The struggle for survival led them to a secret bunker / Dangerous Hollywood English Movie

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[Music] [Music] a everybody off that could be honest don't worry about that get off the bus what are we going somewhere safe go go go today is a very special day for everyone that has been working with John Henderson he is a tireless leader that has made the arms industry in the United States the most powerful industry in the world [Applause] come [Music] for Moe [Music] spee say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] now the anold budgets were presented at the last stock Hall Lo meeting and they included a special entry for what we're all convinced will be the project the warrantees the future of our great company he is the father of this project and no one better than him to explain us all about it ladies and gentlemen with all of you Mr John Henderson [Applause] I didn't know I was so important it has been over 30 years since this dream opened its doors and like all Big Dreams it must come to an end even for me good evening C so how do you like my club it's not bad I think it's a little bit more than that no well I it's a matter of taste sit down it wasn't easy to find him but we located him in Syria Syria is a big place that information will cost you moreos put 200,000 in this account and come back and now I'm sorry I'm too busy Misha Su W whoa wo that's not the way to talk to a lady is he my friend that wasn't the deal you've already been paid so please just tell me what city he's in before I leave the company I began I want to leave my final research behind as my legacy the legacy is a big word legacy it means so much there in 30 seconds f I got it great okay my friend have a nice day nothing personal catch [Music] [Music] I look at my wife and I see woman who has spent all these years fighting alongside me thank you darling I love you without her and my daughter I love you too baby I would never have come this far hey did I show you the picture of me little girl that's your baby yep well thank god there's more to life than Beauty contests Che [ __ ] bastard [ __ ] rise off thank you all very much I am very flattered and I remember this every day for the rest of my life thank you so much [Applause] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen we're now only waiting for the files involved in the project to come so we kindly ask you for a little bit of patient thank you that's the last time I [ __ ] the mark on the job what about the cameras I took care of it [Music] [Music] baby I'm your you earned it I earned a million dollars I'll take that as a down payment sounds St to me what do we know about baloski they're going to try to kill him tomorrow where on the bus Alan has all the [Music] information he's taking too long take it easy to LAX do you want to wh [Music] I'm going to go get dressed too bad anything yet no that's him [Music] that was unbelievable and to smoke in your house everybody smokes in my house we got a location yeah for both of them yeah for both of them I need the tests well we are leaving for ten in two hours and they leave for Syria in the morning so we'll have all the information in 48 hours mhm the Russians want him dead don't worry about that we've got it under control here's the money you can count it if you like we trust you when you have Bowski please let me know all right excuse good evening gentlemen oh wow wow wow thought you trusted him I lied you owe me the full package I'm going to count us you should okay going to take the car take care my friends see you later see you hey stop packing [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] door don't you you speak Arab no have you got the money yeah he seen it head FL m for for that is [Music] that thanks for coming take it you just sealed your fate drugs don't interest me tell me uh you recognize [Music] this take a look you're the one next to bum Garder Mr cron I want those coordinates I won't ask twice coordinates are useless without we have Bowski you done know what you're getting into all right where are we going somewhere safe go go go go who are you [Music] we saved your life and if you collaborate we may save it again and up the line you were a hard man to find Mr noi can I see a wallet please go all this trouble to steal my wallet very funny yeah very funny Robert Michaels you look better than uniform don't you don't worry we going to hang you over the Russians that's not why we are here well don't don't know what you're talking about both us we have the old man yeah well we have the coordinates but uh I think we're being followed Russian yeah spill it up we can take any chances okay got to go [Music] it's all there good if this goes out you on your own that goes without saying you have 72 hours did you eat your own cat what T yellow face Chinese bastards did he [ __ ] me little dick [ __ ] cuns a Korean you English [ __ ] they don't eat cats they eat dogs [Music] [Music] I think you should see this how did you find him we have the coordinates you have the codes now we all need the key who's behind this who Li you looks like old times comrade your Rudolph died 30 years ago I am a respectable American citizen now respectable yes I've done quite well for myself look I hate to put you guys through this but you know how persistent I can be I had to fake my research being stolen until I came up with the formula you out of your mind well in today's Times you have to be out of your mind if you have my kind of ambition I want project 12 you will deliver it to me he's the only one who can move freely through the facility he knows it like the back of his hand [Music] we have all the time in the [Music] world this this a sector too you need a key to move to the next sector Bal Garner died two years ago I see you're really well informed how do we get the key I have no idea I think it's time for the round [Music] two you know she really looks exactly like you [Music] huh where is the