Spider-Man: No Way Home Angry Spoilers Discussion!

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guys enjoy the video hey guys welcome to the spoiler section so uh fair warning um [ __ ] youtube [ __ ] spoil this goddamn film before i got a chance to see it pissed me off i was just randomly going through looking for skip and shannon and on my [ __ ] feed was a cam of the goddamn all three spidermans i was like [ __ ] and i said you [ __ ] [ __ ] i didn't [ __ ] subscribe to anything that's like that so i [ __ ] deleted that right away not interested in this channel and then late and then later on i was just scanning another one and then i was scared and then another one popped up i'm like man the youtuber logarithm is [ __ ] when it comes to that [ __ ] that scene got ruined for me i think it was somebody in chat they're like oh there's uh they they got edited out it's usually there's like you the three of them were there and you could see it on this trailer i was like well thanks for that well i know that last because we all kind of sussed that out yeah okay but i'm talking about like literal [ __ ] screen spoilers it bothers the [ __ ] out of me anyways obviously the spider-man are in the film okay andrew garfield works kept secret in the business andrew garfield and um toby mcguire are both in the film and they [ __ ] deliver i wanted more screen time their little banter back so good like it was great i [ __ ] love their chemistry together it was one i wanted more an amazing uh in the audience was really into it like so at some point uh peter's at the lowest of low because a moment happens we'll talk about it in a minute but ned uh is getting his own kind of cool stuff ned has a little bit of magic in his fingers he's able to figure out how to or just inherently have the power to open up portals because he got stole a little bit of uh uh doctor strange's uh portal opener impressed and uh so he's like uh we gotta find peter parker and we see peter parker and i'm so [ __ ] stupid because initially i didn't see it coming i was like oh but when he's walking towards i was like oh [ __ ] this is how they're going to do it yeah that's not yeah anyway jumps in and he jumps and i was like oh my god and then immediately with the comedy cause he's like who the [ __ ] are you you're not on peter parker you're not even spiderman and he's there's mj's like prove it and he's like he just goes up hold he's holding up just he's holding on to the ceiling with his feet levitating off the ground that's not enough you got to crawl around he's like this this this is not enough just [ __ ] great [ __ ] scenes and then yeah like the scene where she's like throwing bread and saying well your spidey says it's not tingling like a ball that's brand new it's not that sensitive i loved it it was just everything appropriate and the grandma in there and ned's grandma and she's like can y'all [ __ ] clean up the cobwebs and clean you because they start using their cobwebs in the house and then he does it again looking for peter parker and then it's uh uh tony maguire's and he comes in and he's not wearing the suit and later on andrew garfield makes a comment about it you're like are you going to go into battle dress of the cool you passionately faster he's like and he shows that he's got the suit on it i'm like oh my god i [ __ ] love it i have expected tony maguire to be like oh my god i had to run all the way here i'm out of breath because i had to beat a grandma for these beats some kind of throwback to that but they do some great throwbacks uh and and play around with the universes they make big jokes about uh uh toby mcguire's organic web shooter what that is oh it's so annoying for us to have to make these things and then and then later on it's like gross you make it inside your body yeah [Laughter] i did not think they'd go there but they went there they did went there implying uh spider-man has a an o face and another no no that's said no no that no and uh just some great uh throwbacks uh you know because they're all describing to uh our tom holland version of spiderman you know what loss they experience because because why my girlfriend died that's right but i well i don't know if she's a girlfriend but she did die aunt may passes away in this film [ __ ] green goblin killed her yeah and it's all her [ __ ] fault anime is a [ __ ] idiot see this is my cynical side i'm like what the [ __ ] make it take care of these people send them back to their [ __ ] universes that's what's right for them that's what's going to help them right i was totally on dr strange's team there is no team other than dr strange's team right with the of of morals and like look in the grand scheme of the multiverse you know you can't save everybody because peter has such a [ __ ] good heart well he's stupid from aunt may he's on may's suggestion she's well she's very stupid that you need to save these people that's what we're here to do she works at a [ __ ] homeless kitchen kind of thing and and she's like uh let's rehabilitate these people who are mass murderers and will rehabilitate him in one day or some [ __ ] you know it's like that doesn't it's like you [ __ ] annoying optimist yes i get it and and it's what a hero should do right and yes because it did win me over no i do believe at the end that that's something that spider-man would try attempt to do uh at least a younger version of spider-man a more naive and version of spider-man now do i agree with it no because it's incredibly stupid and look what [ __ ] happened yeah i mean it's it's dead because of aunt may and peter parker's dumb decision to try to rehabilitate villains in a night uh doctor strange was