Alec Baldwin Tragedy

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i'm not tmz and i'm not your school's local newspaper but i do want to actually talk about a news story today that i'm sure you're all aware of by now alec baldwin fatally shot cinematographer helena hutchins on the side of his new movie rust he also caught the director in the crossfire as well who was shot and injured but is okay unfortunately hutchins died it was a tragic accident where a prop gun alec baldwin was handling actually had a live round in it which ultimately ended in someone's death i first heard about this minutes after it happened i was streaming at the time and i swear to god the people in my chat are like the fastest on-scene reporters to everything if there was a nuclear missile launch somewhere in the world i would probably know about it before the us government because my chat would [ __ ] tell me somehow they just have like the cutting edge information the second it happens it honestly felt like whoever was telling me about this in twitch chat was actually on the set when it was happening so i've been following this very closely over the last couple days and this is more than just a tragic accident this is gross negligence and a disturbing look into how little movies care about the safety of the crew i'll get into that in a minute but just in case you don't know what happened alec baldwin is in an upcoming movie called rust and i don't know what the movie's about i haven't looked that up because i think that's the least important part about this whole thing but i guess in the movie he plays some kind of gun wielding badass he's playing [ __ ] doom guy so he's running around akimbo guns and going crazy because guns are a big part of the movie it seems and in one of the the shots they were doing he was handling the gun and he shot and killed the cinematographer and injured the director it was supposed to be a prop gun without live rounds obviously you know sorry to hit you with a cold water and tell you santa claus isn't real but movies are fake those guns you see in the movies aren't shooting real bullets or anything at least they're not supposed to but in this case the gun alec baldwin was handling had a real round in it now a lot of people immediately compared this to the tragic death of bruce lee's son on the set of the crow brandon lee died because of a malfunctioning prop weapon where a projectile actually did come out of what was supposed to be a blank and it killed him a lot of people compared it to that but this is totally different this is so much worse so i read this article today because this is still a developing story everyone's trying to figure out what the [ __ ] happened here like the tooth fairy came in and delivered a real round into a prop gun how did this happen you know and so the investigation's been launched and apparently the entire filming of this movie was a [ __ ] disaster crew members weren't allowed to stay nearby so they had to drive 50 miles each day just to get this set the conditions were abominable which is obviously leading to them being miserable so a lot of them wanting to quit and just wanting better conditions and in response to that they just started hiring non-union workers to replace the union workers the [ __ ] prisoners on alcatraz island were treated with more respect than the crew on rust it sounds like working on rust would have been worse than working as a custodian in hell at least maybe in hell the demons would have treated you better than the rust team did i would have rather been licking gas station toilet seats clean then go work on rust but not only were the conditions absolutely horrible and unacceptable to a damn near criminal degree i would argue but it was also like going to an active war zone every time you stepped on the set of the movie because this wasn't the only time there was an accidental discharge of the firearms on set it happened three times allegedly now i don't know if it means that a live round was fired each time or if it just means the gun wasn't fully cold when they called the cold gun it was supposed to mean like there is nothing in there so it could mean like the other three times it was like blank rounds that fired but even still that is a massive mistake to make you call cold gun and a blank fires is still very dangerous you have to be in control you have to know what the [ __ ] is in the guns there were multiple discharges of firearms throughout filming so it's like that scene in zoolander having like a [ __ ] gasoline fight like they didn't care they were using like real guns it seems it wasn't even like props at that point they just went to like the local you know gun store just purchased a lot and like yeah this would be fine for the movie we'll just dodge the bullets or some [ __ ] so i guess you just show up the set and every time there's a scene with a gun in it you have to like be ducking for cover just in case people just wandering around [ __ ] dual-wielding pistols firing him to the air like that guy from looney tunes what's his name wiley charterton the [ __ ] guy with the beard yosemite sam just over there [ __ ] blasting into the sky so obviously the crew didn't feel safe which led to half a dozen of them leaving just hours before the fatal shooting like all of the signs were there for a disaster but they were ignored because apparently they were trying to really rush the movie out so they just didn't care so i don't know how the [ __ ] like a firearm discharges one time and you're not like holy [ __ ] this is something we really need to you know take a hold of grab by the [ __ ] nut sack and fix because that is just ask that's a recipe for disaster that is asking for a tragedy and that's exactly what happened they were begging for it just read this again alec baldwin's stunt double fired two rounds in a gun that they said was cold that [ __ ] is not cold that is clearly not cold if that's cold then my [ __ ] is 16 inches long like it's unreal they had so many chances to fix the problem they had three discharges according to that quote there that means they had multiple opportunities to get things under control and they just didn't dude just kicking back smoking a pipe sand surely it won't happen a fourth time you know like that was their solution like okay now that we've got all the bad luck out of the way now it's smooth sailing here and then of course what happened alec baldwin during his scene he's supposed to unholster his weapon and they said the gun was cold as they did the last time and it wasn't cold as it wasn't last time so he brought it out of his holster and it fired a live round which shot and killed hutchins and injured the director behind her a completely avoidable tragedy if anyone on set bothered to give a [ __ ] about safety now of course the crew cared about safety clearly because they were protesting and they they left because they felt so unsafe but i'm talking about like the higher-ups that were in charge of making these decisions and making sure things were safe they clearly didn't give a [ __ ] they just kept rushing and cutting corners and then their solution to everything was okay let them leave we'll replace them and keep using these [ __ ] actual guns you know if you can dodge a bullet we can dodge a lawsuit so let's really get out there and do our best i'm obviously not part of the trust and safety board of the united states of america but i think if while filming a movie three times your prop guns are called cold even though they're shooting even blanks i think you need to re like really take a moment to reevaluate your crew and get everything under control and maybe start to think like hmm so there's a problem here clearly we're not all on the same page this department's kind of lacking let's fix that but hey that's just me you know i'm not a i'm not a director or uh you know part of a film board it's just so [ __ ] sad and what's even worse is the people on twitter who are saying alec baldwin needs to go to prison for this why it's not his fault what's he was told the gun was cold and was just doing the scene as he was instructed it's not like he went in there like the spirit of vengeance and took the gun and just started shooting people he was told the gun was cold and he was filming a scene and unfortunately the production didn't do a good job of making sure there wasn't a real gun with real bullets on set i don't even know why that would be there you know again i'm not like in the film board or the film industry very much you know apart from being the world's best actor but i can't imagine why during any movie you'd need a real magazine of real bullets next to all of your blanks and empty guns why is that there you know like it just doesn't make any sense to me it seems like something out of like a [ __ ] hitman mission where you're trying to assassinate someone why the [ __ ] would there be real bullets mixed in with all of the fake ones and it just it blows my [ __ ] mind it's crazy such a sad and yet entirely avoidable tragedy i just wanted to talk about it because this story has been truly wild and i feel horrible for alec baldwin i feel horrible obviously for the family of hutchins and everyone on that crew because what what a sad set of circumstances and an awful thing that happened so yeah anyway i just wanted to talk about this that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,769,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3MpuO2bwvaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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