AK Safety Lever User Guide

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aka safety level let's learn something new about this beautiful mechanism today I don't believe I'm starting with this but there is a lot of messages coming my way sometimes you are asking if it's normal if the safety lever leaves the scratch marks on the body of the receiver guys for any aka life or it's perfectly normal that's nothing to worry about it this is basically how these levels were designed there is a little nipple on that safety lever and when the safety lever travels down and up on the receiver it will scratch the receiver hey it's a que rifle it was designed that way nothing to worry about it but what happens if you have the new rifle and you wanna move the safety level and the safety level is very very stiff it happens often with the new rifles it's a very simple fix we'll discuss this both ways what to do if you want to make the safety lever loose or what to do if you wanna increase increase the stiffness so first of all you have to pop the hood of course make sure there is no route in the chamber the rifle is unloaded and safe to operate because it if you will rotate the level you can release at the trigger humber and the trigger hammer can engage the firing pin and you're going to have negligent discharge you want to avoid that but moving forward if you want to improve the stiffness of the safety level on a kei rifle rotate to the ground you know like 90 degrees position and then you will Bend you will basically take it like this and you will pull that safety lever towards the receiver body this will increase the stiffness on the safety level because you will be going to the forum that safety level like this and it will be you know harder to move up and down on the receiver now what you doing if you want to make it more loose because let's say the safety lever is too stiff you will do the totally opposite you will take this safety lever still in that 90 degrees position and push it away from the receiver so this time the safety lever will Bend away from the receiver it will not have as much friction as it had before and hopefully it will work better for you now are two things to remember and I will use this safety lever to talk about it sometimes on a que rifles you have so called to fall out of safety that one was already modified but you can see comparing to the regular you know semi-auto safety the semi-auto Safety's got a cut out not the full auto safety will be basically flat or and you may have a problem rotating that safety to that 90 degrees position because it will engage your trigger so what you gotta do before rotating that safety to the 90 degrees position you have to remove basically a trigger pin or to make it loose that trigger and then you will be able to rotate that full auto safety also it's a good idea to create that notch on the full auto safety until you will have no problems with for removing the safety lever in any situation without you know going into the digging into the pins for the fire control group you don't have to do that but also let's say you have tried to either bent or out that safety lever and it is still very very stiff and you still have a lot of problems operating the safety lever well there is a one more tweak which you can do usually that stiffness comes around that little you know let's say a disc which is attached on the on the axis which is going through the receiver but there is like a little disc going around data bracket and basically sometimes you just have to polish it a little bit around it and make it more smooth surface this around here what is that friction going to the receiver because this is the point where the receiver has the hole created for the safety and you're trying to rotate that safety and there is a lot of friction between that hole and top you know that disk so you can you know fire a little bit on the safety I wouldn't do it on the receiver because I like to keep the receivers you know receiver it's like a steady piece so I would rather modify the safety level than the receiver but if you're desperate you can you know fire a little bit on the receiver inside that hole but remember if you were filed too much and then you that safety is going to flop like crazy and that's why I don't like to do it on the receiver if you have to try it try to do that around the disk on the safety level if you were screw up you can always get the new safety level but basically that's much pretty much as far as adjusting the attention of the safety level and make it your life are easier so now let's talk about how we should operate the safety it's kind of funny how we are all very used to our ar-15 rifles and as we know this safety could be operated basically with the tump and you can easily move it up and down switches from our safe to semi or - or you know burst of the Pens if you got the m4 or even full auto but you can do that basically but by operating your tongue right and you can manipulate that safety on ar-15s and force m16s this is a different from the a K rifle so you know how we got the safety level on the right side now people got upset about it how they complain about the ergonomics of this rifle but that goes back a little bit to the differences in the dark in between the aka rifles interruptions and basically Warsaw Pact and you know the Western Western armies or militaries with the Russians once you have disengaged at safety and you are operating in a hostile environment you're not flip-flopping called the safety back and forward basically the safety stays on on the fire position as long as the threat is present and nobody's manipulating that safety up and down with the m4 or m16 soirée RS people got a tendency to play with that safety switch is it necessary I will leave it up this for another discussion and we'll discuss the different scenarios you know for operating the safety levels but going back to our point right now you have to grip the rifle correctly and top you know I'm showing you overdoing this a little bit but this would be my position on the grip and being absorb the finger pointing towards the safety like this of course as you can see my finger is too short to engage the safety so what I'm doing I have a longer thing longer finger so called middle finger okay and you know hopefully nobody is upset about me showing the middle finger that way but with that middle finger look guys what's going to happen I can push my hand still my tongue is curling the pistol grip but I can now engage the safety and push it