Testing Clickbait Fortnite Shorts To See If They Work

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these are the most clickbait fortnite shorts on the internet and it's time to see which one are real or clickbait starting with today I'm going to be typing random v-buck codes until one actually works I can guarantee you this works there's no way this is going to work minutes you are eventually bound to hit a code eventually one will work right really I'll prove you wrong right now all right how about we test that out then you know how in order to redeem some v-bucks you need to put in a code yeah what if I just guess a code eventually one is bound to work right there's no way you can get that lucky bro I'mma prove you wrong it's not going to work the first time of course keep putting in like different numbers and letters all right so while he's doing that let's move on to the next one all right fortnite skin glitch what I want the Skins hopefully this saves us a whole bunch of v-bucks no no no no no no no no no no that's fake that's fake that has to be fake there's no way map will let me unlock all of those skins what is he doing oh and he just unlocked a whole bunch of skins well there's only one way to find out all right got the cold in let's see if it actually exists give me that map oh it does so here's the map and it looks completely different from what he was showing no way yo this is a scam well I guess if you want to unlock almost every skin in the game you're going to have to wait the timer and I actually am we're going to see if this is cap or not oh my God oh my God oh my God wait what what happened what happened I got one I got one I got one there's no way you got one bro I got one share your screen look at that there's no way you did that there's no way you did that bro a th000 v-bucks I will say it took me like 25 minutes but it's 1,000 v-bucks all right uh PC there's no way this is work what the yes yes 1,000 v-bucks yep yep confirm there's no way this is there's no way go on your game go on your game right now look at that look at it right there 1,300 50 I had 350 what the heck how did you do that by guessing well I guess that also works to get free v-bucks huh now this one is probably the biggest one that we all been wondering for a very long time and do fortnite v-buck generators actually work do they honestly ever work well let's try it out I remember when I first played fortnite I tried doing that and I got a virus on my computer well maybe because you weren't doing it right but don't worry because we're going to be training it out together we picked out the top two that ranked the highest from them mall to see if they actually work in 2024 you're on the website right yep and it looks sketchy as hell all right so let's go ahead and enter our fortnite usernames yep just entered mine I think it's asking which console you have fortnite on Android yeah I'll go ahead and pull windows for me here in the bottom is telling you all the v-bucks that people are getting oo you think that's real oh it has to be real of course oh right here is telling me how much I actually want to select you think I should go for 450,000 or 200,000 go a little bit less save some for the rest yeah you're right you're right I want to save enough v-bucks for the rest of the people out there all right I'm going to do 1,000 v-bucks all right I'll go with the low end too of 30,000 that's your low end all right I'm going to go ahead and press generate comparing to generate okay now it's connecting for me it's connecting and my verification failed we have detected suspicious activity on your account you need to verify your account telling me to do a survey oh look it's telling me to do a survey too all right and we're done did you finish yep it told us we have to wait about 10 minutes so we're going to go ahead and check on that and see if the v-bucks actually managed to make it to our account there's no way this actually works okay so this is another map that gives you the ability to change into different skins I don't think this is real yeah nah n n n n and he just unlocked a whole bunch of skins 50 minutes this timer is just to get this zapatron not to unlock anything from the outfit section over there so I'm going to see if I unlock anything at all okay cool these are my skins do we get anything whatsoever okay cool nothing got unlocked literally nothing free reward code every can claim here's all right be honest on a scale 1 to 10 how legit you think this is make sure top think can redeem because I think this is a free item that anyone can get oh I hope so to oh this better work adamantium claw pickaxe I want Anam antium claw okay so we're going to have to try this one out too all right fingers crossed the Cold's in let's see if I get something no oh yo I knew it wait actually worked wait what you're lying activate I thought it worked I got so excited 100,000 in 1 second huh that is so C so he just presses a button he gets all that XP all right we'll try it out all right we're in the map he said to go right in the middle and then we should see like a little wall or something that we can go ahead and interact with like right here it was on this side right yeah it should be here I don't see it where is it bro where is this button this thing does not exist let me watch this one