AJS News - BF 2042 Content Leak, Stalker 2 Cancels NFTs, Tencent Buys Turtle Rock, CDPR Settles Suit

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[Music] hey everybody welcome to ajs news this is uh the last news we get before the our little break yeah christmas christmas break hopefully you guys are having one and you get to do plenty of gaming uh but we also have a little special uh thing for you here from our sponsors check it out little joe where the hell you been on the show i ain't seen you in forever what all day long guys little joe he has been sitting there watching anime all day long on crunchyroll [Music] and you know what he even set up a promotional deal for us where you get crunchyroll free for 14 days using our link at crunchyroll.com angryjoeshow and then you can choose the right tier for you there's three different tiers of excellent anime goodness i'm watching demon slayer season two two episodes are out right now y'all need to check out if you haven't anime is good for your body it's good for your soul so says little joe okay be more like little joe get yourself set up with crunchyroll guys and use our code down below click that link thank you guys so much and hope you enjoy the show enemy that's got to be one of the things that you're going to be doing over the christmas break right it should be and do it with crunchyroll guys you could only take family for so please watch some anime from crunchyroll using our link click our link down below it helps us out it's our sponsor we really appreciate you engaging with that uh thank you uh for watching let's uh figure out what happened in the last week all right tencent bought another studio this time it's turtle rock uh the company that made back four blood wow um huh you know there's they got smacked down a little by uh by the chinese government with a bunch of new legislation and you know people can't play video games as much as they want to you can't make new games as much as you want to they're really trying to make money here in the u.s so they're transferring me over to the us now they've got a huge amount of holdings already here remember they they've got ownership of uh exile they have league of legends yeah right riot games uh there's they've got their hands in a lot of different things so this is just another one now of course uh turtle rock says look we retain complete creative control they're just doing the money stuff and so this will hopefully help them you know make new games and continue to update stuff so that's how it always starts i don't i don't know if one company is like no they're they're gonna completely [ __ ] everything up and tell us what to do openly nobody's gonna say that yeah uh but the last game back for blood a little bit of a mixed bag at least from us we thought you know there were some good things and some bad things so i'm i'm curious to see what are we going to get back for blood 2 are we going to get something unique and different uh you know with 10 cent money i don't know i hope it's unique and different because i um you don't want to play the zombie game you're different i think i'm done with that all right joe you called damn don't you look at the cold man i am cool it is i don't know why yeah it's cold i'm in a short sleeve by the way merch new merch in the store i'm in the shortly just keep you warm joe you need to use this chainsaw see it always it operates on your body uh disclaimer does not actually operate but it does feel really good uh-huh uh all right well we got some news from bungie uh their head of hr is stepping down um so we were talking about blizzard and activision and ubisoft and all these other big gaming companies who think it's funny to like grope women and not promote them and that's then when they were then they report these people and they're like no no no we're gonna demote you make sure you don't get raises uh or fire you and so there's been a lot of clamor around bungie as well because they're like hey this to a lesser extent it's still horrible but to a lesser extent what's happening at bungie and so this person gail daunt uh has left her role at the studio because she was kind of in charge of this whole thing making sure that these things were taken care of and it just was not the case so it wasn't taken care of was not being done yeah so i felt things kind of swept under the rug not you know it's got a pile of paperwork i was like well time for me to go time for me to hit the old dusty trail he's like wait wait wait wait wait i'm looking for new opportunities elsewhere yeah of not having to do that [ __ ] or deal with that yeah she knows something's coming very very much so now one thing that was kind of interesting in the article is you know in addition to stepping down said that moving forward bungie should get a new hr team largely uh comprised of people new to bungie you know one of the things that we constantly hear about these companies is it's a club of people yeah they've been there a long time they look out for each other they're like touched on it right there yeah it's just like look this is this is a big problem here where you know you've got all the higher-ups that were there for a long period of time break up the old fart club yeah and it's not just an old boys club it's just like people taking care of each other that's not what this is about this is