done incredibly dirty in this movie he's the worst part of this movie every scene that he's in this movie is is bad or leads up to things that are bad he tries to mind wipe the entire world of the existence of spider-man and like mid-casting so i thought that they would try to explain this better they didn't they tried to they said he said wait a minute you made me brainwash the entire world and you didn't even call to college to see if they changed their mind and it's like but that doesn't make it better because are you saying that because the college if if the college had he did call it college and they said no we will not make up our minds you will brainwash the world anyway he made him stop the spell because he wanted mj and uh ned to remember him instead of just going hey mj i'm spider-man ned i'm spider-man multiple people yep four it it was the crux of the thing the whole thing that's the whole film is built on he felt like one of those episodes dumb mastery from like a wish message like oh your wish is granted and yeah he's still kind of he's still doing that that would have been way better bumbling thing yeah and then every opportunity that doctor strange is in there when he says look we have to send these back because trillions of people over across all of the multiverses the multiverse can crack and explode and do all these crazy things we have to send these people back to die and he's like i don't want these people to die it's like listen [ __ ] yeah trillions of people can die so you so alex is right and as much as he'll probably piss off some fans and writing writing angry comments it it does seem like dr strange's character is done a little dirty here to make that plot point possible because consider everything that this [ __ ] has learned over his own film over the avenger films and the extremely great responsibility of his powers and how do they explain it here they don't really i hope maybe in the multiverse of madness they do they do touch on it that he's not the sorcerer supreme it's actually benedict wong now has the the sorcerer's supreme powers through a technicality because he was gone uh and he's kind of doing a thor thing he's not getting fat but he's kind of down on himself and i don't know being irresponsible i guess like like uh what is it endgames he's like i've been through every universe this is the right 14 million iterations but you don't see this is a bad idea yeah especially while he's changing it and they're doing it but that it's playing for laughs it is uh something that we have obviously easily accepted yes we gave the film 10 out of 10. but we still need to talk about it i should only first react well i shouldn't end game for the same reason it's like look the time travel and end game is stupid i still think i gave that movie a 10. it wasn't good it's the weakest part of the film and it didn't need to be the weakest part of the film that's the same thing here this could have been strengthened up pretty easily and this isn't even the only one the end part of the film with like a new spell every time doctor strange comes in it's just i totally buy it if it was the doctor strange from the first doctor strange film as he's training learning arrogance to him right yeah and that and i still understand it if it was a younger version of peter parker and this one is younger but you know even younger than this and then boy and then we have like a tone of the film this guy and it works i like the idea of a wish masters type thing where doctor strange is using an artifact he doesn't quite understand but then there are hidden consequences not that he's just a [ __ ] idiot because in this movie he's a [ __ ] idiot yeah you would have wrote it to where he didn't realize that there was because he still learned there's something riding on this yeah and then something is teased that it from uh multiverse of madness something that it could have been explained so much better and if doctors all dr strange had to do is be like look these guys have to die otherwise everyone here can die and then maybe i would have bought more on it and look i this it's a it's a nitpick that i'm making i love this movie you should go see it but i want spider-man movies to be good and this one was so close to being perfect yeah it's yeah okay and so then we move on from that point and he [ __ ] up the thing which shatters the uh or the spell becomes extremely unstable but he's actually able to contain it uh unfortunately before he was able to contain it little things leaked out and this pace i expected it to move a lot slower it moved a lot faster and it had to move fast because it's contained so much stuff so like almost instantly where you know they didn't make mit this whole again this whole weak reason that spiderman's like well it's i understand why does it because look his identity is revealed he's ruining his friend's life and so he's going to go and ask doctor strange but doug strange nope then close the door in his face kind of thing but anyway the movie's got to go on and we have to have a film so we do this kind of thing if it was written a little better it would work but then instantly we have the villains as spider-man is trying to convince this mit uh you know uh recruiter uh to let his friends in that's when doc ock comes you know great fantastic fight here um at one point is able to kill uh peter parker if not for iron man suit which manages to save him which surprises doc og and to the point was like you're not peter park my peter parker and this really [ __ ] interesting thing that happens there and let me talk about dog ox character because i [ __ ] loved his character from the original film sam raimi's version