Annunaki: The Movie | Episode 1 | Lost Book Of Enki - Tablet 1-5 | Astral Legends

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Long ago in the year 5400 BC. Endubsar, a master scribe of the   ancient city of Eridu survived and escaped a great  cataclysm on earth. Endubsar was a loyal servant   and scribe of the royal extraterrestrial  Enki, the Annunaki prince and a prominent   leader among the Annunaki gods who were  alien visitors with advanced technology.  The following passage of tablet 1 reads. These are the true first hand accounts and words   of Endubsar, master and chief scribe of Eridu. In the seventh year of our lord after the Great   Calamity, in the second month, on the seventeenth  day, I was summoned by my master the lord Enki,   great god, benevolent fashioner of Mankind,  omnipotent and merciful. I was among the remnants   of Eridu who had escaped to the arid steppe just  as the Evil Wind was nearing the city. And I   wandered off into the wilderness to seek withered  twigs for firewood. And I looked up and to and   behold, a Whirlwind came out of the south. There  was a reddish brilliance about it and it made no   sound. And as it reached the ground, four straight  feet spread out from its belly and the brilliance   disappeared. And I threw myself to the ground  and prostrated myself, for I knew that it was   a divine vision. And when I lifted my eyes, there  were two divine emissaries standing near me. And   they had the faces of men, and their garments were  sparkling like burnished brass. And they called me   by name and spoke to me, saying: You are summoned  by the great lord god Enki. Fear not, for you are   blessed. And we are here to take you aloft, and  carry you unto his retreat in the Land of Magan,   on the island amidst the River of Magan,  where the sluices are. And as they spoke,   the Whirlwind lifted itself as a fiery chariot  and was gone. And they took me by my hands,   each one grasping me by one hand. And  they lifted me and carried me swiftly   between the Earth and the heavens, as the eagle  soars. And I could see the land, the waters,   the plains and the mountains. Then they let me  down on the island at the gateway of the great   god's abode. And the moment they let go of my  hands, a brilliance as I had never seen before   engulfed and overwhelmed me, and I collapsed on  the ground as though voided of the spirit of life. My life senses returned to me, as if awakened from  the deepest sleep, by the sound of the calling of   my name. I was in some kind of an enclosure.  It was dark but there was also an aura. Then   my name was called again, by the deepest  of voices. And although I could hear it,   I could not tell whence the voice came, nor could  I see whoever it was that spoke. And I said,   Here I am. Then the voice said to me: Endubsar,  offspring of Adapa, I have chosen you to be   my scribe, that you write down my words on the  tablets. And all at once there appeared a glowing   in one part of the enclosure. And I saw a place  arranged like a scribal workplace: a scribe's   table and a scribe's stool, and there were finely  shaped stones upon the table. But I saw no clay   tablets nor containers of wet clay. And there lay  upon the table only one stylus, and it glistened   in the glowing as no reed stylus ever did. And  the voice spoke up again, saying: Endubsar, son   of Eridu city, my faithful servant. I am your lord  Enki, I have summoned you to write down my words,   for I am much distraught by what has befallen  Mankind by the Great Calamity. It is my wish   to record the true course of the events, to let  gods and men alike know that my hands are clean.   Not since the Great and first Flood had such a  calamity befallen the gods and the Earthlings. But   the Great flood was destined to happen, not so the  great calamity. This one need not have happened.   It could have been prevented, and I, Enki, did  all I could to prevent it; alas, I failed. In the   future shall it be judged, for at the end of days  a day of judgment for my people there shall be. The voice fell silent; then the great lord spoke  up again, saying: It is for this reason that I   will tell the true account of the Beginnings  and of the Prior Times and of the Olden Times,   for in the past the future lies hidden. For  forty days and forty nights shall I speak and   you will write; forty shall be the count of the  days and the nights of your task here, for forty   is my sacred number among the gods. For forty days  and forty nights you shall neither eat nor drink;   only this once of bread and water you shall  partake, and it shall sustain you for the duration   of your task. And the voice paused, and all at  once there appeared a glowing in another part   of the enclosure. And I saw a table and upon it a  plate and a cup. And I rose up thereto, and there   was bread on the plate and water in the cup. And  the voice of the great lord Enki spoke up again,   saying: Endubsar, eat the bread and drink the  water, and be sustained for forty days and forty   nights. And I did as directed. And thereafter the  voice directed me to sit myself at the scribal   table, and the glowing there intensified. I could  see neither door nor aperture where I was, yet the   glowing was as strong as the midday sun. And the  voice said: Endubsar the scribe, what do you see?   And I looked and saw the glowing rayed upon the  table and the stones and the stylus, and I said:   I see stone tablets, and their hue is blue as pure  as the sky. And I see a stylus as I have never   seen before, its stem unlike any reed and its tip  shaped like an eagle's talon. And the voice said:   These are the tablets upon which you shall  inscribe my words. By my wish they have been cut   of the finest lapis lazuli, each with two smooth  faces provided. And the stylus you see is a god's   handiwork, its handle made of electrum and its  tip of divine crystal. It shall firmly fit in your   hand and what you shall engrave with it shall be  as easy as marking upon wet clay. In two columns   you shall inscribe the front face, in two columns  you shall inscribe the back of each stone tablet. Do not deviate from my words and utterances!  And there was a pausing, and I touched one of   the stones, and the surface felt like smooth  skin, soft to the touch. And I picked up the   holy stylus, and it felt like a feather in my  hand. And then the great god Enki began to speak,   and I began to write down his words, exactly as  he had spoken them. At times his voice was strong,   at times almost a whisper. At times there was  joy or pride in his voice, and at times pain or   agony. And as one tablet was inscribed on all its  faces, I took another to continue. And when the   final words were spoken, the great god paused  and I could hear a great sigh. And he said:   Endubsar my servant, for forty days and forty  nights you have faithfully recorded my words. Your task here is completed. Now take hold of  another tablet, and on it you shall write your   own attestation, and at the end thereof as a  witness of this event, mark it with your seal,   and take the tablet and put it together with  the other tablets in the divine chest; for at   a designated time chosen ones shall come hither  and they shall find the chest and the tablets,   and they shall learn all that I have dictated to  you; and that the true account of the Beginnings   and the Prior Times and the Olden Times and the  Great Calamity shall henceforth be known as The   Words of the Lord Enki. And it shall be a Book of  Witnessing the lost past in the future times. And   there was a pause, and I took the tablets, and  put them one by one in their correct order in   the chest. And the chest was made of acacia wood  and it was inlaid with gold on the outside. And   the voice of my lord said: Now close the chest's  cover and fasten its lock. And I did as directed.   And there was another pause, and my lord Enki  said: And as for you, Endubsar, with a great god   you have spoken, and though you have not seen me,  in my presence you have been. Therefore you are   blessed, and my spokesman to the people you shall  be. You shall admonish them to be righteous, for   in that lies a good and long life. And you shall  comfort them, for in seventy years the cities will   be rebuilt and the crops shall sprout again. There  will be peace but there will also be wars. New   nations will become mighty, kingdoms shall rise  and fall. The olden gods shall step aside and   new gods shall decree the fates. But at the end of  days destiny shall prevail, and of that future it   is foretold in my words about the past. Of all  that, Endubsar, to the people you shall tell. And there was a pause and a silence. And  I, Endubsar, bowed to the ground and said:   But how will I know what to say?  And the voice of the lord Enki said:   The signs will be in the heavens, and the  words to utter shall come to you in dreams   and in visions. And after you there will be other  chosen prophets. And in the end there will be a   New Earth and a New Heaven, and for prophets there  will be no more need. And then there was silence,   and the auras were extinguished, and the  spirit left me. And when I regained my senses,   I was in the fields outside Eridu. Seal of  Endubsar, master scribe.These are the words   of the lord Enki, firstborn son of Anu, who reigns  on Nibiru. Here is the account of the Prior Times,   AND Olden Times. A history and overview of  the Annunaki Atlantean civilization and the   chronicles to earth that occured. Long ago,  before the prior times was the beginning;   after the Prior times were the olden Times. In the  olden times the gods came to Earth and engineered   the earthlings. In the prior Times, none of the  gods were on Earth, nor were the earthlings yet   engineered. In the Prior Times, the abode of the  gods was on their own planet; Nibiru its name.  A great wide orbiting planet, reddish in radiance  creating an extended orbit around the sun.  There are times that Nibiru is involved in  cold, and other times that the bright sun  shines again. Nibiru is involved  with a thick atmosphere.  This atmosphere is constantly  fueled by volcanic eruptions.  In the cold period the atmosphere keeps the  heat, like a coat that covers the entire planet.  In the warm period the atmosphere protects  Nibiru. In the middle periods, between heat   and cold times, the rains gain strength,  offering consistency to lakes and rivers.  Nibiru is covered in lush vegetation  that feeds and protects the atmosphere.  From them all kinds of life arouse in both the  waters and land due to the Pleadians that seeded   the planet millions years before for natural and  evolving life. After aeons of time the forgotten   royal hybrid species found refuge on empty Niberu  after being exiled from all other civilizations   due to the rejection of their mixed heritage  of draconian and lyran ancestry. It was there,   our people gave ourselves the name Atlanteans. Over time the Atlanteans of Niberu multiplied   and took place in the valleys, plains and  mountains. They set up homes, built cities,   and civilizations began. It was then at  this time period, Millions of races left   the Orion & Pleadian star clusters due to  the wars and came to Niberu for refuge.   