The Downfall of Fortnite Live Events.

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from the first ever event with the rocket launch there's some crazy concerts like the Travis Scott events live events in fortnite have been revolutionary for gaming and have set the tone for what Live Events should actually look like but recently a lot of the events have been a little bit hit or miss and I will say this a lot of people think the most recent event which was the finale of chapter three was not that great and honestly a huge step down from what we're used to in Live fortnite Events so today I'm reacting to a video from top five gaming called the rise and fall of fortnite events in 2018 fortnite decided to stand out from all Battle Royale games by secretly adding a comma in the sky the developers did as much as Battle Royale games all games in general decoration or cool effect but then it started getting closer day after day the meteor hurtled towards the island creating this almost magical feeling that something was about to change the game forever and it did those meters cost me a couple games yeah it's like a low hum right how is it I just saw a star the surprise the build up in but somehow years later this magic has disappeared fracture wasn't just any live event it was a chapter launch yeah those fans argue it was the worst event fortnite has ever done yeah I think it was I mean there was there were some events that were like a little bit smaller in the past but in the past our expectations were a lot lower and now our expectations are pretty high so a chapter ending event the way that one played out it was really bad like even if you had low expectations it somehow went lower but why this downfall of live events started way before chapter four and in my opinion can still be fixed to understand how to make him feel special again we have to learn from the event that made them special to begin with the rocket launch each of the Stars we had an actual rocket on the map now you could go up to it take photos with it and most players are panicking about what would happen next you had to be in game at the perfect moment or you'd miss it so everyone rushed online for the first time ever people actually stopped shooting we all joined together to watch the rocket blast off and back then the events were like in the normal Battle Royale so you could just get shot and killed but most people didn't shoot and kill unless uh you were the guy who got the world record for most kills in a game by chopping off a bunch of players if you know you know oh my God oh my God everyone waited in suspense wondering what fortnite could do next not realizing they were about to raise the bar even higher on a normal summer day we were all just enjoying the game when epic hit us with the most unexpected event of all time that happened in the middle of the tournament that happened in the middle of the tournament nothing in comparison to a cube that deflected bullets and killed anyone in its path this was more than just a prop and now events were giving us actual characters and so we immediately fell in love with Kevin every few hours he would move which inspired so many people to create live streams dedicated I'm trying to think when was the last time we had like an object get added that was like sort of interactable and linked to an event like the map changed at times we had the Chrome spreading and a bunch of stuff happening to the map but I guess like the cubes when they came back in chapter two season eight finally he was approaching the lake and once again everyone rushed to be a part of his journey ending it's melting it's melting look at all of the like oh [Music] oh my God just looking back at this makes me feel so nostalgic and it shows how special these events were not only was this the build up to fortnite mares 2018 but it also created the theme of season 6 which was about to take the story even further the cube wasn't rolling around anymore Blue Island from chapter four you know why they could land on it was perfect storytelling as this floating island became more unstable and considering how attached we were to Kevin everyone was nervous with little league fortnite proved they could change a POI in the middle of a game and now they're doing it constantly with the lace change wasn't like a live event it just kind of just happened little did we know the upcoming event wouldn't just affect Kevin it would change the entire map what is this look at all these people it's a butterfly it is I'm going for it dude oh my God it's mine I have it I took it this was the first time we've seen anything like this and by now fortnite was known as the only game on earth that could pull this off five years later it's still the only game I've seen some attempts at Live Events in other games but nothing even close to what fortnite has done expectations were through the roof epic had raised the bar every single time but with Kevin out of the picture a new character needed introducing except this time it was the Ice King we weren't as curious about this guy compared to Kevin which should have been a warning sign from the very beginning as the countdown hit zero we held their breath in anticipation oh what the hell they turned the whole map snow this was this was so cool bro no we know it's an ice storm is that it I said where's the dragons where's the dragon after having our minds blown by the butterfly event the Ice King seemed a little underwhelming yeah it was a little underwhelming but for the time it was still kind of crazy it's impressive to see him cover the island in snow but it was too predictable by now the reputation was so good that millions of people were watching these events and it backfired massively the servers couldn't handle it anymore even if you were 30 minutes early you would struggle to log in this left many players salty you have to be like an hour early it was the first time epic had truly messed up and the pressure was on to redeem themselves with one of the greatest events of all time Mac vs Monster Story they decided to focus on an experience that would make headlines fortnite was now oh yeah another game on the marshmallow they needed to go big or go home the only way to do that was by contacting marshmallow and revealing the showtime concert what we all thought would be a light-hearted collab turned out to be a full-scale event with visual effects and marshmallow talking to us it was super underrated for its time never seen anything like it and everyone I feel like a lot of people forget the marshmallow concert when Fordy