and i've always wanted to see him as a good guy as because you know he was a good guy until the [ __ ] chip malfunctions and that [ __ ] his brain up and we finally get to see um peter parker repair that chip with help and rehabilitate him and it does work for doctor because it was simply a chip that was turning him crazy and in fact helps him multiple times throughout the film i just really really love that that's something i've always wanted to see and we got to see they did well by a lot of the the bad guys here right so i think jamie foxx yeah jamie foxx got a really good turnaround here like there was more for the character to do he wasn't like weird and blue and so um and i think willem dafoe always kills it but he did so well in this like his fights were great yeah william defoe could could carry this film as the villain himself and he does he did yeah he really did uh so he shows up as doc ock is realizing this and uh but they're instantly pulled out because doctor strange uh is already uh with a plan on how to contain these things now it's sad that we don't really get to see lizard uh in his story you're saying i was thinking you're referring to the one villain that got kind of screwed over was lizard no i was thinking like the sandman's motive i don't understand let's talk about that in a second i thought you meant lizard lizard i think was fair to keep in the background because there's so many of them right i like the fact that look doctor strange while you were doing this [ __ ] doctor strange is actually doing his [ __ ] because he's realizing he [ __ ] up and he's containing lizard man you can say he's beat up so he definitely had some kind of battle with the lizard they've got doc ock contained but uh before you're able to engage in battle with green goblin they get pulled to there and then he's explaining this is what we have to do and it makes him feel uncomfortable spider-man uncomfortable because uh you know doctor strange let slip like you know these people are going to go back to their universes in which they die they're [ __ ] dead some are already dead some are uh will die and that doesn't sit well with peter and it doesn't obviously sit well with his pawns uh and the villains yeah because we're a guy we do get some of that too which i [ __ ] really like i'm like yes you're right i will help you and i believe that because like either we die or we do this and they're all [ __ ] genius scientists and themselves so i bought that i didn't buy that you would let them all out at one time that's not very [ __ ] smart maybe let a few one or two out and then you work on it together but no the dumbass has let everybody out and simultaneously they work he let any of them out on curing each other right yeah i guess they could work from their [ __ ] doesn't even work most of them do lit they sat there and did nothing yeah uh salmon didn't help lizardman doesn't matter man's not a scientist lizard man hung out in the trunk and the truck did nothing why did they leave him in the truck that kind of flew in he didn't what they didn't want him to like walk into right now you did was it a throwaway line i missed you stay here no no they said that he didn't he didn't want to leave the truck they just that's what they said that's it okay from the truck they couldn't have so peter could have done everything at home by himself and then he could just push the doo dead through no no no no i don't buy that he do everything by himself i do think that i like the fact that the genius of octavius the genius of norman osborne and spider-man and other you know everybody working together it was mainly just a norman name norman osborn in order to uh get osborne so they all help anyways but it's a dumb to let them all have this one but yes okay um [ __ ] i lost my lost my train of thought somebody pick it up okay so my thing was with sandman like he helps him out whenever they first meet he's like well i'm gonna help you out because he has a daughter he wants to go back home to you and then he sees them curing uh doctor octavius is like okay well i want to return to my world and be curious cured with my daughter yeah but then like some goes crazy and he's like yeah let's be evil i was like why why you're right i didn't see the switch over yeah you don't want to return to your daughter as a sane man right so at one point i thought because it looked you see the transformation of electro he was never fully on board he was thinking about it but he was also thinking about saying [ __ ] this right so when he busts out and he started doing i thought actually sandman was killing him to stop him but no he just [ __ ] yeah doesn't wait escape give me a line or something something yeah maybe that's on the cutting room floor but bad because that got lost in translation we also watch spider-man almost die we watch his aunt die on television and they have the button to stop all of it and then they don't press it and it kind of bothers me yeah uh so you're talking about ned and mj were uh entrusted with the box in front of all the villains uh with spider-man is like she's like i'm gonna push this button like that she'll push that button yeah and they're like we believe you push would you push the button yeah if something goes wrong i'm gonna push the button and so push the button uh happy's building explodes uh you see peter almost died on tv he's cut up and bloody we have to assume that the newscast didn't actually show [ __ ] you know they show him the actual death of her they were there before the fight starts they were there literally before the fight it's like hey we're here already your boyfriend is in the room with all the villains and all of