Cooking Challenge vs MrBeast

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I'm Mr. Beast. This is Nick DiGiovanni, and we're going to do a cooking challenge. We will have just ten minutes to cook a steak entree as well as ten minutes to make a dessert. Easy. You guys are going to be the judges. Oh! We're going to taste each other's dishes, and you're going to tell us who you think won this challenge. Your ten minutes starts now. Now. Oh boy. All right. So tell us what you're making today. Filet mignon with asparagus and maybe some potatoes and some homemade teriyaki sauce. That's like some Gordon Ramsay stuff that you're doing over there. Hey, I got this. I got this. First of all, you'll notice I gave you the nice steaks. Look how flat my fillets are. Is flat not good? You want it to be sort of high and tight like that. Oh, interesting. If you want it to be nice, you could give me one of your two. Yeah, I'm going to keep mine. Okay. All right. That's fine. I see how we're playing this. Gordon Ramsay mentored him. Why would I help him? Fair enough. We're trying to pass Gordon Ramsay. Make sure you subscribe. So what I'm going to do is... Actually, I'm gonna, what should I do? I'm gonna cut them into pieces. I like my steak cut up. Is this wrong? The way you're holding the knife is, I've never seen that either with the finger going down here. You want to pinch it like this. Why don't you get to cutting over there? You need any spices? Oh yes. Let's see. I could use some of that. Okay. Seasoning salt. Some of that. Ummm... Nope. No. No fennel seed, no chives. I actually don't want any of these. I'm just wasting your time. I'm gonna start off by leaving my steak whole and I'm gonna go salt all over the steak on all sides. I'll put that over there in case Jimmy decides to season his meats. And I'm gonna go with lots and lots of fresh cracked pepper. Oh, wow. I've never seen anyone season like that either where you sort of shake it from above. Oh, of course. Interesting. You know, I'm learning a lot here, by the way. Yes, you should. I'm going to try that. Yeah. Look at it. It's effective. If I lose this challenge, I'm going to be pretty upset. Pan on high. Make sure yours is cranked all the way up. I'm going to just make sure. Oh, my God. He thinks I don't know how to turn that on. I just more think that you maybe don't know how to cook. Whoa, guys, you hear this? Not all of us went to culinary school. I didn't either. See? Point proven. I actually need to get my side started very quickly. Jimmy better get his teriyaki sauce started. If I were him, I would have started the teriyaki sauce a few minutes ago in that other... Oh, this thing right here? Oh, easy. Okay, so we're gonna start off with water, right? After we put in our water, we're gonna put in... what is this? Soy sauce. Soy sauce. Let's go. That's what I was looking for. I'm gonna make sort of like a little creamy garlic spinach to go on the bottom. And I'm just gonna stir that around. What is this? Corn starch. It's to thicken up your teriyaki sauce. I would mix it with a little bit of water if you want some advice before you add it in. Okay. Did not take the advice. What'd you say? What? I said mix it with a little- Hey, I'm making a dish over here if you don't mind. What happens is it gets quite clumpy if you mix cornstarch straight into a liquid. You really need to make a slurry with some water first and then put it in. Oh, you know what I just remembered from culinary school? What's that? You're supposed to put some water in your cornstarch first. That way it doesn't get too clunky. Mhm. That's what they told me. See how all the clunks went away? Clumps. Clunks. I'm going to work on my compound butter. I'm going with a little bit of butter, some tomato, some basil. I want to put a nice compound butter on top of the steak to keep it nice and flavorful. I want a little bit of sugar in my teriyaki sauce. This tastes really good. Do you know what brown sugar is made of? Sugar? Yes. But the plant is brown. Okay, I feel like I need to start cooking my steak. I'm putting some oil on my pan. Always lay it away from you. And you can hear the sizzle, my pan is nice and hot. Let's see if Jimmy gets the same sizzle. We're gonna start laying ours in. I'm actually pretty impressed right now. You should be. God, I wish I didn't have such a flat steak here. Haha, him and his flat steak. Couldn't be me. The other thing that I'm impressed by is you have your workstation nice and clean, which is important. Yes, of course. Partly because you threw your trash back here in the corner, but. Hahah. I've never cooked before. What do I use to make my asparagus? I would chop it up. I would throw it in that. Don't tell me how to cook. I got this. I'm gonna teach you one of the most important things ever. Here's rule number one of asparagus. I don't care what anyone tells you, no one on the planet likes these stupid end pieces. Get rid of them. See this stuff? This tastes amazing. It's true. You are supposed to take those off. I speak for the entire human population. Well, guess what? Some restaurants don't, and it's a horrible experience. Honestly, I might need to do a little bit more. Wow. You