Cowboy Bebop (Netflix 2021) - Angry Review

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[Music] liquid [Music] yeah so we just finished watching uh a show cowboy bebop it's my first time i'm so sorry i'm so sorry um guys cowboy bebop live action adaptation brought to you by netflix um this is based on a legendary anime series in uh 1998 uh yeah my favorite my favorite dude joe like i i went on netflix they recently moved the animated netflix please god go watch the anime please joe i am if you put yourself through 10 hours of this at the very least you can put yourself through the original anime so that you can know what it is but i'm very curious on your opinion as we get along here but this one is developed by andre namek and written by christopher yost starring john cho mustafa shakir and daniela pineda uh and it's a ten episode uh series all episodes released on netflix for your viewing pleasure torture uh right now so i don't know how many of you watching this are cowboy bebop fans or new fans going into uh the series like joe is uh but let me start by saying there is absolutely no point in watching this unless you like to see something done worse and butchered this is a soulless steaming pile of space trash and if if you're a fan of the original and you know what themes are in the original and you're hoping for something similar uh it's funny because they they said the showrunner said we're not going to do one-to-one and then it does one-to-one a lot and when it does one-to-one it does it so poorly and then when they inject their own ideas into the series it's downright [ __ ] insulting like what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] this is awful it is cringy it is basically cause bad cosplayers playing out episodes that's how i felt that's the feeling it's it's so sometimes it goes into it's so [ __ ] bad and cringy that it kind of gets good but mostly when you consider what it's ada adapting and what it was trying to do it fails at it terribly uh or epically you want to go on your rant this yeah let's see let's see look it's just like this this isn't something i'm going to get angry over i'm just i mean ultimate and it's funny because it's like oh it was going to be i was going to be disappointed right this is a group of people whose ambitions exceeded their ability right they wanted to take something that i loved that a lot of people love and they wanted to put their stamp on it now the problem is they put a mushroom stamp on it right which is uh you like mushrooms yeah but a mushroom stamp is something different my friend you should you i don't want to go okay now what is appropriate about my little reference there is they wanted to clean up cowboy bebop right because it's an anime they wanted to clean up some of the costumes and do some things but instead they took that stuff away and then there's a tree filled with [ __ ] and those [ __ ] jokes um they uh there's a ton of bdsm characters cursing like they're in middle school so there's this is just disappointing they took background story lines and brought them forefront and wanted to flush them out for no reason and they didn't have they didn't understand what made the original special and so they focused on things that needed to be in the background things are more menacing when they're in the background right it's like the boogeyman isn't scary when you see him under 5k lighting and that's what they did is they they fleshed out things that shouldn't have been fleshed out they they erased things they didn't understand and they focused on all the wrong things now what's interesting about it is i think that there was a couple new scenes that i did like and i'm trying to be positive about this thing is not good there's a few things that they did that i like very few um i think that there's a few bright spots i think that uh mustafa killed it i think i really believe him as jet and i think that all of the actors they're not not talented people and they did the best they can but the person writing the dialogue is awful yes and and it's it's it's unforgivable and it's it saddens me like this whole thing is just depressing right because this is a show that i shared with my friends growing up i share with people that come into my life i'm trying to get people like him to watch it and then what i got is it's like taking your friend to a con a concert to see your favorite band but it's a cover band and they don't know the songs they get a couple of the riffs right but everything's kind of bad and your friends are like hey this isn't bad and it depresses you because you know what it's supposed to be and then you see what you got and it's just this whole thing just makes me sad uh yeah i completely agree so let's talk about what why it actually doesn't work uh and why some of these um i think there's two two three main things here uh they pull vicious to the front of the series uh and vicious was a um from what he looks like he looks like lord farquaad from shrek that's like he's foreign real evil in this now whenever i watch the show i was like on par with spike's abilities maybe even more uh powerful than in spite it seemed very menacing exactly uh and the the look is off the actor is not given the material that he needed and it