a sudden the building explodes you hit that [ __ ] ball people are very stupid in the film one i would not believe that 50 50 would be like uh yeah [ __ ] mysterio is right and we believe him over spider i do believe some people because there's [ __ ] idiots in today's world a couple of years ago i wouldn't believe it i believe that a hundred percent yeah i have to take it back because you're [ __ ] morons and then tune on and people thinking trump was gonna run with jfk who's [ __ ] dead okay he's coming back they were waiting in dallas for him yeah so you're right there are stupid [ __ ] people that will believe conspiracy theories and then plea make fun of it a little bit what are you a conspiracy there is like don't listen to him he's a conspiracy theorist because peter actually tries to live in a world where he it's like for five minutes but he tries to live in a world where he's been exposed and obviously it's not working adding to the whole thing where you know his school is like half of the school likes him and then half hate him and but he's just a spectacled everybody's phones around give him a job just showing that if spider-man was revealed he couldn't live his life the way he was living his life so that gives him reason to go to doctor strange but anyways um yeah so eventually you know the villains here help me out here because there's a scene with green goblin who is talking to his mask because you know he's a tortured character um and he breaks his mask moves on we think at that point that he's moved on from his evil persona now was he evil the whole [ __ ] time he goes off screen here's what i'm thinking he either goes off screen and then you're left to assume that he's good up until the moment he betrays but i think when he goes off screen something else happens and he still has his evil persona which then rears its head it's not like it was an instant turn in that moment it was he actually there's a line that he says i was watching behind the eyes of this coward okay that's right remember that the spider-man senses switch immediately when green goblin switches over so here's what i didn't understand and i missed it because i was looking at a different part of the screen i was up real close uh tell me if you all remember it so the instant that he realizes that green goblin is bad he fires a web shooter at him and it hits something what the [ __ ] is his hand his hand no he's holding something too though i thought it was like a cl was it a cloaked hovercraft or he was holding some kind of black it looked like a like it the it was either the lamp or the robot and it just it puts his hand so he can't move i think he was just like securing him okay i i thought he brought something where he was going to attack everybody with but maybe no he just felt he was uneasy something's wrong boom and then when he did that that's when green goblin revealed him he's just such a great actor such a great persona the green goblin it works so well in this instance making me believe that i totally would want a sinister six movie with these actors don't [ __ ] recast him with other people i want like a sinister six with these he did he did a lot of his own stunts uh yeah and there are some really cool fight scenes between the two yeah he doesn't look like he's aged very much he looks almost i think he's he's always kind of looked a little old so now that he's older he's still kind of i just [ __ ] love the writing i love the dialogue i love the jokes from the villains from the spider-man uh there's so many genuine moments between all the peter parker's uh explaining their back stories here's what really got to me i wanted to talk about the emotional moments the gwen gwen that was the only other i didn't i was actually upset i didn't really feel anything for you there was one other oh yeah i actually didn't feel i was mad at her at first but then i did feel it like when he saw the blood and then he's like it's gonna be okay everything's fine yeah that kind of explaining to somebody that you love intensely that you'll that that that they're gone and you don't tell them uh that got to me and then what got to me is you know there's an explosion at some point in the um or somebody slips mj slips and she's falling in the same way that gwen fell in in andrew garfield's version and obviously tom holland spider-man goes to save her he [ __ ] gets hit by green goblin and luckily andrew garfield's version of spider-man is there to save her and boom spiderman got her and wow what a triumphant moment the audience goes crazy i went crazy i was like that is that feels so [ __ ] good because our man spider-man got done dirty in that film but it's a i'm not saying it shouldn't have happened in that film it should have you know spider-man heroes should go through these tragic moments but to get this kind of redemption moment is just [ __ ] awesome and it was oh yeah then he had his team that made me [ __ ] he's like he was a guy was crying that's good that's a good scene my eyes teared up alongside andrew garfield so um just because i love these spider-man characters uh so well andrew garfield's a little less but i've always liked him you know himself the the [ __ ] that surrounded him and you can even tell he's he was kind of third you know treated it they call him well you don't have to fight you'll get to fight aliens it's like toby's no no man you're not a loser you're amazing you're an amazing spider-man and it brings up the rest of the other stuff to bring us to the top so anyways um yeah okay so then eventually the uh three spider-man come together uh well first it's it's you know peter another sad scene i think it was peter by himself just