ALIENS DARK DESCENT Full Movie (2023) 4K ULTRA HD Action Fantasy

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Sergeant Leo Alvarez of the CM leth Recon Squad our mission was to enter the Tantalus base locate the Comsat relay and bring it back online we found the relay but there was a problem Ray didn't make it Willis Take the Lead oh good what we found was a new kind of evil and it found us first this wasn't human Retreat Retreat [Music] open fire thank you Alvarez through that door hold that door sergeant I don't know what I saw in there but I know when I close my eyes I still see it now everyone's dead [Music] and someone needs to know [Applause] thank you [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all vessels be advised and due to local storms we currently have no contact with leafy just hold Titans or Planet 4 the value as long as we're in range USS otago from Pioneer control all transit corridors can't guarantee that Pioneer control but we'll see what we can do over and out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry sir we're having a hard time reaching anyone that storm probably damn must be one hell of a hurricane to cut us from the whole planet Chief administrator I'm showing a weight discrepancy on the Bentonville's manifest they just asked for a takeoff accreditation but half the shipment is still a doc half you say well we just earned a bonus I'll allow them to take off right away protocol dictates how many times company protocol doesn't mean anything out here what works works and we're already behind schedule director price isn't here and if I do recall correctly Deputy Administrator Hayes your shift ended half an hour ago so get the hell off my command deck and let me do my job you look troubled administrator is there anything I can do to help thank you Daniel the no I'm just having one of those days you know another argument with administrator McDonald how did you guess I may be synthetic but I'm not lying are you sure I can't be of assistance no it's my problem and I'll take care of it I just need to reach my office of course but I'm afraid this Corridor is closed due to maintenance you'll need to detour through the cafeteria welcome administrator Hayes [Music] [Music] [Music] what is all this thank you [Applause] that is not trimonite [Music] foreign cargo bay 4 are dead dead that's not funny something got loose and killed failure power of failure engaging emergency generators what just happened thank you [Music] let's go [Applause] [Music] Daniel you all right Deputy Administrator it appears that these creatures have destroyed our communication system why would they do that they're animals no idea I wish I could help you further the Bensenville I need to stop that ship Daniel our planetary quarantine protocols they're still operational aren't they I do believe so deputies I do those things have to come from the planet [Music] it's off world there's no choice I could stop them Deputy Administrator you're only following a Weyland yutani containment procedures the soberis protocol was specifically designed for a situation like this what you're doing is only right right yes [Music] morning three ships detected USS otago bentaville baldrin will be caught in the high orbit interdiction radius please confirm command sorry the server is protocol activated purging contaminant vectors standby standby [Music] [Music] foreign targets [Music] [Music] it had to be done [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Daniel Daniel is that you administrator Hayes where are you going we're getting to safety Daniel please come with us I'm afraid I can't permit that Severus Protocols are in effect I know but we can't stay it's not safe the protocols are clear nothing in nothing out I'm sorry administrator Hayes [Music] foreign [Music] would you look at that the hell she's taking a pounding otago this is Harper do you copy Hudson can you get us a board no way Sarge between the debris and the decaying orbit death trap [Music] platforms are leaving us alone they are designed for planetary quarantine but lethi has to remain operational low orbit is considered safe but beyond that it's a dead zone Cerberus will shut down everything attempting to go through in both directions Cerberus huh we seem to know a lot about it I know everything about it I'm Pioneer station that's my job yeah you know why I decided to turn the otago into scrap metal I I don't know systems failure Maybe you saw this state of the station [ __ ] there she goes [ __ ] follow her down hunts what no problem Fireball like that's hard to miss [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome home Harper you like what I've done with the place Martinez it's good to see you Sarge Sergeant Martinez is it is your Communication System working it's online but we're only picking up static these colonies sure have a reeling problem but who's asking meet Deputy Administrator Hayes from Pioneer who's captain [ __ ] there's [ __ ] going down on that station like you wouldn't believe gone the whole command stats gone you're it me uh you made Sergeant before I did you've got seniority yeah sure but these are the captain's orders as in the deathbed kinds this shit's all yours he insisted if you want me I'll be in the Armory seeing what survived the crash do that I have a feeling we're gonna