is he is a crying whiny ass [ __ ] and you turn literally the greatest threat in the galaxy uh to spike and to uh many other people because you know he is smart he is conniving he is talented he is intelligent and he eats everything right but in this one you don't cut you don't get any of that you get daddy's little [ __ ] you know fuck-up boy uh who i want i want it just awful just an awful characterization of vicious and so almost every single vicious scene uh rings hollow and it just doesn't work it's cringy um the second thing i would say is that uh they really take spike's tragic backstory and his whole character arc and really shove it in your face like you know in the anime there was one flashback scene and then spike kind of is a little bit of a loner but yet he's he does like his friends and you know it's hinted at here and there until a final arc in the last two you know two three episodes through in the anime but here it's constantly in your face it's he's constantly explaining why he's feeling this way and this and it just treats the audience like they're [ __ ] dumb instead of showing uh their their ta you know they tell show and repeat a thousand times so that you understand that you know he lost his love and you know he's feeling this way in that way and it takes away a lot of the mystery it's like cowboy be bob fisher price edition kind of thing you know in terms of storytelling and then the final thing and the thing that probably does in the series more than anything else is it's god-awful writing it's terrible writing just like water cooler i don't know like you give this to a first-time writer who has no style who has no substance who doesn't really understand the characters other than the cliff notes that they must have read from the anime series and it's so vanilla it's so plain and it clashes with the visual style that the uh live action series has i mean i guess if there's one positive thing i can say about the series is that they got the color palette right the colors are nice sometimes sometimes uh the production designs sometimes though at other times there's some [ __ ] cheap cheap ass chairs yeah it looks just embarrassing it's pretty good then the other part is like that looks pretty cheap yes i like it they do their best to do some creative angles and creative cinematography but the thing is when you're when you're redoing an anime you just can't do it it doesn't translate so you have to kind of do a little bit of your own thing um another thing that i guess i can say for it positively is that spike and cheddar friends i get i get that they are friends they feel they feel like they have you know they're constantly haha they have in-jokes and they're laughing at each other with each other and and eventually fade too um they kind of rush uh faye's uh character arc um in how faye is more selfish and to herself and she's got her own issues but eventually begrudgingly uh likes these these guys and becomes but here she is just full on let's look we're all friends already you know so it just rushes certain people's arcs um at least we got to talk about pube braiding i like that did you like the pube braiding stories no that was vicious how important it is to manscape yeah remember even vicious knows it's important to landscape oh my god uh yes vicious like i said his role is is vastly expanded and like he's a sniveling cry baby took away from the real stars of the show all the time that we spent on vicious we could have spent on the bebop crew because i feel like the bebop crew is what was working not only is it the best part in the anime but it's also kind of shines through here a few times this series show runner literally makes all the wrong choices over and over and over when adapting the material um did you find any of the bounties interesting no the bounties felt rushed as well uh it feels like they didn't really go on many bounties at all actually and that might be because it's so rushed and because they don't do anywhere near the anime joe it's literally focused on the bounties with a little bit of characterization in each and then it kind of wraps up in a neat way it's like that was that episode's bounty and what did the crew learn after that and see you space cowboy but here they do this see you space cowboy at the end but it makes no [ __ ] sense because it's in the middle of a [ __ ] arc it's like a cliffhanger episode it's like see you space guys like you're just saying the line it doesn't no it doesn't give you the same feeling um perhaps because they decided to combine uh it's ten episodes the original 26 they're combining episodes together right and they're rushing the impactful cool and introspective moments where the jazz swells and you see a really crazy visual especially that that first bounty the couple the red eye couple right i saw both of them yeah you actually saw the full episode right right in it [ __ ] just i don't know what to call it it's inspired it's great writing it's cool situation she [ __ ] murders her own uh because she realizes that the jig is up she's spiraling into and she understands right like that's what's so important about the anime is and they don't this is how they you know that they probably they don't know if they didn't watch it or they