making sure that your employees are not being groped um and you know we use that example a lot it's not just the gropings it's just women not getting the opportunities for promotions yeah there's all sorts of things that go on and so but remember hr is not there to protect you it's there to protect the company yeah and so that's so be careful yeah all right we got some good news uh i like hearing stuff about this hades is the first video game ever to win a hugo award beating the last of us two final fantasy vii remake and a couple years so i would be upset if we had a different story here okay well what what is the hugo award i'm not familiar um it's so the hugo awards focus on works from the previous year putting hades up against fellow 2020 releases uh so this is the first time um that they have had this category before they're going to recognize that this um you know for writing and so this is this is great okay um you know really likes seeing sci-fi um you know the community recognized sci-fi video games as like a you know it's the video game is only the largest entertainment industry in the whole world it's about time that we're starting to recognize storytelling there and uh hades was was great yeah i was trying to figure i was like i was like yeah when did this come out it says 2018 it was a while ago uh switch in 2020 uh windows in 2020 because i was like wow award um maybe i'll go back and play it but i ain't got no time for that we've got a lot of stuff to do here towards the end of the year but that's good including our our halo review before the end of the year it's gonna probably have to be after the break is what i'm thinking guys um and there's a bunch of other when we when we get back we're gonna play a ton of [ __ ] games that we miss we'll call it the games we miss free maths five dollars i tried to get i tried to get a refund on goddamn nerf legends they would not grant it to me because i left it running while we were watching are you kidding me they're like no we finally got some more i started playing eternal uh so stay tuned towards the end of the year for that when we get back from christmas break um go back to this original story to kind of touch on like why this is a big thing in 2006 the hugo awards originally tried to do best interactive video game category but it was cut from the ballot due to lack of interest um and so you know 15 years can change a lot about how the perception of video games so this is a really good thing you know it's a medium that we absolutely adore here and i'm glad it's getting some recognition all right let's talk about uh ubisoft um yeah the ubisoft wanted to throw nfts in in their video games because everyone wants to throw nfts in all of the videos they want to make money uh [ __ ] nfts and i am gonna fight hard against that [ __ ] in the video games cause i know it's just yet another thing that's gonna [ __ ] ruin video games i have something to say after but let's let's so even the staff the the article is even the staff within ubisoft are like what are we doing with this why are we doing this how would the staff is like wait what are you just using you're just throwing buzzwords up that you don't know what it means being able to do this yeah they're like oh we got a new blockchain it's like sir do you know what blockchain is no but my my nephew says we got to do blockchain so we're going to do blocks more like the execs heard that it makes money yeah and so even the people within ubisoft uh have no idea what it's there for and then one of the things they touch on which is which is great is is this really worth the extremely negative publicity this will cause probably ubisoft's reputation is already in the [ __ ] [ __ ] i think i saw something like that on twitter like somebody looked up the number of transactions that were already happening with the the little nft thing it's like 15. it's like 300 moving back and forth between the same bots yeah because the [ __ ] probably gonna be filled with goddamn scammers so they're losing millions and millions of dollars in [ __ ] pr and reputation potential reputation to uh ruin their reputation over what 300 bucks and [ __ ] worthless nfl 300 bucks is twice what they've made off uh break point in the last week though so i mean like that's out that's big to them that game is trash uh all right let's talk about stalker two soccer two was originally the first story that we were gonna write uh yeah this week was soccer twos auctioning off rights to an npc likeness as an nft and they were gonna do all this other stuff we didn't even get to talk about it because it was the meta human yeah you could become a metahuman if you have this nft [ __ ] in the [ __ ] game and everyone hated it so much and there was so much twitter hate and even well-written it's not just like oh we hate you it's like this is a stupid idea and here's why that it is canceled they're no longer doing that they're like so first victory thank you angry army for making your voices heard and let's continue to do that and i will continue on on twitter to educate people i was actually talking with tinsley who she she runs yeah a pr company uh or a video game company that helps people put the word out um to promote the games rather and uh you know she says i realize i'm opening a can of garbage here but if you don't want to deal with nfts in stalker just