need it Hayes you better come with me ah damn what do we do now we don't know what is happening on the surface of this planet McDonald's my boss he sure didn't we have to get in contact with someone if we hope to get out of this I hate to rain on your parade but the otago shithoused even if it wasn't how do we get out past those Cerberus platforms they'll stop a ship but not a signal if we create our own relay perhaps we could broadcast from low orbit just in case the ship passes by you want to create a sort of satellite we're not a Pirate Radio Station Deputy Administrator or we could contact Pharaoh Aspire director price Martinez the relays on this rock could be down for good you want to send a message get out and start walking already there has to be something we can do maybe there is but I'm not seeing it so you're gonna sit here and do nothing like hell after what happened up there regs are clear we're on an alert footing there could be a hostile biomorph loose on Lethy so we've got civvies in danger and no way to contact them right what about otago's short-range frequency receiver yeah that could work for now that doesn't solve our broadcasting problem by the way we can we can maybe we can talk about making that happen until then we save everyone we can we're Marines that's the job you want to help get familiar with this [ __ ] what's left of it anyway administrator Hayes can't tell you how glad I am to see another Wayland yutani face award allow me to introduce myself I am Dr Becker the company assigned me to the ship in order to oversee Trials of a new cryo sleep routine see that happening now state of my lab months of vital research gone if I at least had power I couldn't Salvage the backups brutes keep ignoring me but perhaps sorry doctor but they're not exactly friendly to me either it's not about friendly who holds higher authority a Weyland yutani executive for your typical Marine where does half the uscm's funding come from who provides their weapons you might want to push them I'm sure they'll back down thank you Doctor you've given me a lot to think about well of course I have Deputy Administrator Hayes to the bridge Ace police report to the bridge stay safe out there all right this is what the short range frequency receiver picked up it's a distress message from a nearby colony oh no you thinking what I'm thinking we have to go there see for ourselves what I feel for those people but we're blind here if we're to save anyone we need proper calms we got them the otago Hunts its Dropship our vehicles my Marines they all speak the same language courtesy of the uscm com system that's not what I mean military decision Haze which means it's my decision those folks need help fine what do you need from me well normally i'dly the squad and an officer run oversight you know Intel Tactical from The Arc are armored Recon carrier I can do that but I need you to handle the rest from here on the otago I wasn't military so when I know it listen if I'm going to keep my people alive I need someone with smarts for when Mine Falls short if it helps this ain't exactly what I signed on for either welcome to the colonial Marines thank you [Music] thank you [Music] so hostile Critters are wiped out Colony Hun's lit being hunslet how'd you find your first day in the core I don't know it's a lot to take in if it helps you're doing okay thank you I'm glad it's over my nerves are shot oh it ain't never over but for now we got some time good gives me a chance to work on the comms the only thing we could hear from director price and Pharaoh aspire we could use her help Dr Becker's been trying the whole time we were deployed it turns out most long-range transmitters are down if someone's home at pharaohs they probably can't pick up do you think those things can be there too judging by what happened on Pioneer it's clear that they're spreading extremely fast then you'd better get familiar with the otago right now you can't give those creatures the benefit of time straighter I wanted to oh going that badly is it I'll get back to you on that can I do something for you actually yes I was hoping you might persuade Sergeant Harper to retrieve some samples of the creatures oh one can never have too much information about one's enemies I didn't know you worked in corporate Espionage doctor very troll on the other hand I do find that science and skullduggery have a surprising overlap both require focus and a keen eye for detail true enough and you're right we need more information on these things I'll talk to the sergeant stay safe out there chief engineer Corrigan isn't it we met before Oh it's you sorry about that I you had your hands full things look better now they are came together faster than I thought ain't pretty but we're functional and I hope stable Harper told me we got splashed after some kind of failure in the planetary quarantine protocol something called Cerberus that's what's going around certainly more corporate Corner cutting what a [ __ ] mess anyway I should be able to produce equipment for our Marines now anything I can do to help well I don't think this ship will ever be spaceworthy again but that doesn't mean we have to abandon her it could be shelter you know for these people for us the only problem is dear otago took a beating I got holes to patch tables to reconnect our cryo Chambers