Baldur's Gate 3 - All Orpheus Endings (Mindflayer, Eaten + Hero of the Gith)

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foreign counter with the nether brain from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones you make only one move at a time another brain calculates every possible once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do cannot outmaneuver it fate it you would have to think like in a mythid better yet be one your mind is not capable of this mine and you will give the stones to me I will assimilate Orpheus and then I will be able to lead this prism to face the brain assimilating no now is the time to liberate him do not stand against me foreign Yankee people's betrayer you'd be my betrayer I realize he is of some significance to you but he isn't even more value to our cause in theory yes you have resisted such a fate so far and this would be a complete evolution and you will be an illited for the rest of your days is this really something you would be willing to accept good I should I have nothing to lose anymore I'm burning up burning out this is something I can still do this is how I can help save the city I love and none of you capable of Thinking Beyond yourselves the balance and you're clamoring to be martyrs tame this gate shows you have learned nothing from our time together may be a mind flare but we have needed all the help we've received I don't think we should stop now we hold the means to free the prince of the Comet how is this even a debate has the tadpole finally devoured what was left of your rational thought we retrieved the hammer only for it to come to naught we have more options than we knew lizelle give me the chance to convince you if we do not do this All Is Lost mother gifts only son has suffered long in his prison refuse the emperor better yet crush his revolting skull and let this prison be his grave then smash the crystals with the orphic hammer and free the prince from his bonds Comet will guide us to assure Victory against the brain Jamar Salah obvious never might be right but we're not out of options yet let me transform my I'm not long for this world I can feel it you can trust me to use the stones as we planned to defeat the brain and nothing more perfect solution say you agree please I've never been more sure of anything tar inside me is about to blow doesn't matter which body it takes out with it right if this is the end for me let me be the [ __ ] who saved the world you're very [ __ ] welcome Soldier if anyone was gonna look even better with tentacles it was going to be me let's do this trust you have aired opinion [Music] opinion are you ready to become a mind flayer very well I had the means to evolve you I took this one from the nautiloid I have been nurturing it since priming its latent potential we'll do the rest latent potential all right let's do this I'm ready turn me damn it [Music] transformed my body is no longer hers but her eyes are hot she is still Colac for now but hunger in her eyes that wasn't there before you've seen it don't you the hunger embrace it foreign [Music] but you have done what is necessary hang on no we agreed it's me it has to be me I'm grateful gods if I can't change your mind suppose I can only say thank you come let us proceed I have the means to evolve you I took this one from the nautiloid I have been nurturing it ever since priming it for your use all you have to do to open your mind to it s latent potential will do the rest the boundary between thought and feeling is gone your mind and body are as one selling with concentrated cerebral energy the emperor described there is something else hunger to be sated it's overwhelming don't you the hunger embrace it feed stop you would keep my people chained to their damnable Queen are you on office dead to think you have a SIM Orpheus and I will rip off your every lemon bath in your agony yes Eternal Grace do it we will end The Grand Design and then we will go our separate ways foreign I'm sure you will learn how to do it more gracefully with time but you have done what is necessary Christ you held the future of the people in your hands how dare you take our print from us how dare you parade around this Abomination Stand Down Force no kick Yankee will ever be free if the nether brain Sparks The Grand Design mother gifts hear me yes time flows to a cruel his scrutinizes you in his eyes his people's past and future fighting as he tries to understand the true path the right path the weight of responsibility heavy upon him my enemy enemy is no friend to me but I cannot let the gay Empire swarm the astral plane I will spare you in fact I will help you but when the brain Withers so too does our alliance it will not just be black if it humps you once the Embers of battle cool down thank you boss spare me your thanks a challenge now go I stand at the ready we have to trust one another I told you they get Yankee would only want to kill you for what you are still you choose to break our alliance even United the nether brain was going to be an impossible enemy part we have no chance of survival since you will not work with me work against me you leave me no option but to join the nether brain with the hammer we can free Orpheus foreign [Music] [Music] key Prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt reach of a lifted you fornicated with a mind flayer and you slaughtered my honor guard nonetheless it seems we must be allies of the comet has come on obvious voice my most loyal friend how good to set eyes on you honor me your radiance A gage keeps you company unusual and illicit in guys an old Ally in truth he took this form so I might end The Grand Design B thanks to you eyes above tuna wrath shall tremble with some Orpheus will take the truth to the people we will slay the Lich Queen our chains will be cleaved Mighty fast will Splinter