don't buy them question mark i play ftp and loot games all the time and just ignore the feature it doesn't affect my overall gameplay at all just move on with your lives so it's a bad take and i love her today and she's awesome she's like one of the good ones in this field and so i replied very respectfully and tried to craft my response so that she could see what we deal with on a daily basis when we have the end game that we get i said many invasive micro transactions didn't start that way right it's you know where does it go next uh it's a frog in a boiling pan situation it's like what is the purpose why are the nfts there right the answer to that is not to improve the game is to make money i said does it improve gameplay story or does it have the potential to distract ruin and short development um and then i and i end with ignorable ultimate team micro transactions have ruined ea sports games so something that is ignorable in video games has destroyed a particular genre of video games because it changes development over time companies put more and more resources they lose focus of what the [ __ ] thing should be in a in a search for a never-ending source of money and some people need to be told that or or need to realize that yeah it may seem harmless at first or the first iteration of nfds are harmless and all this other stuff it just has a potential another potential to uh to [ __ ] things up you're saying that if we just ignore things we don't like they'll go away they go away that's how that works your voice and there was another guy here maddie dcl blogger when you spend 200 in traditional gaming you lose 200 when you number one that statement's wrong but will continue when you spend 200 in an nft game you get an nft which you could probably sell for 200 or more if the player base utility increases why would anyone oppose this well number one you know if you're talking about spend 200 in games you got 200 worth of entertainment hopefully if you're buying the games that we recommend that you buy and you're watching our reviews and not buying garbage uh but you know he's like i have no idea why traditional gaming or i have no idea what traditional gamers are trying to protect you know that's the thing and again i respond to this guy just more nft uh people and i looked at his profile he says nft obsessed i said i went a little harder on this guy said because you were never a traditional gamer you're just here to make money as an nft obsessed tryhard we're doing you a favor by opposing nfts infecting games it's yet another way for children to gamble and to lose money it's just another outlet for companies to take advantage of their consumer base uh but no worries you can still waste your your money on eight pictures so go do that instead the one thing that's great about this is oj and i have been talking about getting into being international art thieves for years i just right click save as boom international art thief i own this i own this thing you guys like not on this no i don't know my wall desktop wallpaper right now i own this guys don't don't buy into this [ __ ] do not [ __ ] listen to defenders of this their their motive is to make money and their motive is to have you lose money and then make money and and honestly we are protecting that guy because he gonna [ __ ] lose a lot of money because as soon as these [ __ ] nfts and video games come out and the gamers speak and they say we don't want this [ __ ] [ __ ] the game is going to go to crap and then you've got a worthless piece of digital micro transaction you don't even have that you have a receipt you have a receipt to a worthless digital micro transaction that anybody else could just be like no i own this oh anyways it's it's not worth it it is scary it is scary joe it's not worth twenty dollars to not to to own an m object number seven eight five two one three five seven two for an m4 it no nobody gives a [ __ ] it doesn't [ __ ] make any sense and it's just another [ __ ] way for i don't know uh crypto bros to to [ __ ] make money well they're not gonna bring it they're not gonna bring it into our video games and we're gonna fight it to the death because the last thing gaming needs right now is another [ __ ] distraction from making good games and another [ __ ] never-ending money pit where people pay 300 for useless [ __ ] digital goods that that expire as soon as the game is done all right so [ __ ] stupid i i just don't get it why money it's funny it's financial hot potato and they're just hoping that they can pump up the value and then ditch it and then you'll be left with bump up of all the people that have owned it so you could see how much of a [ __ ] [ __ ] you are and how much money you've lost um cd projekt red uh has decided to settle with their investors for one point eight five million dollars uh which is way lower than i thought it was yeah i thought you're gonna say something with a billion or something no i mean they made they made good money but they didn't make that much money but still um they said that with if you don't remember what we were talking about cyberpunk was released in a way that uh was totally and completely unfucking playable on consoles now that is a fact and if you are arguing with me you're goddamn idiot because you it was not playable on those base consoles now again another fact is the majority of