just didn't understand it is such an important moment in every episode and they just ignore them and they rewrite them like they want to make it theirs but they don't [ __ ] get it yeah she she kills her own you know boyfriend and she's flying towards the police and it's the visuals are amazing yeah here they're on the [ __ ] street they fire a few times and it's a [ __ ] shootout in a garbage it's and and then and and then they do the visual of the the red thing coming out uh all the red eye coming out of her uh and you know because she was hiding you know it doesn't work because we've seen something better and it doesn't work on its own just like if you've never seen maybe it kind of i mean i have to ask you joe like okay alex is probably gonna hate me that's fine okay because i i see what they were going for i do like a little bit more than you guys uh there's some episodes that i really like i i felt like that jet was [ __ ] amazing i like jet she likes her nails i do like that one it's like one of the episodes kind of felt like a noir thing i was like man this is pretty cool the soundtrack was pretty cool it's like i get what they're going for but again he was the best part and i was telling you like faye i she's not a likable character now i was like hey she's supposed to be likable like what the hell yeah and the team dynamic doesn't really work for me because like they're trying to be like oh we're friends but it just doesn't i don't get that feeling that they're like friends or whatnot and i've seen netflix try to make anime into movies or live streams this is as bad as death for me yes it is you've seen all the anime and then you watch death note you see all the anime and then you watch this you'll see the gravity that of trash that this is especially okay so you've got cosplayers mimicking the anime but then they they don't understand it and then they do their own things which is insulting the actual characters themselves like like i was saying before like uh vicious he was supposed to be menace i didn't feel any tension no tension with this guy he's just like okay well he's just trying to pull some strings but i don't feel like he's going to be a big issue and then everything like you said felt super rushed i was like okay well like you didn't really give this person a little ark and i i'm not liking this person right now am i supposed to like him and like just everything was pretty rushed so useful you say that and what's funny is like so i've you know i've watched but where's the where's the butt where's the you're gonna make alex mad i wanna hear it but i do see where i was going for it but i do i did enjoy it yeah you enjoyed cowboy i mean yeah it totally makes sense it's like it's i kind of like into the to the cover band of some a band that you like a lot right like you're like man this isn't as good and we know it's not as good but he's still he's seeing the foundation right and he's seeing the good parts in there episode four i liked episode four episode four is the noir one the only episode i said starts to come together a bit and then but it is so much worse than it is in like they they rush the story they change important things for no purpose that makes no sense like they cheapen everything about the original story in this version like this version is bad but i still recognize that you're the i'm not mad that you like it and like i'm actually glad that you like i'm thinking you're seeing the foundations you see that this thing potentially had good bones now if you trust us it could have been it could have is running it's like an engine and it's running on half its cylinders of the worst episode of the anime is kind of the the thing okay anyway so let let's it's funny i pointed that when i was like yeah that's the one y'all liked okay he's like you like that one too right we all like okay well we'll get we'll get you're talking about the otay one right mm-hmm yeah yeah so just had a quick question how did like i don't know if i missed it or what because like how did uh jet get the middle arm because he's like uh so the first time he gets shot you see him get shot in the arm a bunch and then he eventually loses his arm again it's it's handled so much better in 26 minutes than it is in one hour somehow because you were talking about it feels rushed you're right they rush everything only because they've bloated the episodes with a bunch of unnecessary netflix [ __ ] so much this is so bloated poor writing and it's they just they have so much [ __ ] in there that doesn't matter that the stuff that honestly does matter does feel rushed so it's simultaneously rushing through and then bloated yeah it's crazy um that was just questioning that it's like how did he lose he just got shot in the arm like i thought it wasn't gonna get like chopped off or crushed or something it did it was just just think of a gatling gun just ripping it but he got just a couple of times makes spikes they made spike's character worse by him and and spike is the coolest in in the anime but he doesn't seem wonderful he mopes about he's one he's one note he's not wanting to tell his friends over and over he hides it from them and you see him hiding it from them and it just makes you dislike him it gives it that stupid