AITA For Blocking My Ex Boyfriends New Girlfriend? [Reddit Relationships Advice]-

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hey guys check out our new channel for more edit relationship stories relationship hunt link in description enjoy the video am i the antagonist for asking the doctor if my son can be taller i 45 male have a pair of 14 year old fraternal twins i don't know how else to say this but both of them are very short an average height for a man and my wife is slightly below average for a woman but my daughter is five feet and my son is around two five inches taller than his twin being five feet tall has not affected my daughter standing with her peers in any capacity it might have even enhanced it parents of boys always say that their sons thinks so attractive and her taller friends say they wish they were shorter not true for my son he tries to hide it from me but i hear him talking to his sister about he felt unanimously dismissed by the entire female population at their school i've been online and people have been saying that my son is face of my daughter like the app that face swaps others into movie scenes but not in a good way i think my son has internalized feelings of being seen as feminine looking and that really bothers me i have tired to covertly do stuff for him to help him look and feel more masculine like changing his diet and introducing him to sports and exercise to help build muscles help him dress better my son had to go to a doctor the other day because his shoulder was bothering him from football and they pretty much also did the equivalent of a physical exam the doctor was talking about everything he could do to make sure he doesn't lose his range of motion the doctor said his son just started hockey season and hock has been turning him into a big guy because it's been working all his muscle groups so i thought this was as good a time as ever so i said to the doctor that obviously being larger and taller can help you in both football and hockey and that i was worried that my son seems to be hitting a growth wall that i never experienced when i was his age even though he did go through a kind of growth spurt i asked the doctor why he thought my son was so below average height and if there's a way for him to grow taller before he can't anymore because judging by the fact my daughter had her period two years ago and stopped growing around this time i suspect my son only has a few years left my son was pissed and said thanks a million dad and stormed out the doctor looked at me and said of course nutrition helps but at the end of the day unless has starving has not growing beneath his potential and that has in a medical sense perfectly healthy and not exactly a [ __ ] am i the antagonist for trying to look out for my son and his general well-being ita you raised your son's insecurity in front of someone else thereby proving to him that his height makes him inadequate you're not looking out for his well-being you're looking out for your own ego which every line in this post speaks of yes and op do a tiny bit of research before talking out of your ass girls stop growing around 16 but boys keep growing until 20 or so this is because girls start their growth spurt earlier boys don't hit their growth spurt until about 14 to begin with everyone keeps talking about how they or their friends were short and then hit growth spurts and reached average height or taller in their high school slash college years so i want to just chime in and say that if that never happens for your son if he never gets to be taller than the five feet three inches he seems to be now that is okay i'm not saying his life will be perfect there will always be some [ __ ] who think it's cute or funny to make fun of his height or that he's less than because of it he's learning that now from you his own dad but there's nothing wrong with being a short man just like there is nothing wrong with being a tall woman you should be teaching him how to carry himself with confidence despite the insecurity he seems to be feeling you should be building him up so that if someone ever tries to knock him down about his height he can be secure enough in himself to know that it's not about him because if it wasn't his height it would be something else bullies never need much excuse to try and tear someone down my partner is considered short for a man he is five feet four inches and it has been so infuriating to see and hear how some people treat him because of something he can't help op your son is clearly facing a lot of insecurity and possibly being ostracized or bullied about his height his home his family his [ __ ] visit to the doctor with his dad should be the last place he deals with any of that do better be better this i'm five feet nothing woman and apart from a few outliers the men in my family are also shorter the average median height but damn am i related to some cocky confident men cause they always got slashed get the pretty girls it's honestly all about confidence and this kid's father just demolished his this reminds me of the scene in julie julia where julia child's sister is flirting with the significantly shorter than her man who she would eventually marry [Music] ita what an incredibly inappropriate question to ask in front of your son gross your concerns are aesthetic and not about your son's health you need to get over it the fact that your son may very well be below average height also isn't it super weird that he mentioned how other adults comment on his underage daughter's