people that they were selling this game to were on the origin on the last generation based consoles more ps4 and xbox one players then on pc and on the new generation console and so which means that the investors were saying look if the majority of our marketplace could not play a game that you told us that they could play and we gave you money based on that information you lied to us and potentially lost us money also a fact and so that is why the the cd project is settling with them saying look we're sorry sort of in a very small financial token sort of way this is a token amount of money god damn it yeah that's the same thing that seems like a little bit see the project right has some good lawyers joe holy [ __ ] i thought there would be an extra zero you know at least get it into the tens of millions but one million [ __ ] that's chump change yeah so the investors were originally claiming or were claiming that the studios management failed to disclose that 2077 was virtually unplayable uh due to an enormous number of bugs and so this whole thing is kind of for as far as the investors go seems to be over now there's still a couple pending suits right the country of poland is looking at them saying look you cannot falsely advertise that your game is playable on this thing there's a lot of that's a big deal because the country of poland was really [ __ ] proud of cd they even gave obama did you notice they gave obama a copy of the witcher game i don't know if he ever played it probably not probably didn't play it but that's how proud they were of cd projekt red and uh what they've made and now the government is looking to to potentially well whatever if they if they had [ __ ] like i'm surprised there's not an extra zero on that number one million that's not the yeah they better take that money that they would have paid out and put it back towards the game the lawyers have to be taking most of that money probably and so like i said this almost feels like a token where they're like we're sorry we'll fix it you know some of those free dlcs we're promising we'll actually sell them now we'll make we'll make you feel we'll make you more money what do you think yeah no we'll see there will be some free ones that's coming but there's these paid ones too better at least there's better be some yeah at least a free or something i mean what [ __ ] this punk drama is not over yet so oh yeah just wait till night if oh if night city comes out like [ __ ] broken as [ __ ] we're like oh god what is happening yeah we'll have to uh we're done no no no we're not done they're done yeah well there's always gonna be more done with cyberpunk like completely because i'm looking forward to the new dlc it's called night city something like that i was confused at what you were saying just if night city returns is all broken yeah yeah i don't think they're to allow that to happen if it would it would be quite funny quite funny i'm going to do this all this work and it's just as broken as the initial one i'll get it on ps4 i'll i'll pull out the old ps4 and i'm going to play it on that one because i want to see if they if they still mess that up all right all right well we got some battlefield news right you want to talk about oh my god yeah so this is uh this is uh it's a dead game oh the [ __ ] hazard zone man if you even try on pc try again hazard zone it takes hours it's not dead i'm i'm obviously being a little exaggerating but for a major release like this the player numbers have plummeted there's no doubt about that there's just as many people playing battlefield 5. they're going back to battlefield 5. that's how bad it is joe and people are just they're feeling they're just they have emptiness and they're like i've already gone through all these shitty guns i'm [ __ ] done with this and i i now speak to him i thought joe was wrong i [ __ ] yelled at him for it but now i see i see the lie there's there's something here but don't worry i will just they'll fix it there'll be updates and the new content remember the promise for free content is live content what is the new content well uh per some data miners they found out the the little advertisements for battlefield 2042 season one it is scheduled to begin in march of 2022. wait martial yes you've got quite a long ways to wait uh before you get yeah before you get there and that is um [ __ ] i was thinking it's more like six months and [ __ ] it's gonna be dead by six months um but this is uh season one seems to be scheduled for march 2022 exposure is probably the final name for a previously data mined ridge map so you're getting a new ridge rigged map bridge map seismic activity in british columbia has damaged the canadian u.s base uh research facility base a landslide has exposed the interior and damage the surrounding area the russians wrongly allege that this has revealed a military weapon and deploying forces into the canadian soil to secure it that's from the u.s side the russian side a landslide and the canadian rockies granted us a view inside the black ridge facility and what we see is a direct threat a weapon that cannot be allowed to continue to operate today's mission is urgent you will travel to the base along with their allies then secure all sections on site and that little bit has more story than the entire [ __ ] battlefield game from the russian side in the american