Our society is one of many people of numerous  civilizations and our ancestors welcomed them.  However, Rivalries began to occur. Brother amassed  against brother, Clans gathered into tribes,   then two polar nations of atlanteans of  niberu were established. The nation of the   north against the nation of the south took up arms  and set up weapons of terror against each other.  Death and destruction swept across  the lands both north and south.  Destruction overtook all of Nibiru. For a long  time desolation took place on Nibiru. In time,   the Annunaki Atlanteans history and interstellar  connections faded into myths. However, during the   ensuing era of wars on Niberu, they reclaimed  much of their lost technological prowess and   consciousness. Sacred remnants of their past,  including ancient nuclear warheads and advanced   lasers, were revered and meticulously studied,  leading to renewed scientific advancements.   However, the larger cosmic community, abiding  by non-intervention principles, allowed the   Atlanteans of Niberu to chart their own destiny. By this time, of discovering their relics of the   past and finished with the killings  from both sides. The north and south   nations decided to declare a truce, and  soon cries of peace arose everywhere.  Nations shall unite and only one throne shall  there be on Nibiru. Let there be one king to   rule them all, they declared. The chosen  king should be of native atlantean blood   to the north or the south. A consort would also  be chosen, but from the opposite region. Thus,   north and south would be united in the  figures of a monarchal king and queen.  Husband and wife were one flesh and the child  born of their union would be the successor.  With a new royal dynasty would soon be formed.  The one chosen to rule was a mighty warrior   and commander from the north. By lots, true and  fair, was he chosen; his decrees in unity were   accepted. For his abode he built a great city  called Agade, meaning Unity. He was given the   title of An, which means Celestial. Thus, order was re-established   in the lands, laws and regulations. For his spouse the south a maiden had chosen; for   both love and warring she was noted. An.Tu was her  royal title; the Leader Who Is An's Spouse, the   given name cleverly meant. She bore An three sons  and no daughters. The firstborn son was by her   named An.Ki. Anki remained alone on the throne,  even though the concubines who came to the palace   did not bear him children. Thus, the dynasty that  had just begun was interrupted as soon as he died.  The middle son, though not the firstborn, was  named the rightful heir. He received the title   of Anib which means, the one in the middle,  to justify his position among the brothers.   Anib married Ninib, which means the lady of  Ib. Together they had a son named Anshargal,   the successor to the throne and the  fourth of the kings to rule Nibiru.   His wife was his half-sister Kishargal. Of his reign had been the greatest legacy. His intention and goals was to unify the people,  and he did it when the northern feast and the   southern feast that served everyone. It was in the reign of Anshargal and   Kishargal that the law of husband and  wife, and of sons and of daughters was   created. These customs of the first tribes  of Niberu were established to be followed.  The law had been written. It stated that a woman should be chosen   as an official wife, and this was the first wife. From the many wars, females greatly outnumbered   the males. Decrees were made, one male  was to have more than one female. By law,   one wife as official spouse would be chosen.  She would be known as the first wife. By law,   the firstborn son would be his father's successor. Confusions, disputes and wars did not   take long to be created. If the firstborn son was   not from the First Wife's, but the second  son was who would bethe legitimate heir?  On Anshargal's reign, concubines were  once again brought into the royal palace. And so, the concubines had sons and daughters.  Some time later the legitimate  wife, Kishargal had a son.  By law, the son of Anshargal and Kishargal was  the rightful heir, though not the firstborn. Kishargal, his mother, Anshargal's  true and lawful wife, shouted angrily. If according to the norms my son of a first  born wife is deprived of the succession, do  not let the double seed be neglected. Although from different mothers, the king and   I are descended from the same father, the king.  I am the king's half-sister; and from  me, the king is also half-brother. So my son has the double seed of our father, Anib. Let, in succession, the Law of the Seed, over the   Law of Marriage prevail. Let, in succession,  the son of a half-sister, whenever he is born,   rise above others in succession! And Anshargal the king decided as Kishargal  his wife and half-sister had said.  Their son, though not the firstborn,  was proclaimed the next king. The Law of Seed had been adopted  for succession and thus the   divergence between lawful wife and concubine had been decided.  The new king was given the title of  Anshar, the fifth on Nibiru's throne. Anshar took his half-sister  named Kishar as his wife.  And so, even if Anshar had  children by the concubines,   the rightful heir would be the son of the king and queen. During his reign, Niberu's fields reduced their   harvests and much of the food  source lost their abundance.  From cycle to cycle, from shar to  shar, the problems grew more and more. In time, sages and scholars had been  called to investigate what was happening. Some said it had happened before and  on that time it was happening again.  “That was Nibiru's destiny” they said. Others concluded that a hole had appeared in the  atmosphere and that volcanoes no longer erupted   as before, which made the air more tenuous and  Nibiru's protective shield considerably reduced   its level of efficiency. Under these conditions,   the sixth king had assumed the throne. Enshar was his name, son of Anshar and   Kishar and meant Noble Master of the Shar. Enshar studied a lot and looked for an answer   in other planets and atmospheres. He gave the planets different   names honoring their ancestors. Enshar named the region near the sun the   Hammered bracelet, and announced that the region  was protected from intruders by various asteroids.  Enshar continued studying  and looking for a salvation.  But from shar to shar, the  hole grew more and more. The scholars, on their councils, discussed  what to do, but there seemed to be no solution. Someone had pronounced the idea  to try artificially stimulate   volcanoes to produce new eruptions to  resolve the hole in the atmosphere. Nevertheless on Enshar's reign the hole  only grew. It felt like some kind of curse.  The rains did not occur, the winds blew stronger  and the springs did not emerge. As his First Wife,   Enshar's half sister and queen  Ninshar did not bear any children.  Then by a concubine of Enshar, a son was  born; the Firstborn son he was. By Ninshar   First Wife and half sister, a son was not  brought forth. By the Law of Succession,   the concubine's son the throne ascended; the  seventh to reign he was. Du-Uru was his royal   name; In the Dwelling Place Fashioned was  its meaning; In the house of Concubines,   not in the palace, was he indeed conceived.  As his spouse a maiden from his youth beloved   Duuru he chose as his selected first wife and  not a wife by seed. Dauru was her royal name. Confusion then took place. In the royal palace, children were not heirs,   and wives were not half-sisters. As if this fact were not enough,   sons and daughters of the king were not even born. The royal confusion had spread far and wide,   like the hole in Nibiru's  atmosphere that grew more and more.  Desperate Duuru, the seventh seed of An, along  with his wife Dauru decided to adopt a boy.  They named him Lahma and pronounced him the  rightful heir who was subsequently made king.  Sages and scholars eventually came  to a solution to the new king Lahma.  Gold, they shouted to King Lahma. The only  element that is durable and noncorrosive.  If ground to a fine powder, pulverized in  the air, it could become suspended and thus  the gap could close, offering  the necessary protection.  Gold, the sages said, was  abundant near the Hammered   bracelet of the milky way galaxy quadrant. And from this moment on, advanced and massive   technological spaceships began to be built. Another group suggested the use of   weapons of terror, launching missiles at  volcanoes to stimulate their atmosphere.  But Lahma, the king of  Nibiru, did not take action.  And then Nibiru counted one  shar... and then another shar.  Conflicts stretched across the kingdom. Food and  water were scarce. At the royal court, sages came   and went, but the king did not listen to advisers  and sages, only to his wife, Lahama. The third   and fourth shar passed and the count already  reached fourteen thousand four hundred years   if we counted Earth's time. Let us supplicate for  the Creator of All. Let's plead with the creator   of all instead of acting. Advised the king's  wife. But the people the sages and the advisers   were desperate. Something needed to be done.  We need a decision, a definition... said the   crowd in protest. And it was a prince of ancient  heritage who first touched weapons and begun a   rebellion against Lahma. He announced that a new  time had arrived and urged others to follow him.  The prince's name was Alalu and  was the eldest of the four princes.  Lahma shall no longer be the king,  said Alalu! From now on I will be King.  We shall attack Lahma and  make him leave the throne.  The other princes followed and a  chase began inside the great palace.  Finally, at the tower of Niberu, Alalu  found Lahma and faced him in a battle of   which only one of the two would be alive. The  warrior Alalu won the battle and killed Lahma,   then he proclaimed himself the king, beyond  any adviser or law. Alalu is now the new   king! The priests and sages announced. Alalu was not wrong...Lahma was at least   an adopted son of one of the generations of An...  and a new time had begun. Who was Alalu? Was he a   Legal Heir, was he Firstborn? By what right did  he usurp; was he not a king slayer? Before the   Seven Who Judges, Alalu was summoned. His fate  to be considered. Before the Seven Who Judge,   Alalu spread his pleas. Though neither Legal Heir  nor a firstborn, a son of royal seed indeed he   still was! Of Anshargal, l am descended, before  the judges he claimed. By a concubine, my ancestor   was born to him; Alam was his name. By the count  of Shars, Alam was the Firstborn; the throne to   him was belonged; By the queen his rights were put  aside! A Law of the Seed she created, for her son   the kingship was obtained. My forefather Alam of  kingship was deprived; to her son instead it was   granted. By descent of Alam's generations I was  conceived; the seed of Anshargal is within me! The Seven Who Judge to Alalu's words gave heed. To  the Council of Counselors they passed the matter,   truth or false hood to ascertain. The royal annals  from the House of Records were brought forth;   with much care they were read. Anshargal  was a Firstborn; the throne he ascended.  