our Shield their history in short we're missing materials spare parts to turn into upgrades for both our guys and the ship look no promises but we could ask the Marines to check for materials and dead Hill Store houses during their next visit it all helps administrator Hayes what brings you to my corner of the otago sergeant Harper yeah the devil loves Idle Hands I can't give you a tour we're still digging through the wreckage how does it look well we've more portable weapons than we've got Marines to carry them so if you find anyone out there with training you point them in my direction as for the ordinance it's pretty much scragged what about the emergency escape vehicles that satellite relay idea of yours huh yeah Harper told me if we can get the fuel linkages repaired we might Salvage one EEB but I be damned before I let you play with the only life pod we have left and how useful is you're pretty convincing I'll give you that all right take it but keep me updated what brings you to my lab back from your tour gotta kill pretty good I think Dr Becker requested some samples of the creatures for study and chief Corrigan is in need of components turn this ship into a proper base I thought you were all about getting your message out there's nothing to say we can't do the ones so long as it doesn't endanger the other is there true enough all right let's go back to dead Hills I have a feeling we missed something there the same feeling you have when these creatures come around Sergeant this is hardly the moment Deputy Administrator listen Sergeant Harper your abilities they could be tied to this outbreak if there are more like you out there it could help people should know they have the right to mind your own business and I'll take care of mine you have a relay to find and I have meant to lead we both have a part to play this conversation's over foreign [Music] [Music] you did good today administrator not good enough we need to broadcast or more colonies will end up like dead Hills these down we have no proof of that what we have is a lead that container transited from Berkeley's dock that's lethy's main Spaceport someone's dispatched those crates on purpose what kind of psycho would do that Sergeant we've seen those things in action you know we don't have time to chase boxes oh but we have time to build our own private satellite listen Martinez [Music] and we can you listen to what I just said somebody used that container so the dead Hills could live up to its name what if there's more of those crates around huh as this director price of yours still isn't taking any calls we're the only one trying to find where they came from if we don't more folk are gonna die and even more if no one ever hears about what happened on this damn Planet if you really want to save everyone Sergeant Harper I suggest you start thinking Beyond Lethy I was born here Hayes these are my people I won't leave them to die I didn't know I mean I'm sorry sergeant listen you're right Berkeley's a big Spaceport we'll probably find both people and quality spare parts there I say we catch them both Roger that but in the meantime can you check in with Becker he's been pestering me like he wouldn't believe Mr Becker you wanted to see me indeed I did that specimen you've recovered offered outstanding research possibilities have you had the chance to review my initial report on the Xeno samples I've barely slept oh yes of course well suffice to say they're absolutely fascinating I feel my muse Gathering herself to action all manner of breakthroughs tantalized just beyond my fingertips long-term benefits aside I've already had some ideas about how to improve our Gallant Marines equipment but I need more samples these creatures are dangerous doctor when they're dead and if we took one alive well nothing's impossible this lab has a containment cell built for such encounters perhaps we could use it a life specimen on board absolutely not I'm simply trying to make myself useful listen doctor I get it but the Marines will stick with samples and so should you we can't have one of those things getting loose on here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell have we stumbled into ravenous bugs some kind of crazy cult this is above my pay grade mine too for what it's worth too bad they didn't pay you enough with you in charge of that station I'm sure those damn platforms wouldn't have fired about that Sergeant Harper service didn't start because of assistance failure I set it in motion I had to ensure containment you've seen what those creatures can do if only one of them Escape we would have trapped Every Soul on this planet with this creature in the blink of an eye well congratulations Hayes when it comes to badass your state of the Ark now get off my bridge Sergeant I can help good we've got some new facilities online you're an administrator you never know there might be something for you to administrate sure I'm on it administrator are you here to return my eev sorry to disappoint you Sergeant Martinez but I need it we need it but I heard the training center was up and running and I wanted to see for myself that it is time to make them into real Marines good because we're up against faster than us stronger than us and they're smart if we're to survive we need everyone in Peak condition s was there anything else