Airsoft Gun Slide Challenge

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oh cool your eyes I'm gonna put some in your mouth you want me to keep putting smudges off the lens please consider subscribing okay note special about today everybody I got my III media bag we're going to III know way better we have been joined by a close friend of mine talented filmmaker Clinton Jones Clinton Jones now a member of the corridor crew [Applause] [Music] so ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause for Clayton Jones one thing you see a lot in movies is when a bad guy has a good guy in a dire situation and it's up to that good guys trusty unexpected sidekick to slide them a weapon or a gun in order to take out the bad guy and win the day it's something we see a lot but if you were actually in that situation how difficult would it be for your friend to save you we're gonna have teams of two where one person will be sliding and one person will be catching and it's up to that person to complete the mission before the other team does and take out the other team ten friends save friends [Music] [Music] Sliney strategy which I'm a shuffleboard master so just you know kind of channel my intuition on this one for sure or maybe this hey this is gonna be the wall I promise [Music] [Applause] [Music] the floor is it buffered right here inside it's not like I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm just gonna toss it better he was just doing like like this one hey quit I'm going to throw the gun you know in this oh yeah good win and three times over all three of them all of them in the blue don't die McClane [Applause] Jarra kimchi from it down low this is potent stop caramel is potent this is a jar of fermented cabbage unopened as you can see look at the bulging right this thing's about bags so let's open this thing first we lay down a protective layer my goal is to open this open that this is my second job keeps you have ever open ever in my life I'm gonna open this thing up try and get the nastiest sound possible out of this jar so this would be good for some like have you heard this before I've heard this once before that's why I'm excited to show you guys it's all over your shirt mm-hmm yeah it's all over Goku was it delicious yeah man I wash my shirt now about seven years ago I think I was a fan of Freddie and a quarter honestly wasn't even channel there's a whole story we can get into the whole story you want to do a story section I did a lot of effects together I helped with effects I was doing my youtube channel here at the time I didn't listening sama Nico was sync did all the VFX were sinking yeah and then I kind of been all over the places worked at rocketjump for a time did freelance I try and travel once a year like that's might that's my goal I love Asian he's like my favorite play end of the last year I went to Bali for yoga then I went to Shanghai to meet Jimmy is for Andrew and then I went to Japan for a second time Japan is my favorite place in the whole world I was there for like two and a half week so my family is in Georgia I had Thanksgiving there went to Utah did a bunch of hiking in Utah loved hiking and the outdoors stuff camping it's good time up rock climbing I'm a huge rock climber so any outdoor exploration kind of stuff let's write up my alley have an idea grab the paper towel okay cover this up a mystery Flay Oh close your eyes and close our mystery flavors what's going on so trick going on SSC a fork in your hand and then you're bringing me into the bathroom with snowy snow okay you have to close your eyes I'm gonna put something in your mouth I wouldn't lead you astray you know I'm not gonna do anything that like would damage our friendship or friendship okay I've known you for a long time I trust you yeah okay get ready to run your next run your net here goes nothing I'm just kidding here okay bro assignment all right that was that was further that was for fun that was for laughs this is for real which will also be for life sorry some grade-a kimchi yeah yeah after we work out we go get a BB q now that they like they know me and Brett at the place we go to yeah just bring us like a whole thing again chances we always ask for true is awesome only damn it I'll blindfold me why what do you got back there when it's got a tasty treat for you pinky promise needy promise of course anything that wouldn't hurt you okay okay we'll spy you for sure why does it smell like a bathroom in here just kimchi brain I was pretty good though guys we have one more for Ren who should we summon I failed you round two everything could end right here dude why do I have to wear a helmet for just sliding 3 2 Nico I'm just working don't it felt glorious to shoot Jake right in the leg Thank You Jake we need your assistance I wouldn't I wouldn't do anything to damage our friendship you we need you to close your eyes and I gotta put some in your mouth you'd smoke in here I can smell whatever you're about to make me eat I can smell it and it smells spicy and the look I'm a little Billy for me sounds like a mix of like broccoli and spice you're close to the smells like like in cabbage man I hate cabbage no I'm not allergic to cabbage but I don't like it okay you're about to make me eat it like in Brussels sprout right now no gonna make me eat a Brussels sprout right that was the process you said you wouldn't do anything to tarnish our friendship smells like Brussels sprouts give you a small dose I don't get Korean barbecue [Applause] oh god no dude I'm out can I get some more you're the back hmm just a great day one wait that's the office was he not he gave me news like dude I hate cabbage what is it it's my day one at quarter to Joel has been has been great
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 885,217
Rating: 4.9556189 out of 5
Keywords: sam and niko, sam, niko, corridor, corridor digital, corridor crew, movie challenge, taste test
Id: wLcujXbQHCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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