attractiveness because she's tiny you hit the mail on the head with how his concerns are purely aesthetic ita your focus should be helping your son love himself and be comfortable with who he is as a person rather than reinforcing his insecurities yes it are also girls stop growing alert sooner than boys i'm five feet five and i stopped growing when i was 12 my boyfriend was 4 feet 10 and 14 years old and stayed around that height till he was 17 to 20 years old when he shot up to 5 feet 11. i had a friend all through elementary junior high high school he was significantly shorter than me at 14 and one day junior or senior year and said hey you're taller than me he said he had been for a while lol this is just so incredibly normal op is dumb it's a you confirmed your son's worst feelings about himself not only did you reinforce his feelings of inadequacy about his size but you've implied that his size is something that you also have an issue with you cold ask the doctor privately or googled it or you could be a decent parent and make your son feel valued for who he is it's clear that this isn't something your son wants to talk to you about so i'd take a long hard think about why it is that he wouldn't want to talk to you i'll give you a hint it's your fault am i the antagonist for thinking i shouldn't have to think about dinner after working 10 hours when my spouse isn't working i 30 f work in the medical field and have been working long days i came home today to my children waiting by the door telling me daddy 38 m told them i was figuring out dinner has said right now due to covet when i get home the majority of the time i completely take over care for the kids laundry shower bath times bedtimes and waking up with them in the morning i don't sleep in even on my days off so he can get a break my one main request is on days i work is that he figures out dinner because i don't want to come home hungry and have to have ideas for dinner or cook order food rather late in the evening not to mention the kids are ravenous by that time when i asked him why the hell he couldn't get dinner together at least for the kids he said he thought it'd be nice and surprise them by bringing something home i told him i wasn't a frigging mind reader and had he texted me requesting that i could have but as it is i worked all day in exhausted and feel like us has not working right now it's something he can take care of as i basically do everything else i made dinner for the kids and told him i was going to bed he called me an [ __ ] and said i should apologize because he watches our kids i told him to check himself because it takes two and if he wants to butch he can go out and get a job while i stay home i'm snuggling with my youngest in my room and has pouting out there that i didn't immediately recognize my error and order him food am i an [ __ ] i recognize that i was short because i'm tired but i don't think making dinner on the days i work is too much of a stretch nta what kind of man approaching 40 can't even cook to feed himself let alone his kids he can that's the worst part he prides himself on his cooking he just rarely cooks well then the problem is worse than i thought because he knows he can do the job but still thinks it's woman's work and his contribution to the household coincidentally ends around the time college football comes on tv not to mention that he says he watches the kids like he's some kind of babysitter no you care slash parent the kids because you know you're a father he literally wants a pat on the back for following the law op should tell him his reward for watching his kids is avoiding criminal charges almost a year of dealing with this new abnormal is really stretching everyone's coping skills to the limits nta and i'm sorry you're dealing with this thanks this year sucks and it just started [Music] nta so you work all day and he does nothing at home he wants you to apologize because he's taking care of the kids but clearly he's not doing a very good job if he's not even feeding them they must be starving what would he do if your shift over him would he just let them go hungry it's unreasonable of him to expect you to be thinking about him and what he wants all day he didn't even text you asking to bring food this is not fair on you he sounds so entitled thanks i felt crazy like wtf do i need to think about dinner i'm thinking about patience all day yeah you're out here saving lives and your husband can't bother to cook dinner or at least order ticket that's pretty out of order and you guys should probably have a conversation making it clear that this can't happen again because it's very unfair nta speaking as a long-time sahd over 20 years on any given day even if i accomplished nothing else all day i made damn sure that my wife and kids were fed oh and watches the kids he's not a babysitter he's your boy's father i know i rolled my eyes watching them was his words as it is i worked all day i'm exhausted and feel like as he's not working right now he said i should apologize because he watches our kids his phrasing of watches our kids is a fine response to someone saying our sahp is not working it's a description of the work they are doing not aqua vacating babysitting and parenting of course everything else is awful your husband should be able to mostly handle making sure food is available meal prep have easy to slap together meals like sandwiches or water text you to ask you to pick up an order whatever but giving a description of the type of work he does when he feels like