well just one thing Sergeant Harper look I know soldiers talk but he is in command end of story you hear that's not what I forget it sure ah administrator Haze it's nice to finally meet you I'm Dr kabiri clinical psychologist and Dr book Art's assistant when I have nothing better to do oh I can't imagine something more important than what's happening in the med Bay never underestimate combat fatigue that's the first thing they told us these marines are under a great deal of stress if we don't help them process it things will turn nasty real fast you're right I should have considered that well let me know if you need anything for now the only thing I need is to know everybody's all right so how are you doing administrator Hayes you're very kind I'm maintaining don't worry about me here's that word again got a minute Haze I do although I should probably finish turning our eev into a proper satellite and you'll keep working on that but right now we've got Intel on those containers we found and I intend to follow that lead maybe even track down this Marlo we keep hearing about while we're at it Sergeant Harper thanks to the parts you provided we have a chance to inform people of what's Happening Here assuming we don't strip the payload we just need to scrounge up some fuel boosters I've already identified the limits of low orbit and if except for the trouble they cause my men found out these containers had only one thing in common they were dispatched from a dig site named oldevi we go there we might have a chance to stop this infestation once and for all that's not what we agreed I need help on the eev we didn't agree on anything you made a decision and I went along with it this is my ship these are my Marines and we've got folk In Harm's Way you don't like my priorities you can keep playing with your toy and leave us to it but this is happening [Music] [Music] all right [Music] oh [ __ ] now get out of here before they take you down Daddy's I have to tell you later Sergeant I'm trying something hold on Martinez give me a hand [Music] more everything you've got [Music] I'm launching it in 30 seconds what are you doing hey hunza keep your distance I have one satellite turned bomb coming in hot wait a minute a bomb that's how we operate move out [Music] oh [Music] get us out of here my pleasure Sonic's ready sweetheart next stop USS otago not bad Haze for a corporate drone not that I ain't grateful but why'd you do it your satellite just went up in smoke in the company there's a protocol for everything until there isn't ever since Pioneer station I've been drowning the big picture gave me something to hang on to but at the end of the day the big picture is just people speaking of which any news from Fair Aspire I sent hunslet over to the Capitol to perform Recon the anti-air defenses of Jackson's Landing are still active they took offensive or transponder codes and nearly shut her up for good it doesn't tell us much the Spire is a state-of-the-art building they'll be automated sure enough so for now we keep on keeping on maybe this Marlo we rented did a bit of digging he's a whaling you tiny bioengineer no one's heard from him for years well they have now so what do you want to do administrator you better work together all right then start with what happened back there hey it's really listen when you get crazy like that you put every single one of us at risk we need to know what happened if it was that special feeling of it wasn't I snapped okay I heard a name and I snapped what are you talking about Cassandra I heard it's the name of my daughter you have a daughter here on leithy don't you think that was worth mentioning she hates my guts all right I wasn't around much when she was little we haven't spoken since her mother's funeral Becca just rotted From the Inside Out folk do that here it's the main reason I joined up way back then I had to get out you know straighter Hayes Hayes and Harper to the lab if you would oh that thought sergeant we're not done here ah thank you both for coming out with a doctor there's a lot going on more than you know I've been analyzing your recent encounters with the Darwin ERA cross-referencing with Survivor reports and well I won't bore you with the details and yet you are easy sergeant doctor what have you found in short they have found a way to walk among these Critters as you put it some cultures seem to carry a preliminary step of the specimen in some sort of device here right between their lungs this allows them to move around older creatures while your Marines are systematically attacked fascinating isn't it just what we need it more good news and what can we do at the moment nothing I think unless you revised your policy regarding live specimens administrator she didn't and she's right no creatures allowed end of discussion doc this just gets better and better doesn't it all the more reason to save everyone we can like you said were you only here for your daughter Cassandra is part of it maybe even the largest part but it's not the whole wouldn't want you thinking I'm a hypocrite now how old is she she'd be 17 now if she's even alive you've seen these psychos they're experimenting on people on their genes and they gave my daughter's name to their Pet Project that can't be a good sign what would they be after I'm not sure I've been having flashes