Master Breeder Feeds HUNDREDS of Baby Fish [Tour]

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hi camera there's a camera over there on top of my tank you're so happy look at that liquid gold coming out do you remember why i rinsed this there's all this pea and brine shrimp poop in there and i don't want to feed that to myself that's the best part i taste the best the fish don't eat that the plants dude plants do well you got to have plants to have that happen you have a tissue culture right there i know and you know why that's there because you're afraid of it there's like over 200 gold rams in here they're large enough to eat plenty of other food but i like to give them baby brine shrimp too they just go crazy for it and then of course out of my custom feeder that's right extreme nano pellets we come back here in about 10 minutes all of that will be gone i'mma hold you to that these are the secret tanks your wife can't know about right yes i think she's starting to troll me though so you saw his laundry room i don't think anyone's ever seen your laundry room really so i next go in here now the first thing i do just to make it easy since i keep my tanks covered is i open all of the tops and by the way we're showing everything that this master breeder feeds because i know how many times a day do you feed and how long does it take between all the feeding um like this feeding at night will take probably a half hour half hour in the morning and then in the daytime it's usually just some of the fry that get another hit and that's usually just a couple minutes not food a hit okay yeah what are we feeding here oh so up behind you we're going to start there now this is actually just a hatching jar but as you can see there's no room in the fry rack so they got to get a little food because they're free swimming now and what are the what's in there i i i think they're angels nice you wait till they get bigger than you remember yeah remember when they get down here i see then we're going to go we'll start with the small ones looks like rams rams angels bentley's favorite plecos robin musters is that we call them i don't know those are red koi angels and these are red koi angels also and you can see that these red koi angels are way ready to be out of this tray there's like a pleco in there or something yeah those are the um l 201 large spots okay like the snowball type yeah the snowball plecos for these guys i'm going to turn the air off so that i'm not just flushing the brine shape yeah this is this uh does this happen there's some wobben muster i think that's how you say it i don't really know so i know people always question this but i do it too this is going to be live baby brine to baby plecos right baby plecos eat anything that's the thing now the thing is they will eat this there's also leaf i put in there for them to chew on there's a piece of green bean in there um i will also put in some um sarah micron and or the um the the stick on tabs that whatever they're called oh yeah like the sarah xl yeah yeah for they eat anything and and there's also a piece of wood in there this is gonna be maybe to get these um pencil fish to come out for jimmy those are the chunkiest pencil fish i've ever seen those are we caught those in peru i know i'm just saying you spoil those things yeah this tank basically just has a pleco in it pluck away i'm getting ready to put uh pairs of black rams in those all right so next the fry ridiculous you think these discus are too big to eat maybe brine i don't because i literally feed everything baby they love it i mean every time jimmy comes over i make him eat baby brian look they almost eat it right out of the that is fun right and how did that get in there my guess is you're selectively wanting to breed him or something i don't know how that got in there let's go here and how much brian did you hatch out for this feeding this would be a tablespoon okay of eggs now i could pour obviously but so the amount of amount of rams right here is just it's insane huh yes that's uh between the three tanks i bet you there's 1500. i if it was anyone else i would be like yeah right but i know you count them and i have to believe you because i also know that you bring us a lot of fish and then i come over and you still have way too many right story of my life too many fish this is the opposite though because when when you're not locked down from covid right you travel too much you don't make fish now the midnight rams over here they're gonna eat some of this stuff too because i got plenty tonight so they'll go crazy we'll give them some other food too but obviously they like it huh yep would you say oh dean will you ship me some of those um i don't really ship fish but you know if you were to travel out here you could probably get something from aquarium co-op i just know that question was wow you're even spawning the starbucks yes actually i find it funny i'm more intrigued by that those hats those hats the same day the rams did nice so that's why i just kept them together you should make me 10 billion stir by cory i sell so many of those they were in a tray together you buy them for 12 cents each 12 cents okay that's good where did my ladder go i don't know how can i get these top fish you're i