horror movie you stupid idiot just [ __ ] tell them right and the anime he's smarter than that you know you don't ever really see him kind of you you get hints of it and stuff and then it starts to crescendo and build and build but here you know he's like it's just on it's wearing his emotions on his sleeve when spike's very good at hiding his emotions in the anime it's just having that conflict be outwards instead of hidden and revealed later um is a real difference it just doesn't work here because the writing is not smart enough to make it work and another thing julia spike's girlfriend just [ __ ] awful what they did to her character her character is worse in every goddamn respect and we'll talk about it in the spoilers i just felt like she was just a piece yeah like okay well she just there to move the less than five minutes of total screen time in the original yeah you that that stuff is not expanded on and i guess maybe the netflix show writers were offended by that and wanted to give her a girl power moment or wanted to say well if the original treated her as a prop let's treat her as a dumbass prop she was a memory which is why that's the name of the song and everything it's a po it's like it's a it's like again you just don't so they didn't watch the show the point of julia being the fulcrum uh they they just said oh well let's expand her character because i don't know female empowerment and but just but what they do with the character makes me hate julia makes me hate spike for loving julia and having this deep love in the anime like you [ __ ] feel it and you're like these two uh you know we're meant to be together and if they can't be together then you know [ __ ] it whatever happens happens but in here it's like i hate them i hate julia and i hate you know yeah relationships right and then the whole thing where she's like [ __ ] in a relationship the whole [ __ ] time with vicious and then but okay but i can't get into spoilers it's just it's like wait what no no no no no okay and it's [ __ ] awful and it makes no sense it makes no sense if you've not even seen the anime and i'll talk about it in spoilers anyways uh the dialogue is not at the level it should be uh and we're also going from serialized to you know a through plot line and that just kind of feels like some of the fight scenes there's some yeah yeah some of the questions worked really hard in fact he injured himself working out and he worked really hard on those fights i feel really bad for those people and the people like your your anger because people are getting angry about this and that you need to be mad at netflix yes netflix keeps giving big checks to dummies who don't get stuff yes and if netflix chose who they gave things to we wouldn't have things that we like gutted and we wouldn't have actors getting bullied on the internet now john killed it mustafa killed it daniella i mean she had nothing to work with and i feel super bad for her because oh my god the [ __ ] that she was saying was terrible they made her like a [ __ ] joke they made the series a joke every [ __ ] time something gets serious they turn it into a joke and and that it just feels disrespectful for the so to the source material it's played for laughs a lot of the time and that's what makes it awkward and cringy uh at serious moments when the anime you know the the jazz musics was which by the way i got to talk about the music cowboy bebop is big on the jazz music alex likes jazz i hate jazz but i liked the jazz and cowboy bebop because it was appropriate it was beautiful and it kind of makes me understand what jazz is all about here the music is worse i mean other than the times that they just straight up riff rip off the the jazz from the original they do other music here it just doesn't fit it feels like they you know it feels like they're forcing it and like i said it just tries to be silly even during serious moments when it shouldn't be silly and i'd say and i can see how the creators are trying so hard even with the lack of talent with the lack of knowledge and the lack of funds because the the the budget i have no i i tried my best to find the budget i can't [ __ ] probably have it's like they had the talent they just needed the writers no they did not have the oh you're talking about the actors yeah yeah the actors could have the three main actors i wouldn't include vicious and julia but the three main can we be bob yes you're right uh but the writers is what i'm saying that the show runners have a lack of talent i'd say they kind of got half of everything right but fundamentally changing and failing these characters brings it down even more for me uh so let's go into final verdicts for season one uh season one of cowboy and they try very hard to have a season two and we'll talk about that in spoilers there's some things that i appreciate in the anime i was like alright that's stupid funny but at the end here the little cliffhanger oh my god was that [ __ ] in the live action the live action the very end it was [ __ ] cringy as [ __ ] i was like wow this is this is bad like i i i hated watching it it was terrible at the very like the shoot it's like what the [ __ ] is this so something that that's kind of half working and then lands them with a [ __ ] thud