he's being told he does nothing is fine yeah if you bothered to read i take over when i get home because i know kids are hard and i then take the brunt on my days off have him sleep in and give him breaks to yano do his stuff you might have realized this comment is null and void kids and home life are hard and harder during a pandemic but if i'm at home part of that is yano feeding the children i wasn't discounting any of that my comment was very much limited to his phrasing of watching children making sense as a descriptor of what he does while you work after you said that you work and he doesn't paraphrasing your main gripe with him is valid the issue with him describing his work as watching kids isn't am i the antagonist for refusing to make my son get rid of his dog my husband recently got sole custody of his girls 14 12 9 it was a long time coming and i'm incredibly happy for him our house is now full to the brink though i have one son sixteen his father passed away eight years ago while serving in the military we were already separated at the time but it still hurt and it affected my son badly not long after i got my son a dog whom he named sergeant sergeant is the sweetest dog ever he definitely made my son's grieving process much smoother and i coped better through it also the issue comes in that my husband's children are all terrified of dogs but particularly his nine-year-old she was attacked at a young age and i was aware we made accommodations sergeant is very rarely out of my son's room anyway only really to eat as his water bowl is in my son's room he has scheduled walks and potty breaks we made it abundantly clear that sergeant would probably wander through the house occasionally but he's probably just waiting to go outside well it seemed fine the children hadn't actually seen him and they'd been here for a little over a week which i think is quite a feat in itself two days ago we were all downstairs when we hear my fourteen wise show step daughter scream we all run up and we see sergeant perched at the opposite end of the hall to her looking just as freaked out as she was she claimed he tried to bite her but my son and i both know he didn't he has zero prey drive and even if you annoy the [ __ ] out of him he will just walk away it caused a huge fight during which my husband demanded we get rid of sergeant my son heard and had a panic attack which took myself and our beloved sergeant nearly two hours to help him through it's put a huge strain on our relationship and we may genuinely get divorced over this his daughters aren't as important to me as my son's mental well-being i don't think i'm in the wrong he thinks i'm being a cold-hearted [ __ ] for putting a dog over his daughters and i think he's an [ __ ] for putting his daughters over my son's mental health am i the antagonist nta he's being a shitty stepdad and an idiot for thinking it's about a dog when clearly it's about your son and his dog exactly he is being absolutely a shitty stepdad for not understanding how important the dog is to your son and for immediately taking his daughter's word over yours assuming that op has told the truth about the dog's personality 14 is lying about the dog trying to bite her probably in an effort to manipulate everyone into exactly this situation and yeah she's a kid but kids absolutely have a moral compass too and she's doing something that could result in the dog being put down that's appalling if she doesn't know that she needs to know but i don't think she cares she wants the dog gone and is willing to lie to get her way and her dad is absolutely going to let her get away with it is that family dynamic one you want to be part of i say this as a cat person someone lying about a dog trying to bite them really gets my hackles up because it's just a little easy life for a human and it may result in the dog losing its life i don't know if she's lying or if she's so scared of the dogs that he perception of reality is very out of sync with what actually happened agree not the a-hole and shouldn't get rid of the dog but the 14-year-old may not be malicious in this case close bracket this could have been what happened i have heard people describing dogs attacking or almost attacking them when what actually happened was the dog jumping up on them in excitement no teeth even involved perhaps the dog being slightly startled and making a sudden movement scared the 14 year old and she thought he was about to attack her good point my bf has a rottweiler and if you put your hand above her head she doesn't like it and will nudge your hand with her nose first time it freaked me out lol since it happened so quick but after they explained and i've seen it with my own eyes she was never going to bite me she's literally the sweetest dog and swears she's a five pound puppy instead of a 100 pound dog yeah she'd never hurt a fly she does get excited and will jump on you to say hi but if you say no down she won't you're right it was probably scary in the daughter's eyes because she didn't know what was going on as a mother your number one priority is your son's well-being sergeant is essential to his mental health and you cannot make your son part with your dog your husband similarly wants to protect his daughters though he could easily take them to counseling to get over their fear of dogs from what you've written they've been through some trauma so the fear of dogs thing might not be high on his list of priorities unfortunately you wrote it yourself at the end of your post you both have to