key all right I know where it is and no one else no one else needs to die this do is over 900,000 Square ft of corridors tunnels all designed to make you go around in circles without realizing you you'll never find what you you want without me that's why you're coming with us bring me the project and you'll be very rich men nice to see you again comrade [Music] you're late my flight was delayed sorry about Carl I know the two of you were close Bruno yeah did you see his buddy yeah how did they find him they had eyes on him what do you guys think that we're the only ones after this project [Music] okay plan is waiting let's go I'm going to go change [Music] you think he's [ __ ] her tel no the president of the United States yeah Tel I have no [ __ ] idea man he's not you know you should send Carl's wife you [ __ ] up the money it wouldn't be right for you to keep it right right key is inside right okay okay got nothing around his neck there's nothing here where's the damn key I already told you it's inside inside inside where nothing in the pockets you don't understand it's inside boomgard ew are you sure oh absolutely [Laughter] you don't have to ask me twice you want to stick around yeah enjoy [Music] it they used to blindfold us when we went in and out out so we we never knew exactly where we were when they decided to uh suspend the project the Soviet Army decided to aliz us bury the bunker so we ran I took the exess codes K took the bunker coordinates and got and took the uh the key to the facility what was Henderson's role you know this oh he uh he worked with us on the project one day we were informed he was a uh plant for the United States and uh we then disappeared project 12 what was it about weapons that's all the Ever c b [Music] [Music] I'm just going to be in the back stretching okay SP name what is I spent my whole life hiding never got a chance to know my own daughter I was really surprised of the photograph they took of me with her don't worry nothing will happen to her we're not that me your children they're not so different if you want to see them grow up stay away from this projecton the open Mission I need to piss don't go too far what do you think I don't like churches I'm going to go take a [ __ ] ain't much of a house of God is [Music] it like I said the Soviets buried the bunker [Music] this is the only way in [Music] well I hope you can make it down old man get the gear come on viy [Music] I go first here go he save Bruno hell baloski your turn old man so long that way well I'll trust him up for now well looks like balowski is right oh yeah well then guess what you can lead the way little man smells like the inside of a bush pig's ass down here it's been sealed the last 40 years what would you expect wow it's huge how many people work here 600 it was built war and used during the cold good old St sh SP the history lesson now what [Music] let see this they've taken down the signs it's like uh it's like exploring the New York subway without a map in the dark there's a fuse box 300 M down let's hope it still works [Music] let there be light is there electricity in the whole bunker each section was independent well according to this we neared a track entrance down there excuse me get walking tiny hey relax you get your nose any further up his ass we'll have to pull you out by your ankles we're going to kill him anyway let's up to me [ __ ] Russians had quite a setup didn't they Soviets [Music] it's dead how many exits this is the main exit there is another exit uh three floors down but uh but but it's is uh too small for the Prototype has to be this one no problem why don't you guys go ahead and I'll help Alan thanks this way okay go so it faces South so what do we do you go outside and locate the signal gotch you I'll be right back what sector is this still in sector two the lights are out probably just a bul Alan I've located the entrance oh my God it's completely buried copy I'm setting up [Music] everything exactly as we left it incredible as if time itself is Stood Still what the hell were you you doing here you don't want to know and this at the Prototype no never made it past the testing stage well where's the one we're looking for they may have moved it for [Music] [Music] okay so we're going to need explosives to what did he say he wants to see our papers are you [ __ ] kidding me okay that was our last warning the Russians Rusty what's going on alen Ina go to see what's happening I'll keep an eye on the little guy [Music] [Music] oh what the [ __ ] he's dead are you sure yeah tell Bruno to bring malanoski here Bruno read me is he wearing a vest Bruno you read me no Bruno come in Bruno the [ __ ] okay I'm going to go get him be careful I emptied the chamber he just kept walking Alan Alan [Music] I shot him in the face and he kept on walking Bruno Brun you here where did he come from the H's open you have to find a way to get the door open we need to hurry up we have to find the Prototype and get the hell out of here sure they're gone what they're not in the infirmary and and his radio not working okay this guy is not alone I'll go find them stick together okay let's go you finish this up I'm going outside to set it up okay check the perimeters I'll call you when it's ready sounds good [Music] [Music] don't know Runo can you hear me Runo I found the door setting out explosives outside explosives activated I'm going back in I repeat I'm going back ination I repeat 10 seconds to detonation it dinner [Music] [Music] hey a [Music] [Music] run get the [ __ ] out of here go go we got problems the Bell there are more ERS I'll see you in the main chamber I want to know what's happening here what do you mean be a smartass tell me about your experiments it's them isn't it I don't have time to explain no and you wouldn't understand anyway come on kill me if you w't you'll never get out of your life without me [Music] you're going to take me those documents right now offense these people aren't my friends the North