more time to make sure interact with this button and then activate your SEC XP bro he literally said right by the gold area so it should be around this corner and it doesn't exist homie went ahead and scammed me out of my time this new hidden secret loot room is insane with multiple chest Shield right off spawn so you're going to want to land here at this car shop to the right of the Nitrome just make your way here below the stairs and break the floor beneath you it might seem like there's nothing here but you below you and you fall into a bigger room now just make your way down through this and you'll enter this place it seems like it has nothing on one side there is nothing but on the other there are I've never seen this and your Duo should be set up for the rest of the game this isn't the best part of the Hidden place though if you break the barrels here you'll be able to crash through the leading you to the most broken right now there are two multiple chests multiple normal chests and 10 slurp barrows giving you Max Shield by no way I've never seen that ever in the game break we got try it out right now all right so he told us to land right over here let's see if we can actually find this secret room so all he did was just dig right under okay so he said below the stairs it should be literally right here oh okay it's breaking it's breaking there's nothing okay one more this is Cap yeah this doesn't exist bro you can't even break this other stuff right here this is C bro there is no secret room all right so after waiting in the area just like that guy you got to go ahead and get inside and then there should be like a little part you can interact with like this right here once you're done holding that button collect the coin you went ahead and did a little emote went inside here and what yo you can't be serious no you can't be serious okay I guess we're going to have to wait for this one too this new setting gives you Aimbot and wall hacks earlier today aot set added a new setting called Auto basically whenever your cross is on an enemy your gun will automatically shoot right here you can see that nothing happens when I wave my Crosshair back and forth but once I go to my settings scroll down and turn on auto fire as soon as my Crosshair body my gun automatically shoots if somebody starts pickaxing your wall all you need to do is hold your shotgun and as soon as they break your wall it will pre-fire them 200 and this makes this sounds way too overpowered I saw a duo in this bush and I grabbed my teammate sniper then all I had to do is move back and forth all three of my shots hit back to back there's no way snipers broken being able to lead your sniper shots consistently is hard to do but instead of your sniper shooting when your Crosshair is directly somebody it will fire whenever you perfectly lead your shot that's way too overpowering there yeah let's let's go ahead and check if the setting actually exists combat Auto fire where's Auto fire yeah I'm looking for it too Auto fire Auto there is no Auto fire you don't see it too right no this would have been so overpowered if it actually existed this was complete cap you know brand new way to get some v-bucks just got unlocked has it the thing about this guy is he was greedy he did not show the map code on how he got these v-bucks no no no no no no that's all that's all fake no because explain this right here look he's reacting to [Music] it wait what so he goes inside of a safe he presses a button and I guess Ninja's doing this live and there's the v-bucks vending machine we're going to see right now if this is actually true because I'm trying to get some v-bucks real quick this island is not available please search for a different world apparently it got patched or it got B cuz it was a little bit too overpowered but I knew this was going to happen because I managed to find someone else who apparently found a different map where they're giving away free v-bucks there's the vending machine damn got to wait for the time I still think this is Cap there's no way this map will work we're going to try right now I need that 5,000 v-bucks these vending machine v-bucks tricks are oh cap you can't find the cold it doesn't work it doesn't exist this is all fake how many v-bucks do you have right now 12,000 I can multiply that by five okay how multiply the vbu and onto the v-bucks tab click them 13,000 exit click again exit back to play emote in the lobby yeah ready up do only that's why I needed you so we need to wait to load in all right let's actually see if this works all right careers Tab and then the v-bucks tab 13 1,000 back out 13,000 back out click play emote okay ready up and then ready up in a du game we you need to be quick with this I'm zooming I'm zooming get on the battle bus there's no way this actually work spin spin spin y y two 3 four 5 done done done we've just summoned the bus see all right as mentioned in the video we got to be quick about this all right go to the bus go to the bus yeah yeah I'm almost there I'm almost there spend five times on the very top of it five okay all right my turn one two hurry up three four 5 there you go I did it jump instantly on Mount Olympus on the top of his head right there yo I swear I better get my v-bucks multiply bro I'm broke start by down in this corner and then Crouch walk