like glass and vanish like smoke smoke Orpheus my sword is yours we will exterminate the brain and end its plague this Champion holds the key to its defeat stand by for orders thus answer to him as you would answer to me as you wish Prince Orpheus forward the nether brain Falls this day let it be the first victim in the war for the skies I will ensure that all get Yankee know your name and your sacrifice what you have done today will start a fire that rages across the astral plain their lost Prince returned my people will burn away flakkit's corruption and it is all thanks to you dear lift it who defied a nether brain [Music] I did didn't I I saved the [ __ ] world and I think I might live long enough to tell the tale too I thank you my liberator my savior [Music] please foreign [Music] [Music] we will free the get Yankee and dismantle the empire let them be imprisoned no longer [Music] without you I wouldn't know warms only ice and fire I can never forget you your name will be etched in our slates you will be called malague liberator [Music] Orpheus I am ready [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I wish you a cake as Noble as you are this is a threshold I cannot cross this is where our Fates diverge I have already chosen a way the way of Orpheus like it will fall and we will plant a seed from that thus give Yankee Freedom will Blossom your will is stronger still your name will be etched in our slate will be called lagir Liberator Orpheus I am ready just as I was free I will do it I will become illicit I will sacrifice my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design my prince you cannot this is not your burden to bear brain will be will be to claim me my prince no In My Darkest Hours I knew it was my destiny to save my people could never have imagined this would be the way give card of King crushed thank you foreign let us seek out the nether brain and finish this once The Grand Design is ended kill me it is come it's time for us to meet our Fates and end this illicive nightmare I will not forget what you did here today nor will the get Yankee people we have Unchained the true bear first he will lead us to Victory against the nether brain he will loose the githyanki from vlakit's Undead talents the portal Chris you held the future of the people in your hands how dare you take our Prince from us how dare you parade around this abomination silence your Blasphemous voice what stands down down through air has spoken obvious my prince what's become of you The Grand Design must be ended necrophies had to be made the duty fell to me I am not long for this world or any other what a vlakis what of our Liberty you underestimate your own people their imaginations have kept the name Orpheus alive for millennia than my message tell them my fate some will doubt some Will Mock but some will list will listen the spark will be lit find your nerve my friend today we strike at the brain this Champion holds the key to the Grand Design's end answer to him as you would to me Your Majesty I have spoken as you wish I stand already your friendship your constancy when I fell to despair they elated me thank you my friend now for the nether brain let it be the first victim in the war for the skies even when my time in the prison stretched out like eternity when Escape seemed impossible I never lost hope I knew that my destiny was to liberate my people to return to them triumphant I was wrong it seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny my people will be liberated but I cannot return to them not like this you helped me destroy that abomination now help me destroy myself you must kill me but first Lazelle I need your promise carry my hope carry my burden call my dragons culos and cue those and ride to the astral sea destroy vlakif release our people be our future and our Legacy [Music] Beauty all my life I've traveled in its slipstream not once questioning its path in its service I came here and now in its service I leave I will carry your hope Prince Orpheus and I will carry your burden but to that burden I must add my own the loss of those I leave behind crush the mcflick so be it now give me my freedom from this form [Music] yes but for how long my mind screams it will never stop until it has slipped away from me entirely I will not be cake I did what I did to save my people the rest is up to them someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the revolution against blacketh give me my freedom from this form release my soul to the astral Seas well I still have one to cool my own [Music] perhaps you are right I may not be the one to lead my people but I can still bear witness to their Glory I shall find a place for myself in a corner of these realms for even in darkness the stars of tuna wrath will shine upon me you were a worthy Ally [Music] his people are blessed to have him as their prince I just hope he finds peace in his new form [Music] thus and right to the astral seat mother gets battled for Liberty my destiny is for neither blacketh nor Orpheus to decree foreign [Music] until someone can take up my cause the gift Yankee will remain chained found freedom and then lost myself to this horror for nothing All That Remains is to die [Music] give God tough Keem crashed the princeling deserved a better end in this we shall remember him boo I hope carry my deals I will carry it [Music] [Music] crust
Channel: VGS - Video Game Sophistry
Views: 91,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, all endings baldurs gate 3, all endings, baldurs gate 3 ending, baldurs gate 3 dark urge, baldurs gate 3 orpheus, baldurs gate 3 orpheus ending, baldurs gate 3 orpheus or emperor, baldurs gate 3 orpheus and emperor, baldurs gate 3 orpheus hammer
Id: jPG8P-s2UAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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