just can't risk eating one of those. Do you mind if I check on your teriyaki sauce? What's there to check on? She's looking good. Nothing to be worried about, everybody. All right, let's get to flipping over here. Ooh, she's popping. We might need to turn this jawn down a little bit. Don't be scared of the stove. The stove can tell that you're scared of it. Really nice crust. I'm actually extremely proud of the crust. I'm nervous he has a better crust than me. They don't make crust like this no more. Get some onions in this jawn. Oh yeah, look at that. Gotta keep it moving. Don't want it to stick to the pan. Jimmy, tell me what you think when I flip this. Three, two... Let's see it. One. Ooh. It looks well done. I like it. It looks good. Three and a half minutes left. Three and a half? Bro, I only need one. Our teriyaki sauce over here is coming together. Can I throw things in with my teriyaki sauce? No, your teriyaki sauce has to thicken up. I wouldn't put the potatoes in. I would just forget about the potatoes. Did you put the ginger in your teriyaki sauce? No. I would put the rest of the teriyaki sauce ingredients before you add the potatoes. You know what? I want potatoes. I don't really care. They're not going to cook in three minutes. You wouldn't understand. Actually, I'm recalling my potatoes. This is something I invented years ago. Gordon Ramsay wish he could do this. What would he do if he saw you do this? Oh, he'd be flabbergasted. A little bit of honey, plop it on in. Now you might be wondering, has he put any ginger in his teriyaki sauce? He has now. I have to say my steak is coming along quite well now. I don't think it's gonna finish in time though. Jimmy might've made the right call by cutting his up into strips. I thought he was crazy, but if mine's raw, I'd probably lose the entree round. How much time is left? Two minutes. Bro, I'm done. Too easy. You're not done. You gotta get it on the plate. What do you think I'm doing? Nice. I got this. I call this the Jimmy hodgepodge. Look at that jawn. Gotta make sure we get the onions out. Exquisite. Oh my God. Couldn't be me. I don't know what to do. Just quit. I gotta cut it open. Oh, it's not done. This is bad. 30 seconds. Chop, chop. You're about to lose. Compound butter. Compound butter. Compound butter is perfect. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Time's up! Oh, wow. You got it on there. It actually looks really good. It does. I'll start off first. I sliced up my steak, put a little bit of seasoning, and then a teriyaki sauce, which I can't reveal the ingredients, but just know it's delicious. And I've prepared a filet mignon with some creamy garlic spinach and a tomato basil compound butter on top. Let's try this masterpiece. Pour the sauce on, no? Oh no, we're dippers over here. Oh, interesting. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Cheers. I mean, I can't believe I'm saying it, but his teriyaki sauce is really good. It could be a little bit thicker. Nah. I didn't go for a potato because I knew right away that they were not cooked. As you can hear when I cut into this potato right here, it's like cutting into an apple. Here's the thing, everything here is soft. So I wanted the potatoes to be a little more firm to break up and add texture. We'll see if the audience thinks that makes sense. Onto mine now. The colors here, you have to admit... Yeah, there's color. They're pretty. But I don't care about color. You know what I care about? Taste. Agreed. Oh my gosh, this is going to taste so good. You like your meat red, I can see. Okay. Honestly, my metric of success is do I want to grab more? And right now I do want to grab more. I think the garlic could have been a little bit more golden brown. I also think that the compound butter, there was too much of it for how much meat I got. And that was because that was the only part of my steak that was cooked to that perfect medium rare. The rest just wasn't quite there. He made a great call cutting into his filet at the start there. Before you decide who wins... It's time for the dessert challenge. My knife is stuck. You want five minutes or ten minutes? I want my knife back. I'm feeling daring. Let's do five. All right. I'm going to set a five minute timer. You know what? Actually, let's do 10 minutes. 10 minutes starts now. I'm going to be making a deconstructed s'more. S'mores are one of my favorite things to make in the summer. And I just think... What I'm making is I'm gonna be doing cake with Feastables on top of it. Because how can you have a dessert without Feastables chocolate? I'm gonna start off by toasting off some graham crackers. I do my s'mores different than a lot of people. I try to really toast and work with all the ingredients. I leave the graham crackers sitting on a log sometimes so they can heat up with the fire. And I'm gonna try to get that here, toasting up some crumbs to the top of my dish. Wow, okay. You're supposed to make those in the mug though. You know that, right? Well, we're doing it in the pan. Wait, are you judging me for mixing my ingredients in the pan? I'm judging you for mixing a mug cake in a pan first and then transferring it to a mug. To be clear. I