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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right sir can you hear me he's alive thank you foreign [Music] thank you start up sequence complete clear 19 series demo online hello check check clear patch me in the base translating Commander this is down I repeat Prometheus is down irreparable they're three survivors in need of immediate extraction without picking up yourself speaking was non-functional ity upon the Revival need to activate your personal opinions copy that what is the status of your cargo cargo has survived and fled crash site Commander mission for evidence remaining so far to the human and alive is not understood [Music] yeah Roger that cars out in transmission thanks for the help this Mission has been a joke from the start you think it's a joke that we lost our ship and our crew your prisoner brought my men down single-handed and you couldn't do a damn thing to stop it I don't see anything funny about that are you a soldier no sir good they're clear features oh you're hurt yeah give me a Diagnostics no broken bones heartbeat is elevated otherwise increasing endorsements to counter pain administering to melt the area research moving away yes commander you need supplies not much left any idea where we are private is Uncharted long shows surface temperature is 116 degrees which can last us about 100 everything else calculating the position of the sun I estimate the days here are 33 hours daylight with five hours of Paradise maybe I'll move here I can arrange that I'm sure you could sir [Music] [Music] I've gotten the clear we've got less than three days to get this thing let's move out [Music] Collier come here torch foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] it's on the move again let's go on your feet this is brutal I don't understand how this thing could move so fast it wants to live pure survival Instinct what's the rush it's got no food no water we can track every move it makes let her die first that'll be an easy recovery you heard them they want it alive why it's not your place to question orders Lieutenant it is when it's costing me the lives of my men this is a simple transport Mission let's learn how you've done crying Soldier back off man up and move out both of you [Music] yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] they want it live I'm in command now take it down gotta get locked take the shot down [Applause] thank you very secure I got it I said hold position I'm coming up all right there's nothing here but it's cloaked foreign where's my rifle ask your prisoner lights falling that's a good place to set up camp High protect the ground only two access points I can still catch it if you need to rest you stay here to think I want to hear your opinion Soldier I don't kid was too green never should have been in the unit blew our chance he wasn't the one that rushed us into an ambush the situation doesn't determine the outcome Lieutenant confidence and skill do unfortunately your team was in short abundance of those traits now make yourself useful and set a perimeter around those rocks over there you have your orders all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and is left lung is impaired what meds have you got him on 500 cc's of Trophy and 250 I'm surprised you stayed on speed as long as he did reduces medication we've got a long way to travel tomorrow and I'm not going to carry him keep the information offline he doesn't need to know [Music] you won't be live you just won't be voluntary can you do that of course thanks what's that of all the soldiers that I have been assigned to you are the only one that has ever made do you minded no I quite prefer it you can get tiresome being endlessly ordered about we have in common then [Music] so I've been told according to your record some of your previous reason s so why you are chosen to be a soldier it does doesn't it foreign [Music] listen to speak freely sir permission has never stopped me before go ahead what's this Mission really about why is this being so important does it matter yeah it does why I lost my ship and my crew I'd like to know why you're a soldier we both are we follow orders without question [Music] tell me what you know otherwise I go alone disobeying the worst freezing Soldier punishable by Death all right this thing is last of its kind we destroyed his home world and somehow figure out a way to return the favor so if we don't catch a damn thing and get it back to base we meant a heavy world to go home to now you know as much as I do does that make you feel better Soldier you didn't need to know I see this mission was a hero maker everything we know is at risk are you deaf as well stupid what level was this mission this discussion is over what level was this Mission sir 31 Nova class highest level and you were so caught up in your own ego you didn't bother to tell us how dangerous this creature was your men were in comments don't blame me for your mistakes you jeopardize this mission and got my back kills boy and you're Superior officer and you will speak to me why you don't deserve it [Music] thank you [Music] come on let's see how much fight you got in here you're not worth it foreign [Music] er's position I have no visual [Music] oh my God [Music] come on baby come on don't leave me out here alone I'm an early model and quite durable you know that's why I keep you around dude I thought it was my charming personality [Music] what's the prisoner's current location [Music] looks like it's just you and me again well that makes two of us skip Chase prisoner on the move again I hope you rock the belly to 12 gods sure [Music] laughs foreign ER has stopped moving it's been moving at