um but overall like i see what they were going for i do like the like the choreography some of the music some of the episodes are pretty good uh the set pieces some were pretty cool um again i don't see the team dynamic the they they just didn't have the chemistry at all for me like the most feeling i got whenever was uh jet was with bean that's a great thing that's emotional right there that's pretty good [ __ ] just carrying the show for me chet really does carry this show they give him a daughter by the way which he doesn't have in the anime and i think it's because they're like oh the original space is supposed to be like a spaghetti western nihilistic thing well let's just [ __ ] jet over let's just make them let's just felt so bad for him though he's like man he's got this really bad he's got a better backstory in the original that like makes sense for the character and is it got a better resolution so even though the actor is amazing and he does the best job they kind of fail jet as well overall i would say it's a little bit above average so i'm gonna probably go with a six but again yeah all right shut up jump like i'm going six this jump above average okay that's fine at times like overall as a whole like i'm more mad because i just recently saw the [ __ ] anime and then i see this and it's it's such a stark [ __ ] contrast alex has been with him for years and he's just depressed look it looks like alex is about to cry the first time i've ever seen netflix no so yeah six yeah okay uh it's really really difficult to be you know objective about this series and how it stands um there are uh there's an episode and a half here that i like um i it's so it's so tough because i kept thinking about picard when i was watching this because it's based on something that i loved growing up and something that i look back on that isn't as good as i remember it the issue is i went back and recently re-watched for the 100th time cowboy bebop and i still love that show even with you know there's some some filler and stuff there so i just it's it's handled by people that didn't get it that wanted to interject their own stories and messaging and agenda and some of it's not done well and some of it's handled in a way that just doesn't make sense i mean seriously there are [ __ ] jokes there is a tree that is filled with [ __ ] there's it's not blackmail because you're a black male that is a line that's said in this show and it's like so bad and then the soundtrack is is amazing and it's something that even when i'm not watching the show i'm listening to i always have it on my phone and it's been on my phone forever and it's depressing because you hear bits of it like it's spike's walking around he's got headphones on and they play a little bit here and there uh and so when they are playing in the show it's good but it's what it's doing is it's trying to get an emotional response out of me that it doesn't deserve and picard did that a lot too because it played the same kind of music to try to go like hey member and then and the sheer [ __ ] hubris of it and that's something that actually kept going through my mind is that line right because the writers here the people show runners hey jed black you're black and you're male yeah they had this the sheer [ __ ] hubris to take something that is legendary and they wanted to do you know make it their own but they didn't have they did i mean honestly they they are not smart enough to do it and it's just it shows so if i tried to detach myself from everything that i know from there and judge it on its own and i was trying to take notes while i was watching it i think that this is below average tv but it's not awful there are some good bones here because it does have the bones from the original right it's just i'm not trying not to let my you know like i know that what i what i don't think the original is impact the score of here and i know that there's a massive difference but i think on its own if you've never seen cowboy bebop you'll probably think man this show wasn't very good but you're not going to hate it yeah yeah so i think that this is probably like a four this is below average tv that you're not gonna enjoy now if i take into account like this is like a [ __ ] one or a zero if i try if i put everything in there but i'm trying to you know be objective about it like and so if you're like this is a zero it's like i totally feel you you've watched the original yeah yeah uh if you've watched the original this is a [ __ ] two it's a [ __ ] two if you watch the original and you care about the original and you're solely comparing it to the original you actually have to lower your expectations you have to ignore the original you have to say this is a bad cosplay you have to do a lot of things if you've seen the enemy and you'll like the enemy i don't know of any person who's seen the anime and says i hate this anime it doesn't work because this is intelligent writing great animation great music great writing great ever right so but i have seen that and i cannot separate that from this this is a pale comparison it's [ __ ] pointless and it changes characters around that to do their own stupid [ __ ] agendas and things and it doesn't have the skill to pull it off because the