mean, hey, you wouldn't understand. I'm trying to throw him off. I've never made a mug cake before. You know, we're all learning together in this experience. Is there a spatula in here? Spatula, all right. Jimmy, if you competed on MasterChef, how do you think you would do? Freaking amazing. You do? No, I would do horrible. Honestly, Gordon Ramsay would probably just scream at me and then I'd get tired of getting screamed at and quit. You're missing your milk, right? I got it, I'll throw some in. Okay, you got it? Okay. Oh, thank you for handing me some milk. How'd you know I needed that? Look at that bad boy. I'm actually gonna start by making a chocolate mousse. Oh, my chocolate looks a lot different than yours. Oh, what chocolate you got there? I've got my Blue Stripes chocolate. As you can see, we have a cute little monkey. Um, no, I don't see anything. I just want to call out this cute monkey that we have. Hey, tell that monkey it should start making its own dessert. Putting this bad boy in the microwave. Did you have Nick check that? Why would I need Nick's help? I got this. Chop this up. This chocolate looks so good. This is going to be used for my chocolate mousse. I need a bowl. I'm going to steal Jimmy's bowl. Wow, my toasted graham cracker smells incredible. Oh, nice, nice. And I'm gonna pull my plate out. I'm actually gonna toss my plate in the freezer to get it nice and cold. It didn't do anything. I'm gonna try again, but longer. No, everything's great. Don't worry about it. That's gonna cut into your time, given we only have four minutes and 13 seconds to go. Oh, I'm not too worried about it. You know what? My meal could also use some graham crackers. I'm gonna make some. You're gonna toast them just like me? No, no, no, no. Oh, okay. And now I'm preparing my station to start plating. I have marshmallow fluff right here. I have my toasted graham crackers. I have my Blue Stripes chocolate. I have my butane torch. I also need my chocolate mousse. This is how you cut stuff. Ooh! She could use a little more time. Ah, come on. Come on. Again, I feel like somehow this is not going to finish in time and Jimmy's just going to be done a minute ahead of me. How's my cake looking? Oh my god, it smells like burnt chocolate. It's good. Always protect your hands. Look at that. Exactly what was planned. We're going with our nice cold plates. I'm gonna go down on the bottom with some of my chocolate mousse. Jimmy must be sweating right now. Bro, we have 50 seconds left. What would I be sweating about? But where's the plate? Your boy needs a plate. Ooh, all right. You still have the stickers on them. I don't care. My cake is turning into a chocolate sauce because I don't know, it just never caked. I'm going on with graham cracker crumbs. Yo, way to steal my idea. I'm about to put those on too. Now, here's what we're gonna do. Watch this, watch this. We'll put a little Rice Krispie chunk to top it all off. We're gonna put Feast Wheels chunks in it. I'm going around with my marshmallow here. Perfect. It looks beautiful. And then I'm going to torch it. Oh, Jimmy's done. Jimmy's done. Oh, I burned it. No, it caught on fire. No. Oh. Ten. Nine. Look at me being done early. Eight. Four. Three. Two. One. Time's up. Look at this bad boy. No ice cream? I forgot the ice cream. So what I did was I started off making a cake in a cup. But it never fluffed up, it kind of just stayed as batter. So then we pivoted, because that's what you do. Great cooks, they always pivot. And we just threw the burnt batter in a cup. Then we put some little crumbled graham crackers on, a little bit of broken up Rice Krispie treats. We topped it with some feastables. And at the end of the day, if you don't like anything, just eat the feastables on top. And I have made a deconstructed s'mores. I might've gotten a little bit too fancy with it, and I also burned it, unfortunately, but I think it's going to taste amazing. We'll start off with mine. You know, I don't even know where to start with this one. If you look carefully at this spoonful here, though, it's got a lot of good looking things on it. I can't deny that. Cheers. Cheers. Weirdly, it has no flavor. Yeah. Almost has a consistency of a rotten banana. Yeah. It kind of tastes like I'm chewing on plastic wrapped in feastables chocolate. Why don't you go ahead and dig into mine first? Make sure you get right in the middle. In the middle? Yeah, there's like a chocolate mousse under there sort of. All right. Oh, the goldenness. And the coolness in the middle. I don't know how to explain it, but the marshmallow is warm, but whatever's in the middle of the chocolate is cold. And then a little bit crunchiness from the crust and the graham crackers. Clearly I won the steak one, but the dessert, I understand, could be a coin flip. Guess we'll find out in the comments.
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 754,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking, steak, meat, expensive, YouTubers, MrBeast, Feastables, Jimmy, Jimmy Donaldson, Chocolate, Cooking Challenge, Challenge
Id: H0X4PZSFtak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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