Boogie2988 Deserves His Failure

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AutoModerator πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I use to watch him religiously back in the day. I loved his nerd and geek culture videos and I thought he was funny. I feel he's grifting people now though. 99%of his problems are brought on by him and he uses that to make people feel sorry for him. His video's are just kinda cringe now. I still watch from to time though, but i just don't give a fuck about his personal life anymore.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ashe_SDMF πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is on him for including his personal life in most of his videos. This is why I dislike these monologue content YouTubers, they just seem to self-destruct eventually. Why can't he just pick a game and play it on stream. No drama. Just watch a nerd play a fucking game. He can have his mental problems get sorted out by a professional offstream.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Economy-Watercress53 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 27 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've watched boogie since his very, VERY early days. He was quite a good study while I was attending my Media course in college.

The last six years, I've cared less about his content more and more but still checked in to see his videos from time to time. Here's my take on the whole situation he's creating for himself lately.

He's not holding himself accountable for his situation. He says he is and he's transparent, but he's not. He's either a liar or in denial about the way he acts, possibly both.

This latest round o E-Begging that he's doing is full of "We did it, we made it, we succeeded" like we love with the guy and his problems are our problems.

They're not.

He's got a disturbing trend of pulling the suicide card when he doesn't get the outcome he's looking for, and then flips the old "Ah well we're good now so I wouldn't really do it." card. This is manipulation at it's purest form.

Nobody is accountable for his situation other than himself. His outgoing are outrageous, and it's not up to us to fix his situation. Yes, we can support his income, butnits not an obligation that we must be drafted like an army to line his pockets when he needs it.

He's paying his friend as a live in housekeeper pretty much. If he can't afford it, he's gotta let him go. He's paying 600 for his car. Can't afford it, downgrade. Paying 2K for his mortgage?! The only way I can see him doing that is him taking equity out of his property and remortgaging at an inflated rate maybe?!

I used to like Boogie, part of me still likes him and I don't want to see him crash and burn. But you can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink. Boogie doesn't want to hear the facts that he's fucked up his finances, he's fucked up his outgoing, he's fucked up his fanbase.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tifauk πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

i know he is his own worst enemy but underneath the bullshit i believe he really tries to be the nice guy he portrays , i wish him the best and i wont unsubscribe from him , i wish he could just go back to being the boogie from the early days .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mickyboyblue πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this dude a lot back in 2017 to 2018 but he just wouldn't STFU about his divorce and finances making me unsub. I remember it so vividly because he was the first "youtuber" I ever actually listened to. He had a really solid base and just ran it into the ground.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/needlez67 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I made a comment saying something similar. I was banned. Standing by for this one to disappear as well. Mods here don’t like anyone telling the truth about Boogie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok-Ad4528 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I couldn’t agree more

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brycebrycehayeshayes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The amount of Boogie hate on Reddit dumbfounds me. If you don't think he deserves success, fine don't watch him.