Of him I am descended! Alalu to the counselors  he cried out. By the Law of Succession to him   kingship belonged. With hesitation, the counselors  made Alalu swear an oath of truth. Alalu swore   the oath of life or death as king. They then  summoned the elders, and they summoned the 3   other princes before them. From among the princes,  a young strong and wise prince stepped forward. The young prince objected their decision  of Alalu. Succession must be reconsidered,   to the assembly he said. Of the purest of  seed I am descended. The essence of An in   me is preserved, by no concubine diluted! The  counselors heard the words with amazement;   the prince was summoned to come closer. They  asked for his name. It is Anu after my great   forefather An, I was named! They inquired  about his generations of An. Anu then   reminded them of the three sons of An. Enuru  is my great ancestor, the eldest son of An. The counselors with wonderment looked at each  other. He is of pure descent the generations   continued, by law and by seed which is perfect!  Anu, after our forefather An, did my parents name   me; From the throne we were removed but from An's  pure seed we were not removed! Let Anu be king!   many counselors shouted. Let Alalu Be removed! But others urged caution.  Let’s call for Alalu as well. And Alalu,  opened his arms to receive Anu, the prince.  We are from different descents,  but we have the Royal Seed.  Together we will bring abundance back to Nibiru. May I retain the throne and you   may be my successor. Let your eldest son marry   my daughter to unify the succession. And so by common consent Alalu would   remain on the throne as the rightful heir. Prince Anu would became a cupbearer to Alalu and   his successor-in-waiting. That was the council's  decision and in the royal annals it was inscribed.  He ordered to build more celestial ships and more  missionaries to search for gold in the Hammered   bracelet to save their dying planet Niberu. But it was reported that none of the   previous ships and missionaries has  returned from the Hammered Bracelet.  Then Alalu commanded to hurl the weapons of terror  onto the volcanoes so Nibiru's bowels may open.  Mountains swayed, valleys shuddered, but the  rain refused to fall and the winds gusted. The   atlantean civilization was once more in  peril again on the brink of destruction. In the royal palace Anu was treated as a  servant of Alalu, and not as a prince or   successor, as he was due. And in cities, the people   of Nibiru no longer worshiped their king. Instead of relief, Alalu brought only misery.  And yet, on the throne he remained. After the ninth Shar of Alalu's reign,   Anu gave battle to Alalu. To hand-to-hand  combat, with bodies naked as it was the   great atlantean tradition of their forefathers. Alalu he challenged. Let the winner be king,   Anu said. They grappled with each other in the  public square of the main city Agade, doorposts   trembled and walls shook. Alalu defeated then bent  his knee to the ground as he fell on his chest.   Alalu in hand to hand combat was defeated by Anu.  Anu was now hailed as king Anu and was escorted   to the throne room. Alalu did not return to the  palace and in all the commotion he stealthily   escaped through the crowds, fearing that Anu  might have him killed. Unbeknownst to others, the   place of the celestial ships he hurriedly went.  Into a missile-throwing chariot Alalu climbed;   its hatch behind him he closed. The forepart OF  THE cabin chamber he entered; then to commander's   seat he occupied. That-Which-Shows-the-Way he  lit up, with bluish aura the chamber filled.   The Fire Stones he stirred up; their hum like  music was enthralling. The chariot's Great   Cracker he enlivened; a reddish brilliance  it was casting. Unbeknownst to others, in   the celestial boat Alalu from Nibiru escaped. To a  snow-hued planet called Key known today as earth,   Alalu set his course. By a secret from the  Beginning he chose this destination.On Nibiru   exile was certain for Alalu and his death likely. High above, in the safety of his celestial ship,   Alalu watched the planet Nibiru. It was a  gigantic sphere suspended in the void. The   fire of eruptions, even if more tenuous,  flickered, offering an exuberant glow. The radiance of its mighty fullness was  the beauty of the skies of other worlds. Like an eagle, Alalu scanned the skies, admiring  the beauty of the planet that gave him life. Then, controlling his celestial ship,   Alalu turned to the vastness of the outer  realms of space, with Nibiru at his back. On one side, the darkness of space  lay, on the other, the giant volcanic   eruptions disappeared into the great dark sea. Thus the planets and atmospheres that King   Enshar had once studied and named after  the ancestors became visible to Alalu. Little Gaga known as Pluto, offered its welcome. Then the celestial Antu, the bluish  and sparkling planet known as Neptune,   made itself felt, offering a good omen with  its exuberant hue due to its pure waters. Enchanted by the beauty, but following his course,  Alalu found Uranus, the planet dedicated to An,   with a blue-green glow. But his fate took the course   of the first prince of heaven: Anshar. The rings were beautiful and resplendent   and seemed to bewitch the celestial ship. Alalu appreciated the rings of the extraordinary   planet that would later be named Saturn by humanity.  But suddenly a bad omen had weighed on his heart. A gigantic shadow prevented him from enjoying   the far sighted sun, plunging his  entire ship into an icy twilight.  It was the gigantic planet  Kishar also known as Jupiter.  Swirling storms mixed different shades  to the spots that occupied the planet. It was as if Kishar provoked intense lightning. Such activity caused Alalu to get lost in the   immensity and for a lapse of time to be confused in the direction to be taken.  Upon regaining consciousness of his mission.  Alalu gazed at the sun in the distance,   gaining space in front of Kishar who  was little by little further away. But his whole body shuddered and the  fear of death found the warrior Alalu.  It was the Hammered bracelet.  A cluster of rocks and stones grouped  together like fatherless orphans. Enshar once told him that the region  was protected by a huge asteroid belt. All the Atlantens who had tried to cross  the region previously had lost their lives.  The rocks swallowed up the sounding ships  that came from Nibiru like wild hungry  lions. Alalu could sense other deceased Atlanteans as  he could witness every explosion on every ship   of every atlantean that passed away. Fearing for his life,   the valiant warrior Alalu took courage. He wasn't going to give up that easily.  He knew that if the secret was true, if his  ancestors hadn't lied to him or been wrong...  then the gold would be found and the  glory of a heavenly reign was imminent. Thus Alalu fought face to face with the rocks.  He fed the ship's firestones and unleashed  a deadly missile against the rocks, which  slammed each other with the momentum. And then the weapons of terror were   hurled into space. Open up to your king.  I am Alalu, a warrior from Nibiru, equipped with a  ship, weapons and missiles! He yelled to himself. Nothing will stand in my way. My destiny is glory!  A heavenly reign has been prepared for me.  As by spell the Hammered bracelet opened  like a gate and Alalu could see a path of   immense darkness through the rocks. And passing through the hall opened   in the Hammered bracelet Alalu  could feel the glory of his fate. All other Atlanteans had died in this attempt! But not him... Alalu swiftly crossed the sixth planet  in the account of the celestial gods. It was a reddish-brown planet known as Mars. His path led towards the sun.  When suddenly he saw the New World. The planet was divided into three regions:   it was covered in white by snow at the top and bottom, then blue and brown in between.  It was the seventh planet, without a doubt,  that was the legendary Key later known as earth. Alalu circled the planet and  could observe land and oceans. And then he turned on the  equipment to check the depths.  The Penetrating Ray was directed and then, the  radar showed not only life but heavy metals   deep within it's core. The gold was there.  The lightning showed gold, a lot of gold. “I’ve found it.  Said Alalu. But excitement soon gave way  to fear when he realized what could happen.  How to land safely? If it were on dry land,   it could explode, and then he dies. And if it were in the waters,   possibly the warrior would sink towards oblivion. For any decision, it seemed to be too late.  The gravitational pull was strong  and his aircraft's wings glowed.  The atmosphere was like an oven, finer than  Nibiru’s and its net of attraction weaker. And then the celestial ship began to shudder.  Impact seemed imminent and  his heart clenched in agony. And then their was a heavy bang. And small flashes were seen.  The ship landed and Alalu was thrown unconscious,   becoming completely immobile,  inert and passed out. There was no dimension by which time could  be measured, and with absolutely no sense,   the once king Alalu managed to move  and realize that he had survived. This was the moment when the first Anunnaki  atlantean arrived on Earth, also known as Key. Regaining full consciousness Alalu  beheld that his ship had come down on   dry land on the edge of wide marshes. Alalu, opened the door of his ship.  He observed the soil he was on and took his  first steps on the beautiful alluring planet. He walked among the waters of the  marshland and shivered with the cold.  He realized that he was a lone traveler  possibly exiled forever from Nibiru. In the New World no one had received  him and so, there too, he was alone. He pondered his family, his reign,  the battle with Anu, the dangers he   had faced, and the Hammered bracelet. Was he exiled from Nibiru forever? His  once home seemed farther than ever before. Anguish gripped his chest and then he returned   to the ship to feed and drink  from stored replenishment's. That's when a deep sleep overcame him, a  powerful lethargy that sent him to sleep,   and once again unconsciousness found him.  Alalu had fallen asleep while his thoughts  were lost in all history and all he knew. Alalu had been properly trained  and prepared before his reign. He had been among the great commanders,  and the wise scholars since childhood. Anyone who thought that Alalu was just a  supporting actor in this story was wrong.  Alalu had learned much from his ancestor  Anshargal knowing the heavens and the circuits. By Enshar his forefather, his knowledge  was broadened in a grandiose way. And it was like a profound connoisseur  that Alalu remembered conversing with a   sage about the Secrets of the Beginning  of Niberu and the times before them. And this secret that Alalu kept led him  to the distant planet beyond the Hammered  bracelet that would one day be called earth.  A long time ago, before many planets in  the Milky Way galaxy came into existence,   there was a massive planet named Tiamat in the  solar system. It was named after its ruler,   the Draconian Dragon Queen who not only governed  the world Tiamat but also ruled over the entire   Orion star system after the Great Orion Wars.  