up slowly stop emot this actually works bro cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel we levitating right now that means that it's work we got to crouch and then go around this corner slowly okay you did it right you did it y I did it emote and then cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel we can jump down and we'll have the v-bucks in the lobby spin while jumping there bye have a beautiful time make sure you're spinning make sure you're spinning spin I spin okay spin spin SP spin spin I don't think I have more v-bucks you must have done it wrong you must I did it wrong I did it wrong yeah yeah my v-bucks did not change no freaking way I have it no way wait really I have 1,000 v-bucks now now no wait really yes I do I do no you're capping first of all this glitch never worked to begin with because we tried doing this seven more times and both of us never even gotten a single v-bucks out of this second of all tell that grown man that's cosplaying as a furry to stop using a voice changer wait aren't you using the same skin as him though wait wait hold on hold on Chief hold on hold one hit any car what this is really overpowering wait what no way what we get we have to try it right now we have to see if it's real that's op if it that's really legit yeah that would be pretty overpowered but I don't think this is true there's no way that's op bro how's that even happening he legitimately tried this on like every car in the game and it just blowing up okay yeah we're going to have to see if this is actually legit let's try it out all right here's my whip got my whip all right Spike bumper we have it on both our cars so let me go ahead and try it out on this car right here first and then you go all right all right so you boost you switch seats and did it do any damage okay it damaged the car severely but not enough to blow it up so now you're going to do it with my car right here go ahead and try it out oh got it oh wow got it okay that actually lowkey kind of worked let's look for another car to make sure all right boost switch seats and oh okay okay so it looks like it severely damages the car we can't really confirm that this actually works 100% and zero so after waiting all that time this should go ahead and let me press it I'm going to be 100% honest with you guys I don't think anyone would have actually waited all this time except me cuz we got to see if this actually works there's no way reward in 20 minutes yo this game is literally farming me for my time yo I better get every single skin that exists in fortnite for this I'm going to show you guys how I got all of these free v-bucks in my very is that 100 million v-bucks once you get into your game guys go over to these settings on the left here then what you want to do is you want to go ahead and select reporting go report above play there's no way this is real bro once you're in here what you want to do is hit report bug hit movement unable to jump and then select re take screenshot once you do this you want to hit continue hit accept once you send this report guys then we're on to the next step all right so I'm copying everything he did so we're going to go go here reporting report a bug okay movement unable to jump retake screenshot continue accept sending the report and that should be it so as you can see I'm leading up into a creative right now guys as you can see I'm in the game right now here we go guys I'm going to go leave the lobby that's resetting it all right load up creative ready up all right now back out like he said go back to the Lobby here we go if we got it right we should be getting some v-bucks and boom just like that guys and the v-bucks should 100% show up for me I need money oh wait hold on no v-bucks where's the v-bucks we got scammed again who would have thought I got to level 170 in 5 minutes huh I can guarantee you this is already CA n you got to be positive man you got to be positive [Music] okay oh my God oh my God okay I'm trying to get to level 172 so we need to try this one out we're here all right so what he did is he went up to here he went ahead and emoted and then he went ahead and pressed his question mark and oh my God no another timer no no no guess we're going to have to wait for the time all right so after waiting for the timer to finally finish we just have to put in the cold 1 53 press confirm and oh what the oh okay it looks like I'm actually getting XP and there's all the coins from the video Let's see if I actually get to the level that guy told me wait wait hold wait hold on hold on hold on hold on I did get a lot of levels but I didn't get to the level that he told me so yeah this is completely cap you can now win every ranked game with 20 plus kills while taking zero damage in chapter 5 season all right let's see that works let's see let's see let's see all right get the battle bus and then rotate to nitr drum okay once there boost into the front of the gate with the battle bus okay it will break the side gate so you can get the Mythic car oh wow just get into the car and drive away there's no way it can be that easy it's impossible to break and windows are bulletproof no bro this not even the battle bus can stop it bro that's overpowered we need to try this out all right we have to land right here just land on top of the bus all right so