totally played us for the next few months we all paid attention to the huge volcano POI that was on the map and imagined how cool it would be if it erupted these theories were debunked when the actual build up began as we had to work together as a community to sell puzzles and unlock the Vault each Rune had a different way to solve it it was a teaser for just how interactive the event was gonna be as the doors opened the unfault thing was revealed get in I've been and one voter for the drum gun I can't believe it it was so mid too like oh my God what's happening they're all beating they shot everything in here is there like a bar that's going up or anything no we got Dr Lupo voting for the drum Gun there's like a crystal ball as well do you see that no no we've done oh we're all floating up this is where everyone's theories actually came true it wasn't just a way to unbalt the drum gun it was a grand finale for The Volcano to deliver us ah I always forget that the unvaulting event and the volcano happened in the same event that's kind of crazy oh there's three of them yep oh yeah filth is gone epic kept the momentum going with their most ambitious event of chapter one it started with a creepy eye that stopped this is one of my favorite events Mech versus monster part one was one of my favorites excited or terrified and that's when it broke free only to disappear in the ocean at the same time a huge robot was being constructed at the volcano and we connected the dots to figure out a final showdown was approaching how it even started and it was already memorable nobody knew who would win the fight and as the clock reached zero our minds were blown my God current kids they had Logan Paul versus KSI but the ogs we had monster versus Mech oh my God they're like flying across the whole map it was just crazy wait wait yes yes we were so hyped and unpredictable keeping us on the edge of our seats and putting on an incredible performance that's when the chapter one finale was announced we had no idea what to expect and the Mystery this is the end the only image was the island waving goodbye to the bus driver the music track for this event was probably it's this iconic different atmosphere fortnite iconic one of my favorite music tracks cutting down for good so as we watch the Rockets Blast Off the only thing left to do was enjoy the ride it's crazy to think that I was wearing this like that skin and like that was the last time we were on the chapter one map like this was the last time we were ever gonna be in the chapter one map dude I'm off the map bye my God looking back makes us feel so nostalgic and honestly you're left wondering where did it all go wrong we stared at this black hole full of excitement and chapter two did have really good events though but it didn't exactly go as planned as we were thrown into chapter 2 it was already off to a pretty Rocky start Hornet announced a Star Wars event and we should have paid more attention because this was the first sign that things were beginning to crack the Star Wars event was the only event that I crashed out of and had to watch it from someone's perspective but I'm not a huge Star Wars fan so I'm not really too upset about that for a few minutes there was hope a huge intro with Star Wars music ships flying around wasn't it just like Falcon making a grand a TV screen everybody was watching as it turned into a talk show with JJ Abrams where he featured a clip from the movie as a send-off it was like a commercial but despite some positives the fans walked away feeling disappointed and said this was nothing more than an ad just like in chapter 1 any sign of a bad event was immediately followed up by a concert and it made everyone forget what happened this time better than ever Travis Scott this is so we thought as he arrived on a huge Planet the fake State this might be like number one of all time like even though even though monster Spec's my favorite we loved over the years objectively speaking this one might be number one of all time space warping the island and even sending us underwater to this day it's still the most popular event in fortnite history and it's the biggest virtual concert of all time it's probably why we ignored the signs because epic always found a way to redeem themselves in the end or so we thought trying to follow up something like astronomical was gonna be a challenge so they decided to go back to the roots with a device event this one was good classic ingredients an evolving Fuel and the big likes villain and tons of hype that's all you needed for tsunami storm was like terrifying and really is we're like really scary why is courage wearing the ninja wig oh boy default skin dude we're glitching in and out of the Matrix bro is that it is it over that's gotta be it for the first time ever players finish an event and said is that it instead of being mysterious players are more so confused maybe it's because of how insane Travis Scott was but it's kind of hard to follow Travis Scott seeing those big sharks in the water like the really big ones I don't like that like that scares me feeling was starting to grow as we prepared for a huge battle against Galactus epic was teasing this as the biggest event yet obviously we were hyped especially when the villain is planet sized there was a lot of potential here it was seconds to go it was time for the devour of worlds he's gonna swipe us bro he's gonna so he did really backhand smack us that's what the zero point is it's under the ruins oh shoot it's fighting back gets fighting back he can't control it oh damn it what is going on a black hole black hole black hole it's way too early in the morning for this for this that I was gonna have several sections of it like I thought it was gonna go bustling Powers once again do I feel like maybe we're a little spoiled I remember the Glasses event being kind of cool I mean we are a little spoiled our expectations just we I mean we expect epic to keep improving improving improving so when they drop the bar a little bit it does hurt underwhelming feeling was still in the back of our minds there's so many great things to say about this event but people thought it was mostly anticlimactic and far too predictable but it simply Galactus felt like the world's easiest boss he was really easy to kill though continue to Snowball the downward spiral was becoming more obvious and fortnite had to come up with a solution the zero crisis finale sounded great at first in fact epic got the Russo Brothers to direct some of it see I wasn't a huge fan of the single player event for season six