crying you know he's this is a young kid that just lost his family and the last family right and he's already and you feel so bad for him because he went through his loss already with uh tony stark and it you just feel bad for him and so his friends come and hug him and you can see it in his face he's like wait a minute i feel it here well he feels that the other spider-man are there and he freaks out his spider senses are tingling and it's so cool to see him hop down and and then but again good character moment he's like yeah but i don't care anymore you know what i mean and you believe it it's like my [ __ ] my [ __ ] death you know yeah exactly if your mom or dad had died you're like i don't [ __ ] care i'm a president but he's such a nice person he's like i want to apologize to y'all etcetera you know for dragging you into this but you're you're going home uh but luckily you know when he gives her damn jmg's you know and hear him out and then they get the story and then you get the great power comes great responsibility which i think made it through all three films or was the was there a missing link in the amazing spider-man andrew garfield did they never say it in the andrew garfield i hope they did because then that would make a cool little thing where responsibilities so like where they lost their um uncles she spiderman here loses on me and uh don't let her death be for nothing this is what she wanted to do let's [ __ ] honor her in that way and honestly this is the right [ __ ] thing to do alex because if these spider-man would have been able to do it and and they eventually did do it and that's what makes it even more great that they help to [ __ ] rehabilitate and do these things and then send these villains back to their universes because at the end they're able to redo the spell uh through a technicality where if everybody forgets peter parker is spider-man uh they don't forget about spider-man they forget about peter parker yeah yeah uh then everything is fine but that includes his girlfriend his best friend so it's sad for him and everything but that's a small thing i don't even think paul would agree that you risk all of the multiverses coming to this one to be worth the these villains who literally are murdering evil evil villains um is is like the right thing to do yeah it's a little little there but i but it's like i just love the fact that they were able to rehabilitate some of them and send them back uh by the end so they fight uh lizard man um sandman and electro initially we were correct and the fact that there it's like this the composition of the scene doesn't seem right you you just feel it because you know we put together images and things like spiderman is way too high these are two and then there's all these other villains there's space over here so eventually they have a plan where they attack together it's great they're [ __ ] throwing things back and forth great battles they they fight their own villains they swap they're fighting other the villains from other spider-mans and uh and eventually they best lizard man holding him in place uh with uh some webs uh sandman they are able to toby uh toby's version is fighting him in the um the head of the statue of liberty and there and i think it's tom holland or andrew garfield it throws the thing to well they they all bounce off each other and cure sandman and so he's like you know cured i don't know why he was attacking them at home makes sense yeah he does he says something yeah give me the cube because he wants to go home right to his daughter i was like okay then they should be helping you yeah you should be helping the spiderman that's because jamie foxx was trying to blow up the box it was not address to our satisfaction i hope it's on the cutting room again yes i'm saying just little nitpicks here and there and jamie you understand jamie because he's a you know he's like the he likes the power he has he likes the ark reactor from uh uh stark's technology temptation's there so i get that totally makes sense and they they take him down by um doc dock takes and he grabs his [ __ ] and rips his [ __ ] off instead of uh the spider-man and i was like yes but then uh that's when we have the green goblin show up laughing and of course he's very [ __ ] cunning very guile uh they met he he gets the cube away from them but then they get the cube back but green goblin like [ __ ] instant reflexes knows that they're gonna get the cube back plants a little bomb there boom blows everything up that leads to that other scene and yeah just [ __ ] great uh and then eventually in the fight spider-man our spider-man tom holland is isolated with uh green goblin and he's [ __ ] pissed he is brawling just beating the [ __ ] out of him and it was a great battle dude just love that he's like now we're talking oh yeah you could tell he was out for [ __ ] blood because he punches down like the [ __ ] indention he made in that medal oh yeah i was like yeah he's looking to kill that's a great guy just like yes maniacally green goblin was totally into it he's like let's [ __ ] do this and it was just every swing i was like i was into it and then obviously that's where i was like because whenever i thought of that then like you see the little figure of the emperor is like yes strike me down in fact uh that's electro's must be into legos because he's like i got one question your leg goes over there that's a death star i mean that [ __ ] is now worth like a thousand dollars i know and that [ __ ] broke i wanted he broke it i'll put it together anyways so uh so yeah he he manages he's not rehabilitated uh and you know so he's beating his ass and he's about to kill him tomorrow like