I guess you'd call it visions nothing I can really explain but sometimes it's like I can feel what those creatures are thinking well I guess these Maniacs would find that useful I know right if Cass and I share this ability maybe they're looking for her or worse she joined them willingly I don't believe it I mean she's your daughter she's probably just as stubborn as a uscm sergeant but what if they did something to her what if she's changed and I don't recognize her anymore which she even recognized me it's okay we'll find her you got this Jonas it's been years since anyone called me that what now Hustler was circling around the ship when she picked up movement looks like Recon paid off the bad news is those creatures are really interested in us if we let even one of them get onboard the otago this is over agreed looks like it's time to kick ass that's twice now you've saved our asses start to make me look bad don't go reading too much into it Harper turns out blowing stuff up is cathartic better than booze and that's the truth on the subject of Truth how are you handling your flashes well the sensation's overwhelming when it kicks in and painful as hell makes me a liability in the field so what do we do from here on out I'll stick to running oversight from The Arc it's best I don't get in the way perhaps you should speak to book art kabiri Ecker dark buzz kill yeah I don't think so maybe Booker if it gets worse they're still alive just what we needed more suits and ties director price this is Deputy Administrator Michael Hayes of pioneer station my report suggests that all hands were lost during the recent unpleasant unpleasantness Pioneer was overrun I believe we've been introduced Sergeant Harper uscm indeed we've had some trouble here ourselves administrator with these creatures swarming around we've had to put Pharaoh's fire on lockdown but my Commandos finally managed to restore the satcom relay of Jackson's Landing this is a terrible time for everyone but I'm gratified to see that the Weyland yutani quarantine Protocols are working I authorized and director I didn't see any other choice we've been trying to contain the outbreak ever since and now you've commandeered a uscm vessel and its crew you're proving much more resourceful than your psych profile suggests you did the right thing Michael unfortunately it seems that our superiors don't share your uh work ethic meaning 3 hours and 55 minutes ago the Cerberus protocol began a countdown to its phase two phase two nuclear sterilization nuclear sterilization as in of the planet this planet we're all stranded on I'm afraid Wayland yutani leaves no room for mistakes sergeant this phase two came as a surprise I'd find another job I will consider it sergeant we're not out of option fact I already sent a team there but I've lost contact with them let's see but with the help of your men Sergeant Miko's knowledge of the station and my level of clearance we have a chance I'm asking you to trust me then I guess we better get a team up there ASAP director good should you require any further assistance obia comes [Music] thank you corporate ladies better start explaining what the hell happened out there something I don't know the 77 Uprising does that ring a bell I was there on the wrong side of History by the way I know your [ __ ] company would rather shoot innocence than lose a dollar what are you hiding price Harper calm down pointing fingers won't do any good now I'm sorry am I still in charge here we need a plan and a plan I can get behind no more satellites or override [ __ ] my men these people we need to leave and soon we still have a few days ahead of us maybe enough to repair the otago The otago's Toasted you've seen this ship it's barely a base perhaps your chief engineer no more on that matter it's worth a try I'm sure kargan will help us up Corrigan listen these nukes they're about to save your breath Stars I heard that I need you to be honest with me you reckon the otago could take off Sergeant you know her she was made to last the bit of care and the right materials I can assure you that this beauty will fly again but surviving these missiles space that's a whole different ball game can't just stay in low orbit like pioneer station you really want to bet low orbit will remain safe once phase two hits case is Right sergeant if we want to escape this rock our only option is a better shield and enough choir tooth for everyone all right so what do you need specifically a damn miracle but specifically a massive source of energy for the shield that only solves one of our problems though our cryo sleep control panel was damaged during the crash and we lost the gas mixing chip without it hypersleep will be unstable at best you let me worry about that first things first The Shield let's have a word with that director of yours Hayes in the meantime Corrigan take care of the [ __ ] but do it fast you got it Sarge thanks building better worlds huh time to live up to your tagline director price is there something on Lethy we could use to boost our Shields our chief engineer believes an external power source could do the trick Fair Aspire might well have there's no power source like that here I have a better idea but first I need some guarantees would my employees and I be allowed aboard the otago will it be safe on your ship do you