don't put tanks that high that's i just saw the reflection of my favorite light your favorite light yeah the 20 like yeah it is it's you know that's a bulb that screws in yeah you know it looks so good where did we use that yeah that's right because i found them in my fish room or my home depot and i liked them so i'm gonna say that these um vienna guppies like baby brine too oh yeah i feed mine tons and um the apistos now i've always fed my apistos baby brine and other foods obviously also but i feel like when you feed them baby brine then they know there's gonna be food for the fry ever since you told me that probably six seven years ago i adopted that principle and i found that it's always helped like with crebenzas and all kinds of stuff i i genuinely believe that's a true observation that is pretty close to what might be true in nature like obviously wouldn't do any scientific tests but you know like panned out for me you go dry in wet season and when the wet season there's lots of food in the water the fish know there's food um let's feed these little rice fish some baby brine too and while we're doing that we'll take a look and see if there's any eggs in the mop all right i'll be surprised it's gotta be pretty warm up there well and this is actually also the um the leopard frog pleco breeding tank oh yeah so in the center one i've had one spawning but i was not successful at keeping the fry happens to all of us you know there's some times when the fry just don't work actually that's never happened to me i've never happened always been successful yeah that's a joke people oh wow yahtzee so there's some eggs in there right yeah right here here here's a little bit of uh nurm talk do you think we could ship rice fish eggs like this yes i think you could ship them easier than the fish nice so i'm counting maybe a dozen eggs how long has that mop quote unquote been soaking in there for two days oh here's some more look at there's a bunch in here nice there's a whole bunch up in here okay maybe two dozen eggs i'm gonna play the internet the internet's gonna say aren't those eggs drying out yes no they're fine you can even pick them up and then we can just re-stick it right there there you go so i'm just looking at the females if they're having if they're carrying any eggs typically they'll carry them in the morning and deposit them by about noon i didn't know if they deposited the same day i just see them and i go i wonder where they they they back up against them they actually have little threads the eggs do and so the females swim into the mop and the eggs rub off oh look all of the baby brine that we've had is gone that's true it's all sucked up into that matte filter no i'm just kidding i actually ate it so since the brine shrimp is gone i usually supplement them with some extreme nano and out of my custom made shaker bottles oops look how dirty your fish room is why did i do that look at dean cracking under pressure under on camera really uh this will probably be gone in just a couple minutes also now this tank's going to get a little bit more because there's a bunch of um l-333 plecos in the wood yep and this tank's going to get a little bit more because there's a bunch of l-333 and also 201 plecos in here and i want that food to get down there where they're eating this tank we didn't give anything to yet or that tank these are both pleco breeding tanks okay so you probably won't be able to see but there are some fry in that cave that's the 201 group and this is the i call them wobbins for short uh we got to give them some food so i'm going to use some of these green flakes spirulina flakes yeah um by the way let's talk about this in a second once my hands are dry now i want these to sink so i just put them in the water and make sure they sink and these will be gone in the morning wow those tanks are cold yeah i guess not they're 82 degrees so mr extreme mr extreme if you're listening to me andy andy my first name is actually andrew also but i don't use it you let the secret out that was the one claim to fame i had that i knew your real name so mr extreme andy um i get yelled at sometimes because people come over and they film and they say why is he hiding all the labels of his foods that's because he won't share any information you hold everything back first keep everything back it's because when i go to grab this food off the shelf i grab the things to grab it so mr extreme see this label here just use the extreme aquatic food spirulina flakes and put that little square right here on this side on this side take another label and put all of this small print that no one can read anyway but you have to have on it well if they have two labels maybe bigger it might be and also you don't have to wrap the corners then you can just do two flat labels that's got to be easier could be and then when it's on my shelf people will be able to see that i've got extreme extreme extreme and what happened here why don't you have this jar mr extreme that's because that's the aquarium co-op oh patented right i wish yeah oh these guys will eat this stuff too i'm pretty sure like heinz ketchup or something probably patented the squeeze bottle someone on the internet is actually raging right now like actually in 1912 it was this