WEREWOLF DEFENSE!!! (Pure Silver 50 BMG, 500 S&W, 12 Gauge & More)

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all right Bob we're all set up and ready to film did you remember the Silver Bullets uh I'm not really sure where they went what do you mean I don't think I ever had them I'm pretty sure you got them nope I specifically gave them to you to keep safe for today's video so where are they I don't know man I don't know where they went well that's uh some really nice new clothes you're wearing oh these no I've had these for a long time i' had them at the back of my closet hadn't didn't even know they were there you you do realize your hat still has the price tags on it oh yeah I always do that I'll leave them on there you know uh just in case right oh look at that oh my phone it's vibrating I think I'm getting a phone call is that the new iPhone 15 never mind that uh hello oh it's an emergency oh yeah I'll get out of here I got to [Music] go what's up everybody my name is Scott and you're watching Kentucky ballistics and today we have some very unique rounds I have pure silver bullets these are 99.99% pure silver we have 9 mil all the way up to 50 BMG and our test subject today is an actual werewolf this was made by Ballistic dummy Labs it turned out phenomenal they did a custom mold this thing looks so creepy it looks like an actual werewolf and the reason we are using a werewolf is because the legend is that silver bullets are the only way to take out a werewolf and today we're going to find out if the legend is true will these help you or will they get you in a mess of trouble you you know your chances of encountering a werewolf are pretty slim but your chances of being involved in a self-defense scenario are a little bit higher thankfully there's organizations out there like today's sponsor uscca so who is the uscca well the uscca stands for US Concealed Carry Association and they are dedicated to helping responsibly Armed American citizens protect their family there are three pillars to a uscca membership ship being mentally prepared with your uscca membership you will gain access to a secure online training platform called The Protector Academy inside you will find digital guides ebooks and checklists all made by self- defense experts to help you better protect yourself and your family being physically prepared failing to train is training to fail the videos inside the protector Academy are broken down in a bite-sized chunks and you will learn Real World skills to turn you into a more prepared and proficient protector being legally prepared while becoming educated and trained can help keep you safe it's still very important to be legally prepared the hard truth is after a self-defense situation the aftermath can be unpredictable but all uscca members become insured on a self-defense liability insurance policy as an automatic membership benefit so if you're interested in becoming a more prepared protector of your family be sure and check out the uscca using my link in the description down below and if you're on the fence about your decision don't worry because thanks to the US cca's bulletproof guarantee you have up to 365 days to make sure your membership is worth every penny and if for some reason you're not satisfied they will give you a prompt and courteous refund again a big thank you to the uscca for sponsoring in today's video now let's get back to [Music] it dang it good thing we got Sportsman's got as a sponsor okay so here I have set up two 10% blocks of clear ballistic gel and a 5 gallon water jug just in case because I'm really going to try hard to catch these bullets today because unlike other bullets I've seen that were gimmicks these are real 99.99% silver bullets the only problem I have today is I only have one bullet for each caliber and I really want to see how this silver is going to react before we start shooting our werewolf so I'm going to sacrifice the 9mm bullet for Science and see how it reacts when we hit this ballistic gel with it this is a21 grain silver 9mm bullet I would really like to know the velocities on this thing but I kind of had a whoopsie with the chronograph okay here we go 9 mil Silver Bullet oh oh hope we caught it uh I hear it in there we caught it I'm glad I put that right there okay let's look at this gel first looks like the silver did not expand a whole lot and see that is a pretty small wound Channel and then it looks like it just kind of zipped through this second block you can see the wound channel is kind of faint and then we shot into our five gallon water jug if the 9 mil made it through that much gel and into the 5 gallon jug I think we may be in some trouble later on trying to catch these other silver bullets there it is right there it doesn't look like it really expanded at all that thing stayed solid and now for those of you who think that this isn't real silver and I'm just joking uh you can see that this whole thing is Silver the base everything that is good enough for me I say we shoot the werewolf now well after seeing that I know that we're going to have a hard time today catching these so I have a 5 gallon water jug and I have a level 3A ballistic vest I'm going to set that right behind this dude and that way if we do zip