It was she who established a connection with   a royal hybrid race that had been rejected  by most known civilizations in the cosmos.  The great and first Atlantean king, An of Nibiru,  joined forces with Queen Tiamat, leading to the   creation of twelve hybrid humanoids. These beings  were evenly split between males and females,   and they stood heights ranging from 30 to 35 feet  tall. They possessed both reptilian and humanoid   characteristics just as the native atlantean  royals. These offspring, entrusted to An,   and their descendants, became known as most of  the Igigi, the titanic workforce class of Nibiru.  However, their peaceful union did not  endure, leading to a conflict between   the Atlanteans of Nibiru and the Dragon Queen  Tiamat. Tiamat gave birth to her son, Kingu,   and raised him to fight in her reptilian army of  50 to 60 foot tall dragon-human hybrids, pitting   them against the 10-14 foot tall Atlanteans. Tiamat, who ruled over all the planets in the   solar system, granted her son Kingu, two celestial  gifts for his leadership role. The first gift was   the powerful Cosmic Tablets of Destiny, which  allowed the holder to track and control the   orbits and trajectories of planets and solar  systems. The second gift was an abundance of   gold extracted from the planet Tiamat itself. During the celestial battles, Nibiru's main   mothership unleashed immensely powerful  blows and evil winds upon the planet Tiamat,   ultimately obliterating it entirely. Queen Tiamat  and Kingu emerged unharmed, but the planet's   other half was separated, forming a distinct  planet now known as Key or Earth. The debris   and rocks from this event created what we now  call the asteroid belt or the hammered bracelet.  Initially, the planet Key was abundant  with gold, a valuable resource to the   Annunaki Atlanteans. Over time, it became a  legendary myth among the Atlantean people. And this was the Secret from the Beginning  and the Battle of the Gods which Alalu knew  all.  Finding gold at the hammered  bracelet was confirmation.  The gold on the hammered bracelet was the  hint of gold on top of ancient Tiamat. The Secret of the Beginning that he had been  taught began to show clear signs of its veracity. And it was thus, that Alalu awoke  not knowing how long he had slept. The escape from Nibiru was just the beginning  of a new story, a new time, and a new world. Taken of courage Alalu arose,  perceiving a luminosity out of   his ship, such as he had never  seen on Nibiru . It was the sun.  Alalu stretched and gauged over the  ship and tested the Planet's air. It was compatible. Then, he opened the   ship's door and with the hatches  open he breathed the air deeply. And then again. Key's air was undoubtedly compatible.  Then without protective suit  Alalu descended from his ship.  The light was too bright and the  sun's rays were…overwhelming.  He had to go back and put  a mask to protect his eyes,   and he took the opportunity to equip  himself with a gun with a collector.  He stepped onto the dark ground  and walked into the swamp.  With the collector he tested the water,  but it was not fit for consumption. The waters were murky, dark and greenish.  And there was one more important  detail that his eyes glimpsed.  There were fish. A lot of fishes... Alalu went towards the hills.  He passed among the vegetation and appreciated  the bushes that gave way to trees full of fruit.  Then he took one of its fruits  and put it in his mouth.  The taste was sweet. Walking on his feet   it was possible to feel the moisture. He then walked towards a pond of silent waters.  Once again he inserted the collector into  the waters, but this time, it was different. It was possible to drink the water. Joy had taken over his entire body.  The new world had breathable air, fruit  that could be eaten, and water to drink. That's when a sound, a hissing distracted him.  His weapon in hand, he looked for the source  of the sound and having found it, fired. The sound ended and the hissing ceased. Then he saw a body that was   motionless, lying dead. The creature had fierce eyes in its small   head and out of its mouth stuck out a huge tongue.  The body was slender as a  rope, without hands or feet.  It was a crawling creature. Alalu wondered what kind of creature it was.  He had never seen anything like it on Nibiru  Was it a guardian animal, a master of water? Unanswered, Alalu left the creature  behind and found his way back to the ship. Nearby, he collected water and fruits.  During the journey the sun's rays sharply  diminished, And thus Alalu was astonished. It got dark, very dark.  The suddenness with which it  had gone dark was surprising.  And over the marsh a light rose on the horizon. A huge red ball that as it rose turned white.  Alalu was thrilled. From his ship he contemplated the   infinite and the firmament of a New World. Now, and on the way, he could see all the   planets, he witnessed and passed  through the Hammered bracelet. Alalu decided to wait for a new day rise to  investigate the detected presence of gold. If the Secret of the Beginning  of this planet were true,   then the waters would wrought  with Tiamat’s golden veins.  And there, in the waters or lands  of Key, the gold would be found. At sunrise Alalu left his ship  with the necessary equipment and,   seeking the waters he inserted what  was needed to find the gold materials. Watching the meter, the symbols and  numbers being filled in, the truth came. It was true.  He had found gold in Key. There was gold on Earth.  Taken back in enthusiasm that did not belong to  him, Alalu entered his ship in a hurry and in   his possession was a radio communication device.  He addressed his message to the depths of space,   in the direction of Nibiru. Attention  Nibiru. I repeat: Attention Nibiru.  It is your king who speaks to you. It is Alalu, your former king.  I left in one of the celestial ships. I gambled my life on the luck of my deeds and   very skillfully discovered how to break through the Hammered bracelet. The rock belt paved the way and  I have reached the planet of Key. It's fruits, water and air is compatible.  I am Alalu the first Atlantean to  arrive on the planet of salvation. I have found gold.  Yes, I have found gold on the planet Key. The Fate of Nibiru is in my hands...  The creator of all has proven my royal  lineage is a blessed and rightful one.  Pay attention and listen to my conditions:  And considering this fact Alalu made it clear. The fate of Nibiru is in my hands, and  you must heed my conditions," said Alalu.  The notice that Alalu had survived  reached the royal palace on Nibiru and   was transmitted to King Anu.Anu was astonished. The counselors and sages had also been surprised.  Everyone thought that Alalu had died.  The commanders were quickly asked to  check all the ships and found that,   in fact, one of them had disappeared. Alalu surely would have taken it. With the confirmation Anu  reflected on how he should proceed.  He decided to order that  greetings be conveyed to Alalu.  They conveyed his personal message to  Alalu over the transmiter, Greetings   Alalu, I, the king Anu of Nibiru salutes you. There was no reason for you to leave, dear Alalu.  Know that in my heart there is no enmity. If thou hast indeed come to find gold,   let the glory of Nibiru be exalted,  and let salvation indeed take place.  Anu's message quickly reached  Earth, where Alalu heeded.  In a bellicose tone, Alalu readily  answered: If I am to be the savior,   then let Nibiru be worthy of my deeds. Let the princes be summoned in assembly  and declare my ascendancy supreme. May commanders make me their  leader, may they bow to my orders!  May I be named King, may my  name override Anu on the throne. And may the council and the seven  who judge stand by my words. As soon as the words of Alalu reached  Nibiru, the consternation was great. How could Anu be deposed? The advisers were confused.  Where would Alalu be?  Was it true that he had  found the gold of salvation? What if it was a ruse? One of the Councillors, the oldest of them,   made his voice heard in the assembly. He said I was the master of Alalu.  He knows the secrets from  the beginning before Niberu.  Alalu knows the celestial battle. Of the gigantic watery planet Tiamat and of the   golden veins it inherited. He has deep knowledge. So, if Alalu truly did breakthrough the hammered   bracelet he found his destiny on the  seventh planet, which we know as Key.  Then a prince of Anu took the word. Alalu cannot demand terms.  The calamities were his works,  and he lost his throne in combat.  If it's true that he found the  gold, it needs to be proven.  And even if he found the gold, would it be enough? There was silence.  The ones who took the word in the  assembly was Enlil the Lord of Command.  Enlil is the son of Anu with his  legitimate wife the queen Antu.  The decision of the assembly  has been transmited to Alalu.  And then the first atlantean to  arrive on Earth pondered all the   points as if he were playing a chess game. The movement of each piece should be meticulous.  Alalu agreed and testified of all his  journey and the dangers he passed through. From the sampler he took his crystal, from  the collector his crystal heart, and inserted  the objects into the transmitter for verification.  And having sent the proofs over to Niberu  he addressed new elements of his bargain.  He said now that you already have the  proof, declare me king and bow to my orders! Alalu's words were stern and sharp. The sages were horrified, but they   found that indeed the location of Alalu  originated far beyond the Hammered Bracelet.  And to discuss the matter,  the assembly met once more.  Anu's eldest son had spoken. He was married to Damkina, the daughter of Alalu.  He was known as the ones whose home was water. Enki was his name. My birth father is Anu, and by marriage  Alalu turns out to be my father as well.  The intention of my marriage  was to unite the clans.  Allow me to bring unity to this conflict. Let me be Anu's emissary.  Let me take the gold from Alalu  and deliver it for Nibiru.  I will make Alalu the proclaimed king on Earth. And if salvation really reaches Nibiru let a new   battle and plan to take place  to determine Nibiru's throne. Enki's words were wise, and they  filled the hall of assembly.  The advisers complied and  Anu pronounced the sentence.  So be it! And a new fight I will bestow on Alalu. Let the victorious be Nibiru’s king. The decision was conveyed to Alalu who agreed:   I will receive Enki on Earth, and may he obtain  the gold of the waters, may he carry out the   tests and that in the future a new battle  for the throne of Nibiru will take place. Enki addressed the commanders at the ship's  location and began the preparation of the mission. Enki would not use the weapons of terror  to break through the hammered bracelet   as Alalu had done. He would use water. And then the first question arose.  If water was the Force and not  fire, where would it replenish? It was necessary to store the water in the ship...  So, the studies and preparations  went on for one complete shar. It was decided to use the largest of  the celestial ships, the destination   of the return was calculated and  a tablet of destiny was fixed.  