a steady pace for hours hopefully damn things collapsed we're not a water source exactly still I'm going in order laughs can you give me a treasure signal sorry [Music] clear my grid what is it Centauri it's the tracking device dart out of its own throat very clever you hear me [Music] thank you santori are you all right seven please answer [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] with me how long have I been out clear oh my God [Music] oh yeah [Music] ah a um [Music] all right [Music] [Music] but then I had the kick the head thank you [Music] hold on to that hello repeat identify identify orange Jericho [Music] [Music] private Channel opened where are you I'm not sure I'm in the possession of an unauthorized user can you give me a signal of your location got it oh do you yeah and it understood you yes Dan think smarter than I thought keep that signal going stay on the private Channel I'm on my way oh oh [Music] [Music] she won't be helping you anymore we can't get off this planet without her how do I use her you can't and if you harm her he's gonna be stuck on this floating rock as well you got nowhere to go maybe I don't plan on going anywhere if you want to die kill yourself now it'll save me the trouble what if I want to take you with me you've done that already you're not as dumb as you look what is it you want all right I know you can still hear me you like playing games well here's mine I know why they want you brought in and I don't care that I would have killed you that's my game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you'll never catch me you've been outsmarted not run go home why you still got a home to go back to [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign always be prepared I'm actually surprised you sedonians have lasted as long as you have seeing how competent you all are now I know why they put that inhibitor mask on you you talk too much anyone anyone to know I could speak your language they were right something we picked up from the Drax n6 teaching games the Drax are a noble race you wouldn't know anything about that Noble that's funny they say the same thing about you line bugs tell you this no one's going to miss you guys when you're gone you're the racist distinct human not mine is that so yep I'm taking you all to hell [Music] all right how did you change your fantasy human being that you're the last of your kind how do you hope to accomplish this remarkable feat don't care that's why he went through this war on your own Earth man I lost your whole world those are the consequences we didn't enter this war you attacked us you were harboring correcting fugitives you mean refugees big difference they needed our help you chose the wrong side no it costs us everything but we chose the right side now it's going to cost you everything we all die that's your solution how could you be so naive action endless cycle the only way to break it is to take control for those power to rule understand you thought about this no just the way it is maybe right [Music] you would you have two options you can come with me and survive or you can join the rest of your race in Oblivion it's your decision I choose option number three which is what [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] then how did you retrieve me I'll just sitting with a skeleton why are they leaving behind I can't figure this one out the 12 Hills is he doing I'm missing something I wonder what oh yeah great tell me what is that you know it might influence your actions what are you trust me with my life here's what I need you to do [Music] we may have another problem what now when I first talk what do you mean my battery shut down any other systems draining power that's not happening cut my meds I don't think that's hey [Music] wow [Music] [Music] community our pickup no these aren't military channels approaching coming down here yes however my system can't track it try to raise that can't be good maybe surrounded with a human maybe he's not the last one [Music] thank you ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] they're paying you you're a bounty hunter that is such an ugly word Soldier of Fortune more like it the same day watch you be alive [Music] just as I thought Bounty Hunter both he's got my weapons in my prisoner I'm gonna go get them back through your kind filled World wow Maybe true or lie true yeah deserve what they do scare them good you do huh you don't like cedonians no one like cheat on hands invade every planet make slaves their way or no way if I kill you they all die no more whoa wait remember I'm money you kill me no money maybe I take you to first talk with elders good idea smart no just figure that money Ivy hero no more [Music] [Music] human is my prisoner oh he's mine [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't think so the cookies [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hahaha thank you [Music] now what we wait for what extraction ship should be here soon what do they call you human what is your name Jericho Lieutenant orange Jericho lieutenant we're the same rank Irish Atari seven didn't ask not wise to upset me considering your position human no wonder your kind didn't make it no common sense oh is that the reason I thought it was your genocide of war that did it what is war you lost as long as I'm still alive the warring over you never did answer my question how were you going to destroy my planet or what you said were past tense it's our all right how are you going to destroy my planet we sent a ship towards your planet filled the capacity with the thermal payload once it impacts your world is blown to dust our long-range scanners will detect it far before it reaches our