Aliens Dark Descent | Ending & Cutscene

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thank you [Music] [Music] thank you please be mindful of docking bear protocol at all times [Music] Wayland Utah building better worlds [Music] [Music] foreign all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign sorry sir we're having a hard time reaching anyone that storm probably damn must be one hell of a hurricane to cut us from the whole planet Chief administrator I'm showing a weight discrepancy on the Bentonville's manifest they just asked for a takeoff accreditation but half the shipment is still a duck half you say well we just earned a bonus I'll allow them to take off right away protocol dictates how many times company protocol doesn't mean anything out here what works works and we're already behind schedule director price isn't here and if I do recall correctly Deputy Administrator Hayes your shift ended half an hour ago so get the hell off my command deck and let me do my job you look troubled administrator is there anything I can do to help thank you Daniel the no I'm just having one of those days you know another argument with administrator McDonald how did you guess I may be synthetic but I'm not blind are you sure I can't be of assistance no it's my problem and I'll take care of it I just need to reach my office of course but I'm afraid this Corridor is closed due to maintenance you'll need to detour through the cafeteria welcome administrator Hayes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] that is not trimonite thank you thank you power failure engaging emergency generators what just happened [Applause] [Music] [Music] what the hell is happening everyone's dying in there the Bentonville I can't let that happen [Music] Daniel you all right Deputy Administrator it appears that these creatures have destroyed our communication system why would they do that they're animals I have no idea I wish I could help you further the Bentonville I need to stop that ship oh Daniel our planetary quarantine protocols they're still operational are they I do believe so Deputy Administrator those things have to come from the planet gets off world [Music] there's no choice I can't stop them Deputy Administrator you're only following the Weyland yutani containment procedures the Cerberus protocol was specifically designed for a situation like this what you're doing is only right right yes [Music] morning three ships detected USS otago bentaville baldrin will be caught in a high orbit interdiction radius please confirm command sorry server is protocol activated purging contaminant vectors standby standby [Music] together [Music] engaging targets [Music] foreign thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on we'll cover you thank you [Music] shut the door shut the door Daniel is that you administrator Haze where are you going we're getting to safety Daniel please come with us I'm afraid I can't permit that Severus Protocols are in effect I know but we can't stay it's not safe the protocols are clear nothing in nothing out I'm sorry administrator Hayes [Music] [Music] would you look at that the hell she's taking a pounding otago this is Harper do you copy Hudson can you get a support no way Sarge between the debris and the decaying orbit death trap [Music] they are designed for planetary quarantine but lithi has to remain operational low orbit is considered safe but beyond that it's a dead zone Cerberus will shut down everything attempting to go through in both directions Cerberus huh we seem to know a lot about it I know everything about it I'm Pioneer station that's my job yeah you know why I decided to turn the otago into scrap metal I I don't know systems failure Maybe you saw this state of the station [ __ ] there she goes [ __ ] follow her down Huntsville no problem Fireball like that's hard to miss [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what the hell is that looks like some kind of skin [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Martinez give me a hand [Music] more everything you've got [Music] I'm launching it in 30 seconds what are you doing all right Huns it keep your distance I have one satellite turned bomb coming in hot bomb [Music] get us out of here my pleasure Sonic's ready sweetheart next stop USS otago all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] security measures that's weird give me a moment to download all the data Harper can you see this Harper yes I can where am I no please let me go make the nightmare stop hush hush my child I know it's a burden but it's necessary I can't I don't it's all right I understand pain must be excruciating nothing worthwhile is ever easy my Cassandra I am not your Cassandra your old life is done your ascended Consciousness chafes being trapped in this inelegant obsolete body but I need you Humanity needs you let me go this will help you rest I know it can't be easy sleep now yes sleep your but you I will always heed your warnings together we will guide the faithful to a glorious future the Cradle is prepared [Music] good good take you to the compound but be gentle with her is our Bridge a better Humanity Micah tell me you've got a location for this compound that was Cassandra wasn't it yes where did they take her I'm looking someone did a third job of erasing some of these files I'm uploading what's left to the otago's Mainframe got technical specs for this cradle list of test subjects otherwise nothing why blow up your own Laboratory where's my daughter oh I had nothing to do with the laboratory's destruction I'm afraid you'll have to ask director price what the hell are you talking about your mission was to secure the data in Project Cassandra as she couldn't access it herself she sent your team than yours we all became Expendable the moment your precious otago