grabs his [ __ ] hoverboard which has massive spikes on it and he does he literally brings it down and if it weren't for toby maguire i love that he gets this moment because he's the original and i [ __ ] love him he's my favorite spider-man over tom allen oh yeah so he stops him and he's looking at him and they're looking at each other and you know they have that understanding he's got the look whenever he was holding the bus he had the same look he doesn't have uh he manages to stop him but [ __ ] green goblin still being maniacal as [ __ ] stabs him and i thought to myself for a moment i was like oh [ __ ] i didn't see that coming they're going to kill off at one of these guys and i thought maybe it was toby because he's like you know i'm too old harrison ford you'd yeah that's what i was thinking i was like look i'll do it if i get this badass if you get to kill me if i die triumphantly or something like that and everybody sat over me but no it doesn't really go that way they the the [ __ ] film there's like a psyche i've been stepping i've been saying i've been stabbed before right and andrew helps him andrew garfield and he seems he's going to be all right in fact they make a point to show that you know although he was hunched over and helping him up at first uh in the final scene he's actually standing on his own to show you hey don't worry toby's fine um yeah and so but then in that instance uh tom holland stabs him in the neck with the serum that's gonna cure him and it does cure him and he realizes oh my god i've done what have i done and so at that point all the villains are rehabilitized uh except for electro realm well he has his power taken away he has his power taken away and maybe he realizes he's been a [ __ ] dick lizard man gets converted back to his human form and if you want to talk about the villains they got the less screen time and they didn't really contribute money it was a lizard man but i do like the fact that he was in there because you do need some some extra stuff and i didn't feel anything was lost um so yeah he everybody goes back to their own universes but we get that scene though when uh doctor strange is trying to keep everything together oh correct and then he's like all these villains are coming i don't know if like i thought i saw like the scorpion guys and i kept looking in the wrong areas because once i would catch a flash or something and it would be gone before i was able to i saw like a scorpion test right now or something i was like maybe it's a hunter i don't know but there's like yeah they're all coming cool it's like we need to fix it who knows who spider-man is and all the villains are here's the thing there's one plot hole that maybe y'all guys can help it doesn't make any sense in the post-credits scene yes of course it doesn't make any sense so tom hardy is shown in the post-credits scene holland hardy no he's there what the [ __ ] are you talking about he's talking about are you talking about the post tom hardy is there in the mid-credits scene and he had been pulled into this universe now we saw that at the end of the sony film and you were like oh is that when like doctor strange [ __ ] things up you're right but tom hardy's venom doesn't know who spider-man is no so how did he get pulled in it doesn't make sense and how did he only get partially pulled out i was hoping that y'all would know but it's a plot hole then unless cause it's been unrevealed or the stupid line from the symbiote that i've been across many worlds before or something and maybe the symbiote has come across spider-man no the symbiote's not multi-multi-um something about he's been a bunch of worlds but he's not multiversal i thought it was in his speech this is the only way it works though that's the only way you put it together no because it has to do with dr strange and anything with doctor strange and it doesn't make any goddamn sense you're thinking about it too much you can't think about nothing about it too much and then the symbiote is left behind and that doesn't make any sense so i was mad at that because i was like and it's a funny scene because he's like wait so there's all these heroes here in this world are all open and doing their thing and they got stupid names he's like you know venom's like see i told you lethal protector wasn't stupid because they thought hulk was really stupid and i was like this is so [ __ ] awesome this is a great way to get him in the universe he blips back out but because he knew who spider-man was oh what the [ __ ] that doesn't make any sense and why would you tease us like that in the last film that we're gonna see the actor tom hardy meet the actor tom holland i mean their versions of these characters together just to blip them out so and then if you're telling me no joe it's actually a reversal it is a planning then they'll just why would they even do it like that because it's even more convoluted to then say okay well uh we do want tom hardy so now we have to find a way to bring him back across the universe with another [ __ ] spell that wouldn't work so he leaves a little symbiote villain symbiote and it's going to be a different venom it can't materialize and then also materialize tom hardy's dna and make it it just takes over the hospital it takes over the host that's what it is so i'm really [ __ ] pissed if i think about it if they're not going to go with tom hardy as the venom i wanted to see tom hardy's venom meet spider-man's banner now technically tom hardy's venom is going to meet tom holland's spider-man just without [ __ ] to do that tom hardy give me one i want something and i still waiting for him a moment i called it many years ago that venom