side because it's not in the goddamn game oh man right now so civ 6 has more players than than battlefield skyrim's got more players i mean there's a i mean there's a bunch of them man it's crazy yeah yeah they're really low on players oh yeah um imagine spinning and they're already did you know i was already 50 off in some [ __ ] areas like 30 50 oh man that must feel great to people who spend 120 [ __ ] dollars and then i'm so hurt by this it really really hurts me that uh yeah but you know what joe don't put it here don't be sad this is just how it works out sometimes [Music] my whole friend my whole game dead potentially my franchise dead we have no [ __ ] idea hopefully vince takes it in the right direction but that's just how it works out sometimes don't be sad don't be sad hey you know you don't make you feel better avengers has uh 500 people playing it right now that game came out a long time ago well spider-man's recent so yeah but spider-man came out and so 500 people are playing it one [ __ ] map really nice nice dice nice you think one map is gonna save your player base in in four months from now which probably be delayed who knows i mean this is old data mine [ __ ] so yeah i don't feel like playing and that's so starting season one because all this [ __ ] that we're in is preseason oh but they wanted my money then no they want your money now yeah so but i already paid them so why didn't i get because no you don't because that's the future now [ __ ] i'm paying them [ __ ] ntfs i'm about seven years no no no no they're ntfs yeah nfcs i'm just sending a picture of my ass yes there you go yeah you guys like worked out what did you say you sent a picture of your assets yeah it's my ass oh your thoughts the same thing sold it to them assets so now they owe my ass that's worth a thousand dollars you better give us a thousand dollars for it you're straight you're gonna put you're gonna put it out there and then someone's going to blame it as their own which is the other thing no jobs they steal the arguments it's so funny that we could take a picture of other joe's ass and you and me could make nfts and just make money off it and joe would never know and can do nothing about it that's the concept of nfl well there's a deviant artist that would have i saw an article where it's just all of their their entire portfolio is being stolen and being being put down and in the blockchain and it's not that's not just the only person it's hundreds of these deviant artists getting all of their art stolen and people like i own this it's like but you don't actually you just you're an idiot to put it in this is so easily scammable it's like 99 of it is a [ __ ] scam we do not need this in games guys let's work hard and diligently to have our voices heard that the last thing we need in games right now are these [ __ ] no [ __ ] thanks is what they are there's nfts no [ __ ] things all right you wanted you had one thing you want to talk about oj oh yeah we have an announcement of an announcement what what does that mean oh sweet we games avalanche is announcing early 2020 for the release of hogwarts legacy are you sure wait are you saying that doesn't make any sense are you saying they're announcing that they're going to talk about when the game is they're going to talk about more updates and stuff but it's going to be like a release date will be announced 2022 oh an announcement of an announcement the current response of an announcement i'm i'm actually looking forward to that [ __ ] game i know joe is the biggest hogwarts fan of us all well he's a little harry potter i mean by volume [Laughter] he's gonna make his character bigger than you it's true he's gonna be like you're gonna be the biggest hufflepuff that has ever roamed because you work for us just for that just and you work for us you are now forced to make your character shorter than joe's character when the game comes out perfect don't let us forget yeah i'll be i'll be in it no i won't even be a character i'll just be a house man that'd be [ __ ] sweet if that game is co-op but i don't think i want it to be co-op or something that'd be [ __ ] amazing so fall fall 2022 is the current rumors and the leaked release dates and so they're going to they're going to confirm that in the next couple weeks cool i'm i'm all for it i i was wondering where the hell that game is last time i we did a news story here there was like oh yes they were showing it in a mall or like a strip mall and saying do you guys like this like who goes to the mall i guess they i guess they didn't like it it disappeared for a while well hopefully it's it's doing well early anyway you know what we'll do well and we'll do well for you it's more anime in your life guys seriously this is one of my favorites uh you know partners that we have i want to show them we're doing well please do us a favor click the link down below engage with it crunchyroll check out some anime on there that you might be interested in we all have suggestions for you and uh yes uh try it out free so thank you guys so much uh for watching and we will see you on episode two of the news bye guys you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 86,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2A7dyqAiI5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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