now that we're here we just have to go ahead and boost where the car is locked up and it should destroy it yeah this is Cap yeah this doesn't work I've been checking nonstop stop on that v-bucks generator that we did earlier today and I think it was a scam cuz I haven't gotten anything yet yeah I kind of figured that generator wasn't going to work that myth has been busted in 2024 Travis Scott okay random Creator code exit fortnite and he got a whole bunch of skins wait he just got a whole bunch of skins let's see if it works went ahead and put in his cold and then what he did next was he exited fortnite and then when he got back in the game it went ahead and gave him everything so let's see all right the game is connecting it should be loading up all the skins and yeah we didn't get any skins scam no skins this should be the final wait period because if there's any more waiting I'm done man 2 1 oh no no how much more waiting oh my God I'm going to wait for it I don't care I've got in this for I need to see what's in that chest I better get everything in the game unlocked and whatever is coming up for this whole entire year bro infinite XP okay inspect the lemons and then he just get like a million XP wait a million 69 XP we need to investigate this all right so we need to land right around here so do we have to just interact with a lemon that's it I only got 700 XP from that I'll be honest I didn't even think you can actually interact with that I came to the conclusion that the YouTube short wasn't really lyed because it does say infinite XP since you could go back to the same spot and claim the XP game after game after game like I did so ignoring the fake XP number he put this is true okay a Skin Map another one yay okay okay oh no not a timer not a timer okay so he goes into a room he gets the Cosmetic and a whole bunch of skins no there's no way bro there's no way this exists all right we're going to have to try this out all right here's the map all we got to do let go to the same spot that he went to which was right here and he said to like go in this little corner and emote all right then it should pop up oh there's a secret room click e go right here and oh a timer bro these fortnite map creators love making this an hour challenge huh well we got to see if it's legit 5 seconds left and this should 100% let me try out these skins all right there's the full access now I just got to go ahead and hold on to this Trophy and it should take me to the same room as that guy no no no hold on hold on no no no I didn't I didn't just wait here for an hour for no reason maybe I did something wrong maybe I did something wrong okay he presses the button and it takes him into the room full of cosmetic items let's try this one more time One More Time One More Time come on take me to the room take me to the room I've wasted an hour of my life and I was scammed all right this will teach us how to get some v-bucks go into the v-bucks tab like here and you click on the $11.95 AUD op claim the 1,000 v-bucks for free no cap not lying at all all right well we got to investigate this all right here's the first T it doesn't say AUD but okay $99 maybe it's a glitch who knows $8.99 that doesn't look free to me yeah we're just getting scammed here huh how to do the skywalking glitch skywalking glitch okay so you got to grab a car drive into water what the what now flow up what the yo it just like launched them all the way up it's still going bro how is this thing still going it doesn't stop okay now he's falling and okay this is cool what all right we have to try this okay okay okay okay okay I want to see that all right we're going to have to see if this actually still works there's the spa now we just got to get a car so right by that crate we just go forward from right here yep follow me okay I'm not hovering wait what it's not working for you or me let's try again he's just going forward without boosting and literally I'm not launched up in the air a th000 ft so yeah this was completely Capp I promise you no one had waited this long no one has waited as long as me all right what's in the chest man what's in the chest oh my God yo we already gotten this far we might as well secret hidden loot room huh all right oh not this again let's see if this one actually exists oh a chest through huh well I never seen that red chest before or that room so we're going to have to see if they just added this in well that should be the same spot the building actually exists okay cool all right here it is let's go right inside all right inside we go just break down just break down keep going down nice we hit sand wait hold on hold on let's break everything let's break everything maybe one of them will lead us down maybe right here maybe this is the spot yep yep yep yep it's right here oh oh oh this one this one oh wait this maybe maybe maybe maybe we got to break everything under the staircase Under the Staircase under the wait on these pillars under this pillar it has to be right on one of these pillars y this one no the barrels the barrels the barrels we literally broke everything where's the building we literally broke everything where's the building there is no Z room why do they do this are you entitled to free vbu how get free vbucks why you need to Let's the method there is a way you can grind for