Fifty heroes were selected for the mission. Anu approved the trip and so the Annunaki   Atlanteans entered the ship, carrying their  space helmets and wearing space garments. Enki knelt in reverence to his father  Anu to receive the royal blessing.  Anu said Enki my dear eldest son. It will be a long trip.  Safely go and return, and may thy  success overtake us on Nibiru. Ninul his mother, and Damkina, his wife, also bid   farewell to Enki, who was the last to join the celestial ship's departure. Then Anzu, which name means He Who Knows  the Heavens, was Enki's First Commander   and Pilot of the ship. Anzu lifted the  gigantic craft over Nibiru’s skies,   beginning the mission that would  soon reach Key also known as Earth. The ship respectfully passed all the planets  that honored Nibiru's royalty, until it found  the fearsome and challenging Hammered bracelet. The mission was carefully calculated and prepared  so with jets of water, and not with the weapons   of terror as Alalu had done. It would smoothly  remove the gigantic rocks of the asteroid belt. The whoops of joy as the Hammered bracelet erupted  were euphoric, but soon gave way to apprehension.  Anzu sounded the alarm: to clear a path between  the rocks more water than planned had been used.  There would be no water to feed the ship's  flaming stones for the rest of the journey.  At the head of the gigantic atlantean ship  was Lahmu, the red planet that would later  be called Mars. Anzu ,the skilled pilot,   slowed the ship and rounded the edge of  a lake, landing onto the planet Mars. Together Enki and Anzu donned their space  helmets and descended to solid ground. A water-sucking pipe was ordered to draw water  from the lake into the ship, and it was done. With the ship resupplied, once again the sky  giant departed with its final destination  addressed to planet Earth. And as soon as they approached   Earth and the transmitting signal from Alalu  was picked up, they could see the oceans and   the dry land, contrasting with the tones  of snow in the two thirds of the planet. But as they got closer, they noticed  the strong attraction of the planet,   and the weight of the snow for  landing in the swampy region. Anzu circled the entire planet once more,  seeking the ship's deceleration and closer  proximity to the ground. And, finally the gigantic ship  descended on the waters of the Earth. That's when a message reached the ship. Alalu said welcome to the land.  The gigantic ship took the signal  and Anzu floated the spaceship   towards Alalu's coordinates. Quick, said Alalu, make haste. Anzu ordered all Anunnaki on board  to put their space garments on.  The ship's door opened and the  heroes descended from the ship.  Enki, however, was left without a space suit.  His heart was beating like a drum. He dived and swam freely in the water   and could feel that the waters were  deep and much deeper than he imagined. As soon as he reached the bank he saw Alalu who  embraced him and said: welcome my son-in-law. Welcome to a new world. And then as the heroes moved,   Alalu greeted each one and bid them welcome. Enki said to the rest of the Anunnaki:  here on Earth I am the commander. We've come a long way for an important mission. The future of Nibiru is in our hands.  It's a life-or-death mission. Let's get to work.  Anzu, convey to the king, my father, the  good news of our arrival on the planet. Soon the sky turned reddish, orange and darkened. Alalu explained, A night on earth is   far shorter than you can imagine. Let's take the opportunity to rest.  Before you can imagine the  sun will herald a new day.  And so, night came and a new day dawned. And with the new day, Enki offered specific tasks  to some of the atlantean crew. Engur , would be   tasked as the lord of fresh waters, Enkimdu,  in charge of the ditch and the dikes,   Enbilulu to the command of the swamps. And having known the fruits which his vizier   Isimud could distinguish, Enki charged Guru to see for growing food. So the camps were erected,  ditches and dikes were built.  Kulla produced clay bricks, Mushdammu produced  the foundations, Enursag studied the serpents   and slithering snakes, and Ulmash checked the  animals of the waters and the birds of the air,   classifying and studying them. Then six days had passed.  On the seventh day, Enki pronounced: We  came from afar and traveled a long way,  we built our camp and  analyzed everything around us.  Let's call our fenced-in building  Home Away From Home and name it Eridu.  And keeping his promise Enki appointed  Alalu the commander of Eridu. And then, he added. Let this seventh day be consecrated to our rest.  And may it always be, the  seventh day, our day of rest.  As soon as the day of rest was over,  the search for gold had to begin.  Enki began to suck the marshy  waters, for six consecutive days.  And on the seventh day, Enki and  Alalu watched the collected metals.  There was iron, there was copper,  but gold was not plentiful.  They worked on separating the metals and  on the next seventh day, THEN rested. And on the following six days they filled  and emptied the crystal vessels so that on  the seventh day they would count the metals. Gold was the smallest of piles... During the entire period of work   Enki was in awe of Kingu, the large  moon that shined over the planet. What was this strange connection that the  moon and the earth had with each other?  What celestial sign was there?  And then Enki called the full  circle of the moon a month. And they worked on the metals for a few months. Then Enki could see the sun, and to every   six months he provided the name of a hot  season, on the next six months a cold one.  There was winter and summer, and Enki  called the whole 12 months, a year.  At the end of each year, he  counted the accumulated gold.  And with the levels of gold  in an alarming situation,   the atlanteans decided to sink their ship through  the waters in search of the gold in the depths. Anu kept communication from Niberu and asked on  the amounts of gold, but it was insufficient.  And so it was decided to wait for one more shar. And with more time on Earth the parts of the  ship were separated and Enki built a chamber. With the chamber, Enki and Abgal flew low  over the earth, watching and studying the  planet.  Enki was intrigued. He and Alalu talked.  Where are Tiamat 's golden veins? And  on Nibiru, much apprehension grew. Gold was desired and not only  desired, it was essential.  The protests increased and Anu eventually  said hand over what gold you have. Repair Alalu's ship and may  he bring gold to Nibiru.  Enki took the weapons of terror from the ship of  Alalu and hid them in a distant and secret place.  Anzu worked to prepare the ship of Alalu so  that it would be ready to travel to Nibiru  to deliver the gold, as soon as the Shar ended.  And it was not long before Anzu observed  the absence of the weapons of terror. These weapons should not be  used either on skies or land.  But without them it is dangerous  to cross the hammered bracelet.  Alalu's ship has no jets of  water, I have to remind you.  The words of the Atlanteans on earth were heard by   the Council of Nibiru. The risk  was of not being able to return. And then Abgal took the word to say that he  would like to take this risk in Alalu's place. I will deliver the gold to Nibiru, he said. The atlantean astronomers studied the best   moment and then Abgal took the ship on the way of  Nibiru carrying with him the gold of salvation.  Abgal the skilled pilot, departed from Earth  destined to Nibiru aware of all risks in which  the mission was involved. Enki & Alalu  granted him a safe trip and farewell.   Watching his ship take off into the skies.Enki  and Alalu were apprehensive, and on Nibiru   the clamor for the arrival of gold was intense. Despite all the expectation on both sides Abgal   was the intermediary who carried the hope of salvation and therefore   concentrated on his journey. Luck was with him, there was no doubt about it.  Abgal steered the ship around Mars to gain  strength from there and launch towards Nibiru.  And all this was only possible because he  made Enki’s crystals shine to pass through  the dreaded hammered bracelet. Abgal, in the ship, was heavy-hearted on his   journey; Anu, on Nibiru was anxious but confident. And in the distance, amid the immensity of space,   the reddish hue of Nibiru gleamed accompanied  by gigantic holes in the atmosphere.  On Nibiru people waited for the gold of salvation. Abgal withstood the flaming heat of entering the   planet's atmosphere and skillfully steered  the craft to the designated landing spot.  The crowd applauded and  revered the act of heroism.  And as soon as the doors of the ship were opened.  Anu, the king of Nibiru, gave welcome to Abgal.  Meanwhile, other Anunnaki took the gold from the  ship and destined it to the appropriate place.  Soon, the gold would be reduced to the finest  powder to be pulverized into the atmosphere. In the assembly of the Atlanteans,  Anu pronounced: Salvation is here! The gold of salvation has arrived!  Though the words of Anu were of glory  and exaltation apprehension was great   among the people of Niberu. Were the theories correct?  Would the pulverized gold be able to promote  the closing of the holes in the atmosphere? And the answer was... Affirmative!  The rift that have received the gold was closing  and the royal palace was filled with joy. However, with the proximity of the sun,  the rays deflected the gold and the crack   slowly opened again. The gold was not enough. Anu commanded: Abgal return to Earth immediately. We need abundant amounts of gold. Nungal and other Anunnaki will accompany you.  Leave as soon as possible.  So Abgal and other Atlanteans departed from  Nibiru with Earth as their destination. When they arrived at the planet,  they were received on Eridu by Enki. After the initial greetings, the work  of extracting gold quickly began. What was seen, however, was worrying. The amount of gold was insufficient.  Enki and Alalu day after day  looked at each other and talked.  Both of them were intrigued. Their hearts tightened.  Where would the gold be abundant?  Where were Tiamat 's golden veins? Enki  made his exploration with often flights. He knew the mountains and valleys.  But it was necessary to explore  further, until the solution was found. Then it went towards the  lands separated by the oceans,   and finally the bowels of the earth revealed themselves. It was there where the dry lands split in  two, where the land took the shape of a heart  at the bottom.  The golden veins of the Earth's  bowels would be abundant.  Enki called the area the Abzu and  said: On Abzu there is much gold. Enki communicated the news  to the council of Nibiru.  And a new assembly was formed.  As soon as Enki communicated the news to  the planet Nibiru, hope returned everywhere. The only certainty was the  need for gold exploration. But the question that remained,  however, was how to obtain this gold. And in the assembly of Niberu,  Enki's half-brother Enlil spoke: First was Alalu and then Enki. Everyone  waits for salvation, from shar to shar. But now, we hear different words. A task beyond the imaginable must be undertaken! To do that, you need proof  of the golden veins... and   you need a better plan for us to  succeed with extracting the gold. And in the assembly, a great division was made.  