company it probably was who knows i've got a few more fish to feed yet right you've barely fed any oh yeah i know but let's feed these guys some of this are those the is this the adult group of uh the stir buys um no these are other fry okay but they're bigger they are bigger and these are some rams that are pairing off but these aren't even the biggest midnight rams do you spawn the rams with the cory's in there and they no this is okay this is a grow out tank where i've selected these rams for my future breeders so i thought as much but i thought maybe she is crazy since i'm up here right what could these possibly eat he's never fed his fish before so he doesn't know let's try bug bites oh oh by the way just so you guys know what these are these are 333 plecos i see they'll eat anything then hopefully i'm making i never make these messes when no one's here sure you don't i just sweep it on the way are we supposed to show the one dirty aquarium because you said oh yeah yeah you guys always say oh look your tanks are so big well if you had that many fish in the tank there would be nothing left for them to make a mess of but look i left the tank dirty just for you guys if you look at this tank the bottom is nice and clean the sides are nice and clean this tank the bottom is nice and clean sides are nice this tank is uh i can't swear on camera so it's a disaster let's just say it's a disaster but the fish love it now the difference is the previous two tanks each have one small bristlenose pleco it's funny because there's a reticulated hillstream lunch but it doesn't do the same job there's two reticulated hills lodges and they don't they don't eat the algae they don't eat the scum yeah and and the other thing is it might not necessarily be eating it completely all but they might keep moving it to where it's small enough where the filter takes care of it one or the other so that's the difference is just the plug have a dirty tank let's get rid of the rest of the brine shrimp first at what point do you just take a shot of it yourself um i've done that totally by accident but it ain't good it's not like shrimp fettuccine or anything like that um this has got to go out out there there's guppies some other stuff to feed do you want to show them all the cool stuff well if we're going to feed this all right so because there's projects and all kinds of stuff out here that you guys haven't seen yet look how much stuff we bring to film oh these are all the lenses and the cameras we're not using yet and we can feed those new um little red things new little red things yeah the new little red things oh yes so down here there's a few guppies and there's some looks like vienna guppies yep and there's some uh betta what yeah i could never remember that in here some rice fish i moved in from outside are we gonna do a whole video on these super cool ponds or well we can um this is this is called a muck bucket what'd you call me it's a muck bucket that's actually what it's called so originally i was using this when i was doing shrimp i had four of them way up ceiling height and i was using them to mix water or house ro water so all i did and i'm not going to pull this one again again because that one's easier to pull out over there um i just they were already drilled with holes so i just turned it around and bent a piece of pvc i think we should do a whole video on how to actually make it drill into everything because this is almost a kitchen table project this is a kitchen table project yeah well we could do that you think we could bend the pipe with a hair dryer maybe can we get it oh i use i use the stove okay well yeah i'm trying to trying to make people not like get in trouble with their family a hair dryer will not get it hot enough yeah and obviously we don't want everyone to have to go buy uh yeah okay you can do it without uh burning down the house i can do that and and it will you can do it with an electric stove or a gas stove it works either way here's the real test is that a project you can do while your wife is here or is she yeah okay well if it passes past the wife test it doesn't even smell the house up look at that guppy's got to get fed right of course i'm going to have extra brine shrimp today you must just be feeding lighter i never i usually just find whatever tank i really want to spoil and pour the rest in that's what i'm gonna do with the gold rams okay uh there's there's one guppy in here because cory gave me this this guppy grass and there was actually a guppy in it that lived in a five gallon you didn't know that guppy grass makes guppies no so i'm just going to feed him a little yeah you want to do that video you want me to show them now i say we do that video let's you know i'm sorry click bait but i know you guys are going to want to see the whole build and the best way to do it and we don't have time to break one down and show you how to build it what is this tank this is the planted tank that that lizzie from aquarium co-op that's right i let her take this tank over and do anything she led her or made her i offered to let her all right and she took me up on the offer so she took care of all of the aquascape planting i'm playing with the background which can be changed all different colors uh i showed