like it was it's a cool idea but the community experience is what like was severely lacking look could go wrong so as it began our excitement skyrocketed reversal's got was beautiful action-packed and fully warmed us up for what was to come as it ended the gameplay began and it was a disaster you weren't able to do this with your friends because it was a solo event and this is where they totally missed the mark it just followed NPC s portals for a few minutes which got old pretty quick but thankfully there was a reason to stick around as the music got louder the grand finale was about to begin do this is he gonna die for us I'm going up okay Jonesy's now back that's good a chance damn Nick relax Rose actually distraught while it was memorable the magic just wasn't there you could argue it wasn't playing with your friends or the tasks being I think that was the main thing it was pretty easy to shrug off after the multiple insane events before this now it was time for the annual concert and Ariana Grande stepped up to the stage as the headliner but as the event began it seemed all over the place there's a random memory scan at the beginning followed by two songs from juice world and Sia and then a boss fight with the Storm King just like Galactic wait all this happened in the Ariana event we fought the storm king I don't I feel like I forgot a lot of the events when he had to point and shoot it was nothing new and after five minutes the Ariana concert finally began the music was great the visuals were stunning and that magic of fortnite felt like it returned epic were rewarding our patients and now they just needed keep that momentum operation Sky fire was their next test and nobody knew what to expect would chapter 2 be carried by collabs or would fortnite prove themselves uh okay the reaction with all the cubes lit up was kind of crazy [Music] okay but this should have changed the map this huge UFO exploding could have 100 changed the map the next day there were just like a few pieces of UFOs spread around like Iron Man is Iron Man Gonna Save Us this time look at this yo now that's a cinematic in fortnite instantly this was loved by the fans it was tense mysterious and included the greatest plot twist epic has ever done we were so happy that the game was back to normal but unfortunately it would only last a few more months season 8 was about to end and this came with a lot of pressure after the success of the black hole they knew they had to get this right we all wondered how they could possibly live up to the first end event but maybe we shouldn't have doubted them I wish this event didn't get leaked like the flip that was that was a great reveal inside the island and it's a new map oh my God I'm gonna be so mad bro this is it blackout black hole it was mesmerizing and for the first time it felt like an actual movie not just because the rock was in it but how insane the island flip was at this point all doubt was completely gone everyone was excited for chapter 3 and what could possibly be better than this the answer though was nothing chapter three was insane yet but form night was about to ruin everything for years we were building have we gotten a good event since then seven and the io and it was now time for them to clash we have been waiting for this long oh yeah the mech versus monster was wasn't bad it was good this was right back characters like the mecca team leader and introducing fresh faces with the origin and it was a little predictable but promising they even started it from space but they spent so much time hyping up Collision it became their downfall you got the thing in your stomach a little bit Hold Your Fire don't have to do this the story of the event turned out to be incredibly confusing it was a little confusing being revealed in a comic months later people were disappointed the gameplay was just pointing and shooting again so much potential had been lost giving us that same feeling from all those years ago what's crazier is how chapter 3 only had one other live event the interactive stuff is cool but really quickly the interactive stuff feels like you're just playing a Mini-Game I think they need to tune that back a little bit and go back to like the spectacle where we watch something insane happen but we watch something happen on our map like on the map that we are playing Battle Royale things unfold in the first Mac vs Monster when the mech went to Neo tilted and pulled out the statue which was a sword that was like the event interacting with the map that we played for a few months whereas like if you take us off the map you can we can you kind of lose us and if it starts becoming an interactive thing I think more watching less interactive more with the map actually happening that was the finale in the past epic put their heart and soul into these and because of that there were some huge expectations from black hole to Island flip what was next the Stars aligned for this to be their ultimate Redemption but sadly it turned out to be the final nail in the coffin yeah we start doing mini games and quests this is such a weird event okay I gotta drop off a chicken here so this was so weird bro so wait was it not really even an event then you're a kid apparently there's been something there wasn't even an event though millions of people consider this to be one of the worst events fortnite has ever made months of build up are Shrugged off and clearly something went wrong in production with unanswered questions deleted scenes in the files it just left a weird impression on all of us we're officially at an all-time low gone are the days of revolutionary in-game experiences that make your whole Squad speculate and have no idea what's coming next it now feels like the best parts are in cut scenes and we can't even trust them because it could be undone by a comic a few weeks later if fortnite truly wants to fix events in the future it needs to be a community experience I agree it's to be a surprise with a great amount of build up but most importantly it just can't be basic point in shooting that doesn't even matter because you'll Beat It Anyway love to hear your suggestions I completely agree this is a great video guys go show some of the top five gaming thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: Sypher Reacts
Views: 678,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, sypherpk, sypher, react, reaction, try not to laugh, you laugh you lose, ylyl, reddit, sypher reacts
Id: _t9KDNS0Re0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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