That's when Anu took the floor and  uttered a decision: let Enlil go to Earth! May the evidence be collected...  and may a plan be forged!  The assembly was unanimous! Everyone consented!  The words were conveyed to Earth,   and Anu commanded henceforth my youngest  of sons Enlil shall be in command of earth! His word will be order!  And then Enlil began his preparations to  start his Mission to Earth, accompanied   by the female Lieutenant chief Alalgar. As soon as Enlil arrived on Earth he had   been received by his brother Enki who embraced  him warmly, welcoming his younger brother.  Alalu, however, was not so warm in his  welcome, beckoning with simple words. The rest of the Atlantean crew were anxiously   awaiting for Enlil and finally  they could begin their work.  The new Earth’s mission commander ordered  the small ships assembled for exploration. Enki and Abgal took a ship to  show the way across the Abzu,   while Enlil and Alalgar  followed in another spacecraft.  They tested the soil of Abzu and discovered  gold, but with a lot of sand and rocks. And so, they returned to Eridu. In Eridu, Enlil took the floor and   said that a new mission would begin. Enlil described a great plan and   proposed a great mission. Enlil explained that Eridu   had to be enlarged and the Igigi the atlantean  giant workforce would be brought from Nibiru. It was necessary to find new settlements.  With this the gold would be collected  and then separated from the mixture.  Then it would be transported in celestial  ships from earth to mars, and finally Niberu. The plan was very detailed and seemed effective. But Enki and Alalu looked at each other.  Enki questioned who will command the settlements? Who will be in Abzu?  Then Alalu added who will command the new  Eridu and who will supervise the settlements? Anzu then took the floor to question. Who  will command the ships and the landing place? Enlil was quick and concise in his reply:  Let Anu come to Earth and let him make the  decisions himself. And so it was done. Nungal was chosen as its pilot, and together Anu  and Nungal departed from Nibiru destined to Earth.  Enki provided boats to receive the king from  the celestial ship that landed on the water. And as soon as he saw Anu, his father,  he bowed towards him and Anu embraced   him saying My dear eldest son. Then Anu traveled to Eridu where he was   received by Enlil, Alalu and the other Atlanteans  who received the royalty of Nibiru now on Earth. Enlil received his father warmly and respectfully. Alalu received Anu hesitantly, but  as one receives a close friend. A dinner was served in honor to  the King of Nibiru who retired   to the cabin prepared by Enki soon after.  On the next day Anu went to the Abzu  to explore the area and check the gold. However Anu was perplexed. Extracting the gold will   not be easy, he said. But it must happen.  Enki and Enlil will be in charge of building  tools and making the extraction of gold possible. Thus days and nights has passed, until  in Eridu, a meeting had taken place. Enki spoke: It was I who founded Eridu. However other camps in the region   need to be created. May the land be known   as Eden and may I have it under my command. Let Enlil take charge of extracting the gold.  But Enlil was enraged. He said The plan is unfair.  In commands and plans I am the best and for Earth  and for earth's secrets Enki stands out more. He discovered the Abzu. May  Enki be the Lord of the Abzu?  May I be the Lord of Eden. The brothers Enki and Enlil argued fervently.  Anu listened carefully. And reflected.  Enki was the firstborn, but Enlil was  his legitimate son with Antu, the queen. Anu observed that discussions tended to  have this beginning…but never an end. Besides, one must return to Nibiru,  Edin and the Abzu need a commander. After pondering, Anu announced. Luck will decide what will happen.  And between the three of  us a decision will be made.  Let the fate speaks for itself. Then the fate had been decide by luck.  Anu would return to Nibiru to be the ruler. Enlil would be the Lord of Command in the Eden.  Enki would become the lord of the Abzu .  Thus Anu spoke let Enlil enlarge the camps  of the Eden and be responsible for loading  the gold into the ships and for commanding  the Atlanteans until the lands  meet the barriers of the waters. And may Enki, my firstborn, be the Lord of this  planet and we will call it earth after him. May he be known as the first to land. And let him rule the Abzu. Enlil in its turn said   Enki, Lord of Earth, this shall be your title. And I, Enlil , will be known as Lord of Command.  And Then the decision was announced  to the other Atlanteans in assembly.  Anu confidently said I will return  to Nibiru with an easy heart. Success is on the way. But then Alalu stood before them all. An important matter has  been forgotten, he shouted.  The dominion of Earth had been promised to me. This is what was said when I announced  my arrival and the discovery of gold.  Furthermore, I have not renounced my claims to  the throne of Nibiru. It is an abomination that   you should share everything with your children. You owe me a fight... for the throne of Nibiru. Anu, enraged, said Let us fight, then, for  the throne of Nibiru! Let's not wait any  longer! This fight must take place... now! What was seen was an unprecedented battle.  The two members of nobility of  Nibiru had arrived on a new world. But they carried with them the ferocity of a  wild animals. The two 10 foot tall men fought   and rumbled the grounds under them. Anu easily  grappling him and knocking Alalu to the ground.  Alalu had lost the fight once more. Fell to the floor!  Anu had laid his feet on his chest. I win Alalu!  You are defeated. But with sarcasm, Alalu smiled!  And as swiftly as a wild animal he imposed  his strength on Anu, pulling him by the legs. Then he bit into Anu's private  parts... and swallowed! Anu fell to the ground stunned!  Enki rushed to Anu's rescue... Enlil arrested the offender!  Let justice be done, said Enlil  in a rage, a cowardice maneuver!  No, no! interrupted Enki,  Justice has already been done!  The poison is inside him! He swallowed it himself!  Alalu was imprisoned long enough  for the Law to be fulfilled.  Anu recovered and called the  meeting of the Seven who judge!  Anu took the highest place,  presiding over the occasion.  On his right side sat Enki, Anzu and Nungal.  On his left sat Enlil, Abgal and Alalgar. Enlil took the word, By justice and at  Alalu's bidding a new fight was made.  And Alalu lost! What do you have to say – questioned   Enki. The fight took place for justice. And I have lost the royalty!  Enlil interrupted Alalu saying And having  lost, he committed an abominable crime!  Death is the punishment! What do you have to say, asked Enki , once more.  Alalu was silent... and then,  slowly and quietly, he spoke. On Nibiru I was rightful king  and Anu was my cupbearer! I reigned for 9 shars until  Anu himself sat on my throne! We vied for royalty in one combat! And fearing for my life I departed   from Nibiru and found a new world! Here I have found the gold of salvation!  And my return to Nibiru, in  kingship, had been promised! Next came Enki to Earth. And by appointment he was   appointed next to reign on Nibiru. Next came  Enlil claiming Anu's succession for himself.  And then came Anu himself.  Luck decided and deceived Enki who has been  proclaimed the lord of Earth, not Nibiru’s. And then Enlil declared the command of Earth and   cast Enki into the distant Abzu .  My heart aches and burns in agony!  And then he himself imposed his  feet on my chest in victory! Anu spoke I beat you in a fair fight! And you swallowed my manhood   to interrupt my bloodline. Enlil spoke the accused admitted the crime! May death be your sentence! To Death said Alalgar! Death, said Abgal! Death, said Nungal!  Enki spoke death will come of itself. Alalu swallowed Anu's entrails!  Anzu, for his part, said Let Alalu be  bound in Earth till the end of his days! The king of Nibiru reflected! And then he said Die in exile!  Alalu must die in exile! Everyone looked at each other!  Anu explained! When I return to Nibiru,   Alalu shall come with me in my ship. But he will not go to Nibiru. We will   circle around Lahmu known as Mars where  there is water and breathable atmosphere.  Alalu shall count to the end of his days  in Mar's solitude! And for a safety landing  a small celestial ship can be used! The decision was unanimous!  Anu, proceeded: Nungal shall pilot the great ship. I will remain on Nibiru, and Nungal  will return with other Atlanteans from   Nibiru to Earth to work in gold mining. Anzu will be with us to descend the small   ship with Alalu on board. And so it was done.  Anu took leave of his sons and the rest  of the Annunaki Atlanteans. And then the   royalty of Nibiru took flight from planet Earth. Approaching Mars, Alalu was sent into exile.  And in the vicinity of the  red planet, Anzu said to Anu.  I will not return with the small celestial ship.  I will land with Alalu on  Mars and I will stay with him.  When he dies from the poison in his  entrails I will bury him as a king deserves. And as for me, I've already made my name.  Others will say about my name that I  was the companion of a king in exile.  I have seen and will see things  that others will not have seen,   on a strange planet, facing things unknown! My name will be remembered as a hero.  Alalu was in tears. Anu was amazed!  And then he uttered I lift my hand upon  you, O Anzu, and I swear this oath to thee. On the next journey a ship will circle  Mars and land before your presence. If I find you alive, you will  be proclaimed the lord of Mars.  And when a station is established  in Mars you will be the commander! Anzu nodded in thanks and  agreement and the preparations   for the installation in the small ship began.  They were provided with supplies and  space garments with eagle-like helmets. Then the ship left towards Lahmu  disappearing on the horizon. For nine shars, Alalu was the king of Nibiru. For eight shars he commanded Eridu, on Earth.  And on the ninth shar he overcame  fortune and met death on Mars. On Earth, a long discussion took place  until the next steps were defined. Enki asked Alalgar to oversee Eridu  and he went to the Abzu where he   designed technological equipment  to pierce the bowels of the earth. He sent the plans to Nibiru  for the engineers to build.  Enlil, in Eden, surveyed the activities  and numbered the mountains, valleys,   rivers and plains.  Enlil then took delight in the snow-capped  mountains of the north of the Eden,   and then he began to prepare a platform for  the celestial ships. He wished for himself.  Meanwhile the royal ship  traversed space towards Nibiru.  Anu was received with feasting. And he gave instructions to everyone. Intermediate stations needs to be created.  