really think we have time for a deal is the very thing that separates us from these creatures and what I'm offering is simple I need to get aboard the otago in exchange I will recover your daughter Cassandra is she alive as director of the Weyland yutani operations on leafy I have full access to the personal data transmitters surgically implanted in the colonists therefore I can confirm that your daughter is indeed very much alive where is she one of my associates Theo Stern is tracking her PDT as we speak listen to me I need your word you have IT director please tell us where we can find enough energy for the shield what you're looking for can be found in an atmosphere processor technology that either leave them this rock one of them Sigma 12 is still running on standby thanks to its power core see sergeant we did build better worlds all right send a squad there I'll guide you one day Queen one power core I don't want to jinx it but this feels like our first real win I wouldn't be so quick to celebrate any news from Price we'll contact her but first you need to see bookard hey so I'm fine I just need to know Cassandra's safe I'm sure she is Sergeant Martinez what's your assessment of our new find the APC he's a bit banged up but nothing we can't beat back into working shape should be able to deploy a bigger fire team from the next stop good to know come on Sergeant Harper let's get you to the mid Bay with all due respect Sergeant you look like [ __ ] well thanks because really helpful so he finally decided to face his problems before they became everybody's problems hey soldiers talk Sarge you can't prevent that they're on your side Harper they need you I'm hoping that once you get clear of the planet well the hive you no longer suffer these attacks until then take this it's a sedative it should manage the worst of the symptoms good cause I've got a job to do I'll see you on the bridge all right director where's my daughter my associates did not let you down sergeant last time we spoke stern was about to find Cassandra send me Lucky's on his way back to pharaohs already can I talk to her I'm afraid these damn storms will prevent that but I promise you she'll be safe in our headquarters did you keep your end of the bargain Sergeant we got the power core my chief engineer is working on it that leaves us with a crazy problem maybe we could find a vessel with the proper gas mixing chip somewhere in Jackson's Landing perhaps I checked with Corrigan they won't be compatible but the Bison we saw at Berkeley's dock just might the what an old Bison class hauler the Montero now docked at Berkeley Back in 77 Rebels used it to flee this rock who would blame them yet command ordered us to stop the ship standard boarding party in and out and you reckon we could find the right chip inside well the montero's there right we saw it so I guess no one's used those cryosleep chambers in a long time we have to be sure even a slight mistake in the gas mix will be fatal I know I know it's a long shot but it's the only one we can afford to take right now Sergeant I have reason to typical could be the architect of this outbreak I appreciate it will not accentuate your trust in the company Sergeant Harper and my teams have reported that the Montero has been buzzing with activity these past few days which is highly unusual for a grounded ship it's trying to escape just like us do you think it could be that cult director the Darwin error yes I have reason to believe they're already in control of the Montero are there more reason to go there I don't want these bastards anywhere near the otago this time we're doing things my way counting on you Hayes oh a director you better have my daughter or you'll never set foot on the otago Marie suit him shoot him now I carry a message for the father Harper there you are Sandra's father oh I am so honored to be in your presence Marlo wants you to know that the father of voice has a place amongst us take him to the containment cell I said take him and I suspected about the device it's true Marlow's found a way to suspend the gestation process and yet your prisoner is recognized as part of the hive sure I suspect he has no direct control over these creatures shut up Duck all right friend you'd better start talking now because that red button is getting real compelling I don't talk I only listen to what her voice Sandra's voice don't you [ __ ] say her name why her name is sacred her name is Deke you mother of the key yes Cassandra has opened our minds to The Hive through her voice we understand their purpose with her guidance we feel what they feel by her teachings we reach a new stage of evolution where is she Where it All Began of course with the maker with Merlot I need to talk with price Becker keep an eye on him Harper wait I'm sure she has a situation here of all places what a blessing fascinating really fascinating price wait What happened where's Cassandra I'm truly sorry Michael I did everything I could but we've lost contact with our rescue party piece of [ __ ] with Marlo is he working with you what no it's alive stern was just about to find her where she's a tantaloon it's an underground lab the Weyland yutani installed it long before my time I didn't know anything about it I swear send me the coordinate send them now we're going there Michael please you have to