Koreans are my friends now move [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that you [Music] [Applause] what about the do willas a Detonator the body it's gone we have to keep moving go go go go go go go [Music] where are the documents they right here [Music] you're making a terrible mistake that's a bunker where's the [Music] weapons [ __ ] he told you I shot that son of a [ __ ] and he wouldn't go down [Music] we need the weapons if we can find a Detonator I can adapt our explosives I still got six in my BAGI said there's another exit on the third floor the question is how do we get there [Music] [Laughter] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh this is my favorite oh oh baby baby baby you in the right hands now baby who's speaking Russian hey hey godamn it you you [Music] soldiers this bunker has been taken over by capitalists The Voice Henderson he must have followed us to get to the bunker let's go these soldiers were designed to eliminate anyone and anything that endangers this facility do you understand [Music] me the documents you have stolen will never leave here without me [Music] Auto 31.6 of the sil military code has been violated The Intruders have stolen project prepare for [Music] battle exterminate the enemy and recover those [Music] documents Bruno Bruno Bruno you copy you guys where the hell are we had a [ __ ] idea let's just keep going okay boom boom go go go go Intruders located in sector 3 get them out get them [Music] out more solders on the right out get out here what the hell are those things where are you helping me we need to help each other huh your friend has the documents if he escapes from this bunker he sells him to North Korea son of a [ __ ] he betrayed you just like Henderson we never liked him now you seen the Pro jaacks huh are the human partly to kill them you need to you need to bur them you need to CH them to pieces you need weapons okay let's go he's heading for the main exit I want those documents no problem sir come on guys let's go move move for you know what you can't shoot for [ __ ] you gentlemen got a light what the [Music] I guess you do [Music] [Music] it's a dead end what the [ __ ] are we going to do now we can't go back there it's suicide you bring me the file I'll get you all to feel alive h w what about Henderson I'll take care of Henderson how much explosives you leave by the door [Music] [Music] PL wait you know what to do this good luck let's go [Music] it's over rles you're still a romantic there was always your mistake my mistake was allowing my medical research to be used for military purposes but you did your vanity got the best of you look man illness is a billion dollar business there's not enough room in the world for everyone bolanowski there's no room for the weak if they get out of here no one in the world will be safe so take me to project 12 [Music] [Applause] we have to go down oh man after you pal now [Music] [ __ ] hey to [ __ ] do you want to come out here and play [Music] he [Music] hey I didn't know I was going to be H to scared little rabbit [Music] blah blah blah [Music] [Music] you did it he was never tested let him out let him out [Music] [Music] go you look like an Indian woman you're a funny old man wel up boy don't you want to play actually at my age it's easier if I just shoot you are you sure don't you want to have some fun with me if you think getting your ass kicked is going to be fun why not that's what I wanted to hear [Music] [Music] [Music] what you did to me [Music] sh that hurt H what can I say [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] you're no pretty anymore HH we related cuz you hit like my sister [Music] come on the guy come on push it come on [Music] [Music] you know you could have shown up a couple of minutes [Music] earlier they call [Music] this a hard goodbye [ __ ] God damn it go go identify yourself unit 02 order immediate formation sector 2 Area 1 now that order must not be executed jum be the [Music] least no no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] Bingo looks like we're not the only ones who know the way out of here what are you waiting for hey tell me something did you [ __ ] [Music] him wouldn't you like to know ladies first oh [ __ ] what do it together him with Bruno she was working with him the whole time women give me the documents and I have them what you a problem [Music] this is the exit on the third floor right this is the shortcut it's the only way out we must find the documents destroy them we will never have another chance I have a daughter and I want to see her grow up you know we you all a look in the world [Music] yeah put your back okay I always do brother so you are my body gos again [Music] if I don't make it we all have to do it that's I'm here [Music] what them to stand down you were created to surpass mankind designed to survive anything but incapable of reason the created has not surpassed the Creator don't do it colonel the creation has surpassed the Creator the system can't cope the human race must be eliminated the world cannot look through the eyes of a single man kill that cardal [Music] [Music] [Music] one he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] let [Music] [Music] take [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h
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Keywords: Project 12 The Bunker movie, hollywood movies action, hollywood movies, hollywood english movie, english full movie, english action movie, movie english, new action movies, top action movies, free action movies, movies action best, action films full movie english, action movie, action movies online, english action movies, full english action, full english movies, action movies full movie english, thriller movie in english, hollywood action movie, free movies, thrillers
Id: 7pvxBKgQPKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 1sec (5821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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