The first on Mars and the second on  the earth's moon should be considered. He organized new studies of all the planets  and predicted a caravan of celestial ships  from Nibiru to Earth, and from Earth  to Nibiru tracing different routes. He created a new class of spaceships and  selected new Atlanteans known as Igigi who   were to learn and train for the mission. He transmitted the plans to Enki and Enlil   on Earth and received the blueprints to build the equipment for the team of engineers from Enki.  Then a new mission left Nibiru for Earth. There was 50 heroes and this time it   carried chosen women of Niberu. Ninharsag, the exalted princess,   half-sister of Enki and Enlil, also daughter  of Anu, was apart of the new crew to the earth.  Ninharsag was skilled in the arts of  medicine and knew how to care for illness. Ninharsag had heard of the vertigo caused by  the sun and the Earth's rotational cycle that   was hurting much of the atlantean heroes. For that reason she prepared a cure.  The mission from Nibiru encircled  Mars as promised by Anu. Upon approaching the land, they  found Anzu near a river, lifeless. That's when Ninharsag pushed  everyone else aside and began to act. She took the pulsator device  out of her bag and pointed it   at Anzu 's heart. Then she took the  emitter out of the bag and directed   the life-giving emissions of  its crystals to Anzu 's body. Sixty times Ninharsag directed the  pulsator and emitter towards Anzu. And the sixtieth time Anzu opened  his eyes and moved his lips. Ninharsag poured the Water of Life over  him and moistened his lips with it. Then she placed the Food of Life in his mouth. And so, the miracle occurred. Anzu rose from the dead.  Recovering from unconsciousness he told of  Alalu’s last moments and how he prepared   his funeral and covered the mountain  that rose from the plain with stones. Then the Atlanteans carved the face of Alalu upon   the rocky mountain and left  the face uncovered on mars. Ninharsag said: let Alalu's face eternally  behold the Land where he found gold. And as for you, Anzu, King Anu my father,  commanded the promise for you to be fulfilled.  20 men will accompany you here on  Mars and a way station must be built.  Spaceships will leave Earth and  arrive here loaded with gold.  The gold stored here will  be collected by celestial   ships that will carry the gold to Nibiru. Anzu, you are now deemed the commander of Mars.  My life belongs to you, oh  Ninharsag, the Great Lady said Anzu.  My gratitude to Anu knows no bounds. And then the celestial ship that carried   Ninharsag and other Atlanteans departed  from Mars and towards Earth.Anzu and other   Atlanteans remained on Mars with the intention of  creating an intermediary way station. Meanwhile,   the gigantic ship was heading towards  Earth, observing the Moon and analyzing   the possibility of another way station there. Nungal led the ship to the ditch in the waters   closest to Eridu where they disembarked on a pier built by Enlil.   Vessels were no longer needed. Enki and Enlil welcomed their sister Ninharsag.  She told them all the news. What happened on Nibiru and the death of Alalu.  The survival of Anzu on Mars and  the construction of the way station. Enki expressed his approval,  and Enlil was perplexed.  Ninharsag said Our father Anu's  decisions are unalterable.  It's his word. And another news!  I brought relief from the sprouted  illness, I brought the seeds of healing! From her pouch, Ninharsag drew the seeds.  They would be planted and after  their growth a juice could be made.  Our people must drink this juice and then  all diseases will go away said Ninharsag. But these seeds must be sown  in a warm and cool place.  They need heat and water to feed. Come to the ship, Enlil said to   Ninharsag. I know the perfect spot for it. Thus, the two brothers entered the ship towards  the snow-covered mountains next to the cedar  forest. Enlil and Ninharsag   talked and exchanged love and affection. Ninharsag told Enlil about their son   Ninurta explaining that the prince  was ready to join them on Earth.  Enlil, father of Ninurta was the  son of Antu the lawful wife of Anu.  He was the legal heir, the successor of Anu. Ninharsag was the half-sister of Enlil,   mother of Ninurta and the first daughter of Anu. Extremely beautiful and full of wisdom,  Ninharsag was skillful and quick to learn. The two, Enlil and Ninharsag caressed  each other but Enlil did not pour his   life-giving fluid into Ninharsag's womb. And then they headed back to Eridu. On   the way Enlil showed the landscape and  presented the Eden in all its extension.  And from this Enlil explained his whole plan:   Far from Eridu, where the dry  land begins, will be my abode.  Laarsa will be its name. It will be the place of my command.  It will be located on the banks of  the Burannu, the River of Deep Waters.  A city will arise in the future and its  name will be Lagash. Between the two,   in the plans, I drew a line and near will be a  city which be called Shurubak the city of refuge. This will be your city my dear sister.  It will stand on the central line and  lead to the fourth city: Nibru-ki. Nibru-ki will be the crossing  point, the heaven-earth link.  It will be home for the Tablets of Destinies  and will control all our conquests. With Eridu, there will be 5  cities that will exist forever.  And then Enlil demonstrated a crystal tablet  with several markings and explained that in  the future there will be a Place for  the Ship to arrive from Nibiru to Earth. Ninharsag was surprised at  the complexity of it all.  In this way she understood  Enlil's disagreement with   Anu's plan and the creation of an intermediary  station on Mars. 'It is a  magnificent plan,' said Ninharsag. She was visibly emotional. Enlil 's plan contemplated   the creation of a city for her. It would be the healing city, a healing station.  But,' warned Ninharsag, 'do not  transgress your father beyond this plan.  Don't offend your brother Enki either. You are as wise as beautiful, Enlil said.  Meanwhile, in the Abzu, Enki also conceived plans. The plans of Enki and Enlil were very different.  Enki thought where he could build  dwellings for the Atlanteans,   and to build his own home, where he  could enter the bowels of the Earth.  From his celestial ship he measured the entire  length of the Abzu and carefully surveyed  all regions. The Abzu was a land far away   and beyond the waters of the Eden. A rich and perfect land.  There were rivers that crossed the  region with enormous flow of water.  Enki built his abode besides running  pure waters, in the midst of the Abzu. In this land Enki determined  the Place of the Deep,   so that the Atlanteans could access the bowels and core of the Earth.  Thus, through interior tunnels, they  could discover the golden veins. He installed the equipment  to crush the extracted gold. Then they would be transported in celestial  ships and taken to the Landing Place in the  cedar mountains. And from there   spaceships they would transport the  gold to the way station on Mars.  And so, several extraterrestrials  arrived on the planet. Some went to the Eden under  Lord Enlil 's responsibility.  Others to the Abzu with Lord Enki. And others were directed to   Shurubak with Princess Ninharsag. On Nibru-ki, the heaven-earth link,   Enlil grouped and commanded all missions  there from the heavens in the sky. Enki traveled between Eridu and the Abzu  constantly, overseeing all activities. At the Mars construction much  was progressing and the way   station received large numbers of working  class atlantean giants known as Igigi. Two shars passed until on the seventh day,   Anu gave an order and decree  in an official announcement. On Earth that was the seventh day, a day  of rest decreed by Enki in the beginning. Six hundred gathered to follow Anu's Annoucement. Enki with his Advisor Isimud and Nungal  the pilot; Alagar, the lord of Eridu   and Abgal who commanded the landing place. In the Edin, Enlil watched the transmission with   Ninharsag and the maidens of her host who also accompanied her.  On Mars, together with Anzu  diverse work men gathered. And then Anu spoke: - Greetings All, You  are heroes, The true saviors of Nibiru. The fate of the entire planet is in your hands,  Your deeds will be remembered for all eternity. And your names will be glorified, From now on,  those on Earth will be called the Anunnaki. Meaning those' Those Who  from Heaven to Earth Came! And for those who are on Mars shall  be called Igigi, Those Who Observe   and See they shall be!  Everything needed is now ready! Let the gold begin to arrive!  And let Nibiru be saved! But Anu, in the distance   on Nibiru could not foresee the  approaching of confusion that would come. Starting with the dilemma of his own children. It all started before, long before the   arrival of the Anunnaki on Earth. Enki was the eldest son of Anu.  But he was not, however, the legitimate  heir, as he was the son of a concubine. Ninharsag, the eldest daughter,   had been chosen by Anu to marry her  older brother Enki , his eldest son. Thus, the firstborn of the two would have  double seed and be the legal successor! However, Ninharsag was in love with the other  half-brother, Enlil . And so Enlil left his   seed in Ninharsag's womb and Ninurta ,  the prince who might soon be on Earth,   son of Enlil and Ninharsag, was born. Enraged, at that time, and still on Nibiru , Anu   had forbidden Ninharsag of marriage to anyone no matter who. Then Enki married a princess, the daughter of  Alalu, the beautiful Damkina. Enki and Damkina   also had a son, who was called Marduk ,  and it meant One Born in a Pure Place. Thus Enki Anu's eldest son,  had a son by marriage, Marduk. And Enlil, Anu's rightful heir, had  a son, Ninurta , but not by marriage. Enlil 's story, in this respect, had  been developed on Earth, not Nibiru’s. Enlil had fallen in love with Sud, who  was one of Ninharsag's maidens while   she was bathing in a cold mountain. Enlil took Sud to his abode in the   cedar grove and offered her the elixir of  the fruit of Nibiru that grew on Earth.  The two drank and Enlil made his intentions clear.  However, Sud told him about her virginity  and that her lips had never kissed anyone. But he laughed and kissed her,  depositing the seed of life in her womb. Ninharsag deeming the action as immoral and   denounced Enlil for judgment  before the Seven Who Judge. Enlil's sentence was exile to a land  of no return, far from all cities. Abgal was Enlil's pilot who took him to a  distant land amid inhospitable mountains. And descending the ship to the ground Abgal  said: Enlil, I did not choose this place by  chance, In a cave near here Enki hid the  weapons of terror that were in Alalu's ship,   Take possession of the weapons,  And you will get freedom again,  That said, Abgal departed and  Enlil was left alone in that place. In the Eden, Sud spoke with  her commander Ninharsag.  She told her that she was pregnant and in  her womb Enlil's son had been conceived. Ninharsag conveyed the news to  Enki, the Lord of Earth, whom at   that moment and time was supreme on Earth. Enki decided to summon the Seven Who Judge.  And at the judgment Sud was questioned to the  possibility of accepting Enlil as her husband.  And having accepted, Enlil  returned from exile to marry Sud,   who was now called Ninlil the Lady of the Mandate.  