likes the spider-man motif so much that that's when he makes it all the white veins into his own logo of the [ __ ] uh it would have been amazing if venom and toe for grace were there don't you ever ever wish for toe for grace to be there because it that was the worst venom it could have been just like them drinking is like yeah i don't think he's drunk in the background it's just topher grace actual toe for grace that would be cool just drunk uncredited yeah something like that i would like that i didn't get no respect either something something stupid but that would be kind of funny i'll take it back that would have been [ __ ] awesome yeah seasonal is making sense nicely i just i'm just saying not the i don't want to see him in this universe he'll if he gets transported back sure obviously just foreign grace i think even uh mary jane wanted to be in it uh what's the first mary jane what's her name kristen she was asked about it she said she would have done it um but yeah so that was the first one then the second one is the trailer for the multiverse of madness where we get a reveal of that film he's going to have an evil uh doctor strange in it and uh and he [ __ ] up and he's going to meet up with wanda uh from one division and discuss the multiverse and try to figure it out how did you how did you like the whole everyone's gonna forget about you i mean i understand what they're setting up but did you like the finals so then we have to do the final scene here uh he does the final spell which is able to then close all the portals back up send everybody where they're supposed to go unfortunately his best friend ned and his girlfriend mary jane have no idea who he was i thought they were gonna go with the drop a hint that she remembers or something but no they they just don't [ __ ] remember and he's rehearsing a line he's gonna tell her everything and and she says i love you before this stuff happens he says i love and she's like don't finish tell me you love me when you see me again and you explain it to me and he decides not to explain it to her why keep her safe yep yep and he realizes they're going to mit together he doesn't want to [ __ ] their lives up again and so this is too dangerous it almost felt like a fresh start like i was like oh [ __ ] are we just not going to see tom holland anymore since nobody knows that's peter parker and it's no it's already been announced tom holland is going to do more spider-man films because this film could have wrapped it up because he's going to fail [ __ ] miserably he's going to need something to do with with a we're going to see more um and eventually he can i mean isn't he in their class no i he's taking a the ged from home yeah you see that book so he's not going to go to high school what about dead on his powers yeah that was hinted at then that had some some powerful abilities he might still have but he's dumb i mean it's just a fun little thing joe i don't think there's be like ned is going to get his own character in the future why not i think in the comics he actually doesn't expect that ned needs or he actually turns into one of the hobgoblins or or something like that but he was brainwashed i don't think that storyline is going to happen here um that was just a fun little little thing that when he got the heat he got the ring and he's like i want to see peter parker family is magical and that's in a tiny inaudible so there is a comic book where he turns evil yeah okay he asks um and yeah he's my friend trying to kill me and stuff and that was a cool scene because he was like nah i won't do that i promise he's like i know why when he was using the ring when he was like hey show me peter parker and then they show the wrong one he'll show me peter parker and then they both come and just like man how would we find this other peter parker it's like you got to you got that no you don't want to do that anymore no okay we don't do it yeah um limited oh you're going to use it twice yes okay so uh great fight between spider-man in and doctor strange in the mirror verse yeah i [ __ ] loved it and he's like you know cause spider-man in this i'm glad they don't treat spider-man like a [ __ ] punk he's gonna get his ass kicked because spider-man is a heavyweight and you can even see he's a heavyweight even an inexperienced kid spider-man because he's able to kind of outsmart and come up with something because you're you're in his [ __ ] domain you're in doctor strange's mirror universe all of his magic of course he's trying to go light on you because you're a kid but still to be like all right uh geometry okay math you know what's cool you know what's better than magic i hate it don't agree with it yeah they did well for spider-man in that scene but again they did doc strange a little dirty yeah and goddamn boys behind the scenes but the [ __ ] green goblin just when they were pounding each other through the [ __ ] it was like a [ __ ] wrestling man he's been watching a lot of mma he's just like lifting his ass up [Music] sidewalk power bomb i was like this oh my god this is a great explosion and then oh this is great wonderful it's again i'm going to watch this i will watch i want to watch this again yeah go start going back to the moon um let's make movies like this yeah make a dude the mcu i'm gonna [ __ ] if they you know everybody's well there's only you know they need to stop making superheroes and [ __ ] off if they make them as good as this i'm down for them there's going to be some that are bad yeah and there's going to be some that are good and this is why we're calling out one of the good ones go out and see spider-man no way home yep spider-man homeless homecoming this