Ali G - the police

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Nikki next we went to check out the ex chief constable of ethics police luckily he made no links with the Berkshire constellar berry otherwise we would have been fried what happens when you was arrested the person is informed that they have been arrested and the reason why they've been arrested the most people in your experience of having arrested them is the first thing they say there was a meet in doubtful yes percent of people will say it's not me there was something which used to be called the verbals so that when you arrested someone you said in court and I said to the defendant I am arresting you for stealing the silver cup and he said it was a no-no he says I did it well that's the copper sometimes sing as well because I caught you red and and in fact the police would then say and he said it wasn't me it wasn't me and I said what do you on and the kitchen why do you think Utes is turning into crime well I think it's as old as man himself as to why people turn to crime I mean everyone know that it's against the law to be a criminal and it's well bad and everything what but you gotta admit it's more fun being a gangster in it well I think it is I think it is at certain stage but when you're languishing in prison you begin to have second thoughts but sooner or later it catches up with them sooner or later they languish in prison and they get bombed and they get they live a life on the Costa del Sol they can't come back to this country the real reason why most people turn to crime is that they will get more punani yeah being a gangster yes I would say that apart from crimes of passion which we touched upon briefly the predominant reason why people turn to crime is for the very reason to make more money so shouldn't you send a very clear message to the youths out there yes in the short term you can get more pune more math but in the long term you will get bombed yeah well worth making to young people what is the best undercover job well the one that obviously ends with a successful prosecution for a serious offence because to me saw this film called beyond the call of duty and it was about this police officer who had to go undercover and find out where for these ladies was prossies you know why I saying and he actually had to boned him and he actually did because you could see his beast going in well it certainly wouldn't be allowed in this country and it has happened on many occasions when certainly in the the Vice field where officers have said at that stage I had to withdraw oh boy did once and then once she blew his cover how do you work out who did it by collecting evidence alright take this then a man is found dead in a pool of water with a backpack on how did he die or not forgot there's of course flying over that is the clue or you would say I want a pathologist first of all to determine how that man died did he die from drowning if he was lying in a pool of water did he die from being struck over the head and fell into the pool of water or whatever I'm not going to speculate as to what the goose was the answer relevance of that I don't know I think it was the goose it wasn't me all right let's talk about DNA what is in a well it's DNA yeah it is the na worse than the AIDS no no it's not a disease it's not something to be fearful of it's just something that everybody has is I got DNA yes how do you know eyes caught DNA cuz me always wear a Connie often that one time she was so fit we couldn't wait in video it is not something which you contract from someone else or whatever it took it is not in any way like AIDS it is a genetic formula which you have from birth what else can you Hannah lies the NA from any living tissue can you get it from Cheers you know a man's without being ruled man soldiers how does the copper get to match it does he actually have to toss the criminal when the suspect is arrested the DNA can be taken from any body tissue so he doesn't have to knock one out in court say respect so all the peeps out there we just want to say stop thinking off coppers as if there is a bunch of scuse me French pricks is you of Chief Constable borough and en a prick is you thank you for
Channel: horta87
Views: 565,793
Rating: 4.8995585 out of 5
Keywords: Ali G, police, Sasha Baron Cohen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2009
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