that people like these guys care so much about the well-being of the animals and are really doing it in a responsible way that makes sure that the animals are taken care of as best as possible so i don't know what your thoughts are in the comment section below don't forget to subscribe to my channel to see more upcoming videos we'll see you in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrates hello george out
Channel: CoralFish12g
Views: 1,604,024
Rating: 4.7716832 out of 5
Keywords: fish, fishes, fishing, bass, catfish, turtle, pond, reptile, house, backyard pond, pond pump, ponds, funny, educational, learn, kids, vlog, mini pond, pool pond, new fish, exotic, how to, diy, fish tank, coralfish12g, unboxing, mantis shrimp, dont order fish off the dark web, taylor nicole dean, clownfish, seahorses, saltwater aquarium, freshwater aquarium, reptile store, dorm room, all my fish & rare exotic creatures!!! (dorm room tour), how many pets, 600 gallon beach pond, octopus, piranha, shrimp
Id: KXimrxhPJ5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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