is way better than the other two films in my opinion um okay so let's let's i don't want to miss anything uh he's got his own place now uh james which was great jade jameson was funny uh he's just being himself i thought man could we get this guy on spider-man's side nope that's not his thing uh even after the mind wife he goes back to hating spider-man because he hasn't revealed his death identity he's a coward he hated him when his identity was revealed showing that he's a hypocrite he's just always going to hate spider-man so uh and then he hates him when uh you know his identity is hidden back again and um yeah that's it where do you think they're gonna go with that venom symbiote are they gonna do secret wars and do it in reverse which it's like the symbiote attaches to peter right and he uses the venom symbiote for a little while because you remember secret wars peter had the black suit at first and then went to the red and blue maybe they'll do a reverse where the symbiote attaches to peter then he oh we're gonna have like a road trip from it with the symbiote because he's in mexico road trip time yeah is that where he is he's in mexico yeah he's gonna go to host to hosa host all the way to new york i don't [ __ ] know so you guys give me ideas road trip what do you think they're gonna do is it or do i think marvel's gonna do or sony's gonna do both oh if sony is in charge they're gonna do the worst thing possible make it pg and i'm not gonna like it marvel does no no no you're you're misunderstanding because you all are trying to do both in in the same storyline sony is going to continue their venom film marvel is going to continue their venom in spider-man's mcu so what are they going to do with venom in spider-man's mcu do you think that symbiote is going to attach to peter parker or is it going to go to flash thompson you know are they going to do that where i just don't like the flash thompson character very much in tom holland's universe they use him for comedy here again he makes it into mit where nobody else does he has a book because he kept saying like nobody would be [ __ ] broke even you know like spider-man he could you know he's the most notorious one and he's like broke no you can make money from it also the stark family practically adopted him and he's and he's got no money like this is one of the things it works in the other universes where there is no connection and this one it does you will never have me believe that any of these people are broke right yep and if they don't get into school it's like cool we'll just go immediately work for starters and the school is like no we don't want spider-man we don't want an arrow to be in our school no i don't buy that [ __ ] either you know oh pepper's gonna immediately not take care of you all of a sudden no there she hates you know who you are anyways um so i personally think i guess that symbiote if they're not doing tom hardy they're going to do the symbiote with spider-man and that will be spider-man's new film flash goes to mexico as a celebration getting into mit and then it'll attach to him and then he'll go back i don't know i don't want to see him that's going to be worse than grace i don't yeah i don't see him as a villain that would [ __ ] he's just everything up tom hardy or riot well maybe he just is the courier to get him from one not riot tom venom yeah not ryan no not the other one tom hardy or ryan not right we don't like that right no no and not not tom hardy's carnage either don't like that one so maybe we can get the good carnage i didn't like it and then and then back on the venom side i guess they'll continue the whole tom hardy is you know his wife is with somebody else and he's cucked and he's and then he's sad and depressed that's why he got drunk jokes that's why he's drunk i don't really see where sony goes with their sony doesn't even plan the next scene they're not planning the next movie so i don't know uh you're gonna have to your guess is as good as ours give us a good guess i think secret wars in reverse and then they have to get tom hardy back but it's so stupid why push him back you know only to come up with some crazy reasons maybe this symbiote can go through university parker the symbiote knows peter parker somehow no i don't [ __ ] know tell us anyways that's it for us yes thank you all so much for watching i'm sure we missed some some cool little easter eggs and little things like that but one more actually like well you were helping everyone i thought i figured you were black there's got to be a blog yeah spiderman i was like thank you remember that one yeah eventually bring in miles and we'll get more and you know into the spider verse we've we've already started seeing that remember nicholas cage don't forget that there's a nicholas cage uh spiderman out there as well [Music] i would like to see him a live-action miles morales that would be cool so maybe they planted a seed for that um yeah that's in puerto rico all right guys thank you all so much uh for watching um thank you to uh surf shark for sponsoring our video thank you to you guys for supporting our show we've got some new merch alex has got his shirt this is one thing that he didn't hate haters haters of values hate he actually liked this one but if you want to let people know that you hate it without saying anything get an alex shirt yeah all right guys thank you all so much and we will see you on the next angry jail show bye guys you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 383,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bnytjjdqE6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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