believe me I can explain everything and you will people need to see the true face of the company but right now Harper needs my help foreign [Music] security measures that's weird give me a moment to download all the data Harper can you see this Harper yes I can [Music] where am I no please let me go make the nightmare stop hush hush my child I know it's a burden but it's necessary I can't I don't it's all right I understand the pain it must be excruciating nothing worthwhile is ever easy my Cassandra I am not your Cassandra your old life is done your ascended Consciousness chafes being trapped in this inelegant obsolete body but I need you Humanity needs you let me go this will help you rest I know it can't be easy and sleep now yes sleep your namesake was forever ignored but you I will always heed your warnings together we will guide the faithful to a glorious future the Cradle is prepared good good take her to the compound but be gentle with her she is our bridge to a better Humanity Micah tell me you've got a location for this compound that was Cassandra wasn't it yes where did they take her I'm looking someone did a third job of erasing some of these files I'm uploading what's left to the otago's Mainframe got technical specs for this cradle list of test subjects otherwise nothing why blow up your own Laboratory where's my daughter oh I had nothing to do with the laboratory's destruction I'm afraid you'll have to ask director price what the hell are you talking about your mission was to secure the data in Project Cassandra as she couldn't access it herself she sent your team than yours we all became Expendable the moment your precious otago received the data she wanted that [ __ ] woman and my daughter Dependable too not to me her gift makes all of this possible where is tell you [Music] he's a [ __ ] synth of course Marlo learned early that price only pretended to share his vision she was only interested in securing his research for the company he couldn't trust anyone other than himself so he surrounded himself with precisely that where is Sandra I can't tell you what I don't know like I said Marlo has trust issues but I can tell you one thing that pain you experience whenever you make contact with the hive it is nothing to what your daughter experiences she is in constant acting what the [ __ ] have you done we needed him like he said he said well he sure as hell can't tell us anything now we're done here bring them back to the barn put one more no way in hell I'm going back to fire Aspire I'll be black back for sure suits me just fine but there's one thing I can't figure out how does it help price the files she wants are on the El toggle please do copy Hayes can you hear me [Music] you all right [Music] Harper come on come on um I Petty there's no other way time for me to leave ah hold the moment sir there's something strange going on with the calm system what the hell to Corrigan what's going on with the external comms I don't know the ship she's acting strange are both heads are wide open we're inviting all the creatures aboard get me back online Chief we got Harper's Squad in the field working on it but I could use another pair of hands defensive perimeter offline defensive perimeter offline Martinez I want our response teams to get those turrets back online already on it deploying now Corgan I'm coming here we need external comps back Harper's just lost it doc time for this what God you have to get out of there no way I'm not leaving any wounded troops behind you don't understand there's something what's wrong oh yeah [Music] no foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stop [Music] right [Music] now [Music] that's that's far enough pace why why did you do it I owe an immeasurable amount of money to the company price needed the data and the ship turns out I could provide her with both and erase my debt finally so funny sister what the hell happened here Becker our xenobiologist he was in debt with the company the price I think she placed him here that the damn creature loses she could steal the otago I handled it that woman's a weasel should have quit long ago yes who's to say you've quit now who's to say you're not another spy he's down administrator I don't feel like easing down look price tried to double cross me too I'll do anything for a rematch you have my word the word of a Wayland yutani employee and a professional killer at that what's the difference with that sergeant of yours not bring Harper into this I'm sorry how's he doing not great I have to check with book I mean in the med Bay you know what go see him but remember you want to bring price down I can help you get into Pharaoh's Spire It's gotta be worth a try prices are only linked to Cassandra to the real Marlo but if you try anything you go down with her I'll keep that in mind ma'am how's he doing we managed to stabilize him but without bookard I'm not sure for how long maybe we should just put him in Kyle's sleep already and get the hell out of here not until I get Cassandra from Marlo Harper needs his daughter do you really think she's out there is she even alive she is I'll find her Stern offered his help that mercenary can we trust him seems the price knows where Cassandra is and I don't see how we could get into Pharaoh's fire without him not much of a choice huh huh I hate to say it