you earlier the sunspot that'll come eventually and we we talked about what fish and what shrimp are going to go in here and these are the first fish that went in the ember tetras there's and you think an oscar's gonna be a good idea in here no i don't think the oscar's gonna work but one thing i was gonna say is is the fish are brand new to the tank yeah like an hour and i want them to know where i'm going to be putting food so they better know my name exactly that's exactly what i was thinking oh man i bet they'll take this like crazy i may or may not hang out with dean a lot yeah look at them eat i love i honestly love watching fish eat brine shrimp because you can see the enjoyment you can literally like it's like watching a kitty candy or me eat candy really and and it's it's it's a but they frenzy because if you put dry food it's a frenzy that's right fish don't freeze yeah let's go for a ride buddy he's he's picking because even a lot of people don't realize that even amano's and other shrimp will eat brine shrimp too like they they need that protein they love it and these happen to be the aquarium brine shrimp eggs i mean any brine trip egg they'll go nuts for but uh these ones just are well i'm tired of saying why mine are better i'll let other people tell you but i think they're the best and uh yeah this is awesome yeah totally i think you're going to sit at your desk and watch this tank a lot actually no i just sit on the floor i just think all right all right you know that's actually something i miss i haven't laid on the floor and watched fish in probably four years now right i used to do it all the time i think it's because i had more tanks in my house and well when i had less space i was forced to put tanks on the ground and then when you lay down on the ground sometimes you're too lazy to get back up right and then so i would actually see some cool stuff laying there for a while so there's a couple tanks in here one of the benefits of having a big or a lot of tanks is you can actually go back a second time be like who did finish their dinner who's getting seconds let's see i almost did it again i don't know why you always close i guess you close those three but okay the rest for the gold rams oh these are gold rams yeah but you meant the ones in the 40 huh i meant the ones in there yeah i see oh then we have to go up and get some clams yep or i assume do you ever feed them blood worms or just clams i feed them blood worms and and what are these so have we fed everything yet if you're doing frozen foods you haven't done that yet the crazy part is i can't believe you keep the frozen food on a different level your house for a guy that has everything in its place and 100 organized what okay let's go see the frozen food all right videos like this right here is what we do all the time we put out a video every week that's educational we also do a live stream that's educational and a q a session so hit that subscribe button if you haven't already and we'll see you in the next one and i can't keep it downstairs because of this this my freezer there's some aquarium club brine shrimp eggs there's some frozen food like yeah you got to kick those ryan can't really say who right now sure and there's blood worms brine shrimp both cubes and flat packs there's a local store that's supplying you way too well um there's cyclops and well i think that was a mistake because randy was only supposed to order 60 and he ordered 60 cases ah i'm glad i paid for that i think i am to pay for it yeah well then i'm glad that happened yeah you'll take it out of me in a peru trip or something i'm sure exactly all right i can see how you don't have the space but we got to feed some fish down there i'm more impressed that that that freezer looks like it's from 1970 it is or earlier it probably lasts forever now because it's it's that old school it's made and it's going to live forever before they learned like you better make it to break it otherwise you only ever sell one so that'd be the discus and you've got that dialed in you know that's 6.2 ounces just by feel right no because what are these cups they're like eight ounces i think or four each are they four each or maybe it might be four each four each so that's two ounces right i know that's how you feed at a fish store normally except i have to do it with one pound yeah flats break it in half and the reason i don't buy the one pounds is because they don't break as easy yeah i hate when the plastic's actually too thick and you can like right stretch it way too far clams yeah you're doing clams that's true so you're the one that's fine all the clams besides me i am how many clams do you have how many bags you got we were out for a while i'll tell katie on you oh you need one i gotta actually no we do have some but we were out and katie is really taken to feeding ladybird yeah it's like her favorite thing to do she's like well you gotta feed ladybird breakfast and she needs lunch and she needs dinner they'll smell those don't smell like wait you don't put those in your mouth to thumb no and then you just baby bird them to the puffers when you get down there i don't even know if i'd cook those but huh they should be edible right no wonder they're not spawning you're not baby burning