Top 5 Airsoft Stealth Moments (Covert Ghillie Sniper)

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Yea youre gonna need to look up videos of actually suppressed 45 cal and tell me how quite those are

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SaltyWarchief 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys the last two years have been an absolutely insane time for crazy kills and stealth ambushes so many awesome moments I asked my Instagram and Facebook followers to let me know their top stealth kills from the last two years and these are their five most epic choices I've put links to the original videos in the description and there were so many that could have made the cut but didn't quite get there so please let me know if you agree with these choices and which are your personal favorites in the comments below and let's get things started and in at number five is the herb bush from the Ciudad del airsoft in Spain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in at number four is the Nutcracker which took place out of Nelson in Norway [Music] [Music] yeah oops our single player [Music] [Music] [Music] and for number three we traveled to France for the cliff face [Music] with the large patrol now past me in the trench I just need to deal with the enemy forces on the ramparts before I can move on and make my way to the cliff for number two we're back in Spain and this one is called don't tread on me [Music] [Music] having well a truly gotten the attention of the enemy team and the very least delaying them from reaching their objective I use the power of my new Kay MCS ghillie suit to slip away into the undergrowth there we go [Music] [Music] and finally we get to the number one spot and back in the UK it's an old one almost two years old but it's still very popular and this one is called the bush camper I say well that brings us almost to the end of this top stealth kills compilation let me know if you agree with these choices in the comments below but before we go there's time for just one more kill didn't quite make it into the top 5 but deserves a special mention this is the toxic ambush which has given me an idea for the next compilation which will come out next month the most toxic airsoft moments guys thanks very much for watching and I will see you next time [Music] you're sorry you're threatening me why are you threatening me you need better glasses dude well I saw flies they're probably broken maybe this is the wand your gun you're threatening me you've come over here to threaten me where they shattered where they shattered where's it shattered Mayo's aim for the chest but it's a fast shoot there's three of you lay off the threat you know it's ridiculous I'm a [ __ ] why what where it's a one jewel mild 23 pistol you can wear face protection
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,908,617
Rating: 4.9270511 out of 5
Keywords: airsoft, gameplay, kicking mustang, bolt action, covert, ghilliemaster, tokyo marui mk23, silverback srs, kickingmustang, killstreaks, sniper, mk23 socom, runcam, ghillie, aimcam, leafsuit, tokyo marui, ssg24, dmr, zoomcam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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