received the data she wanted that [ __ ] woman and my daughter is she Expendable too not to me her gift makes all of this possible where is she tell you [Music] he's a [ __ ] son of course Marlo learned early that price only pretended to share his vision she was only interested in securing his research for the company he couldn't trust anyone other than himself so he surrounded himself with precisely that where is Cassandra I can't tell you what I don't know like I said Marlo has trust issues but I can tell you one thing that pain you experience whenever you make contact with the hive it is nothing to what your daughter experiences she is in constant action what the [ __ ] have you done we needed him like he said he didn't know anything well he sure as hell can't tell us anything now we're done here bring them back to the barn you got room for one more no way in hell I'm going back to fire Aspire I'll be black back for sure it's me just fine but there's one thing I can't figure out how does it help price the files she wants are on the El toggle heys do copy Hayes can you hear me you all right Harper come on come on got it oh my pity there's no other way time for me to leave ah hold a moment concerned there's something strange going on with the calm system what the hell Chief Corrigan what's going on with the external columns I don't know the ship she's actually our bulkheads are wide open we're inviting all the creatures aboard get me back online Chief we got Harper's Squad in the field working on it but I could use another pair of hands defensive perimeter offline defensive perimeter offline Martinez I want our response seems to get those turrets back online already on it deploying now cargan I'm coming to you we need external comps back Harper's just lost it time for this foreign you have to get out of there no way I'm not leaving any wounded troops behind you don't understand there's something what's wrong [Music] [Music] back up [Music] [Music] clean dispersal we've only got a few minutes to take this ship [Music] he's in that Arc takeover [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that's that's far enough pace why why did you do it I owe an immeasurable amount of money to the company price needed the data and the ship turns out I could provide her with both and erase my debt finally so funny [Music] foreign [Music] together we can fix this together after all these deaths if memory serves me right who largely contributed to these casualties you activated the Cerberus protocol correct did right you did it because you understand you understand the companies and the general interest are one and the same Marla was right well before he went crazy that is the things he found in that mine what they could mean for pharmaceutics space travel curity the applications are virtually Limitless I wouldn't want any of that then think about the revenues need imagine space stations a hundred times bigger and safer than pioneer so in the end that's what this is about Money numbers how could you be such a machine really oh not you maiko spare me the Whistleblower lecture will you who do you think I am a synth excuse me as in I've pretty much built this world you really think a sin would have handled half of what I've done on leafy it all makes sense now what Michael listen your assessments your Poise two of your teams left for dead your extensive knowledge of the station of the atmospheric processors I'm the damn director of that rock don't you get it and yet you couldn't stop that protocol would you listen to me everything out there it's mine I could have saved these people but you didn't so much power and you did nothing with it except protecting the assets of this [ __ ] company we could have talked Harper he would have welcomed you on board but you didn't think of that did you you didn't think of your own life not a single time right do you think a human would do that Michael these assets Marlo's research I don't have it anymore it's all uploaded somewhere on the otago burn it print it sell it to siegson or the Upp for all I care me with you Cassandra where is she is she even alive do you have that stored somewhere in that carbon processor of yours stop it I am not a synth look she's probably with all their prisoners in their City below old Dubai a city Marlo's Lair ancient and an alien but he was so obsessed with that place and then he became obsessed with her he wouldn't keep Cassandra anywhere else please take me with you no Michael look at me I'm not a sin I doubt you're human either maiko listen to me I'm not a [ __ ] Sith I am not a synth I'm not [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] who the [ __ ] are you his Legacy [Music] this is gigantic this whole planet's a freak Show so this used to live in that City probably see its chest for one of those creatures how long has this thing been here this ain't the time to be playing archaeologist come on there's a passage over here would you look at that it's the goddamn Gates of Hell come on we have to find her we have to find Cassandra [Music] foreign Cassandra can you hear me who who are you I'm a friend of your father's dad [Music] guys I have a bad feeling about this we need to hurry [Music] get her out of here can you run come on [Music] stay close to me Cassandra foreign [Music] [Music] what's up [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] let's get the hell out of here before these Newton age [Music] [Music] forty percent twenty percent foreign we did it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Oby's ID YouTuber
Views: 468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #gameplay#game#gameandroid#android#geratis#bocil#indonesia#steam#demo#streaming#live
Id: qqEubp_GoCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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