down or up add my will so I'm moving my hands not too much the tamp pump is still cooling the pistol grip but now I can extend my finger touch that lever and push it down and quickly then move the finger to the trigger if I have to and I can engage and send the lead down the range and then if I'm done I'm using again my longer finger and pushing this lever up if say it has to be engaged or put to the safe position now see I'm kind of lucky because I have a long fingers so for those people who do not have the long fingers on their hands what you're going to do you're going to keep moving that hand further and farther away but still hooking up that pistol grip with your thumb so if you got a smaller hands yes you'd have to let it loose a little bit more and then engage the safety and move it to the fire position okay that's the only way I don't want I don't like to take the whole hand and move it down and then grip the pistol grip because you are losing or wasting a time all right but up as I said try to always keep it that tomp hooked around the pistol grip and learn yourself how to operate the safety with that extended finger really it will take a little bit practice but you can get very very proficient now what happens what happens when the safety is in the fire position and I really know I see something but I'm not ready to shoot yet you should never ever put the finger to the trigger guard or ain't hold it like this if you are not ready to shoot but you know there is something up there I would rather hold it like this I will hold my finger against that make release guard hold it like this and then if I'm seeing that the situation is improving or not improving but becoming worse because the threat is coming my way or whatever and I have a good shot yes you're moving the finger to the trigger and you are ready to engage again you may be in the situation when there is a danger you know that there is a danger that so your safety level is down you are ready but protect yourself from the negligent discharge by holding the finger like this against that mag release guard ok so I know there are there are some people who are teaching that you can put the finger like this through your finger against and press it on the other side and your key creating some sort of the mechanical level which is preventing you from the squeezing the trigger I don't like this method okay if some guys are like to use it be my guest I'm always this is this is the perfect spot to keep your trigger finger to rest your trigger finger still it could be very quick see basically too slight if you have to do some you know quick maneuver to the trigger and squeeze the trigger but basically once the trigger safety lever is down and I'm you know I'm ready to ask for action I know something's happening but I don't know I don't have a good shot yet I'm just holding my finger right like this and scanning the real looking for the thread to present himself so that's pretty much all it about the regular a K standard a K trigger there are some other variants of the a K safety levels this is very interesting mod some people are modding their safety levels with adding the tab putting the tab or to the regular safety how it was before and they using the rivet and this way you know you can operate the safety by still holding the pistol grip like this you don't have to make that forward move and use your a longer finger to do so you can operate the safety lever basically with your trigger finger okay as you can see and as I said I know how on the internet you can buy sometimes all those steps and the rivets until you can rivet it by yourself and create that type of the safety level from the economics point of view it is kind I know interesting solution and it's quite popular among the ek users to do that kind of mod this is of course the Polish Tonto so the poles were kind of playing with the safety as you can see on the other side you got the safety level which could be engaged similar to what you have on the EM force or our m16s with your tongue but you know forget about this because this is dedicated for the tantal rifles on but I want it show I want I want to show you that our mod this is by adding that tab to the regular safety level as I said a look on the internet you can buy or do it yourself kids for it and it's kind of useful now there is another solution on the market which is very very popular this is so-called crap safety as you can see this is basically ready to use safety lever that tab is part of the safety level this is how it was stamped this is how it was formed until this is basically the same idea you are just using your trigger finger to operate the safety up and down until it's much easier again for some people compared to the regular a.k safety however without those type of the safety levels guys be careful sometimes some people do not have enough deformation on the dust cover like you have right here see that dust cover is a little bit bended away so that safety level can stop and with the crêpes safety levels what I had once at our classes the kreb safety level is made from a little bit softer metal so it's easier to the form one way or another make it either stiff or loose but the penalty for this was the guy had a very flat dust cover and that safety travel when he pushed up safety up from fire to save he pushed that safety so strong that the level went basically over the dust cover it went over the dust cover and it happened like this it snapped and it caused the negligent discharge down the range you know thankfully nobody was hurt there was nobody up front of him it was done at the end of the exercise he just pushed that safety lever so strong and his dust cover wasn't you know really fun for that crepe safety and he jump over and caused the negligent discharge so be aware of those are always check your dust cover protect yourself from a situation like this prevent a situation like this from happening but going back to our subject pretty much that's it for the safety levels you got three options now you know how to modify the safety how to tune it for your needs and how to become a better a que operator please let me know if you have any questions thanks for watching
Channel: AK Operators Union, Local 47-74
Views: 176,474
Rating: 4.9586105 out of 5
Keywords: ak, ak-47, ak47, akm, ak74, ak-74, ak safety, ak safety lever, krebs, krebs safety, kalash, spetsnaz, ak tactics, kalashnikov
Id: OpsI6-Ig8rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2016
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