completely through him we have a better chance at catching these rounds and we're definitely going to need this for our next round because our next round is Good Old 45 this 45 ACP is 197 grains of pure silver let's see what happens when we hit Ye Old werewolf who's a good boy who's a good boy I'll be using a Smith and Wesson M&P 45 and again we have the 45 ACP Silver Bullet that looks so stinking cool all right let's see how it would do against the werewolf oh ew he got like black blood look at that so we had a good hit I don't I don't think we went through him I don't think we did I don't think it made it all the way through him that's really surprising after seeing how much gel we went through with the 9 mil I wonder where that thing stopped at no there it is it is it's right there I think tell you what I'm going to try to dig it out this is when I need Matt from demo Ranch here you know cuz he's a vet he could probably get it out for me look at he split here it comes here it comes ah jeez okay that one flattened out a little more but still not really expanding a whole lot so if it's coming down to what caliber am I going to choose against a werewolf at this point I don't know if I'm going to go with the tried andrue 45 ACP hit that subscribe subcribe button if 45 ACP won't cut it naturally your next step up is going to be 44 magnum this is a 185 grain pure silver 44 magnum and I'll be using this Smith and Wesson model 629 I would not want to be that werewolf right now okie dokie here we go w all right looks like we hit Mr werewolf right there and there used to be a rib there and now it's completely gone and it seems like yep we blew right through him uh blew through his back right there and then it looks like we hit our vest I don't even know if we oh I think I think it's in there yep there it is all right we got it we caught it I am retaining all of my silver today so far and again it's not really expanding a whole lot it's holding together quite well and I would say that a 44 magnum pure Silver Bullet would be a pretty effective round against a werewolf but here at Kentucky ballistics we are all about going big or going home unfortunately I cannot go home though because I had to sell it to buy these bullets so let's move on to the next caliber realistically if there was a werewolf of foot there is only one handgun I would grab and it's my absolute favorite the 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum this is a 500 Magnum with an 8 and 38 in barrel and this is a pure silver 500 magnum that is 272 grains of pure silver and I think it's going to cause pure pain to Mr werewolf okay here we go holy cow yeah I think a 500 magnum Silver Bullet would definitely do it all right let's have a look see here it appears that we took out quite a chunk of his chest and uh really messed up his rib cage here um oh yeah we uh oh dear okay let's use this back you have a look right here it appears that we had some pretty good expansion out of that 500 magnum and we have a little bit of uh um we've got some werewolf chunks on our vest here and uh we caught the round and there's one heck of a bulge in this vest let's see if I can feel it's down at the bottom it's down here I still don't think that round expanded I just think it was producing so much power that it really messed up that werewolf oh there it is that is awesome it's pretty wild to me that these rounds still aren't expanding because 500 magnum is producing a lot of power I thought maybe we needed more velocity and more energy to actually get these rounds to expand but I don't know if it's going to do it you can see it is missing a little chunk there from where it hit a bone or something all in all I am pretty impressed with the handgun silver over bullets but I'm most impressed with the 500 magnum that was our last handgun round now we're going to move on to some rifle rounds and shotgun so the next caliber we have is a 308 this is 182 grains of pure silver and this is my Ruger American 308 if the pistol rounds are just zipping right through the werewolf I imagine this is going to do the same all right here we go 308 oh dear so I added some more vests behind the werewolf because I figured the 308 was going to be penetrating a lot deeper so it looks like we hit right there and we zipped right through him I believe because uh we knocked down all of this uh yeah we have our exit hole right there and let's see here I had this turned this way no this way yep we hit right there let's see if we went through the other yep so we hit there and then we blew through that side and then we went into this side and I well I don't think I don't think we made it through the other side oh there it is it's really stinking hot oh yeah all right we finally got some deformation I'm going to throw that in that water real quick cuz that is smoking hot Let's uh give it a little bit of water that'll help okay so with the increased velocity we had increased deformation you can see that thing is all kinds of chewed up you can see all of the rifling and the bullet that looks so stinking awesome the 308 was pretty darn effective I have one more rifle round to use that's quite large and kind of makes my neck itch but before we shoot that one I have a shotgun round that I