yeah that's got to be it oh we should give these some food too do you always use hannah montana as your uh backgrounds for your tanks no she's not in the tank oh there's a whole story between hannah montana should we let people know because i know people lost their minds last time they thought you were just a giant weirdo so so as you can see this is a race car that's a race car these are race cars are you just trying to make it make us think you're more macho this is a race car behind there there's a race car behind that door is another hannah montana pile of stuff there's a race a slot car race track it looks like it's emerald city speedway right so i used to have races here for slot car racers on a monthly basis ten thousand dollar buy-in and one of them was my birthday and so they all got together and everything that came from my birthday was hannah montana stuff so this is actually a piece of the wrapping paper that we cut out they cut it out put on the door of course the poster and of course you know you you you just have to fish tanks went in front of it you know i didn't pull it off the wall sure sorry i didn't pull off the wall i have a little girl she like hannah montana oh by the way we're feeding um catfish wafers with wood yeah to these um i don't even know what these are called but but somewhere in the dregs of aquarium co-op videos there's a video in peru with corey sitting in the middle of a small river cooling off and you were talking about how the sand was sharp yeah for the corydoras and stuff yeah that is where these came from i remember that we were catching tons of them these are they i flee i believe they're called lancelottas i think you might be right and i kept them because i was fascinated by the tall dorsal fin corey kissed one i probably did kiss one i was kissing anything on that trip so i kind of figured out that they chew on wood so i'm using these wood chewing chips all right sorry these guys got fed earlier okay disc dispersed right here they're getting ready to spawn they might not be too interested in food uh these discus ate baby brine shrimp they're gonna eat this too do you normally transition from baby brine to uh frozen brine shrimp i think that's a win in right frozen brine and also lots of they eat lots of dry food stream nano pellets that's usually what i went to next um krill flakes they i want them to eat everything that's that's my actual goal this is just a little protein for the plecos these guys will usually come out for food now oh you're missing some of this whoa there's a camera there that's amazing the trick is all you have to do is turn a camera on and dean will put a show on half the time we don't even turn the camera on we just laugh at dean doing things you guys show off the eggs oh yeah yeah oh yeah this is really cool so right before they got there or right before corey and jimmy got here the angelfish started spawning on the head of my easter island is the easter island statue is it a fertility thing did you get did you get the pleco swimming the pleco yeah the giant plateau and and talk about midnight rams look at the size of those midnight rams i was noticing your bet is over here yeah you know that that that's that's actually a breeding setup it's a video that we should make on how i do it um right now they're not together because i was planning on traveling right but they're they're literally they're ready to spawn right now and they're they probably haven't been fed today either you feed frozen more than once a day or just once a day i feed it about every other day actually okay most of the time morning and night it's dry um sometimes the fry over here we'll get cyclops the frozen cyclops cube but i frozen food's more way more expensive than dry food so i try to feed it less and with i hate to say it but with with no i don't hate to say it but the truth is since fish foods have been getting better and better even the discus i don't rely on frozen so much for um makes makes my life easier so are those rubber bands to keep the temp from moving yeah nice because because i would i would typically i would bump them yeah and and when you it's not so bad when you bump it higher as long as it's not too much how many hours do you think you spend a day in the fish room on average when not traveling if i have to not if you have to but like if you are thinking like oh yeah because let's say it takes you an hour to feed is it mostly like yeah most days i'm just feeding or do you have other time you spend on stuff normally but it depends on how much maintenance i have to do like like if i'm cleaning the matten filters you know that's an hour per tank basically but it's once every six months on that tank sure so what i normally do is let's just take this tank for example those are pretty much all ready to sell i try to sell the whole tank and then since there's no fish left in the tank that's a good time to clean the filter clean the tank so i'll drain the tank completely take everything out clean the filter and set it back up and then add fish right to it so i'm not doing five of them all the same day i'm just doing them as needed uh and i found that that's an easier way to do it i even do that with the um these sponge filters you know it's like when i'm having