atmosphere it's closed you'll never see it coming another trick we picked up from the Drax so that's why they want you alive they want to get the ship's coordinates out of you they'll try but you'll die first that's right well then there's no reason to keep you alive kill you right now you could but come on everybody wants to be a hero there's that one glimmer of hope that you might be able to save your world I told you I don't care they can go to the 12 Hells I don't believe you pass it through your copy copy that Aurora cars is dead this is Lieutenant Centauri 7 as acting Commander and we have arrived awaiting vegan locations clear activate personal Beacon Aurora do you have it we are now in route 15 minutes Roger that Centauri seven out when we get back to cedonia they're gonna torture you they'll get the information they want he won't last the planet won't even be there by the time we arrive that soon and all this just a wild Chase to give you shift the time it needed I'll get there long before we do my planet's full of people that are innocent they're not responsible for the war or your planet's destruction our High Council is you all follow blindly it's no excuse It's the law what the gods have decreed your gods are telling you to wipe out entire worlds no we spread our knowledge to the Stars the surrounding Races by enslaving or destroying them they don't accept our way of life then yes you make me sick it's from a race that couldn't even defend themselves against each other let alone an invading Army only an ignorant species would war against his old gun shut up you commit mass murder on a galactic scale and you think it's a holy Crusade it is not why unless someone comes along and takes control away from them your words not mine that'll never happen I wonder why you were right I do care about my world I have a wife and child there I would like to see them again our women don't fight they're nurture the children Are Soldiers are out there as one Warrior to another respectfully ask that you take this war to those responsible you'll just be killing women and children is that what you want the legacy of your kind to be Vegas sector again in quadrant is that it's where the ship is call your people I'll give them the coordinates you better hurry you don't have much time Clea pass me through the alpha base off of Base this is Lieutenant Centauri seven do you copy prisoner is in custody and willing to give the coordinates of the bombshell what are the coordinates no I want to be the one that tells them coordinates are 22. CLIA authorize the human orange Jericho the coordinates are 22 Niner 713 0-40 bearing 260. Vegas sector Gannon quadrant it's an m-class star freighter I have confirmation we found it that will Roger that Centauri 7 out they want me to terminate you I saved your world your family not really I don't have any wife or children well that's good and you won't have anything to worry about when your planet's blown to bits you didn't think I'd give you the real coordinates did you but we have confirmation on the craft it's a decoy you idiot unmanned there's nothing but Salvage on that ship you can't stop this it's already over [Music] Superior race huh let me give you some advice alien never let your weapon fall into the hand of your enemy [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] on a little secret we never launched the bomb ship we couldn't we had no idea where cydonia was but now that I'm authorized to access your databases she's going to tell me everything I need to know you think I forced us to crash down here by accident you wanted the bomb ship I've led you right to it now you're going to learn what it feels like to be the last of your kind yeah yeah [Music] you want to know the difference between you and me I did have a life and son back on Earth I'm sorry seven this is the Aurora we have just cleared the townhouse thank you cook said Sorry Seven this is Commander Kane at the Aurora Landing party we're on the ground what is your status I'm sorry seven are you picking up my transmission sorry 70 you copy thank you the only one that made it huh [Music] you look like hell must have been a rough one we'll get you to the infirmary right away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] upload the coordinates to Sedonia the ship's nav computer CLIA I command you to respond [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hello CLIA it's good to have you back I take it by my new casing that you followed my mind well played it was you he was after [Music] okay if I were you I'd be more concerned about what's going on up there find another girl to Do Your Dirty Work it's Atari 7 out in transmission he already has been cute why the same reason you didn't kill me yeah yeah what's that I'll tell you when I see you [Music] out of here that ownership has to be around here somewhere is that a problem let's get to 12 Hills off this rock [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: FFF FantaTerror | Full Fantasy-and-Fear Films
Views: 2,113,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full sci fi action movie, free sci fi action movies, new sci fi action movies, space action movies, full movie, sci fi action movies 2023 full movie english, sci fi action movies 2023, free action adventure sci fi movies, free action sci fi movies on youtube, space prison escape movie, space prison full movie, free action sci fi movies, movies like riddick, hunter prey full movie, scifi netflix, scifi hulu, action, scifi, space movies, escaped prisoner movie, space movies 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 51sec (5271 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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