writing is so poor we were watching me my girlfriend were watching arcane and we were watching cowboy bebop simultaneously and the [ __ ] superior it is like night and day and that's the same thing for the anime in this it is it's basically you know grade school you say give me your best [ __ ] writer and then [ __ ] uh you know hollywood at the top of their game give me your best writer or creativity at the top of their game give me best writer and you'll see the stark difference but i understand so i tried to pull myself away from it and it does have one or two good episodes and like alex was saying it cowboy bebop has such good bones and such a good foundation that even if you [ __ ] it up at every major opportunity and every important section it's still gonna come through and you'll see that in the anime it still comes through so and then i just love the actors i think the actors carry this show further than the sum of its parts i think john cho does a great job i think jet black's care actor in particular does a fantastic job and i really really like mustafa shakir and and i can kind of see what they're going for and if i look at it as a fun cosplay skit that youtubers put together that i'm trying to find that's what it felt like the most i can ever give it and i wanted to like it so much would be a four if i turned my brain off and my adaptation off i can see a four but i'm gonna stick with a two because i think it's a terrible adaptation it's insulting to the original uh it's it's like like death note territory it is an example of why it is an example of bad anime adaptations if you're talking about the heart and soul of the thing if you're just talking about the surface level color and entertainment value then yeah it hits those at a four out of ten um but yeah so anyways we need to actually go into uh a spoilers territory maybe talk about the particularly bad episodes uh you know the coolest uh perot uh what's his name um what is it mad pirouette mad prior like i i was like there's no [ __ ] way when i was watching the anime and i was like this is an amazing little [ __ ] way they can do this there was no [ __ ] way they couldn't do this hey that actor was really good no that that the guy who was acting in it was good but the writing was not he needed to shut the [ __ ] up because you know whatever it was awful and they they changed the clown they kind of linked they kind of clowns just awful then did you how did you like that episode joe it was it wasn't bad okay well it's because yeah you just haven't you don't you know yeah yeah again i know like the anime will be way better because i've seen different enemies try to get live action i was like no no no no this is bad yeah okay so anyways um yeah let's just go into the spoiler section thank y'all it's gonna be a longer video um may separate it into two but this is uh you know for fans uh and and anime lovers who then watch it right after it's a [ __ ] two and it'll make you angry and if but if you give it the benefit of the doubt and you say hey you know whatever it's fine then i it's a four or all the way up to a six uh for joe okay the actors nailed it the actors did a good job jet black and and spike particularly hold this series up 50-ish [Music] well that's his character he's like but i know in the enemy he's more fl he's like better he has a better arc and everything and just fade just like me you know like i could care less about faye on this one this it's j and then the stupid fearless name shut the [ __ ] up with zero it's not in the anime no they never refer to him as fearless so when you hear fearless it's so [ __ ] cringy and it's just wrong okay oh is it because his friend is named vicious so it's vicious and fearless that's so stupid okay anyway so that that okay we got to go into spoilers thank you all so much for watching um cowboy bebop is bad and it doesn't [ __ ] work but the the fundamentals are there and if you like it please god watch the enemy i will please god and then you'll see what me and alex are talking about and thank you for watching the anime joke all right yeah but again goddammit joe let me go into spoilers what do you what do you want to say again that's why i was like well this can be a different take i didn't want to watch the anime because i i know both of you watches i go well it's going to be a different perspective sounds like all right i'm a hold off you can make whatever excuse me no i i do i do appreciate you doing that i do appreciate you he will never be able to experience the way that he should know he's gonna have that taint on him forever i know you're gonna have viciousness you are black and you are male straight razor short what was what did face scream when she was firing the guns in the epic moments she was like what a [ __ ] it was like the cringiest line and i i thought i wrote it down but i can't find it it's like this writing is awful anyway all right we're going in the spoiler section now thank you so much for watching we'll see you on the next angry joe show bye guys you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 374,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VE86te9fR9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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