Airsoft Russian Roulette (for an Electric Bike)

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oh all right why does Sam have an airsoft gun out right now well the reason is we received an electric bicycle in the mail the other day and what we're going to do right now is we're going to play a Russian Roulette between everyone in the studio even the last man standing wins the electric bike wouldn't hit me wouldn't it oh hey come on come on we won say we fight back what city bike we bought any bike or not if you don't mind I have a feeling this was going to hit anymore been afraid inverted come on don't think about it people I just don't forgive others why do you guys make me do oh you're not making you we're all doing have you don't do it great dress welcome heard you're not want to play this game yeah seriously are you points no a serious question keeps playing the game come on red I really have not got any worse the good news is that there's one person eliminated we all have a higher chance of getting like bad news we're all eventually going to get shot you lose fievel's hub G props that Jake is working on up and back room for me he does hacking off from thanks [Music] or ears it who are you my god you're me no no you're me No ah interesting news so we have some visitors today er landlord along with two fire safety insurance guys other big David is reevaluating the fire insurance policy in the building and making sure that all the code and requirements of the date so that they are one willing to keep insuring us into not raising our rates to cover the lack of code reports right so now they love the fact I'll say they love all the clearly properly ticketed and tagged fire extinguishers they said Oh Haley guys who drive every 20 more and you got a fire extinguisher every 50 feet you look incredible and then they started looking for all these other things hey nice Adam Saturday no yeah man that that is a pitch I got another one of the kids did yeah man are you kidding me that is like manna to some I would be where to serve Safari wow that is a great that is a beautiful hat that is the beautiful house okay well she the guy we just created about twelve twelve new dollars with the work oh yeah I got a lot all the all the smoke alarms that are in this building I get to switch them out with carbon monoxide hey you guys thank you Susie hi today there is a brand new shirt in the corridor store it is what you see before you this is actually one of my favorite design we've done this year because it is super weird but this one is the corridor digital systems shirt designed by gender Tom's once again ten days only so this suits your fancy or would match your other attire pick one up right now before we stop Oh show myself in the same exact spot I hit my head wall here this morning hide your helmet all this morning geez good reason why here we go here we go here we go here we go got no ebike damn good when I'm driving arteries yeah after a hard reset our bad luck is real bullets this is the BB that killed Jay can read we're down to three we got Christian freelance nature guess Sam there's gonna go know you're going to kno know who am i handing this super hand mission itself no I'm gonna do it and then who am i handing up in any Christian Christian oh you can't do with the head you just kind of bear - yeah no no I leave it on my head alright alright it's between two people and this meeting has killed Nick ran and myself is that does that this is that I can do my backups one sec hey yo Pierre I get you to dial back the sharpness on this shot thank you Peter Peter fortitude decided to kill on my friends and now we're here messing the story oh my god are you gonna do well we got out of here there's only one way you need helping us just quick to walk out front doors and we'll act to escape that's all I have to do all you got to do man just do it now quickly as possible okay I'll do right now just dark okay don't ya [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I'm gonna get out here whoo siga head up rabbi can I get your point but you don't have to be right ahead that's a real price or you'll get your fight okay well the real prize is that I don't have to experience getting shot or shooting myself in the head with an airsoft gun go get your bike honey I'll get it eventually fire inspector came by I think we have some pretty good news some good news and then some not-so-great banana here you mean bad yeah I guess bad news what's the medium the medium news is that we have to get a handrail to the left side of the staircase we have to get earthquake proof straps for the water heater and all plugs within a certain radius of any water supply have to get like a different outlet that's the medium use and the reason it's medium news is because speed is taken care of all the stuff we covering that's like that that is is that they took a look at our workshop and basically anything flammable in this office including spray paint mineral spirits where does it need to be anything is we need a base to be purchased a containment locker which is a big doubles a triple pane metal Locker that contain any explosive type of thing oh hey at least they didn't see the fireworks oh one more thing about that how much I think how much is this container talk about the small what yes basically we need to contain anything flammable especially the aerosol stuff like all the favourite cans on the floor and stuff we have to get a locker similar to this that contains it has a locking doors so then if there is explosion if it's mostly contained within that area or is in the locker that's on up and that is on us to pay for because it is not very faint about sometimes the building has baked chocolate something that we have here as a luxury to our XD so that is something that we have to purchase enough he also suggest whatever we do purchase we pass on that recommendation to Spencer and Brandon because they are also in violation conceal violate I'm not going to say what this is I'm just going to go into it ready yeah [Music] well we've got these a Tron one's name is Richard lenders and the other district enjoyer akin alien booty [Music] we've got Timothy Thompson longtime fan and Sean Witt - he's right there and so hog lie aka Psilakis hero finally there's James Bailey and Brian and Togiak I hope I pronounced that right because you are here again this month it means I must have thanks guys thanks for your support yeah if you're interested in helping us make videos consider checking out or digital link below [Music] one more for the road [Music]
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,254,411
Rating: 4.9177594 out of 5
Keywords: challenge, competition, danger
Id: N9bsvLz4euA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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