but you're getting better at this karrigan told me how you handled the critter she follows the move I did what I had to do administrator Hayes are you up to going after price what if I'm not don't worry I'll be in the APC keeping an eye on Stern all right then let's do this for Harper yes for Harper without being shredded by the spires anti-air turrets this is as far as I go hospitals foreign [Music] thank you [Music] Micah thank God it's you together we can fix this together after all these deaths if memory serves me right you largely contributed to these casualty makeup you activated the Cerberus protocol correct I did I had to right you did it because you understand you understand the companies and the general interest are one in the same Marlo was right well before he went crazy that is things he found in that mine what they could mean for pharmaceutics space travel security the applications are virtually Limitless I wouldn't want any of that then think about the revenues these pictures represent imagine space stations a hundred times bigger and safer than pioneer so in the end that's what this is about Money numbers how could you be such a machine really oh not you Miko spare me the Whistleblower lecture will you who do you think I am a synth excuse me as in they've pretty much built this world you really think a sin would have handled half of what I've done on leafy it all makes sense now what Michael listen your assessments your Poise two of your teams left for dead your extensive knowledge of the station of the atmospheric processors I'm the damn director of that rock don't you get it and yet you couldn't stop that protocol would you listen to me everything out there it's mine I could have saved these people but you didn't so much power and you did nothing with it except protecting the assets of this [ __ ] company we could have talked Harper he would have welcomed you on board but you didn't think of that did you you didn't think of your own life not a single time right do you think a human would do that Michael these assets Marlo's research I don't have it anymore it's all uploaded somewhere on the otago burn it print it sell it to siegson or the Upp for all I care take me with you please Cassandra where is she is she even alive do you have that stored somewhere in that carbon processor of yours stop it I am not a synth look she's probably with all their prisoners in their City below old Dubai a city Marlo's Lair ancient and alien God he was so obsessed with that place and then he became obsessed with her he wouldn't keep Cassandra anywhere else please take me with you no Michael look at me I'm not a synth I doubt you're human either Michael listen to me I'm not a [ __ ] Sith I am not a synth [Music] I'm not a sinner [Music] thank you foreign damn he's not doing any better is he no his vital signs are falling fast and hard if we get him away from these creatures he might recover Maybe Cassandra we'll get her back Jonas I promise operational privacy chamber is ready the Moment of Truth has arrived Hayes are we going through those platforms or what no not yet we need to hold the line are you crazy those creatures are everywhere Cerberus is about to go nuclear according to price Marlo took control of an ancient city I'm not sure of its exact nature there could be dozens of prisoners there I won't abandon them Cassandra's alive for sure we still got time before Cerberus launches it'll be tight but we can do it Haze are you okay risking everyone on this boat yes because that's the job we save everyone we can everyone you and me we were part of this we kept our heads down and did our jobs and let all this happen we have a responsibility to those people because no one else at Weyland yutani ever saw them as more than numbers on a balance sheet well you put it like that I guess I'm in good because I need you on the APC [Music] good you look at that it's the goddamn Gates of Hell come on we have to find her we have to find Cassandra [Music] foreign [Music] who the [ __ ] are you his legacy [Music] this is gigantic this whole planet's a freak Show so then that City probably see its chest this was a host for one of those creatures thing the time to be playing archaeologists come on it's a passage over here [Music] Cassandra Cassandra can you hear me Who Who Are You I'm a friend of your father's dad dear no it's waking up guys I have a bad feeling about this we need to hurry [Music] holy [ __ ] get her out of here you won foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's get the hell out of here before these Newton age foreign [Music] we did it we did it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: GameClips
Views: 3,607,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aliens, Aliens Dark Descent Full Movie, Alien Full Movie, Aliens Dark Descent Movie, Aliens Dark Descent 2023 Full Movie, Aliens Dark Descent Cinematic, Aliens Dark Descent Cinematic Movie, Aliens Dark Descent All Cinematics, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Aliens Dark Descent Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2023, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2023 Movie
Id: PJui9qha6WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 17sec (5117 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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