Instead it's all a bunch of 10-13 year old "acting" people, trying to scour his videos and tweets for something incriminating. Mind your own business, and let the man be. If he fails that's on him, stop playing internet morality snitch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/violentvito70 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 25 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
well he recently announcing that he's basically broke shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as if you follow all of his incredibly poor choices made over the last four and a bit Years you'll understand that bankruptcy was almost unavoidable so let's begin by looking at October 2018 in which Boogie's main source of income his YouTube channel slowly began to die up until this point Boogie had established a reputation as an overweight yet friendly nerdy gamer who people considered Charming since he was totally fine with each of his flaws when he wasn't playing his fat France's character Boogie was telling wholesome stories about his personal life with one of the more notable ones being a video titled what it's like to be broke in this video Boogie explained that he had grown up in a fairly poor environment so they had decent income and since they didn't like to spend it on us kids at least on me and that as a result of that it was now much wiser with his income now you know what I do with my money every single dime every single penny goes into the bank because I don't ever ever want to live that way again which felt both inspiring and relatable especially since Boogie highlighted that he now only spent money on things that would improve his videos I used every dime to buy better computer equipment to get better to get better together and after just a year and a half I was able to go off because I started earning my YouTube income this desire to improve the content unsurprisingly resulted in better uploads and by early 2014 Boogie passed 1 million subscribers before uploading a new video Simply titled how much money does boogie2988 make which felt like yet another wholesome yet modest upload which had clearly been made with the goal of helping his audience I want to make sure you have the tools in mind so that you fully understand how much income we already have coming in and make an educated decision of whether or not you ever want to participate in those kind of things Boogie went on to politely imply that he was making over a hundred thousand dollars per year from YouTube which didn't include third-party income like patreon so let's take uh for example a YouTube channel similar to mine that's bringing in 10 million views per month if a YouTube channel is ringing in 10 million views per month divide that by a thousand you've got ten thousand to multiply that by a dollar and you'll have a really good idea of how much ad Revenue that channel is bringing in and that if you counted his YouTube Channel as an asset he himself was worth more than one million dollars Boogie are you a millionaire well it depends on how you calculate millionaire if you include my YouTube channel as it is yes after three more years I'll have earned by then a million dollars total in YouTube ad Revenue this is followed by Boogie Ray showing his audience that all of the money was being used wisely the majority of the money we make goes into the bank we do not live very large body stretching imagination I mean obviously I'm large but we do not spend a grotesque amount of money which led to more positive comments such as wild guess but he's very rich now he deserves it he's one of the only YouTubers that didn't let the money and fame get to his head he's still just as humble and cool as when he started I admire that amazing video Boogie you're one of the realest most transparent YouTubers out there and please know that your fans appreciate it I clicked on this video randomly and I stayed to watch and to be honest I'm really happy this guy makes a lot of money I don't know him never seen his videos but I'm just glad that he makes money he's very humble and I respect that a lot this positive sentiment toward Boogie resulted in more use subscribers and patreon members which strengthened his financial position immediately whilst also giving him the chance to stream on Twitch opening up another source of income which kept him financially stable during the apocalypse I will be fine uh losing my YouTube ad Revenue will hit us pretty hard but I've Diversified her income things were going so well for Boogie that in August of 2017 he paid for weight loss surgery I'm home from surgery that everything went well the surgery went way better than I had expected uh the doctor did it in a very short period of time however while this would initially improve Boogie's Health dramatically I'm 110 pounds down since the pre-op diet and then I've lost seven and a half inches from my waistline it would eventually contribute to him going broke in an unexpected way but he explained in a video that the married people the weight loss surgery tremendously increases the likelihood that you'll end up getting divorced the surgery and the recovery from it is really really hard on a marriage 85 percent of marriages fail after the surgery within the first two years he added that in the lead-up to the surgery his marriage was already in a rough spot our marriage was far from perfect one major issue that was system throughout the entire marriage and that was my anxiety disorder and as a result of him now being in a healthier condition his wife suggested that they should divorce she told me that she was thinking about separating now that it was out of the surgery and now that I was nice and healthy we talked about it and decided that she should take a break two weeks into that she called up and said that she had made her decision that she wanted things to be a more permanent change um and that we