v-bucks and the funny thing is not a lot of people realize they can do this pop a minut every time we say v-bucks inst fortnite save the world remember that here you going be fortnite save the world but you have to pay for that this isn't free then yeah you have to buy that it's not free bro this was cap yet again how to unlock the zero v-buck item shop if you want to Z Vu item bu for literally free it's zero v-bucks reacting to someone buying the whole item shop right now and they're literally just buying everything and you guys can do this too so look how many skins look at them all so you want to do this at home just follow all the instructions on screen okay there's text so what you need to do is read this which I'm actually going to be adding someone from this video being posted where I gift them the any items from the item shop making it zero v-bucks for them for a day so if you want to enter all you need to do is like the video comment your fortnite name so I can add you and you must be following me of course I will check so good luck what is this scam okay bro this is a complete scam thank you for wasting my time we just made it to the last few seconds and I promise you I am no longer waiting this is it after this I am done this is it I'm not waiting no more I'm not waiting no more okay 15,000 XP anything else anything else no no no no no I better get something I better get something no no no no no no no I'm going to back out go to lobby and I better get something bro I better get something bro I better get something for all the time that I wasted I did not move out this chair whatsoever okay XP thankfully I saved you guys plenty of time all I had to do was waste a lot of mine a bunch of cardboard pay attention pay attention we might have to do this okay see security no activating the card he just let him in I thought he was going to take it to the cash register to activate it oh wait yeah you do have to activate the card all right well that was cap there's no point of doing that okay so apparently this map right here it lets you try out a whole bunch of different skins and stuff okay maybe somehow they brought the algorithm where you can test skins out but the thing is I don't think this is true because okay they get paid for people buying the Skins there's no way you can try them ow it doesn't make any sense all right let's see please work oh it exist no way all right so where the Skins at where's the Skins at for real I think there's a button around here where where where where where where I know it's just like on the ground bro this guy Bamboozled me there is no button I've been running around here for like 20 minutes I think they lied to us just so that we could go into their stupid map yeah definitely because we've been running around and this thing does not exist yeah this is definitely cap okay so this will teach us how to get Aimbot first of all do you really need to draw over the X do you not know how to draw an X exactly bro like what but do you think this will actually be accurate or what I mean I'm not going to lie I have done that in the past it is pretty accurate all that guy did was just make a very ugly X which I can do pretty easily actually all right so let's go ahead and Center this in the middle of the screen I think that's good enough now we're just going to go to the game turn off the Crosshair and see if it shoots right in the middle of that X as you guys can see right there wait it's actually accurate but I guess if you want a really quick Crosshair fix then this is your best betat so the video is true this is how you can unlock two new cars in fortnite completely don't know that if you are a fortnite crew pass member you can unlock free cars in fortnite and to do this it's super simple Lo rocket League okay he says you're a fortnite crew member but you have to buy that technically you still have to purchase something in order to get the free cars so it's not free yeah that doesn't make any sense yeah it's C free Galaxy Isabel skin free Isabel Galaxy skin okay boogie bomb then eat a shadow Flopper all right bet now what wait for it to run out then wrist okay there you go okay that's pretty cool so I copied the same thing that he did so we're going to open up this chest he used a rift fish so we're going to pick this up pick this up pick this up you need to Boogie bomb and then you need to consume a shadow Flopper and then let it run out all right so after it runs out go ahead and use the fish and I don't have the Galaxy skin for this girl okay cool it was cap it looks like there are a couple of different ways to get some free v-bucks and we basically just confirmed all the fakes and all the real ones
Channel: Sernando
Views: 71,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gaming, gameplay, sypher, new update, sypherpk, fortnite update, fortnite new update, fortnite leaks, fortnite event, mr beast fortnite, Fortnite chapter 5, fortnite itemshop, free vbucks, fortnite glitches, fortnite hacks, fortnite hacker, hacks, funny, fortnite memes, memes, fortnite funny, fortnite free vbucks, fortnite cheating, fortnite hackers, fortnite glitch, fortnite vbucks, cheating, vbucks, fortnite vbucks glitch, fortnite free skins
Id: nLqZd0bTFto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2024
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