After this a son was born to Enlil and  Ninlil: his name was Nannar, the Bright One. And it was said that Nannar was the first child of   two Anunnaki atlanteans of  Niberu conceived on Earth. It was a royal seed from  Nibiru conceived on Earth. As soon as Nannar, son of Enlil and Ninlil  was born, Enki decided to talk with Ninharsag. He had built his house in the Abzu and had  adorned his dwelling with a bright metal taken  from the depths which he called silver. He also used lapis lazuli.  Then he invited his half-sister to go with him  to the Abzu and abandon her worship for Enlil.  In the Abzu, Enki reminded Ninharsag  about their engagement and their love. They kissed each other and Enki  asked Ninharsag to give him a son.  And from their union a daughter was born. Enki was disappointed.  Ninharsag encouraged him to know his daughter.  But Enki said: I will have  a son with you, my sister.  And so, another relationship they  had and another daughter was born. Enki shouted A son, I need a boy.  Enraged Ninharsag pronounced a curse on Enki  . May all food be poison in your viscera. That his jaw hurts and that  his teeth and his ribs hurt.  Enki 's Advisor, Isimud, summoned the Anunnaki  to beseech Ninharsag for relief from the curse. And Enki swore to distance himself from  Ninharsag's private parts who immediately   one by one removed all disease from Enki's body  . Ninharsag thus returned to Eden to never marry  no one as was the bidding of Anu her father.  Enki , in turn, brought his son Marduk  and his wife, Damkina to Earth . Enki had five more children by his  wife Damkina and also by concubines. Thus were born: Nergal, Gibil , Ninagal,  Ningishzida and Dumuzi, his youngest son. On the other side of Anu's generation, Enlil and  Ninharsag brought their son Ninurta to Earth. Besides this Enlil had another son by  his wife Ninlil: Ishkur was his name. On this way, two clans settled on Earth.  Later, the clans of Enki and Enlil would go to  war which would be known as the war of the gods. In the Abzu, gold was extracted  from the golden veins of the Earth.  The golden metal was conducted  to the Landing Place.  From there, the Igigi transported   the gold in spaceships to the  intermediary way station on Mars.  And from Mars the precious metal was  delivered to Nibiru in celestial ships. On Nibiru the gold was  ground to the finest powder,   and thrown on to the atmosphere  for the protection of the planet.  Slowly and step by step Earth's gold  healed Nibiru's wounds, holes and cracks. Enki built a dazzling abode in Eridu. And from  the earth he raised it to heaven like a mountain.  Took to live with him Damkina and Marduk.  Enki proceeded to teach Marduk various things. On Nibiru, EnliL established the  link between heaven and earth with   a construction equally dazzling. Their words were heard on Mars   and on Nibiru . The rays that came from  there could seek the heart of all lands.  His eyes explored all the lands and  it was impossible for an approach   that could not be seen from his  black satellite, an all seeing eye. From the top of the chamber Enlil studied  everything and watched everyone and everything. He studied the secrets of the Sun and the  Moon and recorded them in secret formulas. He improved the celestial zenith and  fixed the twelve houses and with the   twelve emblems he marked the family of the Sun. The tablets of destinies gleamed in their royal   abode while the class of workers worked very hard.  The Earth's cycles left them astonished and  the portions of the healing elixir were given  to them in small quantities. In Edin, the Anunnaki were weary.  In the Abzu the work was strenuous; the  Igigi on Mars complained constantly. And by Anu's command, Anzu, the  commander of Mars was received on Earth. Enki and Enlil might reveal to him the Abzu and  the secrets of the heaven-earth link on Niberu-ki.  Anzu defended the Igigi of Mars who asked  for a rest on earth, whenever spaceships went  back and forth between Earth and  Mars. Received in Enlil's chamber,   Anzu intended to steal the tablets of destiny. He was a prince among princes and had promised   relief to the Igigi. Enlil left the shrine and  Anzu remained at the entrance without suspicion. Then Anzu seized the Tablets of Destinies and  departed from the celestial chamber towards  the Landing Place, where the Igigi had  gathered awaiting his return to declare   Anzu the king of the Earth and Mars.  And from the top of the chamber, Enlil,   perceiving the theft, and afflicted  with treachery, he spoke angry words   to Enki questioning about Anzu On Nibru  -ki, the Anunnaki seek the words of Anu. The order was to stop Anzu and  retrieve the tablets of destiny. But Anzu, in possession of  the tablets, was invincible. Despite this, Ninurta stood ready to fight  and recover what was rightfully his father's. Javelins were hurled at Anzu, but they missed. Arrows were launched, but they also missed him.  So a mighty weapon was prepared. A Tillu missile. The instruction   was to approach and when they were  united, Ninurta and Anzu wing to wing,   the missile would be launched, creating  a whirlwind and a storm of dust. And then like a ball of fire Anzu fell. The earth shook, the heavens shook.  Ninurta took the tablets of  destiny and made Anzu his prisoner. Quickly Ninurta was applauded at the Landing  Place, and the Anunnaki who had been taken  prisoner had been freed. And before the judges Anzu was sentenced to death.  Then the fluid of life of Anzu had extinguished. Ninurta said: - Leave your body to the vultures.  And Enki answered: Lead Anzu 's body  to Mars, that it may be buried beside   Alalu . The same ancestral seed they both possess. Let Marduk, my son, conduct Anzu's corpse and let   him abide there, that he may become Mar's  new commander. Meanwhile, on Earth, Enki   and Enlil discussed changes to avoid confusion. Ninurta, who was an expert in the interiorities   of planets, suggested a new City of  Metal for new shipments to be made.  Thus those who were weary could return to  Nibiru and new Anunnaki could come to Earth  in their place. In this way, in the Eden,   new construction began, and it took three shars  until the city of Bad - Tibira be created.  Ninurta, who had given the  suggestion, was the first commander. In this way, the flow of gold  to Nibiru was easier and faster. Those who were on Earth and Mars, many  of them returned to Nibiru. Alalgar,   Abgal and Nungal were among them.  Received as heroes, the inhabitants of the  planet Nibiru , especially the younger ones,   wanted to participate in the missions  and mainly wanted the emotions.  They did not know what great calamities there  were on Earth, on mars and in the heavens. In Bad -Tibira, gold was smelted and refined, and  then sent to Mars in spaceships . Pure gold was   carried from Lahmu to mars in celestial ships. And as Ninurta had conceived,   gold flowed from Abzu to Nibiru . However, what was not noticed was   the malaise of the newly arrived  Anunnaki. Enki turned his attention   to other matters in the Abzu, and  could not see what was happening. So Enki created a new complex called  the House of Life and invited his son   Ningishzida who is known in the egyptian  pantheon as Thoth to work with him.  Enki was especially curious of some living  creatures that lived among the tall trees   and used their front paws as hands. It was in the tall grasses of the   steppes that strange creatures could  be seen that seemed to walk upright.  The secrets of life and death were  carefully studied by Enki. The House   of Life was in the Abzu and it had all manner  of carefully crafted tools and equipment. Enki was absolutely enchanted and  absorbed, fully occupied with his studies. And Ninurta , in Bad -Tibira, was the  first to notice a decrease in gold mining. Enlil sent Ninurta to the Abzu  to find out what was happening.  Ennugi, the chief officer  accompanied him on the excavations.  He had heard the complaints of the Anunnaki  Igigi with his own ears and had told Ninurta of  all he’d heard. The work here is unbearable!  Ninurta told the matter to Enki  who quickly called for Enlil.  The lord of command, Enlil , arrived at the Abzu  and settled in an abode near the excavations. That's when a group of Anunnaki workers  attacked Ennugi, the chief officer of Mines. They set fire on their tools, and then  approached Enlil 's abode AND home in   protest in the middle of the late night in  Adam's calendar modern day SOUTH africa. Kalkal, the gatekeeper, barred the door and  summoned Nusku, Enlil 's advisor. Nusku called  out to the Lord of Command from his bed  and said: My lord, we are surrounded. The Anunnaki workers are here, they  protest against the heavy work. Enki and Ninurta were summoned on prompter device. What is happening asked Enlil waking up   from deep sleep. Who instigated this  hostility Enlil asked the rebellion. In unison was answered! We!  All of us! Enlil relayed the   events to Anu over holographic communication as  well, and who quickly replied: we need the gold! The work can not stop!  Enki pondered: The work is  too heavy, we all know it!  The rebellion is not against  Enlil , it is against the work.  Ennugi, the chief mines officer  was freed and consulted.  He said: since the heat on earth  increased, work is unbearable, intolerable! Ninurta said: let the rebels return to Nibiru!  And may other Anunnaki come in their place! Enlil asked Enki: is is possible to create new  tools for the Anunnaki to avoid the tunnels? Enki said: Call my son Ningishzida also  known as Thoth, I must speak with him.  And after they had talked, Enki  announced: There is a possible solution!  Let's create a primitive worker! Lulu will be its name!  And may this new being carry the hard  work of the Anunnaki on its shoulders!  Anunnaki royals were speechless! Who had thought of a similar solution?  Would anyone have thought? And so they called to Ninharsag,   who was skilled in medicine, genetics and aid! Ninharsag answered: I never   heard of anything like it! All beings descend from a seed!  Each being developed throughout eternity  from another as hybrids of another species! None came from nothing! Enki smiled and said:   How right you are, my sister! Then Enki said: I must reveal a secret of  the Abzu! The being we need already exists!  All we need to do is brand it with our  essence, with the essence of Nibiru. Let   me create the Lulu, the primitive worker and we  will create it in our liking and image, Enki said.
Channel: Astral Legends TV
Views: 935,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4biddenknowledge, ancient egypt, gaia, annunaki, anunnaki documentary, ancient, ancient history, ancient aliens full episodes, ancientaliens, astrallegends, alienraces, reptilians, lyrans, pleadians, outerspace, history channel, gaia tv, bashar, ancient civilizations, marduk, enki, thoth, egypt, joe rogan, graham hancock, sitchin zecharia, african movies, egypt documentary, amun ra, billy carson, lost book of enki tablet 1, history channel shows, annunaki movie, nibiru, dolorescannon
Id: uF2evAhZRcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 50sec (6110 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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