want to try out I am very excited to try out this next round I have a 12 gauge 2 and 3/4 in Shell and it is filled with 1.4 oz of pure silver shot and I'll be using a mosberg pump action shotgun you just got jammed all right 12 gauge right to the belly [Music] oh what did the werewolf say when he was having a bad day his day is pretty rough okie dokie let's have a look see here that silver shot goly that really chewed him up um I don't think any of it made it through the back let's see no no none of that made it through the back it was about the size of I don't know number four shot um I didn't really expect it to go all the way through him oh this is really gross I'm trying to find like one of the pellets there's got to be one in there but I don't know no oh gosh I won't be retrieving that silver so the round I have for our grand finale is just in case you encounter a really really big werewolf this is a 50 BMG this is a 752 grain pure silver 50 BMG it is a little bit sketchy I'm not going to lie so I've busted out the rn50 we're going to get this thing set up in the Lead Sled and I really want to catch this round so we're going to take some extra precautions I have body armor water jugs body armor more water jugs and then one last water jug at the end and now I'm going to take Mr werewolf here and I'm going to set him up right over here get him set up and oh would you look at that this muzzle lines up perfectly with his muzzle my neck is kind of itchy it's a good sign well that's kind of tight I don't know if that's a good sign or not oh that's looking real good okie dokie here we [Laughter] go that was the craziest thing I have ever seen he has no more head uh let's see if we actually caught the round I'm pretty doubtful uh okay the gun just kind of opened automatically that's always a great sign that's stuck in there pretty good we'll get that later gun seems to be okay now the werewolf um not so much uh completely completely gone the entire head is gone here uh looks like we blew through this vest then we blew through this jug I don't see any holes on our table so that's a good sign I don't see any holes in this I feel like maybe we did stop in the vest I don't know let's inspect here oh oh I think it's in this first panel oh yeah it is look here it is right there holy cow this is great this is wonderful news this means that I can potenti buy my house back oh man oh look at that that thing is all chewed up oh oh it's really hot that is really hot oh there's some chunks in there some little bitty chunks but we managed to successfully catch that 50 BMG let's pour a little bit of water on it cool it down a little bit they're all nice and cleaned off check that out just completely destroyed that round honestly I'm quite surprised that we stopped right there in the vest I figured that it would have kept on going but I guess we had a lot of deformation when we smacked into the werewolf's nose speaking of which um I am not really sure uh where any of his face is I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the stratosphere okay so let's look at what we have left today I did not recover any of the shotgun round but we do have all of these there is the 9 mil out of the gel that is the 308 this is the 45 I believe that is 44 magnum and then this is 500 magnum and then of course 50 BMG so it seems to me that silver bullets would 100% be effective against a werewolf and probably most things they did not really expand much they functioned kind of like a Full Metal Jacket except for the 50 BMG which looks like it got thrown in a wood chipper well that's going to be it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it let me know what you thought about these silver bullets in the comment section down below also be sure to check me out on Kentucky ballistics breakdowns Kentucky Customs I promise I'll be posting new videos soon and Kentucky ballistic shorts those can be found in the description down below along with links to Kentucky ballistics shoot I'm done messed up along with links to patreon Facebook Instagram and x and a link to Kentucky ballistic.com just in case you want to pick up a shirt also be sure and do me a favor and hit that like button and if you're not subscribed to Kentucky ballistics do yourself a favor and hit that subscribe button and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics I'll see you next [Music] time [Music] [Music] why is he so bouncy making a fool of me this Hammer weighs like 50 lbs I'm [Music] [Music] exhausted I give up werewolf wins [Music] n [Music] he
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 3,875,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silver bullets, pure silver bullets, kentucky ballistics, could you defeat a werewolf, kentucky ballistics werewolf, werewolf defense, 50 bmg made of silver, 500 magnum made of silver, silver 50 bmg, silver 500 magnum, silver 44 magnum, kentucky ballistics could you defeat, kentucky ballistics 50 cal, werewolf protection, how to defeat a werewolf, pure silver 50 cal bullet, silver 9mm, 50 cal vs werewolf, kentucky ballistics how lethal, kentucky, ballistics, silver, bullets
Id: 6WIow93XWFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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