to move stuff from tank to tank that's the time quit it will you um when i'm having to move stuff from tape to tank that's the easiest time to do your maintenance so i just work it in with whatever whatever else is going on i still got extra blood worms and you know who else is going to get these we had too much food geophagus they'll eat them yep here jimmy you go give this to the geopagas no it's slimy is it always clams with these guys no it's clams bloodworms snails um yeah at one point they were eating some of the um what are those little red wiggly things that skeletons oh uh vibra bites fiber bison okay but now they're not anymore they won't or you just don't feed them they won't they won't take them anymore so female male and i have no idea what the smaller one is um is this far enough away for you yeah okay is it too far away for dean that's the question i could do this they start attacking it right away so what do you think of these backgrounds corey i i'm torn i mean i do like having backgrounds but if i'm being 100 honest i don't like them with the matin filter oh these guys because it goes three quarters like awesome and then like why'd you make it lame where right above it i'm like oh that looks super cool and i know the testing you're doing with like this so i know there's some stuff where we've been thinking and trying and in general i'm a fan of backgrounds i'm officially not a fan of universal rocks as a company but there's so few choices that yeah i'm forced to use some of their product so of all the fish in my fish room what are your two most favorite and you only get two i'll treat it as like what would i want to take home if i was right now i feel like i would really take your group of orange lasers home i really missed reading those because i yep those were super fun so i would take that and i'm trying to think of what other fish would i enjoy keeping like you got a lot of angels got a lot of rams i like to look at them but i don't like to keep them uh rice fish i have them but they are on my list yeah they are on my list of like super cool yep trying what i would want to watch i might do a big school of stir buys because i they're i have this dream of like where i've got a tank with like 500 of them i still remember when we went to the fish farm and saw those schools outside i'm like oh my god i want to school like that someday i mean i like all the plecos but i already know like they'd go to my house and be like yeah they look cool but i'm too lazy to spawn they're too busy they don't really come out where you can see them right a lot i do like the discus but i i couldn't say they're my favorite like i'll probably get some from you at some point and then keep them for six or eight months be like that was a cool phase i did but i know i'm not gonna love them forever and i gotta fall in love but i'd have to have that still i'd have to fall in love with them yeah but you have very different fish tastes than i do in general and the things we overlap on we both already have like the guppies and things like that so yeah no i could pick the uh the apistos though uh-oh lights are going out must be like 11. jimmy it's 11. that's right we're filming we got by the way just so people know people to give you a reference of time we got here at seven that's right we're now four hours into filming to make this video and one other video happened but just know that you know why don't you make more videos well they take a long time to film that's why i really thought it was the pizza but you know we did order some pizzas we ordered pizza knowing that we were going to be here for a long i was like we probably won't be out here before midnight and i ate at four and so i'm like well oh is that the one is that the wi-fi timers that we sell how convenient was that it is you know then there's is this them yeah it is you know and you can also just tap the button and turn the lights on and off that's actually one of my favorite features that it like we didn't even stage that like literally that's why i use them so when i'm in my fish room outside of the normal hours i pull out the phone flip things back on yeah sometimes i do that when it's late night feeding because that happens frequently then i can say okay i'm gonna leave the lights on for another hour look at these guys these guys so this is gorilla this is actually the first apisto that i ever spawned huh in the 80s so what are we in now jimmy the 20s 40 years ago 40 years ago that was the first epistle i ever spawned which way i'm trying to do math like all right yeah all right well we can end this video and talk about well we got we got brownies yeah and there's more pizza nice right foreign
Channel: Aquarium Co-Op
Views: 639,576
Rating: 4.9042659 out of 5
Keywords: Aquarium Co-Op, Aquarium Co op, Aquarium Coop, fish room tour, fish tank, fish room, tropical fish, fishroom tour, breeding for profit, fish room tours, fish breeding, deans fish room, master breeder dean, fish room update, aquarium room tour, fish breeding room, fish breeder, aquarium fish, fish room tour 2020
Id: 7-XhpPUZro0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 33sec (2313 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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