should start moving in that direction Boogie explained that his wife was extremely generous in the divorce having stated that she wanted far less than 50 of the finances and she's like I I want enough to where I know I'm going to be taken care of and I'm like okay so she gave me a number and I'm like but that's not half more it wasn't half of what we were worth it was less it was less however as a result of the law Boogie ended up giving her half of what he had anyway she's legally entitled to 50 of everything we own make sure it's half so she has no recourse moving forward well Boogie's financial position had taken a pretty substantial hit his audience was still cheering for him with comments such as I hope this is the birth of a new Boogie a healthy Boogie no baggage just a happy healthy outgoing Boogie how however after his marriage would officially come to an end the opposite of this happened my brain is kind of in a situation where it's just chaos all the time it's just chaos this emotional stew in my brain all the time of positive feelings negative feelings numbness frustration and anger you know not only had the split resulted in a massive blow to Boogie's mental health but throughout the process the story time rambling videos which were once uplifting inspirational and designed to help his viewers began to feel like they were being made with the goal of receiving sympathy pity from the audience additionally Boogie's positive can-do attitude where he wanted to invest his savings into making excellent content for the viewers had transformed into this complete lack of confidence for the future of his channel and I'm not smart enough to be able to figure that stuff out I'll never be good at titles I'll never be good at thumbnails I'll never be I'm not being that good at video creation leading him to develop an attitude of just wanting to get by as opposed to wanting to grow his audience as long as the as long as my branches paid as long as my mortgage is paid as long as as I can keep the lights on as long as I can support myself and the people that I currently employ hey I'm happy with that the final video related to his divorce in which Boogie explained that he now fully owned his house again and happened to have been uploaded in October 2018 which was the very same month where Boogie began to lose subscribers the decline will be addressed in a video titled state of the channel 2019 in which he mentioned that the breakup had a significant impact on the Channel's viewership 2018 as we've talked about was one of the roughest years of my life and it really showed here on the channel before going on to state that the story time pity party videos were also impacting the channel negatively and I'll just complain and whine and just be miserable sharing who and what I am has been counterproductive in a quite a bit in the last year or so mostly when it comes to the mental uh issues that anxiety the depression stuff like that will you would conclude the video by stating that he was very excited about the future I'm feeling a lot better and I'm very engaged and excited about what we will be doing here on the channel however only three days after this video was uploaded a now Infamous Mega thread will be posted to Reddit which will go on to significantly impact Boogie's reputation it was titled the hidden true Boogie doesn't want you to know and it featured over 5 000 words showcasing that Boogie wasn't exactly the nice guy he tried to portray the thread brought up topics such as his behavior on stream various edgy comments he had made over the years as well as the way he acted in his marriage with commenters stating this document is up there with the Constitution and the Magna Carta however the thread was posted to a fairly unknown subreddit and if Boogie had simply ignored the thread people likely would have forgotten about it although this isn't what would happen Boogie instead decided to wage a war against the person who began the mega thread I started a war this guy has been coming at me for five years before going on to complain about the criticism in countless different videos has been actively attacking me and going through everything I've ever said and every thought ever done on the internet for the last three years just two years prior in 2017 Boogie was handling criticism much more effectively even stating that some of the points were valid a lot of people have been discussing me over the past couple weeks I've been on the front page of Reddit and they tend to discuss me in a very negative light which is reasonable and obviously Boogie's new 2019 strategy of trying to stop the criticism only led to more criticism three months after the mega thread was posted well you would upload a new video titled taking a break I give up you guys win in which he'd state that he needed a short break as a result of being anxious and nervous with fewer uploads in a declining reputation his monthly subscriber count began to fall off a cliff losing five thousand fourteen thousand twenty eight thousand before losing another 42 000 in August 2019 representing a decline of more than a hundred thousand subscribers in only four months rather than improving the content Boogie rammed up the complaints and apologies which not only led to a decrease in views from an average of 10 million per month to 2 million per month but it also led to comments from his audience such as I used to watch every video before for me you were like the Mr Rogers of YouTube soft understanding and compassionate lately it had just been apologies and complaining I missed the old content not because of Francis or gaming or whatever but because of that person despite Boogie's clear decline in his views subscribers and income his spending habits hadn't changed one bit as Midway through this collapse it announced that he was taking on a 100 000 loan to purchase a Tesla I ended up buying the X I still