prioritize your own children and that may come at the expense of your marriage not the a-hole though he could easily take them to counseling to get over their fear of dogs counseling for three children could be prohibitively expensive moreover it's going to take time for the counseling to have impact and that assumes the girls are interested slash ready to participate and they find the right counselor easy is a bit presumptuous edit it also sounds like the sun equally needs counseling sergeant is not going to be around forever and the sun's trauma slash grief doesn't seem like it's been dealt with directly i'd worry when sergeant passes the sun will experience that loss like losing his dad again let me clarify getting over a fear of dogs is among the easier mental health issues to tackle counseling might be expensive if op lives in a place where health care is not treated as a human right nta kid probably pissed him off pulling his ears or something put a little gopro on the dog so she can get shown what really happened next time she decides to lie that might be a good idea thank you but honestly even if she was annoying him when my son was younger he definitely wasn't the most gentle and i have had several small children around that tug on him i generally stop them but if he gets fed up he'll wander off and if they persist he'll give a little bark of warning i absolutely believe you but these kids probably don't understand the difference between a huff of annoyance a warning bark and an actual threat i also want to caution you that the kid's fear will impact the dog and might make the him act in new and unexpected ways because he suddenly feels nervous or even unsafe nta you will never regret putting the needs of your own child first but one day you will regret it if you put his needs second am i the antagonist for blocking my ex boyfriend's new girlfriend okay so i f23 dated a guy m26 for just about half a year until he cheated with me with a friend from a charity f-26 that we all volunteer with just before christmas we broke up him trying to look after myself and move on from him anyways i know it's not the mature thing to do but i blocked him and his new girlfriend on instagram just because it was really upsetting seeing all of their loved up posts and stories i know i probably should have just unfollowed them but in the heat of the moment blocking seemed like the right thing to do because i didn't want contact from either of them the new girlfriend just sent me a text message she thinks him being a huge baby for blocking her and says it's unreasonable to blame her even though she knew that my ex and i were in a relationship when they started hooking up she says she still wants to be friends and wants me to unblock her am i the antagonist for blocking her nta it takes a lot of nerf to steal a friend's partner and then call them a baby for not wanting to be friends edit spelling what why would you not want to be friends with someone who knowingly helped cause you great pain how immature of you to not want to have that betrayal rubbed in your face all the time how dare you even think of yourself and be proactive in wanting to be happy my god how lucky you block this crazy bee when you did she is sick in the head and i'm laughing on your behalf that your disgusting ex ended up with a closet crazy she should definitely block her number next and her fb block everything just go on a social media blocking spree block you block you you're cool block you nta i don't think it's immature to block them you're trying to move on with your life and you're also protecting your own feelings by not seeing their posts that girl is definitely tougher asking to be friends and not accepting any blame for her role in your ex cheating you don't need a friend like that who clearly didn't respect your relationship she just feels guilty clearly for her actions and wants you to be friends with her so it's like it never happened exactly she's just as guilty for cheating as the exes particularly if she was friendly w op block her phone number two and not the a-hole nta you're allowed to control what you see on social media as long as you're not actually putting her on blast you're free to do as you like seeing them together sounds like it's affecting your mental health and blocking them sounds healthy they can live their lives you live yours you don't need to validate their relationship nta only a narcissist would care that someone they essentially homewrecked blocked them this girl was hooking up with your boyfriend while he was still your boyfriend and still wants to be friends lol not the a-hole at all if she wasn't trying to stalk you on instagram she wouldn't have even noticed you blocked her what does she need to be seeing her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's page for to see if she's miserable no other reason it could be
Channel: Reddit Hunt
Views: 5,740
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: aita, askreddit, reddit aita, reddit open marriage, reddit, cheating reddit, reddit cheating wife, reddit cheating, aita update, reddit relationships, reddit update, reddit stories, reddit funny, reddit breakup stories, reddit confession, relationship STORIES, reddit family relationships, reddit relationship advice, relationship drama, break ups, reddit cheating girlfriend, reddit revenge, reddit creepy, reddit school, reddit relationship stories, tifu, reddit hunt
Id: RGr8XLw4k5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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