haven't got it fully financed yet I'm heavily Finance it obviously oh my God I just put myself a hundred thousand dollars in debt my car payment's Seventeen hundred dollars a month or something like that that's more money than I make on Twitch that's like half of my YouTube rad Revenue this month but we then made a tweet about how expensive the car was giving him another opportunity to make himself look like an idiot I tweeted out that I was not going to be able to afford this car Reddit and Twitter lost their minds oh you trying to manipulate people into giving you money the answer is yes give me some money if you guys want to help me pay for my Tesla please go ahead and dig deep I sure would like a free Tesla reach down in your pockets and give me a hundred thousand dollars tonight which becomes even worse after you'd mentioned that he still owed a bunch of money on his house the house is worth three hundred thousand dollars I still owe 200 000 in the house and then he knew the Tesla was going to decline in value over time but that car is just gonna get cheaper and cheaper and cheaper as it goes in the year that followed Boogie's patreon members almost halved from 120 down to 65 partially as a result of him taking long breaks from creating content you'll notice that for the last three weeks I've really not been updated I have not streamed in three weeks which accompanied the transformation of his comment section from a once positive Place full of supporters to A Wasteland and negativity full of detractors it's incredible how openly money oriented this guy is this guy talks like a minister from some cheesy scammy Late Night Ministry where you're supposed to send a 50 check for good luck imagine this guy would win the lottery he'd be broke with 12 months which would eventually turn out to be somewhat accurate after his back and forth with Frank Hassel in early 2021 Boogie had to Shell out a bunch of money for legal fees let me point out just how expensive all of this was and obviously I took money out of my bank account and I paid for it out of pocket this cost tens of thousands of dollars to fight which also resulted in Boogie producing less content I was advised by everyone to live stream less to make less YouTube videos to say less things that could be taken out of context and used against me before we had a result because you know from Reddit and 4chan that that's what they like to do to me but that cost me a small fortune and lost wages and lost ad Revenue as well however thankfully according to a video titled I am finally rich how crypto made me Rich Boogie apparently had no financial problems whatsoever in the video he explained that back in 2019 Boogie had taken a massive gamble by purchasing a bunch of cryptocurrency and by early 2021 he had quadrupled his money I basically took every time I had in liquid funds and invested it in a huge gamble I invested pretty much everything I had into cryptocurrency I invested all the way back here and yeah that's where we currently are with that market so to say that I doubled my money is an understatement in fact I did more than that Boogie then tried to pathetically coax his audience into trying to give him more money never filled pressure to get one of those memberships down below never filled pressure to subscribe on Twitch never feel pressured to make a donation or interact with one of my sponsors never feel pressured to buy a t-shirt before going on to state that you plan on taking the money out of crypto to put it into a safer investment and that's if I don't take the money and invest it in something that will make me money which I am most certainly going to do however as highlighted by almost every comment the video aged incredibly poorly because only a year after posting it Boogie uploaded a new video titled I need your help in which he explained that he had lost almost all of his money to the crypto market and now required donations from the audience well this is a video I've dreaded making you know I spent a tremendous amount of money on dumb dumb things but the biggest issue is that I had a nice big nest egg but I put my money in the crypto Market in the wrong section and I pretty much lost most of everything this is the most interesting case study watching someone who hasn't had to work in over a decade finally have to go back to work I remember him saying don't worry about me I'm financially secure to the point that if I stop making videos tomorrow I can live comfortably for the rest of my life just remember that the reason this video was filmed in his garden is because if it was filmed in his office we'd all be able to see his thousands of dollars worth of arcade machines magic cards and gaming memorabilia while it's almost impossible to find a single positive comment on the entire video Boogie would receive 1 109 in donations however this small figure was certainly at the expense of his dignity and reputation Boogie hasn't seen a single month of positive subscriber growth since May of 2019 almost four years ago and with no clear desire to change any of his daily habits it's unlikely that his YouTube channel or financial situation in will say any kind of recovery anytime soon
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 7,264,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boogie, boogie2988, exposed, boogie exposed, boogie2988 exposed, boogie2988 manipulator, boogie2988 francis, dark side of boogie, boogie2988 divorce, dez, dez2988, everydamndayfitness, h3 podcast boogie, Boogie2988, Documentary, Entertainment, Education, Rise and Fall, Where is, Biography, Steven Williams, Boogie, Streaming, Twitch, YouTube, YouTube Rewind, Profile Peice, Narration, Analysis, Video essay, Lofi Hip Hop, 2019, Timeline, From massive to passive, Drama, sunnyv2, boogie2988 sunnyv2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 24 2022
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